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IonQ Inc

IonQ Inc (IONQ)

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Konaploinks Konaploinks 2 days ago
Quantum computers are here and working now in 3 of IonQ’s data centers in Maryland ,Seattle and Switzerland. Graphene adoption is at least 20 years away. No comparisons that I see anyway. The memristor is making a larger impact as far as future advancements . Check it out.
JJ8 JJ8 2 days ago
Today, 6,775,962 shares of IONQ traded hands, in-line with the 6,510,045 share daily average during the last twelve months. The On Balance Volume indicator (OBV) is bullish. The slope of the indicator is positive and suggests that buyers are presently more active than sellers as of 4:10 PM ET Friday, 09/20/2024

I am seeing for next week a "golden cross" likelihood/similarity... of crossing of the 20 ema with 50 ma in the chart.

We shall see. Have a great weekend,

Cheers & GLTA
6of1 6of1 2 days ago
graphene adoption will happen first
Konaploinks Konaploinks 3 days ago
Rtq 8.20 !!!!
Konaploinks Konaploinks 3 days ago
After conference bump up. The word is getting out. Glad I’m all in. I think some major players are ready to pull the trigger. Institutions surely got an earful at the conference. Belly up boys before we fly past 20.00 on new contract announcements from our data centers or any more Gov. contracts . Quantum is coming!
Konaploinks Konaploinks 3 days ago
Is Bill Gates Investing In IONQ?

It’s rare for a technology to be so disruptive that it has the potential to change the very fabric of how computers operate.

But every few generations, some truly transformative technology comes along, whether it’s the Internet a few decades ago to get us online or social media more recently to connect us all.

In the next few years, quantum computing holds promise to be that kind of revolutionary technology that changes our lives forever. And some real heavyweights from Silicon Valley and beyond have backed a single company, IonQ (NYSE:IONQ).

Is Bill Gates Invested In IonQ?

IonQ develops quantum computing systems and sells access to them based on qubit capacity.

These systems are accessible via Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft’s Azure Quantum, as well as Google’s Cloud Marketplace. So, while IonQ may not be a household name, it has got some seriously well-capitalized corporate partners.

Beyond enterprise partnerships with tech titans, Amazon, Microsoft and Alphabet, IonQ has also attracted interest from some of the most successful technology CEOs in history. If you’re wondering is Bill Gates invested in IonQ? Yes, he is, and so too is Salesforce CEO, Mark Benioff, as well as Dell founder, Michael Dell.
Konaploinks Konaploinks 3 days ago
From November 2022. Ionq had 164 then. About 100 more since then.

Top 10 Quantum Companies ranked according to their number of Quantum Patents
Kyrlynn D
November 8, 2022
Top 10 Quantum Companies ranked according to their number of Quantum Patents
IPRdaily, a provider of intellectual property intelligence, recently announced the top companies that have been granted corresponding Quantum Patents. The analysis was conducted in order to reveal the most active participants in this industry. As the industry develops rapidly, more and more countries and regions are joining the group to initiate quantum computing programs to build up a quantum talent pool and IP.

International Patents

Ever since 2015, the quantum computing industry is growing rapidly, and to date, more than 400 companies are engaged in this industry. Many large companies such as Google, Intel, and IBM have made great efforts to promote the development of quantum technology. U.S. companies such as Microsoft and Amazon have also been actively involved in quantum computing research and development. Among the top countries that rank top in terms of the number of quantum start-ups are the United States, followed by Canada, China, and Japan.

Quantum computing has made landmark progresses with increasing patents in the quantum area. IPRdaily reports showed that the majority of the companies came from 18 countries and regions, 40% of which are from the US, followed by 15% from China, 11% from Japan, 7% from Canada, 6% from the UK, 4% from Australia, 3% from German, 2% from Swiss, Israel, and Finland respectively, and 1% from Austria, Ireland, Spain, Korea, France, Sweden, Poland, and Malta respectively.

Among the 100 Listed Quantum Companies with outstanding patents in the quantum computing field, the following are ranked. The top 10 companies were listed as follows:

IBM (1323 patents)
Google (762 patents)
D-wave (501 patents)
Microsoft (496 patents)
Northrop Grumman (262 patents)
Origin of Quantity (234 patents)
Intel (221 patents)
Baidu News (186 patents)
IonQ (164 patents)
Rigetti (110 patents)
IPRdaily reported that the data analyzed included patents in the field of quantum computing processing systems and methods, quantum circuit operation method and device, quantum state tomography method and device, quantum program conversion method and device, quantum logic gate operation optimization method, superconducting quantum processors and quantum control and measurement technology, and other technical fields, but excluded patents in the field of quantum key cryptography and quantum-resistant cryptography.

Data also indicated the origin and region of each patent, wherein it becomes clear that US, Chinese, Japanese, and Canadian businesses applied for or currently hold the majority of these patents. In comparison to the other nations or regions, the US had the highest percentage of these patented innovations (54.18%), followed by China (16.68%), Japan (7.94%), and Canada (7.04%).

Furthermore, data analysis also shows the ranking based on times being cited, among the top companies were coming from the US, Japan, China, and Canada.

Coming from the Top 100 List of Companies, which lies in 58th rank, and 8th in China, SpinQ Technology Inc., established in 2018, is a company that provides one-stop solutions in quantum computing. Its missions include promoting the commercialization and popularization of quantum computing by means of technology R&D and commercial landings. SpinQ Technology Inc. is patenting more technologies with more experts joining its team and more research input. The quantum company has developed and produced a series of commercial desktop NMR quantum computers including Gemini, Triangulum, and Gemini Mini, which are the best sellers in China and abroad.

Apart from its NMR quantum computers, the company has developed its own quantum programming framework SpinQKit, cloud platform Tauras, and a prototype of a superconducting quantum computer. Altogether, these provide one-stop solutions from hardware and software to applications. Moving forward, it will continuously upgrade its existing products and develop new solutions to provide users with full-stack services that are stable, easy to use, and highly applicable by means of controllable and integrated research and development.

See the full list of top companies with quantum patents here.
Konaploinks Konaploinks 3 days ago
As of Q2 2024, IonQ has the most patents in the field of MOS micro (mpu, mcu, and dsp). In that quarter, IonQ filed nearly 44% of its patents and was granted 56% of them.

Here are some other details about IonQ's patents:

In March 2022, IonQ was granted US Patent 11,281,987 for its IonQ Forte, the first software-configurable quantum computer

In November 2022, IonQ had 164 granted quantum patents

IonQ is a quantum computing company that uses individual atoms trapped in 3D space to develop quantum processing units. They use lasers to prepare and read out the atoms.
Konaploinks Konaploinks 3 days ago
The 3 latest patents assigned to Ionq and all on September 10. They have around 250 patents assigned to them.

Patents Assigned to IONQ, INC.
Double individual-addressing multi-beam Raman system
Patent number: 12088351
Abstract: Aspects of the present disclosure relate generally to systems and methods for use in the implementation and/or operation of quantum information processing (QIP) systems, and more particularly, to a double individual-addressing multi-beam Raman system for use in QIP systems. A technique is described in which a first multi-channel modulator (MCM), a first telecentric zoom lens, and a first interleaver that form a first optical path of the Raman system that receives a first array of beams and adjusts the first array of beams to individually address atomic-based qubits in a chain from a first direction. Moreover, a second MCM, a second telecentric zoom lens, and a second interleaver form a second optical path of the Raman system that receives a second array of beams and adjusts the second arrays of beams to individually address the atomic-based qubits in the chain from a second direction different from the first direction.
Type: Grant
Filed: December 6, 2022
Date of Patent: September 10, 2024
Assignee: IonQ, Inc.
Inventors: Neal C. Pisenti, Kai Makoto Hudek, Kenneth Wright, Tan Liu, David Angeley, Nadir Shah, Sarah Margaret Kreikemeier
Techniques for controlling small angle Mølmer-Sørensen gates and for handling asymmetric SPAM errors
Patent number: 12086691
Abstract: The disclosure describes various techniques to control of small angle Mølmer-Sørensen (MS) gates and to handle asymmetric errors. A technique is described that implements a two-qubit calibration circuit with two MS gates, where a parameter ? represents an amount of entanglement of the MS gate. The calibration circuit is run for several values of ? to measure observed parity signals that are direct measurements of the values of ?. Calibration information is generated that describes the relationship between ? and the parity signals, and such calibration information is then provided to arbitrarily calibrate one or more MS gates in a quantum simulation. Another technique is described for using the calibration information in quantum simulations, including for quantum chemistry simulations.
Type: Grant
Filed: March 9, 2023
Date of Patent: September 10, 2024
Assignee: IonQ, Inc.
Inventors: Jwo-Sy Chen, Neal Pisenti, Yunseong Nam
Noise reduced circuits for superconducting quantum computers
Patent number: 12086203
Abstract: Embodiments described herein are generally related to a method and a system for performing a computation using a hybrid quantum-classical computing system, and, more specifically, to providing an approximate solution to an optimization problem using a hybrid quantum-classical computing system that includes a group of trapped ions. A hybrid quantum-classical computing system that is able to provide a solution to a combinatorial optimization problem may include a classical computer, a system controller, and a quantum processor. The methods and systems described herein include an efficient and noise resilient method for constructing trial states in the quantum processor in solving a problem in a hybrid quantum-classical computing system, which provides improvement over the conventional method for computation in a hybrid quantum-classical computing system.
Type: Grant
Filed: November 7, 2022
Date of Patent: September 10, 2024
Assignee: IONQ, INC.
Inventors: Omar Shehab, Isaac Hyun Kim
Konaploinks Konaploinks 3 days ago
Encryption NewsSeptember 20, 2024
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Konaploinks Konaploinks 3 days ago
Forget AI Chip Makers, Grab These Quantum Computing Stocks For Massive Upside in 2024
2024 will go down as the year that computers changed forever.

And any investors who make their move now could get in on the ground floor.

You see…while the rest of the world is losing their mind over the next big AI stock.

Some of Wall Street’s savviest players are quietly moving their money into a different corner of the technology market.

Quantum Computing.

Over the past 12 months, Quantum Computing stocks have seen an unprecedented change in value and trading activity.

FormFactor, a company pioneering chip testing in the Quantum Space, saw their stock surge over 100% (2X!) .

Quantum hardware darling IONQ saw their stock surge as much as 274%.

The Quantum Computing revolution is here.

And many in the know investors and technology leaders believe this is just the beginning.

They’re putting their money where their mouth is too!

In 2022, worldwide investment in Quantum Computing companies reached 2.35 Billion…the highest ever.

The US government recently committed $1.8 Billion to investing in quantum computing initiatives.
Konaploinks Konaploinks 3 days ago
Time is running out to enroll this fall! Enroll today with code LASTCHANCE24 and save over $350!

Discover the business and technical implications of the new frontier in computing and how you can apply them to your organization with this two-course program from MIT xPRO.
Like the first digital computers, quantum computers offer the possibility of technology exponentially more powerful than current systems. They stand to change companies, entire industries, and the world by solving problems that seem impossible today.

A report by Gartner stated that this year, 20% of organizations are budgeting for quantum computing projects. As this new technology develops, organizations will face a shortage of quantum computing experts.

The time to learn about quantum computing is now. Discover the business and technical implications of this new frontier in computing and how you can apply quantum computing to your organization.

Prepare for the future of quantum computing online with MIT.

October 7, 2024
4 weeks per course

Konaploinks Konaploinks 3 days ago
Awesome Ian ! Mahalo for that. I guess my Qphone isn’t all that far off. Now what we need is our Gov to throw IonQ a few billion our way for R&D. I’m thinking it could happen any time. The defective diamonds idea was very interesting. It’s good to see that there are a lot of inquiring minds working on this . And like Android or Apple, there will probably be choices in future Quantum systems. Thanks again.
IanFromSI IanFromSI 3 days ago
Quantum article published a little less than two days ago which I found quite interesting.

Germany picks 4 startups to deliver world’s first quantum computer for ‘mobile defence’

Quantum Brilliance, ParityQC, Oxford Ionics, and neQxt have entered phase 3 of the project

In its most expensive project to date, Germany’s Cyber Agency (Cyberagentur) has awarded three different contracts to four quantum computing startups — Quantum Brilliance, ParityQC, Oxford Ionics, and neQxt.

Their mission is to deliver the world’s first quantum computer for “mobile security and defence” by 2027. After that, phase four of the project will kick in, and only one of the candidates will remain.
Qubits from defect diamonds

A portable quantum computer will be able to function independently of a network connection or a large data centre, which could be critical in crisis situations. These types of systems can also be easily transported and updated in the field.
“One of the things we’ll be working on with the Cyber Agency is what the desired form factor is,” Mark Mattingley-Scott, chief revenue officer and general manager for EMEA at Quantum Brilliance, told TNW. “How small and light does it need to be?” 
Most methods for creating qubits require large cryogenic or vacuum systems. These types of structures do not lend themselves well to portability. As such, it is no surprise that the tech picked by the German government for this stage of development can do without them.

Quantum Brilliance is one of the companies that have won part of the €35mn project allocation. The Australian-German startup makes quantum accelerators and miniaturised processors out of diamond. 

Something called nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centres, a type of defect in diamonds, can be controlled and manipulated to act as qubits. This means that working with diamond as a material allows the processor’s qubits to function with high coherence (that is, maintain their quantum states) at room temperature.

“Another important point for us and also for the Cyber Agency, is that this is very much a validation of our vision of quantum computing, as well as our atom-scale fabrication and photoelectric readout technologies, which we’ve been developing over the last three years,” Mattingley-Scott said, referring to a precise method of manufacturing NV centres.  ??Quantum Brilliance also recently signed a partnership with the prestigious Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee, which belongs to the US Department of Energy.

For the Cyberagentur project it will be working in partnership with quantum architecture startup ParityQC, which is headquartered in Austria.
An ion-trapped MinIon

The Cyber Agency research project focuses specifically on deploying quantum computing for mobile defence and security scenarios and is shaped in the form of a competition over several stages. Along with Quantum Brilliance and ParityQC, there are two other startup candidates still in the game. 

One is Oxford Ionics, a British startup that holds the current record for gate fidelity at 99.993%. The company uses electronics, not lasers, to control its trapped-ion qubits.??“What’s unique about our technology is that we can achieve world-leading quantum performance on a standard, thumbnail-sized chip entirely produced in today’s semiconductor fabs,“ Chris Ballance, Oxford Ionics’ CEO, told TNW. 
“This means we can deliver incredibly powerful quantum computing capabilities within systems that have very small physical footprints — if that’s what the customer needs.“

Oxford Ionics’ portable quantum computer is called MinIon. The first generation will have 32 high-fidelity qubits, but Ballance says it will be able to fit larger capacity chips which could scale to thousands of qubits. In order to help it scale the technology, Oxford Ionics has partnered with Germany’s largest semiconductor manufacturer Infineon. 

The UK company currently holds the world fidelity performance record. It also recently won the contract to build a full-stack quantum computer named Quartet for the UK’s National Quantum Computing Centre. While MinIon is the first mobile offering of its product line, Balance said the company will continue to commercialise larger-scale machines. 

Strengthening Germany’s digital sovereignty
The third contract for this stage of the project goes to the Cyberagentur compatriot startup neQxt. The full-stack quantum computing company is quite shy with providing detailed information, but says it will aim to integrate its existing trapped-ion technology into a compact, modular, scalable, and mobile system under the project name of maQue.
The aim of the project is to “bring Germany to the forefront of technology in the field of mobile quantum computing, to secure the leading position in quantum technology research that already exists today and thus to strengthen Germany’s digital sovereignty.”

Germany already has a strong position in quantum computing. Founded in Australia in 2019, Quantum Brilliance chose the country for its European headquarters for a number of reasons, including the engineering talent pool as well as instrumentation to make photonic systems, and assemble circuits and test equipment. ??“If you look at the map of Europe, especially if you draw a triangle between the Netherlands, Germany, and France, you’ve got market leaders in all those segments in that triangle,” Mattingley-Scott added. 

Not to mention a high concentration of end users — military and civilian alike. As governments wake up to the dawning of the quantum era, the next geopolitical and economic race might just be qubit-fuelled, and potentially pocket-sized.

Published September 18, 2024 - 03:48 pm UTC
👍️ 1
Konaploinks Konaploinks 3 days ago
No bad news. Looks like the day trippers jumped off. Good riddance. I think a lot of good news will come out of this conference that ends today. I’m sittin tight.
Konaploinks Konaploinks 3 days ago
Here ya go. Nvda and CRM already setting the stage. They see what’s coming. And Mark Benioff ( a Ionq investor along with Dell and Gates) and Jensen are setting up for such a quantum personal device I mentioned in previous post. The Qphone is coming. Get in!

NVIDIA, Salesforce Announce Strategic AI Collaboration: What To Know
Erica Kollmann, Benzinga Staff Writer
September 17, 2024 5:51 PM | 1 min read | Make a Comment

The companies will work together together to deliver optimized predictive and generative AI workflows.
Salesforce and NVIDIA will also collaborate to enable human-like experiences when customers or employees interact with Agentforce agents.

Learn More

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NVIDIA Corp. NVDA and Salesforce, Inc. CRM on Tuesday announced a strategic collaboration to develop advanced AI capabilities for enterprises with autonomous agent and interactive avatar experiences.

The Details: The companies said they will work together to deliver optimized predictive and generative AI workflows by bringing together the NVIDIA AI platform, the Salesforce Platform and Agentforce. The companies expect the collaboration to deliver advances in AI platform performance and model throughput to improve productivity and effectiveness of interactions across industries.

Salesforce and NVIDIA will also collaborate on AI agent avatars with NVIDIA ACE, a collection of digital human technologies and NIM microservices, and Agentforce to enable human-like experiences when customers or employees interact with Agentforce agents.

Read Next: What Happened With MicroStrategy Stock Today?

“In the future, every company, every job will be enhanced by a wide range of AI agents — assistants that will transform how we work,” said NVIDIA founder and CEO Jensen Huang.

“NVIDIA and Salesforce are bringing together our technologies to accelerate the development of AI agents for companies to supercharge their productivity,” Huang added.

NVDA, CRM Price Action: According to Benzinga Pro, Nvidia shares ended Tuesday's session down 1.02% at $115.59 and Salesforce shares closed down 0.65% at $255.19.
Konaploinks Konaploinks 3 days ago
The Quantum Cloud. will suffice for awhile but I’m thinking they will come up with a new device to be sold to the masses for both quantum computing and communications. Basically a quantum cell phone. Ionq already has over 240 patents. If I were them I’d be securing patents on just such a new device. I’d bet they already have. I will now go back and read every patent granted to them to come up with new ideas for them. I won’t be posting any of them here though. Sorry. Beam me up JJ ! 😎
Konaploinks Konaploinks 4 days ago
Congrats JJ ! Only in America! From ChatGPT

As of now, **IonQ**, a company that specializes in quantum computing, is not selling quantum computers directly to customers for purchase. Instead, IonQ primarily offers **cloud-based access** to their quantum computers through partnerships with major cloud providers such as **Amazon Braket**, **Microsoft Azure Quantum**, and **Google Cloud**. This means users can access IonQ's quantum computers remotely, without needing to own or maintain the hardware themselves.

### Key Offerings from IonQ:
1. **Cloud-Based Quantum Computing**:
- IonQ’s quantum computers are available via cloud platforms, allowing researchers, businesses, and developers to run quantum algorithms without owning the physical infrastructure.

2. **Quantum-as-a-Service (QaaS)**:
- IonQ operates under a **Quantum-as-a-Service (QaaS)** model, where customers pay for usage time on the quantum computers, similar to how traditional cloud services operate. This service allows scalable access to quantum hardware without the significant upfront investment required to own a quantum computer.

3. **Hardware Partnerships**:
- IonQ’s ion-trap quantum computers, based on trapped-ion technology, are built and maintained by the company itself, but they are accessed through cloud services, rather than sold as physical products.

### Future Possibility:
While IonQ is focused on cloud services right now, there is the potential that quantum hardware could be sold in the future as the technology matures, costs decrease, and demand for direct ownership increases. However, at this stage, the complexity and maintenance of quantum computers, along with the high costs, make the cloud-based model the more practical option for most users.

If you're interested in using IonQ's quantum computers, the best approach is to explore their offerings on cloud platforms rather than expecting to purchase a physical device.

Me…. I don’t think it will be long before they announce orders for individual computers to huge corporations. Just think of what that announcement will do to our share price! Katie bar the door. They are working hard towards that day and when it’s announced I think the buy out war will begin. None of the Mag 7 will want to be chasing this quantum leap ( pun intended) and be left out of future sales and developments that will as surely as classical computers come down in size , complexity and price to become affordable for the average person in the years to come.Very exciting times ahead for sure. And instead of years or decades for these same problems that classical computers had to mature for the masses. Quantum computers will be solving those types of problems in minutes instead of years. So this will happen much , much faster than anyone thinks. Just think. Suddenly it was proven that something can be in 2 places at once! In our lifetime! Who’d a thunk it? Lol
JJ8 JJ8 4 days ago

Interestingly, it seems likely that we have few things in our lives that we are facing simultaneously, lol.

Konaploinks, also aroused my interest in IonQ before yours.

I just bought shares in it.

And I have another one in my Port of probably pursuing something similar- QS

Almost like you I am retired about 25 years ago. I pursue many hobbies and interests most in intellectual domain.

I never thought I would ever reach the age group I happen to be in having lived a terrible childhood as a refugee and in disease (dysentery) from young age.

But here I am a happy man enjoying this gift of life... in total contrast to my early life tribulations, but in gratitude and grace... feeling connected to my Source in good spirit and awareness.

Salute and blessings, and good luck to you in your life journey
👍️ 2
JJ8 JJ8 4 days ago
Day order to buy IonQ share at $7.82 filled. GLTA

PS: First step in phased process of buying.
👍️ 2
Konaploinks Konaploinks 4 days ago
Boing! No one wants to be out in case of a buyout offer. imo. Anything could happen at anytime. Last day of conference. Ya gotta know a lot of deals/ sales going down. Stay tuned for a lot of announcements soon. imo
Konaploinks Konaploinks 4 days ago
Ian. Mahalo! All you need to do is read Quantum Supremacy by Michio Kaku. Or you can download the Audible app and just listen to it while driving or in traffic etc. Michio is a great writer and makes it very easy to understand. You don’t have to be a quantum physicist to understand it. Once you get the concept you’ll be buying, trust me. Quantum is not science fiction. It is here today. Ionq has the first 100,000 sq. ft. factory . They also have quantum data centers in Maryland, Seattle , Switzerland , and others planned in Japan and Korea, I think it was? Read all their press releases over the last 2 years . They will make a believer out of you.
IanFromSI IanFromSI 4 days ago
Thanks. You’ve aroused my interest somewhat.

I retired 30 years ago and have lived 10 years longer than I expected. I have more than enough cash to last the rest of my life even if all my stocks went to zero before end of day tomorrow.

I know next to nothing about quantum, … And have tended to regard it as a great subject matter for science fiction. I don’t know that. I have the energy to learn a whole new area of technology from scratch.

I suppose i could pick up few shares and regard it as a lottery ticket.
Konaploinks Konaploinks 4 days ago
It won’t be long before they turn that around imo. The factory is there humming away They just need to increase their sales team to increase their sales / revs. Don’t discount it or be left out if a hostile takeover or a buyout offer happens suddenly . These guys are in the lead. Debt? Sure. What new corp doesn’t? Look at the BoD bios on LinkedIn etc. Top notch. They are well respected and highly educated. This is no scam. They are progressing at twice the rate of Msft when they started. Michael Dell Mark Benioff and Bill Gates knows all about their debts and still invested like me. You need to do more D D. Imo. Quantum is coming. Get in.
Konaploinks Konaploinks 5 days ago
Now we need our sales team to get out and sell a lot of new computers to large corporations and Universities etc. Shareholders want to see new sales contracts with big $$$$ signs in them. Giddy up! Get the first quantum factory rolling these out 1 after the next. Until then, I don’t see us breaking 9.00.
Konaploinks Konaploinks 5 days ago
Doc Trumped Ploinks?
**Blind Quantum Computing (BQC)** is a cryptographic protocol that allows a user (known as the client) with limited quantum computing resources to outsource their quantum computations to a more powerful quantum server while keeping the data and the computation itself hidden from the server. The key feature is that the server performs the computation without learning anything about the input, output, or the computation process itself, hence maintaining the "blindness."

### Key Concepts in BQC:
1. **Client and Server Model**:
- The **client** has limited quantum capabilities, usually being able to prepare simple quantum states but not perform complex computations.
- The **server** has a full-fledged quantum computer capable of performing advanced quantum computations.

2. **Quantum States**:
- The client prepares and sends quantum states (often called "trap qubits" or "entangled states") to the server.
- These states are encoded in such a way that the server cannot discern the actual data or operations being performed.

3. **Classical and Quantum Interaction**:
- The client and server exchange both classical and quantum information during the computation process.
- The client instructs the server to perform specific operations on the qubits, but the server remains oblivious to the actual operations due to the encoding.

4. **Measurement-based Quantum Computing (MBQC)**:
- Many BQC protocols rely on **MBQC**, where quantum computations are performed by preparing an entangled resource state (such as a graph state) and then performing a series of measurements on it.
- The client sends instructions to the server to carry out these measurements, but due to the randomness introduced by the client, the server cannot infer the computation’s details.

5. **Security**:
- **Blindness**: The server cannot learn anything about the client’s data, algorithm, or the result of the computation.
- **Verification**: Some BQC schemes allow the client to verify that the server performed the computation correctly without directly knowing what the server did.

### How BQC Works:
1. **Preparation**: The client prepares qubits in a state that encodes the input, such as in a superposition state, and sends them to the server.

2. **Computation**: The server, based on instructions from the client, performs quantum gates or measurements on the qubits. However, these operations are disguised in such a way that the server doesn't know the actual computation.

3. **Result**: The server sends back the processed quantum states to the client. The client can then decode and retrieve the result of the computation.

### Use Cases:
- **Cloud Quantum Computing**: As quantum computers become available via the cloud, BQC allows users to run computations securely without exposing sensitive information to the quantum service provider.
- **Cryptographic Applications**: BQC can be integrated into secure cryptographic protocols to perform private computations that leverage quantum advantages.

### Challenges:
- **Efficiency**: The client still needs to be quantum-capable, though the requirements are minimal compared to the server.
- **Quantum Noise**: Noise and errors in quantum computing could compromise the results, making error correction techniques essential for reliable BQC.

BQC is a step towards secure quantum computing, providing privacy for users even when using quantum machines they do not control directly.
Oleblue Oleblue 6 days ago
This market has been up since November of last year and is getting long in the tooth. The new highs/new lows continue up.
NVDA will consolidate before moving higher. IONQ has bottomed as I pointed out earlier when OBV bottomed in mid June.
You can buy more shares in a low priced stock verses a high priced stock.....WIN, WIN.

Konaploinks Konaploinks 6 days ago
Out of nvda. All in IONQ. Jfyi. Let’s get this party started!
👍️ 1
Konaploinks Konaploinks 6 days ago
Homework: I know….;($&))$. But ya gotta keep up if you want to make money. Knowledge is power.
**Blind Quantum Computing (BQC)** is a cryptographic protocol that allows a user (known as the client) with limited quantum computing resources to outsource their quantum computations to a more powerful quantum server while keeping the data and the computation itself hidden from the server. The key feature is that the server performs the computation without learning anything about the input, output, or the computation process itself, hence maintaining the "blindness."

### Key Concepts in BQC:
1. **Client and Server Model**:
- The **client** has limited quantum capabilities, usually being able to prepare simple quantum states but not perform complex computations.
- The **server** has a full-fledged quantum computer capable of performing advanced quantum computations.

2. **Quantum States**:
- The client prepares and sends quantum states (often called "trap qubits" or "entangled states") to the server.
- These states are encoded in such a way that the server cannot discern the actual data or operations being performed.

3. **Classical and Quantum Interaction**:
- The client and server exchange both classical and quantum information during the computation process.
- The client instructs the server to perform specific operations on the qubits, but the server remains oblivious to the actual operations due to the encoding.

4. **Measurement-based Quantum Computing (MBQC)**:
- Many BQC protocols rely on **MBQC**, where quantum computations are performed by preparing an entangled resource state (such as a graph state) and then performing a series of measurements on it.
- The client sends instructions to the server to carry out these measurements, but due to the randomness introduced by the client, the server cannot infer the computation’s details.

5. **Security**:
- **Blindness**: The server cannot learn anything about the client’s data, algorithm, or the result of the computation.
- **Verification**: Some BQC schemes allow the client to verify that the server performed the computation correctly without directly knowing what the server did.

### How BQC Works:
1. **Preparation**: The client prepares qubits in a state that encodes the input, such as in a superposition state, and sends them to the server.

2. **Computation**: The server, based on instructions from the client, performs quantum gates or measurements on the qubits. However, these operations are disguised in such a way that the server doesn't know the actual computation.

3. **Result**: The server sends back the processed quantum states to the client. The client can then decode and retrieve the result of the computation.

### Use Cases:
- **Cloud Quantum Computing**: As quantum computers become available via the cloud, BQC allows users to run computations securely without exposing sensitive information to the quantum service provider.
- **Cryptographic Applications**: BQC can be integrated into secure cryptographic protocols to perform private computations that leverage quantum advantages.

### Challenges:
- **Efficiency**: The client still needs to be quantum-capable, though the requirements are minimal compared to the server.
- **Quantum Noise**: Noise and errors in quantum computing could compromise the results, making error correction techniques essential for reliable BQC.

BQC is a step towards secure quantum computing, providing privacy for users even when using quantum machines they do not control directly.
Konaploinks Konaploinks 6 days ago
Wow! AWS sounds like they are really getting their toes wet. Will Michael, Mark and Bill stand around and watch them take over? I seriously doubt it. And what about Elon? Is he going to be at the mercy of these guys? I doubt it. This is going to get very interesting very soon with the mag 7 and others going at it to take control. It stands to reason. There is only 1 dedicated quantum computer factory on the planet as we speak, and with a lot of the best minds on the planet behind it and moving it forward at breakneck speed. Yep. Going to get very interesting. IBM, Dell, AWS, META, MSFT, Salesforce, INTEL, AMD, Broadcom , TSMC, ORACLE, SAMSUNG, L G and others know that whoever is first to control all the data wins. Elon. Phone home. Can you hear me now?
Konaploinks Konaploinks 6 days ago
Yeee Hawwwww we hit 8.05 !!!
Margaret Arakawa, Chief Marketing Officer at IonQ, discusses “Preparing for a Quantum Leap” with industry leaders from IBM and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

COLLEGE PARK, Md.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Sep. 16, 2024--IonQ (NYSE: IONQ), a leader in the quantum computing industry, today announced its participation in Fast Company Innovation Festival, taking place September 16-19 in New York City. Live and in person, the 2024 Fast Company Innovation Festival will convene thousands of makers and innovators from across the globe for four days of inspired conversation, purposeful networking, and meaningful takeaways. This year’s speakers include Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft, Netflix Co-CEO Ted Sarandos, Ryan Reynolds, producer, actor and entrepreneur, Lin-Manuel Miranda, award-winning songwriter, actor, producer and director, Jose Andres, Founder, Jose Andres Group, World Central Kitchen and Lina Khan, Chair Federal Trade commission, among others.

Throughout the Innovation Festival, Fast Company focuses on highlighting the most innovative and fast-moving trends in technology. The publication highlighted the quantum computing session from amongst 100 sessions as an exciting panel to watch in their article, “What to expect at Fast Company’s 10th annual Innovation Festival”:

Preparing for a Quantum Leap

With all the buzz around AI, one has to wonder what’s next in tech. Many would argue it’s quantum computing, a multidisciplinary field that, at its core, uses quantum mechanics to solve problems too complex for standard computers. Understand why tech giants, researchers, and investors see quantum computing as the next big leap—and where you should lean in.

“The Fast Company Innovation Festival is a unique event where tech influencers and today’s most important minds in the world of business, entertainment, and media come together to inform and shape the future,” said Margaret Arakawa, Chief Marketing Office at IonQ. “I’m excited to help demystify quantum computing and its massive impact on society as IonQ continues to accelerate innovation in areas such as life sciences, logistics, AI, and energy.”

IonQ announced last month that it was selected by the Applied Research Laboratory for Intelligence and Security (ARLIS) for a quantum networking contract to design a first-of-its-kind, networked system for blind quantum computing. In addition to government customers, IonQ works with global enterprise customers and leading academic institutions. Last month, IonQ announced a multi-million-dollar extension of its contract with Amazon Web Services (AWS) to offer its world-class quantum computers via Amazon Braket, the quantum computing service of AWS. Last week, the company announced a $9M deal with the University of Maryland to partner on quantum programs and provide access to their state-of-the-art quantum computers.

IonQ is focused on building the most powerful and scalable quantum computers in the world while delivering enterprise-grade solutions today. To learn more about IonQ and its latest system news and business developments, visit

About IonQ

IonQ, Inc. is a leader in quantum computing that delivers high-performance systems to solve the world’s largest and most complex commercial and research use cases. IonQ’s current generation quantum computer, IonQ Forte, is the latest in a line of cutting-edge systems, boasting 36 algorithmic qubits. The company’s innovative technology and rapid growth were recognized in Fast Company’s 2023 Next Big Things in Tech List and Deloitte’s 2023 Technology Fast 500™ List, respectively. Available through all major cloud providers, IonQ is making quantum computing more accessible and impactful than ever before. Learn more at
$5.95akadawson-m $5.95akadawson-m 6 days ago
Sometimes we do not know what we do not know. Change is inevitable but we appear to shoot ourselves in the foot all too often.

I understand what you mean, Jack. But, if, Cloud computing really takes off and it should, privacy will be reduced and minimized.

PC’s and the like will probably be outlawed. Leaving only morse code
Konaploinks Konaploinks 7 days ago
COLLEGE PARK, Md.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Sep. 13, 2024--IonQ (NYSE: IONQ), a leader in the quantum computing industry, today announced its participation in the fifth annual IEEE Quantum Week — the IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering September 15-20, 2024. IEEE Quantum Week gives attendees the space to discuss industry challenges and opportunities to help bridge the gap between the science of quantum computing and the development of an industry surrounding it.

“The IEEE Quantum Week conference gives IonQ scientists and researchers the unique opportunity to talk with quantum researchers, scientists, engineers, entrepreneurs, developers, students, practitioners, educators, and programmers,” said Peter Chapman, President and CEO, IonQ. “We’re excited to work together to accelerate innovation in the areas of networking and applications for commercial quantum computing.”

Awarded first place in the quantum networking track, IonQ’s collaborative paper with Sherbrooke University in Quebec on the study of how entanglement generated by photonic interconnects can be used to improve qubit connectivity on quantum computing will be presented by Gurleen Padda, Sherbrooke University; Aharon Brodutch, Senior Manager, Engineering, IonQ; and Edwin Tham, Staff Engineer, IonQ. Additionally, IonQ will be participating in a number of panel discussions and workshops including:

Panel - “Unlocking Quantum Utility: Navigating the Era of Useful Quantum Computation” with Masako Yamada, Director of Applications Development at IonQ. This panel brings together a diverse group of industry experts charting business applications in quantum today to discuss key questions surrounding useful quantum applications, adoption roadblocks, and tactical advice for businesses looking to leverage quantum computing. Date: Mon. Sept. 16 from 1p.m.-2:30 p.m. EST
Panel - “What are Quantum Gaps? The Quantum Industry Perspective” with Aharon Brodutch, Senior Manager, Engineering at IonQ and Chair of the QED-C Standards and Benchmarking TAC. Panelists will discuss quantum innovation in computing communication and networking, and sensing. This panel will bring together QED-C members who represent all parts of the quantum supply chain to discuss the gaps that need to be filled to enable quantum to reach its full potential. Date: Fri, Sept. 20 from 10:00 a.m. -11:30 a.m. EST
Workshop - “Evolving Quantum Computing Standards” presented by Aharon Brodutch, Senior Manager, Engineering at IonQ and Chair of the QED-C Standards and Benchmarking TAC. This workshop aims to foster discussion and collaboration around existing and proposed quantum computing standards. The workshop will bring together experts from academia, industry, standards organizations, and government. Topics of discussion will include the need for standards and their role in economic development, the current landscape of quantum standards, and an outlook to the future. Date: Sun. Sept. 15 from 10:00 a.m -3:30 p.m. EST
Workshop – “Quantum Computing Opportunities in Renewable Energy and Climate Change” with Masako Yamada, Director of Applications Development at IonQ. This workshop will address how quantum computing is poised to begin solving important, practical problems with real-world consequences. While the quantum sector prepares for this transition into applicability, a parallel transition is happening in the world of energy, where large-scale, fossil-fuel-driven generation is facing increased environmental scrutiny and competition from small-scale renewables with rapidly-dropping prices. Date: Wed, Sept 18th from 3:15-4:45 p.m. EST
Paper Presentations - “Improving Qubit routing by Using Entanglement Mediated Remote Gates” presented by Gurleen Padda (Sherbrooke University) - Joint work with Aharon Brodutch, Senior Manager, Engineering, IonQ and Edwin Tham, Staff Engineer, IonQ. Connectivity constraints can have a major impact on the performance of quantum computing. Methods for generating entanglement across distances offer a potential way to improve connectivity, but it is not obvious that the entanglement can be used efficiently. This work provides an analysis of cases where the use of entanglement mediated gates provides a significant reduction in overall gate count, leading to advantages in performance. Date: Thur. Sept 19th from 1:00-2:30 p.m. EST
Conference attendees will be able to meet with IonQ executives at Booth #510 in the main exhibition space and learn more about IonQ’s roadmap and how the company is driving commercial advantage today.

IonQ’s presence at this year’s conference follows recent company announcements demonstrating its business and technical success. IonQ shared their new, more aggressive technical roadmap targets in June. This month, the company also announced their expanded $9M partnership with The University of Maryland as well as an industry breakthrough by surpassing 99.9% fidelity on barium.

To learn more about IonQ and its latest system news and business developments, visit
👍️ 2
Jack Torrance Jack Torrance 7 days ago
Largescale changes in technology can never be prevented. At one time there were millions of people with horses and carriages that had the same naive mentality. They said to themselves and others, "Now that the automobile is here, we must never sell our horses." And when computers were invented they said, "Now that word processing is here, we must never sell our typewriters." LOL. Get with the times or be left behind. There are only two choices.
👍️ 2
$5.95akadawson-m $5.95akadawson-m 1 week ago
So the motto is (now that we understand the hugely negative of quantum Cloud computing) never sell your personal computer…
Konaploinks Konaploinks 1 week ago
Maybe Ionq could team up with vcsy and SBV ? Ionq cloud needs their patents imo
Konaploinks Konaploinks 1 week ago
Homework. I know. I know.
Gartner’s Top Technology Trends for 2024
Discover key technology trends, like Industry Cloud Platforms, that are defining the future of IT.

2024 Tech Trend Highlight: Industry Cloud Platforms

A key trend coming out of this year’s list is how forward-thinking companies are leveraging the composability of industry cloud platforms to gain the adaptability and agility to respond to accelerating disruption in their industry.

When properly implemented, these top strategic tech trends can deliver benefits like:

Trust and confidence that you can use AI safely
Sustainability of the ecosystem in which you operate
Dedicated technologies for specific tasks, industries, and functions
More speed and productivity with minimum extra investment
Greater value for both internal and external stakeholders
Complete the form to download the eBook and dive into the different applications of industry cloud platforms and other key trends that can help prioritize your tech investments and drive business value.

Download the eBook Understand the opportunities, benefits, use cases, and key actions for leveraging Industry Cloud Platforms.
Konaploinks Konaploinks 1 week ago
In quantum mechanics, the term "quantum cloud" typically refers to the probabilistic nature of particles, especially electrons, in quantum systems. Instead of having definite locations, particles like electrons exist in regions of probability described by wave functions, often visualized as "clouds." These clouds represent the likelihood of finding a particle in a particular space at any given time.

For example, in the case of an atom, the quantum cloud refers to the area where there is a high probability of locating an electron around the nucleus. This concept replaces the classical view of electrons moving in fixed orbits.

In a broader sense, quantum clouds can also refer to computational or informational resources in quantum computing or quantum networking, where data exists in superposition across distributed quantum systems.

Is there a specific context of "quantum clouds" you're interested in exploring further, such as quantum computing or electron probability clouds?
Konaploinks Konaploinks 1 week ago
Wow. I just realized IonQ already has a Quantum Cloud. Lol. Moving even faster now Jack. No wonder Larry is going all out. Now I believe even more that IonQ is a buyout target or a takeover target. We shall soon see.

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from qiskit_ionq import IonQProvider
from qiskit import QuantumCircuit

#hello many worlds
qc = QuantumCircuit(2, 2)
qc.h(0), 1)
qc.measure([0, 1],[0, 1])

#run on IonQ hardware
ionq = provider.get_backend("ionq_simulator")
job =, shots=100)
$ python3
{'00': 49, '11': 51}
Tap Into a Full Quantum
Development Stack
With access to all IonQ QPUs, their noisy simulators, as well as an ideal state simulator, the IonQ Quantum Cloud supports all stages of algorithm development in one seamless API.
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example of quantum cloud console UI for circuit simulation
The IonQ Quantum Cloud Helps You Get More Done

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The IonQ Quantum Cloud offers various access models to meet your specific, application needs. Chose between on demand access for ongoing workloads or reserve time on a QPU for the most demanding workloads.
Get Application Support From Quantum Scientists
IonQ’s application team can help you get started on the IonQ Quantum Cloud by helping you generate novel solutions to your hardest problems.
Worry Less With Circuit Optimization Built In
IonQ’s proprietary compilation software translates your logical gates to our native gate architecture while optimizing your circuit to make sure you get the best performance possible from our trapped Ion qubits.
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Konaploinks Konaploinks 1 week ago
But you’re referencing old classical development methods that drove their share price. Tec development drives share price. Every time a new p r comes out on a new development, the share price increases. New quantum developments will be happening much , much faster than old classical developments . A million times faster. Think of IONQ daisy chaining Tempos and Jensen and Larry clustering Blackwell’s ! And, in a couple of years Rubin steps in. So I respectfully disagree.
Jack Torrance Jack Torrance 1 week ago
I think you misunderstood my 10 year comment. That was my timeline for this company maturing in value from a stock standpoint, not in their tech development. I agree that the tech side is going faster than anyone predicted. But all corporations take quite a long time to reach peak share price. Look at Microsoft, Apple, Amazon, Tesla, Nvidia, etc... Those companies all took a 10-20 year trajectory before reaching peak market capitalization.
Konaploinks Konaploinks 1 week ago
Jack. I agree. Larry is definitely on top of it with OCI. He hasn’t even completed the first one and he’s already designing the second one that will be powered by a nuclear reactor! Quantum is the future but I disagree with your 10 year timeline. Here’s why. We all currently think of timelines predicted by today’s computer design, fabrication and construction. Now we have Quantum computer design, fabrication and construction techniques. Much much faster. And in the next 2 years it will be a thousand times faster with newer quantum computer developments . Larry’s Second OCI will be complete and everything in place to speed things up even more. I predict it will actually be a OQCI. The pace that Quantum will replace classical will be phenomenal. Much faster than most can imagine. Kinda scary really. So I’m thinking 5 years max. Newer breakthroughs in Quantum, discovered by newer much larger Qbit Quantum computers , redesigning and streamlining everything could bring it down to 4 years. Exciting times ahead for sure. We’re definitely sittin pretty.
Jack Torrance Jack Torrance 1 week ago
When I first learned about quantum computers years back, I instantly saw the future of personal computing ... and it's going to be quantum computers running on a cloud. People will no longer have a computer, per se. They will have a device that is a keyboard, with either a track pad or a mouse (user's choice), and then a hard drive built into it. We folks will have to pay a subscription to whatever company has the quantum computers for use on the cloud. IonQ, Dell, Amazon, whoever... We will connect through super-fast next-gen internet and do all our computing on a remote quantum device. Then any data will be sent back to us to be stored on our device, or also saved on the cloud.

This all serves a few important purposes for corporations.

First, they want computing to be a subscription service. They don't like people buying computers and keeping them for 5-10 years. That is not as profitable for them. If everyone is paying, say, $20 a month for quantum cloud computing, that ends up bringing in WAY more revenue over the long run.

Second, when computing and most data storage is on the cloud, it makes it infinitely easier for them to 1) Spy on everyone and everything .... and 2) Police copyright infringement easier. Harder to pirate movies, music video games and any other digital media when they control all the storage and can scan it all for infractions. It will be their way to essentially reduce pirating by about 80%.

Eventually, classical computers will become so rare that they will be very expensive to own. Once that occurs, IonQ and other quantum companies can charge whatever they want for home-use quantum machines for wealthier people, when the time comes for that. I would imagine home-use quantum machines will be the one of the last stages of a company like IonQ as it matures to its full potential and share value in about 10 years. The final stage will be when those home-use machines eventually become affordable or at least somewhat affordable.

All we have to do is hold onto our shares until that maturation finally unfolds, and we are rich!!! There will be a lot of idiots who are going to sell their positions, or most of their positions, when IonQ hits about $100-$150 a share. Then when the stock is worth like $2,000 per share or more, they will be
THE most suicidal people on Earth.
Konaploinks Konaploinks 1 week ago
The average person is freaked out by the word quantum. They think you have to be a Quantum physicist to understand how quantum computers work. We all need to educate the public more on this exciting new breakthrough technology that will change the world as we know it. Anyone interested can start by reading Michio Kaku’s. Quantum Supremacy. It’s a pretty easy read and will bring you up to speed. Knowledge is power.
Konaploinks Konaploinks 1 week ago
Spot on Jack! Now consider Larry Ellison building a so called “ super computer “ ( I think he could already have a build deal with ionq) and a new type of cloud. I think a Quantum Cloud! Remember where u heard it first. Go to nvda board and scroll down to a post by North… from Barons then read my following posts and let me know what u think?
Jack Torrance Jack Torrance 1 week ago
I don't think people are grasping how important and how big of an announcement this was. This is IonQ essentially saying that they figured out the fidelity issue, which was the main issue with new designs other than scaling up computing power, which they seem to have had no issue with. AQ64 and high fidelity model should be here by next year. I wouldn't be surprised if they already have it and are just waiting for a good time to roll it out, say early in 2025. It's crazy how far IonQ has come in just a few years. They only have to continue with incremental improvements in fidelity and power going forward, as well as working with the coding community and physical infrastructure for various sectors (transporation, financial, military, etc...). I honestly see corporations starting to use IonQ's systems at a commercial level in the next 3-4 years. And I don't mean testing them out to see how they could implement them .... but actually replacing most or all of their computing infrastructure. Redundancy is always good, so I think most large corporations will have a series of 2-3 data centers with some IonQ machines and data storage arrays. But IonQ's machines will be so powerful in the future that these massive data centers the size of hockey rinks will likely shrink in size by 80%. Just need a few of them in case one building burns down or loses electricity of something.

I haven't been investing for a super long time, but I have yet to see a young startup company kick as much ass as IonQ.
👍️ 2
Konaploinks Konaploinks 1 week ago
Quantum is coming ! Nvda new quantum 800

The Blackwell GB200 Superchip and NVL72 Server
The GB200 Superchip, implemented for maximum performance, includes two Blackwell GPUs and one Nvidia Grace CPU. It comes with up to 384 GB of high-bandwidth memory 3e (HBM3e) on chip with up to 16 TB/s memory bandwidth. Multiple GB200s can be linked in cluster form with Nvidia’s new Quantum-X800 and Spectrum-X800 Ethernet at speeds up to 800 GB/s.
Konaploinks Konaploinks 1 week ago
All we need now is news of a new memristor breakthrough. Just the energy savings alone would put us over 10.00 imo. It’s coming. As quantum computers churn away on perfecting new memristors, other developments will be taking place and implemented by Ionq scientists. Ie: 4 9’s next. As the useable Qbits increase, more and more complex problems that would otherwise have taken years or even decades, will be solved in minutes or hours. A lot of new medicines will be patented. New cures will be found. I can see it all coming soon. That’s why I’m cashing in all my bottles and cans. Everyone reading this board and who are hip to Ionq and Quantum computing in general, have the rare opportunity to get in at the bottom of a huge new industry. Each month will bring new news of new developments and the price will keep rising. New developments will not stop as long as the current quantum computers are churning away on new problems and new improvements. Therefore the price will keep rising. Elon gave up on turning them off and everyone taking a breath, and then started his own AI company. Yes. Quantum is coming!
Konaploinks Konaploinks 1 week ago
Good day at the races. I expect a few buyout offers before this time next year. All will probably be refused, then , let the bidding war begin. Whoever takes them over or even does a j v with them will be The Big Man on Campus. Come on Jensen! You need this Corp to have the whole enchilada. What’s a measly 100 billion? Elizabeth Warren be damned. Lol or would a trifecta of Gates ,Benioff and Dell be able to pony up even more than 100 billion ? I think we shall see a lot sooner than most would think. Were they sneaking in buying more cheap shares the last couple of days? Shhhhhhh
Mr. Hathaway Mr. Hathaway 1 week ago
Aways good to hear your input.

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