China Development Corp. President Jiang Chaoliang said the bank aims to reach a financing deal with Aluminum Corp. of China, and any agreement made would be based on commercial interest.

Jiang said his bank, a state-owned policy lender that is the biggest issuer of bonds in China behind the Ministry of Finance, wouldn't intervene in Chinalco's operations.

Last month, Chinalco struck a $19.5 billion deal to take a greater interest in Rio Tinto, marking China's biggest foreign investment deal to date.

Jiang, who was speaking with a select group of media during the National People's Congress, said CDB has no plans to introduce foreign strategic investors into the bank for now, and that the government will keep control of the bank for the foreseeable future.

The bank will introduce China's national pension fund as a strategic investor, Jiang said, without providing a timeframe.

-Victoria Ruan contributed to this story, Dow Jones Newswires; 8610 6588-5848;