Washington, D.C. 20549
Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No. )
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Filed by a Party other than the Registrant
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Definitive Proxy Statement
Definitive Additional Materials
Soliciting Material Pursuant to §240.14a-12
McMoRan Exploration Co.
(Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)
(Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)
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amount on which the filing fee is calculated and state how it
was determined):
Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:
Total fee paid:
Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.
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Date Filed:
Notice of Annual Meeting of
May 3, 2010
March [ ], 2010
Monday, May 3, 2010
11:00 a.m., Central Time
McMoRan Exploration Co.
1615 Poydras Street
New Orleans, Louisiana 70112
To elect seven directors,
To ratify the appointment of our
independent registered public accounting firm,
To adopt a proposed amendment to our
Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation to increase
the number of authorized shares of common stock to 300,000,000,
To adopt the Amended and Restated 2008
Stock Incentive Plan, and
To transact such other business as may
properly come before the meeting.
Record Date:
Close of business on March 10, 2010
Your vote is important. Whether or not you plan to attend the
meeting, please promptly vote online or complete, sign and date
the enclosed proxy card and return it promptly in the enclosed
envelope. Your cooperation is appreciated.
By Order of the Board of Directors.
Senior Vice President, Chief Financial Officer
& Secretary
about Attending the Annual Meeting
Only stockholders of record on the record date are entitled to
notice of and to attend or vote at our annual meeting. If you
plan to attend the meeting in person, please bring the following:
1. Proper identification.
2. Acceptable Proof of Ownership if your shares are held in
street name.
Street Name
means your shares are held of record by
brokers, banks or other institutions.
Acceptable Proof of Ownership
is either (a) a letter
from your broker stating that you beneficially owned McMoRan
Exploration Co. stock on the record date or (b) an account
statement showing that you beneficially owned McMoRan
Exploration Co. stock on the record date.
proxy statement and the 2009 annual report are available at
Exploration Co.
1615 Poydras Street
New Orleans, Louisiana 70112
The 2009 Annual Report to Stockholders, including financial
statements, is being mailed to stockholders together with these
proxy materials on or about March [ ], 2010.
and Answers about the Proxy Materials, Annual Meeting and
Why am I
receiving these proxy materials?
Our board of directors is soliciting your proxy to vote at our
2010 annual meeting of stockholders because you owned shares of
our common stock at the close of business on March 10,
2010, the record date for the annual meeting, and are therefore
entitled to vote at the meeting. The proxy statement, along with
a proxy card or a voting instruction card, is being mailed to
stockholders on or about March [ ], 2010. We have
made these materials available to you on the internet and we
have delivered printed proxy materials to you. This proxy
statement summarizes the information that you need to know in
order to cast your vote at the annual meeting. You do not need
to attend the annual meeting in person to vote your shares.
When and
where will the annual meeting be held?
The annual meeting will be held at 11:00 a.m. Central
Time on Monday, May 3, 2010, at our company headquarters
located at 1615 Poydras Street, New Orleans, Louisiana 70112.
Who is
soliciting my proxy?
Our board of directors is soliciting your proxy to vote on all
matters scheduled to come before the 2010 annual meeting of
stockholders, whether or not you attend in person. By completing
and returning the proxy card or voting instruction card, or by
casting your vote via the internet, you are authorizing the
proxy holders to vote your shares at our annual meeting as you
have instructed.
On what
matters will I be voting? How does the board of directors
recommend that I cast my vote?
At the annual meeting, our stockholders will be asked to elect
our director nominees, ratify the appointment of our independent
registered public accounting firm, adopt the proposed amendment
to our Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation, adopt
the Amended and Restated 2008 Stock Incentive Plan and consider
any other matter that properly comes before the meeting.
The board of directors unanimously recommends that you vote:
all of the director nominees;
the ratification of the appointment of our
independent registered public accounting firm;
the adoption of the proposed amendment to our Amended
and Restated Certificate of Incorporation to increase the number
of authorized shares of common stock to 300,000,000; and
the adoption of the Amended and Restated 2008 Stock
Incentive Plan.
We do not expect any matters to be presented for action at the
meeting other than the items described in this proxy statement.
By signing and returning the enclosed proxy, however, you will
give to the persons named as proxies discretionary voting
authority with respect to any other matter that may properly
come before the annual meeting, and they intend to vote on any
such other matter in accordance with their best judgment.
How many
votes may I cast?
You may cast one vote for every share of our common stock that
you owned on March 10, 2010, the record date.
How many
votes can be cast by all stockholders?
As of the record date, we had
[ ]
shares of common stock outstanding, each of which is entitled to
one vote.
How many
shares must be present to hold the annual meeting?
Our by-laws provide that the presence at the meeting, whether in
person or by proxy, of a majority of our outstanding shares of
common stock, constitutes a quorum necessary to properly convene
a meeting of our stockholders. The inspector of election will
determine whether a quorum exists. Shares of our common stock
present at the annual meeting that abstain from voting, that are
the subject of broker non-votes, or for which voting authority
is withheld will be counted as present for purposes of
determining the existence of a quorum.
How do I
of Record
If your shares are registered directly in your name with our
transfer agent, BNY Mellon Shareowner Services, you are the
stockholder of record of those shares and these proxy materials
have been mailed to you by us. You may vote your shares by
internet or by mail as further described below. Your vote
authorizes each of James R. Moffett, Richard C. Adkerson and
Kathleen L. Quirk, as proxies, each with the power to appoint
his or her substitute, to represent and vote your shares as you
Vote by Internet
Use the internet to vote your proxy 24 hours a day, seven
days a week until 11:59 p.m. (Central Time) on May 2,
Please have your proxy card available and follow the
instructions to obtain your records and create an electronic
Mark, sign and date your proxy card and return it in the
postage-paid envelope provided.
Only the latest dated proxy received from you, whether by
internet or mail, will be voted at the annual meeting. If you
vote by internet, please do not mail your proxy card.
If your shares are held in a stock brokerage account, by a bank,
broker, trustee, or other nominee, you are considered the
beneficial owner of shares held in street name and these proxy
materials are being forwarded to you by your bank, broker,
trustee or nominee that is considered the shareowner of record
of those shares. As the beneficial owner, you have the right to
direct your bank, broker, trustee or nominee on how to vote your
shares via the internet or by telephone if the bank, broker,
trustee or nominee offers these options or by signing and
returning a proxy card. Your bank, broker, trustee or nominee
will send you instructions for voting your shares. For a
discussion of the rules regarding the voting of shares held by
beneficial owners, please see the question entitled
What if I dont vote for a proposal? What is
discretionary voting? What is a broker non-vote?
in our Employee Capital Accumulation Program
If you hold shares of our common stock through our Employee
Capital Accumulation Program (ECAP), you may only vote your
shares by mail. Accordingly, please mark, sign and date your
proxy card and return it in the postage-paid envelope provided
to you.
What if I
dont vote for a proposal? What is discretionary voting?
What is a broker non-vote?
If you properly execute and return a proxy or voting instruction
card, your stock will be voted as you specify. If you are a
stockholder of record and you make no specifications on your
proxy card, your shares will be voted in accordance with the
recommendations of our board of directors, as provided above.
If you are a beneficial owner and you do not provide voting
instructions to your broker, bank or other holder of record
holding shares for you, your shares will not be voted with
respect to any proposal for which your broker does not have
discretionary authority to vote. Rules of the New York Stock
Exchange (NYSE) determine whether proposals presented at the
stockholder meetings are discretionary or
non-discretionary. If a proposal is determined to be
, your broker, bank or other holder of
record is permitted under NYSE rules to vote on the proposal
without receiving voting instructions from you. A broker
non-vote occurs when a bank, broker or other holder of
record holding shares for a beneficial owner does not vote on a
particular proposal because that holder does not have
discretionary voting power under NYSE rules for that particular
item and has not received voting instructions from the
beneficial owner.
If you are a beneficial owner, your bank, broker or other holder
of record is permitted under NYSE rules to vote your shares on
the ratification of our independent registered public accounting
firm and the proposed amendment to our Amended and Restated
Articles of Incorporation to increase the number of authorized
shares of common stock, even if the record holder does not
receive voting instructions from you. The record holder may
vote on the election of directors or the adoption of
the Amended and Restated 2008 Stock Incentive Plan without
instructions from you. Without your voting instructions on these
two matters, a broker non-vote will occur. Shares subject to
broker non-votes will not be counted as votes for or against and
will not be included in calculating the number of votes
necessary for the approval of such matters to be presented at
the meeting; however, such shares will be considered present at
the annual meeting for purposes of determining the existence of
a quorum.
What are
the voting requirements to elect the directors and to approve
each of the proposals discussed in this proxy
Vote Required
Election of directors
Majority of votes cast
Ratification of auditor
Majority of common stock present in person or by proxy and
entitled to vote
Approval of amendment to Amended and Restated Certificate of
Majority of outstanding common stock
Approval of Amended and Restated 2008
Stock Incentive Plan
Majority of common stock present in person or by proxy and
entitled to vote
In uncontested elections, our directors are elected by the
affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of the shares
voted. In contested elections (where the number of nominees
exceeds the number of directors to be elected), our directors
are elected by a plurality of shares voted. Under our by-laws,
all other matters require the affirmative vote of the holders of
a majority of our common stock present in person or by proxy and
entitled to vote on such matters, except as otherwise provided
by statute, our certificate of incorporation or our by-laws.
Abstentions as to all such matters to come before the annual
meeting will be counted as votes against those matters.
Can I
revoke or change my vote?
Yes. Your proxy can be revoked or changed at any time before it
is voted by notice in writing to our corporate secretary, by our
timely receipt of another proxy with a later date or by voting
in person at the annual meeting.
Who pays
for soliciting proxies?
We pay all expenses of soliciting proxies for the annual
meeting. In addition to solicitations by mail, arrangements have
been made for brokers and nominees to send proxy materials to
their principals, and we will reimburse them for their
reasonable expenses. We have retained Georgeson Inc., 199 Water
Street, 26th Floor, New York, New York, to assist with the
solicitation of proxies from brokers and nominees. It is
estimated that the fees for Georgesons services will be
$7,500 plus its reasonable
expenses. We may have our employees or other representatives
(who will receive no additional compensation for their services)
solicit proxies by telephone,
personal interview or other means.
other matters be considered and voted upon at the annual
Our board does not expect to bring any other matter before the
annual meeting, and it is not aware of any other matter that may
be considered at the meeting. In addition, pursuant to our
by-laws, the time has elapsed for any stockholder to properly
bring a matter before the meeting. However, if any other matter
does properly come before the meeting, the proxy holders will
vote the proxies in his or her discretion.
happens if the annual meeting is postponed or
Unless a new record date is fixed, your proxy will still be
valid and may be voted at the postponed or adjourned meeting.
You will still be able to change or revoke your proxy until it
is voted.
If you want us to consider including a proposal in next
years proxy statement, you must deliver it in writing to
our Corporate Secretary, McMoRan Exploration Co., 1615 Poydras
Street, New Orleans, Louisiana 70112 by November 22, 2010.
If you want to present a proposal at next years annual
meeting but do not wish to have it included in our proxy
statement, you must submit it in writing to our corporate
secretary, at the above address, by January 3, 2011, in
accordance with the specific procedural requirements in our
by-laws. If you would like a copy of these procedures, please
contact our corporate secretary, or access our by-laws on our
web site at
under About Us
Corporate Governance. Failure to comply with our by-law
procedures and deadlines may preclude presentation of the matter
at the meeting.
Governance Guidelines; Ethics and Business Conduct
Our corporate governance guidelines and our ethics and business
conduct policy are available at
About Us Corporate Governance and are available in
print upon request. Amendments to or waivers of the ethics and
business conduct policy granted to any of our directors or
executive officers will be published promptly on our website.
Board and
Committee Meeting Attendance
Our board of directors held five regular meetings and one
special meeting during 2009. During 2009, each of our directors
attended 100% of the aggregate of the total number of meetings
of the board and the total number of meetings held by each
committee of the board on which each such director served.
Directors are invited but not required to attend annual meetings
of our stockholders. Mr. Adkerson attended the last annual
meeting of stockholders.
Composition and Leadership Structure
As of the date of this proxy statement, our board consists of
seven members, four of whom have no material relationship with
the company and are independent within the meaning of our
corporate governance guidelines, which comply with the NYSE
director independence standards, as currently in effect. We also
have three advisory directors. Each advisory director, upon the
invitation of the board of directors, has the privilege to
receive notice of and to attend regular meetings of the board of
directors or any committee of the board for which such advisory
director has been appointed to serve as an advisor or
consultant, and may participate in all discussions occurring
during such meetings in an advisory capacity. Advisory directors
are not entitled to vote on any matter brought before the board
or any committee.
James R. Moffett and Richard C. Adkerson serve as co-chairmen of
our board and Glenn A. Kleinert serves as president and chief
executive officer and is not a director. We separated the
positions of chairman of the board and chief executive officer
in 2004, when we named Messrs. Moffett and Adkerson as
co-chairmen of the board and Mr. Kleinert as president and
chief executive officer. Our board determined that the
separation of these roles would maximize managements
efficiency. Separating these positions allows our chief
executive officer to focus on our
business, while allowing the co-chairmen of the board to lead
the board in its fundamental role of providing guidance to and
oversight of management. Messrs. Moffett and Adkerson
develop the companys business strategy. In addition,
Mr. Moffett directs the companys exploration and
development activities and Mr. Adkerson focuses on
financial strategy and planning and on administrative
activities. While our by-laws and corporate governance
guidelines do not require our chairman and chief executive
officer positions to be separate, the board believes that having
separate positions is the appropriate leadership structure for
our company at this time. Our board, however, periodically
reviews its leadership structure and may make such changes in
the future as it deems appropriate.
Our board of directors has concluded that its current leadership
structure provides an appropriate framework for our directors to
provide independent, objective and effective oversight of
management. Our
of the board, Messrs. Moffett and Adkerson, are not
considered independent directors because they are part of our
management team and receive compensation for services to our
company in addition to their services as directors. In
accordance with our corporate governance guidelines, our
non-management directors meet in executive session at the end of
each regularly scheduled board meeting. The presiding director
for executive session meetings rotates on a meeting by meeting
basis among the independent directors who are chairpersons of
our three principal board committees (audit, corporate personnel
and nominating and corporate governance, discussed below),
except as the directors may otherwise determine for a specific
meeting. We believe that this approach effectively encourages
full engagement of the non-management directors in executive
sessions, while avoiding unnecessary hierarchy. Following each
executive session of non-management directors, the presiding
director serves as a liaison between the non-management
directors and the co-chairmen regarding any specific feedback or
issues that have been discussed in executive session. In
addition, our three principal board committees are composed
entirely of independent directors, and they have the power and
authority to engage independent legal, financial or other
advisors as they may deem necessary, without consulting or
obtaining the approval of the full board or management.
Our board has three standing committees: an audit committee, a
corporate personnel committee and a nominating and corporate
governance committee. Each committee operates under a written
charter adopted by the board. All of the committee charters are
available on our web site at
under About
Us Corporate Governance and are available in print
upon request. The primary functions of each board committee are
described below.
Committee Members
Functions of the Committee
in 2009
Robert A. Day, Chairman
Gerald J. Ford
H. Devon Graham, Jr.
Suzanne T. Mestayer
please refer to Audit Committee Report included in
this proxy statement
Corporate Personnel
Committee Members
Functions of the Committee
in 2009
H. Devon Graham, Jr., Chairman
Suzanne T. Mestayer
determines the compensation of our executive officers
administers our cash-based and equity-based incentive
compensation plans
oversees companys assessment of whether its compensation
practices are likely to expose the company to material risks
please refer to Corporate Personnel Committee
Procedures included in this proxy statement
Nominating and Corporate Governance
Committee Members
Functions of the Committee
in 2009
Gerald J. Ford, Chairman
H. Devon Graham, Jr.
nominates individuals to stand for election or re-election as
considers recommendations by our stockholders of potential
nominees for election as directors
makes recommendations to our board concerning the structure of
our board and board committees
conducts annual board and committee evaluations
maintains and makes recommendations to our board regarding our
corporate governance guidelines
oversees the form and amount of director compensation
Personnel Committee Procedures
The corporate personnel committee has the sole authority to set
annual compensation amounts and annual incentive plan criteria
for executive officers, evaluate the performance of the
executive officers, and make awards to executive officers under
our stock incentive plans. The committee also reviews, approves
and recommends to our board of directors any proposed plan or
arrangement providing for incentive, retirement or other
compensation to our executive officers, as well as any proposed
contract under which compensation is awarded to an executive
officer. The committee annually recommends to the board the
slate of officers for the company and periodically reviews the
functions of our executive officers and makes recommendations to
the board concerning those functions. The committee also
periodically evaluates the performance of our executive officers.
If stock options or other equity awards are granted in a given
year, the committees policy is that such regular annual
equity awards are granted at its first or second meeting of each
fiscal year, and that to the extent the committee approves any
awards at other times during the year, such awards will be made
during an open window period when our executive officers and
directors are permitted to trade in company securities. Each
August, the board establishes a meeting schedule for itself and
its committees for the next calendar year. The first and second
meetings of each year are scheduled approximately five months in
advance, and are scheduled to fall within the window period
following the release of the companys earnings for the
fourth quarter of the previous year.
The terms of our stock incentive plans provide that the exercise
price of each stock option cannot be less than the fair market
value of a share of our common stock on the grant date. Pursuant
to the committees policies, for purposes of our stock
incentive plans the fair market value of our common stock will
be determined by reference to the closing sale price on the
grant date. In addition, our stock incentive plans permit the
committee to delegate to appropriate personnel its authority to
make awards to employees other than those subject to
Section 16 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as
amended. Our current equity grant policy provides that each
co-chairman of the board has authority to make or modify grants
to such employees, subject to the following conditions:
No grant may relate to more than 10,000 shares of common
Such grants must be made during an open window period and must
be approved in writing by such officer, the grant date being the
date of such written approval;
The exercise price of any options granted may not be less than
the fair market value of our common stock on the grant
date; and
The officer must report any such grants to the committee at its
next meeting.
Please refer to Compensation Discussion and Analysis
for more information regarding the stock option grants made by
the committee to our named executive officers.
Committee Interlocks and Insider Participation
The current members of our corporate personnel committee are
Mr. Graham and Ms. Mestayer. In 2009, none of our
executive officers served as a director or member of the
compensation committee of another entity, where an executive
officer of the entity served as one of our directors or on our
corporate personnel committee.
Role in Oversight of Risk Management
The board of directors as a whole is responsible for risk
oversight, with reviews of certain areas being conducted by the
relevant board committees that report to the full board. In its
risk oversight role, the board of directors reviews, evaluates
and discusses with appropriate members of management whether the
risk management processes designed and implemented by management
are adequate in identifying, assessing, managing and mitigating
material risks facing the company. In addition, as reflected in
our ethics and business conduct policy, our board seeks to
establish a tone at the top communicating the
boards strong commitment to ethical behavior and
compliance with the law.
The board believes that full and open communication between
senior management and the board of directors is essential to
effective risk oversight. Our co-chairmen meet regularly with
senior management to discuss a variety of matters including
business strategies, opportunities, key challenges and risks
facing the company, as well as managements risk mitigation
strategies. Senior management attends all regularly scheduled
board meetings where they conduct presentations to the board on
various strategic matters involving our operations and are
available to address any questions or concerns raised by the
board on risk management-related or any other matters. Our board
oversees the strategic direction of our company, and in doing so
considers the potential rewards and risks of our companys
business opportunities and challenges, and monitors the
development and management of risks that impact our strategic
While the board is ultimately responsible for risk oversight at
our company, our three board committees assist the board in
fulfilling its oversight responsibilities with respect to
certain areas of risk. As part of its responsibilities as set
forth in its charter, the audit committee is responsible for
reviewing and discussing with management and the companys
independent registered public accounting firm the companys
major financial risk exposures and the measures management has
taken to monitor, control and minimize such risks, including the
companys risk assessment and risk management policies. The
audit committee assists the board in fulfilling its oversight
responsibilities by monitoring the effectiveness of the
companys systems of financial reporting, auditing,
internal controls and legal and regulatory compliance. Our
internal auditor and independent registered public accounting
firm meet regularly in executive session with the audit
committee. As part of its responsibilities as set forth in its
charter, the corporate personnel committee is responsible for
overseeing the companys assessment of whether its
compensation policies and practices are likely to expose the
company to material risks and in consultation with management,
is responsible for overseeing the companys compliance with
regulations governing executive compensation. The nominating and
corporate governance committee assists the board in fulfilling
its oversight responsibilities with respect to the management of
risks associated with the companys board leadership
structure and corporate governance matters. Each committee
regularly reports on these matters to the full board.
Board and
Committee Independence and Audit Committee Financial
On the basis of information solicited from each director, and
upon the advice and recommendation of the nominating and
corporate governance committee, the board has affirmatively
determined that each of Messrs. Day, Ford and Graham, and
Ms. Mestayer has no material relationship with the company
and is independent within the meaning of our corporate
governance guidelines, which comply with the applicable NYSE
listing standards and SEC rules. In making this determination,
the nominating and corporate governance committee, with
assistance from the companys legal counsel, evaluated
responses to a questionnaire completed annually by each director
regarding relationships and possible conflicts of interest
between each director, the company and management. In its review
of director independence, the committee considered all
commercial, industrial, banking, consulting, legal, accounting,
charitable, and familial relationships any director may have
with the company or management. The nominating and corporate
governance committee recommended to the board that each of these
four directors be considered independent, which the board
Further, the board has determined that each of the members of
the audit, corporate personnel, and nominating and corporate
governance committees has no material relationship with the
company and satisfy the independence criteria (including the
enhanced criteria with respect to members of the audit
committee) set forth in the applicable NYSE listing standards
and SEC rules. In addition, the board has determined that each
member of the audit committee, Messrs. Day, Ford and Graham
and Ms. Mestayer, qualifies as an audit committee
financial expert, as such term is defined by the rules of
the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
of Director Nominees
In evaluating nominees for membership on the board, the
nominating and corporate governance committee applies the board
membership criteria set forth in our corporate governance
guidelines. Under these criteria, the committee will take into
account many factors, including personal and professional
integrity, general understanding of our industry, corporate
finance and other matters relevant to the successful management
of a publicly-traded company in todays business
environment, educational and professional background,
independence, and the ability and willingness to work
cooperatively with other members of the board and with senior
management. In selecting nominees, the committee seeks to have a
board that represents a diverse range of perspectives and
experience relevant to our company. The committee will also
evaluate each individual in the context of the board as a whole,
with the objective of recommending nominees who can best
perpetuate the success of the business, be an effective director
in conjunction with the full board, and represent stockholder
interests through the exercise of sound judgment using his or
her experience in these various areas.
Our nominating and corporate governance committee regularly
assesses the appropriate size of the board, and whether any
vacancies on the board are expected due to retirement or
otherwise. In the event that vacancies are anticipated, or
otherwise arise, the committee will consider various potential
candidates who may come to the attention of the committee
through current board members, professional search firms,
stockholders or other persons. Each candidate brought to the
attention of the committee, regardless of who recommended such
candidate, is considered on the basis of the criteria set forth
in our corporate governance guidelines.
As stated above, the nominating and corporate governance
committee will consider candidates proposed for nomination by
our stockholders. Stockholders may propose candidates by
submitting the names
and supporting information to: Corporate Secretary, McMoRan
Exploration Co., 1615 Poydras Street, New Orleans, Louisiana
70112. Supporting information should include (a) the name
and address of the candidate and the proposing stockholder,
(b) a comprehensive biography of the candidate and an
explanation of why the candidate is qualified to serve as a
director taking into account the criteria identified in our
corporate governance guidelines, (c) proof of ownership,
the class and number of shares, and the length of time that the
shares of our common stock have been beneficially owned by each
of the candidate and the proposing stockholder, and (d) a
letter signed by the candidate stating his or her willingness to
serve, if elected.
In addition, our by-laws permit stockholders to nominate
candidates directly for consideration at next years annual
stockholder meeting. Any nomination must be in writing and
received by our corporate secretary at our principal executive
offices no later than January 3, 2011. If the date of next
years annual meeting is moved to a date more than
90 days after or 30 days before the anniversary of
this years annual meeting, the nomination must be received
no later than 90 days prior to the date of the 2011 annual
meeting or 10 days following the public announcement of the
date of the 2011 annual meeting. Any stockholder submitting a
nomination under our by-laws must include (a) all
information relating to the nominee that is required to be
disclosed in solicitations of proxies for election of directors
pursuant to Regulation 14A under the Securities Exchange
Act of 1934, as amended (including such nominees written
consent to being named in the proxy statement as a nominee and
to serving as a director if elected), and (b) the name and
address (as they appear on the companys books) of the
nominating stockholder and the class and number of shares
beneficially owned by such stockholder. Nominations should be
addressed to: Corporate Secretary, McMoRan Exploration Co., 1615
Poydras Street, New Orleans, Louisiana 70112.
with the Board
Stockholders or other interested parties may communicate
directly with one or more members of our board, or the
non-management directors as a group, by writing to the director
or directors at the following address: McMoRan Exploration Co.,
Attn: Board of Directors or the name of the individual director
or directors, 1615 Poydras Street, New Orleans, Louisiana 70112.
The company will forward the communication to the appropriate
We use a combination of cash and equity-based incentive
compensation to attract and retain qualified candidates to serve
on the board. In setting director compensation, we consider the
significant amount of time directors dedicate in fulfilling
their duties as directors as well as the skill-level required by
the company to be an effective member of the board. The form and
amount of director compensation is reviewed by the nominating
and corporate governance committee, which makes recommendations
to the full board.
Each non-management director and advisory director receives an
annual fee of $40,000. Committee chairs receive an additional
annual fee as follows: audit committee, $12,000; corporate
personnel committee and nominating and corporate governance
committee, $6,000. Each non-management director and each
advisory director receives a fee of $1,500 for attending each
board and committee meeting (for which he or she is a member)
and is reimbursed for reasonable
expenses incurred in attending such meetings. Effective
May 1, 2009, management directors do not receive a fee for
attending board meetings. The compensation of each of
Messrs. Moffett and Adkerson, the co-chairmen of the board,
is reflected in the Summary Compensation Table below.
Non-management directors and advisory directors also receive
equity-based compensation under the 2004 Director
Compensation Plan (the 2004 Plan) and the 2008 Stock Incentive
Plan (the 2008 Plan), both of which were approved by our
stockholders. Under the 2004 Plan, each non-management director
and advisory director receives an annual grant of options to
acquire 3,500 shares of our common stock on
June 1
year. In addition, the 2008 Plan authorizes the nominating and
corporate governance committee to make additional equity grants
to our non-management directors and advisory directors at its
discretion. Under our current program, upon approval of the
nominating and corporate governance committee, each
non-management director and advisory director receives an
additional annual grant of options to acquire 1,500 shares
of our common stock and 2,500 restricted stock units on
June 1st of each year. All options are granted at fair
market value on the grant date, vest ratably over the first four
anniversaries of the grant date and expire on the tenth
anniversary of the grant date. The restricted stock units also
vest ratably over the first four anniversaries of the grant
date. Each restricted stock unit entitles the director to
receive one share of our common stock upon vesting. To the
extent dividends are paid on our common stock in the future,
dividend equivalents will accrue on the restricted stock units
on the same basis as dividends will be paid on our common stock
and will include market rate interest. The dividend equivalents
will only be paid upon vesting of the shares of our common
stock. The plans also provide for a pro rata grant of options to
a director upon his or her initial election to the board other
than at an annual meeting. On June 1, 2009, each
non-management director and advisory director was granted an
option to purchase 5,000 shares of our common stock at a
grant price of $7.46 and 2,500 restricted stock units.
The 2004 Plan provides that participants may elect to exchange
all or a portion of their annual fee for an equivalent number of
shares of our common stock on the payment date, based on the
fair market value of our common stock on the date preceding the
payment date. The 2004 Plan further provides that participants
may elect to defer all or a portion of their annual fee and
meeting fees, and that such deferred amounts will accrue
interest at a rate equal to the prime commercial lending rate
announced from time to time by JP Morgan Chase (compounded
quarterly), and shall be paid out at such time or times as
directed by the participant. See footnote (1) to the
Director Compensation table for details regarding
participation in these programs by our directors.
2009 Director
The table below summarizes the total compensation paid to or
earned by our non-management directors during 2009. The amounts
included in the Stock Awards and Option
Awards columns reflect the aggregate grant date fair
value, and do not necessarily equate to the income that will
ultimately be realized by the director for these awards.
Director Compensation
Earned or
Paid in
All Other
Name of Director
Robert A. Day
Gerald J. Ford
H. Devon Graham, Jr.
Suzanne T. Mestayer
B. M. Rankin, Jr.
In accordance with our 2004 Plan, Mr. Ford elected to
receive an equivalent number of shares of our common stock in
lieu of 100% of his annual fee. Ms. Mestayer elected to
receive an equivalent number of shares of our common stock in
lieu of 100% of her annual fee through June 30, 2009. The
amounts reflected include the fees used to purchase shares of
our common stock.
Amounts reflect the aggregate grant date fair value of the stock
awards (restricted stock units or RSUs) and option awards
(options). RSU awards are valued on the date of grant at the
closing sale price per share of our common stock. The
Black-Scholes option model was used to determine the grant date
fair value of the options that we granted to the directors. For
information relating to the assumptions made by us in valuing
the option awards made to our non-management directors in fiscal
year 2009, refer to Note 12 of our financial statements in
our annual report on
Form 10-K
for the year ended December 31,
2009. On June 1, 2009, each non-management director was
granted options to purchase an aggregate 5,000 shares of
our common stock and 2,500 restricted stock units. The options
that were granted had a grant date fair value of $4.56 per
option using the Black-Scholes option model. The grant of 2,500
restricted stock units had a grant date fair value of $7.46 per
As of December 31, 2009, each director had the following
number of options outstanding: Mr. Day, 30,500;
Mr. Ford, 30,500; Mr. Graham, 30,500;
Ms. Mestayer 15,250; Mr. Rankin, 23,125. As of
December 31, 2009, each director had 4,375 restricted stock
units outstanding.
Includes $100,009 in consulting fees received by Mr. Rankin
and allocated to us pursuant to a consulting arrangement. Please
refer to the section titled Certain Transactions.
of Directors
In accordance with our by-laws, our board of directors has fixed
the current number of directors at seven. The terms of all of
our directors expire at the 2010 annual meeting of stockholders.
Upon the recommendation of our nominating and corporate
governance committee, our board has nominated each of
Messrs. Adkerson, Day, Ford, Graham, Moffett and Rankin and
Ms. Mestayer to serve a one-year term. The persons named as
proxies in the enclosed form of proxy intend to vote your proxy
for the election of each such director, unless otherwise
directed. If, contrary to our expectations, a nominee should
become unavailable for any reason, your proxy will be voted for
a substitute nominee designated by our board, unless otherwise
Under our by-laws, in an uncontested election, directors are
elected by a majority of the votes cast. In contested elections
where the number of nominees exceeds the number of directors to
be elected, directors are elected by a plurality vote, with the
seven director nominees who receive the most votes being elected.
In an uncontested election, any nominee for director who has a
majority of votes cast withheld from his or her
election will be required to promptly tender his or her
resignation to the board. The nominating and corporate
governance committee will recommend to the board whether to
accept or reject the tendered resignation. The board will act on
the committees recommendation and publicly disclose its
decision within 90 days after the date of the annual
meeting of stockholders. Any director who tenders his or her
resignation will not participate in the committees
recommendation or the board action regarding whether to accept
or reject the tendered resignation.
In addition, if each member of the nominating and corporate
governance committee fails to be elected at the same election,
the independent directors who were elected will appoint a
committee to consider the tendered resignations and recommend to
the board whether to accept or reject them. Any vacancies on the
board may be filled by a majority of the directors then in
office. Each director elected in this manner will hold office
until his or her successor is elected and duly qualified.
About Director Nominees
The table below provides certain information as of
March 10, 2010, with respect to each director nominee. The
biographies of each of the director nominees below contain
information regarding the persons service as a director,
business experience, director positions held currently or at any
time during the last five years, and the experiences,
qualifications, attributes or skills that caused the nominating
and corporate governance committee and the board to determine
that the person should be nominated to serve as a director for
the company in 2010. Unless otherwise indicated, each person has
been engaged in the principal occupation shown for the past five
years. The year first elected a director and positions with the
company described below
include the period that the person served as a director or an
officer of McMoRan Oil & Gas Co., a predecessor of the
company formed in 1994.
Year First
Name of Director
Principal Occupation, Business Experience,
Elected a
and Other Directorships
Richard C. Adkerson
Co-Chairman of the Board of the Company from 1998 to present.
Chief Executive Officer of the Company and its predecessor from
1994 to 2004. President of the Company from 1998 to 2004.
Current President and Chief Executive Officer and a director of
Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc. (FCX), a mining
company. Vice Chairman of Freeport-McMoRan Inc. from 1995 to
1997. Chairman, Chief Executive Officer & President of
Stratus Properties Inc. from 1992 to 1998. Partner and Managing
Director of Arthur Andersen & Co. from 1978 to 1989.
Professional Accounting Fellow with the Securities and Exchange
Commission and Presidential Exchange Executive from 1976 to
1978. Holds B.S. and M.B.A. in Accounting from Mississippi State
University and completed Advanced Management Program at Harvard
Business School.
Mr. Adkerson is an experienced business leader making him highly
qualified to co-lead our board. His experience as managing
director of an international accounting firm, where he headed
the firms worldwide oil and gas industry practice, and as
a Professional Accounting Fellow with the SEC provide him with a
knowledge of accounting and financial issues, particularly as
they relate to the oil and gas industry. Mr. Adkersons
management experience and oil and gas industry experience as
well as his accounting background enable him to guide our
companys business strategy, particularly with respect to
financial, accounting and administrative activities.
Robert A. Day
Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer and founder of
Trust Company of the West, an investment management company and
one of the largest independent trust companies in the U.S.
Chairman of the Board of TCW Group, a registered investment
management company. Chairman of Oakmont Corporation, a
registered investment advisor. Chairman, President and Chief
Executive Officer of W. M. Keck Foundation, a national
philanthropic organization. Holds B. S. in Economics from
Claremont McKenna College. Current director of FCX. Former
director of Fisher Scientific International, Syntroleum Corp.
and Société Générale.
Mr. Day is an experienced financial leader with the skills
necessary to serve on our board of directors and to lead our
audit committee. With his background in economics and extensive
experience in the financial services industry, Mr. Day is
well-versed in accounting principles and financial reporting
rules and regulations, and is equipped to evaluate financial
results and generally oversee the financial reporting process of
a large corporation. Mr. Day brings significant business and
finance experience to our board and provides insight into
strategies and solutions to address an increasingly complex
business environment.
Year First
Name of Director
Principal Occupation, Business Experience,
Elected a
and Other Directorships
Gerald J. Ford
Chairman of the Board of Diamond-A Ford Corp. from 1994 to
present. General Partner of Ford Financial Fund, L.P., a private
equity firm, from January 2010 to present. Chairman of the Board
and Chief Executive Officer of Golden State Bancorp. Inc. and
its wholly owned subsidiary, California Federal Bank, a Federal
Savings Bank, from 1998 through its 2002 merger with Citigroup
Inc. Chief Executive Officer of First Acceptance Corporation
from 1994 to 2002. Holds B.A. in Economics and J.D. from
Southern Methodist University. Current director of FCX, First
Acceptance Corporation, Hilltop Holdings Inc. and Scientific
Games Corporation. Former director of Liberté Investors,
Inc., Americredit Corp., and Affordable Residential Communities.
Mr. Ford has been a financial institutions entrepreneur and
private investor involved in numerous mergers and acquisitions
of private and public sector financial institutions over the
past 30 years. His extensive banking industry experience and
educational background in economics and law provide him with a
wealth of knowledge in dealing with financial, accounting and
regulatory matters, making him a valuable member of our board of
directors. In addition, his service on the board of directors
and audit and corporate governance committees of a variety of
public companies gives him a deep understanding of the role of
the board and positions him well to serve as the chair of our
nominating and corporate governance committee and as a member of
our audit committee.
H. Devon Graham, Jr.
President of R. E. Smith Interests, an asset management company,
from 1997 to present. U.S. Regional Managing Partner, Arthur
Andersen & Co. from 1985 to 1997. Chairman of the Board of
Partners of Arthur Andersen & Co. from 1984 to 1986. Holds
B. S. in Accounting from Mississippi State University. Current
director of FCX.
Mr. Grahams 41-year career in public accounting with an
international accounting firm, where he served in various
leadership positions, including Chairman of the Board of
Partners, member of the Worldwide Executive Committee, U.S.
Regional Managing Partner, member of the U.S. Leadership
Committee and Chairman of the Industry Steering Committee, make
him a valuable member of our board of directors and each of our
principal board committees. This experience also provided him
with substantial personnel management experience making him
highly qualified to lead our corporate personnel committee.
Year First
Name of Director
Principal Occupation, Business Experience,
Elected a
and Other Directorships
Suzanne T. Mestayer
Managing Member Advisean Partners, L.L.C., a private
investment and business consultation company from 2008 to
present. President New Orleans Market, Regions Bank
(formerly AmSouth Bank) from 2000 to 2008. Executive Vice
President Wealth Management, First NBC Bank Holding
Company from 1992 to 1998. Director of Tax Practice
Louisiana, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP from 1991 to 1992 and
Partner Tax Division, Arthur Andersen & Co.
from 1973 to 1991. Holds B.S. in Accounting from Louisiana State
Ms. Mestayers 15 years of leadership in the banking
industry, accounting background, and experience as a tax partner
and tax director at international accounting firms qualifies her
to serve as a director of our company and as a member of our
audit committee. In addition, the extensive management
experience she acquired in these positions makes her a valued
member of our corporate personnel committee. As the newest
member of our board, Ms. Mestayers perspective makes her a
valuable component of a well-rounded board of directors.
James R. Moffett
Co-Chairman of the Board of the Company from 1998 to present.
Chief Executive Officer of FCX from 1995 to 2003. Chairman and
Chief Executive Officer of Freeport-McMoRan Inc. from 1984 to
1997. Received Horatio Alger Association of Distinguished
Americans Award in 1990. Received Norman Vincent Peale Award in
2000 for exceptional humanitarian contributions to society.
Holds B.S. with special honors in Geology from The University of
Texas at Austin and M.S. in Geology from Tulane University.
Current Chairman of the Board of FCX.
Mr. Moffett, one of the founders of our company, has extensive
expertise as a practicing geologist and with respect to our
business operations, making him uniquely qualified to co-lead
our board. In 1969, he and two associates founded McMoRan Oil
& Gas Co., which developed into one of Americas
leading independent oil and gas companies. In 1981, Mr. Moffett
led the effort to merge McMoRan Oil & Gas Co. and Freeport
Minerals Company. The merger resulted in the establishment of a
new company, Freeport-McMoRan Inc., which became one of the
worlds leading natural resource companies of which he
served as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer from 1984 to 1997
at which time it was acquired. Mr. Moffett has been actively
engaged in petroleum geological activities for many years in the
areas of our companys operations and has directed
exploration activities leading to the discovery of major natural
resource deposits throughout his business career. Our company
benefits from his direction of our exploration programs and his
detailed knowledge and perspective regarding strategic and
operational opportunities and challenges facing our company.
Year First
Name of Director
Principal Occupation, Business Experience,
Elected a
and Other Directorships
B. M. Rankin, Jr.
Private investor. Vice Chairman of the Board of the Company from
2001 to present. Current Vice Chairman of the Board of FCX.
Chairman of U.S. Oil and Gas Association from 2008 to 2010.
McCombs School of Business, The University of Texas at Austin
Hall of Fame, 2006. Hunt Oil Company 1955 to 1967. Holds B.B.A.
from The University of Texas at Austin. Former director of Texas
Mid-Continent Oil and Gas Association.
Mr. Rankin is one of the founders of our company and has more
than 50 years of experience in the oil and gas industry. In
1969, along with Mr. Moffett and another associate, he founded
McMoRan Oil & Gas Co., which developed into one of
Americas leading independent oil and gas companies. He has
a comprehensive understanding of our company and its management,
operations and financial requirements. With his significant
industry and business experience, he continues to provide
valuable insight to our board of directors.
In February 2004, the board established the position of advisory
director to provide general policy advice as requested by the
board. The board appointed Gabrielle K. McDonald and Morrison C.
Bethea as advisory directors, each of whom previously served as
a director of the company. Judge McDonalds principal
occupation is serving as a judge on the
States Claims Tribunal, The Hague, The Netherlands since
November 2001. Judge McDonald also serves as the Special Counsel
on Human Rights to FCX. Dr. Bethea is a staff physician at
Ochsner Foundation Hospital and Clinic in New Orleans,
Louisiana, and is also a Clinical Professor of Surgery at the
Tulane University Medical Center. In January 2008, J. Taylor
Wharton resigned as a member of the board and was appointed to
serve as an advisory director. Mr. Wharton is the retired
Special Assistant to the President for Patient Affairs and
professor of Gynecologic Oncology at The University of Texas M.
D. Anderson Cancer Center.
Ownership of Directors and Executive Officers
Unless otherwise indicated, (a) this table shows the amount
of our common stock each of the directors and named executive
officers beneficially owned as of the record date,
March 10, 2010, and (b) all shares shown are held with
sole voting and investment power, and include, if applicable,
shares held in our Employee Capital Accumulation Program (ECAP).
Number of
Number of
Number of
Shares Not
Subject to
Subject to
Name of Beneficial Owner
Richard C. Adkerson(3)
Robert A. Day(4)
Gerald J. Ford
H. Devon Graham, Jr.
Glenn A. Kleinert
Suzanne T. Mestayer
James R. Moffett(5)
C. Howard Murrish(6)
Nancy D. Parmelee
B. M. Rankin, Jr.(7)
Directors and executive officers as a group (11 persons)
Ownership is less than 1%
Our common stock that could be acquired within sixty days of the
record date upon the exercise of options granted pursuant to our
stock incentive plans.
Based on
[ ]
shares of our common stock outstanding as of March 10, 2010.
Includes (a) 147 shares of our common stock held in
his individual retirement account (IRA),
(b) 33,602 shares issuable upon conversion of
5,000 shares of our 6.75% mandatory convertible preferred
stock and (c) 33,908 shares held in a foundation with
respect to which Mr. Adkerson, as a member of the board of
trustees, shares voting and investment power, but as to which he
disclaims beneficial ownership. The economic value of 881,250 of
the exercisable stock options has been transferred pursuant to a
partition agreement.
Includes 114,100 shares held by Mr. Days spouse,
as to which he disclaims beneficial ownership.
Includes (a) 4,434,116 shares of our common stock held
by a limited liability company with respect to which
Mr. Moffett, as a member, shares voting and investment
power, (b) 860 shares held by Mr. Moffetts
spouse, as to which he disclaims beneficial ownership and
(c) 470,428 shares issuable upon conversion of
70,000 shares of our 6.75% mandatory convertible preferred
stock. Mr. Moffetts address is 1615 Poydras Street,
New Orleans, Louisiana 70112.
Includes (a) 3,293 shares held in
Mr. Murrishs IRA, (b) 412 shares held in
his spouses IRA, (c) 32,395 shares held by
Mr. Murrish as trustee of a trust for the benefit of one of
his sons, (d) 694 shares held by Mr. Murrish as a
custodian for one of his sons and (e) 450 shares held
by Mr. Murrish as custodian for his grandson.
Includes 567,889 shares held by a limited partnership in
which Mr. Rankin is the sole stockholder of the sole
general partner.
Section 16(a)
Beneficial Ownership Reporting Compliance
Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as
amended, requires our directors and executive officers and
persons who own more than 10% of our common stock to file
reports of ownership and changes in ownership with the SEC.
Based solely upon our review of the Forms 3, 4 and 5 filed
during 2009, and
written representations from certain reporting persons that no
Forms 5 were required, we believe that all required reports
were timely filed.
Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners
Based on filings with the SEC, this table shows the owners of
more than 5% of our outstanding common stock other than
Mr. Moffett, whose beneficial ownership is reflected in the
table in the section titled Stock Ownership of Directors
and Executive Officers. Unless otherwise indicated, all
information is presented as of December 31, 2009, and all
shares beneficially owned are held with sole voting and
investment power.
Shares issuable
upon Conversion
Total Number of
Percent of
of Convertible
Shares Beneficially
Name and Address of Beneficial Owner
Capital Partnership, L.P
Keystone Group, L.P.
The Anne T. and Robert M. Bass Foundation
201 Main Street, Suite 3100
Fort Worth, TX 76102
BlackRock Inc.
40 East 52nd Street
New York, NY 10022
Wells Fargo & Company
420 Montgomery Street
San Francisco, CA 94104
We have three securities outstanding that are convertible into
our common stock: our 8% convertible perpetual preferred stock,
our 6.75% mandatory convertible preferred stock and our
convertible senior notes due 2011.
In accordance with SEC rules, in calculating the percentage for
each beneficial owner, we added to the 86,044,553 shares
outstanding as of December 31, 2009, the number of shares
of common stock issuable upon the conversion or exercise of
convertible securities, warrants and options held by that
beneficial owner. For purposes of calculating these percentages
for each beneficial owner, we do not assume the conversion or
exercise of any of the other beneficial owners convertible
securities, warrants or options.
Based on an amended Schedule 13D filed jointly by Capital
Partnership, L.P., Keystone Group, L.P., The Anne T. and Robert
M. Bass Foundation and others with the SEC on December 29,
2009. According to the Schedule 13D, Alpine Capital, L.P.
and Algenpar, Inc. are no longer considered beneficial owners of
our common stock. As reported in the Schedule 13D
(a) Capital Partnership, L.P. beneficially owns
460,477 shares and J. Taylor Crandall, as President of
Capital Genpar, L.L.C., the general partner of Capital
Partnership, L.P., has sole voting and investment power with
respect to such shares (b) The Anne T. and Robert M. Bass
Foundation beneficially owns 851,354 shares and its three
directors, J. Taylor Crandall, Robert M. Bass and Anne T. Bass
share voting and investment power with respect to such shares,
(c) Keystone Group, L.P. beneficially owns
3,173,118 shares and Stratton R. Heath III, as the
President and sole member of Keystone Manager, LLC, and Keystone
Manager, LLC, as the manager of Keystone MGP, LLC, and Keystone
MGP, LLC, as the managing general partner of Keystone Group,
L.P., have voting and investment power with respect to such
shares (d) each of the Christopher Maddox Bass Trust
beneficially owns 32,439 shares, the Timothy Richardson
Bass Trust beneficially owns 32,440 shares, the Anne
Chandler Bass Trust beneficially owns 32,439 shares, and
the Margaret Lee Bass Trust beneficially owns
32,440 shares, and Panther City Investment Company, as
Trustee of each trust, has voting and investment power with
respect to the shares owned by each trust, (e) the Annie R.
Bass Grandsons Trust for Robert M. Bass beneficially owns
220,819 shares and Robert M. Bass and William P. Hallman,
Jr., as Trustees of the trust share voting and investment power
with respect to the shares owned by the trust, (f) Robert
M. Bass beneficially owns 679,362 shares and (g) J.
Taylor Crandall beneficially owns 47,180 shares.
Based on a Schedule 13G filed with the SEC on
January 29, 2010 by BlackRock, Inc. on its own behalf and
on behalf of its subsidiaries identified therein.
Based on an amended Schedule 13G filed with the SEC on
January 25, 2010 by Wells Fargo & Company on its
own behalf and on behalf of its subsidiaries identified therein.
The aggregate beneficial ownership reported by Wells
Fargo & Company in the Schedule 13G is on a
consolidated basis and includes any beneficial ownership
separately reported by Wells Capital Management Incorporated and
Wells Fargo Funds Management, LLC, both subsidiaries of Wells
Fargo & Company. According to the Schedule 13G,
Wells Fargo & Company has (a) sole voting power
over 8,649,700 of the shares and shares voting power over 119 of
the shares, and (b) sole investment power over 8,762,624 of
the shares and shares investment power over 69 of the shares.
Wells Capital Management Incorporated and Wells Fargo Funds
Management, LLC are located at 525 Market Street,
San Francisco, CA 94105.
Officer Compensation
Discussion and Analysis
This Compensation Discussion and Analysis is designed to provide
our stockholders with an understanding of our compensation
philosophy and objectives as well as the analysis that we
performed in setting executive compensation. It discusses the
corporate personnel committees (the committee)
determination of how and why, in addition to what, compensation
actions were taken for the executive officers who are identified
in the Summary Compensation Table below (the named
executive officers).
The committee determines the compensation of our executive
officers and administers our annual performance incentive and
stock incentive plans. Our companys core compensation
goals are to:
pay for performance by emphasizing performance-based
compensation that balances rewards for both short- and long-term
tie executive compensation to the interests of
stockholders, and
provide a competitive level of total compensation that will
attract, retain, and motivate talented executives.
Company Highlights
We are engaged in the exploration, development and production of
oil and natural gas in the Gulf of Mexico and onshore in the
Gulf Coast area of the United States. During 2009, low natural
gas prices and credit market pressures required decisive
management action to preserve liquidity and effectively manage
our capital and operating needs. Despite these challenges, we
experienced significant operational and strategic
accomplishments, including the following:
Positive drilling results in our deep and ultra-deep exploration
activities, including the major discovery at Davy Jones in
January 2010,
Successful expansion of production of significant natural gas
Successful management of spending in response to weak market
Negotiated partial payment of $25 million in insurance
proceeds relating to the 2008 hurricanes, and
Enhancement of our financial position and liquidity following
successful completion of two equity offerings in June 2009.
Philosophy and Processes
Our company is managed jointly by Messrs. Moffett and
Adkerson, who serve as co-chairmen of the board, and by
Mr. Kleinert, who serves as our president and chief
executive officer. Each concentrates on a different aspect of
our operations and development. Messrs. Mofett and Adkerson
develop the companys
business strategy. In addition, Mr. Moffett directs the
companys exploration and development activities,
Mr. Adkerson focuses on financial strategy and planning and
on administrative activities, and Mr. Kleinert is
responsible for ensuring that the activities and strategies
developed by Messrs. Moffett and Adkerson are appropriately
executed by the executive management team.
Compensation Levels
Levels reflect company performance and
The committee does not apply hard
metrics to its decisions regarding executive compensation.
The committees decisions regarding salary levels, bonus
awards, and equity grant amounts (made in the form of stock
options) reflect the committees views as to the broad
scope of responsibilities of our executive officers and the
committees subjective assessment of our executives
contribution to the companys overall success.
Focus on reduction of cash outlay
structure of our executive compensation program also supports
our companys view that compensation for our most senior
executives should be closely tied to the creation of stockholder
value and that such compensation should be designed to minimize
cash requirements, a consideration that has become even more
critical in light of the current market conditions. Each year
since 2002, in connection with our efforts to reduce overhead
cash requirements, Messrs. Moffett and Adkerson have agreed
to forgo all cash compensation in exchange for special annual
stock option grants, as discussed under Stock
Options. With respect to our other named executive
officers, the committee believes that our balance of annual and
long-term compensation elements, and our use of stock options as
a long-term performance vehicle, result in a compensation
program that aligns our executives interests with those of
our stockholders and does not promote excessive risk-taking on
the part of our executives or other employees.
Evaluation of stock option gains
committee does not factor into its executive compensation
decisions the gains received by our executive officers in
connection with the exercise of stock options. The value of
stock options upon exercise is directly related to the
appreciation in value of our common stock, which in turn we
believe is directly affected by the efforts of our executive
officers in managing our company. Many of the stock options
received by Messrs. Moffett and Adkerson were voluntarily
received in lieu of cash compensation. Because each undertakes a
certain degree of risk and uncertainty in accepting a variable,
performance-dependent award instead of cash, we believe it would
be inappropriate to have the value of those awards upon exercise
affect future compensation decisions. Further, a key purpose
served by granting stock options to executives is to provide an
incentive for them to manage the company in a way that focuses
on increasing stockholder value over time. Accordingly, the
committee has not taken realized gains on option exercises into
account when making decisions regarding future compensation, nor
did it revise its compensation or grant practices during years,
such as 2009, when our executives did not exercise any stock
of Peers and Process
The design of our current compensation program remains a product
of a comprehensive analysis performed in 2004. Since that time,
the committee has not formally evaluated peer companies or
referred to benchmarks in order to set executive compensation
levels or structures. We believe we are aware of and understand
the compensation practices of our industry and the companies we
compete with for talent, and have maintained an executive
compensation program providing consistent levels and forms of
compensation from year to year targeted to maintain and attract
a talented executive team. Further, we believe our program
supports our core compensation goals by linking a majority of
executive compensation to company performance, both long-term
and short-term, and provides a level of total compensation to
each of our named executive officers that continues to be
reasonable and appropriate. The committee consults with our
co-chairmen of the board when reviewing the performance of and
determining compensation for our executive officers other than
our co-chairmen themselves. The committee had last engaged a
consultant in 2006, but in March 2010, the committee engaged the
services of Cogent Compensation Partners to provide executive
compensation consulting services during 2010 and beyond.
Pursuant to the terms of the engagement, Cogent will not provide
services to the companys management without the
committees prior approval.
of Executive Compensation
The company employs two of its named executive officers, Glenn
A. Kleinert and C. Howard Murrish. The other named executive
officers, Messrs. Moffett and Adkerson and
Ms. Parmelee, provide services to the company through a
services agreement between FM Services Company and the company,
as discussed below in Certain Transactions.
Executive officer compensation for 2009 included base salaries,
annual incentive awards, and stock options. We also provide our
executive officers, other than Messrs. Moffett and
Adkerson, certain post-employment benefits and to a limited
degree, certain perquisites described below. In addition,
certain of our executive officers, other than
Messrs. Moffett and Adkerson, participate in benefit
programs generally available to our employees, such as our
401(k) plan and health insurance plan.
Our philosophy is that base salaries, which provide fixed
compensation, should meet the objective of attracting and
retaining the executive officers needed to successfully manage
our business. Actual individual salary amounts reflect the
committees judgment with respect to each executive
officers responsibility, performance, work experience and
the individuals historical compensation. As part of their
agreement with the company to forego cash compensation,
Messrs. Moffett and Adkerson did not receive salaries in
2009, receiving instead the special stock option grants
discussed in Stock Options below. With respect to
our other named executive officers, our goal is to allocate more
compensation to the performance-dependent elements of the total
compensation package, and we do not routinely provide base
salary increases. Consequently, the base salaries of our named
executive officers have remained unchanged since 2005, with the
exception of Ms. Parmelee, whose base salary has remained
unchanged since 2007.
Incentive Awards
Annual cash incentives are a variable component of compensation
designed to reward our executives for maximizing annual
operating and financial performance. Executive officers and
certain managers of the company participate in our performance
incentive awards program. Under the program, the annual award is
established following the end of the fiscal year based on the
participants level of responsibility after reviewing our
operational and strategic accomplishments during the year. When
determining the actual amounts awarded to participants for any
year, the committee makes a subjective determination after
considering company performance as measured by operational and
financial accomplishments and overall market conditions.
Each of our named executive officers, other than
Messrs. Moffett and Adkerson, received an annual incentive
award for 2009 under our performance incentive awards program.
As previously stated, Messrs. Moffett and Adkerson agreed
to forego all cash compensation during 2009, including annual
incentive awards, instead receiving special grants of stock
options. For 2009, the committee reviewed our operational and
strategic accomplishments during 2009, as noted above under
2009 Company Highlights, and determined that the
companys performance supported cash incentive awards to
our executive officers commensurate with the awards granted for
2008. However, after considering the significant discovery at
Davy Jones, one of our ultra-deep properties, in early January
2010, which directly related to efforts of our executive team
during 2009, the committee established an award pool for our
executive officers of $1.25 million, which represented a
25% increase in the awards granted to each of
Messrs. Kleinert, Murrish and Ms. Parmelee as compared
to their awards for 2008.
We grant long-term incentives in the form of stock options to
the companys executive officers. Stock options are a
variable component of compensation intended to provide a
significant potential value that reinforces the importance of
creating value for our stockholders. The dramatic change in
economic conditions over the last two years, including the
significant drop in oil and natural gas prices, resulted in a
significant decrease in our companys stock price from a
high of over $35 in mid-2008 to below $10 at the end of 2008,
which price remained relatively constant during 2009. Following
our announcement in January 2010 of our discovery at the Davy
Jones ultra deep prospect, our stock price increased and was
$18.43 as of the record date.
Although this is an improvement compared to year-end 2009, it is
still far below our mid-2008 high. As a result, many of the
outstanding stock options held by our executives are currently
thus reducing the value of long-term incentives currently held
by our executives. We have a longstanding commitment to not
reprice stock options and do not intend to amend or exchange any
of our outstanding options.
The committee continues to believe that stock options are an
effective and appropriate long-term incentive for our executives
in that their value is dependent on an increase in our share
price and aligns the executives interests with those of
our stockholders. In 2009, and most recently in February 2010,
we made annual stock option grants to all of our executive
officers, including our co-chairmen of the board. Stock option
grant levels have been historically based upon the position and
level of responsibility of the individual, and have remained at
relatively consistent levels for our named executive officers in
recent years. These annual grants vest ratably on the first four
anniversaries of the grant date, have a term of ten years and an
exercise price equal to the fair market value of our common
stock on the grant date. All of our outstanding stock option
grants vest fully upon a change in control of the company.
In addition, we also made special grants of stock options to the
co-chairmen in lieu of their 2009 cash compensation as discussed
Grants in lieu of Salary to Co-Chairmen of the
Annually since 2002, Messrs. Moffett
and Adkerson have each agreed to receive a special grant of
stock options in lieu of cash compensation. On February 2,
2009, the committee granted 250,000 options to Mr. Moffett
and 150,000 options to Mr. Adkerson, each option being
fully exercisable, having a term of ten years and an exercise
price of $6.44, the fair market value on the grant date. Neither
executive received a base salary in 2009 or an annual incentive
award from the company for 2009.
Messrs. Moffett and Adkerson also agreed to forego all cash
compensation during 2010 in exchange for special stock option
grants. Accordingly, on February 1, 2010, the committee
granted 250,000 options to Mr. Moffett and 150,000 options
to Mr. Adkerson, each option being fully exercisable,
having a term of ten years and having an exercise price of
$15.73, the fair market value on the grant date. The number of
options granted to each of our co-chairmen in connection with
their agreements to forego cash compensation have been
consistent for the last four years, although the grant date fair
value of the award each year has fluctuated with the changes in
our stock price. As noted above, we believe a grant of a set
number of options is appropriate.
In addition to the compensation received by the executive
officers during 2009, we provide post-employment benefits to our
executive officers through a 401(k) plan, which is available to
all qualified employees, and a severance plan generally
available to all company employees. We provide additional
post-employment benefits to certain of our executives through a
nonqualified defined contribution plan, as well as a separate
supplemental retirement benefit for Ms. Parmelee. These
programs are described below and in detail under the heading
Retirement Benefit Programs.
Nonqualified Defined Contribution Plan and Discontinued
Defined Benefit Program.
Our nonqualified defined
contribution plan has been in place since 1998, providing those
employees considered highly compensated under
applicable IRS rules, including our executive officers, the
ability to elect to defer up to 20% of their basic compensation
in excess of the qualified plan limits. Under the plan, the
company makes a matching contribution equal to the
participants deferrals limited to 5% of the
participants base salary in excess of the qualified plan
limits, and an additional contribution as described below. We do
not take into account income associated with option exercises
when determining the companys contributions. The purpose
of the matching contribution in our nonqualified plan is to
provide the same matching contribution the participant would
have received in the 401(k) plan (the qualified plan) but for
compensation and deferral limits under the Internal Revenue
Code. The nonqualified defined contribution plan is unfunded.
We had a defined benefit program in place until June 30,
2000. To compensate for the discontinuance of benefit accruals
under this plan, we decided that we prospectively would make an
additional company contribution to our 401(k) plan participants
equal to 4% of each participants pensionable compensation
up to the applicable IRS
limits, and also an additional company contribution of 4% of
compensation in excess of such limits to participants in our
nonqualified plan. Further, because participants in a pension
plan accrue most of their benefits in the last 10 years of
service, we decided that employees who met certain age and
service requirements as of June 30, 2000 would receive an
additional 6% company contribution, for a total of 10%, to both
the qualified and nonqualified plans. The purpose of the
nonqualified plan is to make total retirement benefits for our
employees who earn over the qualified plan limits commensurate
with those available to other employees as a percentage of pay.
Supplemental Retirement Benefit
Ms. Parmelee.
We have agreed to pay
Ms. Parmelee a supplemental nonqualified benefit upon her
retirement. This unfunded arrangement will provide a traditional
defined benefit based upon accruals on excess compensation
through 2000 when the traditional nonqualified defined benefit
was frozen. This supplemental retirement benefit is intended to
restore the value of her nonqualified benefits that were
modified during the four-year period preceding 2000 when we
restructured our defined benefit program. The benefit under this
arrangement is described under Pension Benefits
and Other Personal Benefits
We also provide limited perquisites to our executive officers,
namely through our Executive Services Program. During 2009, we
evaluated the benefits available to our executives under this
program, and effective January 1, 2009, we amended this
program to eliminate reimbursements for club memberships and all
perquisites for our executive officers. As revised, this program
continues to provide reimbursement to our executive officers and
other senior managers for personal financial and tax advice,
certain long-term care insurance premiums and certain security
services. We continue to believe that the reimbursement for
financial and tax advice historically offered under this program
remain appropriate, in that they provide our executives with
increased efficiencies in handling personal matters and promote
their focus on company business. As reflected in the
Summary Compensation Table below, to the extent any
of our executives participate in this program, the benefits
received are minimal compared to each executives total
We also maintain a charitable matching contribution program,
pursuant to which we will match charitable contributions made by
our employees, including our executive officers, up to certain
limits. The program is designed to encourage all employees to
contribute to hospitals, community, education and cultural
institutions, and social service and environmental organizations.
Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code (the Code)
limits a public companys annual tax deduction to
$1 million for compensation paid to certain highly
compensated executive officers. Qualified performance-based
compensation is excluded from this deduction limitation if
certain requirements are met. The committees policy is to
structure compensation awards that will be deductible where
doing so will further the purposes of our executive compensation
programs. The committee also considers it important to retain
flexibility to design compensation programs that recognize a
full range of criteria important to our success, even where
compensation payable under the programs may not be fully
The committee believes that the stock options qualify for the
exclusion from the deduction limitation under
Section 162(m). The committee believes that the remaining
components of individual executive compensation for 2009 that do
not qualify for an exclusion from Section 162(m) should not
exceed $1 million and therefore will qualify for
Personnel Committee Report On Executive Compensation
The corporate personnel committee of our board of directors has
reviewed and discussed the Compensation Discussion and Analysis
required by Item 402(b) of
Regulation S-K
with management, and based on such review and discussions, the
corporate personnel committee recommended to the board that the
Compensation Discussion and Analysis be included in this proxy
Submitted by the Corporate Personnel Committee as of
March 8, 2010:
H. Devon Graham, Jr.,
Chairman Suzanne
T. Mestayer
Compensation Tables
The table below summarizes the total compensation paid to or
earned by our chief executive officer, our chief financial
officer and each of our three most highly compensated executive
officers other than the chief executive officer and chief
financial officer (collectively, the named executive officers).
The amounts represented in the Option Awards column
reflect the estimated fair values of stock option awards on the
grant date as determined using the Black-Scholes option model
and do not necessarily reflect the income that will ultimately
be realized by the named executive officers for these awards.
Summary Compensation Table
Change in Pension
Value and
Name and
All Other
Principal Position
James R. Moffett
Co-Chairman of the Board
Richard C. Adkerson
Co-Chairman of the Board
Glenn A. Kleinert
President & Chief Executive Officer
Nancy D. Parmelee
Senior Vice President,
Chief Financial Officer & Secretary
C. Howard Murrish
Executive Vice President
The co-chairmen, Messrs. Moffett and Adkerson, agreed to
forego all cash compensation from the company since 2002,
including during each of the three years ended December 31,
2009, 2008 and 2007. In lieu of cash compensation in 2009, the
company granted to Messrs. Moffett and Adkerson 250,000
options and 150,000 options, respectively, at $6.44 per share,
all of which were immediately exercisable upon grant and have a
term of ten years. In lieu of cash compensation in 2008, the
company granted to Messrs. Moffett and Adkerson 250,000
options and 150,000 options, respectively, at $15.04 per share,
all of which were immediately exercisable upon grant and have a
term of ten years. In lieu of cash compensation in 2007, the
company granted to Messrs. Moffett and Adkerson 250,000
options and 150,000 options, respectively, at $12.23 per share,
all of which were immediately exercisable upon grant and have a
term of ten years. In each of 2009, 2008 and 2007, the company
also granted to Messrs. Moffett and Adkerson 200,000
options and 150,000 options, respectively, all of which vest
ratably over four-year periods. See Compensation
Discussion and Analysis for more information.
Messrs. Moffett and Adkerson and Ms. Parmelee also
provide services to and receive compensation from
Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc. (FCX).
Ms. Parmelees compensation is paid through an
allocation arrangement under a services agreement with FM
Services Company, a wholly owned subsidiary of FCX, under which
80% of Ms. Parmelees salary is allocated to us and
20% of Ms. Parmelees salary is allocated to FCX.
Accordingly, the amounts reflected in the Summary
Compensation Table represent only the portion allocated to
us, unless otherwise stated.
The Black-Scholes option model was used to determine the grant
date fair value of the options that we granted to the named
executive officers. For information relating to the assumptions
made by us in valuing the option awards made to our named
executive officers in fiscal years 2007 through 2009, refer to
Note 12 of our financial statements in our annual report on
for the year ended December 31, 2009.
The amounts reported in the Change in Pension Value and
Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Earnings column
reflect, for each named executive officer as applicable, the sum
of (a) preferential nonqualified deferred compensation
earnings and (b) changes in the actuarial present value of
accumulated pension benefits as reflected in the table below.
See the section titled Retirement Benefits for more
Change in Actuarial
Present Value of
Pension Benefits
Glenn A. Kleinert
Nancy D. Parmelee
C. Howard Murrish
The amounts reported in the All Other Compensation
column for 2009 reflect, for each named executive officer as
applicable, the sum of the incremental cost to the company of
all perquisites and other personal benefits and additional all
other compensation required by the SEC rules to be separately
quantified, including amounts contributed by the company to
defined contribution plans and the dollar value of life
insurance premiums paid by the company. For Messrs. Moffett
and Adkerson, the amounts reported include only director meeting
fees. Effective May 1, 2009, we revised our director
compensation practices to discontinue the practice of paying
board attendance fees to management members of our board of
directors. For Messrs. Kleinert and Murrish and
Ms. Parmelee, the amounts reported include
(a) matching gifts under the matching gifts program,
(b) personal financial and tax advice under the
companys program, (c) personal use of company
security services, (d) our contributions to defined
contribution plans and (e) our premium payments for
universal life and personal excess liability insurance policies
as reflected in the table below:
Perquisites and Other Personal Benefits
Additional All Other Compensation
and Tax
Mr. Kleinert
Ms. Parmelee
Mr. Murrish
The amount reported in the All Other Compensation
column for 2008 was adjusted to reflect payment of relocation
expenses and club membership fees incurred by Mr. Kleinert
in 2008 but paid in 2009. Effective January 1, 2009, we
revised our executive compensation program to discontinue the
practice of reimbursing executive officers for club membership
fees and tax
payments on perquisites.
Exercises During 2009
During 2009, none of our named executive officers acquired
shares of our common stock upon exercise of options.
Grants of
Plan-Based Awards in Fiscal Year 2009
All Other
Number of
Exercise or
Grant Date Fair
Base Price of
Value of Stock
and Option
Award Type
James R. Moffett
Richard C. Adkerson
Glenn A. Kleinert
Nancy D. Parmelee
C. Howard Murrish
Unless otherwise noted, the stock options become exercisable in
25% increments over a four-year period and have a term of
10 years. The stock options are immediately exercisable in
their entirety if, under certain circumstances, (a) any
person or group of persons acquires beneficial ownership of
shares in excess of certain thresholds, or (b) the
composition of the board of directors is changed after a tender
offer, exchange offer, merger, consolidation, sale of assets or
contested election or any combination of these transactions.
The exercise price of each stock option reflected in this table
was determined by reference to the closing quoted per share sale
price on the Composite Tape for New York Stock Exchange-Listed
Stocks on the grant date.
These special stock option grants were granted to the
co-chairmen of the company in exchange for their agreement to
forgo all cash compensation during 2009. These stock options
became exercisable immediately upon grant and have a term of ten
Equity Awards at December 31, 2009
Option Awards(1)
Number of
Number of
James R. Moffett
Option Awards(1)
Number of
Number of
Richard C. Adkerson
Glenn A. Kleinert
Nancy D. Parmelee
C. Howard Murrish
Unless otherwise noted, the stock options become exercisable in
25% annual increments on each of the first four anniversaries of
the date of grant and have a term of 10 years. The stock
options will become immediately exercisable in their entirety
if, under certain circumstances, (a) any person or group of
persons acquires beneficial ownership of shares in excess of
certain thresholds, or (b) the composition of the board of
directors is changed after a tender offer, exchange offer,
merger, consolidation, sale of assets or contested election or
any combination of these transactions.
The co-chairmen, Messrs. Moffett and Adkerson, have agreed
to forego all cash compensation from the company since 2002. In
lieu of cash compensation each year beginning in 2002, the
company has granted the co-chairmen stock option grants that are
immediately exercisable upon grant and have a term of ten years.
These grants are included in the table and are summarized as
Grant Date
Mr. Moffett
Mr. Adkerson
Effective January 29, 2007, the corporate personnel
committee of our board of directors amended its policies to
provide that the exercise price of an option shall not be less
than the closing quoted per share sale price on the Composite
Tape for New York Stock Exchange-Listed Stocks on the grant date
or, if there are no reported sales on such date, on the last
preceding date on which any reported sale occurred. Thus, the
exercise price of the stock options expiring in January 2017 and
thereafter was determined by reference to the closing price of
our common stock on the grant date. Prior to that time, the
exercise price of each outstanding stock option reflected in
this table was determined by reference to the average of the
high and low quoted per share sale price on the Composite Tape
for New York Stock Exchange-Listed Stocks on the grant date or,
if there are no reported sales on such date, on the last
preceding date on which any reported sale occurred.
Benefit Programs
Nonqualified Defined Contribution
We maintain an unfunded nonqualified
defined contribution plan for the benefit of our executive
officers, as well as others. Under the plan, certain highly
compensated employees may elect to make contributions of up to
20% of their base salary. A participant may defer under this
plan when his or her ECAP (401(k) plan) contributions have
ceased due to application of the Internal Revenue Code
compensation or contribution limits. The company makes a
matching contribution equal to the participants deferrals
limited to 5% of the participants base salary above the
qualified plan limit. In addition, the company also makes
enhanced contributions equal to a minimum of 4% of eligible
compensation (base salary plus 50% of bonus) in excess of
qualified plan limits for each eligible employee, with employees
who met certain age and service requirements in 2000 (including
Messrs. Kleinert and Murrish and Ms. Parmelee)
receiving an additional 6% contribution. Distribution is made in
a lump sum as soon as practicable following separation from
service or, if timely elected by the participant, on January 1
of the year following retirement; however, if a participant is a
specified employee, as defined under Internal Revenue Code
Section 409A, payment is not made earlier than the first
business day that is six months after the participants
separation from service or, if earlier, the date of death of the
participant. The table below sets forth the unfunded balances
under our nonqualified defined contribution plan as of
December 31, 2009 for each named executive officer listed
below. Messrs. Moffett and Adkerson participate in
FCXs nonqualified retirement benefit plan.
Nonqualified Deferred Compensation
Balance at
in Last
in Last
in Last
Withdrawals /
Last Fiscal
Fiscal Year (1)
Fiscal Year (2)
Fiscal Year (3)
Year End(4)
Glenn A. Kleinert
Nancy D. Parmelee
C. Howard Murrish
The amounts reflected in this column are included in the
Salary column for each named executive officer for
2009 reported in the Summary Compensation Table.
The amounts reflected in this column are included in the
All Other Compensation column for each named
executive officer for 2009 in the Summary Compensation
Table, although the plan contributions
reflected in footnote 4 to that table also include contributions
to the companys ECAP or 401(k) plan.
The assets in the plan are treated as if invested to produce a
rate of interest equal to the prime rate, as published in the
Federal Reserve Statistical Report at the beginning of each
month. For 2009, that rate of interest was equal to 3.25% for
the entire year and none of the earnings were considered
The following amounts reflected in this column for each named
executive officer were included in the 2008 Total
compensation for each named executive officer in the
Summary Compensation Table:
Mr. Kleinert $52,063,
Ms. Parmelee $47,366 and
Mr. Murrish $55,128. The following amounts
reflected in this column for each named executive officer were
included in the 2007 Total compensation for each
named executive officer in the Summary Compensation
Table: Mr. Kleinert $46,381,
Ms. Parmelee $51,690 and
Mr. Murrish $58,709.
Supplemental Retirement Benefit Ms
We have agreed to pay
Ms. Parmelee upon her retirement a supplemental
nonqualified benefit. This benefit will be paid out as a
joint-and-50%-survivor annuity. If Ms. Parmelee had retired
effective December 31, 2009, this benefit would have been
$2,206 per month (which represents the 80% portion of the
benefit allocated to us).
Payments upon Termination or Change of Control
In addition to the retirement benefits programs discussed above,
and the benefits under the companys 401(k) and severance
plans, which are available to all eligible employees, the only
other post-employment benefit we provide to our executives is
accelerated vesting of stock options upon certain terminations
of employment and upon a change of control. This benefit is a
term of the stock option grant, and applies to all stock option
recipients, not just our executives.
Acceleration upon Change of Control.
No named
executive officer is entitled to any payment or accelerated
benefit in connection with a change of control, except for
accelerated vesting of stock options issued under our stock
incentive plans. Pursuant to the terms of the stock options
agreements, all outstanding stock options will fully vest upon a
change of control, even if the executive remains employed.
Acceleration upon Death, Disability or
Pursuant to the terms of the stock
option agreements, upon termination of the executives
employment as a result of death, disability or retirement, the
unvested portion of any outstanding stock option that would have
vested within one year of the date of termination shall vest.
The following table shows the value of stock options that would
have vested for our named executive officers as a result of a
change of control or termination of employment as described
above, assuming a December 31, 2009 termination date, and
using the closing price of our common stock of $8.02 (as
reported on the New York Stock Exchange as of December 31,
and accelerated upon
and accelerated
retirement, death or
in change of control (1)
James R. Moffett
Richard C. Adkerson
Glenn A. Kleinert
C. Howard Murrish
Nancy D. Parmelee
The value of the accelerated options is determined by
multiplying (a) the difference between the
December 31, 2009 closing price of our common stock and the
applicable exercise price of each option, by (b) the number
of unvested and accelerated options.
Committee Report
The audit committee is currently comprised of four directors,
all of whom are independent, as defined by SEC rules and in the
NYSE listing standards. We operate under a written charter
approved by our committee and adopted by the board of directors.
Our primary function is to assist the board of directors in
fulfilling the boards oversight responsibilities by
monitoring (1) the companys continuing development
and performance of its system of financial reporting, auditing,
internal controls and legal and regulatory compliance,
(2) the operation and integrity of the system, (3) the
performance and qualifications of the companys independent
registered public accounting firm and internal auditor and
(4) the independence of the companys independent
registered public accounting firm.
We review the companys financial reporting process on
behalf of our board. The audit committees responsibility
is to monitor this process, but the audit committee is not
responsible for preparing the companys financial
statements or auditing those financial statements. Those are the
responsibilities of management and the companys
independent registered public accounting firm, respectively.
During 2009, management assessed the effectiveness of the
companys system of internal control over financial
reporting in connection with the companys compliance with
Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002. The audit
committee reviewed and discussed with management, the internal
auditor and Ernst & Young managements report on
internal control over financial reporting and Ernst &
Youngs report on their audit of the companys
internal control over financial reporting as of
December 31, 2009, both of which reports are included in
the companys annual report on
Form 10-K
for the year ended December 31, 2009.
of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm; Financial
Statement Review
In February 2009, in accordance with our charter, our audit
committee appointed Ernst & Young LLP
(Ernst & Young) as the companys independent
registered public accounting firm for 2009. We have reviewed and
discussed the companys audited financial statements for
the year 2009 with management and Ernst & Young.
Management represented to us that the audited financial
statements fairly present, in all material respects, the
financial condition, results of operations and cash flows of the
company as of and for the periods presented in the financial
statements in accordance with accounting principles generally
accepted in the United States, and Ernst & Young
provided an audit opinion to the same effect.
We have received from Ernst & Young the written
disclosures and the letter required by applicable requirements
of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board regarding the
independent registered public accounting firms
communications with the audit committee concerning independence,
and we have discussed with them their independence from the
company and management. We have also discussed with
Ernst &
Young the matters required to be discussed by Statement on
Auditing Standards No. 61,
Communication with Audit
, as amended, and Public Company Accounting
Oversight Board Auditing Standard No. 5,
An Audit of
Internal Control Over Financial Reporting that is Integrated
with an Audit of Financial Statements
In addition, we discussed with Ernst & Young the
overall scope and plans for their audit, and have met with them
and management to discuss the results of their examination,
their understanding and evaluation of the companys
internal controls they considered necessary to support their
opinion on the financial statements for the year 2009, and
various factors affecting the overall quality of accounting
principles applied in the companys financial reporting.
Ernst & Young also met with us without management
being present to discuss these matters.
In reliance on these reviews and discussions, we recommended to
the board of directors, and the board of directors approved, the
inclusion of the audited financial statements referred to above
in the companys annual report on
Form 10-K
for the year 2009.
We also review the companys internal audit function,
including the selection and compensation of the companys
internal auditor. In February 2009, in accordance with our
charter, we appointed Deloitte & Touche LLP
(Deloitte & Touche) as the companys internal
auditor for 2009. We have discussed with Deloitte &
Touche the scope of its audit plan, and have met with them to
discuss the results of their reviews, their review of
managements documentation, testing and evaluation of the
companys system of internal control over financial
reporting and other areas, any difficulties or disputes with
management encountered during the course of their reviews, and
other matters relating to the internal audit process. The
internal auditor also met with us without management being
present to discuss these matters.
Dated: March 8, 2010
Robert A.
Day, Chairman
Gerald J.
H. Devon
Graham, Jr.
Suzanne T.
Registered Public Accounting Firm
Fees and
Related Disclosures for Accounting Services
The following table discloses the fees for professional services
provided by Ernst & Young LLP in each of the last two
fiscal years:
Audit Fees
Audit-Related Fees(1)
Tax Fees
All Other Fees
In 2009 and 2008, relates to services rendered in connection
with review of quarterly earnings press releases and management
reports to the board of directors.
The audit committee has determined that the provision of the
services described above is compatible with maintaining the
independence of our independent registered public accounting
Policies and Procedures
The audit committees policy is to pre-approve all audit
services, audit-related services and other services permitted by
law provided by the independent registered public accounting
firm. In accordance with that policy, the audit committee
annually pre-approves a list of specific services and categories
of services, including audit, audit-related and other services,
for the upcoming or current fiscal year, subject to specified
cost levels. Any service that is not included in the approved
list of services must be separately pre-approved by the audit
committee. In addition, if fees for any service exceed the
amount that has been pre-approved, then payment of additional
fees for such service must be specifically pre-approved by the
audit committee; however, any proposed service that has an
anticipated or additional cost of no more than $30,000 may be
pre-approved by the Chairperson of the audit committee, provided
that the total anticipated costs of all such projects
pre-approved by the Chairperson during any fiscal quarter does
not exceed $60,000.
At each regularly-scheduled audit committee meeting, management
updates the audit committee on the scope and anticipated cost of
(a) any service pre-approved by the Chairperson since the
last meeting of the committee and (b) the projected fees
for each service or group of services being provided by the
independent registered public accounting firm. Since the May
2003 effective date of the SEC rules stating that an auditor is
not independent of an audit client if the services it provides
to the client are not appropriately approved, each service
provided by our independent registered public accounting firm
has been approved in advance by the audit committee. During 2009
none of those services required use of the de minimis exception
to pre-approval contained in the SECs rules.
and Ratification of the Independent Registered Public Accounting
In February 2010, our audit committee appointed
Ernst & Young LLP as our independent registered public
accounting firm for 2010. Our audit committee and board of
directors seek stockholder ratification of the audit
committees appointment of Ernst & Young as the
independent registered public accounting firm to audit our and
our subsidiaries financial statements for the year 2010.
If the stockholders do not ratify the appointment of
Ernst & Young, our audit committee will reconsider
this appointment. Representatives of Ernst & Young are
expected to be present at the meeting to respond to appropriate
questions, and those representatives will also have an
opportunity to make a statement if they desire to do so.
Our Corporate Governance Guidelines provide that any transaction
that would require disclosure under Item 404(a) of
Regulation S-K
of the rules and regulations of the United States Securities and
Exchange Commission, with respect to a director or executive
officer, must be reviewed and approved, or ratified, annually by
the board of directors. Any such related party transactions will
only be approved or ratified if the board determines that such
transaction will not impair the involved persons service
to, and exercise of judgment on behalf of, the company, or
otherwise create a conflict of interest that would be
detrimental to the company. All of the transactions relating to
our directors described below have been reviewed and approved or
ratified by our board.
We are parties to a services agreement with FM Services Company
(the Services Company), a wholly owned subsidiary of FCX, under
which the Services Company provides us with executive,
technical, administrative, accounting, financial, tax and other
services pursuant to a fixed fee arrangement. The Services
Company also provides these services to FCX. Several of our
directors and executive officers also serve as directors or
executive officers of FCX. Messrs. Moffett, Adkerson,
Rankin, Day, Ford and Graham, each of whom is a director of our
company, also serve as directors of FCX. Messrs. Moffett
and Adkerson and Kathleen L. Quirk, each of whom is an executive
officer of our company, also serve as executive officers of FCX.
For information regarding the compensation paid to or earned by
Messrs. Moffett and Adkerson for services rendered to FCX,
see the Executive Compensation Tables section of
FCXs proxy statement filed with the Securities and
Exchange Commission. In 2009, we incurred approximately
$8.4 million of costs under the services agreement, and we
expect our costs under the services agreement to approximate
$7.0 million in 2010.
B.M. Rankin, Jr. and the Services Company are parties to an
agreement under which Mr. Rankin renders business
consulting services to us and FCX relating to finance,
accounting, guidance and advice on public policy matters and
business development. The Services Company provides
Mr. Rankin compensation, medical coverage and reimbursement
for taxes in connection with those medical benefits. In 2008,
the Services Company paid Mr. Rankin $490,000 ($100,009 of
which was allocated to us) pursuant to this
agreement. During 2009, the cost to the Services Company (none
of which was allocated to us) for Mr. Rankins
personal use of company facilities was $39,600, medical expenses
was $9,347, and reimbursement for a portion of his office rent
and utilities and for executive administrative and support
services was $21,914. In addition, during 2009 the aggregate
incremental cost to the Services Company (none of which was
allocated to us) for Mr. Rankins personal use of
fractionally owned company aircraft, which includes the hourly
operating rate, fuel costs and excise taxes, was $351,856. The
aggregate incremental cost does not include the lost tax
deduction for expenses that exceeded the amounts reported as
income for Mr. Rankin, which for fiscal year 2009 was
approximately $117,000. Accordingly, the total received by
Mr. Rankin during 2009 pursuant to this agreement was
$912,717, of which $100,009 was allocated to us.
to Amend Article IV 1. of our Amended and Restated
Certificate of
Incorporation to Increase the
Number of Authorized Shares of Common Stock
We are currently authorized to issue an aggregate of
200 million shares of capital stock, consisting of
150 million shares of common stock, $0.01 par value
per share, and 50 million shares of preferred stock,
$0.01 par value per share. Our board of directors
unanimously approved, and recommends that our stockholders
approve, an amendment to Article IV 1. of our amended and
restated certificate of incorporation to increase the number of
authorized shares of common stock from 150 million to
300 million. This will increase the aggregate number of
shares of all classes of stock that the company may issue to
350 million.
Shares that have already been issued are referred to as
issued or issued and outstanding. The
difference between the total number of authorized shares and the
number of issued shares is the number of shares that we may
issue in the future without amending the certificate of
incorporation. Delaware law and the rules and regulations of the
New York Stock Exchange may require stockholder approval of
issuances under certain circumstances.
As of February 28, 2010, our total number of shares of
common stock outstanding on a fully diluted basis (assuming that
all outstanding options were exercised, all restricted stock
units were vested, all shares of common stock available for
future grant under our stock incentive plans and all convertible
preferred shares and notes available for conversion into common
stock were converted) is 129.8 million, as reflected in the
table below.
Number of Shares
(in millions)
Total shares outstanding as of February 28, 2010
Total shares subject to outstanding awards
Total shares available for future grant under our stock
incentive plans
Total shares issuable upon conversion of our convertible
preferred stock and notes()
Fully Diluted Total
Reflects the maximum number of shares of our common stock that
could be issued upon conversion of our 6.75% Mandatory
Convertible Preferred Stock, our 8% Convertible Perpetual
Preferred Stock and our
% Convertible
Senior Notes.
Accordingly, as of February 28, 2010, the total number of
shares of common stock that were authorized, but not outstanding
or reserved for issuance was 20.2 million.
and Effect of the Proposed Amendment
The purpose of the proposal to increase the number of authorized
shares of common stock is to provide the company with
flexibility to meet future business and financial needs. We
believe that it is advantageous for us to have the ability to
act promptly with respect to potential opportunities and that
the proposed increase in the number of authorized shares of
common stock is desirable in order to have the additional shares
available, as needed, to provide for possible future stock
splits, financing transactions, strategic transactions,
issuances of common stock as part of defensive measures or other
general corporate purposes that are determined by the board to
be in our best interests. Having such additional authorized
shares available for issuance in the future would give us
greater flexibility and would enable us to issue shares of
common stock or other securities exercisable, exchangeable or
convertible into common stock, without the expense and delay of
a stockholders meeting, except as may be required by
applicable law or regulations. The board of directors will
determine the terms of any issuance of the additional shares of
common stock.
At present, we have no definitive plans, understandings,
agreements or arrangements to issue additional shares of common
stock for any purpose, other than pursuant to our outstanding
stock incentive plans; however, we believe that the adoption of
this proposal to increase the number of authorized shares of
common stock will enable us to promptly and appropriately
respond to business opportunities, to raise additional equity
capital or to declare stock splits and stock dividends. Given
the current number of shares currently available for issuance,
the company may not be able to effect these business
opportunities without first obtaining stockholder approval for
an increase in the number of authorized shares of common stock.
The cost, prior notice requirements and delay involved in
obtaining stockholder approval at the time that corporate action
may become necessary could eliminate the opportunity to effect
the action or reduce the expected benefits.
The additional shares of common stock proposed to be authorized,
together with existing authorized and unissued shares of common
stock, generally will be available for issuance without any
requirement for further stockholder approval, unless stockholder
action is required by applicable law or by the rules of the NYSE
or of any stock exchange on which our securities may be listed.
Although the board of directors has no current plans to do so,
shares of common stock could be issued in various transactions
that would make a change in control of the company more
difficult or costly and, therefore, less likely. The proposed
amendment is not the result of any specific effort to obtain
control of the company by a tender offer, proxy contest or
otherwise, and we have no present intention to use the increased
shares of authorized common stock for anti-takeover purposes.
Required to Approve the Amendment to Our Amended and Restated
Certificate of Incorporation
Under our amended and restated certificate of incorporation and
our by-laws, approval of the proposed amendment requires the
affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of our outstanding
common stock.
Our board of directors unanimously
recommends that stockholders vote FOR the proposal to amend the
companys amended and restated certificate of incorporation
to increase the number of authorized shares of common stock from
150 million to 300 million.
to Adopt the Amended and Restated 2008 Stock Incentive
Our board of directors unanimously approved, and recommends that
our stockholders approve, the Amended and Restated 2008 Stock
Incentive Plan to, among other things, increase the shares of
common stock available for grant under the 2008 Stock Incentive
Plan by 6.0 million shares to 11.5 million shares (the
Amended and Restated Plan). The Amended and Restated Plan is
summarized below and attached as Annex A to this proxy
statement. Because this is a summary, it does not contain all
the information that may be important to you. You should read
Annex A carefully before you decide how to vote.
for the Proposal and Description of Proposed
We believe that our growth depends significantly upon the
efforts of our officers, employees, directors and other service
providers and that such individuals are best motivated to put
forth maximum effort on our behalf if they own an equity
interest in our company. Following the stock option grants we
made in February 2010, there are approximately
400,000 shares of our common stock available for grant to
our key personnel under our stock incentive plans, including
shares available for grant to our non-management directors and
advisory directors. We believe this number is inadequate to
address our short-term needs, especially in light of our
practice of compensating three members of our senior management
team solely with stock options. So that we may continue to
motivate and reward our key personnel and directors with
stock-based awards at appropriate levels, our board believes it
is important that we (a) increase the number of shares
available for
grant under the Amended and Restated Plan by an additional six
million shares, (b) increase the
under the Amended and Restated Plan regarding the number of
shares that may be granted as restricted stock, restricted stock
units and other stock-based awards, and (c) extend the term
of the Amended and Restated Plan to May 3, 2020, which is
ten years after the date of the meeting.
of the Amended and Restated 2008 Stock Incentive Plan
The corporate personnel committee of our board of directors will
generally administer the Amended and Restated Plan and, except
with respect to grants to non-management directors and advisory
directors, has authority to make awards under the Amended and
Restated Plan and to set the terms of the awards. The corporate
personnel committee will also generally have the authority to
interpret the Amended and Restated Plan, to establish any rules
or regulations relating to the Amended and Restated Plan that it
determines to be appropriate and to make any other determination
that it believes necessary or advisable for proper
administration of the Amended and Restated Plan. The nominating
and corporate governance committee of our board will have the
authority to grant awards to non-management directors and
advisory directors, to set the terms of those awards and to
interpret and establish rules regarding non-management director
and advisory director awards. The term committee is
used in this section of the proxy statement to refer to both the
corporate personnel committee and the nominating and corporate
governance committee in their administrative roles.
The following persons are eligible to participate in the Amended
and Restated Plan:
our officers (including non-employee officers and officers who
are also directors) and employees;
officers and employees of existing or future subsidiaries;
officers and employees of any entity with which we have
contracted to receive executive, management or legal services
and who provide services to us or a subsidiary under such
consultants and advisers who provide services to us or a
any person who has agreed in writing to become an eligible
participant within 30 days; and
non-management directors and advisory directors.
A subsidiary is defined to include an entity in which we have a
direct or indirect economic interest that is designated as a
subsidiary by the corporate personnel committee. The corporate
personnel committee may delegate to one or more of our officers
the power to grant awards and to modify or terminate awards
granted to eligible persons who are not our executive officers
or directors, subject to certain limitations. It is anticipated
that the committees determinations as to which eligible
individuals will be granted awards and the terms of the awards
will be based on each individuals present and potential
contributions to our success. The number of employees,
consultants and executive, management and legal service
providers eligible to receive awards under the Amended and
Restated Plan is approximately 83 persons, consisting of 13
officers and 67 employees of our company and the Services
Company and 3 consultants. In addition, we currently have 8
non-management directors and advisory directors eligible to
receive awards under the Amended and Restated Plan.
to Non-Management Directors and Advisory Directors
We maintain an incentive plan pursuant to which our
non-management directors and advisory directors are
automatically granted stock options relating to
3,500 shares of our common stock on June 1st of
each year as long as shares remain available for grant under the
plan. There are currently approximately 39,000 shares
remaining available for grant under this plan. In addition,
under the current terms of the 2008 Stock Incentive
Plan, the nominating and corporate governance committee has
discretion to make additional equity-based grants to our
non-management directors and advisory directors as it deems
of Shares
The maximum number of shares of our common stock with respect to
which awards may be granted under the Amended and Restated Plan
is 11,500,000, or as February 28, 2010, approximately 12.5%
of our outstanding common stock, and approximately 8.9% of our
fully diluted outstanding common stock (assuming conversion of
all outstanding convertible securities, exercise of all
outstanding warrants and options and vesting of all outstanding
restricted stock units). As of February 28, 2010, the
diluted outstanding common stock includes 12,817,232 shares
issuable upon conversion of our 6.75% Mandatory Convertible
Preferred Stock, 7,502,085 shares issuable upon conversion
of our 8% Convertible Perpetual Preferred Stock and
4,507,994 shares issuable upon conversion of our
% Convertible
Senior Notes.
Awards that may be paid only in cash will not be counted against
this share limit. No individual may receive in any year awards
under this Amended and Restated Plan that relate to more than
500,000 shares of our common stock, except that
non-management directors and advisory directors may not receive
awards under this Amended and Restated Plan that relate to more
than 50,000 shares of our common stock in any calendar
year. Further, the maximum value of an other stock-based award
that is valued in dollars and that is scheduled to be paid out
to a participant in any calendar year shall be $5 million.
Shares subject to awards that are forfeited or canceled will
again be available for awards, as will shares issued as
restricted stock or other stock-based awards that are forfeited
or reacquired by us by their terms. Under no circumstances may
the number of shares issued pursuant to incentive stock options
exceed 11,500,000 shares. The number of shares with respect
to which awards of restricted stock, restricted stock units and
other stock-based awards for which a per share purchase price of
less than 100% of fair market value is paid may not exceed
3,500,000 shares, of which only 575,000 may be issued
without compliance with certain minimum vesting requirements.
The shares to be delivered under this Amended and Restated Plan
will be made available from our authorized but unissued shares
of common stock, from treasury shares or from shares acquired by
us on the open market or otherwise. Subject to the terms of this
Amended and Restated Plan, shares of our common stock issuable
under this Amended and Restated Plan may also be used as the
form of payment of compensation under other plans or
arrangements that we offer or that we assume in a business
On March 10, 2010, the closing price on the New York Stock
Exchange of a share of our common stock was $18.43.
of Awards
Stock options, stock appreciation rights, restricted stock,
restricted stock units and other stock-based awards may be
granted under the Amended and Restated Plan in the discretion of
the committee, each of which is described below.
Stock Options and Stock Appreciation
Stock options granted under this Amended
and Restated Plan may be either nonqualified or incentive stock
options. Only our employees or employees of our subsidiaries
will be eligible to receive incentive stock options. Stock
appreciation rights may be granted in conjunction with or
unrelated to other awards and, if in conjunction with an
outstanding option or other award, may be granted at the time of
the award or thereafter, at the exercise price of the other
award if permitted by Section 409A of the Internal Revenue
The committee has discretion to fix the exercise or grant price
of stock options and stock appreciation rights at a price not
less than 100% of the fair market value of the underlying common
stock at the time of grant (or at the time of grant of the
related award in the case of a stock appreciation right granted
in conjunction with an outstanding award if permitted by
Section 409A of the Internal Revenue Code). This limitation
on the committees discretion, however, does not apply in
the case of awards granted in substitution for outstanding
awards previously granted by an acquired company or a company
with which we combine.
The committee has broad discretion as to the terms and
conditions upon which options and stock appreciation rights are
exercisable, but under no circumstances will an option or a
stock appreciation right have a term exceeding 10 years.
This Amended and Restated Plan prohibits the reduction in the
exercise price of stock options without stockholder approval
except for certain adjustments described below.
The option exercise price may be paid:
in cash or cash equivalent;
in shares of our common stock;
through a cashless exercise arrangement with a
broker approved in advance by the company;
if approved by the committee, through a net
exercise, whereby shares of common stock equal in value to
the aggregate exercise price or less are withheld from the
issuance; or
in any other manner authorized by the committee.
Upon the exercise of a stock appreciation right with respect to
our common stock, a participant will be entitled to receive, for
each share subject to the right, the excess of the fair market
value of the share on the date of exercise over the exercise
price. The committee has the authority to determine whether the
value of a stock appreciation right is paid in cash or our
common stock or a combination of the two.
Restricted Stock.
The committee may grant
restricted shares of our common stock to a participant that are
subject to restrictions regarding the sale, pledge or other
transfer by the participant for a specified period. All shares
of restricted stock will be subject to the restrictions that the
committee may designate in an agreement with the participant,
including, among other things, that the shares are required to
be forfeited or resold to us in the event of termination of
employment under certain circumstances or in the event specified
performance goals or targets are not met. Except for restricted
stock granted to non-management directors and advisory directors
and certain other limited exceptions, a restricted period of at
least three years is required, with incremental vesting
permitted during the three-year period, except that if the
vesting or grant of shares of restricted stock is subject to the
attainment of performance goals, the restricted period may be
one year or more with incremental vesting permitted. Subject to
the restrictions provided in the participants agreement, a
participant receiving restricted stock will have all of the
rights of a stockholder as to the restricted stock, including
dividend and voting rights.
Restricted Stock Units and Other Stock-Based
The committee may also grant participants
awards of restricted stock units, as well as awards of our
common stock and other awards that are denominated in, payable
in, valued in whole or in part by reference to, or are otherwise
based on the value of, our common stock (Other Stock-Based
Awards). The committee has discretion to determine the
participants to whom restricted stock units or Other Stock-Based
Awards are to be made, the times at which such awards are to be
made, the size of the awards, the form of payment, and all other
conditions of the awards, including any restrictions, deferral
periods or performance requirements. Except for restricted stock
units and Other Stock-Based Awards granted to non-management
directors and advisory directors and certain other limited
exceptions, a vesting period of at least three years is
required, with incremental vesting permitted during the
three-year period, except that if the vesting is subject to the
attainment of performance goals, the vesting period may be one
year or more with incremental vesting permitted. The terms of
the restricted stock units and the Other Stock-Based Awards will
be subject to the rules and regulations that the committee
determines, and may include the right to receive currently or on
a deferred basis dividends or dividend equivalents.
Compensation under Section 162(m)
Stock options and stock appreciation rights, if granted in
accordance with the terms of the Amended and Restated Plan, are
intended to qualify as performance-based compensation under
Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code. For grants of
restricted stock, restricted stock units and Other Stock-Based
Awards that are intended to qualify as performance-based
compensation under Section 162(m), the committee will
establish specific performance goals for each performance period
not later than 90 days after the beginning of the
performance period. The committee will also establish a
schedule, setting forth the portion of the award
that will be earned or forfeited based on the degree of
achievement of the performance goals by our company, a division
or a subsidiary at the end of the performance period. The
committee will use any or a combination of the following
performance measures: earnings per share, return on assets, an
economic value added measure, shareholder return, earnings,
share price, return on equity, return on investment, return on
fully-employed capital, reduction of expenses, containment of
expenses within budget, reserve recognition, addition to
reserves, cash provided by operating activities, increase in
cash flow, return on cash flow, cash flow per equivalent barrel
or Mcf, finding costs per equivalent barrel or Mcf, or increase
in production of the company, a division of the company or a
subsidiary. For any performance period, the performance
objectives may be measured on an absolute basis or relative to a
group of peer companies selected by the committee, relative to
internal goals, or relative to levels attained in prior years.
If an award of restricted stock, restricted stock units or an
Other Stock-Based Award is intended to qualify as
performance-based compensation under Section 162(m), the
committee must certify in writing that the performance goals and
all applicable conditions have been met prior to payment.
If there is a change of control of our company or if a
participant retires, dies or becomes disabled during the
performance period, the committee may provide that all or a
portion of the stock options, restricted stock, restricted stock
units and Other Stock-Based Awards will automatically vest.
The committee retains authority to change the performance goal
objectives with respect to future grants to any of those
provided in the Amended and Restated Plan.
If the committee determines that any stock dividend or other
distribution (whether in the form of cash, securities or other
property), recapitalization, reorganization, stock split,
reverse stock split, merger, consolidation,
spin-off, combination, repurchase or exchange of shares,
issuance of warrants or other rights to purchase shares or other
securities of our company, or other similar corporate event
affects our common stock in such a way that an adjustment is
appropriate to prevent dilution or enlargement of the benefits
intended to be granted and available for grant under the Amended
and Restated Plan, then the committee shall:
make equitable adjustments in
the number and kind of shares (or other securities or property)
that may be the subject of future awards under this Amended and
Restated Plan, and
the number and kind of shares (or other securities or property)
subject to outstanding awards and the respective grant or
exercise prices; and
if appropriate, provide for the payment of cash to a participant.
The committee may also adjust awards to reflect unusual or
nonrecurring events that affect us or our financial statements
or to reflect changes in applicable laws or accounting
or Termination
The Amended and Restated Plan may be amended or terminated at
any time by the board of directors, except that no amendment may
materially impair an award previously granted without the
consent of the recipient and no amendment may be made without
stockholder approval if the amendment would:
materially increase the benefits accruing to participants under
this Amended and Restated Plan;
increase the number of shares of our common stock that may be
issued under this Amended and Restated Plan;
materially expand the classes of persons eligible to participate
in this Amended and Restated Plan;
expand the types of awards available under the Amended and
Restated Plan;
materially extend the terms of the Amended and Restated Plan;
materially change the method of determining the exercise price
of options or the grant price of stock appreciation
rights; or
permit a reduction in the exercise price of options.
Unless terminated sooner, no awards will be made under the
Amended and Restated Plan after May 3, 2020.
Income Tax Consequences of Awards
The federal income tax consequences related to the issuance of
the different types of awards that may be granted under the
Amended and Restated Plan are summarized below. Participants who
are granted awards under the Amended and Restated Plan should
consult their own tax advisors to determine the tax consequences
based on their particular circumstances.
A participant who is granted a stock option normally will not
realize any income, nor will our company normally receive any
deduction for federal income tax purposes, in the year the
option is granted.
When a nonqualified stock option granted through the Amended and
Restated Plan is exercised, the participant will realize
ordinary income measured by the difference between the aggregate
purchase price of the shares acquired and the aggregate fair
market value of the shares acquired on the exercise date and,
subject to the limitations of Section 162(m) of the
Internal Revenue Code, we will be entitled to a deduction in the
year the option is exercised equal to the amount the participant
is required to treat as ordinary income.
An employee generally will not recognize any income upon the
exercise of any incentive stock option, but the excess of the
fair market value of the shares at the time of exercise over the
option price will be an item of tax preference, which may,
depending on particular factors relating to the employee,
subject the employee to the alternative minimum tax imposed by
Section 55 of the Internal Revenue Code. The alternative
minimum tax is imposed in addition to the federal individual
income tax, and it is intended to ensure that individual
taxpayers do not completely avoid federal income tax by using
preference items. An employee will recognize capital gain or
loss in the amount of the difference between the exercise price
and the sale price on the sale or exchange of stock acquired
pursuant to the exercise of an incentive stock option, provided
the employee does not dispose of such stock within two years
from the date of grant and one year from the date of exercise of
the incentive stock option (the holding periods). An employee
disposing of such shares before the expiration of the holding
periods will recognize ordinary income generally equal to the
difference between the option price and the fair market value of
the stock on the date of exercise. The remaining gain, if any,
will be capital gain. Our company will not be entitled to a
federal income tax deduction in connection with the exercise of
an incentive stock option, except where the employee disposes of
the shares received upon exercise before the expiration of the
holding periods.
If the exercise price of a nonqualified option is paid by the
surrender of previously owned shares, the basis and the holding
period of the previously owned shares carry over to the same
number of shares received in exchange for the previously owned
shares. The compensation income recognized on exercise of these
options is added to the basis of the shares received. If the
exercised option is an incentive stock option and the shares
surrendered were acquired through the exercise of an incentive
stock option and have not been held for the holding periods, the
optionee will recognize income on such exchange, and the basis
of the shares received will be equal to the fair market value of
the shares surrendered. If the applicable holding period has
been met on the date of exercise, there will be no income
recognition and the basis and the holding period of the
previously owned shares will carry over to the same number of
shares received in exchange, and the remaining shares will begin
a new holding period and have a zero basis.
Unless the participant makes an election to accelerate
recognition of the income to the date of grant (as described
below), the participant will not recognize income, and we will
not be allowed a tax deduction, at the
time the restricted stock award is granted. When the
restrictions lapse, the participant will recognize ordinary
income equal to the fair market value of the shares as of that
date, and we will be allowed a corresponding federal income tax
deduction at that time, subject to any applicable limitations
under Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code. If the
participant files an election under Section 83(b) of the
Internal Revenue Code within 30 days of the date of grant
of restricted stock, the participant will recognize ordinary
income as of the date of the grant equal to the fair market
value of the stock as of that date, and our company will be
allowed a corresponding federal income tax deduction at that
time, subject to any applicable limitations under
Section 162(m). Any future appreciation in the stock will
be taxable to the participant at capital gains rates. If the
stock is later forfeited, however, the participant will not be
able to recover the tax previously paid pursuant to a
Section 83(b) election.
Stock Units
A participant will not be deemed to have received taxable income
upon the grant of restricted stock units. The participant will
be deemed to have received taxable ordinary income at such time
as shares are distributed with respect to the restricted stock
units in an amount equal to the fair market value of the shares
distributed to the participant. Upon the distribution of shares
to a participant with respect to restricted stock units, we will
ordinarily be entitled to a deduction for federal income tax
purposes in an amount equal to the taxable ordinary income of
the participant, subject to any applicable limitations under
Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code. The basis of
the shares received will equal the amount of taxable ordinary
income recognized by the participant upon receipt of such shares.
Appreciation Rights
Generally, a participant who is granted a stock appreciation
right under the Amended and Restated Plan will not recognize any
taxable income at the time of the grant. The participant will
recognize ordinary income upon exercise equal to the amount of
cash or the fair market value of the stock received on the day
it is received.
In general, there are no federal income tax deductions allowed
to our company upon the grant of stock appreciation rights. Upon
the exercise of the stock appreciation right, however, we will
be entitled to a deduction equal to the amount of ordinary
income that the participant is required to recognize as a result
of the exercise, provided that the deduction is not otherwise
disallowed under Section 162(m).
Stock-Based Awards
Generally, a participant who is granted an Other Stock-Based
Award under the Amended and Restated Plan will recognize
ordinary income at the time the cash or shares of common stock
associated with the award are received. If stock is received,
the ordinary income will be equal to the excess of the fair
market value of the stock received over any amount paid by the
participant in exchange for the stock.
In the year that the participant recognizes ordinary taxable
income in respect of such award, we will be entitled to a
deduction for federal income tax purposes equal to the amount of
ordinary income that the participant is required to recognize,
provided that the deduction is not otherwise disallowed under
Section 162(m).
Section 409A
If any award constitutes nonqualified deferred compensation
under Section 409A of the Internal Revenue Code, it will be
necessary that the award be structured to comply with
Section 409A to avoid the imposition of additional tax,
penalties and interest on the participant.
Consequences of a Change in Control
If, upon a change in control of our company, the exercisability,
vesting or payout of an award is accelerated, any excess on the
date of the change in control of the fair market value of the
shares or cash
issued under accelerated awards over the purchase price of such
shares, if any, may be characterized as parachute
payments (within the meaning of Section 280G of the
Internal Revenue Code) if the sum of such amounts and any other
such contingent payments received by the employee exceeds an
amount equal to three times the base amount for such
employee. The base amount generally is the average of the annual
compensation of the employee for the five years preceding such
change in ownership or control. An excess parachute
payment with respect to any employee, is the excess of the
parachute payments to such person, in the aggregate, over and
above such persons base amount. If the amounts received by
an employee upon a change in control are characterized as
parachute payments, the employee will be subject to a 20% excise
tax on the excess parachute payment and we will be denied any
deduction with respect to such excess parachute payment.
The foregoing discussion summarizes the federal income tax
consequences of awards that may be granted under the Amended and
Restated Plan based on current provisions of the Internal
Revenue Code, which are subject to change. This summary does not
cover any foreign, state or local tax consequences.
of Withholding Taxes
We may withhold from any payments or stock issuances under the
Amended and Restated Plan, or collect as a condition of payment,
any taxes required by law to be withheld. The participant may,
but is not required to, satisfy his or her withholding tax
obligation by electing to deliver currently owned shares of
common stock or to have our company withhold, from the shares
the participant would otherwise receive, shares, in each case
having a value equal to the minimum amount required to be
withheld. This election must be made prior to the date on which
the amount of tax to be withheld is determined.
Compensation Plan Information
The following table presents information as of December 31,
2009, regarding our incentive compensation plans under which
common stock may be issued to employees and non-employees as
compensation. As of December 31, 2009, we had eight equity
plans with outstanding awards (although only five of these plans
had shares remaining available for future issuance): the 1998
Stock Option Plan, the 2000 Stock Incentive Plan, the 2001 Stock
Incentive Plan, the 2003 Stock Incentive Plan, the 2005 Stock
Incentive Plan, the 2008 Stock Incentive Plan, the 1998 Stock
Option Plan for Non-Employee Directors, and the
2004 Director Compensation Plan.
Number of Securities
Remaining Available for
Future Issuance Under
Number of Securities to
Exercise Price of
Equity Compensation
be Issued upon Exercise
Plans (Excluding
of Outstanding Options,
Options, Warrants
Securities Reflected in
Warrants and Rights
and Rights
Column (a))
Plan Category
Equity compensation plans approved by security holders
Equity compensation plans not approved by security holders
The number of securities to be issued upon the exercise of
outstanding options, warrants and rights includes shares
issuable upon (a) the vesting of 46,333 restricted stock
units and (b) the termination of deferrals with respect to
25,000 restricted stock units that were vested as of
December 31, 2009. These awards are not reflected in column
(b) as they do not have an exercise price.
As of December 31, 2009, there were 2,113,250 shares
remaining available for future issuance under the 2008 Stock
Incentive Plan, all of which could be issued under the terms of
the plan upon the exercise of options and stock appreciation
rights, and 1,610,000 of which could be issued under the terms
of the plan in the form of restricted stock, restricted stock
units or other stock-based awards. In addition,
there were
22,750 shares remaining available for future issuance under
the 2005 Stock Incentive Plan, all of which could be issued
under the terms of the plan (a) upon the exercise of
options and stock appreciation rights, or (b) in the form
of restricted stock, restricted stock units or other
stock-based awards. There were also 3,750 shares
remaining available for future issuance under the 2003 Stock
Incentive Plan and 250 shares remaining available for
future issuance under the 2001 Stock Incentive Plan, all of
which could be issued under the respective terms of the plans
(a) upon the exercise of options, stock appreciation rights
and limited rights, or (b) in the form of restricted stock
or other stock-based awards. Finally, there were
also 40,905 shares remaining available for future issuance
to our non-management directors and advisory directors under the
2004 Director Compensation Plan.
On February 1, 2010, the corporate personnel committee
granted options pertaining to an aggregate 1,766,500 shares
of our common stock from our current plans. Thus, there are
currently less than 400,000 shares remaining available for
future issuance under our equity compensation plans to our
officers, employees and key personnel, as set forth in the table
Compensation Plan Information as of February 28,
In light of the additional grants made by the committee in 2010,
the following table presents information as of February 28,
2010, regarding our incentive compensation plans under which
common stock may be issued to employees and non-employees as
Number of Securities
Remaining Available
for Future Issuance
Number of Securities to
Under Equity
be Issued upon Exercise
Exercise Price of
Compensation Plans
of Outstanding Options,
Outstanding Options,
(Excluding Securities
Warrants and Rights
Warrants and Rights
Reflected in Column (a))
Plan Category
Equity compensation plans approved by security holders
Equity compensation plans not approved by security holders
The number of securities to be issued upon the exercise of
outstanding options, warrants and rights includes shares
issuable upon (a) the vesting of 46,333 restricted stock
units and (b) the termination of deferrals with respect to
25,000 restricted stock units that were vested as of
February 28, 2010. These awards are not reflected in column
(b) as they do not have an exercise price.
The weighted average life of the outstanding stock options as of
February 28, 2010 is 6.61 years.
As of February 28, 2010, there were 374,000 shares
remaining available for future issuance under the 2008 Stock
Incentive Plan, all of which could be issued under the terms of
the plan (a) upon the exercise of options and stock
appreciation rights, and (b) in the form of restricted
stock, restricted stock units or other stock-based
awards. In addition, there were 250 shares remaining
available for future issuance under the 2005 Stock Incentive
Plan, all of which could be issued under the terms of the plan
(a) upon the exercise of options and stock appreciation
rights, or (b) in the form of restricted stock, restricted
stock units or other stock-based awards. There were
also 250 shares remaining available for future issuance
under the 2003 Stock Incentive Plan and 250 shares
remaining available for future issuance under the 2001 Stock
Incentive Plan, all of which could be issued under the
respective terms of the plans (a) upon the exercise of
options and stock appreciation rights, or (b) in the form
of restricted stock or other stock-based awards.
Finally, there were also 39,472 shares remaining available
for future issuance to our non-management directors and advisory
directors under the 2004 Director Compensation Plan.
Awards to
Be Granted
Grants of awards under the Amended and Restated Plan will be
made in the future by the corporate personnel committee as it
deems appropriate.
Required to Adopt the Amended and Restated 2008 Stock Incentive
Under our by-laws and New York Stock Exchange Rules, adoption of
the Amended and Restated 2008 Stock Incentive Plan requires the
affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of the shares of
our common stock present in person or by proxy at the meeting
and entitled to vote, and the total votes cast on the proposal
must represent more than 50% of our outstanding common stock
entitled to vote on the proposal as of the record date. For the
purposes of approving this proposal under the NYSE rules, broker
non-votes will be excluded from the tabulation of votes cast,
and therefore will not affect the outcome of the vote (except to
the extent such broker non-votes result in a failure to obtain
total votes cast on the proposal representing more than 50% of
all shares of our common stock entitled to vote on the proposal)
while abstentions will be included in the tabulation of votes
cast and count as votes against the proposal.
Our board of
directors unanimously recommends a vote FOR the proposal to
adopt the Amended and Restated 2008 Stock Incentive Plan.
Annex A
. The purpose of the McMoRan Exploration Co.
Amended and Restated 2008 Stock Incentive Plan (the
Plan) is to increase stockholder value and advance
the interests of the Company and its Subsidiaries by furnishing
a variety of equity incentives designed to (i) attract,
retain, and motivate key employees, officers, and directors of
the Company and consultants and advisers to the Company and
(ii) strengthen the mutuality of interests among such
persons and the Companys stockholders.
. As used in the Plan, the following terms
shall have the meanings set forth below:
Award shall mean any Option, Stock Appreciation
Right, Restricted Stock, Restricted Stock Unit, or Other
Stock-Based Award.
Award Agreement shall mean any written or electronic
notice of grant, agreement, contract, or other instrument or
document evidencing any Award, which the Company may, but need
not, require a Participant to execute, acknowledge, or accept.
Board shall mean the Board of Directors of the
Code shall mean the Internal Revenue Code of 1986,
as amended from time to time.
Committee refers to the Corporate Personnel
Committee of the Board, the Nominating and Corporate Governance
Committee of the Board, or both of these committees, as the
context indicates.
Common Stock shall mean shares of common stock, par
value $0.01 per share, of the Company.
Company shall mean McMoRan Exploration Co.
Designated Beneficiary shall mean the beneficiary
designated by the Participant, in a manner determined by the
Committee, to receive the benefits due the Participant under the
Plan in the event of the Participants death. In the
absence of an effective designation by the Participant,
Designated Beneficiary shall mean the Participants estate.
Eligible Individual shall mean (i) any person
providing services as an officer of the Company or a Subsidiary,
whether or not employed by such entity, including any such
person who is also a director of the Company; (ii) any
employee of the Company or a Subsidiary, including any director
who is also an employee of the Company or a Subsidiary;
(iii) any officer or employee of an entity with which the
Company has contracted to receive executive, management, or
legal services who provides services to the Company or a
Subsidiary through such arrangement; (iv) any consultant or
adviser to the Company, a Subsidiary, or to an entity described
in clause (iii) hereof who provides services to the Company
or a Subsidiary through such arrangement; (v) any person
who has agreed in writing to become a person described in
clauses (i), (ii), (iii) or (iv) within not more than
30 days following the date of grant of such persons
first Award under the Plan; and (vi) Outside Directors.
Exchange Act shall mean the Securities Exchange Act
of 1934, as amended from time to time.
Immediate Family Members shall mean the spouse and
natural or adopted children or grandchildren of the Participant
and his or her spouse.
Incentive Stock Option shall mean an option granted
under Section 6 of the Plan that is intended to meet the
requirements of Section 422 of the Code or any successor
provision thereto.
Nonqualified Stock Option shall mean an option
granted under Section 6 of the Plan that is not intended to
be an Incentive Stock Option.
Option shall mean an Incentive Stock Option or a
Nonqualified Stock Option.
Other Stock-Based Award shall mean any right or
award granted under Section 10 of the Plan.
Outside Directors shall mean members of the Board
who are not employees of the Company, and shall include
non-voting advisory directors to the Board.
Participant shall mean any Eligible Individual
granted an Award under the Plan.
Person shall mean any individual, corporation,
partnership, limited liability company, association, joint-stock
company, trust, unincorporated organization, government or
political subdivision thereof, or other entity.
Restricted Stock shall mean any restricted stock
granted under Section 8 of the Plan.
Restricted Stock Unit shall mean any restricted
stock unit granted under Section 9 of the Plan.
Section 162(m) shall mean Section 162(m)
of the Code and all regulations promulgated thereunder as in
effect from time to time.
Section 409A shall mean Section 409A of
the Code and all regulations and guidance promulgated thereunder
as in effect from time to time.
Shares shall mean the shares of Common Stock and
such other securities of the Company or a Subsidiary as the
Committee may from time to time designate.
Stock Appreciation Right shall mean any right
granted under Section 7 of the Plan.
Subsidiary shall mean (i) any corporation or
other entity in which the Company possesses directly or
indirectly equity interests representing at least 50% of the
total ordinary voting power or at least 50% of the total value
of all classes of equity interests of such corporation or other
entity and (ii) any other entity in which the Company has a
direct or indirect economic interest that is designated as a
Subsidiary by the Committee.
. The Plan shall generally be
administered by the Corporate Personnel Committee. The
Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee of the Board shall
administer the Plan with respect to grants to Outside Directors.
Members of the Corporate Personnel Committee and the Nominating
and Corporate Governance Committee shall qualify as
non-employee directors under
Rule 16b-3
under the 1934 Act.
. Subject to the terms of the Plan and
applicable law, and in addition to other express powers and
authorizations conferred on the Committee by the Plan, the
Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee (with respect to
Outside Directors) and the Corporate Personnel Committee (with
respect to all other Eligible Individuals) shall have full power
and authority to: (i) designate Participants;
(ii) determine the type or types of Awards to be granted to
an Eligible Individual; (iii) determine the number of
Shares to be covered by, or with respect to which payments,
rights, or other matters are to be calculated in connection
with, Awards; (iv) determine the terms and conditions of
any Award; (v) determine whether, to what extent, and under
what circumstances Awards may be settled or exercised in cash,
whole Shares, other whole securities, other Awards, other
property, or other cash amounts payable by the Company upon the
exercise of that or other Awards, or canceled, forfeited, or
suspended and the method or methods by which Awards may be
settled, exercised, canceled, forfeited, or suspended;
(vi) determine whether, to what extent, and under what
circumstances cash, Shares, other securities, other Awards,
other property, and other amounts payable by the Company with
respect to an Award shall be deferred either automatically or at
the election of the holder thereof or of the Committee;
(vii) interpret and administer the Plan and any instrument
or agreement relating to, or Award made under, the Plan;
(viii) establish, amend, suspend, or waive such rules and
regulations and appoint such agents as it shall deem appropriate
for the proper administration of the Plan; and (ix) make
other determination and take any other action that the Committee
deems necessary or desirable for the administration of the Plan.
Effect of Committees Determinations
Unless otherwise expressly provided in the Plan, all
designations, determinations, interpretations, and other
decisions under or with respect to the Plan or any Award shall
be within the sole discretion of the applicable Committee, may
be made at any time and shall be final, conclusive, and binding
upon all Persons, including the Company, any Subsidiary, any
Participant, any holder or beneficiary of any Award, any
stockholder of the Company, and any Eligible Individual.
. Subject to the terms of the Plan and
applicable law, the Committee may delegate to one or more
officers of the Company the authority, subject to such terms and
limitations as the Committee shall determine, to grant and set
the terms of, to cancel, modify, or waive rights with respect
to, or to alter, discontinue, suspend, or terminate Awards held
by Eligible Individuals who are not officers or directors of the
Company for purposes of Section 16 of the Exchange Act, or
any successor section thereto, or who are otherwise not subject
to such Section; provided, however, that the per share exercise
price of any Option granted under this Section 3(d) shall
be equal to the fair market value of the underlying Shares on
the date of grant.
. The Committee, in accordance with
Section 3(a), may grant an Award under the Plan to any
Eligible Individual.
Shares Available for Awards
. Subject to
adjustment as provided in Section 5(b):
(i) Calculation of Number of Shares Available.
(A) Subject to the other provisions of this
Section 5(a), the number of Shares with respect to which
Awards payable in Shares may be granted under the Plan shall be
11,500,000. Awards that by their terms may be settled only in
cash shall not be counted against the maximum number of Shares
provided herein.
(B) The number of Shares that may be issued pursuant to
Incentive Stock Options may not exceed 11,500,000 Shares.
(C) Subject to the other provisions of this
Section 5(a):
(1) the maximum number of Shares issuable under the Plan as
Restricted Stock, Restricted Stock Units, or Other Stock-Based
Awards payable in Shares for which there is a per share purchase
price less than 100% of the fair market value of the securities
to which the Award relates shall be
3,500,000 Shares; and
(2) up to 575,000 of the Shares referenced in
section 5(a)(i)(C)(1) may be issued pursuant to Awards to
employees, consultants, or advisers in the form of Restricted
Stock, Restricted Stock Units, or Other Stock-Based Awards
payable in Shares without compliance with the minimum vesting
periods set forth in Sections 8(b), 9(b), and 10(b),
respectively. If (x) Restricted Stock, Restricted Stock
Units, or an Other Stock-Based Award is granted with a minimum
vesting period of at least three years or a minimum vesting
period of at least one year, subject to the attainment of
specific performance goals, and (y) the vesting of such
Award is accelerated in accordance with Section 12(a)
hereof as a result of the Participants death, retirement,
or other termination of employment or cessation of consulting or
advisory services to the Company, or a change in control of the
Company, such Shares shall not count against the limitation
described in this section 5(a)(i)(C)(2).
(D) To the extent any Shares covered by an Award are not
issued because the Award is forfeited or canceled or the Award
is settled in cash, such Shares shall again be available for
grant pursuant to new Awards under the Plan.
(E) In the event that Shares are issued as Restricted Stock
or Other Stock-Based Awards under the Plan and thereafter are
forfeited or reacquired by the Company pursuant to rights
reserved upon issuance thereof, such Shares shall again be
available for grant pursuant to new Awards under the Plan. With
respect to Stock Appreciation Rights, if the Award is payable in
Shares, all Shares to which the Award relates are counted
against the Plan limits, rather than the net number of Shares
delivered upon exercise of the Award.
(F) The maximum value of an Other Stock-Based Award that is
valued in dollars (whether or not paid in Common Stock)
scheduled to be paid out to any one participant in any calendar
year shall be $5 million.
Shares Deliverable Under Awards
. Any
Shares delivered pursuant to an Award may consist of authorized
and unissued Shares or of treasury Shares, including Shares held
by the Company or a Subsidiary and Shares acquired in the open
market or otherwise obtained by the Company or a Subsidiary. The
issuance of Shares may be effected on a non-certificated basis,
to the extent not prohibited by applicable law or the applicable
rules of any stock exchange.
Individual Limits
. The maximum number of
Shares that may be covered by Awards granted under the Plan to
any Outside Director during a calendar year shall be
50,000 Shares, and the maximum number of Shares that may be
covered by Awards granted under the Plan to any other
Participant during a calendar year shall be 500,000 Shares.
Use of Shares
. Subject to the terms of the Plan
and the overall limitation on the number of Shares that may be
delivered under the Plan, the Committee may use available Shares
as the form of payment for compensation, grants, or rights
earned or due under any other compensation plans or arrangements
of the Company or a Subsidiary and the plans or arrangements of
the Company or a Subsidiary assumed in business combinations.
. In the event that the Committee
determines that any dividend or other distribution (whether in
the form of cash, Shares, Subsidiary securities, other
securities, or other property), recapitalization, stock split,
reverse stock split, reorganization, merger, consolidation,
spin-off, combination, repurchase, or exchange of Shares or
other securities of the Company, issuance of warrants or other
rights to purchase Shares or other securities of the Company, or
other similar corporate transaction or event affects the Shares
such that an adjustment is determined by the Committee to be
appropriate to prevent dilution or enlargement of the benefits
or potential benefits intended to be made available under the
Plan, then the Committee shall, in such manner as it may deem
equitable, adjust any or all of (i) the number and type of
Shares (or other securities or property) with respect to which
Awards may be granted, (ii) the number and type of Shares
(or other securities or property) subject to outstanding Awards,
and (iii) the grant or exercise price with respect to any
Award and, if deemed appropriate, make provision for a cash
payment to the holder of an outstanding Award and, if deemed
appropriate, adjust outstanding Awards to provide the rights
contemplated by Section 11(b) hereof; provided, in each
case, that with respect to Awards of Incentive Stock Options no
such adjustment shall be authorized to the extent that such
authority would cause the Plan to violate Section 422(b)(1)
of the Code or any successor provision thereto and, with respect
to all Awards under the Plan, no such adjustment shall be
authorized to the extent that such authority would be
inconsistent with the requirements for full deductibility under
Section 162(m); and provided further that the number of
Shares subject to any Award denominated in Shares shall always
be a whole number.
Performance Goals for Section 162(m)
. The Committee shall determine at the time of grant
if the grant of Restricted Stock, Restricted Stock Units, or an
Other Stock-Based Award is intended to qualify as
performance-based compensation as that term is used
in Section 162(m). Any such grant shall be conditioned on
the achievement of one or more performance measures. The
performance measures pursuant to which Restricted Stock,
Restricted Stock Units, and Other Stock-Based Awards shall vest
shall be any or a combination of the following: earnings per
share, return on assets, an economic value added measure,
shareholder return, earnings, share price, return on equity,
return on investment, return on fully-employed capital,
reduction of expenses, containment of expenses within budget,
reserve recognition, addition to reserves, cash provided by
operating activities, increase in cash flow, return on cash
flow, cash flow per
equivalent barrel or Mcf, finding costs per equivalent barrel or
Mcf, or increase in production of the Company, a division of the
Company or a Subsidiary. For any performance period, such
performance objectives may be measured on an absolute basis or
relative to a group of peer companies selected by the Committee,
relative to internal goals or relative to levels attained in
prior years. For grants of Restricted Stock, Restricted Stock
Units, and Other Stock-Based Awards intended to qualify as
performance-based compensation, the grants and the
establishment of performance measures shall be made during the
period required by Section 162(m).
Stock Options
. Subject to the provisions of the
Plan, the Committee shall have sole and complete authority to
determine the Eligible Individuals to whom Options shall be
granted, the number of Shares to be covered by each Option, the
option price thereof, the conditions and limitations applicable
to the exercise of the Option, and the other terms thereof. The
Committee shall have the authority to grant Incentive Stock
Options, Nonqualified Stock Options, or both. In the case of
Incentive Stock Options, the terms and conditions of such grants
shall be subject to and comply with such rules as may be
required by Section 422 of the Code, as from time to time
amended, and any implementing regulations. Except in the case of
an Option granted in assumption of or substitution for an
outstanding award of a company acquired by the Company or with
which the Company combines, the exercise price of any Option
granted under this Plan shall not be less than 100% of the fair
market value of the underlying Shares on the date of grant.
. Each Option shall be exercisable at
such times and subject to such terms and conditions as the
Committee may, in its sole discretion, specify in the applicable
Award Agreement or thereafter, provided, however, that in no
event may any Option granted hereunder be exercisable after the
expiration of 10 years after the date of such grant. The
Committee may impose such conditions with respect to the
exercise of Options, including without limitation, any condition
relating to the application of Federal or state securities laws,
as it may deem necessary or advisable. An Option may be
exercised, in whole or in part, by giving written notice to the
Company, specifying the number of Shares to be purchased. The
exercise notice shall be accompanied by the full purchase price
for the Shares.
. The Option price shall be payable in
United States dollars and may be paid by (i) cash or cash
equivalent; (ii) delivery of shares of Common Stock, which
shares shall be valued for this purpose at the fair market value
(valued in accordance with procedures established by the
Committee) as of the effective date of such exercise;
(iii) delivery of irrevocable written instructions to a
broker approved by the Company (with a copy to the Company) to
immediately sell a portion of the shares issuable under the
Option and to deliver promptly to the Company the amount of sale
proceeds to pay the exercise price; (iv) if approved by the
Committee, through a net exercise procedure whereby the
Participant surrenders the Option in exchange for that number of
shares of Common Stock with an aggregate fair market value equal
to the difference between the aggregate exercise price of the
Options being surrendered and the aggregate fair market value of
the shares of Common Stock subject to the Option; or (v) in
such other manner as may be authorized from time to time by the
Committee. Prior to the issuance of Shares upon the exercise of
an Option, a Participant shall have no rights as a shareholder.
Stock Appreciation Rights
. A Stock Appreciation
Right shall entitle the holder thereof to receive upon exercise,
for each Share to which the Stock Appreciation Right relates, an
amount equal to the excess, if any, of the fair market value of
a Share on the date of exercise of the Stock Appreciation Right
over the grant price.
Terms and Conditions
. Subject to the provisions
of the Plan, the Committee shall have sole and complete
authority to determine the Eligible Individuals to whom Stock
Appreciation Rights shall be granted, the number of Shares to be
covered by each Award of Stock Appreciation Rights, the grant
price thereof, the conditions and limitations applicable to the
exercise of the Stock Appreciation Right and the other terms
thereof. Stock Appreciation Rights may be granted in tandem with
another Award, in addition to another Award, or freestanding and
unrelated to any other Award. Stock Appreciation Rights granted
in tandem with
or in addition to an Option or other Award may be granted either
at the same time as the Option or other Award or at a later
time. Stock Appreciation Rights shall not be exercisable after
the expiration of 10 years after the date of grant. Except
in the case of a Stock Appreciation Right granted in assumption
of or substitution for an outstanding award of a company
acquired by the Company or with which the Company combines, the
grant price of any Stock Appreciation Right granted under this
Plan shall not be less than 100% of the fair market value of the
Shares covered by such Stock Appreciation Right on the date of
grant or, in the case of a Stock Appreciation Right granted in
tandem with a then outstanding Option or other Award, on the
date of grant of such related Option or Award.
Committee Discretion to Determine Form of
. The Committee shall determine at the time of grant
of a Stock Appreciation Right whether it shall be settled in
cash, Shares, or a combination of cash and Shares.
Restricted Stock
. Subject to the provisions of
the Plan, the Committee shall have sole and complete authority
to determine the Eligible Individuals to whom Restricted Stock
shall be granted, the number of Shares to be covered by each
Award of Restricted Stock and the terms, conditions, and
limitations applicable thereto. An Award of Restricted Stock may
be subject to the attainment of specified performance goals or
targets, restrictions on transfer, forfeitability provisions and
such other terms and conditions as the Committee may determine,
subject to the provisions of the Plan. An award of Restricted
Stock may be made in lieu of the payment of cash compensation
otherwise due to an Eligible Individual. To the extent that
Restricted Stock is intended to qualify as
performance-based compensation under
Section 162(m), it must be made subject to the attainment
of one or more of the performance goals specified in
Section 5(c) hereof and meet the additional requirements
imposed by Section 162(m).
The Restricted Period
. At the time that an Award
of Restricted Stock is made, the Committee shall establish a
period of time during which the transfer of the Shares of
Restricted Stock shall be restricted (the Restricted
Period). Each Award of Restricted Stock may have a
different Restricted Period. Except (i) for Restricted
Stock granted to Outside Directors, (ii) for Restricted
Stock that vests based on the attainment of performance goals,
and (iii) as provided in Section 5(a)(i)(C)(2), a
Restricted Period of at least three years is required with
incremental vesting of the Award over the three-year period
permitted. If the grant or vesting of the Shares is subject to
the attainment of specified performance goals, a Restricted
Period of at least one year with incremental vesting is
permitted. The expiration of the Restricted Period shall also
occur as provided in the Award Agreement in accordance with
Section 12(a) hereof.
. The Participant receiving Restricted
Stock shall enter into an Award Agreement with the Company
setting forth the conditions of the grant. Certificates
representing Shares of Restricted Stock shall be registered in
the name of the Participant and deposited with the Company,
together with a stock power endorsed in blank by the
Participant. Each such certificate shall bear a legend in
substantially the following form:
The transferability of this certificate and the shares of Common
Stock represented by it are subject to the terms and conditions
(including conditions of forfeiture) contained in the Amended
and Restated McMoRan Exploration Co. 2008 Stock Incentive Plan
(the Plan) and a notice of grant issued thereunder
to the registered owner by McMoRan Exploration Co. Copies of the
Plan and the notice of grant are on file at the principal office
of McMoRan Exploration Co.
Alternatively, in the discretion of the Company, ownership of
the Shares of Restricted Stock and the appropriate restrictions
shall be reflected in the records of the Companys transfer
agent and no physical certificates shall be issued prior to
Dividends on Restricted Stock
. Any and all cash
and stock dividends paid with respect to the Shares of
Restricted Stock shall be subject to any restrictions on
transfer, forfeitability provisions or reinvestment requirements
as the Committee may, in its discretion, prescribe in the Award
. In the event of the forfeiture of
any Shares of Restricted Stock under the terms provided in the
Award Agreement (including any additional Shares of Restricted
Stock that may result from the
reinvestment of cash and stock dividends, if so provided in the
Award Agreement), such forfeited shares shall be surrendered and
the certificates canceled. The Participants shall have the same
rights and privileges, and be subject to the same forfeiture
provisions, with respect to any additional Shares received
pursuant to Section 5(b) or Section 11(b) due to a
recapitalization, merger or other change in capitalization.
Expiration of Restricted Period
. Upon the
expiration or termination of the Restricted Period and the
satisfaction of any other conditions prescribed by the Committee
or at such earlier time as provided in the Award Agreement or an
amendment thereto, the restrictions applicable to the Restricted
Stock shall lapse and a stock certificate for the number of
Shares of Restricted Stock with respect to which the
restrictions have lapsed shall be delivered, free of all such
restrictions and legends, except any that may be imposed by law,
to the Participant or the Participants estate, as the case
may be.
Rights as a Stockholder
. Subject to the terms
and conditions of the Plan and subject to any restrictions on
the receipt of dividends that may be imposed in the Award
Agreement, each Participant receiving Restricted Stock shall
have all the rights of a stockholder with respect to Shares of
stock during any period in which such Shares are subject to
forfeiture and restrictions on transfer, including without
limitation, the right to vote such Shares.
Restricted Stock Units
. Subject to the
provisions of the Plan, the Committee shall have sole and
complete authority to determine the Eligible Individuals to whom
Restricted Stock Units shall be granted, the number of Shares to
be covered by each Award of Restricted Stock Units and the
terms, conditions, and limitations applicable thereto. An Award
of Restricted Stock Units is a right to receive shares of Common
Stock in the future and may be subject to the attainment of
specified performance goals or targets, restrictions on
transfer, forfeitability provisions and such other terms and
conditions as the Committee may determine, subject to the
provisions of the Plan. An award of Restricted Stock Units may
be made in lieu of the payment of cash compensation otherwise
due to an Eligible Individual. To the extent that an Award of
Restricted Stock Units is intended to qualify as
performance-based compensation under
Section 162(m), it must be made subject to the attainment
of one or more of the performance goals specified in
Section 5(c) hereof and meet the additional requirements
imposed by Section 162(m).
The Vesting Period
. At the time that an Award of
Restricted Stock Units is made, the Committee shall establish a
period of time during which the Restricted Stock Units shall
vest. Each Award of Restricted Stock may have a different
vesting period. Except (i) for Restricted Stock Units
granted to Outside Directors, (ii) for Restricted Stock
Units that vest based on the attainment of performance goals,
and (iii) as provided in Section 5(a)(i)(C)(2), a
vesting period of at least three years is required with
incremental vesting of the Award over the three-year period
permitted. If the grant or vesting is subject to the attainment
of specified performance goals, a vesting period of at least one
year with incremental vesting is permitted. The expiration of
the vesting period shall also occur as provided in the Award
Agreement in accordance with Section 12(a) hereof.
Rights as a Stockholder
. Subject to the terms
and conditions of the Plan and subject to any restrictions that
may be imposed in the Award Agreement, each Participant
receiving Restricted Stock Units shall have no rights as a
stockholder with respect to such Restricted Stock Units until
such time as Shares are issued to the Participant.
Other Stock-Based Awards
. The Committee is
hereby authorized to grant to Eligible Individuals an
Other Stock-Based Award, which shall consist of an
Award that is not an instrument or Award specified in
Sections 6 through 9 of this Plan, the value of which is
based in whole or in part on the value of Shares. Other
Stock-Based Awards may be awards of Shares or may be denominated
or payable in, valued in whole or in part by reference to, or
otherwise based on or related to, Shares (including, without
limitation, securities convertible or exchangeable into or
exercisable for Shares), as deemed by the Committee consistent
with the purposes of the Plan. The Committee shall determine the
terms and conditions of any such Other Stock-Based Award and may
provide that such awards would be payable in whole or in part in
cash. To the extent that an
Other Stock-Based Award is intended to qualify as
performance-based compensation under
Section 162(m), it must be made subject to the attainment
of one or more of the performance goals specified in
Section 5(c) hereof and meet the additional requirements
imposed by Section 162(m).
The Vesting Period
. Except (i) for Other
Stock-Based Awards granted to Outside Directors, (ii) Other
Stock-Based Awards that vest based on the attainment of
performance goals, and (iii) as provided in
Section 5(a)(i)(C)(2), a vesting period of at least three
years is required with incremental vesting of the Award over the
three-year period permitted. If the grant or vesting is subject
to the attainment of specified performance goals, a vesting
period of at least one year with incremental vesting is
permitted. The expiration of the vesting period shall also occur
as provided in the Award Agreement in accordance with
Section 12(a) hereof.
Dividend Equivalents
. In the sole and complete
discretion of the Committee, an Award, whether made as an Other
Stock-Based Award under this Section 10 or as an Award
granted pursuant to Sections 6 through 9 hereof, may
provide the holder thereof with dividends or dividend
equivalents, payable in cash, Shares, Subsidiary securities,
other securities or other property on a current or deferred
Amendment or Discontinuance of the Plan
. The
Board may amend or discontinue the Plan at any time; provided,
however, that no such amendment may
(i) without the approval of the stockholders,
(a) increase, subject to adjustments permitted herein, the
maximum number of shares of Common Stock that may be issued
through the Plan, (b) materially increase the benefits
accruing to Participants under the Plan, (c) materially
expand the classes of persons eligible to participate in the
Plan, (d) expand the types of Awards available for grant
under the Plan, (e) materially extend the term of the Plan,
(f) materially change the method of determining the
exercise price of Options or Stock Appreciation Rights, or
(g) amend Section 11(c) to permit a reduction in the
exercise price of Options; or
(ii) materially impair, without the consent of the
recipient, an Award previously granted.
Adjustment of Awards Upon the Occurrence of Certain
Unusual or Nonrecurring Events
. The Committee is hereby
authorized to make adjustments in the terms and conditions of,
and the criteria included in, Awards in recognition of unusual
or nonrecurring events (including, without limitation, the
events described in Section 5(b) hereof) affecting the
Company, or the financial statements of the Company or any
Subsidiary, or of changes in applicable laws, regulations, or
accounting principles, whenever the Committee determines that
such adjustments are appropriate to prevent dilution or
enlargement of the benefits or potential benefits intended to be
made available under the Plan.
. Any provision of this Plan or any
Award Agreement to the contrary notwithstanding, the Committee
may cause any Award granted hereunder to be canceled in
consideration of a cash payment or alternative Award made to the
holder of such canceled Award equal in value to such canceled
Award. Notwithstanding the foregoing, except for adjustments
permitted under Sections 5(b) and 11(b), no action by the
Committee shall, unless approved by the stockholders of the
Company, (i) cause a reduction in the exercise price of
Options granted under the Plan or (ii) permit an
outstanding Option with an exercise price greater than the
current fair market value of a Share to be surrendered as
consideration for a new Option with a lower exercise price,
shares of Restricted Stock, Restricted Stock Units, and Other
Stock-Based Award, a cash payment or Common Stock. The
determinations of value under this subparagraph shall be made by
the Committee in its sole discretion.
Award Agreements
. Each Award hereunder shall be
evidenced by an agreement or notice delivered to the Participant
(by paper copy or electronically) that shall specify the terms
and conditions thereof and any rules applicable thereto,
including but not limited to the effect on such Award of the
death, retirement or other
termination of employment or cessation of consulting or advisory
services of the Participant and the effect thereon, if any, of a
change in control of the Company.
. (i) A Participant shall be
required to pay to the Company, and the Company shall have the
right to deduct from all amounts paid to a Participant (whether
under the Plan or otherwise), any taxes required by law to be
paid or withheld in respect of Awards hereunder to such
Participant. The Committee may provide for additional cash
payments to holders of Awards to defray or offset any tax
arising from the grant, vesting, exercise or payment of any
(ii) At any time that a Participant is required to pay to
the Company an amount required to be withheld under the
applicable tax laws in connection with the issuance of Shares
under the Plan, the Participant may, if permitted by the
Committee, satisfy this obligation in whole or in part by
delivering currently owned Shares or by electing (the
Election) to have the Company withhold from the
issuance Shares, which Shares shall have a value equal to the
minimum amount required to be withheld. The value of the Shares
delivered or withheld shall be based on the fair market value of
the Shares on the date as of which the amount of tax to be
withheld shall be determined in accordance with applicable tax
laws (the Tax Date).
(iii) Each Election to have Shares withheld must be made
prior to the Tax Date. If a Participant wishes to deliver Shares
in payment of taxes, the Participant must so notify the Company
prior to the Tax Date.
(i) No Awards granted hereunder may be transferred,
pledged, assigned or otherwise encumbered by a Participant
(A) by will;
(B) by the laws of descent and distribution;
(C) pursuant to a domestic relations order, as defined in
the Code, if permitted by the Committee and so provided in the
Award Agreement or an amendment thereto; or
(D) if permitted by the Committee and so provided in the
Award Agreement or an amendment thereto, Options may be
transferred or assigned (1) to Immediate Family Members,
(2) to a partnership in which Immediate Family Members, or
entities in which Immediate Family Members are the owners,
members or beneficiaries, as appropriate, are the partners,
(3) to a limited liability company in which Immediate
Family Members, or entities in which Immediate Family Members
are the owners, members or beneficiaries, as appropriate, are
the members, or (4) to a trust for the benefit of Immediate
Family Members; provided, however, that no more than a
de minimus beneficial interest in a partnership, limited
liability company, or trust described in (2), (3) or
(4) above may be owned by a person who is not an Immediate
Family Member or by an entity that is not beneficially owned
solely by Immediate Family Members.
(ii) To the extent that an Incentive Stock Option is
permitted to be transferred during the lifetime of the
Participant, it shall be treated thereafter as a Nonqualified
Stock Option. Any attempted assignment, transfer, pledge,
hypothecation or other disposition of Awards, or levy of
attachment or similar process upon Awards not specifically
permitted herein, shall be null and void and without effect. The
designation of a Designated Beneficiary shall not be a violation
of this Section 12(c).
Share Certificates
. Any certificates for Shares
or other securities delivered under the Plan pursuant to any
Award or the exercise thereof shall be subject to such stop
transfer orders and other restrictions as the Committee may deem
advisable under the Plan or the rules, regulations, and other
requirements of the Securities and Exchange Commission, any
stock exchange upon which such Shares or other securities are
then listed, and any applicable federal or state laws, and the
Committee may cause a legend or legends to be put on any such
certificates to make appropriate reference to such restrictions.
No Limit on Other Compensation Arrangements
Nothing contained in the Plan shall prevent the Company from
adopting or continuing in effect other compensation
arrangements, which may, but need not,
provide for the grant of options, stock appreciation rights and
other types of Awards provided for hereunder (subject to
stockholder approval of any such arrangement if approval is
required), and such arrangements may be either generally
applicable or applicable only in specific cases.
No Right to Employment
. The grant of an Award
shall not be construed as giving a Participant the right to be
retained in the employ of or as a consultant or adviser to the
Company or any Subsidiary or in the employ of or as a consultant
or adviser to any other entity providing services to the
Company. The Company or any Subsidiary or any such entity may at
any time dismiss a Participant from employment, or terminate any
arrangement pursuant to which the Participant provides services
to the Company or a Subsidiary, free from any liability or any
claim under the Plan, unless otherwise expressly provided in the
Plan or in any Award Agreement. No Eligible Individual or other
person shall have any claim to be granted any Award, and there
is no obligation for uniformity of treatment of Eligible
Individuals, Participants or holders or beneficiaries of Awards.
Governing Law
. The validity, construction, and
effect of the Plan, any rules and regulations relating to the
Plan and any Award Agreement shall be determined in accordance
with the laws of the State of Delaware.
. If any provision of the Plan or
any Award is or becomes or is deemed to be invalid, illegal, or
unenforceable in any jurisdiction or as to any Person or Award,
or would disqualify the Plan or any Award under any law deemed
applicable by the Committee, such provision shall be construed
or deemed amended to conform to applicable laws, or if it cannot
be construed or deemed amended without, in the determination of
the Committee, materially altering the intent of the Plan or the
Award, such provision shall be stricken as to such jurisdiction,
Person or Award and the remainder of the Plan and any such Award
shall remain in full force and effect.
No Trust or Fund Created
. Neither the Plan
nor any Award shall create or be construed to create a trust or
separate fund of any kind or a fiduciary relationship between
the Company and a Participant or any other Person. To the extent
that any Person acquires a right to receive payments from the
Company pursuant to an Award, such right shall be no greater
than the right of any unsecured general creditor of the Company.
No Fractional Shares
. No fractional Shares shall
be issued or delivered pursuant to the Plan or any Award, and
the Committee shall determine whether cash, other securities or
other property shall be paid or transferred in lieu of any
fractional Shares or whether such fractional Shares or any
rights thereto shall be canceled, terminated, or otherwise
Compliance with Law
. The Company intends that
Awards granted under the Plan, or any deferrals thereof, will
comply with the requirements of Section 409A to the extent
Deferral Permitted
. Payment of cash or
distribution of any Shares to which a Participant is entitled
under any Award shall be made as provided in the Award
Agreement. Payment may be deferred at the option of the
Participant if provided in the Award Agreement.
. Headings are given to the subsections
of the Plan solely as a convenience to facilitate reference.
Such headings shall not be deemed in any way material or
relevant to the construction or interpretation of the Plan or
any provision thereof.
Term of the Plan
. Subject to Section 11(a), no
Awards may be granted under the Plan after May 3, 2020,
which is ten years after the date the Plan was approved by the
Companys stockholders; provided, however, that Awards
granted prior to such date shall remain in effect until such
Awards have either been satisfied, expired or canceled under the
terms of the Plan, and any restrictions imposed on Shares in
connection with their issuance under the Plan have lapsed.
Proxy Solicited on Behalf of the Board of Directors for
Annual Meeting of Stockholders, May 3, 2010
The undersigned hereby appoints James R. Moffett, Richard C. Adkerson and Kathleen L. Quirk, each or any of them, as proxies, with full power of substitution, to vote the shares of the undersigned in McMoRan Exploration Co. at the Annual Meeting of Stockholders to be held on Monday, May 3, 2010, at 11:00 a.m. Central Time, and at any adjournment thereof, on all matters coming before the meeting. The proxies will vote: (1) as you specify on the back of this card, (2) as the Board of Directors recommends where you do not specify your vote on a matter listed on the back of this card, and (3) as the proxies decide on any other matter.
If you wish to vote on all matters as the Board of Directors recommends, please sign, date and return this card. If you wish to vote on items individually, please also mark the appropriate boxes on the back of this card.
(continued on reverse side)
Please mark your votes as indicated in this example
The Board of Directors recommends a vote FOR Items 1, 2, 3 and 4 below:
Item 1 Election of seven directors.
Item 3 Approval of the proposed amendment to the Amended and
Restated Certificate of Incorporation to increase the number of authorized shares of common stock to 300,000,000.
Nominees are:
Richard C. Adkerson Suzanne T. Mestayer
Robert A. Day Gerald J. Ford H. Devon Graham, Jr. James R. Moffett B. M. Rankin, Jr. Item 4 Approval of the Amended and Restated 2008 Stock Incentive Plan.
FOR, except withhold vote from following nominee(s): ___
Signature(s) ___Dated: ___, 2010
You may specify your votes by marking the appropriate box on this side. You need not mark any box, however, if you wish to vote all items in accordance with the Board of Directors recommendation. If your votes are not specified, this proxy will be voted FOR Items 1, 2, 3 and 4.
Your Internet vote authorizes the named proxies to vote your shares in the same manner as if you had returned your proxy card. We encourage you to use this cost effective and convenient way of voting, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Visit the Internet voting website at Simply sign and date your proxy card and
http://www.ivselection.com/explor10. Have this return it in the postage-paid envelope to
proxy card ready and follow the instructions on Secretary, McMoRan Exploration Co., P.O.
your screen. You will incur only your usual Box 17149, Wilmington, Delaware 19885-9809.
Internet charges. Available 24 hours a day, 7 If you are voting by Internet, please do not mail
days a week until 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time on your proxy card.
May 2, 2010.
This proxy statement and the 2009 annual report are available at http://www.proxymaterial.com/mmr.
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