the "Company") is pleased to report very positive results of the summer 2013
infill drilling program on the Company's 100%-owned Lac Knife graphite Property
(the "Property"), located in the Grenville Geological Province of northeastern
Quebec. Twenty-four (24) large diameter (PQ-sized) core holes totaling 2,081 m
were drilled with the objective of upgrading the current Inferred and Indicated
mineral resource to the Measured and Indicated mineral resources categories. The
drilling data is currently being uploaded to the resource model in order to
update the resource estimate. 

Hole LK-13-187 drilled on Line 500 S targeted the western zone of the south part
of the deposit and returned one of the best graphitic carbon (Cgr) intersections
of the program:

Hole LK-13-187: 67.8 m grading 21.10 % Cgr (from 17.4 to 85.2 m)

All the drill holes (except LK-13-203) intercepted significant graphite
intersections(i) along the strike length of the deposit as evidenced by the
following holes from different parts of the deposit:

Hole LK-13-209 drilled on section 425 S in central part of the deposit: 7.2 m
grading 27.03% Cgr (from 21.5 to 28.7 m) and 25.3 m grading 30.94 % Cgr (from
38.2 to 63.5 m)

Hole LK-13-201 drilled on section 250 S in northern part of the deposit: 34.7 m
grading 19.34% Cgr (from 22.0 to 56.7 m)

(i) Significant intercepts are defined as Cgr greater than 5% over a minimum of
6 m; maximum internal dilution of 6 m; maximum external dilution of 0 m.

All 36 significant intercepts are summarized in Table 1. Location map of the
drill holes is available on the Company's website at

Focus Graphite President and COO Don Baxter stated: "All infill drilling is now
complete at Lac Knife. The results improve our current understanding of the
limits and geometry of the resource and enable the interpretation of the
geological model. Work on an upgrade of our mineral resource estimate to the
Measured and Indicated categories is now underway. It will be used in the
mineral reserve calculations and detailed mine design that form part of the
Feasibility Study recently awarded to Met-Chem, Quebec.

"As the infill drilling areas overlap the areas that the representative sample
was taken for the recent Pilot Plant, this indicates that the flake concentrate
produced within the infill area should be of the same high quality that was
produced by the Pilot Plant," Mr. Baxter said. The pilot Plant demonstrated that
the Lac Knife deposit yields a potentially economic distribution of large,
medium and fine sized graphite flake at an average grade of 96.6% Ct (total
carbon). All flake above 200 mesh is showing 98% Ct (see Focus Graphite press
release dated August 21st 2013).

Table 1: Summary of significant graphitic carbon drill core intersections 
 (Cgr greater than 5% and minimum intersection of 6 m) from the 2013      
 infill drilling program at the Lac Knife property.                       
                          Total                      Core                 
                         Length   From     To  Length(ii)  Cgr(iii)      S
Hole       Azimuth  Dip     (m)    (m)    (m)         (m)       (%)    (%)
LK-13-179     N074  -45     150   16.6   47.0        30.4     14.96   4.99
                                  58.2   75.4        17.2     20.02   4.51
                                 119.6  145.3        25.8     19.18   8.04
LK-13-182     N081  -51     111   15.1   52.0        36.9     16.10   5.10
                                  59.5   82.6        23.1     21.25   4.01
LK-13-185     N072  -45     150    9.4   58.0        48.6     19.76   5.00
                                  89.6  114.0        24.4     17.36   3.90
LK-13-186     N080  -45     114   12.9   30.8        17.9      7.60   3.32
                                  61.2  111.5        50.4     12.19   4.20
LK-13-187     N075  -47      90   17.4   85.2        67.8     21.10   5.99
LK-13-190     N085  -46      90   11.5   75.9        64.4     13.36   5.33
LK-13-191     N078  -45     111   13.4   36.5        23.1     19.37   6.20
                                  55.8   96.5        40.7     16.73   8.33
LK-13-193     N081  -45     141   42.1   53.0        10.9     10.04   7.03
                                  97.0  129.3        32.3     14.88   8.31
LK-13-194     N086  -45    43.5   23.8   38.2        14.4     17.18   8.29
LK-13-195     N084  -45    55.5   18.0   30.8        12.8     15.62   5.82
LK-13-196     N071  -45     111   63.8   85.8        22.0      7.03   3.16
LK-13-197     N076  -45      81    5.9   12.1         6.2     20.47   3.64
                                  22.7   29.2         6.5     18.88   9.70
                                  47.7   57.0         9.3     10.32   5.64
LK-13-198     N080  -48      51    5.5   27.6        22.1     16.85   8.38
LK-13-199     N080  -48      30    6.3   17.8        11.6      7.08   3.69
LK-13-200     N084  -45      51   13.0   21.1         8.2     17.41   7.88
LK-13-201     N080  -45    70.5   22.0   56.7        34.7     19.34   7.33
LK-13-202     N080  -45      91   53.5   87.4        34.0     17.02   8.82
LK-13-207     N075  -45      48   19.8   41.8        22.0     21.31   9.52
LK-13-208     N078  -45    40.5   13.8   36.1        22.3     21.87   8.84
LK-13-209     N073  -55   130.5   21.5   28.7         7.2     27.03   4.31
                                  38.2   63.5        25.3     30.94   5.65
LK-13-210     N076  -45      99    9.0   44.5        35.5     13.78   5.41
                                  70.7   95.8        25.1     22.77   7.28
LK-13-211     N074  -45    70.5   10.3   31.8        21.5     16.63   3.34
                                  38.4   56.9        18.5     19.66   8.51
LK-13-214     N088  -50     120   34.7   55.7        21.0     24.53   7.10
                                  68.3  103.4        35.1     18.11   9.25
(ii) Significant Cgr intersections are expressed as core length because the 
host rocks are highly metamorphosed and locally migmatized and folded.      
However the drill holes cross-cuts the mineralization envelope interpreted  
from the historical data and Focus' drill holes at a high angle.            
(iii) All core sample carbon analyses performed by COREM and delivered as   
graphitic carbon (Cgr), internal analytical code LSA-M-B10, LECO high       
frequency combustion method with infrared measurement.                      

The mineralization at Lac Knife is hosted in biotite-quartz-feldspar paragneiss
and schist of the Nault Formation, in association with iron formations of the
Wabush Formation. These are equivalent to the lower Proterozoic Labrador Trough
rocks affected by the late Proterozoic Grenvillian orogeny. High grade
metamorphism and folding associated with the Grenvillian orogeny has resulted in
the formation of important concentrations of graphite dominated by
value-enhanced large flakes. 

The Lac Knife property comprises 57 map-designated claims covering 2,986.31 ha
located in Esmanville Township (NTS map sheet 23B/11), 27 km south-southwest of
the iron-mining town of Fermont, in the Cote-Nord administrative district of
Quebec. Focus acquired a 100% interest in the property in October 2010. A map
showing the location of the Lac Knife property is available on the company's
website at 

2013 Infill Drilling Program

The summer 2013 infill drilling program at Lac Knife comprised 24 large diameter
(PQ-sized, 4-inch) core holes for a total of 2,081m. Sixteen (16) holes were
completed in different parts of the deposit, mostly in central and northeast
parts, to complete the 25m-space coverage of drilling while eight (8) holes are
twin holes of historical holes. The drilling program was designed to provide
sufficient additional data and control on mineralisation to be useful to
complete a new resource estimate. A contract has been awarded to AGP Mining
Consultants of Barrie, Ontario to complete work on a new resource estimate. That
work is currently underway.

The 2013 drilling campaign was managed by IOS Services Geoscientifiques ("IOS")
of Chicoutimi, Quebec. The infill drilling program started on July 6st and ended
on August 10th 2013. The drilling was performed by Forage Rouillier of Amos,
Quebec under the supervision of IOS. 

Methodology and QA/QC

The entire drill cores were logged at the Lac Knife camp and shipped to the IOS
facilities in Chicoutimi for sample preparation. Two slabs of about 1/4 of the 4
inch diameter PQ core were sawed parallel on each side of the central axis of
the core. One of the slabs was earmarked for geochemical analysis while the
other slab was kept as a witness sample. Center parts of the core are kept for
possible subsequent uses. A total of 897 sub-sample slabs of the PQ drill core
(mostly 1.5 m in length with variances from 0.5 m to 1.8 m) were collected from
23 holes. Slab samples were dried before processing for density measurement,
crushing and grinding at the IOS sample preparation laboratory. 

Once prepared, the samples were sent to the Consortium de Recherche Appliquee en
Traitement et Transformation des Substances Minerales ("COREM"), an ISO/IEC
17025:2005 certified facility in Quebec-City, for graphitic carbon (Cgr)
analysis using LECO high frequency combustion method with infrared measurement
(internal analytical code LSA-M-B10 for graphitic carbon; ISO 9686:2004). For
the measurement of graphitic carbon, the sample is pre-treated with nitric acid,
placed in a LECO capsule and introduced in the furnace (1,380 degrees C) in an
oxygen atmosphere. Carbon is oxidized to CO2. After the removal of moisture, gas
(CO2) is measured by an infrared detector and a computerized system calculates
the concentration of graphitic carbon (% Cgr). Total sulphur was also analyzed
by LECO (code LSA-M-B41) (Table 1). For sulphur determinations, the sample is
placed in a LECO capsule and introduced in the furnace (1,380 degrees C) until
sulphur is oxidized to SO2. After the removal of moisture, gas (SO2) is measured
by an infrared detector and a computerized system calculates the concentration
of total sulphur (% S). 

Under the QA/QC program, about 10% of the samples were analyzed by COREM for
total (code LSA-M-B45), organic (code LSA-M-B58), inorganic (code LSA-M-B11) and
graphitic (code LSA-M-B10) carbon as well as for total sulphur (a total of 85
core samples). Duplicates of the same 85 samples were also sent to ACTLABS
Laboratories of Ancaster, Ontario (ISO/IEC 17025:2005 with CAN-P-1579) for
graphitic carbon (code 5D - C Graphitic) and total sulphur (code 4F - S
Combustion infrared detection) determinations and for 35 multi-element analysis
using ICP methods (code 1E2 - Aqua Regia). IOS introduced 85 standards, 40
duplicates (sawing, crushing or grinding duplicates) and 83 blank samples into
the batch of core sample as part of the QA/QC program.

2013 Exploration Drilling Program

For the summer 2013, an initial exploration drilling program was conducted
outside of the deposit limits at the same time and immediately after the infill
program on the Lac Knife property. A total of sixteen (16) core holes for a
total of 2,208 m were completed from August 10th to 25th. A second drilling
program was conducted on October 8th to 25th that included eight (8) holes for a
total of 1,013 m. Both programs were designed to test geophysical anomalies
identified during last fall's ground magnetic and horizontal loop
electromagnetic (HLEM) survey done by G.L. Geoservice Inc. and interpreted by
Geophysique Camille St-Hilaire Inc., both located in Rouyn-Noranda. The two
exploration drilling campaigns were also managed by IOS Services
Geoscientifiques ("IOS") of Chicoutimi, Quebec and drilled by Forage Rouillier
of Amos, Quebec under the supervision of IOS. Most drill holes intercepted
graphitic horizons. Results of assays are pending. 

In parallel to the exploration and infill drilling, the company commissioned
geotechnical drilling to gather data across the proposed building sites on the
property. Geotechnical and hydrogeological data will be used to increase the
accuracy of mine and infrastructure design.

About Focus Graphite

Focus Graphite Inc. is an emerging mid-tier junior mining development company, a
technology solutions supplier and a business innovator. Focus is the owner of
the Lac Knife graphite deposit located in the Cote-Nord region of northeastern
Quebec. The Lac Knife project hosts a NI 43-101 compliant Indicated Mineral
Resource Estimate(i) of 4.9 million tons grading 15.8% graphitic carbon (Cgr) as
crystalline graphite with an additional Inferred Mineral Resource Estimate(i) of
3.0 million tons grading 15.6% Cgr of crystalline graphite. Focus' goal is to
assume an industry leadership position by becoming a low-cost producer of
technology-grade graphite. On October 29th, 2012 the Company released the
results of a Preliminary Economic Assessment ("PEA") of the Lac Knife Project
which indicated that the project has a very good potential to become a graphite
producer. As a technology-oriented enterprise with a view to building long-term,
sustainable shareholder value, Focus also invests in the development of graphene
applications and patents through Grafoid Inc.

(i)Mineral resources are not mineral reserves and do not have demonstrated
economic viability

The technical information presented in this news release has been reviewed by
Benoit Lafrance, Ph.D., geo (Quebec), Focus Vice-President of Exploration and a
Qualified Person under National Instrument (NI) 43-101 guidelines.

Forward Looking Statement

This presentation contains "forward-looking information" within the meaning of
Canadian securities legislation. All information contained herein that is not
clearly historical in nature may constitute forward-looking information.
Generally, such forward-looking information can be identified by the use of
forward-looking terminology such as "plans", "expects" or "does not expect", "is
expected", "budget", "scheduled", "estimates", "forecasts", "intends",
"anticipates" or "does not anticipate", or "believes", or variations of such
words and phrases or state that certain actions, events or results "may",
"could", "would", "might" or "will be taken", "occur" or "be achieved".
Forward-looking information is subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties
and other factors that may cause the actual results, level of activity,
performance or achievements of the Company to be materially different from those
expressed or implied by such forward-looking information, including but not
limited to: (i) volatile stock price; (ii) the general global markets and
economic conditions; (iii) the possibility of write-downs and impairments; (iv)
the risk associated with exploration, development and operations of mineral
deposits; (v) the risk associated with establishing title to mineral properties
and assets; (vi)the risks associated with entering into joint ventures; (vii)
fluctuations in commodity prices; (viii) the risks associated with uninsurable
risks arising during the course of exploration, development and production; (ix)
competition faced by the resulting issuer in securing experienced personnel and
financing; (x) access to adequate infrastructure to support mining, processing,
development and exploration activities; (xi) the risks associated with changes
in the mining regulatory regime governing the resulting issuer; (xii) the risks
associated with the various environmental regulations the resulting issuer is
subject to; (xiii) risks related to regulatory and permitting delays; (xiv)
risks related to potential conflicts of interest; (xv) the reliance on key
personnel; (xvi) liquidity risks; (xvii) the risk of potential dilution through
the issue of common shares; (xviii) the Company does not anticipate declaring
dividends in the near term; (xix) the risk of litigation; and (xx) risk

Forward-looking information is based on assumptions management believes to be
reasonable at the time such statements are made, including but not limited to,
continued exploration activities, no material adverse change in metal prices,
exploration and development plans proceeding in accordance with plans and such
plans achieving their stated expected outcomes, receipt of required regulatory
approvals, and such other assumptions and factors as set out herein. Although
the Company has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual
results to differ materially from those contained in the forward-looking
information, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as
anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that such
forward-looking information will prove to be accurate, as actual results and
future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such
forward-looking information. Such forward-looking information has been provided
for the purpose of assisting investors in understanding the Company's business,
operations and exploration plans and may not be appropriate for other purposes.
Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking
information. Forward-looking information is made as of the date of this press
release, and the Company does not undertake to update such forward-looking
information except in accordance with applicable securities laws.

Focus Graphite Inc.
Mr. Don Baxter, P.Eng
President and Chief Operating Officer

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