2 months ago
???? Been trading long?
so as not to give medical community false impression that the FDA approved the other sensors as well?
Re-think that statement.
Absurdity is the state or condition of being unreasonable, meaningless, or so unsound as to be irrational. "Absurd" is the adjective used to describe absurdity, e.g., "Tyler and the boys laughed at the absurd situation."[1] It derives from the Latin absurdum meaning "out of tune".[2] The Latin surdus means "deaf", implying stupidity.[1] Absurdity is contrasted with being realistic or reasonable[3] In general usage, absurdity may be synonymous with nonsense, meaninglessness, fancifulness, foolishness, bizarreness, wildness. In specialized usage, absurdity is related to extremes in bad reasoning or pointlessness in reasoning; ridiculousness is related to extremes of incongruous juxtaposition, laughter, and ridicule; and nonsense is related to a lack of meaningfulness. Absurdism is a concept in philosophy related to the notion of absurdity.
The term absurdity has been used throughout history regarding foolishness and extremely poor reasoning to form beliefs.[4] In Aristophanes' 5th century BC comedy The Wasps, his protagonist Philocleon learned the "absurdities" of Aesop's Fables, considered to be unreasonable fantasy and not real.[5] Wikipedia
11 months ago
First…you need money for working capital to fund growth of the business, so raising capital is good even though it comes with dilution. Also good is $3.6 million raised came from “insiders” which assesses commitment (high). Investment from a medical device whale doesn’t hurt either.
Second …If the posters would research the sensor technology, they would learn that the competitors are using infrared transmission for the pulse oximeter and Movano uses radio frequency as its technical approach…and is unique. Apple ran afoul of Masimo patents and both are using IR.
Movano has more than 30 patents for the RF sensor technology makes them an acquisition target. I hope they get the opportunity to establish the enterprise before the offer comes,,,it would be a shame to sell out at $4 when it could be worth so much more down the road.
Penny Roger$
13 years ago
Move, Inc. (Move) operates an online network of Websites for real estate search, finance, moving and home enthusiasts and provides a resource for consumers seeking the online information and connections they need regarding real estate. The Company’s consumer Websites are, and It also provides lead management software for real estate agents and brokers through its Top Producer business. On the Company’s Websites it displays real estate property content, with over four million resale, new home and rental listings, as well as move-related information and tools. Move also has relationships with the real estate industry, including content agreements with approximately 900 multiple listing services (MLS) across the United States and partnerships with the National Association of REALTORS (NAR) and the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB). On June 22, 2009, it divested its interest in Welcome Wagon business. In July2011, the Company acquired SocialBios.