Washington, D.C. 20549
(Rule 14a-101)
Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No. )
Filed by
the Registrant
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant
Check the appropriate box:
Preliminary Proxy Statement
Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by Rule 14a-
Definitive Proxy Statement
Definitive Additional Materials
Soliciting Material Pursuant to §240.14a-12
(Name of Registrant as Specified in its Charter)
(Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if Other Than the Registrant)
Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):
No fee required.
Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and 0-11.
1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:
2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:
3) Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the
filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):
4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:
5) Total fee paid:
Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.
Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act
Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was paid
previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement number, or
the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.
1) Amount Previously Paid:
2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:
3) Filing Party:
4) Date Filed:
12390 El Camino Real,
Suite 150
San Diego, CA 92130
To Be Held June 15, 2011
The 2011 Annual Meeting of Stockholders of ADVENTRX
Pharmaceuticals, Inc. will be held on June 15, 2011 at
9:00 a.m. Pacific time, at the offices of Sheppard,
Mullin, Richter & Hampton, LLP, 12275 El Camino Real,
Suite 200, San Diego, California 92130. The meeting is
being held for the following purposes, as more fully described
in the accompanying proxy statement:
1. To elect six directors to hold office until the next
annual meeting of stockholders and until their successors are
elected and qualified;
2. To ratify the appointment of J.H. Cohn LLP as our
independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal
year ending December 31, 2011;
3. To approve the ADVENTRX Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Amended
and Restated 2008 Omnibus Incentive Plan;
4. To approve the issuance of up to 13,478,050 shares
of our common stock in lieu of cash for milestone payments
pursuant to our merger agreement with SynthRx, Inc.; and
5. To transact such other business as may properly come
before the meeting and any adjournment or postponement thereof.
Only stockholders of record at the close of business on
April 18, 2011 will be entitled to notice of, and to vote
at, the meeting and any adjournment or postponement thereof. A
list of stockholders entitled to vote at the meeting will be
available for inspection by any stockholder for any purpose
relating to the meeting during ordinary business hours at our
corporate offices located at 12390 El Camino Real,
Suite 150, San Diego, California 92130 for ten days
prior to the meeting, and will also be available for inspection
at the meeting. To obtain directions to be able to attend the
meeting and vote in person, please contact our corporate
secretary at our principal executive offices referenced in the
accompanying proxy statement.
Your vote is important.
Please read the proxy
statement and the instructions on the enclosed proxy card and
then, whether or not you plan to attend the meeting in person,
and no matter how many shares you own, please submit your proxy
promptly by signing, dating and returning your proxy card in the
postage paid envelope provided. This will not prevent you from
voting in person at the meeting. It will, however, help to
assure a quorum and avoid added proxy solicitation costs.
You may revoke your proxy at any time before the vote is taken
by delivering to our corporate secretary a written revocation or
a proxy with a later date or by voting your shares in person at
the meeting, in which case your prior proxy would be disregarded.
By Order of the Board of Directors,
Brian M. Culley
Chief Executive Officer
San Diego, California
[ ], 2011
Notice Regarding the Availability of Proxy Materials for the
Stockholder Meeting To Be
Held on June 15, 2011.
notice of meeting, the proxy statement for the meeting and our
annual report for
the fiscal year ended December 31, 2010 are available at
Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
12390 El Camino Real,
Suite 150
San Diego, CA 92130
(858) 552-0866
To Be Held On June 15,
Time and Place
ADVENTRX Pharmaceuticals, Inc., a Delaware corporation (the
Company, we or us), is
furnishing this proxy statement and the enclosed proxy card in
connection with the solicitation of proxies by our board of
directors for use at our 2011 Annual Meeting of Stockholders to
be held on June 15, 2011, at 9:00 a.m. Pacific
time, at the offices of Sheppard, Mullin, Richter &
Hampton, LLP, 12275 El Camino Real, Suite 200,
San Diego, California 92130 (the Annual
Meeting), and at any adjournment or postponement thereof.
These materials are first being mailed to stockholders on or
about [ ], 2011.
of the Annual Meeting
The Annual Meeting is being held for the following purposes:
1. To elect six directors to hold office until the next
annual meeting of stockholders and until their successors are
elected and qualified;
2. To ratify the appointment of J.H. Cohn LLP as our
independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal
year ending December 31, 2011;
3. To approve the ADVENTRX Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Amended
and Restated 2008 Omnibus Incentive Plan, which we refer to as
the Restated 2008 Plan Proposal in this proxy
4. To approve the issuance of up to 13,478,050 shares
of our common stock in lieu of cash for milestone payments
pursuant to our merger agreement with SynthRx, Inc., which we
refer to as the SynthRx Milestone
Shares Proposal in this proxy statement; and
5. To transact such other business as may properly come
before the meeting and any adjournment or postponement thereof.
Date; Shares Outstanding and Entitled to Vote
Our board of directors has fixed April 18, 2011 as the
record date for the determination of holders of our common stock
entitled to notice of, and to vote at, the Annual Meeting and
any adjournment or postponement thereof. At the close of
business on the record date, we had
[ ] shares of common stock issued and
outstanding. Each stockholder of record as of the record date is
entitled to one vote at the Annual Meeting for each share of
common stock held by such stockholder on the record date.
Stockholders do not have cumulative voting rights. No other
shares of our capital stock are entitled to notice of, or to
vote at, the Annual Meeting.
How to
Vote Your Shares
If you hold your shares in your own name
, you may submit
a proxy by mail, or you may vote by attending the Annual Meeting
and voting in person. If you choose to submit a proxy by mail,
simply mark the enclosed proxy card, date and sign it, and
return it in the postage paid envelope provided. By casting your
vote by proxy, you are authorizing the individuals listed on the
proxy card to vote your shares in accordance with your
instructions. You may also attend the Annual Meeting and vote in
YOUR VOTE IS VERY IMPORTANT. You should submit your proxy even
if you plan to attend the Annual Meeting and vote in person.
If your shares are held in the name of a broker, bank or
other nominee
, you will receive instructions from the holder
of record that you must follow for your shares to be voted. The
availability of telephonic or Internet voting will depend on the
brokers, banks or other nominees voting
process. Please check with your broker, bank or other nominee
and follow the voting procedure your broker, bank or other
nominee provides to vote your shares. Also, please note that if
the holder of record of your shares is a broker, bank or other
nominee and you wish to vote in person at the Annual Meeting,
you must request a legal proxy from your broker, bank or other
nominee that holds your shares and present that proxy and proof
of identification at the Annual Meeting.
How to
Change Your Vote
You may revoke your proxy at any time before it is exercised by:
Delivering to our corporate secretary a written notice of
revocation, dated later than the proxy you wish to revoke,
before voting begins at the Annual Meeting;
Delivering to our corporate secretary a duly executed proxy
bearing a date later than the proxy you wish to revoke, before
voting begins at the Annual Meeting; or
Attending the Annual Meeting and voting in person (your
attendance at the Annual Meeting, in and of itself, will not
revoke your proxy).
Any written notice of revocation or later dated proxy should be
delivered to:
ADVENTRX Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
12390 El Camino Real, Suite 150
San Diego, CA 92130
Attention: Corporate Secretary
Alternatively, you may hand deliver a written revocation notice
or a later dated proxy to our corporate secretary at the Annual
Meeting before voting begins.
If your shares of our common stock are held by a broker, bank or
other nominee, you must follow the instructions provided by the
broker, bank or other nominee if you wish to change your vote.
If you provide specific voting instructions on your proxy card,
your shares will be voted at the Annual Meeting in accordance
with your instructions. If you hold shares in your name and sign
and return a proxy card without marking specific voting
instructions, your shares will be voted:
For each of the nominees to our board of directors
listed on the enclosed proxy card and in this proxy statement,
For the ratification of the appointment of J.H. Cohn
LLP as our independent registered public accounting firm for the
fiscal year ending December 31, 2011,
For the Restated 2008 Plan Proposal, and
For the SynthRx Milestone Shares Proposal.
At this time, we are unaware of any matters, other than those
set forth above, that may properly come before the Annual
Meeting. If any other matters properly come before the Annual
Meeting, the persons named in the enclosed proxy card, or their
duly constituted substitutes acting at the Annual Meeting and
any adjournment or postponement thereof, will be deemed
authorized to vote or otherwise act on such matters in
accordance with their judgment.
The persons named in the enclosed proxy card, or their duly
constituted substitutes acting at the Annual Meeting and any
adjournment or postponement thereof, may propose and vote for
one or more adjournments or postponements of the Annual Meeting,
including adjournments or postponements to permit further
solicitations of
proxies. Proxies solicited may be voted only at the Annual
Meeting and any adjournment or postponement thereof and will not
be used for any other meeting of our stockholders.
A broker non-vote occurs when a nominee (typically a
broker or bank) holding shares for a beneficial owner (typically
referred to as shares being held in street name)
submits a proxy for the Annual Meeting, but does not vote on a
particular proposal because the nominee has not received voting
instructions from the beneficial owner and does not have
discretionary authority to vote the shares with respect to that
proposal. Shares that constitute broker non-votes will be
counted as present at the Annual Meeting for the purpose of
establishing a quorum, but will not be counted as having voting
power to vote on the proposal in question. Brokers generally
have discretionary authority to vote on routine matters. The
ratification of the appointment of J.H. Cohn LLP as our
independent registered public accounting firm is considered a
routine matter. The election of directors, the Restated 2008
Plan Proposal and the SynthRx Milestone Shares Proposal are
considered non-routine matters and brokers do not have
discretionary authority to vote on these proposals.
and Required Votes
A majority of the aggregate number of shares of our common stock
issued and outstanding and entitled to vote at the Annual
Meeting must be present in person or by proxy in order for there
to be a quorum at the Annual Meeting and for any action to be
taken at the Annual Meeting. If you submit a properly executed
proxy, regardless of whether you abstain from voting on one or
more matters, your shares will be counted as present at the
Annual Meeting for the purpose of determining a quorum.
Proposal 1:
If a quorum exists at the
Annual Meeting, the affirmative vote of the holders of a
majority of the shares of common stock having voting power
present in person or represented by proxy at the Annual Meeting
is required for the election of each director nominee. This
majority voting standard means that a director nominee will be
elected if the number of shares voted For that
director nominee exceeds the number of shares voted
Against and that Abstain from voting
with respect to that director nominee. Accordingly, an
abstention will have the same effect as a negative vote. Broker
non-votes will not be counted and will have no effect on the
outcome of this proposal. Pursuant to our current corporate
governance guidelines, each of our incumbent directors tendered
his resignation in advance of being nominated for election at
the Annual Meeting, with the effectiveness of such resignation
subject to and contingent upon (a) the directors
failure to receive a sufficient number of votes for re-election
at the Annual Meeting and (b) our board of directors
acceptance of the resignation. Accordingly, the continued
service on our board of directors by any incumbent director who
is not elected because he does not receive the requisite
affirmative votes at the Annual Meeting will be subject to our
board of directors determination as to whether to accept
or reject his resignation.
Proposal 2:
If a quorum exists at the
Annual Meeting, the affirmative vote of the holders of a
majority of the shares of common stock having voting power
present in person or represented by proxy at the Annual Meeting
is required to ratify the appointment of J.H. Cohn LLP. An
abstention will have the same effect as a negative vote. A
broker or other nominee will generally have discretionary
authority to vote on this proposal because it is considered a
routine matter, and therefore we do not expect broker non-votes
with respect to this proposal.
Proposal 3:
If a quorum exists at the
Annual Meeting, the affirmative vote of the holders of a
majority of the shares of common stock having voting power
present in person or represented by proxy at the Annual Meeting
is required to approve the Restated 2008 Plan Proposal. An
abstention will have the same effect as a negative vote. Broker
non-votes will not be counted and will have no effect on the
outcome of this proposal.
Proposal 4:
If a quorum exists at the
Annual Meeting, the affirmative vote of the holders of a
majority of the shares of common stock having voting power
present in person or represented by proxy at the Annual Meeting
is required to approve the SynthRx Milestone
Shares Proposal. An abstention will have the same effect as
a negative vote. Broker non-votes will not be counted and will
have no effect on the outcome of this proposal.
of Proxies
We are soliciting proxies from our stockholders on behalf of our
board of directors and will pay for all costs incurred in
connection with the solicitation. In addition to solicitation by
mail, our directors, officers and employees may solicit proxies
from our stockholders in person or by telephone, facsimile,
other electronic methods without additional compensation other
than reimbursement for their actual expenses.
We may retain a proxy solicitation firm to assist us in the
solicitation of proxies for the Annual Meeting. We would pay
such firm, if any, customary fees expected to be no more than
$15,000 and would reimburse the firm for its reasonable
Arrangements also will be made with brokerage firms and other
custodians, nominees and fiduciaries for the forwarding of
solicitation material to the beneficial owners of stock held of
record by such persons, and we will reimburse such custodians,
nominees and fiduciaries for their reasonable
expenses in connection therewith.
If You
Receive More Than One Proxy Card
If you receive more than one proxy card, it means you hold
shares that are registered in more than one account. To ensure
that all of your shares are voted, please mark your votes and
date, sign and return each proxy card.
The Securities and Exchange Commission, or SEC, has adopted
rules that permit brokers, banks and other nominees to satisfy
the delivery requirements for proxy statements and annual
reports with respect to two or more stockholders sharing the
same address by delivering a single copy of such document
addressed to those stockholders. This process, which is commonly
referred to as householding, potentially means extra
convenience for stockholders and cost savings for companies.
This year, a number of brokers, banks and other nominees with
account holders who are our stockholders may be
householding our proxy materials. This means that
only one copy of this proxy statement may have been sent to
multiple stockholders in a household. If, at any time, you no
longer wish to participate in householding and would prefer to
receive a separate proxy statement and annual report from the
other stockholder(s) sharing your address, please
(i) notify your broker, bank or other nominee,
(ii) direct your written request to ADVENTRX
Pharmaceuticals, Inc., 12390 El Camino Real, Suite 150,
San Diego, California 92130, Attn: Corporate Secretary or
(iii) contact us by phone at
(858) 552-0866.
We undertake to deliver promptly, upon any such oral or written
request, a separate copy of our proxy materials to a stockholder
at a shared address to which a single copy of these documents
was delivered. Stockholders who currently receive multiple
copies of our proxy materials at their address and would like to
request householding of their communications should notify their
broker, bank or other nominee, or contact our corporate
secretary at the above address or phone number.
If you have any questions about voting your shares, please
contact us at
(858) 552-0866.
This proxy statement contains or incorporates by reference
forward-looking statements within the meaning of
Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and
Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as
amended. All statements, other than statements of historical
fact, are statements that could be deemed forward-looking
statements, including, but not limited to, statements regarding
our business strategy, expectations and plans regarding our
product candidates, our objectives for future operations and our
future financial position. When used in this proxy statement or
in documents incorporated by reference in this proxy statement,
the words believe, may,
could, will, estimate,
continue, anticipate,
intend, expect, indicate,
seek, should or would and
similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking
statements. Among the factors that could cause or contribute to
material differences between our actual results and those
indicated from the forward-looking statements are risks and
uncertainties inherent in our business, including, but not
limited to:
the extent to which we acquire new technologies, product
candidates, products or businesses and our ability to integrate
them, including the assets we have acquired from SynthRx, Inc.,
successfully into our operations;
our ability, or that of a future partner, to successfully
develop and obtain regulatory approval for our product
candidates, including ANX-188, and, if approved, to successfully
commercialize them in the
U.S. and/or
our ability to obtain stockholder approval of the issuance of
milestone-related shares in connection with our acquisition of
SynthRx, Inc. on a timely basis, or at all, and our ability to
pay cash in lieu of the milestone-related shares if our
stockholders do not approve the issuance of those shares;
our ability to obtain stockholder approval to complete any other
product pipeline expansion transaction, if necessary, on a
timely basis, or at all;
our ability to obtain additional funding to develop and
commercialize our product candidates, including ANX-188 and any
others we may acquire in the future, on a timely basis or on
acceptable terms, or at all;
the extent to which we rebuild our workforce and our ability to
attract and retain qualified personnel and manage growth;
delays in the commencement or completion of nonclinical testing,
bioequivalence or clinical trials of or manufacturing,
regulatory or launch activities related to our product
the success of future bioequivalence or clinical trials,
including the contemplated phase 3 clinical trial of ANX-188 for
the treatment of sickle cell crisis in a pediatric population;
whether any of our product candidates for which we receive
regulatory approval, if any, achieve broad market acceptance;
competition in the marketplace for our products, if any are
the satisfactory performance of third parties on whom we rely
significantly to conduct our nonclinical testing and
bioequivalence and clinical studies and other aspects of our
development programs; undesirable side effects that our product
candidates may cause;
our ability to protect our intellectual property rights with
respect to our product candidates and proprietary
technology; and
claims against us for infringing the proprietary rights of third
We caution you that any forward-looking statement in this proxy
statement or in documents incorporated by reference in this
proxy statement reflects only our belief at the time the
statement is made. We undertake no obligation to update any
forward-looking statements to reflect subsequent events or
The current members of our board of directors, their ages as of
April 8, 2011, the positions they hold and the year in
which they commenced service on our board, are as follows:
Position/Committee Membership*
Director Since
Michael M. Goldberg
Audit Committee, Compensation Committee (chair), Special
Committee and Pricing Committee
Odysseas D. Kostas
Audit Committee and Special Committee (chair)
Jack Lief
Chair of the Board, Audit Committee (chair), Compensation
Committee, Nominating & Governance Committee and Pricing
Mark J. Pykett
Compensation Committee, Nominating & Governance Committee
(chair) and Pricing Committee
Eric K. Rowinsky
Nominating & Governance Committee and Special Committee
Lewis J. Shuster
Each of the directors served in the capacity set forth in the
table for all of 2010, except Mr. Shuster who was appointed
to our board of directors in April 2011. Dr. Pykett served
on the audit committee until February 2010. Mr. Lief was
appointed to the nominating & governance committee and
Dr. Pykett was appointed to the compensation committee in
June 2010.
Our certificate of incorporation and bylaws provide that each
director elected or appointed to our board of directors shall
hold office until the next annual meeting of stockholders
following such election or appointment and until the
directors successor is elected and qualified. Our bylaws
provide that vacancies on our board of directors, including
those resulting from an increase in the authorized number of
directors, may be filled by a majority of the remaining
directors, even if less than a quorum, or by a sole remaining
director. Any director appointed as a result of a vacancy holds
office until the next annual meeting of stockholders and until a
successor is elected and qualified. Pursuant to our bylaws, the
authorized number of directors may be not less than three nor
more than nine, with the exact number to be fixed by resolutions
adopted from time to time by our board of directors. Our board
of directors has set the current number of authorized directors
at six. Accordingly, six directors have been nominated by our
board of directors for election at the Annual Meeting.
Each of our current directors has been nominated for re-election
to our board of directors. The paragraphs below provide
information about each director that includes each
directors principal occupation and business experience
during at least the past five years, the names of other publicly
held companies at which he currently serves as a director or has
served as a director during the past five years, information
regarding involvement in certain legal or administrative
proceedings during the past ten years, if applicable, and the
experience, qualifications, attributes or skills that led the
nominating and governance committee and our board of directors
to determine that the person should serve on our board of
directors. There are no family relationships among any of our
directors and executive officers.
Michael M. Goldberg, M.D.,
Dr. Goldberg has served as a director
since January 2004. Dr. Goldberg currently is a managing
partner of Montaur Capital Partners, an investment firm, a
position he has held since January 2007. From August 1990 to
January 2007, Dr. Goldberg was chairman and chief executive
officer of Emisphere Technologies, Inc., a biopharmaceutical
company. Prior to this, Dr. Goldberg was a vice president
for The First Boston Corporation, where he was a founding member
of the Healthcare Banking Group. Dr. Goldberg serves as a
member of the board of directors of Alliqua, Inc., a biomedical
products company focused in the fields of
drug delivery, advanced wound care and liver health
preservation, and, from June 2009 to August 2010, served as a
director of Urigen Pharmaceuticals, Inc., a specialty
pharmaceutical company. He received a B.S. from Rensselaer
Polytechnic Institute, an M.D. from Albany Medical College of
Union University and an M.B.A. from Columbia University Graduate
School of Business. Dr. Goldbergs years of executive
experience at a development-stage biopharmaceutical company give
him unique insight to our product development, operational and
financing challenges and opportunities.
Odysseas D. Kostas, M.D.
Dr. Kostas
has served as a director since February 2010. Dr. Kostas is
currently an attending physician and one of seven hospitalists
at Greenwich Hospital, a member of the Yale New Haven Health
System and a subsidiary of Greenwich Health Care Services, Inc.
He has been at Greenwich Hospital since May 2008. At Greenwich
Hospital, Dr. Kostas is a member of various committees that
oversee aspects of the hospitals operational
decision-making. Since March 2007, Dr. Kostas has provided
advisory services to boards of directors of biotechnology
companies, primarily in the area of strategic and partnering
transactions, including ImClone Systems Incorporated prior to
its sale to Eli Lilly and Company in November 2008. In May 2003,
Dr. Kostas founded a private medical practice that he owned
and operated, treating over 2,000 patients, until May 2008.
Dr. Kostas holds a B.S. in biology from the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology and an M.D. from the University of Texas
Southwestern Medical School and is board certified in internal
medicine. Dr. Kostas years of experience as a
practicing physician and with hospital and private practice
operational decision-making provides our board with perspective
on the potential value of our product candidates and drug
development programs to patients and healthcare practitioners,
our potential customers.
Jack Lief.
Mr. Lief has served as a
director since September 2006 and as chair of our board of
directors since May 2007. Mr. Lief is a co-founder and
since April 1997 has served as president, chief executive
officer and a director of Arena Pharmaceuticals, Inc., a
publicly held clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company focused
on discovering, developing and commercializing oral drugs that
target G protein-coupled receptors in four major therapeutic
areas: cardiovascular, central nervous system, inflammatory and
metabolic diseases. He also has served as Arenas chairman
of the board since October 2007. From 1995 to April 1997,
Mr. Lief served as an advisor and consultant to numerous
biopharmaceutical organizations. From 1989 to 1994,
Mr. Lief served as senior vice president, corporate
development and secretary of Cephalon, Inc., a biopharmaceutical
company. From 1983 to 1989, Mr. Lief served as director of
business development and strategic planning for Alpha
Therapeutic Corporation, a manufacturer of biological products.
Mr. Lief joined Abbott Laboratories, a pharmaceutical
company, in 1972, where he served until 1983, most recently as
the head of international marketing research. Mr. Lief is
an executive board member of BIOCOM, a life science industry
association representing more than 550 member companies in
Southern California, and he was the chairman of the board of
directors of BIOCOM from March 2005 to March 2006. Mr. Lief
holds a B.A. from Rutgers University and an M.S. in psychology
(experimental and neurobiology) from Lehigh University.
Mr. Liefs extensive and current executive leadership
and management experience in biopharmaceutical companies brings
to our board of directors the perspective of a leader managing
similar drug development, regulatory, commercialization and
financing issues as our company. In addition, his over
40 years of experience in the life science industry
provides unique insight to our board.
Mark J. Pykett, Ph.D., M.B.A.,
Dr. Pykett has served as a director
since February 2004. Dr. Pykett currently is president and
chief executive officer of Neoprobe Corporation, a biomedical
company focused on oncology surgical and diagnostic products, a
position to which he was appointed in April 2011 from executive
vice president and chief development officer, which he held
since November 2010. Dr. Pykett previously co-founded
Talaris Advisors LLC, a privately held integrated, drug
development advisory firm, and served as its chief executive
officer from January 2010 to November 2010. From November 2004
until January 2010, Dr. Pykett was president and chief
operating officer of Alseres Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (formerly
Boston Life Sciences, Inc.), a publicly held company engaged in
the development of therapeutic and diagnostic products primarily
for disorders in the central nervous system. From May 1996 until
April 2003, Dr. Pykett served as president and chief
executive officer and a director of Cytomatrix, LLC, a privately
held biotechnology company focused on the research, development
and commercialization of novel cell-based therapies that
Dr. Pykett co-founded and that was acquired by Cordlife,
Pte. Ltd., a subsidiary of CyGenics Ltd., a publicly held
biotechnology company listed on the Australian Stock Exchange.
From April 2003 to February 2004, Dr. Pykett served as
president of Cordlife and then as president and director of
CyGenics from February 2004 until November 2004. From 1997 to
2004, Dr. Pykett held an adjunct
faculty position at the Harvard School of Public Health.
Dr. Pykett graduated Phi Beta Kappa, summa cum laude from
Amherst College, with a veterinary degree, and Phi Zeta, summa
cum laude, from the University of Pennsylvania with a doctorate
in molecular biology. He also earned an M.B.A., Beta Gamma
Sigma, from Northeastern University. Dr. Pykett completed
post-doctoral fellowships at the University of Pennsylvania and
Harvard University. Dr. Pyketts extensive drug
development experience and his years of executive experience at
development-stage biopharmaceutical companies provide our board
with perspective on drug development and regulatory strategy for
our product candidates and insight to our operational and
financial challenges and opportunities.
Eric K. Rowinsky, M.D.
Dr. Rowinsky
has served as a director since February 2008. Dr. Rowinsky
currently is chief executive officer of Primrose Therapeutics,
Inc., a privately held specialty pharmaceutical company focused
on polycystic kidney disease, and serves as an independent
consultant to several biotechnology, venture capital, private
equity and consulting companies that focus on, or invest in, the
development of cancer therapies. He has been an adjunct
professor of medicine (division of medical oncology) at the New
York University School of Medicine since September 2008. From
February 2005 to December 2009, Dr. Rowinsky served as the
chief medical officer of ImClone Systems Incorporated, a
biopharmaceutical company focused on advancing oncology care
that was acquired by Eli Lilly and Company in November 2008, and
additionally served as executive vice president of ImClone from
December 2007 to December 2009 and senior vice president from
February 2005 to December 2007. His responsibilities at ImClone
included managing clinical development, medical affairs,
regulatory affairs and corporate strategy. Dr. Rowinsky
currently serves as a member of the boards of directors of
Biogen Idec Inc., a global biotechnology company, and Neoprobe
Corporation, a biomedical company focused on oncology surgical
and diagnostic products and, from December 2007 to March 2008,
served as a director of Tapestry Pharmaceuticals, Inc., a
biopharmaceutical company focused on the development of cancer
therapies. Dr. Rowinsky held the position of director of
the Institute of Drug Development (IDD) at the
Cancer Therapy and Research Center from 2002 to 2004, served as
the director of clinical research at the IDD from 1996 to 2002
and held the SBC Endowed Chair for Early Drug Development at the
IDD. From 1996 to 2006, Dr Rowinsky was also a clinical
professor of medicine (division of medical oncology and
hematology) at the University of Texas Health Science Center,
San Antonio, Texas, and, from 1988 until 1996, an associate
professor of oncology at the Johns Hopkins University School of
Medicine. He served on the Board of Scientific Counselors of the
National Cancer Institute from 2004 to 2007. Prior to joining
ImClone, Dr. Rowinsky was a longstanding National Cancer
Institute principal investigator on U01 anticancer drug
development grants and a lead investigator on early
developmental studies of many classes of cytotoxic agents and
targeted therapeutics, including paclitaxel, docetaxel,
irinotecan, vinorelbine, topotecan, erlotinib, gefitinib,
panitumumab, temsirolimus and ridaforolimus. Dr. Rowinsky
is the
of Investigational New Drugs and an associate editor of Cancer
Research, Clinical Cancer Research, Annals of Oncology, and
several other oncology journals and has published over 295
manuscripts in both the preclinical and clinical research
fields. Dr. Rowinsky received a B.A. degree from New York
University and an M.D. degree from the Vanderbilt University
School of Medicine. Following his residency in internal
medicine, he completed fellowship training in medical oncology
at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.
Dr. Rowinskys expertise in anticancer drug
development, his extensive experience as a member of scientific
advisory boards, oncology advisory boards and project advisory
boards of pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies, and his
experience presenting aspects of several new drug applications
to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration provide unique
insight to our board of directors.
Lewis J. Shuster.
Mr. Shuster joined our
board of directors in April 2011 immediately following our
acquisition of SynthRx, Inc. In 2002, Mr. Shuster founded
Shuster Capital, a strategic and operating advisor to and angel
investor in life science companies, and has served as its chief
executive officer since that time. From June 2003 to November
2007, Mr. Shuster served as chief executive officer of
Kemia, Inc., a drug discovery and development company. From
February 2000 to December 2001, Mr. Shuster held various
operating executive positions at Invitrogen Corporation, a
biotechnology company that merged with Applied Biosystems Inc.
and became Life Technologies Corporation. Between 1994 and 1999,
Mr. Shuster served as chief financial officer and executive
vice president corporate development of Pharmacopeia, Inc., a
drug discovery product and service company, and also as
president and chief operating officer of Pharmacopeia Labs, a
division of Pharmacopeia, Inc. Mr. Shuster joined Human
Genome Sciences, Inc. as its first employee in September 1992
and served as its executive vice president, operations and
finance until 1994. Mr. Shuster currently serves a member
of the board of
directors of Complete Genomics, Inc., a life science company
that has developed and commercialized a DNA sequencing platform,
and, from September 2009 to February 2010, served as a director
of Sorrento Therapeutics, Inc., a biopharmaceutical company.
Mr. Shuster received a B.A. in Economics from Swarthmore
College and an M.B.A. from Stanford University.
Mr. Shusters extensive executive background in
strategic planning and managing rapid operations growth for
multiple public and private life science companies provide our
board of directors with expertise in evaluating and managing the
operational and financial challenges and opportunities we may
face as we grow our company.
Our board of directors has determined that each of our current
directors, Dr. Goldberg, Dr. Kostas, Mr. Lief,
Dr. Pykett, Dr. Rowinsky and Mr. Shuster, is an
independent director as such term is defined in
Section 803A(2) of the NYSE Amex LLC Company Guide.
In addition to the consulting services transaction involving
Dr. Rowinsky described below Director
Compensation Consulting Services Agreement with Eric
K. Rowinsky, in making its independence determinations,
our board of directors considered the following transactions,
relationships or arrangements:
With respect to Dr. Kostas, our board of directors
considered that we are required to cause our board of directors
to nominate Dr. Kostas to our board of directors as the
Purchaser Designee pursuant to the terms of that
certain Rights Agreement, dated July 27, 2005, as amended,
or the Rights Agreement, as well as
Dr. Kostas relationship with certain entities
affiliated with Carl C. Icahn, which entities are
Purchasers under the Rights Agreement, and such
entities (a) ownership position in our company and
(b) rights under the Rights Agreement entitling them to,
among other things, participate in future sales by us of our
securities and cause our board of directors to nominate a
director nominee selected by them. Our board of directors also
considered the consulting services Dr. Kostas provided to
us in 2008 and the fees we paid to him for those services, which
were less than $5,000 in the aggregate.
With respect to Drs. Pykett, Rowinsky and Goldberg, our board of
directors considered that each of them has a relationship with a
public company that is unrelated to us. Dr. Pykett is the
president and chief executive officer of, Dr. Rowinsky is a
member of the board of directors and compensation, nominating
and governance committee of and Dr. Goldberg is a managing
partner of an investment firm that is a principal investor in
that public company.
With respect to Dr. Pykett, our board of directors
considered the consulting services provided to us in 2010 by
Talaris Advisors LLC, a privately held integrated drug
development advisory firm, and the fees we paid to Talaris for
those services, which were $98,000 in the aggregate.
Dr. Pykett was the chief executive officer and a member of
Talaris at the time such services were provided to us.
With respect to Mr. Shuster, our board of directors
considered that he was appointed to our board of directors in
connection with our obligation under our merger agreement with
SynthRx, Inc. to appoint an individual to our board of directors
who was proposed by SynthRx and reasonably acceptable to us.
After considering the foregoing transactions, relationships or
arrangements, our board of directors determined that none of
them would interfere with Dr. Goldbergs,
Dr. Kostas, Dr. Pyketts,
Dr. Rowinskys or Mr. Shusters ability to
exercise independent judgment in carrying out the
responsibilities of a director.
Our board of directors currently has a standing audit committee,
compensation committee and nominating and governance committee.
Currently, our board of directors also has a special committee
and a pricing committee, but these committees have limited terms.
Audit Committee.
The audit committee currently
consists of Mr. Lief (chair), Dr. Goldberg and
Dr. Kostas. Dr. Kostas was appointed to the audit
committee in February 2010. Dr. Pykett served as a member
of the audit
committee until February 2010. Our board of directors has
determined that each member of the audit committee is an
independent director under Section 803A(2) of the NYSE Amex
LLC Company Guide and meets the applicable additional
eligibility standards for audit committee service under
Section 803B(2) of the NYSE Amex LLC Company Guide. In
addition, our board of directors has determined that
Mr. Lief qualifies as an audit committee financial
expert as defined in Item 407(d)(5) of
Regulation S-K
under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. The
purpose of the audit committee is to oversee our accounting and
financial reporting processes and audits of our financial
statements and the effectiveness of our internal control over
financial reporting. The responsibilities of the audit committee
include appointing and providing for the compensation of an
independent registered public accounting firm to conduct an
annual audit of our financial statements, overseeing the work
and evaluating the performance of the independent auditor,
reviewing and evaluating our accounting principles and
practices, approving all professional services to be provided to
us by our independent registered public accounting firm,
reviewing and overseeing any related party transactions,
overseeing implementation and enforcement of our insider trading
policy and reviewing and evaluating any significant financial
risk exposures facing the Company and the steps our management
has taken to control and monitor such exposures. The audit
committee is governed by a written charter approved by our board
of directors.
Compensation Committee.
The compensation
committee currently consists of Dr. Goldberg (chair),
Mr. Lief and Dr. Pykett. Dr. Pykett was appointed
to the compensation committee in June 2010. Our board of
directors has determined that each member of the compensation
committee is an independent director under Section 803A(2)
of the NYSE Amex LLC Company Guide. The compensation committee
reviews, approves and administers all compensation arrangements
for executives, administers our equity-based compensation plans,
establishes and reviews general policies relating to the
compensation and benefits of our executives and other personnel,
evaluates the relationship between executive officer
compensation policies and practices and corporate risk
management to confirm those policies and practices do not
incentivize excessive risk-taking, and evaluates and makes
recommendations to our board of directors regarding the
compensation of our non-employee directors. The compensation
committee has authority to select, engage, compensate and
terminate independent compensation consultants, legal counsel
and such other advisors as it deems necessary and advisable to
assist it in carrying out its responsibilities and functions.
The compensation committee is governed by a written charter
approved by our board of directors.
Nominating and Governance Committee.
nominating and governance committee currently consists of
Dr. Pykett (chair), Dr. Rowinsky and Mr. Lief,
each of whom our board of directors has determined is an
independent director under Section 803A(2) of the NYSE Amex
LLC Company Guide. Mr. Lief was appointed to the
compensation committee in June 2010. The nominating and
governance committees responsibilities include
identifying, evaluating and recommending to our board of
directors nominees for possible election to our board of
directors, evaluating and making recommendations to our board of
directors regarding its size, composition and leadership
structure, assessing and making recommendations to our board of
directors regarding our corporate governance guidelines and
providing oversight with respect to corporate governance and
succession planning matters. The nominating and governance
committee is governed by a written charter approved by our board
of directors.
Special Committee.
The special committee was
established by our board of directors in June 2010 and currently
consists of Dr. Kostas (chair), Dr. Goldberg and
Dr. Rowinsky. The special committees responsibilities
include identifying, evaluating and recommending to our board of
directors product acquisition opportunities, overseeing
regulatory affairs with respect to our product candidates and
assessing and making recommendations to our board of directors
regarding our operating budget. The special committee is
governed by a written charter approved by our board of
directors. The special committee will automatically dissolve in
June 2011 unless our board of directors determines to extend its
existence and authority beyond that date.
Pricing Committee.
The pricing committee was
established by our board of directors in March 2010 and
currently consists of Dr. Goldberg, Mr. Lief and
Dr. Pykett. The pricing committee is authorized and
empowered to exercise the authority of our board of directors in
connection with any proposed offer or sale of our securities
intended to raise additional capital. The pricing committee will
automatically dissolve in December 2011 unless our board of
directors determines to extend its existence and authority
beyond that date.
Charters for the audit committee, the compensation committee and
the nominating and governance committee, as well as our
corporate governance guidelines, are posted on our corporate
website at: www.adventrx.com.
of the Board and its Committees
As required under the rules of the NYSE Amex and our corporate
governance guidelines, our board of directors meets on a regular
basis as often as necessary to fulfill its responsibilities,
including at least once each quarter, and our independent
directors meet at least annually in executive session without
the presence of non-independent directors and management. During
2010, our board of directors met 14 times and took action by
unanimous written consent once, the audit committee met four
times, the compensation committee met once, the nominating and
governance committee met five times, the special committee met
twice (and had numerous other informal discussions) and the
pricing committee met three times. Each member of our board of
directors nominated for re-election at the Annual Meeting who
served on our board during all or part of 2010 attended 75% or
more of the aggregate of (i) the total number of board
meetings held during the period of such members service
and (ii) the total number of meetings of committees on
which such member served during the period of such members
for Determining Executive and Director Compensation
The compensation committee was formed to, among other things,
assist our board of directors in the discharge of its
responsibilities with respect to compensation of our executive
officers and non-employee directors. In accordance with its
charter, the compensation committee has authority to determine
the amount, form and terms of compensation of our chief
executive officer and other officers, and to take such action,
and to direct us to take such action, as it deems necessary or
advisable to compensate our chief executive officer and other
officers in a manner consistent with its determinations, and
shall deliberate and vote on all such actions outside the
presence of our chief executive officer and other officers. The
compensation committee is responsible for reviewing, at least
annually, the performance of our chief executive officer and
other officers, including in light of any goals and objectives
established for such performance, and, in light of such review,
determining each officers compensation.
In accordance with its charter, the compensation committee also
has authority to establish our general compensation policies and
practices and to administer plans and arrangements established
pursuant to such policies and practices. In addition, the
compensation committee has authority to administer our equity
compensation plans, including without limitation to recommend
the adoption of such plans, to recommend the reservation of
shares of our common stock for issuance thereunder, to amend and
interpret such plans and the awards and agreements issued
pursuant thereto, and to make awards to eligible persons under
the plans and determine the terms of such awards, including any
such awards to our chief executive officer and other officers.
With respect to non-employee director compensation, the
compensation committee reviews such compensation practices and
policies at least annually and makes a recommendation to our
board of directors as to the amount, form and terms of
non-employee director compensation. Our board of directors,
taking the compensation committees recommendation into
consideration, sets the amount, form and terms of non-employee
director compensation.
Except with respect to its responsibilities regarding setting
compensation for our chief executive officer and our other
officers, the compensation committee may delegate its authority
to individual members of the compensation committee or other
members of our board of directors. In addition, to the extent
permitted by applicable law and regulations, the compensation
committee may delegate to one or more of our officers (or other
appropriate supervisory personnel) the authority to grant stock
options, stock appreciation rights, restricted stock units and
performance units to our employees (who are not officers or
members of our board of directors), including employees of any
subsidiary of the Company; provided, however that (a) the
number of shares of our common stock underlying such options,
stock appreciation rights, restricted stock units and
performance units are consistent with guidelines previously
approved by the compensation committee; (b) the per-share
exercise or purchase price of such awards equals the fair market
value of our common stock on the date of grant; and (c) the
vesting and other terms that apply to such awards are the same
terms as apply under our standard form of agreement under the
applicable equity compensation plan, provided that such
officer(s) may, in such officer(s) discretion, grant
awards that are fully vested on the date of grant of the award
or grant awards with more restrictive vesting requirements.
During 2010 and until March 2011, our chief executive officer
and our president and chief operating officer were our only
executive officers. For 2010, the compensation committee met in
the first quarter of the year to review and evaluate 2009
performance and establish executive officer compensation for
2010, which consisted of a base salary, an opportunity for cash
bonuses based on 2010 corporate performance under a short-term
incentive plan, and stock option awards. The compensation
committee met in the first quarter of 2011 to review and
evaluate 2010 performance against corporate objectives
established in the first quarter of 2010, taking into account
the Companys change in business strategy during 2010, and
to award cash bonuses to the officers under the short-term
incentive plan adopted by the compensation committee in 2010,
which are reflected in the Summary Compensation Table under
Executive Compensation below. With respect to our
executive officers role in the compensation process, our
chief executive officer and our president and chief operating
officer present the compensation committee with an assessment of
their performance and a proposal for their compensation
packages, which the compensation committee considers in making
its determinations. However, the executive officers are not
present during the compensation committees deliberation
and determination of their compensation.
Since 2007, the Company and the compensation committee have
turned to Frederic W. Cook & Co., Inc., a
nationally-recognized compensation consulting firm, to provide
advice regarding compensation practices and programs. We engaged
F.W. Cook in 2010 to evaluate our non-employee director
compensation policies and practices and present the compensation
committee with its assessment and recommendations. Following
F.W. Cooks assessment and taking its recommendations into
account, the compensation committee made a recommendation to our
board of directors regarding a 2010 director compensation
policy, which consisted of a quarterly cash retainer, meeting
fees and stock option awards, and our board of directors adopted
the policy recommended by the compensation committee. With
respect to executive officer compensation, the compensation
committee did not engage F.W. Cook in 2010. However, in light of
F.W. Cooks familiarity with our company and industry, our
executive officers contacted F.W. Cook with certain specific
questions to assist them in providing input to the compensation
committee regarding executive compensation matters. Neither F.W.
Cook nor any of its affiliates provided any services to us in
2010 apart from those described above.
Leadership Structure and Role in Risk Oversight
The leadership structure of our board of directors is such that
the chair of our board of directors and chief executive officer
positions are separated. Mr. Lief, an independent director,
has served as chair of our board of directors since May 2007. We
believe having an independent chair of our board of directors
with extensive executive experience in the life science industry
has provided our board of directors with consistent, experienced
and independent leadership that enhances the effectiveness of
our board of directors as a whole. Our corporate governance
guidelines do not require our board of directors to choose an
independent chair or to separate the roles of chair and chief
executive officer, but our board of directors believes this
leadership structure is the appropriate structure for the
Company at this time. Pursuant to our corporate governance
guidelines, our board of directors may choose its chair in any
manner that it deems to be in the best interests of the Company.
If, in the future, the chair of our board of directors is not an
independent director, our board of directors may designate an
independent director to serve as a lead independent director.
Our board of directors is responsible for oversight of risks
facing the Company, while our management is responsible for
management of risk. Our board of directors, as a whole, directly
administers its risk oversight function. In addition, the risk
oversight function is also administered through the standing
committees of our board of directors, which oversee risks
inherent in their respective areas of responsibility, reporting
to our board of directors regularly and involving our board of
directors as necessary. For example, the audit committee
oversees our financial exposure and financial reporting related
risks, and the compensation committee oversees risks related to
our compensation programs and practices. Our board of directors
as a whole directly oversees our strategic and business risk,
including product development risk, through regular interactions
with our management and, from
input from independent advisors. We believe our boards
leadership structure supports its role in risk oversight, with
our executive officers responsible for assessing and managing
risks facing the Company on a
basis and the chair and other members of our board of directors
providing oversight of such risk management.
for Board Membership
In recommending candidates for appointment or election to our
board of directors, the nominating and governance committee
considers the appropriate balance of experience, skills and
characteristics required of our board of directors, and seeks to
insure that at least a majority of the directors are independent
under the rules of the NYSE Amex, that members of the audit
committee meet the financial literacy and sophistication
requirements under the rules of the NYSE Amex and that at least
one of member of the audit committee qualifies as an audit
committee financial expert under the rules of the SEC.
Nominees for director are selected on the basis of their depth
and breadth of experience, wisdom, integrity, ability to make
independent analytical inquiries, understanding of our
companys business environment, willingness to devote
adequate time to board duties, the interplay of the
nominees experience and skills with those of other
directors and the extent to which the nominee would be a
desirable addition to our board of directors and any of its
committees. No director may serve on more than a total of three
boards of directors of other public companies, and directors
generally will not be nominated for re-election at any annual or
special meeting held after their 75th birthday. Other than the
foregoing, there are no stated minimum criteria for director
nominees, although the nominating and governance committee may
also consider such other factors as it may deem are in the best
interests of the Company and our stockholders. The nominating
and governance committee does not have a policy regarding board
diversity, but it takes diversity of professional experience and
perspective within the pharmaceutical and biotechnology
industries into account in identifying and selecting director
Other than under the Rights Agreement and our merger agreement
with SynthRx, Inc., we have never received a proposal from a
stockholder to nominate a director. The nominating and
governance committee will consider qualified candidates for
director suggested by stockholders by applying the criteria for
board membership described above. Stockholders wishing to
suggest a qualified director candidate for review and
consideration by the nominating and governance committee must
provide a written statement to our corporate secretary that
includes the following information: a statement that the
proposing stockholder is recommending a candidate for
consideration by the nominating and governance committee; the
name, age, business address and residence address of the
proposed nominee; a statement of the proposed nominees
business experience and educational background; the proposed
nominees principal occupation or employment; the class and
number of shares of our capital stock beneficially owned by the
proposed nominee; a detailed description of all relationships,
arrangements or understandings between the proposing stockholder
and the proposed nominee and any other person or persons (naming
such person or persons) pursuant to which such proposed
nomination is being made by the stockholder; a detailed
description of all relationships, arrangements or understandings
between the proposed nominee and any service-provider, supplier
or competitor of the Company; information regarding each of the
criteria for board membership described above in sufficient
detail to allow the nominating and governance committee to
evaluate the proposed nominee; and a statement from the proposed
nominee that he or she is willing to be considered and willing
to serve as a director if nominated and elected. The proposing
stockholder must also include the following information with
respect to such stockholder: documentation supporting that the
proposing stockholder is a stockholder of the Company; the
proposing stockholders name and address, as they appear on
the Companys books; and the class and number of shares of
our capital stock beneficially owned by the proposing
stockholder. If a stockholder submits a director recommendation
in compliance with the procedure described above, the nominating
and governance committee will conduct an initial evaluation of
the proposed nominee and, if it determines the proposed nominee
may be a qualified candidate, the nominating and governance
committee and one or more members of our management team will
interview the proposed nominee to determine whether he or she
might be suitable to be a director. If the nominating and
governance committee determines the proposed nominee would be a
valuable addition to our board of directors, based on the
criteria for board membership described above and our board of
directors specific needs at the time, it will recommend to
our board of directors such persons nomination. In
connection with its evaluation, the nominating and governance
committee may request additional information from the proposed
proposing stockholder.
Separately, our bylaws contain provisions that address the
process by which a stockholder may nominate an individual to
stand for election to our board of directors at our annual
meeting of stockholders. Such nominations may be made only if
the stockholder has given timely written notice to our corporate
secretary containing the information required by our bylaws. To
be timely, such notice must be received at our principal
executive offices not earlier than the 120th day, nor later
than the close of business on the 90th day, prior to the
first anniversary of the date of the preceding years
annual meeting as first specified in our notice of meeting
(without regard to any postponements or adjournments of such
meeting after such notice was first sent), except that if no
annual meeting was held in the previous year or the date of the
annual meeting is more than 30 days earlier or later than
such anniversary date, such notice must be received not earlier
than the 120th day prior to the date of such annual meeting
and not later than the close of business on the later of the
90th day prior to the date of such annual meeting or the
10th day following the date on which we first publicly
announce the date of such meeting.
for Identifying and Evaluating Nominees
Each year before recommending to our board of directors a slate
of nominees for director, the nominating and governance
committee considers each incumbent directors performance
on our board of directors and whether the incumbent
directors nomination would be consistent with the criteria
for board membership described above and other guidelines
included in our corporate governance guidelines, including
ensuring that the composition of our board of directors is such
that it maintains an openness to new ideas and a willingness to
critically re-examine the status quo. In the ordinary course,
absent special circumstances or a material change in the
criteria for board membership, the nominating and governance
committee will recommend for nomination incumbent directors with
skills and experience that are relevant to our business and who
are willing to continue in service. If an incumbent director is
not willing to stand for re-election, or if a vacancy on our
board of directors occurs between annual stockholder meetings
and our board of directors determines to fill such vacancy, the
nominating and governance committee will identify the desired
skills and experience of a new nominee based on the criteria for
board membership described above and any specific needs of our
board of directors at the time. The nominating and governance
committee will then seek suggestions from other members of our
board of directors and our management team as to individuals
meeting such criteria. Potential nominees will be selected based
on input from members of our board of directors, our management
team and, if the nominating and governance committee deems
appropriate, a third-party search firm. The nominating and
governance committee will evaluate each potential nominees
qualifications and check relevant references. In addition, such
individuals will be interviewed by at least one member of the
nominating and governance committee. Following this process, the
nominating and governance committee will determine whether to
recommend to our board of directors that a potential nominee be
presented as a nominee for election by the stockholders or be
appointed to fill a vacancy on our board of directors, as the
case may be. Historically, our board of directors nominates for
election at our annual stockholder meetings the individuals
recommended by the nominating and governance committee.
Under the terms of the Rights Agreement, we are required to
cause our board of directors to nominate for election to our
board of directors an individual, who we refer to as the
Purchaser Designee, selected by the Purchasers who
at the time own a majority of the Purchased Shares.
Odysseas D. Kostas is the current Purchaser Designee.
Purchasers, as defined in the Rights Agreement,
refers to those entities, including entities affiliated with
Carl C. Icahn, that purchased our common stock and warrants in a
private transaction in July 2005. Purchased Shares,
as defined in the Rights Agreement, refers to those shares of
common stock outstanding and issuable upon exercise of warrants
issued to the Purchasers in connection with the July 2005
transaction. The Purchasers right to select a Purchaser
Designee for nomination to our board of directors terminates
upon the earlier of (i) July 27, 2012, (ii) the
date that the Purchasers aggregate holdings of Purchased
Shares (either of record or beneficially) is, as a result of
sales or other dispositions thereof, equal to less than 50% of
the aggregate number of shares purchased by the Purchasers in
connection with the July 2005 transaction, and (iii) upon a
change of control of the Company. Under the terms of a Third
Amendment to Rights Agreement, dated August 26, 2009, the
Rights Agreement was amended such that we agreed to set the
authorized number of directors constituting our board of
directors at six; provided, however, that in the event a
director resigns from our board of directors and any resulting
vacancy is not filled by a majority of the directors then in
office, which majority shall include the Purchaser Designee, if
there is
then a Purchaser Designee, our board of directors may decrease
the authorized number of directors to the number of directors
then in office (including for this purpose the appointment of a
director to fill any vacancy resulting from such resignation);
provided, further, that, from time to time, our board of
directors may increase the number of authorized directors
provided that any vacancy created by such an increase is filled
by a majority of our board of directors then in office, which
majority shall include the Purchaser Designee, if there is then
a Purchaser Designee. Currently, and in accordance with the
Rights Agreement, as amended, the number of authorized directors
constituting our board of directors is six.
Pursuant to our merger agreement with SynthRx, Inc., we were
required to increase the size of our board of directors from
five to six members and appoint an individual to our board of
directors proposed by SynthRx and reasonably acceptable to us.
We do not have any ongoing obligation to nominate an individual
proposed by SynthRx.
Stockholders who wish to communicate with our directors to
report complaints or concerns related to accounting, internal
accounting controls or auditing may do so using the audit
committees procedures for the receipt of such
communications. These procedures allow submitting the complaint
or concern telephonically as set forth in our Code of Business
Conduct and Ethics, which is available on our corporate website
at www.adventrx.com.
If any stockholder wishes to address questions regarding the
business affairs of the Company directly to our board of
directors, or any individual director, the stockholder must
submit the inquiry in writing to: ADVENTRX Pharmaceuticals,
Inc., Attn: Investor Relations, 12390 El Camino Real,
Suite 150, San Diego, California 92130. Submitting
stockholders should indicate they are a stockholder of the
Company. Depending on the subject matter, investor relations
will: forward the inquiry to the chair of our board of
directors, who may forward the inquiry to a particular director
if the inquiry is directed towards a particular director;
forward the inquiry to the appropriate personnel within the
Company (for instance, if it is primarily commercial in nature);
attempt to handle the inquiry directly (for instance, if it is a
request for information about the Company or a stock-related
matter); or not forward the inquiry, if it relates to an
improper or inappropriate topic or is otherwise irrelevant.
We encourage all of our directors to attend our annual meetings
of stockholders. Four of our incumbent directors,
Dr. Kostas, Mr. Lief, Dr. Pykett and
Dr. Rowinsky, attended our 2010 annual meeting of
Our executive officers, their ages and positions held as of
April 8, 2011, are as follows:
Brian M. Culley
Chief Executive Officer
Patrick L. Keran
President and Chief Operating Officer
Brandi L. Roberts
Vice President, Finance
Information of Executive Officers
Brian M. Culley, M.A., M.B.A.
Mr. Culley
joined our company in December 2004 and currently serves as our
chief executive officer, a position he has held since February
2010. He has served as our principal executive officer since
February 2009. From January 2007 to February 2010, he served as
our chief business officer and senior vice president. From
February 2006 to January 2007, Mr. Culley served as our
senior vice president, business development, and, from December
2004 to February 2006, he served as our vice president, business
development. From 2002 until 2004, Mr. Culley managed all
strategic collaborations and licensing agreements for iTherx,
Inc. (formerly, Immusol, Inc.) in San Diego, where his most
recent title was director of business development and marketing.
From 1999 until 2000, he was a licensing and marketing associate
at the University of California, San Diego, department of
technology transfer & intellectual property services
and from 1996 to 1999, he was a research associate for
Neurocrine Biosciences, Inc., where he performed drug discovery
research. Mr. Culley has over 18 years of experience
in the life science industry, including deal structure and
negotiation, licensing, due diligence, market and competitive
research, and venture funding. He received a B.S. in biology
from Boston College, a masters in biochemistry from the
University of California, Santa Barbara and an M.B.A. from
The Johnson School of Business at Cornell University with an
emphasis on private equity and entrepreneurship.
Patrick L. Keran, J.D.
Mr. Keran
joined our company in August 2006 and currently serves as our
president and chief operating officer, a position he has held
since February 2010. He has also served as our principal
financial officer since July 2009 and as our secretary since
September 2006. From August 2006 to February 2010,
Mr. Keran served as our general counsel and, from January
2007 to February 2010, he served as our vice president, legal.
From April 2004 to August 2006, Mr. Keran was associate
general counsel at Isis Pharmaceuticals, Inc., a publicly held
drug discovery and development company. From February 2003 to
April 2004, Mr. Keran practiced corporate law at the law
firm of Heller Ehrman LLP, specializing in public and private
financings, licensing arrangements, mergers and acquisitions and
corporate governance matters. From September 1999 to February
2003, Mr. Keran practiced law at the law firm of Brobeck
Phleger & Harrison LLP where he had a similar
corporate practice. Mr. Keran is licensed to practice law
in the State of California. Mr. Keran received a B.A. from
the University of California at San Diego and a J.D. from
the University of California at Berkeley, Boalt Hall School of
Brandi L. Roberts, M.B.A.
Ms. Roberts
joined our company in March 2011 as our vice president, finance
and principal accounting officer. Ms. Roberts previously
served as our vice president, finance from June 2008 to January
2009. Subsequently, from January 2009 to March 2011, she served
as vice president, accounting and corporate controller of
Alphatec Spine, Inc., the wholly-owned operating subsidiary of
Alphatec Holdings, Inc., a medical technology company listed on
the NASDAQ Global Select Market. From June 2007 to June 2008,
Ms. Roberts served as executive director, corporate
controller of Artes Medical, Inc., a publicly traded medical
technology company, and from September 2005 to June 2007,
Ms. Roberts served as director, finance of Stratagene
Corporation, a publicly traded life science company acquired by
Agilent Technologies, Inc. in June 2007. She is a certified
public accountant (inactive) with the State of California.
Ms. Roberts received a B.S. in Business Administration from
the University of Arizona and an M.B.A. from the University of
San Diego.
The following table sets forth information regarding beneficial
ownership of our common stock as of April 8, 2011 (the
Evaluation Date), or an earlier date for information
based on filings with the SEC, by (a) each person known to
us to beneficially own more than 5% of the outstanding shares of
our common stock, (b) each director and nominee for
director, (c) each of the named executive officers listed
in the compensation tables included in this proxy statement and
(d) all of our current directors and executive officers as
a group. The information in this table is based solely on
statements in filings with the SEC or other reliable
information. Percent of beneficial ownership is based on
26,465,709 shares of our common stock outstanding as of the
Evaluation Date. The information in this table reflects the
proportionate adjustments made to warrants and options we issued
prior to the
reverse split of our outstanding common stock effected on
April 23, 2010.
Percent of
Name and Address of Beneficial Owner(1)
Principal Stockholders:
RA Capital Management, LLC(3)
20 Park Plaza, Suite 905
Boston, MA 02116
Tang Capital Partners, LP(4)
4401 Eastgate Mall
San Diego, CA 92121
Directors and Named Executive Officers:
Michael M. Goldberg(5)
Odysseas D. Kostas(6)
Jack Lief(7)
Mark J. Pykett(8)
Eric K. Rowinsky(9)
Lewis J. Shuster
Brian M. Culley(10)
Patrick L. Keran(11)
All directors and executive officers as a group
(9 persons)(12)
Less than 1%
Unless otherwise indicated, the address of each of the listed
persons is
Pharmaceuticals, Inc., 12390 El Camino Real, Suite 150,
San Diego, California 92130.
Beneficial ownership of shares is determined in accordance with
the rules of the SEC and generally includes any shares over
which a person exercises sole or shared voting or investment
power, or of which a person has the right to acquire ownership
within 60 days of the Evaluation Date. Except as otherwise
noted, (a) each person or entity has sole voting and
investment power with respect to the shares shown and
(b) none of the shares shown as beneficially owned on this
table are subject to pledge. In calculating the percentage
ownership of each person identified in the table, shares
underlying options, warrants or other rights to acquire shares
of our common stock held by that person that are either
currently exercisable or exercisable within 60 days of the
Evaluation Date are deemed outstanding. These shares, however,
are not deemed outstanding for the purposes of computing the
percentage ownership of any other individual or entity.
Percentage ownership for each person is based on the number of
shares of our common stock outstanding as of the Evaluation
Date, together with the applicable number of shares of common
stock subject to options, warrants or other rights to acquire
shares of our common stock currently exercisable or exercisable
within 60 days of the Evaluation Date for that person or
group of persons.
RA Capital Healthcare Fund, L.P. beneficially owns and has sole
voting and dispositive power with respect to 1,182,500 of the
shares. RA Capital Management, LLC, as the investment adviser
and sole general partner of RA Capital Healthcare Fund, L.P. and
investment adviser to an account owned by a separate investment
vehicle, and Peter Kolchinsky, as the manager of RA Capital
Management, LLC, each beneficially owns and has sole voting and
dispositive power with respect to all of the
2,365,000 shares. This information was obtained from the
Schedule 13G jointly filed with the SEC on January 20,
2011 by RA Capital Management, LLC, RA Capital Healthcare Fund,
L.P. and Mr. Kolchinsky (the RA Capital Reporting
Persons). In addition, the RA Capital Reporting Persons
beneficially own warrants issued on January 11, 2011 to
purchase up to 1,182,500 additional shares of common stock;
however, the terms of the warrants restrict the exercise of the
warrants such that, upon exercise, the number of shares of our
common stock then beneficially owned by the holder and its
affiliates may not exceed 4.99% of our outstanding common stock
unless the holder gives at least 61 days prior notice to us
that it wishes to increase such beneficial ownership limitation
to 9.99%. As of the Evaluation Date, we have not received any
such notice.
Tang Capital Partners, LP beneficially owns and has shared
voting and dispositive power with respect to all
2,229,085 shares. Tang Capital Management, LLC, the general
partner of Tang Capital Partners, LP, and Kevin C. Tang, the
manager of Tang Capital Management, LLC, each has shared voting
and dispositive power with respect to all 2,229,085 shares
and may be deemed to beneficially own such shares. This
information was obtained from the Schedule 13G jointly
filed with the SEC on January 18, 2011 by Tang Capital
Partners, LP, Tang Capital Management, LLC and Mr. Tang. In
addition, Tang Capital Partners, LP holds warrants issued on
January 11, 2011 to purchase up to 1,182,500 additional
shares of common stock; however, the terms of the warrants
restrict the exercise of the warrants such that, upon exercise,
the number of shares of common stock then beneficially owned by
the holder and its affiliates may not exceed 4.99% of our
outstanding common stock unless the holder gives at least
61 days prior notice to us that it wishes to increase such
beneficial ownership limitation to 9.99%. As of the Evaluation
Date, we have not received any such notice.
Consists of (a) 17,443 shares of common stock subject
to options currently exercisable or exercisable within
60 days of the Evaluation Date and
(b) 1,040 shares of common stock held directly by
Dr. Goldberg.
Consists of 6,776 shares of common stock subject to options
currently exercisable or exercisable within 60 days of the
Evaluation Date.
Consists of 15,443 shares of common stock subject to
options currently exercisable or exercisable within 60 days
of the Evaluation Date.
Consists of (a) 17,443 shares of common stock subject
to options currently exercisable or exercisable within
60 days of the Evaluation Date and (b) 320 shares
of common stock held by Dr. Pykett and his spouse, as joint
Consists of 13,443 shares of common stock subject to
options currently exercisable or exercisable within 60 days
of the Evaluation Date.
Consists of (a) 68,000 shares of common stock subject
to options currently exercisable or exercisable within
60 days of the Evaluation Date and
(b) 5,000 shares of common stock held directly by
Mr. Culley.
Consists of 60,800 shares of common stock subject to
options currently exercisable or exercisable within 60 days
of the Evaluation Date.
Includes 199,348 shares of common stock subject to options
currently exercisable or exercisable within 60 days of the
Evaluation Date.
We have incorporated into our written review and approval
policies certain procedures designed to ensure that any proposed
transaction in which we would be a participant and in which any
of our directors, executive officers, holders of more than 5% of
our common stock, or any member of the immediate family of any
of the foregoing, would have a direct or indirect material
interest is reviewed by individuals within the Company familiar
with the requirements of Item 404 of
Regulation S-K
promulgated by the SEC. If any such proposed transaction would
require disclosure pursuant to Item 404(a) of
Regulation S-K,
it will be presented to the audit committee for review and, if
appropriate, approval.
Other than the following transactions and the transactions
described under Executive Officer Compensation and
Director Compensation below, since January 1,
2009, there has not been, nor currently are there proposed, any
transactions or series of similar transactions in which the
Company was or is to be a participant and the amount involved
exceeds or will exceed the lesser of $120,000 or 1% of the
average of our total assets as of December 31, 2009 and
2010, which is approximately $187,570, and in which any of our
directors, executive officers, holders of more than 5% of our
common stock or any member of the immediate family of any of the
foregoing persons, had or will have a direct or indirect
material interest.
of Officers and Directors
Our amended and restated certificate of incorporation and our
bylaws provide that we will indemnify each of our directors and
officers to the fullest extent permitted by the Delaware General
Corporation Law. Further, we have entered into indemnification
agreements with each of our directors and officers, and we have
purchased a policy of directors and officers
liability insurance that insures our directors and officers
against the cost of defense, settlement or payment of a judgment
under certain circumstances.
Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as
amended, requires our officers and directors, and persons who
own more than 10% of our common stock, to file reports of
securities ownership and changes in such ownership with the SEC.
Our officers and directors and persons who own more than 10% of
our common stock also are required by rules promulgated by the
SEC to furnish us with copies of all Section 16(a) forms
they file. Based solely upon a review of the copies of such
forms furnished to us and written representations from our
directors and executive officers, we believe that all
Section 16(a) filing requirements were timely met during
Compensation Table
The following table sets forth information concerning
compensation earned for services rendered to us during the years
ended December 31, 2010 and December 31, 2009 by
(i) each individual serving as principal executive officer
during 2010, (ii) the two most highly compensated executive
officers, other than the individuals serving as our principal
executive officer, who were serving as executive officers as of
December 31, 2010, and (iii) the individuals who would
have qualified under the foregoing clause (ii) but for the
fact that such individuals were not serving as executive
officers as of December 31, 2010. For 2010, we only had two
executive officers, both of whom are included in the following
table. Collectively, the executive officers named in the
following table are referred to as the named executive
officers or NEOs. All share and per share
information included below reflects retrospective application of
reverse split of our outstanding common stock effected on
April 23, 2010.
Summary Compensation Table
Incentive Plan
All Other
Name and Principal Position
Brian M. Culley
Chief Executive Officer
Patrick L. Keran
President and Chief Operating Officer
The amounts in this column represent the aggregate grant date
fair value of option awards granted to the named executive
officers in 2010 and 2009, respectively, calculated in
accordance with the provisions of Financial Accounting Standards
Board, or FASB, Accounting Standards Codification, or ASC, Topic
718, Stock Compensation, except that any estimate of
forfeitures was disregarded. For a description of the
assumptions used to calculate these amounts, see Note 7 to
our audited consolidated financial statements included in our
annual report on
Form 10-K
for the year ended December 31, 2010. The actual value of
any option award to an officer, if any, will depend on the
excess of our stock price over the exercise price on the date
the option is exercised. The actual value realized by the
officer upon exercise of the options may be higher or lower than
the value shown in this column.
We paid the amounts set forth in this column pursuant to the
terms of our 2010 incentive plan and the 2009 mid-year incentive
plan, respectively. See Narrative to Summary Compensation
Table Short-term Non-equity Incentive Plan and
Employment Retention and Severance Arrangements below for
a description of the material terms of our 2010 incentive plan
and the 2009 mid-year incentive plan.
This amount consists of (a) matching contributions made
pursuant to our tax-qualified 401(k) plan,
(b) contributions to health savings accounts in excess of
the amount not subject to federal tax and (c) premiums paid
for life insurance policies for the benefit of our executives.
This amount represents the grant date fair value of a restricted
stock unit award granted to the named executive officer in
January 2009, calculated in accordance with the provisions of
FASB ASC Topic 718. Mr. Culley received 48,000 restricted
stock units and Mr. Keran received 34,000 restricted stock
units. Vesting and settlement of the restricted stock unit
awards were conditioned upon our consummation of a strategic
transaction. The grant date fair value of zero for each of these
awards is based on our assessment that achievement of the
vesting condition was not probable (assessed as of the grant
date). Assuming 100% probability of meeting the vesting
condition, the value of the restricted stock unit awards as of
the grant date would have been $108,000 for Mr. Culley and
$76,500 for Mr. Keran. The restricted stock unit awards
granted to Mr. Culley and Mr. Keran were forfeited by
them and cancelled in July 2009. As a result of these
cancellations, the officers have not and will not receive any
compensation or pecuniary value from these restricted stock unit
This amount represents the premium paid for a life insurance
policy for the benefit of Mr. Culley.
This amount consists of (a) matching contributions made
pursuant to our tax-qualified 401(k) plan and (b) the
premium paid for a life insurance policy for the benefit of
Mr. Keran.
Disclosure to Summary Compensation Table
In January 2010, the compensation committee of our board of
directors approved 2010 annual base salaries for the NEOs, which
were the same relative to 2009. In 2010 and 2009,
Mr. Culleys annual base salary was $315,000 and
Mr. Kerans annual base salary was $289,000.
Stock Option Awards
In January 2010, the compensation committee approved stock
option awards to each of the NEOs to purchase up to
64,000 shares of our common stock. The grant of the option
awards was subject to and contingent upon our receipt of a
waiver under the Rights Agreement, which, among other things,
prohibits us from granting certain securities without complying
with the provisions of the Rights Agreement. On February 2,
2010, we received the necessary waiver. Accordingly, on
February 2, 2010, each of the NEOs was granted the option
previously approved by the compensation committee. The per share
exercise price of these options is $8.00, which was the closing
price of our common stock on February 2, 2010. The stock
options were granted under our 2008 Omnibus Incentive Plan and
have a term of 10 years. Pursuant to the 2008 Omnibus
Incentive Plan, the exercise price per share of the options
cannot be lowered without prior approval of our stockholders,
except in the event of a merger, reorganization, consolidation,
recapitalization, dividend or distribution (whether in cash,
shares or other property, other than a regular cash dividend),
stock split, reverse stock split, spin-off or similar
transaction or other change in corporate structure affecting our
common stock or the value thereof, in each case as the
compensation committee may deem equitable or appropriate.
The stock options become exercisable, subject to the NEOs
respective continuous service to us, as to 25% of the shares
subject to the option on each of January 1, 2011,
January 1, 2012, January 1, 2013 and January 1,
2015. However, in the event the NEO ceases to provide services
to us as an employee by reason of an involuntary termination,
the option shall, immediately prior to such involuntary
termination, vest and become exercisable with respect to 25% of
the total number of shares subject to the option, or
16,000 shares, and the exercisability of the then-vested
portion of the stock option (after taking into account the
foregoing acceleration) shall be extended such that the stock
option shall be exercisable for a period of 12 months from
the date of such involuntary termination but not later than the
expiration. In addition, the vesting
exercisability of each option will accelerate or be extended
under certain circumstances, including, (i) in the event of
a change in control (as defined in our 2008 Omnibus Incentive
Plan), acceleration of vesting with respect to 50% of the then
unvested shares on the day prior to the date of the change in
control and, subject to the respective officers continuous
service, with respect to the remaining 50% of the then unvested
shares on the one year anniversary of the date of the change in
control, (ii) subject to the preceding clause (i), in the
event of a change of control, to the extent the successor
company (or a subsidiary or parent thereof) does not assume or
substitute for the option, acceleration in full on the day prior
to the date of the change in control if the officer is then
providing services or was the subject of an involuntary
termination in connection with, related to or in contemplation
of the change in control and exercisability for a period of
24 months from the date of such involuntary termination,
and (iii) subject to the preceding clause (i), in the event
of a change of control, to the extent the successor company (or
a subsidiary or parent thereof) assumes or substitutes for the
option, and in the event of an involuntary termination of the
officer within 12 months following the date of the change
in control, acceleration in full of vesting and exercisability
for a period of 24 months from the date of such involuntary
For purposes of the 2010 stock option awards, an
involuntary termination means (i) without the
officers express written consent, an action by our board
of directors or external events causing or immediately
portending a material reduction or alteration of the
officers duties, position or responsibilities relative to
the officers duties, position or responsibilities in
effect immediately prior to such reduction or alteration, or the
removal of the officer from such position, duties or
responsibilities; provided, however, that an involuntary
termination shall not be deemed to occur (a) with
respect to Mr. Culley, if Mr. Culley remains the head
of and most senior individual within our companys (or our
successors) business development function and
(B) with respect to Mr. Keran, if Mr. Keran
remains the head of and most senior individual within our
companys (or our successors) legal function;
(ii) without the officers express written consent, a
material reduction by us of the officers base salary as in
effect immediately
prior to such reduction; (iii) without the officers
express written consent, the relocation of the officers
principal place of employment with us by more than
50 miles; or (iv) any termination of the
officers employment by us without cause (as defined
below). For purposes of the 2010 stock option awards,
cause means (i) any act of personal dishonesty
taken by the officer in connection with his responsibilities as
an employee which is intended to result in substantial personal
enrichment of the officer; (ii) the officers
conviction of a felony that our board of directors reasonably
believes has had or will have a material detrimental effect on
our reputation or business; (iii) a willful act by the
officer that constitutes misconduct and is materially injurious
to us, or (iv) continued willful violations by the officer
of the officer obligations to us after there has been delivered
to the officer a written demand for performance from us that
describes the basis for our belief that the officer has not
substantially performed his duties.
Non-Equity Incentive Plan Awards
In January 2010, the compensation committee adopted an incentive
plan for 2010 applicable to the NEOs, who at the time were our
only employees. Pursuant to the 2010 incentive plan, the NEOs
were eligible for awards based entirely upon the Companys
achievement of corporate performance objectives adopted by the
compensation committee and in effect at the end of 2010. Awards
under the 2010 incentive plan generally were to be paid in cash;
however, the compensation committee had discretion to determine
the composition of each award. The target award amount for each
NEO was $150,000. The actual payout amount of each award,
however, could be increased or decreased, in the compensation
committees sole discretion, by multiplying the target
amount by a corporate performance multiplier, which was to be
determined by the compensation committee in the first quarter of
2011. Award multipliers could range from zero to 1.5 and would
be the same for both NEOs.
The corporate performance goals under the 2010 incentive plan
were set by the compensation committee at the time of the
plans adoption in January 2010 based on recommendations
from the NEOs and the compensation committees assessment,
at that time, of the near-term corporate objectives that would
enhance stockholder value. Pursuant to the terms of the 2010
incentive plan, however, if a corporate performance objective
became irrelevant or undesirable or if a strategic change or
other event affected the objective, the compensation committee,
after considering the recommendations of the NEOs, had
discretion to adjust the weighting of all objectives, substitute
a new objective, eliminate the affected objective, take no
action or effect any combination of the foregoing. In addition,
subject to contractual obligations, the compensation committee
had absolute discretion to abolish the 2010 incentive plan at
any time or to alter any terms and conditions under which awards
would be paid under the plan, with or without cause and with or
without prior notice. The corporate performance objectives set
by the compensation committee in January 2010 consisted of goals
involving favorable response(s) from the U.S. Food and Drug
Administration, or FDA, regarding one or more of our product
candidates, favorable progress in the development
commercialization of one or more of our products and the
maintenance of specified levels of capital at December 31,
2010. During 2010, following the adoption of corporate
performance goals in January 2010, there was a shift in certain
of our corporate priorities, including an increased focus on
expanding our product pipeline and a decreased focus on
commercialization activities following the
letter we received from the FDA in February 2010 regarding the
first new drug application we submitted for Exelbine. However,
while the terms of the 2010 incentive plan provide for revising
corporate performance goals as described above, the compensation
committee did not formally revise the goals adopted in January
2010 and, accordingly, we did not achieve all of the goals
established by the compensation committee in January 2010. In
determining whether to grant awards to the NEOs under the 2010
incentive plan in the first quarter of 2011, the compensation
committee considered corporate priorities throughout 2010 and
conditions that affected our ability to achieve the objectives
adopted in January 2010, including potential changes to
regulatory policy that may not have been formalized or publicly
disseminated, which may have been a factor underlying the
FDAs refusal to file the first new drug application we
submitted for Exelbine. The compensation committee also
considered our capital levels in January 2011 and our successful
capital-raising activities throughout 2010 and in January 2011.
After taking such conditions into account, pursuant to the
discretion provided to it under the 2010 incentive plan, the
compensation committee determined to award $112,500 to each of
the NEOs under the 2010 incentive plan, which was approximately
75% of the target award amount.
Retention and Severance Arrangements
Each of NEOs employment with us is at-will and they or we
may terminate their employment with us at any time with or
without prior notice. In July 2009, the compensation committee
adopted a retention and severance plan applicable to the NEOs.
The compensation committee determined that this plan was
necessary to incentivize and retain the NEOs, who at the time
were our only employees, and reinforce their dedication to us
during a period when they would otherwise likely seek
alternative employment. As a part of adopting this plan, we
terminated the retention and incentive agreements that we had
entered into with each of the NEOs in January 2009 and the
awards of restricted stock unit awards that we granted to the
NEOs in January 2009. We did not pay any amounts to either
Mr. Culley or Mr. Keran pursuant to the January 2009
retention and incentive agreements before those agreements were
Under the retention and severance plan we adopted in July 2009,
if the employment of Mr. Culley or Mr. Keran, as
applicable, terminates at any time as a result of an involuntary
termination, and the applicable NEO, delivers and does not
revoke a general release of claims, which will also confirm any
post-termination obligations
restrictions applicable to him, he will be entitled to
(i) an amount equal to 12 months of his then-current
base salary, less applicable withholdings, and (ii) an
amount equal to the estimated cost of continuing his healthcare
coverage and the coverage of his dependents who are covered at
the time of the involuntary termination under the Consolidated
Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985, as amended, for a
period equal to 12 months. These severance benefits will be
paid in a lump-sum on the date the general release of claims
becomes effective. As of December 31, 2010, our aggregate
contractual contingent obligation under the retention and
severance plan, including applicable payroll and employer taxes,
was $348,132 for Mr. Culley and $321,755 for Mr. Keran.
For purposes of the retention and severance plan, the definition
of involuntary termination is the same as described
above with respect to the 2010 stock options awards, except that
an involuntary termination shall also be deemed to occur upon a
material breach of the retention and severance plan, including,
but not limited to, our failure to obtain the assumption of the
retention and severance plan by any successors as contemplated
in the retention and severance plan. The definition of
cause is also the same as described above with
respect to the 2010 stock options awards.
Employment Benefits and Arrangements
Vacation Benefits.
Mr. Culley accrues 26
vacation days per year and Mr. Keran accrues 24 vacation
days per year, subject to adjustment based on the number of
years of the officers employment with us. As of
December 31, 2010, Mr. Culley had accrued 52 vacation
days and Mr. Keran had accrued 48 vacation days, which is
the maximum amount they can accrue under our vacation benefits
policy. Pursuant to our policy, employees may not accrue
vacation days in excess of twice their annual vacation accrual
rate. Accordingly, until Mr. Culley or Mr. Keran uses
his accrued vacation days, he will not accrue additional
vacation days unless his annual accrual rate increases. If the
NEOs employment with us had terminated as of
December 31, 2010, our aggregate vacation benefits payment
obligation, including applicable payroll and employer taxes,
would have been approximately $63,909 for Mr. Culley and
approximately $54,127 for Mr. Keran.
Other Agreements.
It is our policy that, at
the beginning of employment, all employees sign our standard
confidential information, non-solicitation and invention
assignment agreement for employees. Under the current version of
this agreement, employees agree that, during the period of the
employees service to us and for one year thereafter, the
employee will not (a) solicit any employee or consultant of
ours to leave the employ of or terminate any relationship with
us or (b) solicit the business of any client or customer of
ours using our confidential information. Each of Mr. Culley
and Mr. Keran has signed one of these agreements.
Equity Awards at Fiscal Year-End 2010
The following table sets forth information regarding outstanding
equity awards held by our named executive officers at the end of
fiscal 2010. All share and per share information included in
this table reflects retrospective application of the
reverse split of our outstanding common stock effected on
April 23, 2010.
Outstanding Equity Awards at Fiscal Year-End for Fiscal Year
Option Awards
Stock Awards
or Payout
Value of
Value of
Number of
Number of
Number of
Number of
of Shares
or Units
Units or
or Units
of Stock
Units or
of Stock
Have Not
That Have
Have Not
Not Vested
Brian M. Culley
Patrick L. Keran
Subject to accelerated vesting in the event of a change in
control or an involuntary termination within 24 months of a
change in control, as described below under Acceleration
of Vesting of Stock Options Granted Under 2005 Equity Incentive
Plan, this option vested and became exercisable with
respect to 1/4 of the total underlying shares subject to the
option on January 1, 2008 and vests and becomes exercisable
with respect to 1/48 of the total underlying shares at the end
of each successive month thereafter.
Subject to accelerated vesting in the event of a change in
control or an involuntary termination within 24 months of a
change in control, as described below under Acceleration
of Vesting of Stock Options Granted Under 2005 Equity Incentive
Plan, this option vested and became exercisable with
respect to 1/5 of the total underlying shares on each of
January 1, 2009 and January 1, 2010 and vests and
becomes exercisable with respect to 1/5 of the total underlying
shares on each of January 1, 2011, January 1, 2012 and
January 1, 2013.
Subject to accelerated vesting in the event of a change in
control or an involuntary termination, as below under
Acceleration of Vesting of 2009 Stock Option Awards,
this option vested and became exercisable with respect to 1/4 of
the total underlying shares on January 1, 2010, and vests
and becomes exercisable with respect to 1/4 of the total
underlying shares on each of January 1, 2011,
January 1, 2012 and January 1, 2013.
Subject to accelerated vesting in the event of a change in
control or an involuntary termination, as described above under
Narrative Disclosure to Summary Compensation
Table 2010 Stock Option Awards, this option
vests and becomes exercisable with respect to
of the total underlying shares on each of January 1, 2011,
January 1, 2012, January 1, 2013 and January 1,
of Vesting of 2009 Stock Option Awards
The stock option agreements governing the options granted under
our 2008 Omnibus Incentive Plan to our NEOs in 2009 provide that
the vesting and exercisability of each option will accelerate
under certain circumstances, including: (i) in the event of
an involuntary termination of the NEO, the option will vest and
become exercisable
immediately prior to such involuntary termination with respect
to 25% of the total number of shares subject to the option, or
17,000 shares, (ii) in the event of a change in
control (as defined in our 2008 Omnibus Incentive Plan), the
option will vest and become exercisable with respect to 50% of
the then unvested shares on the day prior to the date of the
change in control and, subject to the NEOs continuous
service, with respect to the remaining 50% of the then unvested
shares on the one year anniversary of the date of the change in
control, (iii) subject to the preceding clause (ii), in the
event of a change of control, to the extent the successor
company (or a subsidiary or parent thereof) does not assume or
substitute for the option, the option will vest and become
exercisable with respect to 100% of the then unvested shares on
the day prior to the date of the change in control if the NEO is
then providing services or was the subject of an involuntary
termination in connection with, related to or in contemplation
of the change in control and will remain exercisable for a
period of 24 months from the date of such involuntary
termination, and (iv) subject to the preceding clause (ii),
in the event of a change in control, to the extent the successor
company (or a subsidiary or parent thereof) assumes or
substitutes for the option, and in the event of an involuntary
termination of the NEO within 12 months following the date
of the change in control, the option will vest and become
exercisable with respect to 100% of the then unvested shares on
the day prior to the date of the change in control and will
remain exercisable for a period of 24 months from the date
of such involuntary termination.
Although the terms of the stock options granted to our NEOs in
2009 provide for acceleration of vesting in certain
circumstances as described above, our NEOs would not have then
realized any intrinsic value from these options as a result of
the acceleration provisions if any of the acceleration scenarios
had occurred on December 31, 2010 because none of these
options were
on December 31, 2010, meaning none of them had an exercise
price per share less than the market value per share of our
common stock. The market value of our common stock is based on
the closing market price of our common stock, which was $2.61
per share on December 31, 2010.
of Vesting of Outstanding Stock Options Granted Under 2005
Equity Incentive Plan
All of the stock options held by our named executive officers
that were granted before July 2009 were granted under our 2005
Equity Incentive Plan. The stock option agreements governing the
options granted to our NEOs before August 2006 provide that the
options will accelerate in full in the event of an
acquisition constituting a change of
control (as such terms are defined in the stock option
agreement) if the option holder remains employed by us as of the
closing date of such acquisition and the option is not assumed
or replaced by the successor or acquiring entity or the entity
in control of such successor or acquiring entity. Otherwise, the
option will not accelerate in the event of such an acquisition.
The stock option agreements governing the options granted to our
NEOs in and after August 2006 additionally provide that, if
following a change of control in which an option is assumed as
described above, the option holder is subject to an
involuntary termination within 24 months after
the closing date of such change in control, the vesting of the
assumed option will be accelerated such that the option will
vest as of the effective date of such involuntary termination
with respect to all shares that would have vested during the
period from the date of the option holders involuntary
termination until the date that is 24 months after the
closing date of such change in control if such option holder had
not been involuntarily terminated. For purposes of these stock
option agreements, an involuntary termination is a
termination of employment that occurs by reason of dismissal for
any reason other than misconduct or of voluntary
resignation following: (i) a change in position that
materially reduces the level of the employees
responsibility, (ii) a material reduction in the
employees base salary, or (iii) relocation by more
than 50 miles; provided that (ii) and (iii) will
apply only if the employee has not consented to the change or
Misconduct means the commission of any act of fraud,
embezzlement or dishonesty by the employee, any unauthorized use
or disclosure by the employee of confidential information or
trade secrets of our company (or any parent or subsidiary), or
any other intentional misconduct by the employee adversely
affecting our business affairs (or those of any parent or
subsidiary) in a material manner. All of the stock option
agreements governing the options granted to our NEOs in January
2007 contain this double trigger acceleration provision.
Although the terms of the stock options granted to our NEOs
under our 2005 Equity Incentive Plan provide for acceleration of
vesting in certain circumstances as described above, our NEOs
would not have then realized any intrinsic value from these
options as a result of the acceleration provisions if any of the
acceleration scenarios had occurred on December 31, 2010
because none of these options were
on December 31, 2010, meaning none of them had an exercise
price per share less than the market value per share of our
common stock. The
market value of our common stock is based on the closing market
price of our common stock, which was $2.61 per share on
December 31, 2010.
Defined Contribution Plan
We have a defined contribution savings plan pursuant to
Section 401(k) of the IRC. The plan is for the benefit of
all employees and permits voluntary contributions by qualifying
employees of up to 100% of eligible compensation, subject to
Internal Revenue Service-imposed maximum limits. From
January 1, 2009 until May 16, 2009, the terms of the
plan required us to make matching contributions equal to 100% of
employee contributions up to 6% of eligible compensation,
limited by the IRS-imposed maximum. In April 2009, we amended
the plan such that we were not required to make matching
contributions on any employee contributions made by a
highly compensated employee, which included our
NEOs, from May 16, 2009 through December 31, 2009. In
November 2009, we amended the plan to reinstate the 6% matching
contribution for all employees effective for the plan year
beginning January 1, 2010. With respect to the NEOs, we
incurred total expenses of approximately $47,250 and $29,661 in
employer matching contributions in 2010 and 2009, respectively.
The following table shows compensation information for the
individuals who served as our non-employee directors during the
year ended December 31, 2010. Directors who are also our
employees do not receive any additional compensation for their
services as directors. Currently, all of our directors are
non-employee directors. All share and per share information
included below reflects retrospective application of the
reverse split of our outstanding common stock effected on
April 23, 2010.
Compensation for Fiscal Year 2010
Fees Earned
or Paid
Incentive Plan
All Other
in Cash
Michael M. Goldberg
Odysseas Kostas(3)
Jack Lief
Mark J. Pykett
Eric K. Rowinsky
The amounts in this column represent the aggregate grant date
fair value of option awards granted to the directors in 2010,
calculated in accordance with the provisions of FASB ASC Topic
718, Stock Compensation, except that any estimate of
forfeitures was disregarded. For a description of the
assumptions used to calculate these amounts, see Note 7 to
our audited consolidated financial statements included in our
annual report on
Form 10-K
for the year ended December 31, 2010. The actual value of
any option award to a director, if any, will depend on the
excess of our stock price over the exercise price on the date
the option is exercised. The actual value realized by the
director upon exercise of the options may be higher or lower
than the value shown in this column.
As of December 31, 2010, our non-employee directors had
options outstanding to purchase the following number of shares
of our common stock:
Shares Underlying
Outstanding Options
Michael M. Goldberg
Odysseas Kostas(3)
Jack Lief
Mark J. Pykett
Eric K. Rowinsky
Dr. Kostas was appointed to our board of directors in
February 2010.
This amount represents fees earned for consulting services
provided to us under a consulting agreement with
Dr. Rowinsky. See Consulting Services Agreement with
Eric K. Rowinsky below for a description of our consulting
services agreement with Dr. Rowinsky.
of Non-Employee Director Compensation
During 2010, pursuant to the director compensation policy
adopted by our board of directors in January 2010, we paid our
non-employee directors quarterly cash retainers and meeting
attendance fees. The amounts of the quarterly retainers vary
depending on the non-employee directors role on our board
of directors and its committees, as set forth in the table
below. A non-employee director whose service begins or ends
during a quarter receives a pro-rated portion of the applicable
quarterly retainer.
Quarterly Retainer
Board of Directors
Audit Committee
Compensation Committee
Nominating and Governance Committee
Special Committee(2)
Pricing Committee(3)
If, in the future, our board of directors appoints a lead
independent director, such directors quarterly retainer
would be $10,000 per quarter.
The special committee was established by our board of directors
in June 2010.
The pricing committee was established by our board of directors
in May 2009 and re-authorized by the board of directors in
December 2009 and March 2010.
In addition to the quarterly retainers, in 2010, pursuant to the
2010 director compensation policy, we paid our non-employee
directors $1,000 for each meeting of our board of directors and
each meeting of a board committee of which such director is a
member attended by such director (whether such attendance is in
person or by telephone, videoconference or other comparable
communication device).
In addition to the quarterly retainer and meeting fees, we
reimburse our directors for travel and other reasonable
expenses related to attendance at our board of directors and
committee meetings.
In March 2011, our board of directors adopted a new director
compensation policy applicable to all non-employee directors
effective as of January 1, 2011. The quarterly retainers
and meeting fees under the 2011 policy are the same as under the
2010 policy. However, as described below, the equity
compensation element of non-employee director compensation is
different under the 2011 policy.
2010 Equity Compensation.
We also compensate
our non-employee directors through stock option awards. In 2009,
however, no stock option or other equity awards were granted to
our directors. During 2010, pursuant to the 2010 director
compensation policy, each non-employee director who was a
non-employee director on January 25, 2010 was eligible to
receive (i) a re-inducement option to purchase
4,000 shares of our common stock and (ii) a
option to purchase 4,000 shares of our common stock.
The re-inducement and
options were
approved by our board of directors on January 25, 2010, but
the grants were subject to our receipt of a waiver under the
Rights Agreement. Upon our receipt of such waiver on
February 2, 2010, the re-inducement and
options were granted to each of Mr. Lief and
Drs. Goldberg, Pykett and Rowinsky. Dr. Kostas was not
a member of our board of directors on January 25, 2010.
Each of the re-inducement and
options has an exercise price of $8.00 per share, which was the
closing price of our common stock on February 2, 2010. Each
re-inducement option vests and becomes exercisable in 36
substantially equal monthly installments of 1/36th of the
shares subject to the option at the end of each successive month
following the date of grant, subject to the directors
continuing service (as defined in the 2008 Omnibus Incentive
Plan). Each
option vested and became exercisable in 12 substantially equal
monthly installments of 1/12th of the shares subject to the
option at the end of each successive month following
June 3, 2009.
In connection with his appointment to our board of directors in
February 2010, under the 2010 director compensation policy,
Dr. Kostas became eligible to receive two stock option
awards, an inducement option to purchase
4,000 shares of our common stock and a pro-rated
annual option to purchase 1,333 shares of our common
stock. The options were granted to Dr. Kostas on
February 2, 2010 and have an exercise price of $8.00 per
share, which was the closing price of our common stock on
February 2, 2010. The inducement option vests and becomes
exercisable in 36 substantially equal monthly installments of
1/36th of the shares subject to the option at the end of
each successive month following February 1, 2010, and the
pro-rated annual option vested and became exercisable in four
substantially equal monthly installments of 1/4th of the
shares subject to the option at the end of each successive month
following February 1, 2010.
The 2010 director compensation policy also provided for
annual stock option awards. Pursuant to the policy, each
non-employee director who was serving as such on June 30,
2010, the date of our 2010 annual meeting of stockholders,
became eligible to receive an option to purchase
4,000 shares of our common stock. Our board of directors
granted these annual options to each of Mr. Lief and
Drs. Goldberg, Kostas, Pykett and Rowinsky on June 30,
2010 and each has an exercise price of $1.63 per share, which
was the closing price of our common stock on June 30, 2010.
These options vest and become exercisable in 12 substantially
equal monthly installments of 1/12th of the shares subject
to the option at the end of each successive month following
June 30, 2010, subject to the directors continuing
Pursuant to the 2010 director compensation policy, each
stock option granted under the policy was granted under our 2008
Omnibus Incentive Plan and has a term equal to the shorter of
(i) ten years from the date the option is granted and
(ii) three years from the date the non-employee director
ceases to provide services (as defined in the 2008 Omnibus
Incentive Plan) to us for any reason other than such
directors death or disability. In addition, in the event
of a change of control of the Company, each stock option will
vest and become exercisable on the day prior to the date of the
change in control if the director is then providing services (as
defined in the 2008 Omnibus Incentive Plan), and each option
will terminate on the date of the change in control to the
extent not exercised.
2011 Non-Employee Director Compensation
Under the director compensation policy
adopted by our board of directors in March 2011, in connection
with each annual meeting of our stockholders, non-employee
directors will be eligible to receive an annual
option to purchase up to such number of shares of our
common stock as is equal to (a) the allocated
amount, which shall be the product of 0.0396% multiplied
by the number of shares of our common stock outstanding as of
the date of the applicable annual meeting of stockholders, plus
(b) an adjustment amount, which shall be the
difference between (i) the allocated amount for the current
years annual meeting of stockholders, minus (ii) the
allocated amount that was applicable to the prior years
annual meeting of stockholders (unless a director was not a
non-employee director at the time of the prior years
annual meeting of stockholders, in which case the adjustment
amount for that director shall be based on the number of shares
of our common stock outstanding as of the date of that
directors appointment or election to our board of
directors). However, the adjustment amount shall be included in
the annual option for a director only if (x) the adjustment
amount for that director exceeds 20% of the allocated amount for
the current years annual meeting of stockholders,
(y) the Companys market capitalization (shares
outstanding multiplied by stock price) has not exceeded
$100 million for a sustained period, as determined
unanimously by our board of directors, and (z) our board of
directors unanimously determines to include the adjustment
amount in such annual option. Each annual option shall vest and
become exercisable in 12 substantially equal monthly
installments of 1/12th of the shares subject to the option at
the end of each successive month following the date of the
applicable annual meeting of stockholders,
subject to the directors continuing service (as defined in
the 2008 Omnibus Incentive Plan or any amendment or restatement
In addition, any non-employee director initially appointed or
elected to our board of directors after January 1, 2011,
shall be eligible to receive an inducement option
and a pro-rated annual option. The inducement option
shall entitle the director to purchase up to such number of
shares of our common stock as is equal the new director
allocated amount, which shall be the product of 0.0396%
multiplied by the number of shares of our common stock
outstanding as of the date of the directors initial
appointment or election to our board of directors. The pro-rated
annual option shall entitle the director to purchase up to such
number of share of our common stock as is equal to (A) the
quotient of the new director allocated amount, divided by 12,
multiplied by (B) the number of full
periods between the new directors date of appointment or
election and the date of our next annual meeting of stockholders
(or, if, on the new directors date of appointment or
election, the date of our next annual meeting of stockholders
has not been set, the one-year anniversary of the new
directors date of appointment or election). Each
inducement option shall vest and become exercisable in 36
substantially equal monthly installments of 1/36th of the shares
subject to the option at the end of each successive month
following the date of the directors initial appointment or
election to our board of directors, subject to the
directors continuing service (as defined in the 2008
Omnibus Incentive Plan or any amendment or restatement thereof).
Each pro-rated annual option shall vest and become exercisable
in such number of substantially equal monthly installments as is
equal to the number of full
periods between the directors initial appointment or
election to our board of directors and the date of the next
annual meeting of our stockholders.
Each stock option granted under the 2011 director
compensation policy shall be granted under our 2008 Omnibus
Incentive Plan or any amendment or restatement thereof, shall
have an exercise price per share equal to the fair market value
(as defined in the 2008 Omnibus Incentive Plan or any amendment
or restatement thereof) of a share of our common stock on the
date the option is granted, and shall have a term equal to the
shorter of (i) ten years from the date the option is
granted and (ii) three years from the date such
non-employee director ceases to provide services (as defined in
the 2008 Omnibus Incentive Plan or any amendment or restatement
thereof) to us for any reason other than such directors
death or disability. In addition, in the event of a change of
control of the Company, each stock option will vest and become
exercisable on the day prior to the date of the change in
control if the director is then providing services (as defined
in the 2008 Omnibus Incentive Plan or any amendment or
restatement thereof), and each option will terminate on the date
of the change in control to the extent not exercised.
Services Agreement with Eric K. Rowinsky
As of November 23, 2009, we entered into a consulting
agreement with Eric K. Rowinsky, a member of our board of
directors, pursuant to which Dr. Rowinsky provides
consulting services to us from time to time at our request. His
services to us may include responding to inquiries of ours
regarding medical and clinical matters with which
Dr. Rowinsky has knowledge, attending and participating in,
at our request, meetings with the FDA regarding our new drug
application for Exelbine, and providing advice and assistance
regarding special projects or any other matter consistent with
Dr. Rowinskys background, skills and experience,
which are described under Nominees for Election to the
Board, above. Under the agreement, we pay
Dr. Rowinsky at a rate of $350 per hour for the services he
provides to us, capped at $100,000.
Under the guidance of a written charter adopted by our board of
directors, the purpose of the audit committee is to oversee our
accounting and financial reporting processes and audits of our
financial statements and the effectiveness of our internal
control over financial reporting. The responsibilities of the
audit committee include appointing and providing for the
compensation of an independent registered public accounting firm
to conduct an annual audit of our financial statements and
overseeing the work and evaluating the performance of the
independent auditor. Each of the members of the audit committee
meets the independence and qualification requirements of the
NYSE Amex.
Management has primary responsibility for the financial
statements and the reporting process, including the system of
internal controls. The independent registered public accounting
firm has the responsibility to express an opinion on the
financial statements based on an audit conducted in accordance
with generally accepted auditing standards.
In this context and in connection with the audited financial
statements contained in our Annual Report on
Form 10-K
for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2010, the audit
reviewed and discussed the audited financial statements as of
and for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2010 with the
Companys management;
discussed with J.H. Cohn LLP, our independent registered public
accounting firm, the matters required to be discussed by
Statement of Auditing Standards No. 61, as amended, as
adopted by the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board in
Rule 3200T;
reviewed the written disclosures and the letter from J.H. Cohn
LLP required by applicable requirements of the Public Company
Accounting Oversight Board regarding the independent
accountants communications with the audit committee
concerning independence, and has discussed with J.H. Cohn LLP
its independence; and
based on the foregoing reviews and discussions, recommended to
our board of directors that the audited financial statements be
included in our Annual Report on
Form 10-K
for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2010 filed with the
Jack Lief, Chair
Michael M. Goldberg
Odysseas D. Kostas
The preceding Audit Committee Report shall not be
deemed soliciting material or filed with the SEC, nor shall any
information in this report be incorporated by reference into any
past or future filing under the Securities Act of 1933, as
amended, or the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended,
except to the extent the Company specifically incorporates it by
reference into such filing.
The audit committee has appointed J.H. Cohn LLP as our
independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal
year ending December 31, 2011. We are asking our
stockholders to ratify this appointment.
J.H. Cohn LLP served as our independent registered public
accounting firm for fiscal years 2009 and 2010. The following
table shows the fees paid or accrued by us for the audit and
other services provided by J.H. Cohn LLP for fiscal years 2009
and 2010.
Audit Fees(1)
Audit-Related Fees(2)
Tax Fees
All Other Fees
Audit Fees represent fees for professional services
provided in connection with the audit of our annual financial
statements (including the audit of internal controls over
financial reporting under Section 404 of the Sarbanes Oxley
Act, if conducted), review of our quarterly financial
statements, review of our registration statements on
Forms S-3
related services normally provided in connection with statutory
and regulatory filings and engagements.
Audit-Related Fees consist primarily of assurance
and related services that are reasonably related to the
performance of the annual audit or review of our financial
statements. During 2009, such fees were incurred for
consultation in responding to SEC staff comments regarding our
financial statements as of and for the year ended
December 31, 2007 and our internal control over financial
Regarding Pre-Approval of Audit and Non-Audit Services by the
Companys Independent Registered Public Accounting
We have established a policy that all audit and permissible
non-audit services provided by our independent registered public
accounting firm will be pre-approved by the audit committee.
These services may include audit services, audit-related
services, tax services and other services. The audit committee
considers whether the provision of each non-audit service is
compatible with maintaining the independence of our auditors.
At the Annual Meeting, our stockholders will vote on the
election of six directors to serve for one-year terms until the
2012 annual meeting of stockholders and until their successors
are elected and qualified, or until their earlier death,
retirement, resignation or removal. Our board of directors has
unanimously nominated Michael M. Goldberg, Odysseas D.
Kostas, Jack Lief, Mark J. Pykett, Eric K. Rowinsky and Lewis J.
Shuster for election to our board of directors at the Annual
Meeting. The director nominees have indicated that they are
willing and able to serve as directors. If any of the nominees
becomes unable or unwilling to serve, the accompanying proxy may
be voted for the election of such other person as shall be
designated by our board of directors. The proxies being
solicited will be voted for no more than six nominees at the
Annual Meeting.
Assuming a quorum is present at the Annual Meeting, each
director nominee who receives an affirmative vote of the holders
of a majority of the shares of common stock having voting power
present in person or represented by proxy at the Annual Meeting
will be elected. Abstentions will have the same effect as
negative votes. Broker non-votes will not be counted and will
have no effect on the outcome of this proposal. Stockholders do
not have cumulative voting rights in the election of directors.
Our board of directors recommends a vote FOR the
election of Michael M. Goldberg, Odysseas D. Kostas, Jack Lief,
Mark J. Pykett, Eric K. Rowinsky and Lewis J. Shuster as
Unless otherwise instructed, it is the intention of the persons
named in the accompanying proxy card to vote shares represented
by properly executed proxy cards for the election of Michael M.
Goldberg, Odysseas D. Kostas, Jack Lief, Mark J. Pykett, Eric K.
Rowinsky and Lewis J. Shuster.
At the Annual Meeting, our stockholders will be asked to ratify
the appointment of J.H. Cohn LLP as our independent registered
public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending
December 31, 2011. Stockholder ratification of the
appointment of J.H. Cohn LLP as our independent registered
public accounting firm is not required by our bylaws or
otherwise. Our board of directors is submitting the appointment
of J.H. Cohn LLP to our stockholders for ratification as a
matter of good corporate practice. If our stockholders do not
ratify the appointment of J.H. Cohn LLP, the audit committee
will reconsider this appointment. Even if the appointment is
ratified, the audit committee, in its discretion, may appoint a
different independent registered public accounting firm at any
time during the year if the audit committee determines that such
a change would be in the best interests of the Company and our
Assuming a quorum is present at the Annual Meeting, the
affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of the shares of
common stock having voting power present in person or
represented by proxy at the Annual Meeting is required to
approve this proposal. Abstentions will have the same effect as
negative votes. A broker or other nominee will generally have
discretionary authority to vote on this proposal because it is
considered a routine matter, and therefore we do not expect
broker non-votes with respect to this proposal.
We expect representatives of J.H. Cohn LLP to be present at the
Annual Meeting and they will have the opportunity to make a
statement at the Annual Meeting if they so desire. We also
expect such representatives to be available to respond to
appropriate questions.
Our board of directors recommends a vote FOR the
ratification of the appointment of J.H. Cohn LLP as our
independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal
year ending December 31, 2011.
On March 16, 2011, our board of directors approved the
Amended and Restated 2008 Omnibus Incentive Plan (the
Restated 2008 Plan), subject to the approval of our
stockholders at the Annual Meeting. At the Annual Meeting, our
stockholders will be asked to approve the Restated 2008 Plan,
which is an amendment and restatement of the 2008 Omnibus
Incentive Plan (the 2008 Plan) approved by our
stockholders on May 28, 2008 at the 2008 annual meeting of
stockholders. If approved at the Annual Meeting, the Restated
2008 Plan will become effective as of that date (the
Restatement Effective Date). Our board of directors
believes that the effective use of stock-based long-term
incentive compensation is essential to maintain a balanced and
competitive compensation program and is of great importance to
our ability to achieve strong performance in the future.
A total of 616,000 shares of our common stock were reserved
for awards under the 2008 Plan (on a post-April 23, 2010
reverse stock split basis). As of December 31, 2010,
405,969 shares remained available for awards, and, as of
March 31, 2011, 161,315 shares remained available for
awards under the 2008 Plan. As described below, the Restated
2008 Plan increases the number of shares of our common stock
available for awards as of the Restatement Effective Date.
Approval of the Restated 2008 Plan will also serve to re-approve
the material terms of the performance goals under the 2008 Plan
with such changes as contained in the Restated 2008 Plan for
purposes of Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code
(the Code). The material terms of the performance
goals include the eligible class of employees, the business
criteria (including new criteria) on which performance
objectives may be based and the maximum amounts payable for the
various types of awards under the Restated 2008 Plan, as
described below. If the Restated 2008 Plan is approved by our
stockholders, the effectiveness of the approval of the
performance goals will last until 2016 for purposes of
Section 162(m) of the Code.
The principal changes in the Restated 2008 Plan from the 2008
Plan are as follows:
Increase in the shares available as of the Restatement Effective
Date to 4,405,969, reduced as provided below.
Shares subject to awards granted under the 2008 Plan after
December 31, 2010, other than stock options and stock
appreciation rights (SARs), reduce the available
shares under the Restated 2008 Plan by 1.5 shares for each
share subject to the award (rather than 1.2 shares for each
share subject to the award under the 2008 Plan).
Shares subject to awards under the Restated 2008 Plan and, after
December 31, 2010, under the 2008 Plan and our 2005 Equity
Incentive Plan (the 2005 Plan) that are forfeited,
expire or settled for cash (in whole or in part), will be added
back to the available shares as 1.5 shares for each share
that is forfeited, expire or settled for cash (rather than
1.2 shares for each share subject to the award under the
2008 Plan).
The Restated 2008 Plan clarifies that shares reacquired by us
using cash proceeds from the exercise of stock options will not
be added back to the available shares.
If on the last day of the term of a stock option or SAR granted
after the Restatement Effective Date the exercise of the award
is prohibited by applicable law or the holder cannot sell shares
of our common stock due to a black-out period under
our insider trading policy, the term shall be automatically
extended for a
period from the end of the prohibition or black-out period, as
Addition of requirements that dividends on restricted stock and
dividend equivalents on restricted stock units and other
share-based awards which vest based on the achievement of
performance goals must either not be paid, or be accumulated,
subject to the same restrictions and forfeiture risk as the
restricted stock to which they relate, and can be paid only when
the restrictions and forfeiture risk lapse.
Added to available business criteria for awards intended to
satisfy the performance-based compensation exception under
Section 162(m) of the Code: appreciation in
maintenance of the price of our common
stock or any other securities of our company, including
publicly-traded securities or a tracking security whether actual
or constructed; appreciation in
maintenance of our market capitalization; cash levels at
specified points in time, including year-end cash; having
regulatory applications or other documents accepted for review
by the applicable regulatory authority; initiating
bioequivalence studies; initiating enrollment, completing
enrollment or enrolling particular numbers of subjects in
bioequivalence studies; dosing the first patient in a
bioequivalence study; completing phases of a bioequivalence
study; and announcing or presenting preliminary or final data
from bioequivalence studies.
Revisions to the per person limitation on awards to
(i) 2,000,000 shares subject to stock options or SARs
granted in any
period, and 2,500,000 shares in the year in which a
persons services for the Company or a subsidiary commence,
and (ii) for awards other than stock options and SARs that
are intended to satisfy the performance-based compensation
exception under Section 162(m) of the Code
1,500,000 shares earned for each 12 months in the
vesting or performance period for awards denominated in shares,
and 2,000,000 shares in the year in which a persons
services for the Company or a subsidiary commence.
Extension of the last day to make awards to the tenth
anniversary of the Restatement Effective Date.
of the Restated 2008 Plan
The following summary of the principal features of the Restated
2008 Plan is qualified in its entirety by reference to the full
text of the Restated 2008 Plan which is attached to this proxy
statement as
Appendix A.
Purpose of the Plan.
The purpose of the
Restated 2008 Plan is to assist us and our subsidiaries in
attracting and retaining selected individuals who, serving as
our employees, directors, consultants
advisors, are expected to contribute to our success and to
achieve long-term objectives which will benefit our stockholders
through the additional incentives inherent in the awards under
the Restated 2008 Plan.
Shares Available.
The maximum number of
shares of our common stock that are available for awards under
the Restated 2008 Plan (subject to the adjustment provisions
described under Adjustments upon Changes in
Capitalization below), effective as of the Restatement
Effective Date, is 4,405,969 shares, reduced for grants
made after December 31, 2010 under the Restated 2008 Plan
or the 2008 Plan by one (1) share of common stock for each
share of common stock subject to an option or a SAR and
(ii) by one and one-half (1.5) shares of common stock for
each share of common stock subject to an award other than an
option or a SAR. Since the effective date of the 2008 Plan, no
awards have been or may be granted under the 2005 Plan.
If any shares of common stock subject to an award under the
Restated 2008 Plan, or after December 31, 2010, an award
under the 2008 Plan or the 2005 Plan, are forfeited, expire or
are settled for cash (in whole or in part), the shares subject
to the award may be used again for awards under the Restated
2008 Plan to the extent of the forfeiture, expiration or cash
settlement. The shares of common stock will be added back as one
(1) share for every share of common stock that was subject
to an option or SAR and (ii) as one and one-half (1.5)
shares for every share of common stock that was subject to an
award other than an option or SAR. The following shares of
common stock will not be added to the shares authorized for
grant as described above: (i) shares tendered by a
participant or withheld by us in payment of the purchase price
of an option under the Restated 2008 Plan, the 2008 Plan or the
2005 Plan, (ii) shares tendered by a participant or
withheld by us to satisfy tax withholding with respect to an
award under the Restated 2008 Plan, the 2008 Plan or the 2005
Plan, (iii) shares subject to a SAR under the Restated 2008
Plan, the 2008 Plan or the 2005 Plan that are not issued in
connection with the stock settlement of the SAR on exercise
thereof, and (iv) shares repurchased by us in the open
market with the proceeds from the exercise of an option under
the Restated 2008 Plan, the 2008 Plan or the 2005 Plan.
Shares of our common stock under awards made under the Restated
2008 Plan in substitution or exchange for awards granted by a
company acquired by us or a subsidiary, or with which we or a
subsidiary combine (Substitute Awards), do not
reduce the maximum number of shares that are available for
awards under the Restated 2008 Plan. In addition, if a company
acquired by us or a subsidiary, or with which we or a subsidiary
combine, has shares remaining available under a plan approved by
its stockholders, the available shares (adjusted to reflect the
exchange or valuation ratio in the acquisition or combination)
may be used for awards under the Restated 2008 Plan and will
not reduce the maximum number of shares of our common stock that
are available for awards under the Restated 2008 Plan; provided,
however that awards using such available shares shall not be
made after the date awards or grants could have been made under
the pre-existing plan, absent the acquisition or combination,
and shall only be made to individuals who were not our employees
or directors prior to the acquisition or combination.
The maximum number of shares of Common Stock that may be issued
under the Restated 2008 Plan pursuant to the exercise of
incentive stock options effective as of the Restatement
Effective Date is 4,405,969 shares.
Options, SARs, restricted stock
awards, restricted stock unit awards, other share-based awards
and performance awards may be granted under the Restated 2008
Plan. Options may be either incentive stock options,
as defined in Section 422 of the Code, or nonstatutory
stock options. Awards may be granted under the Restated 2008
Plan to any employee, non-employee member of our board of
directors, consultant or advisor who is a natural person and
provides services to us or a subsidiary, except for incentive
stock options which may be granted only to employees. As of
April 8, 2011, 5 employees and 6 non-employee
directors were eligible to participate in the Restated 2008 Plan.
New Plan Benefits.
The compensation committee
of our board of directors (the Committee), in its
discretion, selects the persons to whom awards may be granted,
determines the type of awards, determines the times at which
awards will be made, determines the number of shares subject to
each such award (or the dollar value of certain performance
awards), and determines the other terms and conditions relating
to the awards, subject to the reservation of authority by our
board of directors to administer the Restated 2008 Plan and act
as the Committee thereunder. For this reason the benefits and
amounts that will be received or allocated under the Restated
2008 Plan are not determinable at this time.
Limits on Awards to Participants.
The Restated
2008 Plan provides that no participant may, in any
period (i) be awarded options or SARs to purchase more than
2,000,000 shares of Common Stock or (ii) earn
restricted stock awards, restricted stock unit awards,
performance awards or other share based awards that are intended
to be performance-based compensation under
Section 162(m) of the Code with respect to more than
1,500,000 shares, except that, in connection with a
participants initial commencement of services, these
limits are increased to 2,500,000 and 2,000,000 shares,
respectively, in the year in which such services commence.
Shares subject to a cancelled award continue to count against
the applicable limit. The maximum dollar value that may be
earned by any participant for each
period with respect to performance-based awards that are
intended to be performance-based compensation under
Section 162(m) of the Code is $2,000,000. The dollar value
of a cancelled award will continue to count against the
$2,000,000 limit.
Subject to the reservation of
authority by our board of directors to administer the Restated
2008 Plan and act as the Committee thereunder, the Restated 2008
Plan will be administered by the Committee (or a subcommittee)
which shall consist of at least two members of our board of
directors, each of whom must qualify as a non-employee
director under
Rule 16b-3
under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, an
outside director under Section 162(m) of the
Code (to the extent the board of directors has members meeting
such qualifications) and an independent director
under the rules of the principal U.S. national securities
exchange on which our common stock is traded (the
Principal Exchange), to the extent required by such
rules. The Committee has the authority to determine the terms
and conditions of awards, and to interpret and administer the
Restated 2008 Plan. The Committee may (i) delegate to a
committee of one or more directors the right to make awards and
to cancel or suspend awards and otherwise take action on its
behalf under the Restated 2008 Plan (to the extent not
inconsistent with applicable law, including Section 162(m)
of the Code, and the rules of the Principal Exchange), and
(ii) to the extent permitted by law, delegate to an
executive officer or a committee of executive officers the right
to make awards to employees who are not directors or executive
officers and the authority to take action on behalf of the
Committee pursuant to the Restated 2008 Plan to cancel or
suspend awards under the Restated 2008 Plan to key employees who
are not directors or executive officers of the Company.
Stock Options.
The Committee may grant either
nonstatutory stock options or incentive stock options. A stock
option entitles the recipient to purchase a specified number of
shares of our common stock at a fixed price subject to terms and
conditions set by the Committee. The purchase price of shares of
common stock covered by a stock option cannot be less than 100%
of the fair market value of the common stock on the date the
option is granted. Fair market value of the common stock is
generally equal to the closing price for the common stock on the
Exchange on the date the option is granted (or if there was no
closing price on that date, on the last preceding date on which
a closing price was reported), except for Substitute Awards. As
of April 8, 2011, the closing price of a share of our
common stock on the NYSE Amex was $2.32 per share.
The Restated 2008 Plan permits payment of the purchase price of
stock options to be made by cash or cash equivalents, shares of
our common stock previously acquired by the participant, any
other form of consideration approved by the Committee and
permitted by applicable law (including withholding of shares of
common stock that would otherwise be issued on exercise), or any
combination thereof. Options granted under the Restated 2008
Plan expire no later than 10 years from the date of grant,
except in the event of the participants death or
disability or if the exercise of an option, other than an
incentive stock option, is prohibited by applicable law or the
holder cannot purchase or sell shares of our common stock due to
a black-out period under our insider trading policy,
in which case the term of the option shall be automatically
extended for a
period from the end of the prohibition or black-out period.
Stock Appreciation Rights.
The Committee is
authorized to grant SARs in conjunction with a stock option or
other award granted under the Restated 2008 Plan, and to grant
SARs separately. The grant price of a SAR may not be less than
100% of the fair market value of a share of our common stock on
the date the SAR is granted, except for Substitute Awards. The
term of an SAR may be no more than 10 years from the date
of grant, except in the event of the participants death or
disability or if the exercise of the SAR is prohibited by
applicable law or the holder cannot purchase or sell shares of
our common stock due to a black-out period under our
insider trading policy, in which case the term of the option
shall be automatically extended for a
period from the end of the prohibition or black-out period. SARs
are subject to terms and conditions set by the Committee.
Upon exercise of an SAR, the participant will have the right to
receive the excess of the fair market value of the shares
covered by the SAR on the date of exercise over the grant price.
Payment may be made in cash, shares of our common stock or other
property, or any combination thereof, as the Committee may
determine. Shares issued upon the exercise of SARs are valued at
their fair market value as of the date of exercise.
Restricted Stock Awards.
Restricted stock
awards may be issued either alone or in addition to other awards
granted under the Restated 2008 Plan, and are also available as
a form of payment of performance awards and other earned
cash-based incentive compensation. The Committee determines the
terms and conditions of restricted stock awards, including the
number of shares of common stock granted, and conditions for
vesting that must be satisfied, which may be based principally
or solely on continued provision of services, and also may
include a performance-based component. Unless otherwise provided
in the award agreement, the holder of a restricted stock award
will have the rights of a stockholder from the date of grant of
the award, including the right to vote the shares of common
stock and the right to receive distributions on the shares
(subject to the requirements for dividends on restricted stock
awards that vest based on the achievement of performance goals
as described under Dividends; Dividend Equivalents
below). Except as otherwise provided in the award agreement, any
shares or other property (other than cash) distributed with
respect to the award will be subject to the same restrictions as
the award (subject to the requirements for dividends on
restricted stock awards that vest based on the achievement of
performance goals as described under Dividends; Dividend
Equivalents below).
Restricted Stock Unit Awards.
Awards of
restricted stock units having a value equal to an identical
number of shares of common stock may be granted either alone or
in addition to other awards granted under the Restated 2008
Plan, and are also available as a form of payment of performance
awards granted under the Restated 2008 Plan and other earned
cash-based incentive compensation. The Committee determines the
terms and conditions of restricted stock units, including
conditions for vesting that must be satisfied, which may be
based principally or solely on continued provision of services,
and also may include a performance-based component. The holder
of a restricted stock unit award will not have voting rights
with respect to the award. Except as otherwise provided in the
award agreement, any shares or other property (other than cash)
distributed with respect to the award will be subject to the
same restrictions as the award (subject to the requirements for
dividend equivalents on restricted stock unit awards that vest
based on the achievement of performance goals as described under
Dividends; Dividend Equivalents below).
Other Share-Based Awards.
The Restated 2008
Plan also provides for the award of shares of our common stock
and other awards that are valued by reference to our common
stock or other property (Other Share-Based
Awards). Such awards may be granted above or in addition
to other awards under the Restated 2008 Plan. Other Share-Based
Awards may be paid in cash, shares of our common stock or other
property, or a combination thereof, as determined by the
Committee. The Committee determines the terms and conditions of
Other Share-Based Awards, including any conditions for vesting
that must be satisfied.
Performance Awards.
Performance awards provide
participants with the opportunity to receive shares of our
common stock, cash or other property based on performance and
other vesting conditions. Performance awards may be granted from
time to time as determined at the discretion of the Committee.
Subject to the share limit and maximum dollar value set forth
above under Limits on Awards to Participants, the
Committee has the discretion to determine (i) the number of
shares of common stock under, or the dollar value of, a
performance award and (ii) the conditions that must be
satisfied for grant or for vesting, which typically will be
based principally or solely on achievement of performance goals.
Performance Criteria.
At the Committees
discretion, performance goals for restricted stock awards,
restricted stock units, performance awards or other share-based
awards may be based on the attainment of specified levels of one
or more of the following criteria: net sales; revenue; revenue
growth or product revenue growth; operating income (before or
after taxes); pre-or after-tax income (before or after
allocation of corporate overhead and bonus); earnings per share;
net income (before or after taxes); return on equity; total
shareholder return; return on assets or net assets; appreciation
maintenance of the price of the shares of our common stock or
any other securities of the Company, including our
publicly-traded securities or a tracking security whether actual
or constructed; appreciation in
maintenance of the Companys market capitalization; market
share; gross profits; earnings (including earnings before taxes,
earnings before interest and taxes or earnings before interest,
taxes, depreciation and amortization); economic value-added
models or equivalent metrics; comparisons with various stock
market indices; reductions in costs; cash flow or cash flow per
share (before or after dividends); return on capital (including
return on total capital or return on invested capital); cash
flow return on investment; improvement in or attainment of
expense levels or working capital levels; operating margins,
gross margins or cash margin; cash levels at specified points in
time, including year-end cash; debt reductions; stockholder
equity; research and development achievements; manufacturing
achievements (including obtaining particular yields from
manufacturing runs and other measurable objectives related to
process development activities); regulatory achievements
(including submitting or filing applications or other documents
with regulatory authorities, having any such applications or
other documents accepted for review by the applicable regulatory
authority or receiving approval of any such applications or
other documents); passing pre-approval inspections (whether of
the Company or the Companys third-party manufacturer) and
validation of manufacturing processes (whether the
Companys or the Companys third-party
manufacturers); clinical achievements (including
initiating clinical or bioequivalence studies; initiating
enrollment, completing enrollment or enrolling particular
numbers of subjects in clinical or bioequivalence studies;
dosing the first patient in a clinical or bioequivalence study;
completing phases of a clinical or bioequivalence study
(including the treatment phase); or announcing or presenting
preliminary or final data from clinical or bioequivalence
studies; in each case, whether on particular timelines or
generally); strategic partnerships or transactions (including
in-licensing and out-licensing of intellectual property;
establishing relationships with commercial entities with respect
to the marketing, distribution and sale of the Companys
products (including with group purchasing organizations,
distributors and other vendors); supply chain achievements
(including establishing relationships with manufacturers or
suppliers of active pharmaceutical ingredients and other
component materials and manufacturers of the Companys
products); co-development, co-marketing, profit sharing, joint
venture or other similar arrangements); financing and other
capital raising transactions (including sales of the
Companys equity or debt securities; factoring
transactions; sales or licenses of the Companys assets,
including its intellectual property, whether in a particular
jurisdiction or territory or globally; or through partnering
transactions); and implementation, completion or attainment of
measurable objectives with respect to research, development,
manufacturing, commercialization, products or projects,
production volume levels, acquisitions and divestitures and
recruiting and maintaining personnel. The performance goals may
be based solely by reference to our performance or the
performance of one or more of our subsidiaries, divisions,
business segments or business units, or based upon the relative
performance of other companies or upon comparisons of any of the
indicators of performance relative to other companies. The
Committee may also exclude under the terms of the performance
awards the impact of an event or occurrence which the Committee
determines should appropriately be excluded, including
(i) restructurings, discontinued operations, extraordinary
items, and other unusual or non-recurring
charges, (ii) an event either not directly related to our
operations or not within the reasonable control of our
management, or (iii) the cumulative effects of tax or
accounting changes in accordance with U.S. generally
accepted accounting principles.
Adjustments to Awards Subject to Performance
The Committee may make downward, but
not upward, adjustments with respect to any amount payable
pursuant to any restricted stock award, restricted stock unit
award, performance award or other share-based payment award that
is subject to performance criteria. The Committee may not waive
achievement of performance goals, except in the case of death,
disability or as otherwise determined by the Committee in
special circumstances.
Dividends; Dividend Equivalents.
Awards other
than options and SARs may, if determined by the Committee,
provide that the participant will be entitled to receive,
currently or on a deferred basis, cash, stock or other property
dividends, or cash payments in amounts equivalent to cash,
stock, or other property dividends declared with respect to
shares of common stock covered by an award. The Committee may
provide that such amounts will be deemed to have been reinvested
in additional shares of common stock or otherwise, and that they
are subject to the same vesting or performance conditions as the
underlying award. Any dividends or dividend equivalents provided
with respect to performance awards or restricted stock,
restricted stock unit or other share-based awards that are
subject to the attainment of specified performance goals will be
subject to the same restrictions and risk of forfeiture as the
underlying awards.
No Repricing.
The Restated 2008 Plan prohibits
option and SAR repricings (other than to reflect stock splits,
spin-offs or other corporate events described under
Adjustments upon Changes in Capitalization below, or
in connection with a change in control of the Company) unless
stockholder approval is obtained. For purposes of the Restated
2008 Plan, a repricing means a reduction in the
exercise price of an option or the grant price of a SAR, the
cancellation of an option or SAR in exchange for cash or another
award under the Restated 2008 Plan if the exercise price or
grant price of the option or SAR is greater than the fair market
value of our common stock (except in connection with a change in
control, or for awards granted in assumption of or in
substitution for awards previously granted by a company acquired
by the Company or a subsidiary or with which the Company or a
subsidiary combines), or any other action with respect to an
option or SAR that may be treated as a repricing under the rules
of the Principal Exchange.
Nontransferability of Awards.
No award under
the Restated 2008 Plan, and no shares subject to awards that
have not been issued or as to which any applicable restriction,
performance or deferral period has not lapsed, is transferable
other than by will or the laws of descent and distribution, and
an award may be exercised during the participants lifetime
only by the participant or the participants estate,
guardian or legal representative, except that the Committee may
provide in an award agreement that a participant may transfer an
award without consideration to certain family members, family
trusts, or other family-owned entities, or for charitable
donations under such terms and conditions determined by the
Adjustments upon Changes in Capitalization.
the event of any merger, reorganization, consolidation,
recapitalization, dividend or distribution (whether in cash,
shares or other property, other than a regular cash dividend),
stock split, reverse stock split, spin-off or similar
transaction or other change in our corporate structure affecting
our common stock or the value thereof, appropriate adjustments
to the Restated 2008 Plan and awards will be made as the
Committee determines to be equitable and appropriate, including
adjustments in the number and class of shares of stock available
for awards under the Restated 2008 Plan, the number, class and
exercise or grant price of shares subject to awards outstanding
under the Restated 2008 Plan, and the limits on the number of
awards that any person may receive.
Termination of Employment.
The Committee will
determine and set forth in the award agreement whether any
awards will continue to be exercisable, and the terms of such
exercise, on and after the date the participant ceases to be
employed by, or to otherwise provide services to, us, whether by
reason of death, disability, voluntary or involuntary
termination of employment or service, or otherwise.
Amendment and Termination.
The Restated 2008
Plan may be amended or terminated by our board of directors
except that stockholder approval is required for any amendment
to the Restated 2008 Plan which increases the number of shares
of common stock available for awards under the Restated 2008
Plan, expands the types of
awards available under the Restated 2008 Plan, materially
expands the class of persons eligible to participate in the
Restated 2008 Plan, permits the grant of options or SARs with an
exercise or grant price of less than 100% of fair market value
on the date of grant, amends the provisions of the Restated 2008
Plan prohibiting the repricing of options and SARs as described
above under No Repricing, increases the limits on
shares subject to awards or the dollar value payable with
respect to performance awards, or takes any action with respect
to an option or SAR that may be treated as a repricing under the
rules of the Principal Exchange. No amendment or termination may
materially impair a participants rights under an award
previously granted under the Restated 2008 Plan without the
written consent of the participant.
The Restated 2008 Plan will expire on the 10th anniversary
of the Restatement Effective Date, except with respect to awards
then outstanding, and no further awards may be granted
Income Tax Consequences
The following discussion summarizes certain federal income tax
considerations of awards under the Restated 2008 Plan. However,
it does not purport to be complete and does not describe the
state, local or foreign tax considerations or the consequences
for any particular individual
Stock Options.
A participant does not realize
ordinary income on the grant of a stock option. Upon exercise of
a nonstatutory stock option, the participant will realize
ordinary income equal to the excess of the fair market value of
the shares of common stock over the option exercise price. The
cost basis of the shares acquired for capital gain treatment is
their fair market value at the time of exercise. Upon exercise
of an incentive stock option, the excess of the fair market
value of the shares of common stock acquired over the option
exercise price will be an item of tax preference to the
participant, which may be subject to an alternative minimum tax
for the year of exercise. If no disposition of the shares is
made within two years from the date of granting of the incentive
stock option or within one year after the transfer of the shares
to the participant, the participant does not realize ordinary
income for tax purposes as a result of exercising the incentive
stock option. Instead, the sale of the shares will be a capital
transaction. In this case, the tax basis of the shares received
for capital gain treatment is the option exercise price and any
gain or loss realized on the sale of the shares is long-term
capital gain or loss. If the participant disposes of the shares
within the two-year or one-year periods referred to above, the
participant will realize ordinary income at that time in an
amount equal to the excess of the fair market value of the
shares at the time of exercise (or the net proceeds of
disposition, if less) over the option exercise price. For
capital gain treatment on such a disposition, the tax basis of
the shares will be their fair market value at the time of
Stock Appreciation Rights.
No ordinary income
will be realized by a participant in connection with the grant
of a SAR. When the SAR is exercised, the participant will
realize ordinary income in an amount equal to the sum of the
amount of any cash received and the fair market value of the
shares of common stock or other property received upon the
Restricted Stock, Performance and Restricted Stock Unit
The participant will not realize ordinary
income on the grant of a restricted stock award (or a
performance award if the shares of common stock are issued on
grant), but will realize ordinary income when the shares subject
to the award become vested in an amount equal to the excess of
(i) the fair market value of the shares on the vesting date
over (ii) the purchase price, if any, paid for the shares.
The participant may, however, elect under Section 83(b) of
the Code to include as ordinary income in the year the shares
are granted an amount equal to the excess of (i) the fair
market value of the shares on the date of issuance, over
(ii) the purchase price, if any, paid for the shares. If
the Section 83(b) election is made, the participant will
not realize any additional taxable income when the shares become
The participant will not realize ordinary income on the grant of
a restricted stock unit award, (or a performance award under
which shares of common stock are not issued on grant), but will
realize ordinary income when the shares subject to the award are
issued to the participant after they become vested. The amount
of ordinary income will be equal to the excess of (i) the
fair market value of the shares on the date they are issued over
(ii) the purchase price, if any, paid for the award.
Upon disposition of shares of common stock acquired under a
restricted stock award, performance award or restricted stock
unit award, the participant will realize a capital gain or loss
equal to the difference between the
selling price and the sum of the amount paid for the shares plus
any amount realized as ordinary income upon grant (or vesting)
of the shares.
Company Tax Deduction.
We generally will be
entitled to a tax deduction in connection with an award under
the Restated 2008 Plan, subject to the provisions of
Section 162(m) of the Code, in an amount equal to the
ordinary income realized by a participant at the time the
participant realizes such income (for example, on the exercise
of a nonqualified stock option). Section 162(m) of the Code
may limit the deductibility of compensation paid to the
Companys chief executive officer and to each of the next
three most highly compensated executive officers other than the
Companys chief financial officer. Under
Section 162(m) of the Code, the annual compensation paid to
any of these executives will be deductible to the extent that it
does not exceed $1,000,000 or if the compensation is
performance-based compensation under
Section 162(m) of the Code. Compensation attributable to
stock options and SARs under the Restated 2008 Plan should
qualify as performance-based compensation if the awards are made
by the Committee (provided the Committee is composed of
outside directors (as defined in Section 162(m)
of the Code)) and the exercise or grant price of the award is no
less than the fair market value of our common stock on the date
of grant. Compensation attributable to restricted stock awards,
restricted stock unit awards and performance awards should
qualify as performance-based compensation if (i) the
compensation is approved by the Committee, (ii) the
compensation is paid only upon the achievement of an objective
performance goal established in writing by the Committee while
the outcome is substantially uncertain, and (iii) the
Committee certifies in writing prior to the payment of the
compensation that the performance goal has been satisfied.
Compensation Plan Information
The following table provides information as of December 31,
2010 regarding equity compensation plans previously approved by
our stockholders. We do not have any equity compensation plans
that have not been approved by our stockholders. All share and
per share information included in this table reflects
retrospective application of the
reverse split of our outstanding common stock effected on
April 23, 2010.
Number of
Remaining Available
for Future Issuance
Number of
Under Equity
Securities to be
Compensation Plans
Issued Upon
Exercise of
Exercise Price of
reflected in
Options, Warrants
Options, Warrants
Plan Category
and Rights
and Rights
Equity Compensation Plans Approved by Security Holders:
2008 Omnibus Incentive Plan(1)
2005 Equity Incentive Plan(1)
2005 Employee Stock Purchase Plan(2)
Equity Compensation Plans Not Approved by Security
In May 2008, our stockholders approved the 2008 Plan, following
which no awards have been or will be granted under the 2005 Plan
and no automatic increase has or will occur to the maximum
number of shares that may be issued pursuant to the 2005 Plan.
However, the 2005 Plan will continue to govern any outstanding
awards previously granted under that plan. If any awards granted
under the 2005 Plan are forfeited, expire or are settled for
cash pursuant to the terms of an award, we may use the shares
that were subject to the award for new awards under the 2008
Plan. Currently, the shares of common stock will be added to the
2008 Plan as one share for every one share of common stock
forfeited, expired or settled for cash if the shares were
subject to options or stock appreciation rights granted under
the 2005 Plan and as 1.2 shares for every one share of
common stock forfeited, expired or settled for cash if the
shares were subject to awards other than options or stock
rights granted under the 2005 Plan. However, as more fully
described above under Summary of the Restated 2008
Plan, if our stockholders approve the Restated 2008 Plan,
shares subject to awards other than options or stock
appreciation rights granted under the 2005 Plan that are
forfeited, expired or settled for cash will be added to the
Restated 2008 Plan as 1.5 shares for every one share of
common stock forfeited, expired or settled.
Our 2005 Employee Stock Purchase Plan contains a provision for
an automatic increase in the number of shares available for
grant on the first day of each fiscal year beginning in 2006 and
on each anniversary of that date thereafter equal to the lesser
of (i) one percent of the number of outstanding shares of
our common stock on such day, (ii) 30,000 and
(iii) such other amount as our board of directors may
specify prior to the date such annual increase is to take
effect. Although the 2005 Employee Stock Purchase Plan was
approved by our stockholders in 2005, we have not issued any
shares under it.
Awards under the 2008 Plan and 2005 Plan
As of December 31, 2010, 403,737 shares of our common
stock were reserved for issuance upon exercise of outstanding
awards under the 2008 Plan and the 2005 Plan. All such
outstanding awards are stock options. These outstanding options
had a weighted average remaining term of 8.46 years and a
weighted average exercise price of $12.39. As of
December 31, 2010, 405,969 shares remained available
for future issuance under the 2008 Plan. Since May 28,
2008, the effective date of the 2008 Plan, no awards could be
made under the 2005 Plan.
The following table sets forth the number of equity awards
granted by the Company under the 2008 Plan during the years
ended December 31, 2010, 2009 and 2008 (no shares have been
issued under the 2005 Plan since the effective date of the 2008
Plan or under the 2005 Employee Stock Purchase Plan because it
has not been implemented by the Company). In addition, the table
provides the number of shares of common stock issued following
the vesting of performance awards (performance shares, and
performance-based restricted stock and RSUs) and the weighted
average number of shares of common stock outstanding for the
year indicated. The information in the table reflects
retrospective application of the
reverse stock split of our outstanding common stock effected on
April 23, 2010.
Number of Shares of
Common Stock
Number of Shares of
Number of Shares of
Common Stock Issued
Weighted Average
Common Stock
Following Vesting
Number of Shares of
Underlying Options
Restricted Stock
of Earned
Common Stock
and RSUs Granted
Performance Awards
Performance-based restricted stock units were granted under the
2008 Plan in January 2009, but all such awards were cancelled or
forfeited during 2009 prior to vesting.
In 2008 and 2009, we implemented numerous restructuring and
cost-cutting initiatives, which included significant workforce
reductions. From July 2009 until December 31, 2010, we had
only two to four employees. However, we plan to increase our
workforce in the near-term in connection with preparing for the
commercial launch of
(vinorelbine injectable emulsion), should it be approved by the
U.S. Food and Drug Administration, or FDA, and initiating
clinical activities with respect to ANX-514 (docetaxel emulsion
for injection) and ANX-188 (purified poloxamer 188), should we
reach agreement with the FDA regarding phase 3 clinical studies
for those product candidates, and we expect equity awards to be
a key component of compensation packages necessary to attract
and retain new employees.
Past Awards under the 2008 Plan
The following table sets forth past awards granted to the
persons or groups specified below under the 2008 Plan through
April 8, 2011. The information in the table reflects
retrospective application of the
reverse stock split of our outstanding common stock effected on
April 23, 2010.
Number of Shares of
Number of Shares of
Common Stock
Common Stock
Underlying Options
Restricted Stock
Name and Position
Units Granted
Named Executive Officers:
Brian M. Culley, Chief Executive Officer
Patrick L. Keran, President and Chief Operating Officer
All current executive officers as a group (3 persons)
All current directors who are not executive officers as a group
(6 persons)
Each associate of any such executive officers, directors or
nominees (0 persons)
Each other person who received 5% of such options, warrants or
rights under the 2008 Plan (0 persons)
All current employees as a group, excluding current executive
officers (2 persons)
The restricted stock units were forfeited by the executive
officers prior to vesting.
under the Securities Act of 1933
We plan to register the securities issuable under the Restated
2008 Plan pursuant to a registration statement on
Form S-8
as soon as practicable following stockholder approval of the
Restated 2008 Plan.
of Certain Persons
Each of our directors and executive officers would be eligible
to participate in the Restated 2008 Plan. As a result, approval
of the Restated 2008 Plan impacts each of our directors and
executive officers and each of them has a personal interest in
this proposal and its approval by our stockholders.
Assuming a quorum is present at the Annual Meeting, approval of
the Restated 2008 Plan requires the affirmative vote of the
holders of a majority of the shares of our common stock having
voting power present in person or represented by proxy at the
Annual Meeting, assuming quorum is present. Abstentions will
have the same effect as negative votes. Broker non-votes will
not be counted and will have no effect on the outcome of this
Our board of directors recommends a vote FOR the
approval of the Amended and Restated 2008 Omnibus Incentive
On April 8, 2011 (the Closing Date), we
completed the acquisition of SynthRx, Inc., a Delaware
corporation (SynthRx), pursuant to the Agreement and
Plan of Merger, dated February 12, 2011 (the Merger
Agreement), by and among the Company, SRX Acquisition
Corporation, a Delaware corporation and wholly owned subsidiary
of ours (Merger Sub), SynthRx and an individual who
is a principal stockholder of SynthRx (the
Stockholders Agent). As of the Closing Date,
SynthRx became a wholly owned subsidiary of ours. SynthRxs
lead product candidate is a novel, purified, rheologic and
antithrombotic compound, poloxamer 188, which we will develop as
Pursuant to the Merger Agreement, we issued
2,800,851 shares of our common stock (the Closing
Shares) to the former SynthRx stockholders, over 75% of
which are either unvested and subject to repurchase rights or
subject to escrow to cover indemnification obligations as
further described below. The Merger Agreement further provides
that we are required, subject to the prior approval of our
stockholders, to issue up to an additional
13,478,050 shares of our common stock to the former SynthRx
stockholders if development of ANX-188 achieves the milestones
described below (the Milestone Shares). If we do not
receive the necessary stockholder approval to issue the
Milestone Shares, the Merger Agreement provides that we shall
make cash payments (as described below) to the former SynthRx
stockholders in lieu of issuing the Milestone Shares.
No vote of our stockholders was required to complete our
acquisition of SynthRx pursuant to the Merger Agreement (the
Merger), and we are not seeking any approval or
ratification of the Merger Agreement or the Merger at the Annual
Meeting. Under Delaware law, our stockholders do not have any
dissenters rights or rights to an appraisal of
the value of their shares in connection with the Merger or this
proposal. However, as a NYSE Amex listed company, we are
required to obtain stockholder approval prior to issuing shares
of our common stock where the present or potential issuance of
the shares as consideration for an acquisition of the stock or
assets of another company could result in an increase in our
outstanding common shares of 20% or more. Because the potential
issuance of the Milestone Shares, together with our prior
issuance of the Closing Shares, could exceed 20% of our
outstanding common shares based on our outstanding common shares
as of the Closing Date, we are seeking approval of the issuance
of the Milestone Shares in lieu of cash payments to the former
SynthRx stockholders, if and when the applicable milestones are
achieved. We agreed in the Merger Agreement to seek stockholder
approval to issue the Milestone Shares at the Annual Meeting.
Effects of the Proposal
If our stockholders do not approve the issuance of the Milestone
Shares on or before December 31, 2011, the Merger Agreement
requires that, in connection with the achievement of any
milestone set forth in the Merger Agreement, we pay the former
SynthRx stockholders the cash value of the Milestone Shares we
otherwise would have issued. We cannot determine the amount of
the potential cash payments to the former SynthRx stockholders
because the amount of such payments will depend on the
volume weighted average of the closing prices of our common
stock immediately prior to achievement of the applicable
milestone and the market price of our common stock historically
has been, and likely will continue to be, highly volatile. Any
milestone-related cash payment will be payable in quarterly
installments. If the First Milestone Payment (as defined below)
must be made in cash, such amount will be payable at a rate of
$1,000,000 per calendar quarter and, if the Second Milestone
Payment or the Third Milestone Payment (each as defined below)
must be made in cash, such amounts will be payable at a rate of
35% of net sales for the applicable calendar quarter of
intravenous injection products in which a purified form of
poloxamer 188 is an active ingredient.
If our stockholders approve this proposal, we will be able to
issue up to an aggregate of 13,478,050 shares of our common
stock (i.e., the Milestone Shares) to the former SynthRx
stockholders if development of ANX-188 achieves the milestones
set forth in the Merger Agreement and described below, and
conserve our cash for development
commercialization activities related to ANX-188 and our other
product candidates. Our existing stockholders ownership
stake, however, will be diluted by the issuance of the Milestone
Shares. Based on
our outstanding common stock as of April 8, 2011, if we
assume the issuance of all Milestone Shares as of that date, a
total of 39,943,759 shares of our common stock would have
been outstanding on that date, and the former SynthRx
stockholders would have an approximate 41% ownership stake in
the Company, which includes both the Closing Shares and the
Milestone Shares.
In addition, pursuant to the Voting and Transfer Restriction
Agreement described below, former SynthRx stockholders that
collectively held over 95% of the outstanding capital stock of
SynthRx, each has agreed to vote all shares of our common stock
beneficially owned by that stockholder with respect to every
action or approval by written consent of our stockholders in
such manner as directed by us, except in limited circumstances,
and has executed an irrevocable proxy appointing and authorizing
us to vote such shares in such manner. As a result, we may have
significant control over substantially all future matters
requiring approval by our stockholders, including the election
of directors and the approval of certain mergers and other
business combination transactions. Even if less than all of the
Milestone Shares are issued, our ability to control a
potentially significant block of stockholder votes pursuant to
the Voting and Transfer Restriction Agreement may enable us to
substantially affect the outcome of future proposals brought
before our stockholders. The Voting and Transfer Restriction
Agreement terminates only upon the transfer, in accordance with
that agreement, of all Closing Shares and Milestone Shares by
the stockholder parties thereto and their affiliates to
non-affiliates. Although our board of directors acts in a manner
it believes is in the best interest of our stockholders as a
whole, the interests of our stockholders as a whole may not
always coincide with the interests of individual stockholders or
particular groups of stockholders. However, we believe that the
Voting and Transfer Restriction Agreement was in the best
interests of the Company and our existing stockholders to
prevent an inadvertent change in control of the Company in
connection with the Merger and the potential issuance of such a
significant number of shares of our common stock to the former
SynthRx stockholders.
Our financial statements for the fiscal year ended
December 31, 2010 are included in our Annual Report on
Form 10-K
for the year ended December 31, 2010, a copy of which is
being provided to our stockholders with this proxy statement.
for Our Acquisition of SynthRx
SynthRx is developing a novel, purified, rheologic and
antithrombotic compound, poloxamer 188, which, since the closing
of the Merger we refer to as ANX-188. We believe ANX-188 is a
late-stage product candidate that restores hydration lattices
and minimizes the cascade of adhesive, inflammatory and
coagulation responses that cause adhesion of cells, impaired
blood flow and tissue ischemia. ANX-188 may have numerous
applications as a cytoprotective, rheologic, antithrombotic and
anti-inflammatory agent. Poloxamer 188 has been evaluated in
clinical studies for the treatment of acute myocardial
infarction, sickle cell disease and malaria, including a
2,950-patient, randomized, controlled study in acute myocardial
infarction. The effectiveness of poloxamer 188 also has been
observed in studies investigating its application in stroke,
hemorrhagic shock, bypass surgery, adult respiratory distress
syndrome, neurologic protection in deep hypothermic circulatory
arrest, vasospasm, spinal cord injury, angioplasty, frostbite,
amniotic fluid embolism, acute ischemic bowel disease and burns.
We initially intend to develop ANX-188 for the treatment of
pediatric patients with sickle cell disease in acute crisis,
which is associated with microvasular occlusion. The safety and
efficacy of poloxamer 188 and purified poloxamer 188 in sickle
cell disease have been evaluated in multiple clinical studies,
including a 255-patient, randomized, double-blind,
placebo-controlled phase 3 study in patients with sickle cell
disease in acute vaso-occlusive crisis. In the phase 3 study of
purified poloxamer 188, signs of efficacy were observed in the
primary endpoint, duration of crisis. However, features of the
studys design and the study not enrolling the
originally-planned number of patients may have diluted the
treatment effect or its significance. Notably, in a planned
subgroup analysis in children (n=73), in which the effect of
confounding factors may have been mitigated (such as chronic
pain syndrome, which is less prevalent in children), a
statistically significant and greater treatment effect was
observed. In terms of safety, there were no differences between
the two treatment groups in the overall incidence of adverse
events, for adverse events defined as serious, or for adverse
events involving any body system for the groups as a whole. It
was determined that renal function was not influenced by
treatment with purified poloxamer 188. However, the purified
poloxamer 188 arm did exhibit a modest but statistically
significant increase in levels of
alanine aminotransferase and direct bilirubin, each of which
returned to its respective baseline level by the day-35
visit. We believe that a properly designed and executed clinical
study will demonstrate that ANX-188 is an effective treatment
for sickle cell crisis and plan to conduct a phase 3 study of
ANX-188 in a pediatric population for that indication.
More than $1 billion is spent annually in the U.S. to
treat patients with sickle cell disease. We estimate that, in
the U.S., sickle cell disease results in over 95,000
hospitalizations and approximately 69,000 emergency department
encounters each year. When a patient with sickle cell disease
makes an institutional visit, vaso-occlusive crisis is the
primary diagnosis in approximately 77% of hospital admissions
and 64% of emergency room
encounters. In addition, although the number of untreated crisis
events is difficult to measure, we estimate that it is
substantial and in the hundreds of thousands in the
U.S. each year. We believe that, if ANX-188 is approved, as
people with sickle cell disease are made aware of the new
therapy, more people who suffer from vaso-occlusive crisis will
seek treatment.
Currently, most treatment options for sickle cell crisis are
focused on symptomatic relief, such as hydration and morphine or
other analgesics for pain, or treatment to address
complications. We believe that development activities conducted
by prior sponsors makes ANX-188 an attractive, late-stage
product candidate with substantial potential to improve the
lives of patients suffering from sickle cell disease.
of the Merger
Since June 2009, we have raised an aggregate of approximately
$56.7 million in net proceeds through equity financing
transactions and, in addition to using those funds to continue
to develop Exelbine and ANX-514, in 2010, we began to focus on
expanding our product pipeline through one or more in-license,
asset acquisition or merger transactions. We retained the
investment banking firm Canaccord Genuity Inc. to advise us in
this regard and our board of directors formed a special
committee to assist it in evaluating potential opportunities.
Our management and the special committee, with assistance from
Canaccord Genuity, evaluated numerous opportunities with
companies with a wide range of development programs, ultimately
focusing on product candidates with a defined pathway to
substantial value points, manageable acquisition and development
costs, robust data to support the development and regulatory
approval thesis relative to acquisition and development costs,
and anticipated market acceptance. During this process, we
identified SynthRx as a company whose lead product candidate has
a strong fit with the product pipeline expansion strategy we
SynthRx was a private company formed in 2004 to acquire purified
poloxamer 188 from CytRx Corporation, following the merger and
restructuring of that company. The co-founders of SynthRx had
been involved with the development of poloxamer 188 while at
CytRx. After acquiring these rights, SynthRx did not have the
financial resources to pursue the development of purified
poloxamer 188.
In the third and fourth quarters of 2010, our management and
members of the special committee had informal discussions with
certain principal stockholders of SynthRx regarding a potential
acquisition of certain rights and assets from SynthRx, including
those related to purified poloxamer 188. Following these
discussions, our management and other Company representatives
conducted a preliminary due-diligence review of SynthRx, after
which the parties, on November 29, 2010, entered into a
non-binding letter of intent. The letter of intent contemplated
the acquisition of certain rights and assets from SynthRx in an
all stock transaction with payment terms structured in
substantially the same manner as in the Merger Agreement (i.e.,
with the majority (more than 75%) of the consideration payable
only in the event that a new drug application (NDA)
for purified poloxamer 188 for the treatment of sickle cell
crisis in children was accepted for review by the U.S. Food
and Drug Administration (FDA) and approval of that
NDA by the FDA). Subsequently, we agreed to structure the
transaction as an acquisition through the merging of SynthRx and
a wholly owned subsidiary of ours, rather than an asset
acquisition, to increase the likelihood that the transaction
would be a tax free reorganization. However, the
structure of the payment terms remained such that the majority
of the merger consideration would be paid only in the event of
achievement of the development and regulatory milestones
identified above and described in detail below. In other words,
the majority of the merger consideration will be paid only if
and as the ANX-188 program demonstrates success. In addition, we
structured the transaction so as not to require approval by our
stockholders to accelerate the timeline to closing and our
initiation of development activities with respect to ANX-188.
Accordingly, the terms of the Merger Agreement were structured
such that the parties could close the transaction and we could
subsequently seek stockholder approval of the issuance of the
Milestone Shares.
In the event that our stockholders do not approve issuance of
the Milestone Shares, we negotiated provisions in the Merger
Agreement that would allow us to make the milestone-related cash
payments over time (in quarterly installments) and, with respect
to the Second Milestone Payment or the Third Milestone Payment
(each as defined below), only if ANX-188 is approved and we
receive revenue from net sales of the product. Although the
Merger Agreement contains these protections with respect to the
cash payment obligations, we believe it is in the best interest
of the Company and our stockholders that we conserve our cash
for the development and commercialization of our current product
candidates and the potential acquisition, development and
commercialization of future product candidates and issue the
Milestone Shares in lieu of cash payments to the former SynthRx
stockholders, if and when the applicable milestones are achieved.
During the period from November 2010 to February 2011, we
conducted an in-depth due diligence investigation of SynthRx
using both internal and external resources, including Canaccord
Genuity. Canaccord Genuity also was involved in the negotiation
of the Merger Agreement.
On February 10, 2011, our board of directors held a meeting
at which representatives of legal counsel and Canaccord Genuity
were present and, after consultation with management and these
outside advisors and lengthy discussion, approved the Merger
Agreement, the Voting and Transfer Restriction Agreement
described below and other ancillary transaction agreements.
On February 12, 2011, the Company and SynthRx executed the
Merger Agreement and the Voting and Transfer Restriction
On April 8, 2011, we completed the acquisition of SynthRx.
Throughout the negotiation and diligence process, our board of
directors consulted legal advisors and Canaccord Genuity on
relevant financial issues, and undertook a comprehensive review
of the potential benefits and liabilities associated with an
acquisition of SynthRx and the proposed structure of the
transaction. Between September 2010 and February 2011, the
special committee of our board of directors held numerous
informal conference calls and our full board of directors
formally met five times to consider the transaction, among other
things. In negotiating the terms of the transaction, our board
of directors focused on the goal of maximizing value for our
of the Transaction Documents
The following is a summary of material terms of the Merger
Agreement and the Voting and Transfer Restriction Agreement.
While we believe this description covers the material terms of
these agreements, we encourage you to read the Merger Agreement
and the Voting and Transfer Restriction Agreement, which were
included as Exhibits 2.1 and 10.1, respectively, to our
Current Report on
Form 8-K
filed on April 11, 2011. For more information about
accessing the Current Report on
Form 8-K
and the other information we file with the SEC, please see
Information Incorporated By Reference below.
As described above, on February 12, 2011, we entered into
the Merger Agreement with Merger Sub, SynthRx and the
Stockholders Agent. Pursuant to the Merger Agreement, upon
the completion of the Merger on the Closing Date, Merger Sub
merged with and into SynthRx, with SynthRx continuing as the
surviving corporation and becoming our wholly owned subsidiary.
As consideration for the Merger, at the effective time of the
Merger (the Effective Time), all shares of SynthRx
common stock outstanding immediately prior to the Merger were
cancelled and automatically converted into the right to receive
shares of our common stock, in the aggregate, as follows:
(i) 1,000,000 shares (the Fully Vested
Shares) of our common stock at the Effective Time;
provided, however that, pursuant to the Merger Agreement,
137,922 shares were deducted from the number of Fully
Vested Shares issued as a result of certain transaction expenses
of SynthRx and 200,000 of the Fully Vested
Shares were deposited into escrow (the Closing Escrow
Amount) to indemnify the Company against breaches of
representations and warranties;
(ii) up to 1,938,773 shares of our common stock at the
Effective Time (the Subject to Vesting Shares,
which, together with the 862,078 Fully Vested Shares issued to
the former SynthRx stockholders and the escrow agent, we refer
to as the Closing Shares), which Subject to Vesting Shares are
subject to various repurchase rights by the Company and fully
vest, subject to reduction upon certain events, upon achievement
of the First Milestone (defined below);
(iii) up to 1,000,000 shares of our common stock (the
First Milestone Shares), issued upon achievement of
the First Milestone (the First Milestone Payment);
provided, however, that in the event the First Milestone is
achieved prior to the first anniversary of the closing of the
Merger, twenty percent (20%) of the First Milestone Payment
shall be deposited into escrow (the First Milestone Escrow
Amount, and together with the Closing Escrow Amount, the
Escrow Amount). The First Milestone
means the dosing of the first patient in a phase 3 clinical
study carried out pursuant to a protocol that is mutually agreed
to by SynthRx and the Company; provided, however, that the
number of evaluable patients planned to target statistical
significance with a p value of 0.01 in the primary endpoint
shall not exceed 250 (unless otherwise mutually agreed) (the
First Protocol). In the event that the FDA indicates
that a single phase 3 clinical study will not be adequate to
support approval of a new drug application covering the use of
purified poloxamer 188 for the treatment of sickle cell crisis
in children (the 188 NDA), First
Milestone shall mean the dosing of the first patient in a
phase 3 clinical study carried out pursuant to a protocol that
(a) is mutually agreed to by SynthRx and the Company as
such and (b) describes a phase 3 clinical study that the
FDA has indicated may be sufficient, with the phase 3 clinical
study described in the First Protocol, to support approval of
the 188 NDA.
(iv) 3,839,400 shares of our common stock (the
Second Milestone Shares), issued upon achievement of
the Second Milestone (the Second Milestone Payment).
The Second Milestone shall mean the acceptance for
review of the 188 NDA by the FDA; and
(v) 8,638,650 shares of our common stock (the
Third Milestone Shares, which, together with the
First Milestone Shares and the Second Milestone Shares, we refer
to as the Milestone Shares), issued upon achievement of the
Third Milestone (the Third Milestone Payment, and
together with the First Milestone Payment and the Second
Milestone Payment, the Milestone Payments). The
Third Milestone shall mean the approval by the FDA
of the 188 NDA.
Notwithstanding anything set forth above, in the event that the
issuance of the Milestone Shares (x) violates federal or
state securities laws or the listing standards of any national
securities exchange to which we are subject at the time of such
issuance, or (y) we are unable to obtain the affirmative
vote of the holders of a majority of our common stock approving
the issuance of the Milestone Shares on or before
December 31, 2011, we are required to make the applicable
Milestone Payments, or portion thereof, in cash based on the
product of (x) the number of shares of our common stock
issuable upon achievement of an applicable milestone and
(y) the daily volume weighted average of actual closing
prices measured in hundredths of cents of our common stock on
the NYSE Amex, or such other national securities exchange on
which the our common stock is then listed, for the ten
consecutive trading days immediately prior to the applicable
Milestone Payment. Any Milestone Payment made in cash will be
payable in quarterly installments. If the First Milestone
Payment must be made in cash, such amount will be payable at a
rate of $1,000,000 per calendar quarter and, if the Second
Milestone Payment or the Third Milestone Payment must be made in
cash, such amounts will be payable at a rate of 35% of net sales
for the applicable calendar quarter of intravenous injection
products in which a purified form of poloxamer 188 is an active
The parties made customary representations, warranties and
covenants in the Merger Agreement, including among other things,
covenants (a) that we would, at the first annual meeting of
stockholders following execution of the Merger Agreement, or, in
our discretion, at a special meeting of stockholders prior to
that annual meeting, submit for stockholder approval a proposal
to authorize the issuance of the Milestone Shares; (b) that
we would, immediately following the closing of the Merger,
appoint an individual proposed by SynthRx to our board of
directors, which individual was Lewis J. Shuster, (c) that
we would prepare and file with the Securities and Exchange
Commission as soon as reasonably practicable, but in no event
later than one hundred twenty (120) days
following the Effective Time, a re-sale registration statement
Form S-3
with respect to the Fully Vested Shares, Subject to Vesting
Shares and the Milestone Shares (the Registration
Statement); (d) that we will use commercially
reasonable best efforts (i) to request a meeting with the
FDA to occur within nine (9) months of the closing of the
Merger for the purpose of discussing clinical development and
regulatory approval of a target product and (ii) during the
one (1) year period following the closing of the Merger, to
conduct certain activities related to SynthRxs business;
provided, the aggregate cost of such activities does not exceed
$1.5 million; (e) that we will use commercially
reasonable efforts until the earlier of achievement of the Third
Milestone or the date that is four (4) years after
February 12, 2011 to develop an intravenous injection
product in which a purified form of poloxamer 188 is an active
ingredient; and (f) until the earlier of the achievement of
the Third Milestone and the date that is four (4) years
following February 12, 2011, that we will not consummate a
change of control transaction with a third party that involves
all or substantially all of SynthRxs assets, except
(x) in connection with an Exempt Transaction (as defined
below) or (y) with the written consent of SynthRx, which
consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or
delayed. An Exempt Transaction is a change of
control that closes prior to achievement of the Third Milestone
in which the acquiror agrees in writing to submit the 188 NDA to
the FDA for FDA approval (or, if there are unexpected safety or
regulatory issues, to conduct activities to address or resolve
such issues) until the earlier of (x) the date that,
beginning at the Effective Time and thereafter, the aggregate
expenditure related to the program involving the product
candidate on which the 188 NDA is to be based is at least
$15,000,000 and (y) the fourth anniversary of the Effective
Time; provided, however, such acquiror shall be relieved of such
obligations under certain specified conditions.
Pursuant to the Merger Agreement, the Company, on the one hand,
and the stockholders of SynthRx on the other, agreed to
indemnify and hold the other harmless as a result of the breach
of the representations, warranties and covenants in the Merger
Agreement. To provide a fund for payment to the Company in
respect of our indemnification rights, the Escrow Amount will be
held in escrow for 12 months following the closing of the
Merger. Subject to certain limited exceptions, no claim for
indemnification of losses by the Company shall be made unless
the aggregate amount of losses exceeds $25,000, in which case we
shall be entitled to seek compensation for all losses without
regard to such limitation. Subject to certain exceptions, the
Merger Agreement provides for a maximum limit on indemnification
by the stockholders of SynthRx equal to the Escrow Amount, plus
100% of the applicable Milestone Payments that have not yet been
and Transfer Restriction Agreement
On February 12, 2011, in connection with the Merger
Agreement, the Company, each of the former principal
stockholders of SynthRx and, solely with respect to
Section 3(c) thereof, the Stockholders Agent, entered
into the Stockholders Voting and Transfer Restriction
Agreement (the Voting and Transfer Restriction
Agreement). The Voting and Transfer Restriction Agreement
became effective on the Closing Date and will terminate upon the
transfer, in accordance with that agreement, of all Closing
Shares and Milestone Shares by the stockholder parties thereto
and their affiliates to non-affiliates.
Pursuant to the terms and conditions of the Voting and Transfer
Restriction Agreement, each former principal SynthRx stockholder
has agreed to vote all shares of our common stock then
beneficially owned by that stockholder with respect to every
action or approval by written consent of our stockholders in
such manner as directed by us. Notwithstanding the foregoing,
until the earlier of: (i) achievement of the Third
Milestone and (ii) the four (4) year anniversary of
the closing of the Merger, each stockholder party shall be
permitted to vote any shares of our common stock that he, she or
it beneficially owns in such persons sole discretion
solely with respect to a change of control that involves the
transfer of SynthRxs assets to a third party and in which
at least eighty percent (80%) of the consideration received by
the Company (or its stockholders) is non-contingent and paid in
The Voting and Transfer Restriction Agreement also provides that
no shares of our common stock that are (i) subject to
vesting in accordance with the terms of the Merger Agreement
(ii) that have been deposited in escrow may be transferred
until such shares have vested
released from escrow, as applicable (and upon such vesting or
release, as applicable, such shares shall be referred to as the
Transferable Shares). The stockholder parties shall
be permitted to transfer any Transferable Shares to an affiliate
or pursuant to any private resale transactions or series of
transactions undertaken in compliance with the Securities Act of
1933, as amended (the Securities Act), any rules and
regulations promulgated thereunder, and any applicable state
securities laws;
provided, however, that such transferee shall be or shall have
become a party to the Voting and Transfer Restriction Agreement
and shall have agreed in writing to be bound by all of the terms
and conditions thereof.
The Voting and Transfer Restriction Agreement also provides that
upon the effectiveness of (x) the Registration Statement or
(y) upon such Transferrable Shares becoming freely
transferable to the public in compliance with Rule 144
promulgated under the Securities Act, the stockholder parties,
as a group, shall have the right to transfer on each trading day
on any eligible market such aggregate number of Transferable
Shares equal to or less than ten percent (10%) of the average
daily trading volume of our common stock. In addition, upon the
effectiveness of (x) the Registration Statement, or
(y) upon such Transferrable Shares becoming freely
transferable to the public in compliance with Rule 144
promulgated under the Securities Act, the stockholder parties,
as a group, shall have the right, exercisable not more than once
in any twelve (12)-month period, to transfer Transferable Shares
on any eligible market in an amount equal to, in the aggregate,
five (5) times the average daily trading volume of our
common stock.
of Our Common Stock
We are authorized to issue 500,000,000 shares of common
stock, par value $0.001 per share, of which
26,465,709 shares were issued and outstanding as of
April 8, 2011. Additional shares of authorized common stock
may be issued, as authorized by our board of directors from time
to time, without stockholder approval, except as may be required
by applicable securities exchange requirements. The holders of
our common stock possess exclusive voting rights in us, except
to the extent our board of directors specifies voting power with
respect to any other class of securities issued in the future.
Each holder of our common stock is entitled to one vote for each
share held of record on each matter submitted to a vote of
stockholders, including the election of directors. Stockholders
do not have any right to cumulate votes in the election of
Subject to preferences that may be granted to the holders of
preferred stock, each holder of our common stock is entitled to
share ratably in distributions to stockholders and to receive
ratably such dividends as may be declared by our board of
directors out of funds legally available therefor. In the event
of our liquidation, dissolution or winding up, the holders of
our common stock will be entitled to receive, after payment of
all of our debts and liabilities and of all sums to which
holders of any preferred stock may be entitled, the distribution
of any of our remaining assets. Holders of our common stock have
no conversion, exchange, sinking fund or redemption rights
(other than such as may be determined by our board of directors
in its sole discretion) and have no preemptive rights to
subscribe for any of our securities.
of Certain Persons
Pursuant to the Merger Agreement and effective as of immediately
following the closing of the Merger, Mr. Lewis J. Shuster
was appointed to our board of directors, as the individual
proposed by SynthRx. Mr. Shuster did not join our board of
directors until after the approval and the consummation of the
Merger, did not participate in his capacity as a director in
discussions of, or vote with respect to, matters related to the
Merger that were approved by our board of directors, including
the board of directors vote recommending approval of the
issuance of the Milestone Shares. Pursuant to our current
director compensation policy, as a non-employee member of our
board of directors, Mr. Shuster will receive a quarterly
retainer of $5,000 and $1,000 for each meeting of our board of
directors that he attends. In addition, pursuant to the director
compensation policy, in connection with his initial appointment
to our board of directors as a non-employee director, he is
eligible to receive an inducement option to purchase
up to 10,480 shares of our common stock and a
pro-rated annual option to purchase up to
1,747 shares of our common stock. If granted by our board
of directors, these stock option awards will be subject to the
terms and conditions of our 2008 Omnibus Incentive Plan, as
restated, and have an exercise price equal to the fair market
value (as defined in the 2008 Omnibus Incentive Plan or any
amendment or restatement thereto) of a share of our common stock
on the date the option is granted. If granted, the inducement
option will vest and become exercisable in 36 substantially
equal monthly installments beginning on May 8, 2011, and
the pro-rated annual option will vest and become exercisable in
two substantially equal monthly installments beginning on
May 8, 2011. The term of each of these options will be
equal to the shorter of (i) ten years from the date of
grant and (ii) three years from the date Mr. Shuster
ceases to provide services (as defined in the 2008 Omnibus
Incentive Plan or any amendment or restatement thereto) to us
for any reason other than his death or disability. In the event
of a change in
control of the Company, each option would vest and become
exercisable on the day prior to the date of the change in
control if Mr. Shuster is then providing services, and each
option would terminate on the date of the change in control to
the extent not exercised.
We have entered into an offer letter agreement with R. Martin
Emanuele, a former principal stockholder of SynthRx, effective
as of the Closing Date, whereby we will employ Dr. Emanuele
as our Senior Vice President, Development. We expect
Dr. Emanuele to commence employment with us on
April 27, 2011. Pursuant to the offer letter agreement,
Dr. Emanueles an initial annual base salary will be
$275,000. In addition, he will be eligible for an incentive
award payable in cash or stock, the target amount of which will
be 30% of the base salary earned by Dr. Emanuele in 2011.
Dr. Emanueles award will be based on our achievement
of 2011 corporate performance objectives and his achievement of
individual performance objectives that have not yet been
established, and, in the event we adopt a short-term
incentive/bonus plan, other than with respect to his target
award amount, Dr. Emanueles incentive award will be
granted under that plan on the same terms and conditions
generally applicable to other similarly situated employees of
ours. Pursuant to the offer letter agreement, if
Dr. Emanueles employment is terminated as a result of
an involuntary termination and he delivers and does not revoke a
release of claims to us, he will be entitled to severance
benefits of (a) an amount equal to nine months of his
then-current base salary, less standard withholdings, payable in
a lump-sum, (b) if the involuntary termination occurs
during the first 12 months of Dr. Emanueles
employment, an amount equal to the difference between his
initial annual base salary and the amount of base salary paid to
him before his termination, less standard withholdings, payable
in a lump-sum, and (c) an amount equal to the estimated
cost of continuing his health care coverage and the coverage of
his dependents who are covered at the time of the involuntary
termination under the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation
Act of 1985, as amended, for a period of nine months, payable in
lump-sum. As a former stockholder of SynthRx, we issued 546,628
of the Closing Shares to Dr. Emanuele, up to 42,035 of the
shares deposited into escrow may be released to him, and we may
issue up to 2,833,086 of the Milestone Shares to
Dr. Emanuele, or pay him the dollar equivalent thereof, as
determined pursuant to the Merger Agreement. Dr. Emanuele
is a stockholder party to the Voting and Transfer Restriction
Agreement as well as the Stockholders Agent for purposes
of both the Merger Agreement and the Voting and Transfer
Restriction Agreement.
Stockholder Approval Requirements
As discussed above, because our common stock is listed on the
NYSE Amex Equities, we are subject to NYSE Amex requirements set
forth in the NYSE Amex LLC Company Guide. Section 712 of
the NYSE Amex LLC Company Guide requires stockholder approval
prior to the issuance of shares to be issued as sole or partial
consideration for an acquisition of the stock or assets of
another company in the following circumstances: (a) if any
individual director, officer or substantial shareholder of the
listed company has a 5% or greater interest (or such persons
collectively have a 10% or greater interest), directly or
indirectly, in the company or assets to be acquired or in the
consideration to be paid in the transaction and the present or
potential issuance of common stock, or securities convertible
into common stock, could result in an increase in outstanding
common shares of 5% or more; or (b) where the present or
potential issuance of the listed companys common stock, or
securities convertible into common stock, could result in an
increase in outstanding common shares of 20% or more. Because
the issuance the Milestone Shares, together with the issuance of
the Closing Shares, could result in an increase in the
outstanding shares of our common stock of 20% or more, based on
our outstanding common stock immediately prior to issuance of
the Closing Shares, we are seeking stockholder approval of the
issuance of the Milestone Shares.
Assuming a quorum is present at the Annual Meeting, the
affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of the shares of
common stock having voting power present in person or
represented by proxy at the Annual Meeting is required to
approve this proposal. Abstentions will have the same effect as
negative votes. Broker non-votes will not be counted and will
have no effect on the outcome of this proposal.
Under NYSE Amex rules and regulations, the former SynthRx
stockholders are not permitted to affect the outcome of the vote
on this proposal. Therefore, for purposes of determining whether
this proposal is approved, to the extent any former SynthRx
stockholder votes his, her or its Closing Shares with respect to
this proposal, regardless of how the former SynthRx stockholder
actually votes such Closing Shares, those votes will be counted
with respect to this proposal as having been voted in the same
proportion FOR, AGAINST and
ABSTAIN as the shares of our common stock voted by
the non-SynthRx stockholders with respect to this proposal.
Our board of directors believes that the issuance of the
Milestone Shares pursuant to the terms and conditions of the
Merger Agreement is in the best interests of the Company and our
stockholders and recommends a vote FOR the approval
of the issuance of up to 13,478,050 shares of our common
stock as the Milestone Shares.
As of the time of preparation of this proxy statement, neither
our board of directors nor our management knows of any matter to
be presented at the Annual Meeting which is not listed in the
Notice of Annual Meeting accompanying this proxy statement and
described in this proxy statement. If any other matters should
properly come before the Annual Meeting or any adjournment or
postponement thereof, however, the persons named in the
accompanying proxy will vote on such matters in accordance with
their judgment.
The SEC allows us to incorporate by reference into
this proxy statement information contained in documents we file
with the SEC. This means that we can disclose important
information to you by referring you to those documents. The
information incorporated by reference is considered to be a part
of this proxy statement, and later information that we file with
the SEC as specified below will update and supersede that
information. We incorporate by reference into this proxy
statement the following filings:
our Annual Report on
Form 10-K
for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2010, filed with the
SEC on March 10, 2011;
our Current Reports on
Form 8-K,
filed with the SEC on February 14, 2011, March 22,
2011 and April 11, 2011, and any amendments subsequently
filed to such Current Reports; and
all reports and documents we file pursuant to
Sections 13(a), 13(c), 14 or 15(d) of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, on or after the date of our
notice to stockholders of the Annual Meeting until the date of
the Annual Meeting (other than information furnished under
Items 2.02 or 7.01 of
Form 8-K).
The documents incorporated by reference into this proxy
statement will be provided to you without charge upon your
written or oral request and by first class mail or other equally
prompt means within one business day of receipt of such request.
Requests should be directed to ADVENTRX Pharmaceuticals, Inc.,
12390 El Camino Real, Suite 150, San Diego, California
92130, Attn: Corporate Secretary, telephone:
(858) 552-0866.
You may also access these documents through our website at
or through the SECs website at
Other than the documents incorporated by reference into this
proxy statement, the information contained on our website is not
incorporated into this proxy statement.
The deadline for submitting a stockholder proposal for inclusion
in our proxy materials for our 2012 Annual Meeting of
Stockholders is [ ], 2012, which is
120 days prior to the first anniversary of the mailing date
of this proxy statement. These proposals must be delivered to
our principal executive offices and comply with the requirements
as to form and substance established by the SEC for such
proposals in order to be included in our proxy materials.
Stockholders who wish to nominate persons for election to our
board of directors or make a proposal at the 2012 Annual Meeting
of Stockholders without including the proposal in our proxy
materials relating to that meeting must notify us in writing
delivered to our principal executive offices no earlier than
[ ], 2012 and no later than
[ ], 2012. Stockholders are advised to review
our bylaws, which contain additional advance notice
requirements. A copy of our bylaws is available to stockholders
upon written request to our corporate secretary.
By Order of the Board of Directors,
Brian M. Culley
Chief Executive Officer
San Diego, California
[ ], 2011
You are cordially invited to attend the Annual Meeting.
However, to ensure that your shares are represented at the
Annual Meeting, please submit your proxy promptly by signing,
dating and returning your proxy card in the postage paid
envelope provided. This will not prevent you from attending or
voting in person at the Annual Meeting if you so desire, but
will help the Company secure a quorum and avoid added proxy
solicitation costs.
Appendix A
ADVENTRX Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (the Company), a
Delaware corporation, hereby establishes and adopts the
following Amended and Restated 2008 Omnibus Incentive Plan (this
The purpose of this Plan is to assist the Company and its
Subsidiaries in attracting and retaining selected individuals to
serve as employees, directors, consultants
advisors of the Company and its Subsidiaries who are expected to
contribute to the Companys success and to achieve
long-term objectives that will benefit stockholders of the
Company through the additional incentives inherent in the Awards
shall mean any Option, Stock
Appreciation Right, Restricted Stock Award, Restricted Stock
Unit Award, Other Share-Based Award, Performance Award or any
other right, interest or option relating to Shares or other
property (including cash) granted pursuant to the provisions of
this Plan.
Award Agreement
shall mean any
agreement, contract or other instrument or document evidencing
any Award hereunder, including through an electronic medium.
shall mean the board of
directors of the Company.
shall mean the Internal
Revenue Code of 1986, as amended from time to time.
shall mean the
Compensation Committee of the Board or a subcommittee thereof
formed by the Compensation Committee to act as the Committee
hereunder. The Committee shall consist of no fewer than two
Directors, each of whom is (i) a Non-Employee
Director within the meaning of
Rule 16b-3
of the Exchange Act, (ii) an outside director
within the meaning of Section 162(m) of the Code, to the
extent the Board has members meeting such qualifications, and
(iii) an independent director for purpose of
the rules of the principal U.S. national securities
exchange on which the Shares are traded, to the extent required
by such rules. Anything to the contrary in this Plan
notwithstanding, the Board reserves all authority to administer
this Plan and to act as if the Committee hereunder.
shall mean any
consultant or advisor who is a natural person and who provides
services to the Company or any Subsidiary, so long as such
person (i) renders bona fide services that are not in
connection with the offer and sale of the Companys
securities in a capital raising transaction and (ii) does
not directly or indirectly promote or maintain a market for the
Companys securities.
Covered Employee
shall mean an
employee of the Company or its subsidiaries who is a
covered employee within the meaning of
Section 162(m) of the Code.
shall mean a non-employee
member of the Board.
Dividend Equivalents
shall have the
meaning set forth in Section 12.5.
shall mean any employee
of the Company or any Subsidiary and any prospective employee
conditioned upon, and effective not earlier than, such person
becoming an employee of the Company or any Subsidiary.
Exchange Act
shall mean the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.
Fair Market Value
shall mean, with
respect to Shares as of any date, the per Share closing price of
the Shares (i) if the Shares are listed on a national
securities exchange, the closing sale price reported as having
occurred on the principal securities exchange on which the
Shares are listed and traded on such date, or, if there is no
such sale on that date, then on the last preceding date on which
such a sale was reported; (ii) if the Shares are not listed
on any
national securities exchange but is quoted in an inter-dealer
quotation system on a last sale basis, the final ask price
reported on such date, or, if there is no such sale on such
date, then on the last preceding date on which a sale was
reported; or (iii) if the Shares are not listed on a
national securities exchange nor quoted on an inter-dealer
quotation system on a last sale basis, the amount determined by
the Committee to be the fair market value of the Shares as
determined by the Committee in its sole discretion. The Fair
Market Value of any property other than Shares shall mean the
market value of such property determined by such methods or
procedures as shall be established from time to time by the
Committee, subject to the requirements of Section 409A of
the Code.
shall have the meaning
set forth in Section 10.5.
shall mean any right
granted to a Participant under this Plan allowing such
Participant to purchase Shares at such price or prices and
during such period or periods as the Committee shall determine.
Original Plan
shall have the
meaning set forth in Section 13.13.
Other Share-Based Award
shall have
the meaning set forth in Section 8.1.
shall mean an
Employee, Consultant or Director who is selected by the
Committee to receive an Award under this Plan.
shall have the meaning set
forth in Section 13.2.
Performance Award
shall mean any
Award of Performance Cash, Performance Shares or Performance
Units granted pursuant to Article 9.
Performance Cash
shall mean any
cash incentives granted pursuant to Article 9 which will be
paid to the Participant upon the achievement of such performance
goals as the Committee shall establish.
Performance Period
shall mean the
period established by the Committee during which any performance
goals specified by the Committee with respect to such Award are
to be measured.
Performance Share
shall mean any
grant pursuant to Article 9 of a unit valued by reference
to a designated number of Shares, which value will be paid to
the Participant upon achievement of such performance goals as
the Committee shall establish.
Performance Unit
shall mean any
grant pursuant to Article 9 of a unit valued by reference
to a designated amount of cash or property other than Shares,
which value will be paid to the Participant upon achievement of
such performance goals during the Performance Period as the
Committee shall establish.
Permitted Assignee
shall have the
meaning set forth in Section 12.3.
Prior Plan
shall mean the
Companys 2005 Equity Incentive Plan.
Restatement Effective Date
have the meaning set forth in Section 13.13.
Restricted Stock
shall mean any
Share issued with the restriction that the holder may not sell,
transfer, pledge or assign such Share and with such other
restrictions as the Committee, in its sole discretion, may
impose (including any restriction on the right to vote such
Share and the right to receive any dividends), which
restrictions may lapse separately or in combination at such time
or times, in installments or otherwise, as the Committee may
deem appropriate.
Restricted Stock Award
shall have
the meaning set forth in Section 7.1.
Restricted Stock Unit
means an
Award that is valued by reference to a Share, which value may be
paid to the Participant by delivery of such property as the
Committee shall determine, including without limitation, cash or
Shares, or any combination thereof, and that has such
restrictions as the Committee, in its sole discretion, may
impose, including without limitation, any restriction on the
right to retain such Awards, to sell, transfer, pledge or assign
such Awards,
receive any cash Dividend Equivalents with respect to such
Awards, which restrictions may lapse separately or in
combination at such time or times, in installments or otherwise,
as the Committee may deem appropriate,
Restricted Stock Unit Award
have the meaning set forth in Section 7.1
shall mean services
provided to the Company or any Subsidiary or any successor
company (or a subsidiary or parent thereof), whether as an
Employee, Consultant or Director, unless, in connection with the
conversion, if any, of a Participant from one classification
(i.e., Employee, Consultant or Director) to another, the
Committee, in its sole and absolute discretion, determines that
any on-going services to the Company or any Subsidiary or any
successor company (or a subsidiary or parent thereof) shall not
constitute Services.
shall mean the shares of
common stock of the Company, par value $0.001 per share.
Stock Appreciation Right
mean the right granted to a Participant pursuant to
Article 6.
shall mean any
corporation (other than the Company) in an unbroken chain of
corporations beginning with the Company if, at the relevant time
each of the corporations other than the last corporation in the
unbroken chain owns stock possessing 50% or more of the total
combined voting power of all classes of stock in one of the
other corporations in the chain.
Substitute Awards
shall mean
Awards granted or Shares issued by the Company in assumption of,
or in substitution or exchange for, awards previously granted,
or the right or obligation to make future awards, in each case
by a company acquired by the Company or any Subsidiary or with
which the Company or any Subsidiary combines.
Number of Shares
. (a) Subject to
adjustment as provided in Section 12.2, as of the
Restatement Effective Date, a total of 4,405,969 Shares
shall be authorized for grant under this Plan, reduced for
grants made after December 31, 2010 under this Plan or the
Original Plan by one (1) Share for each Share subject to an
Option or a Stock Appreciation Right and (ii) by one and
one-half (1.5) Shares for each Share subject to an Award other
than an Option or a Stock Appreciation Right. Since the
effective date of the Original Plan, no awards have been or may
be granted under the Prior Plan.
(b) Subject at all times to Section 13.17, if
(i) any Shares subject to an Award are forfeited or expire
or an Award is settled for cash (in whole or in part) pursuant
to the terms of an Award Agreement, or (ii) after
December 31, 2010, any Shares subject to an award under the
Prior Plan are forfeited or expire or an award under the Prior
Plan is settled for cash (in whole or in part) pursuant to the
terms of an award agreement, the Shares subject to such Award or
award under the Prior Plan shall, to the extent of such
forfeiture, expiration or cash settlement, again be available
for Awards under this Plan, in accordance with
Section 3.1(d) below. Notwithstanding anything to the
contrary contained herein, the following Shares shall not be
added to the Shares authorized for grant under paragraph
(a) of this Section: (i) Shares tendered by the
Participant or withheld by the Company in payment of the
purchase price of an Option, (ii) Shares tendered by the
Participant or withheld by the Company to satisfy any tax
withholding obligation with respect to an Award,
(iii) Shares subject to a Stock Appreciation Right that are
not issued in connection with the stock settlement of the Stock
Appreciation Right on exercise thereof, and (iv) Shares
reacquired by the Company on the open market or otherwise using
cash proceeds from the exercise of Options.
(c) Substitute Awards shall not reduce the Shares
authorized for grant under this Plan or authorized for grant to
a Participant under Section 10.5. Additionally, in the
event that a company acquired by the Company or any Subsidiary
or with which the Company or any Subsidiary combines has shares
available under a pre-existing plan approved by stockholders and
not adopted in contemplation of such acquisition or combination,
the shares available for grant pursuant to the terms of such
pre-existing plan (as adjusted, to the extent appropriate, using
the exchange ratio or other adjustment or valuation ratio or
formula used in such acquisition or combination to determine the
consideration payable to the holders of common stock of the
entities party to such acquisition or combination) may be used
for Awards under this Plan and shall not reduce the Shares
authorized for grant under this Plan; provided that Awards using
such available shares shall not be made after the date awards or
grants could have been made under the terms of the pre-existing
plan, absent the acquisition or combination, and shall only be
made to individuals who were not Employees or Directors prior to
such acquisition or combination.
(d) Any Share that again becomes available for grant
pursuant to this Article shall be added back as (i) one
(1) Share if such Share was subject to an Option or a Stock
Appreciation Right granted under this Plan or the Original Plan
or an option or a stock appreciation right granted under the
Prior Plan, and (ii) one and one-half (1.5)
Shares if such Share was subject to an Award other than an
Option or a Stock Appreciation Right granted under this Plan or
the Original Plan or an award other than an option or a stock
appreciation right granted under the Prior Plan.
Character of Shares
. Any Shares
issued hereunder may consist, in whole or in part, of authorized
and unissued shares, treasury shares or shares purchased in the
open market or otherwise.
. Any Employee,
Consultant or Director shall be eligible to be selected as a
. (a) This Plan
shall be administered by the Committee. The Committee shall have
full power and authority, subject to the provisions of this Plan
and subject to such orders or resolutions not inconsistent with
the provisions of this Plan as may from time to time be adopted
by the Board, to: (i) select the Employees and Directors to
whom Awards may from time to time be granted hereunder;
(ii) determine the type or types of Awards, not
inconsistent with the provisions of this Plan, to be granted to
each Participant hereunder; (iii) determine the number of
Shares to be covered by each Award granted hereunder;
(iv) determine the terms and conditions, not inconsistent
with the provisions of this Plan, of any Award granted
hereunder; (v) determine whether, to what extent and under
what circumstances Awards may be settled in cash, Shares or
other property; (vi) determine whether, to what extent, and
under what circumstances cash, Shares, other property and other
amounts payable with respect to an Award made under this Plan
shall be deferred either automatically or at the election of the
Participant; (vii) determine whether, to what extent and
under what circumstances any Award shall be canceled or
suspended; (viii) interpret and administer this Plan and
any instrument or agreement entered into under or in connection
with this Plan, including any Award Agreement; (ix) correct
any defect, supply any omission or reconcile any inconsistency
in this Plan or any Award in the manner and to the extent that
the Committee shall deem desirable to carry it into effect;
(x) establish such rules and regulations and appoint such
agents as it shall deem appropriate for the proper
administration of this Plan; (xi) determine whether any
Award, other than an Option or Stock Appreciation Right, will
have Dividend Equivalents; and (xii) make any other
determination and take any other action that the Committee deems
necessary or desirable for administration of this Plan.
(b) Decisions of the Committee shall be final, conclusive
and binding on all persons or entities, including the Company,
any Participant, and any Subsidiary.
(c) To the extent not inconsistent with applicable law,
including Section 162(m) of the Code, or the rules and
regulations of the principal U.S. national securities
exchange on which the Shares are traded, the Committee may
delegate to (i) a committee of one or more directors of the
Company any of the authority of the Committee under this Plan,
including the right to grant, cancel or suspend Awards and
(ii) to the extent permitted by law, to one or more
executive officers or a committee of executive officers the
right to grant Awards to Employees who are not Directors or
executive officers of the Company and the authority to take
action on behalf of the Committee pursuant to this Plan to
cancel or suspend Awards to Employees who are not Directors or
executive officers of the Company.
Grant of Options
. Options may be
granted hereunder to Participants either alone or in addition to
other Awards granted under this Plan. Any Option shall be
subject to the terms and conditions of this Article and to such
additional terms and conditions, not inconsistent with the
provisions of this Plan, as the Committee shall deem desirable.
Award Agreements
. All Options
granted pursuant to this Article shall be evidenced by a written
Award Agreement in such form and containing such terms and
conditions as the Committee shall determine which are not
inconsistent with the provisions of this Plan. The terms of
Options need not be the same with respect to each Participant.
Granting an Option pursuant to this Plan shall impose no
obligation on the recipient to exercise such Option. Any
individual who is granted an Option pursuant to this Article may
hold more than one Option granted pursuant to this Plan at the
same time.
Option Price
. Other than in
connection with Substitute Awards, the option price per each
Share purchasable under any Option granted pursuant to this
Article shall not be less than 100% of the Fair Market Value of
one Share on the date of grant of such Option. Other than
pursuant to Section 12.2, the Committee shall not
without the approval of the Companys stockholders
(a) lower the option price per Share of an Option after it
is granted, (b) cancel an Option when the option price per
Share exceeds the Fair Market Value of the underlying Shares in
exchange for cash or another Award (other than in connection
with a Change in Control or a Substitute Award), or
(c) take any other action with respect to an Option that
would be treated as a repricing under the rules and regulations
of the principal securities exchange on which the Shares are
Option Term
. The term of each Option
shall be fixed by the Committee in its sole discretion; provided
that no Option shall be exercisable after the expiration of ten
(10) years from the date the Option is granted, except in
the event of death or disability. Notwithstanding the foregoing,
in the event that on the last business day of the term of an
Option that was granted on or after the Restatement
Effective Date, (i) the exercise of the Option, other than
an Incentive Stock Option, is prohibited by applicable law or
(ii) Shares may not be purchased or sold by certain
employees or directors of the Company due to the black-out
period of a Company insider trading policy, the term of
the Option shall be extended for a period of thirty
(30) days following the end of the legal prohibition or
black-out period, as applicable.
Exercise of
. (a) Options granted under this Plan
shall be exercised by the Participant or by a Permitted Assignee
thereof (or by the Participants executors, administrators,
guardian or legal representative, as may be provided in an Award
Agreement) as to all or part of the Shares covered thereby, by
giving notice of exercise to the Company or its designated
agent, specifying the number of Shares to be purchased. The
notice of exercise shall be in such form, made in such manner,
and in compliance with such other requirements consistent with
the provisions of this Plan as the Committee may prescribe from
time to time
(b) Unless otherwise provided in an Award Agreement, full
payment of such purchase price shall be made at the time of
exercise and shall be made (i) in cash or cash equivalents
(including certified check or bank check or wire transfer of
immediately available funds), (ii) by tendering previously
acquired Shares (either actually or by attestation, valued at
their then Fair Market Value), (iii) with the consent of
the Committee, by delivery of other consideration having a Fair
Market Value on the exercise date equal to the total purchase
price, (iv) with the consent of the Committee, by
withholding Shares otherwise issuable in connection with the
exercise of the Option, (v) through
sales through a broker, unless the Committee provides otherwise
in an Award Agreement, (vi) through any other method
specified in an Award Agreement, or (vii) through any
combination of any of the foregoing. The notice of exercise,
accompanied by such payment, shall be delivered to the Company
at its principal business office or such other office as the
Committee may from time to time direct, and shall be in such
form, containing such further provisions consistent with the
provisions of this Plan, as the Committee may from time to time
prescribe. In no event may any Option granted hereunder be
exercised for a fraction of a Share. No adjustment shall be made
for cash dividends or other rights for which the record date is
prior to the date of such issuance.
Form of Settlement
. In its sole
discretion, the Committee may provide that the Shares to be
issued upon an Options exercise shall be in the form of
Restricted Stock or other similar securities.
Incentive Stock Options
. The
Committee may grant Options intended to qualify as
incentive stock options as defined in
Section 422 of the Code, to any employee of the Company or
any Subsidiary, subject to the requirements of Section 422
of the Code. Solely for purposes of determining whether Shares
are available for the grant of incentive stock
options under this Plan, the maximum aggregate number of
Shares that may be issued pursuant to incentive stock
options granted under this Plan shall be the number of
Shares set forth in the first sentence of Section 3.1(a),
subject to adjustments provided in Section 12.2.
Grant and Exercise
. The Committee
may provide Stock Appreciation Rights (a) in conjunction
with all or part of any Option granted under this Plan or at any
subsequent time during the term of such Option, (b) in
conjunction with all or part of any Award (other than an Option)
granted under this Plan or at any subsequent time during the
term of such Award, or (c) without regard to any Option or
other Award in each case upon such terms and conditions as the
Committee may establish in its sole discretion.
Terms and Conditions
. Stock
Appreciation Rights shall be subject to such terms and
conditions, not inconsistent with the provisions of this Plan,
as shall be determined from time to time by the Committee,
including the following:
(a) Upon the exercise of a Stock Appreciation Right, the
holder shall have the right to receive the excess of
(i) the Fair Market Value of one Share on the date of
exercise (or such amount less than such Fair Market Value as the
Committee shall so determine at any time during a specified
period before the date of exercise) over (ii) the grant
price of the Stock Appreciation Right on the date of grant,
which, except in the case of Substitute Awards or in connection
with an adjustment provided in Section 12.2, shall not be
less than the Fair Market Value of one Share on such date of
grant of the Stock Appreciation Right.
(b) The Committee shall determine in its sole discretion
whether payment of a Stock Appreciation Right shall be made in
cash, in whole Shares or other property, or any combination
(c) The provisions of Stock Appreciation Rights need not be
the same with respect to each recipient.
(d) The Committee may impose such other conditions or
restrictions on the terms of exercise and the grant price of any
Stock Appreciation Right, as it shall deem appropriate. A Stock
Appreciation Right shall have (i) a grant price not less
than Fair Market Value on the date of grant (subject to the
requirements of Section 409A of the Code with respect to a
Stock Appreciation Right granted in conjunction with, but
subsequent to, an Option), and (ii) a term not greater than
ten (10) years except in the event of death or disability.
Notwithstanding clause (ii) of the preceding sentence, in
the event that on the last business day of the term of a Stock
Appreciation Right that was granted on or after the Restatement
Effective Date (x) the exercise of the Stock Appreciation
Right is prohibited by applicable law or (y) Shares may not
be purchased or sold by certain employees or directors of the
Company due to the black-out period of a Company
insider trading policy, the term of the Stock Appreciation Right
shall be extended for a period of thirty (30) days
following the end of the legal prohibition or black-out period,
as applicable.
(e) Without the approval of the Companys
stockholders, other than pursuant to Section 12.2, the
Committee shall not (i) reduce the grant price of any Stock
Appreciation Right after the date of grant (ii) cancel any
Stock Appreciation Right when the grant price per Share exceeds
the Fair Market Value of the underlying Shares in exchange for
cash or another Award (other than in connection with a Change in
Control or a Substitute Award)), or (iii) take any other
action with respect to a Stock Appreciation Right that would be
treated as a repricing under the rules and regulations of the
principal securities market on which the Shares are traded.
(f) The Committee may impose such terms and conditions on
Stock Appreciation Rights granted in conjunction with any Award
(other than an Option) as the Committee shall determine in its
sole discretion.
. Awards of Restricted Stock
and of Restricted Stock Units may be issued hereunder to
Participants either alone or in addition to other Awards granted
under this Plan (a Restricted Stock Award or
Restricted Stock Unit Award respectively), and such
Restricted Stock Awards and Restricted Stock Unit Awards shall
also be available as a form of payment of Performance Awards and
other earned cash-based incentive compensation. A Restricted
Stock Award or Restricted Stock Unit Award may be subject to
vesting restrictions imposed by the Committee covering a period
of time specified by the Committee. The Committee has absolute
discretion to determine whether any consideration (other than
services) is to be received by the Company or any Subsidiary as
a condition precedent to the issuance of Restricted Stock or
Restricted Stock Units.
Award Agreements
. The terms of any
Restricted Stock Award or Restricted Stock Unit Award granted
under this Plan shall be set forth in a written Award Agreement
which shall contain provisions determined by the Committee and
not inconsistent with this Plan. The terms of Restricted Stock
Awards and Restricted Stock Unit Awards need not be the same
with respect to each Participant
Rights of Holders of Restricted Stock and
Restricted Stock Units
. Unless otherwise provided
in the Award Agreement, beginning on the date of grant of the
Restricted Stock Award and subject to execution of the Award
Agreement, the Participant shall become a stockholder of the
Company with respect to all Shares subject to the Award
Agreement and shall have all of the rights of a stockholder,
including the right to vote such Shares and the
right to receive distributions made with respect to such Shares.
A Participant receiving a Restricted Stock Unit Award shall not
possess voting rights with respect to such Award. Except as
otherwise provided in an Award Agreement any Shares or any other
property (other than cash) distributed as a dividend or
otherwise with respect to any Restricted Stock Award or
Restricted Stock Unit Award as to which the restrictions have
not yet lapsed shall be subject to the same restrictions as such
Restricted Stock Award or Restricted Stock Unit Award.
Notwithstanding the provisions of this Section, cash dividends,
stock and any other property (other than cash) distributed as a
dividend or otherwise with respect to any Restricted Stock Award
or Restricted Stock Unit Award that vests based on achievement
of performance goals shall either (i) not be paid or
credited or (ii) be accumulated, shall be subject to
restrictions and risk of forfeiture to the same extent as the
Restricted Stock or Restricted Stock Units with respect to which
such cash, stock or other property has been distributed and
shall be paid at the time such restrictions and risk of
forfeiture lapse.
Issuance of Shares
. Any Restricted
Stock granted under this Plan may be evidenced in such manner as
the Board may deem appropriate, including book-entry
registration or issuance of a stock certificate or certificates,
which certificate or certificates shall be held by the Company
or its designee. Such certificate or certificates shall be
registered in the name of the Participant and shall bear an
appropriate legend referring to the restrictions applicable to
such Restricted Stock.
. Other Awards of Shares and
other Awards that are valued in whole or in part by reference
to, or are otherwise based on, Shares or other property
(Other Share-Based Awards), including deferred stock
units, may be granted hereunder to Participants either alone or
in addition to other Awards granted under this Plan. Other
Share-Based Awards shall also be available as a form of payment
of other Awards granted under this Plan and other earned
cash-based compensation. Other Share-Based Awards may be subject
to vesting restrictions imposed by the Committee covering a
period of time specified by the Committee. The Committee has
absolute discretion to determine whether any consideration
(other than services) is to be received by the Company or any
Subsidiary as a condition precedent to the issuance of Other
Share-Based Awards.
Award Agreements
. The terms of Other
Share-Based Awards granted under this Plan shall be set forth in
a written Award Agreement which shall contain provisions
determined by the Committee and not inconsistent with this Plan.
The terms of such Awards need not be the same with respect to
each Participant. Notwithstanding the provisions of this
Section, Dividend Equivalents and any property (other than cash)
distributed as a dividend or otherwise with respect to the
number of Shares covered by a Other Share-Based Award that vests
based on achievement of performance goals shall be subject to
restrictions and risk of forfeiture to the same extent as the
Shares covered by a Other Share-Based Award with respect to
which such cash, Shares or other property has been distributed.
. Except as may be provided
in an Award Agreement, Other Share-Based Awards may be paid in
cash, Shares, other property, or any combination thereof, in the
sole discretion of the Committee. Other Share-Based Awards may
be paid in a lump sum or in installments or, in accordance with
procedures established by the Committee, on a deferred basis
subject to the requirements of Section 409A of the Code.
. Performance Awards in the
form of Performance Cash, Performance Shares or Performance
Units, as determined by the Committee in its sole discretion,
may be granted hereunder to Participants, for no consideration
or for such minimum consideration as may be required by
applicable law, either alone or in addition to other Awards
granted under this Plan. The performance goals to be achieved
for each Performance Period shall be conclusively determined by
the Committee and may be based upon the criteria set forth in
Section 10.2.
Award Agreements
. The terms of any
Performance Award granted under this Plan shall be set forth in
a written Award Agreement which shall contain provisions
determined by the Committee and not inconsistent with this Plan.
If a Performance Award will have Dividend Equivalents, provision
for such shall be contained in the applicable Award Agreement.
The terms of Performance Awards need not be the same with
respect to each Participant.
Terms and Conditions
. The
performance criteria to be achieved during any Performance
Period and the length of the Performance Period shall be
determined by the Committee prior to the grant of each
Performance Award. The amount of the Award to be distributed
shall be conclusively determined by the Committee.
. Except as provided in
Article 11 or as may be provided in an Award Agreement,
Performance Awards will be distributed only after the end of the
relevant Performance Period. Performance Awards may be paid in
cash, Shares, other property, or any combination thereof, in the
sole discretion of the Committee. Performance Awards may be paid
in a lump sum or in installments following the close of the
Performance Period or, in accordance with procedures established
by the Committee, on a deferred basis subject to the
requirements of Section 409A of the Code.
Covered Employees
. Notwithstanding
any other provision of this Plan, if the Committee determines at
the time a Restricted Stock Award, a Restricted Stock Unit
Award, a Performance Award or an Other Share-Based Award is
granted to a Participant who is, or is likely to be, as of the
end of the tax year in which the Company would claim a tax
deduction in connection with such Award, a Covered Employee,
then the Committee may provide that this Article 10 is
applicable to such Award.
Performance Criteria
. If the
Committee determines that a Restricted Stock Award, a Restricted
Stock Unit, a Performance Award or an Other Share-Based Award is
intended to be subject to this Article 10, the lapsing of
restrictions thereon and the distribution of cash, Shares or
other property pursuant thereto, as applicable, shall be subject
to the achievement of one or more objective performance goals
established by the Committee, which shall be based on the
attainment of specified levels of one or any combination of the
following: net sales; revenue; revenue growth or product revenue
growth; operating income (before or after taxes); pre- or
after-tax income (before or after allocation of corporate
overhead and bonus); earnings per share; net income (before or
after taxes); return on equity; total shareholder return; return
on assets or net assets; appreciation in
maintenance of the price of the Shares or any other securities
of the Company, including its publicly-traded securities or a
tracking security whether actual or constructed; appreciation in
maintenance of the Companys market capitalization; market
share; gross profits; earnings (including earnings before taxes,
earnings before interest and taxes or earnings before interest,
taxes, depreciation and amortization); economic value-added
models or equivalent metrics; comparisons with various stock
market indices; reductions in costs; cash flow or cash flow per
share (before or after dividends); return on capital (including
return on total capital or return on invested capital); cash
flow return on investment; improvement in or attainment of
expense levels or working capital levels; operating margins,
gross margins or cash margin; cash levels at specified points in
time, including year-end cash; debt reductions; stockholder
equity; research and development achievements; manufacturing
achievements (including obtaining particular yields from
manufacturing runs and other measurable objectives related to
process development activities); regulatory achievements
(including submitting or filing applications or other documents
with regulatory authorities, having any such applications or
other documents accepted for review by the applicable regulatory
authority or receiving approval of any such applications or
other documents); passing pre-approval inspections (whether of
the Company or the Companys third-party manufacturer) and
validation of manufacturing processes (whether the
Companys or the Companys third-party
manufacturers); clinical achievements (including
initiating clinical or bioequivalence studies; initiating
enrollment, completing enrollment or enrolling particular
numbers of subjects in clinical or bioequivalence studies;
dosing the first patient in a clinical or bioequivalence study;
completing phases of a clinical or bioequivalence study
(including the treatment phase); or announcing or presenting
preliminary or final data from clinical or bioequivalence
studies; in each case, whether on particular timelines or
generally); strategic partnerships or transactions (including
in-licensing and out-licensing of intellectual property;
establishing relationships with commercial entities with respect
to the marketing, distribution and sale of the Companys
products (including with group purchasing organizations,
distributors and other vendors); supply chain achievements
(including establishing relationships with manufacturers or
suppliers of active pharmaceutical ingredients and other
component materials and manufacturers of the Companys
products); co-development, co-marketing, profit sharing, joint
venture or other similar arrangements); financing and other
capital raising transactions (including sales of the
Companys equity or debt securities; factoring
transactions; sales or licenses of the Companys assets,
including its intellectual property, whether in a particular
jurisdiction or
territory or globally; or through partnering transactions); and
implementation, completion or attainment of measurable
objectives with respect to research, development, manufacturing,
commercialization, products or projects, production volume
levels, acquisitions and divestitures and recruiting and
maintaining personnel. Such performance goals also may be based
solely by reference to the Companys performance or the
performance of a Subsidiary, division, business segment or
business unit of the Company, or based upon the relative
performance of other companies or upon comparisons of any of the
indicators of performance relative to other companies. The
Committee may also exclude charges related to an event or
occurrence which the Committee determines should appropriately
be excluded, including (a) restructurings, discontinued
operations, extraordinary items, and other unusual or
non-recurring charges, (b) an event either not directly
related to the operations of the Company or not within the
reasonable control of the Companys management, or
(c) the cumulative effects of tax or accounting changes in
accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting
principles. Such performance goals shall be set by the Committee
within the time period prescribed by, and shall otherwise comply
with the requirements of, Section 162(m) of the Code, and
the regulations thereunder.
. Notwithstanding any
provision of this Plan (other than Article 11), with
respect to any Restricted Stock Award, Restricted Stock Unit
Award, Performance Award or Other Share-Based Award that is
subject to this Section 10, the Committee may adjust
downwards, but not upwards, the amount payable pursuant to such
Award, and the Committee may not waive the achievement of the
applicable performance goals, except in the case of the death or
disability of the Participant or as otherwise determined by the
Committee in special circumstances.
. The Committee shall
have the power to impose such other restrictions on Awards
subject to this Article as it may deem necessary or appropriate
to ensure that such Awards satisfy all requirements for
performance-based compensation within the meaning of
Section 162(m) of the Code.
Limitations on Grants to Individual
. Subject to adjustment as provided
in Section 12.2, no Participant may (i) be granted
Options or Stock Appreciation Rights during any
period with respect to more than 2,000,000 Shares and
(ii) earn more than 1,500,000 Shares under Restricted
Stock Awards, Restricted Stock Unit Awards, Performance Awards
Share-Based Awards in any
period that are intended to comply with the performance-based
exception under Code Section 162(m) and are denominated in
Shares (collectively, the Limitations), except that
in connection with a Participants initial commencement of
Services with the Company or any Subsidiary, the Limitations
shall be increased to 2,500,000 Shares and
2,000,000 Shares, respectively, in the year in which such
Services commence. In addition to the foregoing, the maximum
dollar value that may be earned by any Participant in any
period with respect to Performance Awards that are intended to
comply with the performance-based exception under Code
Section 162(m) and are denominated in cash is $2,000,000.
If an Award is cancelled, the cancelled Award shall continue to
be counted toward the applicable Limitations.
Impact on Certain Awards
. Award
Agreements may provide that in the event of a Change in Control
(as defined in Section 11.3): (i) Options and Stock
Appreciation Rights outstanding as of the date of the Change in
Control shall be cancelled and terminated without payment if the
Fair Market Value of one Share as of the date of the Change in
Control is less than the per Share Option exercise price or
Stock Appreciation Right grant price, and (ii) all
Performance Awards shall be considered to be earned and payable
(either in full or pro rata based on the portion of Performance
Period completed as of the date of the Change in Control), and
any limitations or other restrictions shall lapse and such
Performance Awards shall be immediately settled or distributed.
Assumption or Substitution of Certain
. (a) Unless otherwise provided in an
Award Agreement, in the event of a Change in Control in which
the successor company (or a subsidiary or parent thereof)
assumes or substitutes for an Option, Stock Appreciation Right,
Restricted Stock Award, Restricted Stock Unit Award or Other
Share-Based Award, if a Participants employment with such
successor company (or a subsidiary or parent thereof) terminates
within 24 months following such Change in Control (or such
other period set forth in the Award Agreement, including prior
thereto if applicable) and under the circumstances specified in
the Award Agreement: (i) Options and Stock Appreciation
Rights outstanding as of the date of such termination of
employment will
immediately vest, become fully exercisable, and may thereafter
be exercised for 24 months (or the period of time set forth
in the Award Agreement), (ii) restrictions, limitations and
other conditions applicable to Restricted Stock and Restricted
Stock Units shall lapse and the Restricted Stock and Restricted
Stock Units shall become free of all restrictions and
limitations and become fully vested, and (iii) the
restrictions, limitations and other conditions applicable to any
Other Share-Based Awards or any other Awards shall lapse, and
such Other Share-Based Awards or such other Awards shall become
free of all restrictions, limitations or conditions and become
fully vested and transferable to the full extent of the original
grant. For the purposes of this Section 11.2, an Option,
Stock Appreciation Right, Restricted Stock Award, Restricted
Stock Unit Award or Other Share-Based Award shall be considered
assumed or substituted for if following the Change in Control
the Award (or its substitute) confers the right to purchase or
receive, for each Share subject to the Option, Stock
Appreciation Right, Restricted Stock Award, Restricted Stock
Unit Award or Other Share-Based Award immediately prior to the
Change in Control, the consideration (whether stock, cash or
other securities or property) received in the transaction
constituting a Change in Control by holders of Shares for each
Share held on the effective date of such transaction (and if
holders were offered a choice of consideration, the type of
consideration chosen by the holders of a majority of the
outstanding shares); provided, however, that if such
consideration received in the transaction constituting a Change
in Control is not solely common stock of the successor company
(or a subsidiary or parent thereof), the Committee may, with the
consent of the successor company (or a subsidiary or parent
thereof), provide that the consideration to be received upon the
exercise or vesting of an Option, Stock Appreciation Right,
Restricted Stock Award, Restricted Stock Unit Award or Other
Share-Based Award, for each Share subject thereto, will be
solely common stock of the successor company (or a subsidiary or
parent thereof) substantially equal in fair market value to the
per share consideration received by holders of Shares in the
transaction constituting a Change in Control. The determination
of such substantial equality of value of consideration shall be
made by the Committee in its sole discretion and its
determination shall be conclusive and binding.
(b) Unless otherwise provided in an Award Agreement, in the
event of a Change in Control to the extent the successor company
(or a subsidiary or parent thereof) does not assume or
substitute for an Option, Stock Appreciation Right, Restricted
Stock Award, Restricted Stock Unit Award or Other Share-Based
Award: (i) those Options and Stock Appreciation Rights
outstanding as of the date of the Change in Control that are not
assumed or substituted for shall immediately vest and become
fully exercisable, (ii) restrictions and other limitations
on Restricted Stock and Restricted Stock Units that are not
assumed or substituted for shall lapse and the Restricted Stock
and Restricted Stock Units shall become free of all restrictions
and limitations and become fully vested, and (iii) the
restrictions, other limitations and other conditions applicable
to any Other Share-Based Awards or any other Awards that are not
assumed or substituted for shall lapse, and such Other
Share-Based Awards or such other Awards shall become free of all
restrictions, limitations or conditions and become fully vested
and transferable to the full extent of the original grant.
(c) The Committee, in its discretion, may determine that,
upon the occurrence of a Change in Control, each Option and
Stock Appreciation Right outstanding shall terminate within a
specified number of days after notice to the Participant,
each Participant shall receive, with respect to each Share
subject to such Option or Stock Appreciation Right, an amount
equal to the excess of the Fair Market Value of such Share
immediately prior to the occurrence of such Change in Control
over the exercise price per share of such Option
Appreciation Right; such amount to be payable in cash, in one or
more kinds of stock or property (including the stock or
property, if any, payable in the transaction) or in a
combination thereof, as the Committee, in its discretion, shall
Change in Control
. For purposes of
this Plan, unless otherwise provided in an Award Agreement,
Change in Control means the occurrence of any one of the
following events after the date of approval of this Plan by the
(a) Over a period of 36 consecutive months or less, there
is a change in the composition of the Board such that a majority
of the Board members (rounded up to the next whole number, if a
fraction) ceases, by reason of one or more proxy contests for
the election of Board members, to be composed of individuals who
either (i) have been Board members continuously since the
beginning of that period, or (ii) have been elected or
nominated for election as Board members during such period by at
least a majority of the Board members described in the preceding
clause (i) who were still in office at the time that
election or nomination was approved by the Board; provided,
however, that no individual initially elected or nominated as a
director of the
Company as a result of an actual or threatened election contest
with respect to directors or as a result of any other actual or
threatened solicitation of proxies by or on behalf of any person
other than the Board shall be deemed to satisfy the criteria
described in the preceding clause (ii);
(b) Any person or group of persons (within the meaning of
Section 13(d)(3) of the Exchange Act) directly or
indirectly acquires beneficial ownership (determined pursuant to
Rule 13d-3
promulgated under the Exchange Act) of securities possessing
more than 50% of the total combined voting power of the
Companys outstanding securities pursuant to a tender or
exchange offer made directly to the Companys stockholders
that the Board does not recommend such stockholders accept,
other than (i) the Company or any corporation, partnership,
limited liability company, business trust, or other entity
controlling, controlled by or under common control with the
Company (each, an Affiliate), (ii) an employee
benefit plan of the Company or an Affiliate, (iii) a
trustee or other fiduciary holding securities under an employee
benefit plan of the Company or an Affiliate, or (iv) an
underwriter temporarily holding securities pursuant to an
offering of such securities;
(c) A merger or consolidation of the Company with or into
another person or the sale, transfer, or other disposition of
all or substantially all of the Companys assets to one or
more other persons in a single transaction or series of related
transactions that requires the approval of the Companys
stockholders, whether for such transaction or the issuance of
securities in such transaction (a Business
Combination), unless in connection with such Business
Combination securities possessing more than 50% of the total
combined voting power of the survivors or acquirors
outstanding securities (or the securities of any parent thereof)
are held by a person or persons who held securities possessing
more than 50% of the total combined voting power of the
Companys outstanding securities (Company Voting
Securities) immediately prior to such Business Combination
and such voting power among the holders thereof is in
substantially the same proportion as the voting power of such
Company Voting Securities among the holders thereof immediately
prior to such Business Combination;
(d) The stockholders of the Company approve a plan of
complete liquidation or dissolution of the Company or the
consummation of a sale of all or substantially all of the
Companys assets; or
(e) A majority of the Board votes in favor of a decision
that a Change in Control has occurred.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, a Change in Control shall not be
deemed to occur solely because any person acquires beneficial
ownership of more than 50% of the Company Voting Securities as a
result of the acquisition of Company Voting Securities by the
Company which reduces the number of Company Voting Securities
if after such
acquisition by the Company such person becomes the beneficial
owner of additional Company Voting Securities that increases the
percentage of outstanding Company Voting Securities beneficially
owned by such person, a Change in Control shall then occur.
Amendment and Termination of this
. The Board may, from time to time, alter,
amend, suspend or terminate this Plan as it shall deem
advisable, subject to any requirement for stockholder approval
imposed by applicable law, including the rules and regulations
of the principal securities market on which the Shares are
traded; provided that the Board may not amend this Plan in any
manner that would result in noncompliance with
Rule 16b-3
of the Exchange Act; and further provided that the Board may
not, without the approval of the Companys stockholders,
amend this Plan to (a) increase the number of Shares that
may be the subject of Awards under this Plan (except for
adjustments pursuant to Section 12.2), (b) expand the
types of awards available under this Plan, (c) materially
expand the class of persons eligible to participate in this
Plan, (d) amend any provision of Section 5.3 or
Section 6.2(e), (e) increase the maximum permissible
term of any Option specified by Section 5.4 or the maximum
permissible term of a Stock Appreciation Right specified by
Section 6.2(d), or (f) increase the Limitations. The
Board may not, without the approval of the Companys
stockholders, take any other action with respect to an Option or
Stock Appreciation Right that would be treated as a repricing
under the rules and regulations of the principal securities
exchange on which the Shares are traded, including a reduction
of the exercise price of an Option or the grant price of a Stock
Appreciation Right or the exchange of an Option or Stock
Appreciation Right for cash or another Award. In addition, no
amendments to, or termination of, this Plan shall impair the
rights of a Participant in any material respect under any Award
previously granted without such Participants consent.
. In the event of any
merger, reorganization, consolidation, recapitalization,
dividend or distribution (whether in cash, shares or other
property, other than a regular cash dividend), stock split,
reverse stock split, spin-off or similar transaction or other
change in corporate structure affecting the Shares or the value
thereof, such adjustments and other substitutions shall be made
to this Plan and to Awards as the Committee deems equitable or
appropriate taking into consideration the accounting and tax
consequences, including such adjustments in the aggregate
number, class and kind of securities that may be delivered under
this Plan, the Limitations, the maximum number of Shares that
may be issued as incentive stock options and, in the aggregate
or to any one Participant, in the number, class, kind and option
or exercise price of securities subject to outstanding Awards
granted under this Plan (including, if the Committee deems
appropriate, the substitution of similar options to purchase the
shares of, or other awards denominated in the shares of, another
company) as the Committee may determine to be appropriate;
provided, however, that the number of Shares subject to any
Award shall always be a whole number.
Transferability of Awards
. Except
as provided below, no Award and no Shares that have not been
issued or as to which any applicable restriction, performance or
deferral period has not lapsed, may be sold, assigned,
transferred, pledged or otherwise encumbered, other than by will
or the laws of descent and distribution, and such Award may be
exercised during the life of the Participant only by the
Participant or the Participants guardian or legal
representative. To the extent and under such terms and
conditions as determined by the Committee, a Participant may
assign or transfer an Award without consideration (each
transferee thereof, a Permitted Assignee) to
(i) the Participants spouse, children or
grandchildren (including any adopted and step children or
grandchildren), parents, grandparents or siblings, (ii) to
a trust for the benefit of one or more of the Participant or the
persons referred to in clause (i), (iii) to a partnership,
limited liability company or corporation in which the
Participant or the persons referred to in clause (i) are
the only partners, members or shareholders or (iv) for
charitable donations; provided that such Permitted Assignee
shall be bound by and subject to all of the terms and conditions
of this Plan and the Award Agreement relating to the transferred
Award and shall execute an agreement satisfactory to the Company
evidencing such obligations; and provided further that such
Participant shall remain bound by the terms and conditions of
this Plan. The Company shall cooperate with any Permitted
Assignee and the Companys transfer agent in effectuating
any transfer permitted under this Section.
Termination of Employment
. The
Committee shall determine and set forth in each Award Agreement
whether any Awards granted in such Award Agreement will continue
to be exercisable, and the terms of such exercise, on and after
the date that a Participant ceases to be employed by or to
provide services to the Company or any Subsidiary (including as
a Director), whether by reason of death, disability, voluntary
or involuntary termination of employment or services, or
otherwise. The date of termination of a Participants
employment or services will be determined by the Committee,
which determination will be final.
Deferral; Dividend Equivalents
. The
Committee shall be authorized to establish procedures pursuant
to which the payment of any Award may be deferred. Subject to
the provisions of this Plan and any Award Agreement, the
recipient of an Award other than an Option or Stock Appreciation
Right may, if so determined by the Committee, be entitled to
receive, currently or on a deferred basis, cash, stock or other
property dividends, or cash payments in amounts equivalent to
cash, stock or other property dividends on Shares
(Dividend Equivalents) with respect to the number of
Shares covered by the Award, as determined by the Committee, in
its sole discretion. The Committee may provide that such amounts
and Dividend Equivalents (if any) shall be deemed to have been
reinvested in additional Shares or otherwise reinvested and may
provide that such amounts and Dividend Equivalents are subject
to the same vesting or performance conditions as the underlying
Award. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Dividend Equivalents
credited in connection with an Award that vests based on the
achievement of performance goals shall be subject to
restrictions and risk of forfeiture to the same extent as the
Award with respect to which such Dividend Equivalents have been
Award Agreements
. Each Award
Agreement shall either be (a) in writing in a form approved
by the Committee and executed by the Company by an officer duly
authorized to act on its behalf, or (b) an electronic
notice in a form approved by the Committee and recorded by the
Company (or its designee) in an electronic recordkeeping system
used for the purpose of tracking one or more types of Awards as
the Committee may provide; in each case and if required by the
Committee, the Award Agreement shall be executed or otherwise
accepted by the recipient of the Award in such form and manner
as the Committee may require. The Committee may authorize any
officer of the Company to execute any or all Award Agreements on
behalf of the Company. The Award Agreement shall set forth the
material terms and conditions of the Award as established by the
Committee consistent with the provisions of this Plan.
Tax Withholding
. The Company shall
have the right to make all payments or distributions pursuant to
this Plan to a Participant (or a Permitted Assignee thereof)
(any such person, a Payee) net of any applicable
federal, state and local taxes required to be paid or withheld
as a result of (a) the grant of any Award, (b) the
exercise of an Option or Stock Appreciation Right, (c) the
delivery of Shares or cash, (d) the lapse of any
restrictions in connection with any Award or (e) any other
event occurring pursuant to this Plan. The Company or any
Subsidiary shall have the right to withhold from wages or other
amounts otherwise payable to such Payee such withholding taxes
as may be required by law, or to otherwise require the Payee to
pay such withholding taxes. If the Payee shall fail to make such
tax payments as are required, the Company or its Subsidiaries
shall, to the extent permitted by law, have the right to deduct
any such taxes from any payment of any kind otherwise due to
such Payee or to take such other action as may be necessary to
satisfy such withholding obligations. The Committee shall be
authorized to establish procedures for election by Participants
to satisfy such obligation for the payment of such taxes by
tendering previously acquired Shares (either actually or by
attestation, valued at their then Fair Market Value), or by
directing the Company to retain Shares (up to the
Participants minimum required tax withholding rate or such
other rate that will not cause an adverse accounting consequence
or cost) otherwise deliverable in connection with the Award.
Right of Discharge Reserved; Claims to
. Nothing in this Plan nor the grant of an
Award hereunder shall confer upon any Employee or Director the
right to continue in the employment or service of the Company or
any Subsidiary or affect any right that the Company or any
Subsidiary may have to terminate the employment or service of
(or to demote or to exclude from future Awards under this Plan)
any such Employee or Director at any time for any reason. Except
as specifically provided by the Committee, the Company shall not
be liable for the loss of existing or potential profit from an
Award granted in the event of termination of an employment or
other relationship. No Employee or Participant shall have any
claim to be granted any Award under this Plan, and there is no
obligation for uniformity of treatment of Employees or
Participants under this Plan.
Substitute Awards
. Notwithstanding
any other provision of this Plan, the terms of Substitute Awards
may vary from the terms set forth in this Plan to the extent the
Committee deems appropriate to conform, in whole or in part, to
the provisions of the awards in substitution for which they are
Cancellation of Award; Forfeiture of
. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary
contained herein, an Award Agreement may provide that the Award
shall be canceled if the Participant, without the consent of the
Company, while employed by the Company or any Subsidiary or
after termination of such employment or service, violates a
non-competition, non-solicitation or non-disclosure covenant or
agreement or otherwise engages in activity that is in conflict
with or adverse to the interest of the Company or any Subsidiary
(including conduct contributing to any financial restatements or
financial irregularities), as determined by the Committee in its
sole discretion. The Committee may provide in an Award Agreement
that if within the time period specified in the Agreement the
Participant establishes a relationship with a competitor or
engages in an activity referred to in the preceding sentence,
the Participant will forfeit any gain realized on the vesting or
exercise of the Award and must repay such gain to the Company.
Stop Transfer Orders
. All
certificates for Shares delivered under this Plan pursuant to
any Award shall be subject to such stop-transfer orders and
other restrictions as the Committee may deem advisable under the
rules, regulations and other requirements of the Securities and
Exchange Commission, any stock exchange upon which the Shares
are then listed, and any applicable federal or state securities
law, and the Committee may cause a legend or legends to be put
on any such certificates to make appropriate reference to such
Nature of Payments
. All Awards made
pursuant to this Plan are in consideration of services performed
or to be performed for the Company or any Subsidiary, division
or business unit of the Company. Any income or gain realized
pursuant to Awards under this Plan constitute a special
incentive payment to the Participant and shall not be taken into
account, to the extent permissible under applicable law, as
compensation for purposes of any of the
employee benefit plans of the Company or any Subsidiary except
as may be determined by the Committee or by the Board or board
of directors of the applicable Subsidiary.
Other Plans
. Nothing contained in
this Plan shall prevent the Board from adopting other or
additional compensation arrangements, subject to stockholder
approval if such approval is required; and such arrangements may
be either generally applicable or applicable only in specific
. If any provision of
this Plan shall be held unlawful or otherwise invalid or
unenforceable in whole or in part by a court of competent
jurisdiction, such provision shall (a) be deemed limited to
the extent that such court of competent jurisdiction deems it
lawful, valid
enforceable and as so limited shall remain in full force and
effect, and (b) not affect any other provision of this Plan
or part thereof, each of which shall remain in full force and
effect. If the making of any payment or the provision of any
other benefit required under this Plan shall be held unlawful or
otherwise invalid or unenforceable by a court of competent
jurisdiction, such unlawfulness, invalidity or unenforceability
shall not prevent any other payment or benefit from being made
or provided under this Plan, and if the making of any payment in
full or the provision of any other benefit required under this
Plan in full would be unlawful or otherwise invalid or
unenforceable, then such unlawfulness, invalidity or
unenforceability shall not prevent such payment or benefit from
being made or provided in part, to the extent that it would not
be unlawful, invalid or unenforceable, and the maximum payment
or benefit that would not be unlawful, invalid or unenforceable
shall be made or provided under this Plan.
. As used in this
Plan, the words include and including,
and variations thereof, shall not be deemed to be terms of
limitation, but rather shall be deemed to be followed by the
words without limitation.
Unfunded Status of this Plan
. This
Plan is intended to constitute an unfunded plan for
incentive compensation. With respect to any payments not yet
made to a Participant by the Company, nothing contained herein
shall give any such Participant any rights that are greater than
those of a general creditor of the Company. In its sole
discretion, the Committee may authorize the creation of trusts
or other arrangements to meet the obligations created under this
Plan to deliver the Shares or payments in lieu of or with
respect to Awards hereunder; provided, however, that the
existence of such trusts or other arrangements is consistent
with the unfunded status of this Plan.
Governing Law
. This Plan and all
determinations made and actions taken thereunder, to the extent
not otherwise governed by the Code or the laws of the United
States, shall be governed by the laws of the State of
California, without reference to principles of conflict of laws,
and construed accordingly.
Effective Date of Plan; Termination of
. The original 2008 Omnibus Incentive Plan
was duly approved by the stockholders of the Company at the
Companys 2008 annual meeting of stockholders on
May 28, 2008 and became effective on that date (the
Original Plan). This Plan shall be effective on the
date of the approval of this Plan by the holders of a sufficient
number of the shares entitled to vote at a duly constituted
meeting of the stockholders of the Company (the
Restatement Effective Date), and on such date this
Plan shall amend and restate in its entirety the Original Plan.
This Plan shall be null and void and of no effect if the
foregoing condition is not fulfilled and in such event any Award
granted pursuant to this Plan shall, notwithstanding any of the
preceding provisions of this Plan, be null and void and of no
effect and the Original Plan shall continue in effect without
regard to this Plan. Awards may be granted under this Plan at
any time and from time to time on or prior to the tenth
anniversary of the Restatement Effective Date, on which date
this Plan will expire except as to Awards then outstanding under
this Plan. Such outstanding Awards shall remain in effect until
they have been exercised or terminated, or have expired.
Foreign Employees
. Awards may be
granted to Participants who are foreign nationals or employed
outside the United States, or both, on such terms and conditions
different from those applicable to Awards to Employees employed
in the United States as may, in the judgment of the Committee,
be necessary or desirable in order to recognize differences in
local law or tax policy. The Committee also may impose
conditions on the exercise or vesting of Awards in order to
minimize the Companys obligation with respect to tax
equalization for Employees on assignments outside their home
Compliance with Section 409A of the
. This Plan is intended to comply and shall
be administered in a manner that is intended to comply with
Section 409A of the Code and shall be construed and
interpreted in accordance with such intent. To the extent that
an Award or the payment, settlement or deferral thereof is
to Section 409A of the Code, the Award shall be granted,
paid, settled or deferred in a manner that will comply with
Section 409A of the Code, including regulations or other
guidance issued with respect thereto, except as otherwise
determined by the Committee. Any provision of this Plan that
would cause the grant of an Award or the payment, settlement or
deferral thereof to fail to satisfy Section 409A of the
Code shall be amended to comply with Section 409A of the
Code on a timely basis, which may be made on a retroactive
basis, in accordance with regulations and other guidance issued
under Section 409A of the Code.
. The captions in this
Plan are for convenience of reference only, and are not intended
to narrow, limit or affect the substance or interpretation of
the provisions contained herein.
No Registration Rights; No Right to Settle in
. The Company has no obligation to register
with any governmental body or organization (including, without
limitation, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
SEC)) any of (a) the offer or issuance of any
Award, (b) any Shares issuable upon the exercise of any
Award, or (c) the sale of any Shares issued upon exercise
of any Award, regardless of whether the Company in fact
undertakes to register any of the foregoing. In particular, in
the event that any of (x) any offer or issuance of any
Award, (y) any Shares issuable upon exercise of any Award,
or (z) the sale of any Shares issued upon exercise of any
Award are not registered with any governmental body or
organization (including, without limitation, the SEC), the
Company will not under any circumstance be required to settle
its obligations, if any, under this Plan in cash.
June 15, 2011
Our notice of meeting, proxy statement and annual report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2010
may be viewed at https://www.proxydocs.com/anx.
Please sign, date and mail
your proxy card in the
envelope provided as soon
as possible.
Please detach along perforated line and mail in the envelope provided.
The shares represented by this proxy, when properly
executed, will be voted in the manner specified above by the
undersigned stockholder.
This proxy may be revoked by the
undersigned at any time prior to the time voting begins at the
meeting by any of the means described in the accompanying proxy
Please complete, sign and date this proxy card and return it in
the envelope provided as soon as possible.
To change the address on your account, please check the
box at right and indicate your new address in the
address space above. Please note that changes to the
registered name(s) on the account may not be submitted
via this method.
Election of six directors to hold office until the 2012 Annual Meeting of Stockholders and
until their successors are elected and qualified or earlier resignation or removal. The
director nominees are:
Michael M. Goldberg
Odysseas D. Kostas
Jack Lief
Mark J. Pykett
Eric K. Rowinsky
Lewis J. Shuster
Ratification of the appointment of J.H. Cohn
LLP as our independent registered public
accounting firm for the fiscal year ending
December 31, 2011.
Approval of the ADVENTRX Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Amended and Restated 2008 Omnibus Incentive
Approval of the issuance of up to 13,478,050
shares of our common stock in lieu of
cash for milestone payments pursuant to
our merger agreement with SynthRx, Inc.
of Stockholder
of Stockholder
Please sign exactly as your name or names appear on this Proxy. When shares are held jointly,
each holder should sign. When signing as executor, administrator, attorney, trustee or guardian,
please give full title as such. If the signer is a corporation, please sign full corporate name by
duly authorized officer, giving full title as such. If signer is a partnership, please sign in
partnership name by authorized person.
TO BE HELD JUNE 15, 2011
The undersigned stockholder of ADVENTRX Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (the Company) hereby appoints
Brian M. Culley and Patrick L. Keran, or any one of them with full power of substitution, as
proxies of the undersigned to attend the Annual Meeting of Stockholders of the Company to be held
on June 15, 2011 at 9:00 a.m. Pacific time, and any adjournment or postponement thereof, hereby
revoking any proxies heretofore given, and to vote all shares of common stock of the Company held
or owned by the undersigned as specified on the reverse side of this proxy card, and in their
discretion upon any other matter that may properly come before the meeting and any adjournment or
postponement thereof.
See reverse for voting instructions.
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