6 months ago
Really no reason for a Fed rate cut but might happen anyways.. job market still ok
Hires jumped to 5.52 million in July, seasonally adjusted, after the drop in June. The three-month average inched down to 5.47 million.
So let’s repeat: Fewer voluntary quits and historically low layoffs and discharges – as employers cling to their workers – mean fewer job openings to fill, which means less hiring. And that’s part of what we’re seeing here.
The other part we’re seeing here is that the economy now creates jobs at a slower rate than in heady days of 2022 and 2023, and there are fewer new jobs to fill.
Hires in relationship to nonfarm payrolls has declined below 2018-2019 levels, which were considered tight labor market conditions, but remain well above nearly all months in the prior period going back to 2001. Is this level of hiring in relationship to payrolls historically “normal?” Maybe.
7 months ago
I never gave much attention to UVIX & SVIX until last Monday. Many traders made money on that extreme VIX "spike up", by trading SVIX immediately thereafter. Volatility is expected to increase, as evidenced by CBOE's new rollout of volatility products. Some are now saying, in this market, we will see more extreme spikes, w/ greater frequency.
A new trading niche may be developing with the increase market volatility. Watching...
Cboe Announces Planned Launch of Options on VIX Futures, Further Expanding Volatility Product Suite: