RNS Number:8390B
Bakery Services PLC
30 September 2002

                      Bakery Services plc ("the Company")

              Preliminary Results for the year ended 31 March 2002

Chairman's Statement


  * Successful demerger of the coffeeheaven business (Bakery Services Polska
    SA) via dividend in specie to shareholders and subsequent AIM listing.

  * Group operating losses from continuing operations before exceptional items

  * Significant reduction in overhead costs initiated following failure to win
    expected additional business for the in-store bakery division (Inbake
    Limited) and demerger of Bakery Services Polska SA.

  * Franchise business expansion plans put on hold pending resolution of
    contemplated legal action by the Company.

  * Current business downsized to operate profitably.



The past year has been extremely challenging for your Board.

The successful demerger of the Group's Polish business to shareholders is in
contrast to some major disappointments in the UK businesses.

As previously announced, following a demerger of the Polish business and lack of
expansion opportunities for the in-store bakery business in the UK, the Group
has made, and continues to make, significant reductions in overhead costs
targeted to return the Group to modest levels of profitability.

Results for the current year include a number of material exceptional and other
one off costs.

These comprise:

 1. A write down of #366,194 in the value of bakery equipment assets which, for
    reasons set out below, the Directors consider as having no economic value to
    the Group.

 2. In view of on-going obligations, which have materialised in respect of the
    lease of a single managed unit in the Group's franchise business, the
    Directors have considered it prudent to write off the balance of goodwill
    arising from the 2000 acquisition of this business amounting to #622,736.

 3. A write off of intangible assets relating to the demerged Polish business
    amounting to #97,910.

The above items, which do not affect cash flows, amount to #1,086,840 and are
disclosed in the financial statements as Exceptional Operating Expenses and Loss
on Disposal of Fixed Assets. This amount, together with the loss for the year
associated with discontinued operations amounting to #215,917, totals #1,302,757
and represents the greater part of the reported pre and post tax loss on
ordinary activities of #1,754,651.

The retained Group loss for the period is #1,384,329 and is stated after
charging demerger costs of #131,613 and crediting an increase in reserves on
demerger of a subsidiary, together with minority interests amounting to

As described above, the substantial Group loss for the year arises primarily
from a number of exceptional charges together with losses attributable to the
Polish business prior to its demerger on 29 November 2001.

Despite the above, underlying trading in the Group's two remaining subsidiaries
(Inbake Limited and Don Millers Limited) has been broadly in line with Directors

As part of the reduction in overhead cost, the Board accepted with great regret
the resignation of Jonathan Cooper from the Board in April 2002. At the same
time all Board members took a salary reduction of 20%.

Trading Results

Total Group sales for the year ended 31 March 2002 were #4,452,709 (2001 -

Sales are broken down as follows:

                                                                     2002                                2001

Inbake Limited                                                  3,577,743                           3,828,616

Don Miller Limited                                                510,823                             456,979

Bakery Services Polska SA                                         464,143                             198,763
                                                               __________                          __________
Total                                                           4,452,709                           4,484,358
                                                               ==========                          ==========

Total sales from continuing operations in the period were #4,088,566 (2001 -

Inbake Limited

The decline in sales revenues from our in-store bakery business, Inbake Limited,
continues last year's pattern and is due in the main to store closures. In
addition like- for- like store sales declined 1.9% in the period.

However Gross margins improved to 33.7% (2001 - 32.4%)and operating profits from
Inbake increased over the same period last year to #52,578 (2001 - #21,578).

Don Millers Limited

Franchise revenue in Don Millers Limited is received in the form of fees based
on the underlying turnover of each franchise business. Underlying sales revenues
generated by Don Millers franchises were #4.1M (2001 - #3.9M) an increases of 5%
over the prior year on like- for- like sales.

The performance of Don Miller continues to meet the expectations of your Board
at the time of acquisition. However expansion of the business has been blighted
by the performance of a single unit, which is not franchised but managed by the
Company. This is currently the subject of contemplated legal action to which I
refer later in this report.

Don Miller revenues are split as follows:

                                                                           2002                           2001

Franchise Income (11 units)                                             250,932                        236,921
Managed Store Sales (1 unit)                                            259,891                        220,058
                                                                     __________                     __________
Total                                                                   510,823                        456,979
                                                                     ==========                     ==========

Franchise fee income grew a respectable 5.9% against the prior year same period
on a like- for-like number of stores.

Operating profits (before exceptional items) are as follows:

                                                                           2002                           2001

Operating Profit Franchise (11 units)                                   161,726                        128,053
Operating Loss Managed Store (1 unit)                                  (49,750)                            Nil
                                                                     __________                     __________
Total Operating Profit                                                  111,976                        128,053
                                                                     ==========                     ==========

The loss shown for the Managed Store for 2002 is the balance of the loss for
this year in excess of amounts provided (at the date of acquisition) in respect
of the expected losses before disposal or sub letting of this unit. The total
trading loss for the unit in the period amounted to #102,140 (2001 - #131,653)
of which #52,390 in the current year has been covered from a release of the
balance of the goodwill provision.

Bakery Services Polska SA

Sales for Bakery Services Polska S.A. cover the period to 29 November 2001 when
this business was demerged from the Group. The Board's reasons for demerging
this business from the Group have been previously addressed in a separate
circular to shareholders dated 5 November 2001.

Group Summary

Retained losses for the year were #1,384,329 and are made up as follows:

Operating losses from continuing businesses                                                            329,710
Operating losses from discontinued businesses                                                          215,917
Total operating losses (before exceptional items)                                                      545,627

Exceptional expenses:
Goodwill written off                                                               622,736
Surplus equipment written off                                                      366,194
Intangible assets written off                                                       97,910           1,086,840
Other items:
Demerger expenses                                                                  131,613
Interest receivable and Payable (net)                                              (9,429)
Minority Interests                                                                (42,086)
Increase in reserves on demerger of                                              (328,236)           (248,138)
subsidiary                                                                      __________
Retained loss for period                                                                             1,384,329

Basic losses per share were 1.26p (2000 - 0.39p loss)

Cash at bank and in hand at 31 March 2001 was #61,319 (2001 -#210,852). This
position is enhanced by 33% (#131,950 - 2001 #151,843) of total debtors
representing cash collected by third parties. The Group's Balance Sheet remains
materially debt free (other than trade related) and bank overdraft facilities
(recently renewed) of #200,000 are available to the Group.

During the year the Group raised #236,875 (net of expenses) through the placing
of 25,000,000 million new ordinary shares to support the further development of
the Group.

In view of current losses your Board proposes no dividend for the year.

Operational Review

Bakery Division -Inbake (R)

The Company's principal customer base remains the various regions of the

Co-operative Group (CWS) Limited. Outlets are generally operated as

in-store bakery concessions within supermarkets and are located

throughout the United Kingdom.

Bakery concessions fall into three classifications broadly reflecting activity.

. "Scratch" bakeries where the finished product is made from ingredients

mixed and baked as one process by craft bakers. These bakeries are

equipped with Company assets and operated by Company staff. As

many as 200 product lines are manufactured daily at each of these


. "Mini" bakeries where French bread and rolls are finished, cream cakes

are made and traditional breads delivered from one of our "scratch"


. "Satellites" where all products are "delivered-in" from one of our

"scratch" bakeries.

Sales from most outlets are made direct to the consumer and the cash

collected through the supermarket check-out tills.

As indicated in previous reports, revenues for Inbake continue to decline as its
principal customer, the CWS, increasingly focuses on smaller market town stores.

Earlier in the year we reported that an expected opportunity to expand the
in-store business resulting from the merger of the CWS and Cooperative Retail
Services Limited ('CRS') would not materialise. Whilst the Board believes this
will not affect the Company's existing business with the CWS, it does means that
equipment earmarked for this new business has no foreseeable economic use for
the Company. Accordingly the carrying value of this equipment has been written
down in the financial statements as an exceptional item.

The Inbake business, although declining, remains profitable. Your Board's
challenge is to manage this decline in a way that maximises the cash flow and
profit potential yet is consistent with maintaining the Company's high standard
of customer service.

Franchise Division -Don Miller's (R)

Don Millers Limited operates eleven retail bakery and sandwich cafe franchises
from high street and shopping centre locations, predominantly in the midlands
and north of England, under the brand name Don Miller's(R).

Don Millers is an established retail bakery business and has been trading since
1972. Your Board believes that the brand has strong consumer awareness and can
be revitalised into a major franchise business.

As mentioned in previous statements, a period of operational consolidation
followed the acquisition and your Board then commenced a phased programme of
brand re-positioning.

The first phase focussed on the development of a fresh corporate image for the
existing retail estate. This visual re-branding has been underpinned with new
product offerings and supply chain consolidation, and is being introduced
through the existing eleven stores.

The second phase has been targeted at broadening the appeal of the Don Millers
name through incorporating most of the Group's in-store bakery operations under
the Don Millers name. This phase is now complete and has been well received at
the retail level.

The third phase is to relaunch Don Millers as an attractive contemporary
franchise opportunity. In our Interim Statement dated 28 December 2001 we
indicted that the roll out of new franchise stores was being planned cautiously
so that the Group's limited financial resources could be applied to developing
potential new Inbake business. Since then it has become evident the potential
new Inbake business as described above will not now materialise. The Don Miller
business is now is a position to take on new franchise shops and have a number
of prospective franchisees. However your Board believes that at the present time
it may be difficult to secure adequate additional funding to support an
expansion of the franchise business until the legal matter to which I refer
below has been resolved.

When the Don Millers franchise business was acquired from the Receivers of Fresh
Connection Limited the Receivers also offered the Group the Don Millers managed
shop estate. The Group declined this offer and agreed to acquire only the
franchise assets. One of the leased units that formed part of the purchased
estate was in reality a managed unit operating under a temporary licence
arrangement. Since this date your Directors have made every effort to dispose of
this unit and have in the meanwhile traded from it to minimise losses. To date,
total losses incurred on this unit amount to #229,750 of which #180,000 was
provided on acquisition.

An issue has now arisen in relation to this managed property and the

Company is contemplating legal action in relation to the advice received at the
time of acquisition.

Future Prospects

Although results for the current year are clearly unacceptable they have to some
extent, for the reasons set out above, been unavoidable.

The Group retains two fundamentally sound businesses with strong cash generative
potential. Your Board believes that appropriate steps have been taken to reduce
the cost base of the Group commensurate with present revenues and compatible
with returning the Group to modest levels of profitability. The Group retains
the confidence of its bankers and satisfactory overdraft arrangements have
recently been renewed.

Although there are no immediate prospects for expanding the Inbake business your
Board will continue to seek appropriate opportunities.

The Don Millers franchise business remains a growth opportunity for the Group
and your Board will be making every effort to satisfactorily resolve the legal
issue outlined previously in this report.

In addition your Board is continuing to explore a number of other options for
increasing shareholder value of the Group.

Richard D. Worthington

Non-Executive Chairman and Financial Director

30 September 2001

      Group Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31 March 2002

                                                               2002                                 2001
                                                         #            #           #           #            #           #
                                               Continuing  Discontinued       Total Continuing  Discontinued       Total
                                                                                    restated        restated

      Turnover                                   4,088,566      464,143   4,552,709   4,285,595      198,763   4,484,358

      Cost of sales                            (2,574,010)    (239,246) (2,813,256) (2,765,355)    (106,041) (2,871,396)
                                                                                                  __________  __________
                                               ___________   __________  __________  __________
      Gross profit                               1,514,556      224,897   1,739,453   1,520,240       92,722   1,612,962

      Distribution costs                         (621,654)            -   (621,654)   (620,267)            -   (620,267)
      Administrative expenses                  (1,845,348)    (538,724) (2,384,072) (1,034,425)    (493,500) (1,527,925)
      (including exceptional items)
                                                __________   __________  __________ ___________   __________  __________
      Operating loss before                      (329,710)    (215,917)   (545,627)   (134,452)    (400,778)   (535,230)
      exceptional items
      Exceptional operating expenses             (622,736)     (97,910)   (720,646)           -            -           -
                                                __________   __________  __________  __________   __________  __________
      Operating loss                             (952,446)    (313,827) (1,266,273)   (134,452)    (400,778)   (535,230)

      Restructuring Costs                        (131,613)                (131,613)                                    -
      Loss on disposal of fixed assets           (366,194)                (366,194)
      Interest receivable                                                    16,984                               27,783
      Interest payable                                                      (7,555)                              (6,679)
                                                __________    _________  __________  __________   __________  __________
      Loss on ordinary
      Activities before tax                                             (1,754,651)                            (514,126)

      Taxation on loss on
      Ordinary activities                                                         -                                    -
                                                __________  ___________  __________  __________   __________ ___________
      Loss on ordinary
      activities after tax                                              (1,754,651)                            (514,126)

      Minority interests                                                     42,086                               87,995

      Increase in reserves on demerger                                      328,236                                    -
      of subsidiary
                                                __________   __________  __________  __________   __________  __________
      Retained loss
      for the period                                                    (1,384,329)                            (426,131)

      Loss per share                   3
                               - Basic                                  (1.26 p)                                (0.39 p)
                       - Fully diluted                                  (1.26 p)                                (0.39 p)

      Group Balance Sheet as at 31 March 2002

                                                                                                2002                2001
                                                                                                   #                   #
      Fixed assets
      Intangible assets                                                                            -             808,785
      Tangible assets                                                                        418,255           1,204,642
      Investments                                                                            990,000                  -)
                                                                                          __________          __________
                                                                                           1,408,255           2,013,427

      Current assets
      Stocks                                                                                 131,236             149,401
      Debtors                                                                                398,193             585,260
      Cash at bank and in hand                                                                61,319             210,852
                                                                                          __________          __________
                                                                                             590,748             945,513

      Creditors: amounts falling due within one                                            (813,192)           (672,453)

      Net current assets                                                                   (222,444)             273,060
                                                                                          __________          __________
      Total assets less current                                                            1,185,811           2,286,487
                                                                                          __________          __________
      Creditors: amounts falling due after more                                             (21,719)             (7,035)
      than one year

      Provisions for liabilities and                                                               -            (52,390)

      Minority interests - All equity                                                              -              84,484
                                                                                          __________          __________
      Net assets                                                                           1,164,092           2,311,546
                                                                                           =========           =========
      Capital and reserves
      Called up share capital                                                                140,833             115,833
      Share premium                                                                        2,569,162           2,357,287
      Profit and loss account                                                            (1,545,903)           (161,574)

      Shareholders' funds:                                                                __________          __________
      - All equity                     2                                                   1,164,092           2,311,546
                                                                                           =========           =========

      Company Balance Sheet as at 31 March 2002

                                                                                                2002                2001
                                                                                                   #                   #
      Fixed assets
      Tangible Assets                                                                         17,060               8,887
      Investments                                                                          1,837,659           2,263,027
                                                                                          __________          __________
                                                                                           1,854,719           2,271,914

      Current assets
      Debtors                                                                                  9,430             260,813
      Cash at bank and in hand                                                                31,447              79,334
                                                                                          __________          __________
                                                                                              40,877             340,147

      Creditors: amounts falling due                                                       (106,098)            (26,868)
      within one year

                                                                                          __________          __________
      Net current (liabilities)/assets                                                      (65,221)             313,279
                                                                                          __________          __________
      Total assets less current liabilities                                                1,789,498           2,585,193
                                                                                           =========           =========

      Capital and reserves
      Called up share capital                                                                140,833             115,833
      Share premium                                                                        2,569,162           2,357,287
      Profit and loss account                                                              (920,497)             112,073

      Shareholders' funds:                                                                __________          __________
      - All equity                                                                         1,789,498           2,585,193
                                                                                           =========           =========

      Group Cash Flow Statement for the year ended 31 March 2002

                                                                                                2002                2001
                                                                                                   #                   #

      Net cash inflow from operating activities                                            (182,072)           (193,343)

      Returns on investments and servicing of                                                  9,429              20,104

      Capital expenditure                                                                  (158,212)           (869,897)
                                                                                          __________          __________
                                                                                           (330,855)         (1,043,136)

      Equity dividends paid                                                                        -                   -
                                                                                          __________          __________
                                                                                           (330,855)         (1,043,136)
                                                                                          __________          __________
      Financing                                                                              206,258             698,690
                                                                                          __________          __________
      Increase/(decrease) in cash                                                          (124,597)           (344,446)
                                                                                          __________          __________

      Reconciliation of net cash flow to
      movement in net debt

      Increase/(decrease) in cash in the period                                            (124,597)           (344,446)
                                                                                           =========           =========
      Decrease in debt and lease financing                                                    30,617              23,310
      New finance leases                                                                    (42,778)             (9,187)
      Other non-cash changes                                                                (43,974)                   -
                                                                                          __________          __________
      Change in net debt                                                                   (180,732)           (330,323)
      Net funds at 1 April                                                                    83,837             414,160
                                                                                          __________          __________
      Net (debt) / funds at 31 March                                                        (96,895)              83,837
                                                                                          __________          __________


1      Preliminary Results

       These preliminary results have been extracted from the company's audited accounts which have been approved and
       signed by the directors and auditors, but have not yet been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The audited
       accounts have been prepared under the historical cost convention using the accounting policies set out in the
       admission document.

2      Movements in Shareholders Funds
                                                                                                2002                2001
                                                                                                   #                   #

       At 1 April                                                                          2,311,546           1,979,028
       Retained profit                                                                   (1,384,329)           (426,131)
       Foreign exchange translation difference                                                     -              36,649
       Shares issued                                                                         236,875             722,000
                                                                                          __________          __________
       As at 31 March                                                                      1,164,092           2,311,546
                                                                                          ==========          ==========
3      Loss Per Share

       Loss per ordinary share is calculated as follows:

                                                              Basic                             Fully Diluted
                                                           2002              2001               2002               2001
                                                              #                 #                  #                  #

       Loss attributable to ordinary                (1,754,651)         (426,131)        (1,754,651)          (426,131)
       Weighted average number of ordinary          139,463,470       109,825,613        139,463,470        109,825,613
       Loss per ordinary share                          (1.26p)           (0.39p)            (1.26p)            (0.39p)
                                                     ==========        ==========         ==========         ==========

4      2002 Report and Accounts

       The 2002 report and accounts have been published and copies have been sent to shareholders. Further copies are
       available from the nominated adviser: Smith & Williamson Corporate Finance, No 1 Riding House Street, London, W1A

5      Copy of Announcement

       A copy of this announcement will be available from the nominated adviser: Smith & Williamson Corporate Finance ,
       No 1 Riding House Street, London, W1A 3AS for one month from the date of this announcement.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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