Washington, D.C. 20549
Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities
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(Amendment No. )
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Filed by a party other than the Registrant   o
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o   Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
o  Definitive Proxy Statement
x  Definitive Additional Materials
o  Soliciting Material Pursuant to § 240.14a-12
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(Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)
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x   No fee required.
o   Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11.
(1)  Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:
(2)  Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:
(3) Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):
(4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:
(5) Total fee paid:
o  Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.
o  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was paid previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.
(1) Amount Previously Paid:
(2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:
(3) Filing Party:
(4) Date Filed:


o ‘if Forest 2011 Annu~1 Meeting — Window, Inte~h""';;;prcwKlod by SARD VERBINNEN & CO O ‘O’ @.. http,l!www.l n0:2011, nnu, lmooting,com’ ~ Edit Viow ~.vorrt., Tool, Help ‘iiIr ~..., orit., I:6 ~or.,t .lOll Ann”,1Meoting La borat o ries. Inc . Visrt fr x.com Home Press Releases Share!Joldet’letters Presoolalloos &Matenals OurNominees PIID:Y Malenals SEC Filings Contact Convert new G1F PN 1 10,01 and up Fi li n g PDF to ESE Welcome Welcome 10 our wensile. Here you can find inlofmalion pertaininQ 10 ~orest LaMratories, Inc. and our 2011 Annual MeetinQ ot stockho lders, which will be he ld on Thursday,AUQust 18, 2011 in New York, New YorX. ne II<ltes of ~Ofes t stockho lders are veryimporiant at this cr i~ca l juncture in the Companys history Your Board has nominated 10 hiQh ly qualified candidates to serlle on Forest’s 80ard, inciu dinQ7 inrumbent directors and 3 new independent nominees. ~ elected, OUf nominees are comm itted to feprese ntinQthe best interests ot all Fores t stockho lders , and your Board urQes you to vote FOR Forest’s entire slate by usinQ the WHITE proxy card that you have received trom Forest You can find votinQinstructions, bioQraphies of our nominees, relevant leners to stockholders, our proxy slalemenl and any amendmenls or supp lemen ls 10 il. and olher useful informalion on Ihis wensile. We encourage you 10 read all the maleria ls carefully We thank you for your support II Press Releases M.16.11 Forost L , OO “ t o r ~ . sen¢! Ooen Lotter 10 5h ~r etw~. (13.15.11 Forost L.!l oorotone. sen¢l Open Lm r T” Sharmklors ‘!II Shareholder l etters 1)8.11 .11 Au”,” 11th 5h“ehoklO! Lette r ll8.n5.11 Au” ust 5th 5h“otwklor Letter 1)8.01.11 Auoust hI 5h’rohoklor Lotto! G7.1B.11 Ju t< 18th 5h“mkler Lsttor !I!.! Presentations & Materials C’3.15.11 5upplomont.l l}isc”.“e ,,4 COPY nf Jphn H , ’ ~ 1[)I§! flY C’3.11.11 Forotl U b. KeyCoMUo“b>n. for 5h” ohoklors C’3.M.11 for ostUD’ Wt Oo”, o !cahn. No“o-a or. Con!!icte<! ~ SEC Filings



M.1 6.11 Foro. t L,!M,tor ~ . sen¢! Open Lett.r1p5hor otwklors o.s.1 5.11 Update. to Web . t o o.s.15.11 5upp ~mont” PisW.”. ,00 Copy of John H , w ~ Tru.t NY C” rrpb ~t >lOME PRESS RELEASES S~RE HOLD ER L E T T E RS PR E S E ~TA TI”‘S ‘ .TERIALS OUR fIDMl~ E E S PROXY MA TERIAL S SEC F1L100S CON TAC T File Edit View ~.v o rites Tool, Holp ‘if Pro” Rol.”, I F<>rost 2011 Ann u“1 Meeting — Window7inte rnel Explore r pfO/ided by SARD VERBINNEN& CO @.. http ,l!www.ln0:2011, nnu, lmeotin9,( om ·’pres<-rel.” e>/ ‘iiIr ~ifV orites 1:6 Pres’ Rei.,.., I fore<tlOll Annu.1Meotin9 D Its For est Laborat o ries. Inc . Visit trx ,com Home Press Releases Sh arehold!!f Letters Presentations &Malena!s Our Nominees Proxy Matenals SEC Filings Contael Press Releases Date 08.16.2011 08.152011 08.112011 08.10.2011 08.10.2011 08.08.2011 08.05.2011 08.05.2011 08.01.2011 07.29.2011 07.18.2011 07.18.2011 Tine forest l.1Iboratories SlInds Ooon l etter To Sharehoklers forest laooratories Sends Ooon lener I9 Sharehoklers Forest l.1Ioorator"'s Sends Ooon lener To Sharehoklers ISS Rewmmends Forest Sharehoklers Y9te the Company’s White Card atAnnuat ...ting ISSRK2!!llOOndS Forest Shareholders /{)te f or Com oonn Entire Sklte of -an Boo’ll Nominws forest l.1Iboratories Sends Lener to Sharehoklers H_H0S-O0IG Drops P9tential Action Against Forest CEOHoward Forest l.1Iboratories Issues Statement Rooarding litKl41”,n with ‘"'” Forest Laboratories sends Letter to Sharehoklers forest Laoorator”,s Files Investor Presentat”,n forest Laboratorie s fiies DetinFtivll pro“l Materia ls For Annual M“tina I9 Be Hekl On August 1e, 2{)11 Forest Laboratories AnnOllnees Dir’M’tor Nominees fo r Election at 2{)11 Annual Meeting 06.132011 b ny92328s2reiveS MoW01Dirm;tgr Mominations



File Edit View ~ .vorit es Tool, Holp ‘if Pro” Rol.”, I F<>rost 2011 Annu“1Meeting — Window7int e rnet Explorer pfO/ided by SARDVERBINNEN& CO @.. http ,lIwww.ln0:2011, nnu, lmeoting,( om ·’pres,-rel.” e>/ ‘iiIr ~ifVorites 1:6 Pres, Rei.,.., I fore<tlOll Annu. 1Meoting 0 ~~ Date 08.1B2011 08.152011 08.112011 08.10201 1 08.102011 08.08.2011 08.052011 08.05.2011 08.012011 07.292 011 07.18.2011 07.182 011 06.132011 nne forest laboratories sends Ooon letter T9 Shareholders Forest laoorator”,s Sends Ooon letter To Shareholders Forest Laboratories Sends Ooon Letter To Shareholders ISSR!>COmmeeds Forest Shareholders Y9te the CQ!!Jpany’s White Cord at Annual Mooting ISSR!>COmmends Forest Shareholders Vote ForCQ!!Jpanvs Entire Slate WHn Boord NQ!!Jinws Forest l.aboratolies Silnds Letter 19 Shareholders HH S-QIG Droos Potentia l Action Against Forest CEO Howar4 Solomon forest laboratories Issues Statement Rooarding litklation with Foresllaboratories sends Letter 19 Shareholders Forest laooratooos files Inrestor Presentation Forest laboratolies files Dffmitwe Proxy Matelia ls For Annual Mooting To Be HeldOn August 13. 2011 forest Laoorator”,s Announces Dir!tCtor Nominees lor Effi1;tion at         , 011 Annual Moot ing Forest lalloratories R“wes Notice 01Director Nominations ~ , PRE5S RELEASES 5 AAREOOLDER LETTERS PR ES E ~TA TIONS “ “‘ATERIALS OUR fIDM lNEES PROXY .TERI”‘-5 5 EC FILINGS CO~ TA.C T



“8 Forost la bor. to<ie, Send, Open l ette r To Sh. re~e”, I Forest 2011 Annu.1Meeting — Window>Intomot h plo<erprovided by SARD @O . ~ http://-...IrxlOll, nnu, lme<ling,( omipros’-rei.” “,/10,,51-” bor,tori os -, end, -open-Iott.,.-t o-,h,rehold""-3/ file Edit V>.w f ..orrt’” Tc>o~ Help ‘iiIr F..orit’” I:6 for”,t l , bo” t orie> Send>Open Lotter To Sh“eh” Its Forest Laborat o ries. Inc . Vis it ‘ “ ,com ‘” I p Home Press Releases Sh arehold!!l Letters Presentations &Matenals Our Nominees Proxy Matenals SEC Filings Contael Press Releases Forest Laboratories Sends Open Letter To Shareholders Recommends Shareholders Vote the WHITE Pro xy Card for AM forest Nominees NEW YORK Auqust 16, 2011 — forest Laooratories , Inc. (NYSE:FRX) (‘“Forest’) today sent the followin q open letter to all forest shareholders in connection with the Company’s M nual Meetinq. which will ~ e held on AUQust 18, 2011 AuQust 16, 2011 Dear fe llow Shareholders , The fOrest MnUal MeetinQwill ~ e held in less than three days, on Thursday, August 18, 2011 at 10:00 am EDT How you . ote at this meetinQwill ~ e cr i~ca l to your in. estment and the future of l OUrCompany. You ha.e the opportun ilj’ to support fore st and our ten tal ented and extremely experience d Board nominees, each of whom is comm i ~e d to ouildinq . alue fa< all our shareholders and are the most qualified to lead this comp any forward. We are wr i ~ nQ to ask for your supp ort — which you can del“er bl.otinQ the WHITE card We alwals welcome construct“e input from our shareholders , and Oller the past few weeks, we ha.e ha d the opportun ilj’ to meet with man, of you and enQage in th o u gh~ul and productille con.ersations concern inQ the future of our compa ny. We ha’,e learned a Q,eat deal throughout this process and sincerely apPfed ate the honest and helpful feedback we ha. e recei.ed. The entire fore st Board is who leheartedl, comm i ~e d to del“erinQ. alue for shareho lders and to upholdinq the highes t standards of corpo, ate QOIIernance — and we are tal<inQsome a d d i ~ona l steps to undersco re these comm itments forest AnnOllnce s New Ac”,,”,rate<l Share RePllrcha se Prog ram Yesterdal, Forest announce d its intention to repurch ase an additional S350 million of its shares under an accelerated share repurch ase proQram Ttl is is in addition to the two $500 million accelerated share repurchases implemented in the last 14 months and the $4.4 billion of capital that fo rest already has returned to sharehojders throuQh repurchases Oller the past fiIIe years (Ner the yearb ny9232B it4ffi d e n~y, maintaininQa stronQbalance sheet that has enaO led



“8 Forost la borato<ie, Send, Open l ette r To Sha re~,,,, I Forest 2011 Annual Meeting — Window>Intomot h plo<erprovided by SARD @O . ~ http://-...IrxlOll, nnu, lm’ <ling,( omipros , rei.” “,/10,,51-” bor,to ri os -, , nd, -open-Iott.,.-to -,h,rehold” -3/ file Edit V>.w f ..orrt’” Tc>o~ H,lp p ‘iiIr F..orit’” I:6 for”,t l , bo” t orie> Send>Open Lotter To Sh”,h,. OIer tt1e years, forest has allocated capital e fficien ~ y , maintaining a strong balance sheet tt1at has enaDled tt1 e Company to return s ign i~co n t copital to shareholders while building one of tt1 e deepest. d ill e rs i ~ ed and most prom is ing product portfolios in tt1 e industry. Forest has maintained a discip lined and measured approach, inciuding acquiring Clinical Data and NOIIexe l in tt1e last two ~sco l years - bott1 of which h“e meaningfully strengthene d and diII e rs i ~ ed our tate-stage pipeline. As we look towar ds tt1e future,we e.pect our ongoing ftexibilitywill continue to preM de us with tt1e a ~ i l ity to pursue additiona l pfom is ing opporiunities as tt1 ey arise in tt1e marketplace Continued Enhancement 01OUr Corporat” Governan” Practice. At Forest we h“e always taken pride in our corporate gOliemance and continually look for new ways to improve our practices . That is why — in addition to our tt1ree new, independent nomin ees, who we anticipate will make s ign i~can t contributions to our Board and serlle on key comm i ~ees - we have decided to fecommend tt1at our board make a commitment. which would be part of our Corporate Governance Guidelines, to cons ult at least once per year witt1 leading corporate gOliemance experis to stay abreast of best practices and consider how tt1ey might apply to Forest. OlJr Nominating and Corporate GOlie rnance Co mm i ~ee — compr ise d of independent directors — will select tt1e appropriate experts, consult witt1 tt1em. and make recomme n d a ~ons to the lu ll Board regard ing any feforms tt1at should ~e enacted. We believe this refiects our Board’s ser ious and long-term comm itment to maintaining a culture of good corpora te gOlie rnance On our Board and ett1 ics and integrity tt1roughout our Comp any TIME IS SHORT — SHOWYOUR SUPPORT fORfORESrS NOM lt~ HS — VOTETHEWHITE PROXYCARD BY TElEPHONEOR INTERNETTODAY! We lookforwardto seeing many of you at the meeting on Thursday. If you are una~le to a ~en d, you can s ~ 1I support your Board by voting tt1e WHITE proxy card by telephone or internet TODAY. We also urge you to DISCARD ANYGOLD PROXYCARD sent to you byCari tcahn. If you have already returned a gold proxy card, you con change your IOte by internet or phone, using tt1 e information on your WHITE proxy card. Only your latest dated proxy card wi ll ~ e counted Shareholders who h“e questions or need assi stance voting tt1e ir shares can e-rnail frXDrOXy@mackenlWPannerS&om or caIi MacKenzie Partners toll-free at (BOO)322-2BB5 On behalf of Forest’s Board of Directors, we tt1 ank you for your continued suppori Sincerely, ‘” Howard Solomon ct1a irrnan ofbny92328"'5ffiCer



I:6 Forost l .borator” Sen<k Open lottor To Sh“oh,. D .if Forest laoor, tOfie, Ser>d, Open lotter To SI1. re“idd.,::’jForest 2011 Annu, 1Moeting — Wir><!ow> Intemet Expl,,”,r p1“O’Iide<l by SARD . Hal- ‘” I @O. ·I.@.. http,l!www.l n0:2011, nnu. lmoetin9,( om ·’pros,-rolo.,”;/0rost-i.lboratorie> ,ond, -opon-lottor-to -5I1 , rohold=-3/ s “ X ~t Googie p , rue Edit Viow F.voritos Tool, Holp Howard Solomon Chairman of the Board and Chief Executrve OtTicer ‘” Kenneth Goodman Presi ding Independent Director f orward looking Information Except for the historical information contained herein, this document contains f o rwar ~l o o kin g statements within the meaning of the PrOlate Securities lrti gati” Reform Act of 1995. Tl1ese statements in” rve a numoer of risks and uncertainties , inclu ding the di!Ti culty of predicting FDA app’ OIIals , the acceptance and demand for new pharmaceutical products, the impact of competitive products and p r i cl n~, the timely developm ent and launm of new products, m anges in taws and regulations affecting the healthcare industry and the risk factors lisfe d from ~ me fo ~ me in Forest Lanoratories ‘ Annual Reports on Form 1(H( ( i n cl udi n~ the Annual Report on form 1O-K fo, the fis cal year ended Marm 31, 2011),Qu.rte rtyReporis on Form 1()..Q, and any sunsequent SEC filin gs “porta nt Additioo al ln10rmation Forest LaMratories, ifs directors, director nominees and ceriain of its ex e cu ~v e o!Ti cers m.y ne deemed to ne pariicip, nts in the soliclta~on of proxies from Forest sh.reh olders in connection with the ma ~ e rs to ne considered ,t Forest La ooratories ‘ 2011 Annu. 1Meeting. On July 18, 2011, Forest La ~ oratories ftled its deftnitive proxy statement (as it may be . mended, the ·Proxy Statemenr) with the U.S. S ecuri~es and Exmange Comm iss ion ~ h e ·SEC’) in connection with sum s o l idt a ~on of pfOxi es from Forest sharehol ders FOREST SHAREHOLOERS AAE STRONGLYENCOURAGEDTOREAD -mE PROXYSTATEMENT AND ACCOMPANYING PROXYCARD .~ S -mE YCONTAIN IMPORTANT INFOR~MTl ON. Detaile d information regarding the identity of participant s, and their direct or indirect interests , by securityholdings or otherwis e, IS set forth in the Proxy Statement. inclu ding Appendix 8 thereto. Shareholders can ontain the Proxy Statement. any amendments or supplements to the Proxy Sfatement and other docum ents filed byForesf LaDoratories with the SEC for no marge atthe SEC’s we~s i t e at www.s ec.gOll. Cop ies are als o availaDle at no marge at Fo,est Laboratories ‘ website atwww.!n<.comor bywr i ~ ng to Forest La ~ oratori es at 909 Tl1ird Avenue, New York New York 10022 Ifyou h.W) .nyqueslions, require assistance with I’O~“II roor WHITE proxy card or “Q OOd:lionai rop~ oflhe proxy materiais, ple ase “nlacl MacKenzie Pariners 105 M,dison .~ve n ue New York, NY 10016 bny923286 frxproxy@!mackenzieparin ers.com



I:6 For.,.t l .borator” Sen<k Open lottor To Sh“oh,. D .if Forest laoor, tor ie’ Ser>d, Open lotter To SI1. re“idd.,::’jForest 2011 Annu, ‘ Moeting — Wir><!ow> Intemet Expl,,”,r p1“O’Iide<l by SARD . Hal- ‘” I @O. ·I.@.. http,l!www.l n0:2011, nnu. lmoetin9,( om ·’pr.,.,-rolo. ,”;10 r.,.t-i.lborat orie> ,ond, -opon-lottor-to -5I1 , rohold=-3/ s “ X ~t Googie p , rue Edit Viow F.vorit.,. Tool, Holp or need iMd,l ional copi es ofrne pro;<ymaterials, please conract MacKenzie Partners 105Madison Avenue New Yorl<.NY10016 fr>:pro>:y@mackenziepa rtners .com (212) 929-5500 (Call Collect) or TOlL-fREE (800) 322- 2885 Investor Contact FrankJ. Murdolo Vice Pres ident — Investor Relations, Forest Laboratories, Inc 1-212 -224-671 4 Frank.Murdolo@frI.com MOO.. Contact” Sard Verbinnen & Co Hugh BumslRenee SotOlLesley B o ~ da n ow 1-21 2-687-808() AdM”,n“nvestor Contael “ MacKenzie Partners Dan Burch 1-2 12-929—5748 Chart ie Koons 1-21 2-929-57M ... PRE5S RELEASES SAAREOOLDER LETT ERS PR ES E ~TA TIONS “ “‘ATERIALS OUR fIDM lNEES PROXY .TERI”‘-S 5 EC F1l1 ~GS CON TAC T



Recommends Shareholders Vote the WHITE Proxy Card For All Forest Nominees
NEW YORK, August 16, 2011 — Forest Laboratories, Inc. (NYSE: FRX) (“Forest”) today sent the following open letter to all Forest shareholders in connection with the Company’s Annual Meeting, which will be held on August 18, 2011.
August 16, 2011
Dear Fellow Shareholders,
The Forest Annual Meeting will be held in less than three days, on Thursday, August 18, 2011 at 10:00 am EDT. How you vote at this meeting will be critical to your investment and the future of your Company. You have the opportunity to support Forest and our ten talented and extremely experienced Board nominees, each of whom is committed to building value for all our shareholders and are the most qualified to lead this company forward. We are writing to ask for your support — which you can deliver by voting the WHITE card.
We always welcome constructive input from our shareholders, and over the past few weeks, we have had the opportunity to meet with many of you and engage in thoughtful and productive conversations concerning the future of our company. We have learned a great deal throughout this process and sincerely appreciate the honest and helpful feedback we have received. The entire Forest Board is wholeheartedly committed to delivering value for shareholders and to upholding the highest standards of corporate governance — and we are taking some additional steps to underscore these commitments.
Forest Announces New Accelerated Share Repurchase Program
Yesterday, Forest announced its intention to repurchase an additional $350 million of its shares under an accelerated share repurchase program. This is in addition to the two $500 million accelerated share repurchases implemented in the last 14 months and the $4.4 billion of capital that Forest already has returned to shareholders through repurchases over the past five years.
Over the years, Forest has allocated capital efficiently, maintaining a strong balance sheet that has enabled the Company to return significant capital to shareholders while building one of the deepest, diversified and most promising product portfolios in the



industry. Forest has maintained a disciplined and measured approach, including acquiring Clinical Data and Novexel in the last two fiscal years — both of which have meaningfully strengthened and diversified our late-stage pipeline. As we look towards the future, we expect our ongoing flexibility will continue to provide us with the ability to pursue additional promising opportunities as they arise in the marketplace.
Continued Enhancement of Our Corporate Governance Practices
At Forest we have always taken pride in our corporate governance and continually look for new ways to improve our practices. That is why — in addition to our three new, independent nominees, who we anticipate will make significant contributions to our Board and serve on key committees — we have decided to recommend that our board make a commitment, which would be part of our Corporate Governance Guidelines, to consult at least once per year with leading corporate governance experts to stay abreast of best practices and consider how they might apply to Forest. Our Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee — comprised of independent directors — will select the appropriate experts, consult with them, and make recommendations to the full Board regarding any reforms that should be enacted. We believe this reflects our Board’s serious and long-term commitment to maintaining a culture of good corporate governance on our Board and ethics and integrity throughout our Company.
We look forward to seeing many of you at the meeting on Thursday. If you are unable to attend, you can still support your Board by voting the WHITE proxy card by telephone or internet TODAY . We also urge you to DISCARD ANY GOLD PROXY CARD sent to you by Carl Icahn. If you have already returned a gold proxy card, you can change your vote by internet or phone, using the information on your WHITE proxy card. Only your latest dated proxy card will be counted.
Shareholders who have questions or need assistance voting their shares can e-mail frxproxy@mackenziepartners.com or call MacKenzie Partners toll-free at (800) 322-2885.
On behalf of Forest’s Board of Directors, we thank you for your continued support.



Howard Solomon
Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer
Kenneth Goodman
Presiding Independent Director
Forward Looking Information
Except for the historical information contained herein, this document contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements involve a number of risks and uncertainties, including the difficulty of predicting FDA approvals, the acceptance and demand for new pharmaceutical products, the impact of competitive products and pricing, the timely development and launch of new products, changes in laws and regulations affecting the healthcare industry and the risk factors listed from time to time in Forest Laboratories’ Annual Reports on Form 10-K (including the Annual Report on form 10-K for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2011), Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q, and any subsequent SEC filings.
Important Additional Information
Forest Laboratories, its directors, director nominees and certain of its executive officers may be deemed to be participants in the solicitation of proxies from Forest shareholders in connection with the matters to be considered at Forest Laboratories’ 2011 Annual Meeting. On July 18, 2011, Forest Laboratories filed its definitive proxy statement (as it may be amended, the “Proxy Statement”) with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) in connection with such solicitation of proxies from Forest shareholders. FOREST SHAREHOLDERS ARE STRONGLY ENCOURAGED TO READ THE PROXY STATEMENT AND ACCOMPANYING PROXY CARD AS THEY CONTAIN IMPORTANT INFORMATION. Detailed information regarding the identity of participants, and their direct or indirect interests, by security holdings or otherwise, is set forth in the Proxy Statement, including Appendix B thereto. Shareholders can obtain the Proxy Statement, any amendments or supplements to the Proxy Statement and other documents filed by Forest Laboratories with the SEC for no charge at the SEC’s website at www.sec.gov. Copies are also available at no charge at Forest Laboratories’ website at www.frx.com or by writing to Forest Laboratories at 909 Third Avenue, New York, New York 10022.



If you have any questions, require assistance with voting your WHITE proxy card,
or need additional copies of the proxy materials, please contact:

105 Madison Avenue
New York, NY 10016
(212) 929-5500 (Call Collect)
TOLL-FREE (800) 322-2885



f ile Ed it View ~,v o rrt.. Tool, Help ‘if Sf( f ilir>g ‘ 1fo re, t 2011 Annual Meetir>g — Windows Inte rnet Explo rer provided by SARDVER BlNNf N & CO @.. http ,l!www.loo:2011, nnu, lmoelin9,( om ·’,,,, -lilin9,l ‘iiIr f avorit.. 1:6 ,EC f il i n~ I ~ore<t lOll Annu,1 Meetin9 D Its Fore st Laborat o ries. Inc . Visillrx,com Home Press Releases Sh arehold!!f Letters Presentations &Matenals Our Nominees Proxy Matenals SEC Filings Contael SEC Filings Date 08.16.2011 08.15.2011 08.152011 08.15201 1 08.12.2011 08.11.2011 OB.11.2011 08.11.2011 OB.112011 08.11.2011 OB.10.2011 OB .10.2011 08.092011 08.09.2011 OB.OB.2011 Title Foresl Laboralories S!!nds Ooon Lener To Sharehoklers Suoofemenlal Disclosure aed Copy 01John Hawley Trust NY Compklinl Foresl Laboralories S§nds Ooon Letter T9 Shareholders Updates 10Websrte UJXlatrs to Wbsrte letter to Empklyers forest Labs !Wi Cons”,eraOOns IQr Shareholders forest laboratories Sends Ooon Letttr I9 Shareholders ISSRecommends ForeS! Shareholders Y9te Ihe Com pany’ s Whrte Cu !! al Annua l MYjltina Updates to Website ISSRecommends forest Shareholders Vote ForCompany’ s Enlire Skltt of nn Boor4 Nomin“s Updates 10Wtbsrte ForeS! l.1Ibs W Bel;eve Icl!hn ‘s NQIDinYjlsare Conflicte<l bn Yo~6i~~”,sQ,nds Let!erto Shareholders Type DcE~A 1 4A DE ~ A 1 4A DEFA14A D E F A14.~ D E~A 1 4A DE ~ A 1 4A DEF .~1 4A DEFA1 4A DEFA14A D E F A14.~ DEF .~1 4A DEFA14A D E~A 1 4A DE ~ A 1 4A DEF .~1 4A



‘if Sf( f ili“9 ‘ 1fo re, t 2011 Annual Meeti“9 — Windows lntemot Explorer provided by SARDVER BlNNf N & CO @.. http ,l!www.ln0:2011, nnu, lmeel ing,( om ·’, oc-lilin9,l f ile Ed it View f,vorITes Tool, Help ‘iiIr f “‘oriles 1:6 ,EC f iling< I for esl lOll Annu, 1Meeting D 08.092011 08.08 .2011 08.08.2011 08.08201 1 08.08.201 1 08.052011 08.05.201 1 08.0 5.2011 08.04.201 1 08.042011 08.01.201 1 08.012011 01.292011 01.29.2011 0128.2011 01.282 011 01.26.201 1 01.192011 01.19.201 1 01.182011 01.182011 foresll.llbs we Believe lcahn’s NQIDinoos are Confl H:te<l forrst laooratolifs sends Letter to Sharr hok!ers Updates to Websrte Additiona l MatrlKlls IlH S-QlG DroDs P<>tential Act”,n Against Forest CEQ UOOates to Websrte Forest labs A leadina pharmaceutical Company Forest l.lIlIoratolifs Issues Statemrnt Rooarding UOOabon wrth ‘"'” Updates to W!>bsrtr lcahn’s August 3rd Cla ims Are Filfe<! Wrth MisrepreSfntat “,ns Updates to Websrte Forest la!>oratolifs S!!nds letter to Shareholders Updatrs to website forrst laooratolifs files Investo r Prrsentat”,n forest l.lIbs A l eadina Pharma Company Updates to Websrte Letter to Empkrtoos UOOates to Websrte Excerpts from 01 2012 Earnings Call Websrte and letter to Shareholders Letkr to Shareholders 01.18 .2011



‘if Sf( f ili“9 ‘ 1fo re, t 2011 Annual Meeti“9 — Windows lntemot Explo rer provided by SARDVER BlNNf N & CO @.. http ,lIwww.ln0:2011, nnu, lmeel ing,( om ·’,oc-lilin9,l f ile Ed it View f,vorites Tool, Help ‘iiIr f “,oriles 1:6 ,EC f iling< I for esl lOll Annu, 1Meeting D 0729.2011 07.28.2011 0728.2011 07.262011 07.192011 07.19.2011 07.182011 07.18.2011 07.182011 07.18.2011 Forest LaOOratories files Investor PreSltnLlboo Foresll.llbs A llNdina pharma eomllilny UOOates to Website reneuaunrseees UOOates to Websrte Exw!Dls IrQ!!! 01 2U12EamiMsC.” Websrte and lttter to SharehoKlers Letter to Sharehoklers Letter to Employees ForeS! l.lIOOratories AnnOllnCfs Dir« tor N9minees lor E!Kt!on at 2Ull Annual Moot ing DcE f A1 4A DEf A14A DEF .~1 4A DcEFA14A OEFA1 4A DEFA14A DEFM 4A O E F A14.~ DEFA1 4A DcEFA14A 07.182011 Forrst LaOOrator>es Fik>s DefinFtrreproxy Materia ls lor Annual DEFA1 4A Meet ing to Be HeKl on August 1S. 2011 07.18.2011 Proxy Statement DcEFC14A 07.122 011 Lettrr 19our Sharehoklers OEFA1 4A 07.08.2011 Preliminary Proxy Statrment PRER14A 06.212011 Preliminary Proxy Stat”,nt PREC14A 06.20201 1 Letter to Emplole<ls O E F A14.~ 06.132011 Forest l.lIOOratQries R“es Notice 01Director Nominees OEFA1 4A -, ~ , PRE5S RELEASES SAAREOOLDER LETT ERS PR ES E ~TA TIONS “ “‘ATERIALS OU R fIDM lNEES 5 EC F1l1 ~GS CO ~T A.CT


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Forest Road Acquisition (NYSE:FRX)
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