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PURSUANT TO RULE 13a-16 OR 15d-16


For the month of April 2021

Commission File Number: 1-16269




(Exact Name of the Registrant as Specified in the Charter)



America Mobile

(Translation of Registrant’s Name into English)



Lago Zurich 245

Plaza Carso / Edificio Telcel, Piso 16

Colonia Ampliación Granada, Miguel Hidalgo

11529 Mexico City, Mexico

(Address of Principal Executive Office)



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América Móvil’s first quarter of

2021 financial and operating report



Mexico City, April 27th, 2021 - América Móvil, S.A.B. de C.V. (“América Móvil”) [BMV: AMX] [NYSE: AMX, AMOV], announced today its financial and operating results for the first quarter of 2021.



We added 6.0 million wireless subscribers, one third more than a year before, of which 3.3 million were postpaid and 2.8 million were prepaid. Brazil, Mexico and Colombia were the main contributors.



On the fixed-line platform we added 246 thousand broadband accesses, most of them coming from Colombia, Ecuador and Peru.



First quarter revenues of 248 billion pesos were nearly flat in Mexican peso terms from the year-earlier quarter with service revenues declining 1.1% year-on-year and equipment revenues 0.7%.



At constant exchange rates service revenues expanded 1.2% year-on-year. Mobile service revenues were up 1.7%, whereas fixed-line service revenue growth turned slightly positive for the first time in eight quarters.



EBITDA rose 5.2% in Mexican peso terms to 81.7 billion pesos; at constant exchange rates it grew 8.1%. Our EBITDA margin increased almost two percentage points from a year before to 32.9% on the back of strict cost controls across all markets.



Our operating profit, 41.1 billion pesos, was up 5.7% whereas our comprehensive financing cost was down 55%, resulting in a swing in net profits to 1.8 billion pesos from a 28.9 billion loss a year before.



Our cash flow enabled us to cover capital expenditures of 24.9 billion pesos, buy back shares in the amount of 4.4 billion pesos and reduce our net debt by 9.9 billion pesos.



At the end of March, our net debt stood at 627 billion pesos; it was equivalent to 1.77 times EBITDA under IAS 17.


We will host our conference call to discuss 1Q21 financial and operating results on April 28th at 9:00 am Mexico City time. To access the call please log on to www.americamovil.com/investors

América Móvil Fundamentals



     1Q21                                                   1Q20  



Earnings per Share (Mex$)(1)

     0.03        -0.44  



Earning per ADR (US$)(2)

     0.03        -0.44  



EBITDA per Share (Mex$)(3)

     1.22        1.18  




     1.21        1.19  



Net Income (millions of Mex$)

     1,810        -28,862  



Average Shares Outstanding (billion)

     66.74        66.00  



Shares Oustanding End of Period (billion)




(1) Net Income / Average Shares outstanding

(2) 20 shares per ADR

(3) EBITDA/ Average Shares Outstanding

América Móvil’s Subsidiaries as of March 2021


   Country    Brand    Business   




















Sección Amarilla
























































Costa Rica
























El Salvador
























































Puerto Rico


































Telekom Austria






The reported figures for Argentina corresponding to the first quarter of 2021 are presented in accordance with a) IAS29 reflecting the effects of the adoption of inflationary accounting that became mandatory after the Argentinean economy was deemed to be hyperinflationary in the third quarter of 2018 and b) IAS21 translated to Mexican pesos using the end-of-period exchange rate.

All comparisons at constant exchange rates for América Móvil’s consolidated figures will exclude Argentina to ensure consistency.

Relevant Events



On March 2nd we launched a three-year exchangeable bond in the amount of 2.1 billion euros. The bond carries no coupon and was sold at a price of 104.75%, which results in a negative yield of -1.53% per annum. The bond may be exchanged at maturity for 672.4 million KPN shares—which represent a 16% interest in the company— at a price of 3.1185 euros per share.

On April 26th we held our Ordinary Shareholders’ meeting where we received approval to pay a dividend of MXP$0.40 (forty peso cents) in two installments to each of the series of our capital stock and to allocate an additional amount of MXP$25 billion pesos to our buyback fund. We also received approval to cancel all shares held in treasury acquired as part of AMX’s share-buyback program.

Access Lines



In the first quarter we added 3.3 million postpaid subscribers and 2.8 million prepaid subs for a total of 6.0 million wireless additions. Brazil led the way in terms of postpaid growth adding 2.4 million subs followed by Peru with 210 thousand and Colombia with 154 thousand. As regards prepaid, we ended the quarter with 192 million subscribers, after adding 812 thousand in Brazil, 500 thousand in Mexico, 298 thousand in Colombia and 213 thousand in Argentina.

On the fixed-line platform we added 246 thousand broadband clients, with almost every operation showing an increase in access lines, except for Austria where we had disconnections of low-bandwidth clients. We registered net disconnections in of voice and PayTV accesses.

We ended March with 374 million access lines, 2.8% more than a year before with our postpaid base and our fixed-broadband accesses increasing 7.8% and 4.7%, respectively.

Wireless Subscribers as of March 2021

     Total(1) (Thousands)  



Mar ’21


Dec ’20




Mar ’20







Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay

     24,618        24,234        1.6%        24,667        -0.2%    



Austria & CEE

     21,932        21,864        0.3%        21,306        2.9%    




     66,337        63,140        5.1%        58,671        13.1%    



Central America

     15,569        15,044        3.5%        15,469        0.6%    




     6,562        6,422        2.2%        6,312        4.0%    




     6,581        6,435        2.3%        6,966        -5.5%    




     33,461        33,009        1.4%        31,244        7.1%    




     8,104        7,929        2.2%        8,465        -4.3%    




     78,311        77,789        0.7%        77,212        1.4%    




     11,181        10,948        2.1%        11,543        -3.1%    




     20,883        20,682        1.0%        20,704        0.9%    



Total Wireless Lines

     293,538        287,497        2.1%        282,559        3.9%    



(1) Includes total subscribers of all companies in which América Móvil holds an economic interest; does not consider the date in which the companies started being consolidated.

Fixed-Line and Other Accesses (RGUs) as of March 2021

     Total(1) (Thousands)  



Mar ’21


Dec ’20




Mar ’20







Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay

     1,527        1,459        4.7%        1,210        26.2%    



Austria & CEE

     6,079        6,050        0.5%        6,131        -0.9%    




     32,273        32,648        -1.1%        33,808        -4.5%    



Central America

     4,291        4,247        1.0%        4,408        -2.7%    




     2,586        2,558        1.1%        2,516        2.8%    




     1,376        1,377        -0.1%        1,398        -1.5%    




     8,527        8,318        2.5%        7,760        9.9%    




     476        420        13.4%        458        3.9%    




     21,739        21,925        -0.8%        22,039        -1.4%    




     1,805        1,739        3.8%        1,646        9.6%    



Total RGUs

     80,680        80,740        -0.1%        81,375        -0.9%    



(1) Fixed Line, Broadband and Television (Cable & DTH). Central America figures have been adjusted in accordance with the methodolgy used for all AMX operations.

América Móvil Consolidated Results



The strong economic expansion in the United States that had gained momentum in the second half of 2020 continued unabated in the first quarter of the year propelled by news of a second fiscal stimulus plan, talk of a new infrastructure program and solid progress on vaccination. U.S. economic growth forecasts for 2021 were upgraded and initially led to an appreciation of the U.S. dollar vs. most other currencies on the back of rapid increases in medium and long-term dollar interest rates. Various Latin American countries, including Mexico and Brazil, experienced new COVID waves that led to renewed confinements, constrained mobility and a slowdown in economic activity.

Our first quarter revenues totaled 248 billion pesos, nearly flat in nominal peso terms, with service revenues declining 1.1% year-on-year. At constant exchange rates, service revenues actually increased 1.2%, slightly slower than in the preceding quarter when they had risen 2.2%. As in the prior quarter, the main reason for our consolidated nominal peso revenues to decline even though they had risen in local currency terms have mostly to do with the sharp depreciation of the Brazilian real vis-à-vis the Mexican peso, -20.4%.

The expansion of service revenues was driven by that of mobile service revenues, which decelerated to 1.7% from 4.1% the prior quarter, and was supported by the continued recovery of fixed-line services. The latter’s revenue growth turned positive, 0.1%, after several quarters of negative growth, on the back of continued strong performance of fixed-broadband services which became our most important revenue line in the quarter maintaining its nearly 8% annual pace. We registered an important improvement in corporate networks, with revenues expanding 2.4% in the quarter compared to a 2.9% decline in the fourth quarter, which tipped into positive territory the overall expansion of fixed-line revenues.

The deceleration of mobile service revenues mirrored that of mobile postpaid revenues, which slowed down in Brazil, Colombia and Austria. Prepaid revenues, for their part, maintained their pace of growth at 2.4%.

EBITDA rose 5.2% to 81.7 billion pesos. At constant exchange rates it was up 8.1% with the EBITDA margin expanding almost two percentage points to 32.9% supported by strict cost controls across all markets. Most countries registered strong EBITDA growth: 59% in the U.S., 47% in Puerto Rico, 36% in Peru and 15% in Dominicana.

With our operating profit increasing 5.7% to 41.1 billion pesos and our comprehensive financing cost coming down by 55% year-on-year to 35.9 billion pesos, bringing our net income to 1.8 billion pesos from -28.9 billion a year before. Net profit was equivalent to 3 peso cents per share or 3 dollar cents per ADR.

América Móvil’s Income Statement Millions of Mexican pesos











Service Revenues

     207,109        209,513        -1.1%  



Equipment Revenues

     39,216        39,480        -0.7%  



Total Revenues*

     248,186        250,062        -0.8%  



Cost of Service

     75,192        75,475        -0.4%  



Cost of Equipment

     40,505        40,388        0.3%  



Selling, General & Administrative Expenses

     49,430        55,566        -11.0%  




     1,403        1,045        34.2%  



Total Costs and Expenses

     166,529        172,474        -3.4%  




     81,656        77,587        5.2%  



% of Total Revenues

     32.9%        31.0%     



Depreciation & Amortization

     40,509        38,677        4.7%  




     41,147        38,910        5.7%  



% of Total Revenues

     16.6%        15.6%     



Net Interest Expense

     8,742        9,380        -6.8%  



Other Financial Expenses

     10,747        -23,092        146.5%  



Foreign Exchange Loss

     16,361        92,728        -82.4%  



Comprehensive Financing Cost (Income)

     35,849        79,016        -54.6%  



Income & Deferred Taxes

     2,558        -12,020        121.3%  



Net Income before Minority


Interest and Equity Participation in Results of Affiliates

     2,740        -28,085        109.8%  



Equity Participation in Results of Affiliates*

     13        3        n.m.  



Minority Interest

     -943        -779        -21.1%  



Net Income

     1,810        -28,862        n.m.  



*Total revenues include Other Revenues

n.m. Not meaningful.

Our net debt fell by 20.2 billion pesos in the first quarter ending March at 627 billion pesos. In cash flow terms it was reduced by 9.9 billion pesos in the quarter. In addition to this reduction, our operating cash flow allowed us to fund capital expenditures in the amount of 24.9 billion pesos and to buy back shares worth 4.4 billion pesos in shares. Our net debt stood at 1.77 time EBITDA LTM.

Balance Sheet – América Móvil Consolidated Millions of Mexican Pesos


Mar ‘21


Dec ‘20




Mar ‘21


Dec ‘20




Current Assets


Current Liabilities


Cash, Marketable Securities &

Other Short Term Investments

     118,967        90,554        31.4%     

Short Term Debt*

     114,623        148,083        -22.6%  

Accounts Receivable

     215,183        228,906        -6.0%     

Lease-Related Debt

     26,689        25,068        6.5%  

Other Current Assets

     19,537        10,385        88.1%     

Accounts Payable

     249,642        237,287        5.2%  


     30,920        30,377        1.8%     

Other Current Liabilities

     101,243        96,872        4.5%  
       384,606        360,223        6.8%             492,197        507,311        -3.0%  

Non Current Assets


Non Current Liabilities


Plant & Equipment, gross

     1,347,771        1,355,801        -0.6%     

Long Term Debt

     526,117        480,300        9.5%  


     636,619        632,871        0.6%     

Lease-Related Debt

     78,530        84,259        -6.8%  

Plant & Equipment, net

     711,152        722,930        -1.6%     

Other Non Current Liabilities

     241,181        238,061        1.3%  

Rights of Use

     97,929        101,977        -4.0%             845,828        802,620        5.4%  

Investments in Affiliates

     1,773        1,830        -3.1%                                  

Deferred Assets


Goodwill (Net)

     140,992        143,053        -1.4%                                  

Intangible Assets

     130,401        133,457        -2.3%     

Shareholder’s Equity

     293,556        315,118        -6.8%  

Deferred Assets

     164,729        161,579        1.9%                                  

Total Assets

     1,631,582        1,625,048        0.4%     

Total Liabilities and Equity

     1,631,582        1,625,048        0.4%  

*Includes current portion of Long Term Debt.

Financial Debt of América Móvil* Millions


     Mar -21      Dec -20  



Peso - denominated debt (MxP)

     73,389        78,383  


     51,389        51,283  



Banks and others

     22,000        27,100  



U.S. Dollar - denominated debt (USD)

     9,601        9,351  


     9,351        9,351  

Banks and others

     250        0  



Euro - denominated Debt (EUR)

     10,247        9,780  


     9,197        8,100  

Commercial Paper

     1,050        1,680  

Banks and others

     0        0  



Sterling - denominated Debt (GBP)

     2,200        2,200  


     2,200        2,200  



Reais - denominated Debt (BRL)

     7,375        8,475  


     7,375        8,475  

Banks and others

     0        0  



Debt denominated in other currencies(2) (MxP)

     32,721        32,610  


     6,615        6,590  

Banks and others

     26,106        26,020  



Total Debt (MxP)

     640,741        628,383  



Cash, Marketable Securities and Short Term Financial Investments (MxP)

     118,417        90,554  



Net Debt (MxP)

     522,323        537,829  



*This table does not include the effect of forwards and derivatives used to hedge our foreign exchange exposure. It includes financial debt of Telekom Austria.

(1)Includes the effect of inflation-linked debt.

(2)Includes Peruvian soles and Chilean pesos.




We gained 522 thousand subscribers in the first quarter, most of them prepaid subscribers, to finish March with 78.3 million subscribers. On the fixed-line platform we disconnected 185 thousand accesses, of which 167 thousand were land-lines.

Revenues totaled 71.5 billion pesos, with service revenues flat year-on-year, -0.1% as those coming from mobile decreased 0.2% and those on the fixed-line platform remained practically unchanged. The recovery in fixed-line revenues was driven by fixed-broadband and corporate networks that expanded 2.5% and 1.6%, respectively, compensating the decline in voice revenues. Equipment revenues were down 11.7% on lower handset sales, partly stemming from the global shortage of chips.

EBITDA was up 3.6% from the year-earlier quarter to 28.8 billion pesos and the EBITDA margin reached 40.2%, a 2.3 percentage points expansion in the period on operational efficiencies, as we become increasingly digital.

INCOME STATEMENT - Mexico Millions of MxP




     1Q21        1Q20        Var.%  



Total Revenues*

     71,466          73,182          -2.3%  



Total Service Revenues

     54,518          54,599          -0.1%  



Total Equipment Revenues

     15,988          18,106          -11.7%  



Wireless Revenues

     51,337          53,395          -3.9%  



Service Revenues

     35,479          35,555          -0.2%  



Equipment Revenues

     15,858          17,840          -11.1%  



Fixed Line Service Revenues

     19,169          19,310          -0.7%  



Service Revenues

     19,039          19,044          0.0%  



Equipment Revenues

     130          266          -51.2%  




     28,758          27,771          3.6%  



% total revenues

     40.2%          37.9%       




     21,057          20,038          5.1%  




     29.5%          27.4%       



*Revenues reflect eliminations derived from both the overlap of fixed and mobile operations as well as international intercompany transactions.

Total revenues include other income.

Mexico Operating Data



                   1Q21                    1Q20                    Var.%  



Wireless Subscribers (thousands)

     78,311        77,212        1.4%  




     14,558        14,564        0.0%  




     63,753        62,648        1.8%  




     556        528        5.4%  




     152        154        -1.3%  



Churn (%)

     3.5%        3.9%        (0.5)  



Revenue Generating Units (RGUs)*

     21,739        22,039        -1.4%  



Fixed Lines

     11,747        12,241        -4.0%  




     9,992        9,798        2.0%  



*Fixed Line and Broadband



For comparison purposes all comments in this section related to annual variations of the presented period for Argentina refer to figures in constant peso terms, that is, adjusted for inflation in accordance to NIC 29. Information for Uruguay and Paraguay is not presented in the table.

We added 332 thousand new wireless subscribers in Argentina in the first quarter of which 119 thousand were postpaid. On the fixed-line segment we carried on with our fiber rollout and gained 37 thousand new broadband clients.

First quarter revenues of 32.5 billion Argentinean pesos were 8.8% lower than a year before in after-inflation (real) terms. Service revenues of 26.2 billion Argentinean pesos showed a sequential improvement of 1.1%; but they were still down 10.9% annually.

Revenues on the mobile segment improved as a result of price increases that were conducted on a monthly basis during the quarter, with service revenues rising 1.1% on the prepaid segment and declined 16.5% in postpaid. Fixed-line service revenues were up 6.1% over the year on the back of broadband revenues that expanded 26.2% and of PayTV revenues that, although from a smaller base, climbed 51.3% annually following the launch of our IPTV services.

EBITDA came in at 12.9 billion Argentinean pesos and was 3.8% lower than a year before, compared to -15.0% in the fourth quarter and -9.1% in the third. The EBITDA margin increased by two percentage points relative to the prior year, to 39.6% of revenues.

INCOME STATEMENT - Argentina Millions of Constant ARS of March 2021






                     1Q20                      Var.%  



Total Revenues*

     32,486        35,609        -8.8%  



Total Service Revenues

     26,236        29,442        -10.9%  



Wireless Revenues

     29,097        32,389        -10.2%  



Service Revenues

     22,887        26,286        -12.9%  



Equipment Revenues

     6,210        6,103        1.7%  



Fixed Line Revenues

     3,349        3,157        6.1%  




     12,872        13,375        -3.8%  



% total revenues

     39.6%        37.6%     




     10,005        10,438        -4.1%  




     30.8%        29.3%     



*Revenues reflect eliminations derived from both the overlap of fixed and mobile operations as well as international intercompany transactions.

Total revenues include other income.

Argentina Operating Data





                     1Q20                      Var.%  



Wireless Subscribers (thousands)(1)

     21,827        21,896        -0.3%  




     8,549        8,460        1.1%  




     13,278        13,436        -1.2%  




     77        75        2.8%  




     344        279        23.4%  



Churn (%)

     1.0%        1.7%        (0.7)  



Revenue Generating Units (RGUs)

     1221        875        39.6%  



*Fixed Line, Broadband and Pay TV.

(1) Hybrid subscribers are now included in our postpaid figures.



Claro remained on a strong growth path adding 3.2 million subscribers in the first quarter, 2.4 million of them postpaid, to finish March with 66.3 million subscribers. After the new additions, our postpaid base increased 19.4% year-on-year. Claro was the only operator in the first quarter to keep a positive balance from Mobile Number Portability and obtained a record number of subscribers ported-in. On the fixed-line platform we disconnected 375 thousand accesses in the quarter, including 191 thousand PayTV clients and 159 thousand land-lines.

First quarter revenues were nearly flat year-on-year, declining slightly, -0.2%, to 9.8 billion reais as service revenues dropped 0.4% with those coming from mobile services increasing 5.1% and those originating in the fixed-line platform falling 4.6%. Service revenue growth slowed down in the quarter, particularly in mobile, as a consequence of a new wave of COVID-19 contagion that resulted in reduced mobility as well as to a much reduced level of support from the federal government.

Postpaid drove revenue growth on the mobile platform, expanding 6.8%, whereas prepaid revenues were off 1.1%. On the fixed-line platform service revenues came down 4.6% brought down by PayTV services (-13.3%) and voice revenues (-15.9%); fixed-broadband service revenues continued to expand at a solid pace, 7.2%, as we held on to our leadership position in the ultrabroadband segment.

EBITDA increased 5.3% from the year-earlier quarter to 3.9 billion reais with the EBITDA margin expanding 2.1 percentage points from a year before to 40.0% buoyed by significant reductions in administrative expenses.

Since March we have made “Claro Pay” available to all our clients. It is a digital wallet that allows for payments and transfers through the mobile.

In January we launched our “Claro Box TV” service, available through streaming and with voice commands, which may be self-installed, reducing the operational costs associated with the service. Generally we reinforced the positioning of our sports products at a time when the search for this type of content is surging.

INCOME STATEMENT - Brazil Millions of BrL






                     1Q20                          Var.%  



Total Revenues*

     9,775        9,791        -0.2%  



Total Service Revenues

     9,480        9,522        -0.4%  



Wireless Revenues

     4,564        4,341        5.1%  



Service Revenues

     4,290        4,082        5.1%  



Equipment Revenues

     275        259        5.9%  



Fixed Line Revenues

     5,190        5,440        -4.6%  




     3,905        3,709        5.3%  



% total revenues

     40.0%        37.9%     




     1,255        1,429        -12.2%  




     12.8%        14.6%     



*Revenues reflect eliminations derived from both the overlap of fixed and mobile operations as well as international intercompany transactions.

Total revenues include other income.

Brazil Operating Data





                     1Q20                          Var.%  



Wireless Subscribers (thousands)

     66,337        58,671        13.1%  




     38,026        31,847        19.4%  




     28,311        26,825        5.5%  




     168        173        -2.5%  




     22        24        -7.0%  



Churn (%)

     3.0%        4.0%        (1.0)  



Revenue Generating Units (RGUs)*

     32,273        33,808        -4.5%  



*Fixed Line, Broadband and Television.

(1) We modified the methodology for calculating MOUs. We no longer include M2M subscribers.




Mobile net additions trebled relative to the year-earlier quarter reaching 452 thousand subscribers, a third of which were postpaid clients. On the fixed-line segment we connected 89 thousand new broadband accesses and 54 thousand PayTV units.

Revenues rose 9.8% year-on-year to 3.5 trillion Colombian pesos with service revenues expanding 7.9%. On the mobile segment, service revenues increased 4.4% with prepaid revenues growing somewhat faster. Fixed-line service revenues for their part continued to accelerate to 13.7% on the back of broadband revenue growth that reached 21.7% (from 20.9% in the fourth quarter and 16.1% in the third) and PayTV revenues that increased 12.1%.

First quarter EBITDA came in at 1.5 trillion Colombian pesos exceeding by 10.3% that obtained a year before—its best performance in at least that period—with administrative expenses coming down in line with provisions for bad debt. The EBITDA margin for the period was equivalent to 43.2% of revenues.

We finished the first quarter with a positive balance from Mobile Number Portability as subscribers greatly value the quality and speed of our network, our efforts to provide the best customer care and the unmatched coverage of our platforms. Claro provides 4G services in 99% of the municipalities of Colombia.

INCOME STATEMENT - Colombia Billions of COP


                 1Q21                  1Q20                  Var.%  



Total Revenues*

     3,549        3,230        9.8%  



Total Service Revenues

     2,794        2,590        7.9%  



Wireless Revenues

     2,366        2,239        5.7%  



Service Revenues

     1,690        1,619        4.4%  



Equipment Revenues

     676        620        8.9%  



Fixed Line Revenues

     1,133        975        16.2%  




     1,534        1,390        10.3%  



% total revenues

     43.2%        43.0%     




     911        814        11.8%  




     25.7%        25.2%     



*Revenues reflect eliminations derived from both the overlap of fixed and mobile operations as well as international intercompany transactions.

Total revenues include other income.


Colombia Operating Data



                 1Q21                  1Q20                  Var.%  



Wireless Subscribers* (thousands)

     33,461        31,244        7.1%  




     7,919        7,384        7.2%  




     25,542        23,860        7.1%  




     297        294        0.8%  




     17,035        17,353        -1.8%  



Churn (%)

     4.1%        4.2%        (0.1)  



Revenue Generating Units (RGUs)**

     8,527        7,760        9.9%  



*Due to differences in the policy for accounting active subscribers, the figures in this report are different from those published by the Ministry of Communications of Colombia (MinTIC).**Fixed Line, Broadband and Television ** Fixed Line, Broadband and Television.

(1) We modified the methodology for calculating MOUs. We no longer include M2M subscribers.




In the first quarter we gained 146 thousand wireless subscribers—108 thousand postpaid—with no major change in fixed-line RGUs, ending March with 6.6 million subscribers.

Total revenues topped 200 billion Chilean pesos, slightly higher than a year before, with service revenues coming down 1.7% year-on-year. The rate of decline has slowed, from -5.7% in the precedent quarter and -7.2% in the third quarter.

Mobile service revenues were down 3.7% —compared to -10.5% in the prior quarter—partly as a result of our subscriber growth. We registered 146 thousand net subscriber gains in the first quarter, 56% more than a year before. Postpaid revenues were down 2.7% after high single digit declines in the past two quarters, while prepaid revenues fell 11.9%; the latter represent only 10% of our mobile revenues. On the fixed-line platform revenues increased 0.9% annually with broadband and PayTV rising 7.4% and 4.8%, respectively.

EBITDA of 44.5 billion Chilean pesos was up 3.6% from the year-earlier quarter, as the margin reached 22.3% of revenues, 70 basis percentage points higher than a year before.

As part of an auction that concluded in the first quarter, Claro was granted the use of 400MHz of spectrum in the 26GHz band to be used to provide 5G services in Chile.



                     1Q21                      1Q20                          Var.%  



Total Revenues*

     200,091        199,349        0.4%  



Total Service Revenues

     163,003        165,753        -1.7%  



Wireless Revenues

     124,625        125,334        -0.6%  



Service Revenues

     88,598        92,038        -3.7%  



Equipment Revenues

     36,026        33,296        8.2%  



Fixed Line Revenues

     74,404        73,715        0.9%  




     44,528        42,993        3.6%  



% total revenues

     22.3%        21.6%     




     -8,558        -8,058        -6.2%  




     -4.3%        -4.0%     



*Revenues reflect eliminations derived from both the overlap of fixed and mobile operations as well as international intercompany transactions. Total revenues include other income.

Chile Operating Data


                     1Q21                      1Q20                          Var.%  



Wireless Subscribers (thousands)

     6,581        6,966        -5.5%  




     2,489        2,286        8.9%  




     4,092        4,681        -12.6%  




     179        160        12.1%  




     4,845        4,950        -2.1%  



Churn (%)

     6.2%        6.5%        (0.3)  



Revenue Generating Units (RGUs)*

     1,376        1,398        -1.5%  



*Fixed Line, Broadband and Television.




First quarter revenues totaled 253 million dollars and were down 17.4% year-on-year with service revenues declining 13.4%, consequence of the rough economic situation the country has been undergoing for some time, which was exacerbated by the sanitary crisis.

Mobile service revenues fell 14.8% over the year with postpaid revenues still heavily impacted by deteriorated credit-scoring from our clients, many of which have migrated to prepaid. The recovery of prepaid service revenues can be seen in their having declined only 1.8% in the first quarter compared to -4.2% in the fourth quarter and -12.3% in the third.

We continued to make inroads in the broadband segment as we expanded our fiber footprint. Broadband service revenues increased 15.3% compensating for the decline in PayTV and Corporate network revenues that resulted from disconnections of clients that could not afford to maintain their service.

EBITDA was off 15.2% to 110 million dollars. However, the EBITDA margin improved 1.1 percentage points to 43.2% as we have been making extraordinary efforts to reduce costs, particularly our cost of service and our selling and marketing expenses, both of which dropped approximately 17%.


INCOME STATEMENT - Ecuador Millions of Dollars



                 1Q21                  1Q20                  Var.%  



Total Revenues*

     253        307        -17.4%  



Total Service Revenues

     227        262        -13.4%  



Wireless Revenues

     228        281        -19.0%  



Service Revenues

     202        237        -14.8%  



Equipment Revenues

     26        44        -41.8%  



Fixed Line Revenues

     26        26        -1.2%  




     110        129        -15.2%  



% total revenues

     43.2%        42.1%     




     55        74        -24.6%  




     21.9%        23.9%     



*Revenues reflect eliminations derived from both the overlap of fixed and mobile operations as well as international intercompany transactions.

Total revenues include other income.

Ecuador Operating Data



                 1Q21                  1Q20                  Var.%  



Wireless Subscribers (thousands)

     8,104        8,465        -4.3%  




     2,031        2,660        -23.6%  




     6,073        5,805        4.6%  




     357        413        -13.4%  




     8        9        -9.8%  



Churn (%)

     3.3%        4.0%        (0.6)  



Revenue Generating Units (RGUs)*

     476        458        3.9%  



*Fixed Line, Broadband and Pay TV.




We added 233 thousand mobile subscribers in the first quarter, most of them postpaid, ending March with 11.2 million subscribers, whereas in the fixed-line segment we gained 66 thousand clients, three quarters of which were broadband clients.

First quarter revenues of 1.4 billion soles were up 11.5% year-on-year with service revenues expanding 7.7%, with those coming from mobile clients rising 4.2% and those on the fixed-line segment jumping 19.1% as broadband revenues soared. The latter, up 41.5%, has become our fastest growing revenue line.

We have been expanding our fixed-line infrastructure and the number of homes passed, and launched at the end of the period our IPTV platform that offers convergence between OTT content and traditional TV channels.

Our greater operating leverage allowed for a 36.4% EBITDA expansion, to 546 million soles. The EBITDA increase also reflects a reduction of bad debt charges and an improvement in the margins of our equipment sales. The EBITDA margin for the period climbed 6.9 percentage points from the prior year to 37.8% of revenues.

Claro remained a net gainer from Mobile Number Portability in the first quarter.


INCOME STATEMENT - Peru Millons of Soles



                 1Q21                  1Q20                  Var.%  



Total Revenues*

     1,443        1,294        11.5%  



Total Service Revenues

     1,046        972        7.7%  



Wireless Revenues

     1,166        1,064        9.6%  



Service Revenues

     775        744        4.2%  



Equipment Revenues

     391        320        22.2%  



Fixed Line Revenues

     271        227        19.1%  




     546        400        36.4%  



% total revenues

     37.8%        30.9%     




     265        140        89.4%  




     18.4%        10.8%     



*Revenues reflect eliminations derived from both the overlap of fixed and mobile operations as well as international intercompany transactions.

Total revenues include other income.


Peru Operating Data



                 1Q21                  1Q20                  Var.%  



Wireless Subscribers (thousands)

     11,181        11,543        -3.1%  




     4,424        4,234        4.5%  




     6,756        7,309        -7.6%  




     383        290        32.0%  



ARPU (Sol)

     23        21        9.9%  



Churn (%)

     4.1%        4.5%        (0.4)  



Revenue Generating Units (RGUs)*

     1,805        1,646        9.6%  



*Fixed Line, Broadband and Pay TV.

Central America



Altogether we added 524 thousand wireless subscribers in Central America in the first quarter, almost all of them prepaid. Many clients had to disconnect their lines during the sanitary crisis and have migrated to prepaid plans, which have generally been buoyed by the high level of remittances flowing into the region from the U.S. We are facing strong demand for broadband services as remote work and education persist and mobile has been the primary means of access to Internet in the region. On the fixed-line platform we gained 44 thousand clients, most of them broadband accesses.

Total revenues were slightly lower than a year before with service revenues that were flat after several quarters of declines. Mobile service revenues contracted 0.5% yet, with a marked improvement in prepaid in all major markets with revenue growth accelerating to 6.4% from 2.8% the prior quarter whereas postpaid revenues contracted 7.9%. Fixed-line service revenues expanded 0.5%, with those from broadband increasing 7.0% and those from voice dropping 12.3%.

EBITDA growth accelerated from 7.5% in the fourth quarter to 9.6% in the current period to reach 240 million dollars. At 41.3% of revenues, the EBITDA margin came in 3.7 percentage points above the prior year.

INCOME STATEMENT - Central America Millions of Dollars



                     1Q21                      1Q20                      Var.%  



Total Revenues*

     581        583        -0.3%  



Total Service Revenues

     513        514        -0.1%  



Wireless Revenues

     389        392        -0.8%  



Service Revenues

     331        333        -0.5%  



Equipment Revenues

     58        60        -2.6%  



Fixed Line Revenues

     187        187        0.2%  




     240        219        9.6%  



% total revenues

     41.3%        37.5%     




     100        78        28.6%  




     17.2%        13.3%     



*Revenues reflect eliminations derived from both the overlap of fixed and mobile operations as well as international intercompany transactions.

Total revenues include other income.

Central America Operating Data





                     1Q20                      Var.%  



Wireless Subscribers (thousands)

     15,569        15,469        0.6%  




     2,291        2,548        -10.1%  




     13,277        12,921        2.8%  




     178        166        7.4%  




     7        7        -0.4%  



Churn (%)

     5.4%        6.1%        (0.7)  



Revenue Generating Units (RGUs)*

     4,291        4,408        -2.7%  



*Fixed Line, Broadband and Pay TV. Figures have been adjusted in accordance with the methodolgy used for all AMX operations.

(1) We modified the methodology for calculating MOUs. We no longer include M2M subscribers.




Our operation in Dominicana added 26 thousand fixed-line accesses and 122 thousand wireless subscribers, 75% more than a year before, of which 102 thousand were prepaid subscribers. Puerto Rico gained 18 thousand wireless subscribers in the quarter compared to disconnections of two thousand in the year-earlier quarter, and saw practically no changes on fixed-line RGUs.

Revenues were up 4.3% in Dominicana as service revenues rose 4.7% year-on-year. On the mobile platform, service revenues increased 4.8% on the back of prepaid revenues that were up 11.0%. Fixed-line service revenues increased 4.5%—improving from 1.7% in the precedent quarter—on the back of an 18.1% increase in broadband revenues. Revenue growth and reductions in selling, marketing and administrative expenses—including bad debt provisions—resulted in a 15% increase in EBITDA to 6.8 billion Dominican Pesos, with the EBITDA margin expanding 4.7 percentage points from the year-earlier quarter.

In Puerto Rico, revenue growth accelerated to 12.1%, as revenues reached 223 million dollars in the quarter, with service revenues increasing 7.3%. On the mobile platform we registered service revenue expansion of 16.8% with postpaid revenues growing twice as fast as prepaid. Nonetheless, prepaid revenue growth exhibited a marked acceleration, from 1.0% in the prior quarter to a pace of 9.9% in the present one. On the fixed-line segment, service revenues declined 3.6%. EBITDA rose 47% annually on the back of solid revenue growth and falling selling, marketing and administrative expenses, including bad debt provisions. The EBITDA margin climbed 4.9 percentage points from the year-earlier quarter to 20.8%.

INCOME STATEMENT - Caribbean Millions of Dollars




                     1Q21                      1Q20                  Var.%  



Total Revenues*

        453           435        3.9%  



Total Service Revenues

     394        388        1.6%  



Wireless Revenues

     287        264        8.7%  



Service Revenues

     229        217        5.3%  



Equipment Revenues

     58        47        24.1%  



Fixed Line Revenues

     168        174        -3.5%  




     163        141        15.9%  



% total revenues

     36.1%        32.3%     




     81        59        36.5%  




     17.8%        13.6%     



*Revenues reflect eliminations derived from both the overlap of fixed and mobile operations as well as international intercompany transactions.

Total revenues include other income.

Caribbean Operating Data



                   1Q21                    1Q20                  Var.%  



Wireless Subscribers (thousands)

     6,562        6,312        4.0%  




     2,092        2,046        2.2%  




     4,471        4,266        4.8%  




     202        219        -8.0%  




     12        12        2.3%  



Churn (%)

     3.0%        3.3%        (0.3)  



Revenue Generating Units (RGUs)*

     2,586        2,516        2.8%  



*Fixed Line, Broadband and Pay TV.

(1) We modified the methodology for calculating MOUs. We no longer include M2M subscribers.

United States



In the first quarter we added 201 thousand subscribers. The figure compares to disconnections of 172 thousand subs in the same quarter of 2020.

Revenues rose 3.8% year-on-year and topped two billion dollars with service revenues rising 3.3% and equipment revenues 7.0% as the COVID-related plans fueled demand for the service. ARPU was up 3.3% to 28 dollars.

EBITDA jumped 59.3% to 185 million dollars, as the EBITDA margin expanded 3.1 percentage points from a year before, to 9.0%.

INCOME STATEMENT - United States Millions of Dollars





                     1Q20                      Var.%  



Total Revenues

     2,062        1,986        3.8%  



Service Revenues

     1,747        1,692        3.3%  



Equipment Revenues

     315        294        7.0%  




     185        116        59.3%  



% total revenues

     9.0%        5.9%     




     177        98        80.2%  




     8.6%        4.9%     



United States Operating Data


                     1Q21                      1Q20                      Var.%  



Wireless Subscribers (thousands)

     20,883        20,704        0.9%  



Straight Talk

     9,823        9,473        3.7%  




     2,034        2,051        -0.8%  



Other Brands

     9,026        9,180        -1.7%  




     675        625        8.0%  




     28        27        3.3%  



Churn (%)

     3.2%        3.7%        (0.5)  



A1 Telekom Austria Group



We added a total of 67 thousand mobile subscribers. In the postpaid segment we gained 191 thousand clients, mostly mobile WiFi routers across all countries, and in prepaid we disconnected 124 thousand subscribers, part of which have migrated to postpaid. On the fixed-line platform we gained 29 thousand RGUs. In Austria we had disconnections of low-bandwidth broadband and PayTV accesses, but our operations in Eastern Europe more than compensated with new broadband clients.

Total revenues increased 0.8% to 1.1 billion euros growing in all segments other than in Belarus where they declined because of the depreciation of the ruble vs. the euro. Service revenues were up 0.6% driven by those coming from fixed-line services which expanded 1.8%; those from mobile services were down 0.4%.

EBITDA rose 4.7% year-on-year to 398 million euros. Before restructuring charges it was up 5.7% with rising EBITDA margins in almost all segments. Growth was driven by operational efficiencies that more than offset the negative impact of roaming revenues, particularly in Austria as travel restrictions restrained winter tourism. In Austria, EBITDA excluding restructuring costs rose 4.4% year-on-year.

INCOME STATEMENT (In accordance to IFRS 16) - A1 Telekom Austria Group 

Millions of Euros





                     1Q20                      Var.%  



Total Revenues

     1,136        1,126        0.8%  



Total Service Revenues

     956        950        0.6%  



Wireless Service Revenues

     519        521        -0.4%  



Fixed-line Service Revenues

     437        429        1.8%  



Equipment Revenues

     162        158        2.6%  



Other operating income

     18        18        -2.3%  




     398        381        4.7%  



% total revenues

     35.1%        33.8%     



Adjusted EBITDA(1)

     419        397        5.7%  



% total revenues

     36.9%        35.2%     




     163        147        10.8%  




     14.4%        13.1%     



For further detail please visit www.a1.group/en/investor-relations

(1) Does not include restructuring charges in Austria.

A1 Telekom Austria Group Operating Data


                     1Q21                      1Q20                      Var.%  



Wireless Subscribers (thousands)

     21,932        21,306        2.9%  




     18,014        17,100        5.3%  




     3,918        4,206        -6.8%  




     430        397        8.2%  




     8        8        -3.1%  



Churn (%)

     1.4%        1.5%        (0.1)  



Revenue Generating Units (RGUs)*

     6,079        6,131        -0.9%  



*Fixed Line, Broadband and Pay TV.

(1) We modified the methodology for calculating MOUs. We no longer include M2M subscribers.

Exchange Rates Local Currency Units per MxP



                                  1Q21                          1Q20                                   Var.%  







End of Period

     0.0414        0.0386        7.3%  




     0.0409        0.0457        -10.7%  







End of Period

     0.0485        0.0425        14.1%  




     0.0492        0.0504        -2.3%  



Brazilean Real




End of Period

     0.2765        0.2211        25.1%  




     0.2693        0.2244        20.0%  



Argentinean Peso




End of Period

     4.4650        2.7419        62.8%  




     4.3610        3.1021        40.6%  



Chilean Peso




End of Period

     35.0318        36.2378        -3.3%  




     35.6410        40.4554        -11.9%  



Colombian Peso




End of Period

     181.3620        172.8809        4.9%  




     174.8920        178.0793        -1.8%  



Guatemalan Quetzal




End of Period

     0.3744        0.3268        14.6%  




     0.3817        0.3871        -1.4%  



Peruvian Sol




End of Period

     0.1824        0.1464        24.6%  




     0.1803        0.1716        5.1%  



Dominican Republic Peso




End of Period

     2.7761        2.3401        18.6%  




     2.8552        2.7185        5.0%  



Exchange Rates Local Currency Units per USD



                                  1Q21                          1Q20                                   Var.%  







End of Period

     0.8525        0.9065        -6.0%  




     0.8296        0.9069        -8.5%  



Mexican Peso




End of Period

     20.6047        23.5122        -12.4%  




     20.3064        19.8341        2.4%  



Brazilean Real




End of Period

     5.6973        5.1987        9.6%  




     5.4676        4.4511        22.8%  



Argentinean Peso




End of Period

     92.0000        64.4690        42.7%  




     88.5570        61.5281        43.9%  



Chilean Peso




End of Period

     721.8200        852.0300        -15.3%  




     723.7388        802.3949        -9.8%  



Colombian Peso




End of Period

     3,736.9100        4,064.8100        -8.1%  




     3,551.4216        3,532.0353        0.5%  



Guatemalan Quetzal




End of Period

     7.7150        7.6847        0.4%  




     7.7519        7.6769        1.0%  



Peruvian Sol




End of Period

     3.7580        3.4420        9.2%  




     3.6617        3.4034        7.6%  



Dominican Republic Peso




End of Period

     57.2000        55.0200        4.0%  




     57.9788        53.9189        7.5%  



Glossary of Terms


Average Revenue per User. The ratio of service revenues in a given period to the average number of wireless subscribers in the same period. It is presented on a monthly basis.


Average Revenue per Minute. The ratio of service revenues to airtime traffic.


Capital Expenditure. Accrued capital expenditures related to the expansion of the telecommunications infrastructure.


Disconnection Rate. The ratio of wireless subscribers disconnected during a given period to the number of wireless subscribers at the beginning of that period.


Earnings Before Interest and Taxes, also known as Operating Profit.

EBIT margin   

The ratio of EBIT to total operating revenue.


Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization.

EBITDA margin   

The ratio of EBITDA to total operating revenue.

EPS (Mexican pesos)   

Earnings per share. Total earnings in Mexican pesos divided by total shares.

Earnings per ADR (US$)   

Total earnings in U.S. dollars divided by total ADRs equivalent.

Gross additions   

Total number of subscribers acquired during the period.

Licensed pops   

Licensed population. Population covered by the licenses that each of the companies manage.


Long-term evolution is a 4th generation standard for wireless communication of high-speed data for mobile phones and data terminals.

Market share   

A company’s subscriber base divided by the total number of subscribers in that country.


Megabytes of Use per subscriber. The ratio of wireless data in a given period to the average number of wireless subscribers in that same period. It is presented on a monthly basis.


Minutes of Use per subscriber. The ratio of wireless traffic in a given period to the average number of wireless subscribers in that same period. It is presented on a monthly basis.

Net subscriber additions   

The difference in the subscriber base from one period to another. It is the different between gross additions and disconnections.

Net debt   

Total short and long term debt minus cash and marketable securities.

Net debt / EBITDA   

The ratio of total short and long term debt minus cash and securities to trailing 12-month income before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization.


Subscriber that may purchase airtime to recharge a cellular phone. The client does not hold a contract with the company for voice and data services.


Subscriber that has a contract for the use of airtime. The client has no need of activating airtime, it is done so immediately.


Short Message Service.


Subscriber Acquisition Cost. The sum of handset subsidies, marketing expenses and commissions to distributors for handset activation. Handset subsidy is calculated as the difference between equipment cost and equipment revenues.

Wireless penetration   

The ratio of total wireless subscribers in any given country divided by the total population in that country.


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.


Date: April 30, 2021     AMÉRICA MÓVIL, S.A.B. DE C.V.

/s/ Carlos José García Moreno Elizondo

    Name:   Carlos José García Moreno Elizondo
    Title:   Chief Financial Officer


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