Washington, D.C. 20549





Report of Foreign Private Issuer
Pursuant to Rule 13a-16 or 15d-16 of the

Securities Exchange Act of 1934


For the month of July, 2020


Commission File Number 1-15106





(Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)


Brazilian Petroleum Corporation – PETROBRAS

(Translation of Registrant's name into English)


Avenida República do Chile, 65 
20031-912 – Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Federative Republic of Brazil

(Address of principal executive office)


Indicate by check mark whether the registrant files or will file annual reports under cover Form 20-F or Form 40-F. 

Form 20-F ___X___ Form 40-F _______

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant by furnishing the information contained in this Form is also thereby furnishing the information to the Commission pursuant to Rule 12g3-2(b) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

Yes _______ No___X____








Consolidated Results    7
Net Revenues   7
Cost of Goods Sold    8
Operating Expenses 9
Adjusted EBITDA    10
Financial Results   11
Net Income 11
               Special Items    12
Portfolio Management    15
Liquidity and Capital Resources    16
Debt    18
Results per Segment    19
Exploration and Production   19
Refining 21
Gas and Power 22
Reconciliation of Adjusted EBITDA   23
Financial Statements    24
Financial Information by Business Area     28
Glossary    37


This report may contain forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking statements only reflect expectations of the Company's managers regarding future economic conditions, as well as the Company's performance, financial performance and results, among others. The terms "anticipates", "believes", "expects", "predicts", "intends", "plans", "projects", "objective", "should", and similar terms, which evidently involve risks and uncertainties that may or may not be anticipated by the Company and therefore are not guarantees of future results of the Company's operations that may differ from current expectations. The readers should not rely exclusively on any forward-looking statement contained herein. The Company does not undertake any responsibility to update the presentations and forecasts in the light of new information or its future developments, and the figures reported for 1Q20 onwards are estimates or targets. These indicators do not have standardized meanings and may not be comparable to indicators with a similar description used by others. We provide these indicators because we use them as measures of company performance; they should not be considered in isolation or as a substitute for other financial metrics that have been disclosed in accordance with BR GAAP or IFRS. See definitions of Free Cash Flow, Adjusted EBITDA and Net Indebtedness in the Glossary and their reconciliations in the Liquidity and Capital Resources sections, Reconciliation of Adjusted EBITDA and Net Indebtedness. Consolidated accounting information audited by independent auditors in accordance with international accounting standards (IFRS).




Dear Shareholders,

I am glad to be able to tell you that we are running the ship safely through uncharted waters. We are very proud of our team whose talent and professional dedication allowed us to overcome, so far, the enormous challenges faced by our company.

The outbreak of a major global health crisis caused a deep and synchronized global recession that hit severely the global oil and gas industry.

Prices of Brent oil of US$ 65 per barrel in February collapsed to US$ 19 in April 2020 due to a global demand contraction of 25%, threatening to generate a sudden stop of cashflow. A liquidity shock has an effect similar to a heart stroke, as it has the potential to stop the continuity of companies’ operations. Amidst deep uncertainty, the prospect for continuous cash burn was very real.

As in a war, the unprecedented scale and speed of the global pandemic compelled us to move swiftly, as we know that serious crises produce winners and losers and the winners tend to be those who respond faster. And we do aim at being a winner. We are working hard, fast and efficiently to engineer a J-shaped recovery, ending up better than we were in the pre-COVID era. Of course, the safety of our operations and our employees as well as respect for the environment continue to be one of the pillars of our strategy.

The world was moving fast but now is moving even faster inspiring creativity and innovation and requiring stronger resiliency.

We see the crisis as an inflection point, from which we must accelerate the execution of our transformational agenda – including digital transformation –

to allow Petrobras to make a turnaround in its long history of value destruction, becoming an effective value creator to you and to the Brazilian economy.

In the short-term, our number one priority was to protect health - the physical health of our employees and the financial health of our company.

We have created a crisis committee, composed by the company´s executive committee with daily meetings. We have established two teams reporting directly to the crisis committee, one to deal with the health crisis (EOR) and the other in charge of liquidity and cost cutting (liquidity team).

To minimize the impact of COVID-19 on our workforce we decided to put in place a combination of social distancing with a strategy of screening, testing, tracing and quarantining, which is performing very well. Until this week we have applied more than 120,000 tests on our employees and the service supplier’s employees, within a universe of 135,000 people.

Working at home has been successful, even contributing to increase productivity. For the future we plan to keep around 50% of the personnel working at corporate activities in home office. However, it will be limited to three days per week in order to leave room for more effective culture preservation, team building and mentoring of younger professionals.

The operational personnel will be gradually returning to their normal work shifts, with the exception of those older than 60 and/or with co-morbidities. This will be implemented very carefully at metered pace to minimize the risk of new infections.

Our capex budget for 2020 was reduced to US$ 8.5 billion from US$ 12 billion and we have already launched initiatives to cut costs by more than US$ 2 billion, in addition to the postponement of cash disbursements, including executive salaries and annual bonuses, the last tranche of the 2019 dividend and part of the payments due to large suppliers.

In addition to the withdrawal of US$ 8 billion in revolving credit lines, we issued 10 and 30-year bonds amounting to US$ 3.25 billion and took almost US$ 2.0 billion in bank loans, in order to build a liquidity buffer to survive a worst case scenario of average oil prices of US$ 25 per barrel from April 2020 until year-end.

Integrated actions of the logistics and sales teams were able to maximize exports of crude oil and low-sulphur fuel oil, which reached all-time high volumes. This move was instrumental to offset the effect of the strong contraction of the Brazilian demand for fuels, especially in April - a month to remember in the history of the oil business – and to preserve liquidity.

More than 10,000 employees enlisted for the voluntary dismissal program (PDV), about 22% of our labor force, and will be leaving the company mostly this year and the remainder in 2021. This will imply cost savings of almost US$ 800 million per year.

The rationalization of the executive structure is estimated to lower costs by more than US$ 200 million per year.





Each of the 45 departments was required by the crisis committee to submit plans involving cost cutting. The company is carrying out several other initiatives to diminish costs and to realize efficiency gains.

As a consequence of the decrease in headcount and adoption of home office, we plan to reduce the current occupation of 17 administrative buildings – 23 in 2018 - to only 8 by 1Q21, implying cost savings of almost US$ 30 million in 2021.

Jointly with the elimination of several inefficiencies and logistics cost, we are working to minimize inventories and to rationalize storage space, reducing the number of warehouses to 25 from the current 45.

Like its parent company, our wholly owned subsidiary Transpetro is engaged in a program to strengthen resiliency and service quality.

In spite of the strong global recession the divestment program is well and alive. In 2020 we have already launched 20 processes of asset divestitures and sales concluded up to now generated almost US$ 1 billion in cash receipts for Petrobras. At the moment, we are discussing with the winning bidder for RLAM the final details to formalize a sales and purchase agreement.

We expect the approval for the conclusion of sale of Liquigás – a LPG distribution company - to be given by CADE, the Brazilian anti-trust agency, in the following months.

Oil and gas production is running smoothly and the E&P business obtained several achievements.

Búzios is beating new records: on July 13th production reached 844,000 boed. The FPSO P-70 started operations at the Atapu field and the first oil came on June 25th. Atapu’s first well has the potential to run at 50,000 boed.

The TOTUS (True one trip ultra slender) technology was successfully utilized for the construction of a well in the Golfinho field in the post salt. Drilling and completion took only 44 days, contributing to reduce costs by 50%.

Our main innovation projects dedicated to E&P, such as EXP-100, PROD-1000, PEP-70 and HISEP, are showing progress. If successful they have the potential to create significant value through a dramatic decrease of breakeven prices.

The company is ordering the construction of 3 FPSOs to operate in the second phase of Búzios, the first order in 8 years. Two of them will have a capacity of 180,000 bpd and the third one of 225,000 bpd. This will be the biggest FPSO operating in Brazilian seas and one of the biggest in the world.

Average lifting costs, on a cash basis, decreased to U$ 4.9/boe in 2Q20 from US$ 8.4/boe in 2Q19, a 41% year-on-year fall. At the pre-salt fields it reached US$ 2.4/boe in 2Q20.

After a sharp fall to levels lower than 60%, driven by demand weakness for fuels, the average utilization factor of our refineries is hovering around a range of 75-80%.

The Digital Twin project is already being implemented at the refineries with excellent results. We expect it to generate an additional revenue of US$ 154 million in a yearly basis through efficiency gains.

Our ESG agenda continues to move ahead steadily.

Total emissions and their intensity are in a downward trend since 2015. Petrobras became a supporter of the Task Force for Climate-related Financial Disclosure (TCFD) and is strongly committed to the goals of the Oil and Gas Climate Initiative (OGCI).

Renewable diesel was successfully tested and is waiting for ANP’s approval, the Brazilian oil and gas regulatory agency, to begin production. The product proved to reduce GHG emissions by 70%, when compared to regular diesel oil and adds 15% more motor efficiency than the traditional biodiesel.

Our low-sulphur oil, compliant to IMO 2020 rule, gave us an edge as a supplier of marine oil.

Some global investors recognized the tremendous efforts of Petrobras to eliminate corruption as well as to strengthen corporate governance. The company was invited to return to be a member of PACI (Partnering Against Corruption Initiative). Petrobras had left in the wake of the Lava Jato scandal.

TRI, the rate of recordable injuries, at 0.67, continue its downward trend, setting a new global benchmark for the oil and gas industry.




As a good corporate citizen, we have been acting to mitigate the effects of the global pandemic on the Brazilian population, donating clinical tests, medical and hygiene materials, diesel and gasoline to fuel vehicles of public hospitals and using scientific capacity – scientists and high performance computing – to help innovations in the health field. In addition, food and LPG bottles are being donated to low-income communities.

Digital transformation is key to the future of Petrobras as an agile and successful company. It has been accelerated and deployed on a company wide basis. Projects are addressing costs, efficiency, GHG emissions and safety.

Among other initiatives, we are implementing 94 RPAs (robotic process automation) to replace workers allocated to perform manual and repetitive processes.

To support digital transformation and artificial intelligence high performance computing capacity was multiplied almost 7 times relatively to 2018.

As mentioned before, the global shock forced us to interrupt the deleveraging, and total debt ended the first half of 2020 at US$ 91.2 billion, US$ 4.0 billion higher than at December 31st, 2019

However, net debt decreased by US$8.0 billion in the first half of year, evidencing that there was no cash burn. Operational cash flow was strong enough to increase our cash holdings.

Given the recessionary scenario and drop in Brent oil prices of approximately 40% against 1H19 average, this was a major achievement.

Operational cash flow totaled US$ 13.2 billion in 1H20 – US$5.5 billion in 2Q20 – against US$ 9.9 billion in 1H19. Free cash flow reached US$ 8.9 billion in 1H20 against US$ 6.3 billion a year ago.

Therefore, we were able to make this week a US$ 3.5 billion partial pre-payment of the US$ 8.0 billion revolving credit lines. This reduces debt, improves risk perception while preserving liquidity as the revolving lines remain available.

The global economy is showing signals of recovery boosted by the US$ 15 trillion injection – about 12% of global GDP - derived from monetary and fiscal policy actions. Although on a more moderated level, uncertainty remains.

Petrobras still faces many challenges in its journey to sustainable value creation. Therefore, we must continue to develop initiatives to cut costs and to promote efficiency gains at fast pace.

As Sir Winston Churchill once said: “A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty”.

At Petrobras there is no room for pessimism. And we strongly believe that with courage, optimism and hard work we will win.

Last but not least, I would like to thank for the strong support of our Board of Directors.

Roberto Castello Branco

Chief Executive Officer




Main items

Table 1 - Main items*

            Variation (%)
 R$ million 2Q20 1Q20 2Q19 6M20 6M19 2Q20 / 1Q20 2Q20 / 2Q19 6M20 / 6M19
Sales revenues 50,898 75,469 72,567 126,367 143,423 (32.6) (29.9) (11.9)
Gross profit 18,218 31,615 30,210 49,833 55,043 (42.4) (39.7) (9.5)
Operating expenses (8,109) (75,616) 8,558 (83,725) (2,745) (89.3) 2950.1
Consolidated net income (loss) attributable to the shareholders of Petrobras - Petrobras Shareholders (2,713) (48,523) 18,866 (51,236) 22,897 (94.4)
Recurring  consolidated net income (loss) attributable to the shareholders of Petrobras (13,732) (4,637) 8,942 (18,369) 14,055 196.1
Net cash provided by operating activities 29,310 34,991 20,626 64,301 37,291 (16.2) 42.1 72.4
Free Cash Flow 15,775 26,664 12,439 42,439 24,244 (40.8) 26.8 75.0
Adjusted EBITDA 24,986 37,504 32,651 62,490 60,138 (33.4) (23.5) 3.9
Recurring Adjusted EBITDA * 17,703 36,925 33,405 54,628 62,322 (52.1) (47.0) (12.3)
Gross debt (US$ million) 91,227 89,237 101,029 91,227 101,029 2.2 (9.7) (9.7)
Net Debt (US$ million) 71,222 73,131 83,674 71,222 83,674 (2.6) (14.9) (14.9)
Net Debt/LTM Adjusted EBITDA ratio ** 2.34 2.15 2.71 2.34 2.71 8.8 (13.7) (13.7)
Average commercial selling rate for U.S. dollar 5.39 4.47 3.92 4.92 3.85 20.6 37.5 27.8
Brent crude (US$/bbl) 29.20 50.26 68.82 39.73 66.01 (41.9) (57.6) (39.8)
Domestic basic oil by-products price (R$/bbl) 197.73 286.63 307.87 243.87 292.97 (31.0) (35.8) (16.8)
TRI (total recordable injuries per million men-hour frequency rate) - - - 0.67 0.88 - - (23.9)



* See reconciliation of Recurring net income and Adjusted EBITDA in the Special Items section
** Ratio calculated in USD





Consolidated Result


Net revenues


Table 2 - Net revenues by product

            Variation (%)
R$ million 2Q20 1Q20 2Q19 6M20 6M19 2Q20 / 1Q20 2Q20 / 2Q19 6M20  / 6M19
Diesel 13,516 18,023 23,334 31,539 43,754 (25.0) (42.1) (27.9)
Gasoline 4,915 8,327 10,191 13,242 19,035 (41.0) (51.8) (30.4)
Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) 3,782 4,010 4,276 7,792 8,082 (5.7) (11.6) (3.6)
Jet fuel 409 3,721 3,711 4,130 7,396 (89.0) (89.0) (44.2)
Naphtha 1,372 2,976 1,862 4,348 3,446 (53.9) (26.3) 26.2
Fuel oil (including bunker fuel) 659 1,165 1,014 1,824 2,091 (43.4) (35.0) (12.8)
Other oil by-products 2,694 3,069 3,265 5,763 6,413 (12.2) (17.5) (10.1)
Subtotal Oil By-Products 27,347 41,291 47,653 68,638 90,217 (33.8) (42.6) (23.9)
Natural gas 3,926 5,372 5,558 9,298 11,271 (26.9) (29.4) (17.5)
Renewables and nitrogen products 34 117 243 151 542 (70.9) (86.0) (72.1)
Revenues from non-exercised rights 769 407 664 1,176 1,284 88.9 15.8 (8.4)
Electricity 428 1,250 635 1,678 2,509 (65.8) (32.6) (33.1)
Services, agency and others 1,238 703 699 1,941 1,939 76.1 77.1 0.1
Total domestic market 33,742 49,140 55,452 82,882 107,762 (31.3) (39.2) (23.1)
Exports 14,973 24,711 15,439 39,684 29,973 (39.4) (3.0) 32.4
Sales from foreign subsidiaries 2,183 1,618 1,676 3,801 5,688 34.9 30.3 (33.2)
Total foreign market 17,156 26,329 17,115 43,485 35,661 (34.8) 0.2 21.9
Total 50,898 75,469 72,567 126,367 143,423 (32.6) (29.9) (11.9)


2Q20 was affected by the impacts brought by the Covid-19 pandemic and the collapse in oil prices resulting from the OPEC+ negotiations. Brent prices in reais were down 29% QoQ intensifying the trend started in March. The social distancing measures were reflected in an 8% contraction in domestic demand for oil by-products. Revenues for all products sold were hit hard, leading net revenues to drop 33% in 2Q20, especially exports of crude oil and oil by-products, diesel, gasoline and jet fuel, partially offset by the devaluation of the Real against dollar.

It is worth mentioning that thanks to our quick reaction to the crisis and the successful implementation of our strategy, we managed to export large amounts in 2Q20, which were not totally translated into revenues. Those ongoing crude oil exports totaled 38MMbbl at the quarter’s end.

In terms of revenue breakdown in the domestic market, diesel and gasoline increased their relevance in the mix in 2Q20 due to the steep drop in jet fuel consumption.




Regarding sales to the foreign market, crude oil exports to China increased significantly as China was heavily affected by the COVID-19 crisis in 1Q20, and started to recover in 2Q20, consequently increasing its oil demand. It also evidences our strong commercial relationship with the country. In 2Q20, we had the following distribution of export destinations:

Table 3 – Crude oil exports

Country 2Q20 1Q20 6M20
China 87% 48% 69%
Chile 4% 8% 6%
Spain 3% 6% 4%
Singapore 1% 6% 4%
Netherlands 1% 5% 3%
India 0% 8% 4%
South Korea 0% 5% 2%
Caribbean 0% 5% 2%
Others 4% 9% 6%




Table 4 – Oil by-products exports

Country 2Q20 1Q20 6M20
Singapore 49% 53% 52%
USA 35% 31% 32%
Netherlands 7% 5% 6%
Spain 0% 6% 3%
Others 9% 5% 7%



Cost of goods sold

Table 5 - Cost of goods sold

            Variation (%)
R$ million 2Q20 1Q20 2Q19 6M20 6M19 2Q20 / 1Q20 2Q20 / 2Q19 6M20 / 6M19
Brazilian operations (31,039) (42,709) (40,630) (73,748) (83,221) (27.3) (23.6) (11.4)
Acquisitions (6,294) (9,592) (12,254) (15,885) (24,074) (34.4) (48.6) (34.0)
Crude oil imports (3,757) (5,569) (5,506) (9,326) (10,368) (32.5) (31.8) (10.0)
Oil by-products imports (1,754) (2,289) (4,321) (4,042) (7,764) (23.4) (59.4) (47.9)
Natural gas imports (783) (1,734) (2,428) (2,517) (5,942) (54.9) (67.8) (57.6)
Production (24,161) (32,294) (27,313) (56,455) (55,115) (25.2) (11.5) 2.4
Crude oil (18,675) (26,063) (20,895) (44,738) (43,082) (28.3) (10.6) 3.8
Production taxes (3,678) (9,275) (9,067) (12,953) (16,725) (60.3) (59.4) (22.5)
Others costs (14,997) (16,787) (11,828) (31,784) (26,357) (10.7) 26.8 20.6
Oil by-products (2,347) (3,105) (3,296) (5,452) (6,202) (24.4) (28.8) (12.1)
Natural gas (3,139) (3,126) (3,121) (6,266) (5,832) 0.4 0.6 7.4
Production taxes (468) (490) (884) (958) (1,476) (4.4) (47.1) (35.1)
Others costs (2,671) (2,637) (2,237) (5,308) (4,356) 1.3 19.4 21.9
Services rendered, electricity, renewables, nitrogen products and others (584) (823) (1,063) (1,407) (4,032) (29.0) (45.0) (65.1)
Operations from foreign subsidiaries (1,641) (1,145) (1,727) (2,786) (5,159) 43.3 (5.0) (46.0)
Total (32,680) (43,854) (42,357) (76,534) (88,380) (25.5) (22.8) (13.4)


Cost of goods sold dropped 26% in 2Q20, mainly due to the decrease in production costs as we had lower production taxes, which are directly linked to Brent prices. The increase of Buzios production in the mix also contributed to this result. Imports of crude oil, oil by-products and natural gas also decreased (both volumes and prices), following the demand contraction in Brazil, leading to cost reductions.

Inventories built in 1Q20 at higher prices were sold in 2Q20, with an estimated impact of approximately R$ 1.1 billion.


Operating expenses

Table 6 - Operating expenses

            Variation (%)
R$ million 2Q20 1Q20 2Q19 6M20 6M19 2Q20 / 1Q20 2Q20 / 2Q19 6M20 / 6M19
Selling, General and Administrative Expenses (8,320) (7,734) (5,862) (16,054) (11,390) 7.6 41.9 40.9
Selling expenses (6,752) (5,914) (3,668) (12,666) (7,069) 14.2 84.1 79.2
Materials, third-party services, freight, rental and other related costs (5,741) (5,105) (2,901) (10,846) (5,488) 12.5 97.9 97.6
Depreciation, depletion and amortization (688) (549) (557) (1,237) (1,068) 25.3 23.5 15.8
Allowance for expected credit losses (108) (46) 8 (154) (103) 134.8 49.5
Employee compensation (215) (214) (218) (429) (410) 0.5 (1.4) 4.6
General and administrative (1,568) (1,820) (2,194) (3,388) (4,321) (13.8) (28.5) (21.6)
Employee compensation (1,218) (1,277) (1,457) (2,495) (2,900) (4.6) (16.4) (14.0)
Materials, third-party services, freight, rental and other related costs (226) (416) (549) (642) (1,071) (45.7) (58.8) (40.1)
Depreciation, depletion and amortization (124) (127) (188) (251) (350) (2.4) (34.0) (28.3)
Exploration costs (350) (468) (394) (818) (1,048) (25.2) (11.2) (21.9)
Research and Development Expenses (366) (422) (572) (788) (1,091) (13.3) (36.0) (27.8)
Other taxes (1,305) (517) (259) (1,822) (612) 152.4 403.9 197.7
Impairment of assets (65,301) (107) (65,301) (81) 80518.5
Other (income and expenses), net 2,232 (1,174) 15,752 1,058 11,477 (85.8) (90.8)
Total (8,109) (75,616) 8,558 (83,725) (2,745) (89.3) 2950.1


In 2Q20, operating expenses decreased substantially compared to 1Q20 as the previous quarter was heavily impacted by impairment charges totaling R$ 65.3 billion and due to the exclusion of VAT tax (ICMS) from the calculation basis of the PIS/COFINS, following a favorable judicial decision, with a positive effect of R$ 7.2 billion.

Selling expenses increased 14% due to the devaluation of real against dollar, and higher logistic expenses due to changes in the sales mix, as we shifted a portion of our sales from the domestic to the foreign market, partially compensated by lower volumes.

G&A expenses dropped 14% due to decrease in headcount (more than 500 employees left the company in 2Q20), as a result of the implementation of the latest voluntary dismissal plans, and lower expenses with third-party services.

Exploration costs continued to drop, reflecting lower exploratory activity in line with the resilience initiatives.

Other taxes rose due to the PIS/COFINS tax incidence over: (i) the gain in the equalization related to the individualization agreements of the Tupi area and Sepia and Atapu fields and (ii) the monetary adjustment over the exclusion of VAT from the calculation basis.

In 2Q20, there were other operating revenues mainly due to the exclusion of VAT tax and the gain in the equalization, both explained above. On the other hand, there were expenses related to the provisioning of the voluntary dismissal plans (6,882 employees enlisted in 2Q20), which, in turn, will result in lower personnel expenses, and to expenses with commodities and crude oil export hedges. The latter were essential to guarantee positive margins to the company when the oil market was extremely volatile. Presently, we are no longer hedging our exports as markets have stabilized. Nonetheless, we can resume this practice if we deem necessary.



Adjusted EBITDA


In 2Q20, adjusted EBITDA decreased 33% when compared to 1Q20, reaching R$ 25 billion. Besides the 29% drop in Brent prices in reais, the high volatility of the oil market and the global demand contraction led to reduction in the margins of our crude oil and oil by-products. Sales volumes were also negatively impacted.

Also contributed to this result the provisioning of the voluntary dismissal plans (R$ 4.8 billion) and the hedging expenses (R$ 2.7 billion). On the other hand, there were gains with: (i) the exclusion of VAT tax (ICMS) from the calculation basis of the PIS/COFINS (R$ 7.2 billion), after a favorable judicial decision and (ii) equalization related to the individualization agreements of the Tupi area and Sepia and Atapu fields (R$ 4.4 billion).


The 46% reduction in E&P Adjusted EBITDA/boe in 2Q20 in relation to 1Q20 is mainly due to the drop in Brent prices.


Although the average Brent price was lower in 2Q20 than 1Q20, adjusted EBITDA/bbl for refining business in 2Q20 improved, reflecting the reduction on the negative inventory turnover effect in relation to 1Q20, due the recovery of Brent prices throughout 2Q20.



Financial results

Table 7 - Financial results

            Variation (%)
R$ million 2Q20 1Q20 2Q19 6M20 6M19 2Q20 / 1Q20 2Q20 / 2Q19 6M20  / 6M19
Finance income 579 798 1,303 1,377 2,272 (27.4) (55.6) (39.4)
Income from investments and marketable securities (Government Bonds) 276 298 449 574 921 (7.4) (38.5) (37.7)
Discount and premium on repurchase of debt securities 6 5 6 12 (50.0)
Gains from signed agreements (electric sector) 314 314 -
Other income, net 303 494 535 797 1,025 (38.7) (43.4) (22.2)
Finance expenses (6,098) (7,416) (6,240) (13,514) (12,935) (17.8) (2.3) 4.5
Interest on finance debt (4,554) (4,545) (4,836) (9,099) (9,786) 0.2 (5.8) (7.0)
Unwinding of discount on lease liabilities (1,677) (1,517) (1,773) (3,194) (3,026) 10.5 (5.4) 5.6
Discount and premium on repurchase of debt securities (12) (1,245) (2) (1,257) (694) (99.0) 500.0 81.1
Capitalized borrowing costs 1,156 1,234 1,362 2,390 2,664 (6.3) (15.1) (10.3)
Unwinding of discount on the provision for decommissioning costs (859) (853) (791) (1,712) (1,577) 0.7 8.6 8.6
Other finance expenses and income, net (152) (490) (200) (642) (516) (69.0) (24.0) 24.4
Foreign exchange gains (losses) and indexation charges (6,789) (14,560) (3,639) (21,349) (6,332) (53.4) 86.6 237.2
Foreign exchange (10,683) (8,382) (791) (19,065) (863) 27.5 1250.6 2109.2
Reclassification of hedge accounting from Shareholders’ Equity to the Statement of Income (5,578) (6,449) (2,900) (12,027) (5,747) (13.5) 92.3 109.3
PIS and COFINS monetary restatement - exclusion from VAT tax basis 9,250 9,250
Other foreign exchange gains (losses) and indexation charges, net 222 271 52 493 278 (18.1) 326.9 77.3
Total (12,308) (21,178) (8,576) (33,486) (16,995) (41.9) 43.5 97.0

Financial results were better in 2Q20 mainly due to effect of the monetary adjustment of R$ 9.3 billion, as a reflect of the exclusion of the VAT tax from the calculation basis of the PIS/COFINS, after a favorable judicial decision, and reduction of the volume of the repurchase of debt securities and of interest expenses.

Hedge accounting reclassifications were also lower due to the extra volume of reclassifications made in 1Q20 following new assumptions for Brent prices. This effect was partially offset by higher expenses with the variation of the BRL against the USD associated with the passive foreign exchange exposure in USD.

Net income attributable to Petrobras’ shareholders

We recorded a net loss of R$ 2.7 billion in 2Q20, an improvement when compared to R$ 48.5 billion in 1Q20, mainly due to absence of impairments in 2Q20 and to the effect of the VAT tax exclusion from the calculation basis of the PIS/COFINS, after a favorable judicial decision. Excluding this factor, the result would have been worse due to the impacts of the COVID-19 crisis in our operations, with reflections in prices, margins and volumes.

We also had higher operating expenses related to hedging and to the implementation of voluntary dismissal plans. These factors were partially offset by a gain in the equalization related to the individualization agreements of the Tupi area and Sepia and Atapu fields and lower G&A.

Recurring net income attributable to Petrobras’ shareholders and recurring adjusted EBITDA

In 2Q20 the main non-recurring item that stand out was the exclusion of VAT tax from the calculation basis of the PIS/COFINS, after a favorable judicial decision, with a positive impact of R$ 7.2 billion in Adjusted EBITDA and of R$ 10.9 billion in net loss.



Special Items

Table 8 - Special itens

            Variation (%)
 R$ million 2Q20 1Q20 2Q19 6M20 6M19 2Q20 / 1Q20 2Q20 / 2Q19 6M20  / 6M19
Net income (2,813) (49,724) 19,352 (52,537) 23,592 (94.3)
Nonrecurring items 16,624 (66,665) 16,988 (50,041) 15,413 (2.1)
Nonrecurring items that do not affect Adjusted EBITDA 9,341 (67,244) 17,742 (57,903) 17,597 (47.4)
Impairment of assets and investments 4 (65,559) (131) (65,555) (95) 68905.3
   Realization of cumulative translation adjustments - CTA (127)
Gains and losses on disposal / write-offs of assets 99 (446) 21,200 (347) 21,889 (99.5)
Foreign exchange gains or losses on provisions for legal proceedings 143 85
Agreements signed for the electricity sector 314 314
Write-off of deferred tax assets (3,787) (3,787)
Gains with monetary restatement arising of VAT tax exclusion from PIS/COFINS tax bases 9,250 9,250
Discount and premium on repurchase of debt securities (12) (1,239) 3 (1,251) (682) (99.0) 83.4
Other nonrecurring items 7,283 579 (754) 7,862 (2,184) 1157.9
   PDV (4,834) (188) (336) (5,022) (335) 2471.3 1338.7 1399.1
   Careers and remuneration plan (3) (5)
Amounts recovered from Lava Jato investigation 335 97 309 432 309 245.4 8.4 39.8
Gains / (losses) on decommissioning of returned/abandoned areas (6) (6) (12)
Expected credit losses related to the electricity sector (10) (65)
Gains (Losses) related to legal proceedings 180 565 (680) 745 (2,054) (68.1)
Equalization of expenses - Production Individualization Agreements 4,363 111 (34) 4,474 (34) 3830.6
PIS/COFINS expenses on gains with monetary restatement arising of VAT tax exclusion from PIS/COFINS tax bases (430) (430)
Gain with PIS/COFINS recovered arising of VAT tax exclusion from PIS/COFINS tax bases 7,675 7,675
Net effect of nonrecurring items on IR / CSLL (5,605) 22,780 (7,064) 17,175 (6,572) (20.7)
Recurring net income (13,832) (5,839) 9,428 (19,671) 14,750 136.9
Petrobras Shareholders - continuing operations (13,732) (4,637) 8,942 (18,369) 14,055 196.1
Non-controlling interests- continuing operations (100) (1,202) 486 (1,302) 695 (91.7)
Adjusted EBITDA 24,986 37,504 32,651 62,490 60,138 (33.4) (23.5) 3.9
Non-recurring Items 7,283 579 (754) 7,862 (2,184) 1157.9
Recurring Adjusted EBITDA 17,703 36,925 33,405 54,628 62,322 (52.1) (47.0) (12.3)


In Management's opinion, the special items presented above, although related to the Company's business, were highlighted as complementary information for a better understanding and evaluation of the result. Such items do not necessarily occur in all periods and are disclosed when relevant. In 3Q19, the write-off of deferred tax assets and goodwill / negative goodwill on debt securities repurchases were classified as non-recurring items, resulting in reclassifications in the comparative period results.




Investment amounts (Capex) encompass acquisition of property, plant and equipment, including costs with leasing, intangible assets, investments in subsidiaries and affiliates, costs with geology and geophysics, costs with research and development and pre-operating costs.

Table 9- Capex

            Variation (%)
US$ millions 2Q20 1Q20 2Q19 6M20 6M19 2Q20 / 1Q20 2Q20 / 2Q19 6M20 / 6M19
Exploration and Production 1,609 2,139 2,112 3,749 4,088 (24.8) (23.8) (8.3)
Refining 239 171 316 411 552 39.8 (24.2) (25.6)
Gas and Power 53 86 86 138 155 (38.6) (39.1) (11.2)
Others 35 37 39 72 78 (3.1) (9.1) (7.6)
Total 1,937 2,433 2,553 4,370 4,873 (20.4) (24.1) (10.3)


In 2Q20, investments totaled US$ 1.9 billion, 20% below 1Q20, due to the devaluation of the real and adjustments made for the year because of the pandemic. More than 70% correspond to growth investments.

Growth investments are those with the main objective is increasing the capacity of existing assets, implementing new production, disposal and storage assets, increasing efficiency or profitability of the asset and implementing essential infrastructure to enable other growth projects. It includes acquisitions of assets / companies and remaining investments in systems that started in 2018, exploratory investments, and investments in R&D.

Investments in maintenance (sustaining), on the other hand, have the main objective of maintaining the operation of existing assets, they do not aim at increasing the capacity of the facilities. Includes investments in safety and reliability of installations, substitute well projects, complementary development, remaining investments in systems that entered before 2018, scheduled shutdowns and revitalizations (without new systems), 4D seismic, SMS projects, line changes, infrastructure operational and ICT.

In 2Q20, investments in the Exploration and Production segment totaled US$ 1.6 billion, with approximately 75% related to growth. The investments were mainly concentrated: (i) in the development of production in ultra-deep waters of the Santos Basin pre-salt (US$ 0.8 billion); (ii) exploratory investments (US$ 0.2 billion) and (iii) development of new projects in deep waters (US$ 0.2 billion).

In the Refining segment, investments totaled US$ 0.2 billion in 2Q20, approximately 60% of which were investments in growth. Investments in the Gas and Power segment totaled US$ 0.1 billion in 2Q20, of which approximately 85% are investments in growth.




The following table presents the main information on the new oil and gas production systems.

Table 10 – Main Projects1*

Unit Start-up FPSO capacity (bbl/day)

CAPEX Petrobras spent

US$ bi

Total CAPEX Petrobras US$ bi² Petrobras Share Status

FPSO Carioca (Owned unit)

Sépia 1

2021 180,000 0.5 3.1 97.6% Project in phase of execution with production system with  more than 88% of physical progress. 7 wells drilled and 4 completed

FPSO Guanabara (Chartered unit)

Mero 1

2021 180,000 0.2 1.1 40.0% Project in phase of execution with production system with  more than 86% of physical progress. 7 wells drilled and 1 completed

FPSO Alm. Barroso (Chartered unit)

Búzios 5

2022 150,000 0.2 3.0 100%¹ Project in phase of execution with production system with  more than 36% of physical progress and 1 well drilled and completed.

FPSO Anita Garibaldi (Chartered unit)

Marlim 1

2022 80,000 0.08 2.3 100% Project in phase of execution with production system with  more than 31% of physical progress. 1 well drilled.

FPSO Anna Nery (Chartered unit)

Marlim 2

2023 70,000 0.02 1.8 100% Project in phase of execution with production system with  more than 19% of physical progress.

FPSO Sepetiba (Chartered unit)

Mero 2

2023 180,000 0.02 1.1 40% Project in phase of execution with production system with  more than 41% of physical progress. 4 wells drilled and 2 completed

¹ Will change after the co-participation agreement.

²Total Capex and schedule under revision due to the COVID-19 and Resilience Plan impacts




Portfolio Management

Improvements in capital allocation are being implemented through portfolio management, with divestments of assets with lower returns on capital employed.

In 2Q20, we concluded the sale of Macau cluster (onshore fields in Rio Grande do Norte). In 3Q20, until 07/22/2020, we have already concluded the sale of the remaining 10% stake in TAG and the Pampo Enchova cluster (shallow water fields in Rio de Janeiro) and we also signed the contract for the sale of the Pescada cluster (shallow water fields in Rio Grande do Norte). These transactions resulted in a cash inflow of US$ 997 million in 2020, as shown in the table below.

Table 11 – Signed transactions

Asset Transaction Amount
 (US$ million)
Amounts received in 2020
(US$ million)
PO&G BV (Signed in 2018) 1,530 301
Polo Tucano Sul 3.01 0.6
Polo Macau 191.1 124.8
Polo Pescada Arabaiana 1.5 0.3
Polo Pampo Enchova 418,6 365.4
TAG 205.1 205.1
Ponta do Mel e Redonda 7.2 0.2
Total amount 2,356.5 997.4

In addition, we have the following divestments in our portfolio, as well as several other projects, approved in the Strategic Plan 2020-2024, undergoing structuring phase and some with teasers to be launched soon.

Table 12 - Assets in divestment process

Teaser / Non-binding phase Binding phase
UFN-III Gaspetro
Oil and Gas Thermoelectric Plants Refineries
PBIO Uruguay assets
Shallow water fields
Deep-water fields
(ES and SE-AL Basin)
Onshore fields
Onshore fields
(CE, SE, BA and ES)
Onshore and shallow water fields
Shallow water fields
(SP, ES and RJ)
Shallow water fields
Papa Terra field

Deep water fields


NTS (10%)

Exploration block (Tayrona)


Colombia assets
  Mangue Seco Wind Farms 1, 2, 3 and 4

Petrobras is monitoring the possible impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on its divestment projects and taking appropriate actions to achieve the divestment goal set out in its 2020-2024 Strategic Plan. Regarding the divestment in refining, we started negotiating the contracts with the potential buyer who submitted the best binding offer for the acquisition of Refinaria Landulpho Alves (RLAM) and its associated logistics. Although we have extended the deadline for binding offers for other refineries, we expect to resume this phase in the coming months, with the signing of the refineries happening until 1Q21 and completion of the processes by the end of 2021.

Petrobras reinforces the importance of portfolio management focusing on core assets, in order to improve our capital allocation, enable debt and capital cost reduction, and the consequent increase in value generation to the company and to our shareholders.


Liquidity and Capital Resources

Table 13 - Liquidity and Capital Resources

R$ million 2Q20 1Q20 2Q19 6M20 6M19
Adjusted cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of period 83,757 33,309 33,831 33,309 58,052
Government bonds and time deposits with maturities of more than 3 months at the beginning of period (3,346) (3,580) (4,370) (3,580) (4,198)
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of period 80,411 29,729 29,461 29,729 53,854
Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities 29,310 34,991 20,500 64,301 38,249
Net cash provided by operating activities from continuing operations 29,310 34,991 20,626 64,301 37,291
Discontinued operations – net cash provided by operating activities (126) 958
Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities (11,905) (6,664) 31,029 (18,569) 26,536
Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities from continuing operations (11,905) (6,664) 31,173 (18,569) 26,734
Acquisition of PP&E and intangibles assets and investments in investees (13,535) (8,327) (8,061) (21,862) (14,005)
Proceeds from disposal of assets – Divestment 866 1,168 34,512 2,034 35,688
Dividends received 319 200 2,756 519 3,183
Divestment (Investment) in marketable securities 445 295 1,966 740 1,868
Discontinued operations – net cash provided by investing activities (144) (198)
(=) Net cash provided by operating and investing activities 17,405 28,327 51,529 45,732 64,785
Net cash provided by (used) in financing activities from continuing operations 3,616 12,799 (19,735) 16,415 (49,769)
Net financings 11,571 24,269 (9,971) 35,840 (36,489)
     Proceeds from  financing 29,893 48,777 1,914 78,670 17,882
     Repayments (18,322) (24,508) (11,885) (42,830) (54,371)
Repayment of lease liability (7,807) (6,822) (5,366) (14,629) (8,643)
Dividends paid to shareholders of Petrobras 1 (4,427) (3,944) (4,426) (3,944)
Dividends paid to non-controlling interest (117) (35) (336) (152) (337)
Investments by non-controlling interest (32) (186) (118) (218) (356)
Discontinued operations – net cash used in financing activities (1,694) (1,932)
Net cash provided by (used) in financing activities 3,616 12,799 (21,429) 16,415 (51,701)
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents 5,187 9,556 (639) 14,743 (1,001)
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of period 106,619 80,411 65,937 106,619 65,937
Government bonds and time deposits with maturities of more than 3 months at the end of period 2,952 3,346 2,456 2,952 2,456
Adjusted cash and cash equivalents at the end of period 109,571 83,757 68,393 109,571 68,393
Reconciliation of Free Cash Flow          
Net cash provided by operating activities 29,310 34,991 20,500 64,301 38,249
Acquisition of PP&E and intangibles assets (except for the Bidding for oil surplus of Transfer of rights agreement and signature bonus) and investments in investees (13,535) (8,327) (8,061) (21,862) (14,005)
Free cash flow 15,775 26,664 12,439 42,439 24,244


As of June 30, 2020, cash and cash equivalents totaled R$ 106.6 billion and adjusted cash and cash equivalents totaled R$ 109.6 billion. Our goal is to continue to adopt measures to preserve cash during this crisis.

In 2Q20, the inflow of funds from net cash provided by operating activities totaled R$ 29.3 billion, which, alongside cash inflows from financing of R$ 29.9 billion and divestments of R$ 866 million, and cash and cash equivalents, were used: (i) to prepay debt and amortize principal and interest in the period (R$ 18.3 billion); (ii) to spend in capex in the business areas (R$ 13.5 billion), including R$ 7.0 billion related to the equalization of the individualization agreements of Tupi area and Sépia and Atapu fields; and (iii) amortization of lease liabilities of R$ 7.8 billion.

Net cash provided by operating activities in 2Q20 was 16% lower than 1Q20, mainly due to lower Brent, lower production and sales as a consequence of the pandemic.





In 2Q20, loans and financing were mainly used to pay down debt and manage liabilities, improving the debt profile and better adapting to the maturity terms of long-term investments and the cash position, aiming at maintaining the company's liquidity.

In the period from April to June 2020, the company raised R$ 29.9 billion, notably: (i) funding in the national and international banking market, in the amount of R$ 5.4 billion, and (ii) global notes issued in the capital market in the amount of R$ 17.2 billion, of which R$ 8.1 billion relates to the issue of new bonds maturing in 2031 and R$ 9.1 billion maturing in 2050.

The company settled several loans and financing, in the amount of R$ 18.3 billion in the 2Q20.





The unprecedented event of the COVID-19 pandemic, with its steep effect on oil prices and economic activity forced us to take several conservative measures to preserve our cash position.

Gross debt increased 2.2% due to the increase in financing of US$ 5.6 billion, mainly due to the global notes issued in the capital market (US$ 3.2 billion). Therefore, the gross debt/LTM adjusted EBITDA ratio increased to 3.00x on June 30th, 2020 from 2.63x on March 31st 2020. The average cost of debt remained stable at 5.6% on June 30th 2020.

Regarding the net debt/LTM adjusted EBITDA ratio, it also increased to 2.34x on June 30th, 2020 from 2.15x on March 31st , 2020.

On July 27th 2020, the company made a partial prepayment of your Revolving Credit Facilities, in the amount of US $ 3.5 billion. Those resources will be available for new withdrawals, if necessary.

Despite the crisis, deleveraging still is a priority for Petrobras. In April, the Board of Directors approved the revision of the top metrics included in the 2020-2024 Strategic Plan and the net debt/EBITDA indicator was replaced by the gross debt indicator. The target for 2020 is sustained at US$ 87 billion, the same level of the end of 2019. It is important to highlight that the company continues to pursue the reduction of gross debt to US$ 60 billion, in line with our dividend policy.

Table 14 – Debt indicators

US$ millions 06.30.2020 12.31.2019 Δ % 06.30.2019
Financial Debt 69,312 66,702 3.9 75,527
Capital Markets 36,563 33,329 9.7 40,584
Banking Market 27,287 27,956 (2.4) 28,479
Development banks 1,552 1,497 3.7 2,163
Export Credit Agencies 3,686 3,683 0.1 4,049
Others 224 237 (5.5) 252
Finance leases 21,915 22,535 (2.8) 25,502
Gross debt 91,227 89,237 2.2 101,029
Adjusted cash and cash equivalents 20,005 16,106 24.2 17,355
Net debt 71,222 73,131 (2.6) 83,674
Net Debt/(Net Debt + Market Cap) - Leverage 57% 67% (14.9) 46%
Average interest rate (% p.a.) 5.6 5.6 6.0
Weighted average maturity of outstanding debt (years) 10.12 9.74 3.9 10.25
Net debt / LTM Adjusted EBITDA ratio 2.34 2.15 8.8 2.71
Gross debt / LTM Adjusted EBITDA ratio 3.00 2.63 14.4 3.28
R$ million        
Gross Debt 379,553 346,764 9.5 289,435
Finance Lease 120,007 117,153 2.4 97,729
Adjusted cash and cash equivalents 109,547 83,730 30.8 66,508
Net Debt 390,012 380,186 2.6 320,656





Table 15 - Exploration and Production results

      Variation (%)
R$ million 2Q20 1Q20 2Q19 6M20 6M19 2Q20 / 1Q20 2Q20 / 2Q19 6M20  / 6M19
Sales revenues 27,691 47,575 49,649 75,266 92,547 (41.8) (44.2) (18.7)
Gross profit 8,801 21,351 22,878 30,152 40,136 (58.8) (61.5) (24.9)
Operating expenses 789 (65,967) (2,213) (65,178) (4,321) 1408.4
Operating income (loss) 9,590 (44,616) 20,665 (35,026) 35,815 (53.6)
Net income (loss) attributable to the shareholders of Petrobras 6,294 (30,205) 13,789 (23,911) 23,927 (54.4)
Adjusted EBITDA of the segment 20,876 32,420 31,523 53,296 56,998 (35.6) (33.8) (6.5)
EBITDA margin of the segment (%) 75 68 63 71 62 10.6 18.7 15.0
Average Brent crude (US$/bbl) 29.20 50.26 68.82 39.73 66.01 (41.9) (57.6) (39.8)
Sales price - Brazil                
Crude oil (US$/bbl) 23.98 49.96 64.79 37.09 62.01 (52.0) (63.0) (40.2)
 Lifting cost - Brazil (US$/boe)*                
     excluding production taxes and  leases 4.94 5.88 8.43 5.42 8.43 (16.1) (41.4) (35.7)
     excluding production taxes 6.59 7.51 10.43 7.06 10.44 (12.3) (36.9) (32.4)
           with leases 13.41 16.69 19.50 15.06 19.96 (19.6) (31.2) (24.5)
           excluding lease 13.41 16.69 19.50 15.06 19.96 (19.6) (31.2) (24.5)
       Shallow waters                
           with leases 20.28 29.77 31.64 25.78 31.19 (31.9) (35.9) (17.3)
           excluding leases 15.86 26.83 29.48 22.22 29.21 (40.9) (46.2) (23.9)
       Deep and ultra-deep post-salt                
           with leases 10.23 10.72 13.63 10.48 12.34 (4.6) (24.9) (15.0)
           excluding leases 8.74 9.12 11.42 8.94 10.48 (4.2) (23.4) (14.6)
           with leases 4.17 4.52 6.03 4.35 6.39 (7.7) (30.8) (32.0)
           excluding leases 2.39 2.79 3.82 2.59 4.02 (14.3) (37.5) (35.6)
     including production taxes and excluding leases 8.91 12.85 21.11 10.91 20.95 (30.7) (57.8) (47.9)
     including production taxes and leases 10.56 14.47 23.17 12.55 22.96 (27.1) (54.4) (45.4)
Production taxes - Brazil 5,005 8,200 13,705 13,205 22,758 (39.0) (63.5) (42.0)
     Royalties 3,054 4,254 4,722 7,308 8,817 (28.2) (35.3) (17.1)
     Special participation 1,903 3,899 8,934 5,802 13,845 (51.2) (78.7) (58.1)
     Retention of areas 48 47 49 95 96 2.1 (2.0) (1.0)


In 2Q20 gross profit in E&P was R$ 8.8 billion, a reduction of 59% when compared to 1Q20. The reduction in gross profit was due to lower Brent prices, higher spread of our oil and lower natural gas prices, partially offset by a lower lifting cost and, lower payment of production taxes.

In 2Q20 operating profit was R$ 9.6 billion, mainly impacted by the equalization of expenses resulting from the individualization agreements of Tupi area and Sepia and Atapu fields. This result reflects an increase of R$ 54.1 billion compared to 1Q20, when impairment losses were recognized due to the reduction in Brent's average price projections.

In 2Q20, the lifting cost without government participation and without leasing decreased by 16%, reaching US$ 4.94/bbl, compared to US$ 5.88/bbl in 1Q20. The decline is mainly due to the impact of the devaluation of the real against the dollar and the mothballing of the shallow waters fields.

In the pre-salt layer, we observed a consistent path of falling unit costs, anchored by the stabilization of the new production systems, where we highlight the production platforms in Búzios, which have high productivity at competitive costs. In 2Q20 compared to 1Q20, we highlight the reduction in operating and maintenance expenses, in addition to the devaluation of the real against the dollar.


* Leases refers to platforms. 



In 2Q20, the post-salt lifting cost decreased 4.2% when compared to 1Q20, motivated by the devaluation of the real against the dollar, which offset higher expenses with interventions.

In shallow water, we observed a drop in the lifting cost of 41% between the quarters of 2020, motivated by the mothballing of fields and the devaluation of the exchange rate.

Onhsore, the devaluation of the real and lower operating and maintenance expenses, explain the drop in the lifting cost compared to 1Q20.

In 2Q20, the lower production taxes was mainly caused by the lower Brent prices.




Table 16 - Refining results

            Variation (%)
R$ million 2Q20 1Q20 2Q19 6M20 6M19 2Q20 / 1Q20 2Q20 / 2Q19 6M20  / 6M19
Sales revenues 44,326 68,160 65,399 112,486 126,202 (35.0) (32.2) (10.9)
Gross profit (Loss) 4,491 (2) 6,078 4,489 10,714 (26.1) (58.1)
Operating expenses (7,066) (4,080) (4,640) (11,146) (6,973) 73.2 52.3 59.8
Operating Income (Loss) (2,575) (4,082) 1,438 (6,657) 3,741 (36.9)
Net income (loss) attributable to the shareholders of Petrobras (3,016) (3,397) 1,122 (6,413) 3,027 (11.2)
Adjusted EBITDA of the segment 114 (1,292) 4,760 (1,178) 9,512 (97.6)
EBITDA margin of the segment (%) 0% (2)% 7% (1)% 8% (96.5)
Refining cost (US$/barrel) - Brazil 1.67 2.26 2.58 1.98 2.59 (26.1) (35.3) (23.6)
Refining cost (R$/barrel) - Brazil 9.68 9.87 10.14 9.78 9.94 (1.9) (4.5) (1.6)
Domestic basic oil by-products price (R$/bbl) 197.73 286.63 307.87 243.87 292.97 (31.0) (35.8) (16.8)


In 2Q20, refining's gross profit was R$ 4.5 billion higher compared to 1Q20, as a result of the steep reduction in Brent prices in March, causing a positive inventory turnover effect in the comparison between periods of R$ 4.2 billion (negative inventory turnover effect of R$ 6.7 billion in 1Q20 vs. a negative effect of R$ 2.5 billion in 2Q20).

Excluding the inventory turnover effect, gross profit would have been R$ 7 billion in the 2T20 and R$ 6.7 billion in the 1T20.

In 2Q20, there were lower margins of oil by-products in the domestic market, specially of diesel and jet fuel, as result of the restrictions imposed by the pandemic. These were partially offset by higher LPG margins. Sales volumes of Jet Fuel e Gasoline were also negatively impacted. As for exports, fuel oil, crude oil and diesel had lower margins between quarters and were partially offset by the increase in the gasoline export margins. On the other hand, we had lower operational expenses, lower expenses with the consumption of natural gas used in refineries and higher trading margins.

The lower operating loss in 2Q20 reflects the higher gross profit, partially offset by higher freight prices and higher operating expenses due to the incentives granted for the voluntary dismissal plan, unscheduled maintenance stoppages in refineries and legal proceedings.




Gas and Power


Table 17 - Gas and Power results

            Variation (%)
R$ million 2Q20 1Q20 2Q19 6M20 6M19 2Q20 / 1Q20 2Q20 / 2Q19 6M20  / 6M19
Sales revenues 8,157 10,467 10,099 18,624 22,188 (22.1) (19.2) (16.1)
Gross profit 4,845 4,562 3,815 9,407 7,234 6.2 27.0 30.0
Operating expenses (3,521) (3,016) 19,251 (6,537) 17,369 16.7
Operating income (loss) 1,324 1,546 23,066 2,870 24,603 (14.4) (94.3) (88.3)
Net income (loss) attributable to the shareholders of Petrobras 886 937 15,255 1,823 16,190 (5.4) (94.2) (88.7)
Adjusted EBITDA of the segment 1,943 2,200 2,279 4,143 4,512 (11.7) (14.7) (8.2)
EBITDA margin of the segment (%) 24 21 23 22 20 3.0 1.0 2.0
Natural gas sales price - Brazil (US$/bbl) 33.70 41.44 47.97 38.13 48.80 (18.7) (29.7) (21.9)


In 2Q20, the gross profit of the Gas and Power segment was R$ 4.8 billion, an increase of 6.2% when compared to 1Q20, mainly due to a positive effect in the exchange rate on the remuneration for processing rich gas by the natural gas treatment plants. There were also better margins in energy sales contracts, due to the active management of the commercial energy portfolio and the reduction in the spot prices. In 2Q20, there was a reduction in the volume of natural gas sold, due to the pandemic, and a lower volume of electricity generation due to the lower load on the Electric System and better hydrological conditions.

Despite the higher gross profit in 2Q20, operating profit was R$ 222 million lower than 1Q20 due to higher operating expenses, as a result of a partial reversal of the provision for losses in 1Q20 (R$ 331 million). The provision for loss related to FAFEN-SE, had been previously constituted and was reversed after a judicial agreement with SERGAS and the government of Sergipe for the termination of the process related to the distribution tariff.



Reconciliation of Adjusted EBITDA


EBITDA is an indicator calculated as the net income for the period plus taxes on profit, net financial result, depreciation and amortization. Petrobras announces EBITDA, as authorized by CVM Instruction 527 of October 2012.

In order to reflect the management view regarding the formation of the company's current business results, EBITDA is also presented adjusted (Adjusted EBITDA) as a result of: investments, impairment, results with divestments and write-off of assets, and cumulative exchange effects of (CTA) reclassified to income.

Adjusted EBITDA, reflecting the sum of the last twelve months (Last Twelve Months), also represents an alternative to the company's operating cash generation. This measure is used to calculate the Gross Debt to Adjusted EBITDA metric, helping to evaluate the company's leverage and liquidity.

EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA are not provided for in International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and should not serve as a basis for comparison with those disclosed by other companies and should not be considered as a substitute for any other measure calculated in accordance with IFRS. These measures should be considered in conjunction with other measures and indicators for a better understanding of the company's performance and financial condition.


Table 18 - Adjusted EBITDA Reconciliation


            Variation (%)
R$ millions 2Q20 1Q20 2Q19 6M20 6M19 2Q20 / 1Q20 2Q20 / 2Q19 6M20  / 6M19
Net income (loss) (2,813) (49,724) 19,050 (52,537) 22,813 (94.3)
Net finance income (expense) 12,308 21,178 8,576 33,486 16,995 (41.9) 43.5 97.0
Income taxes (475) (16,894) 11,611 (17,369) 13,455 (97.2)
Depreciation, depletion and amortization 14,975 15,758 14,696 30,733 28,572 (5.0) 1.9 7.6
EBITDA 23,995 (29,682) 53,933 (5,687) 81,835 (55.5)
Share of earnings in equity-accounted investments 1,089 1,439 (470) 2,528 (965) (24.3)
Impairment losses / (reversals) 65,301 107 65,301 81 80518.5
Realization of cumulative translation adjustment 127
Gains/ losses on disposal/ write-offs of non-current assets (98) 446 (21,200) 348 (21,889) (99.5)
Foreign exchange gains or losses on material provisions for legal proceedings (143) (85)
Adjusted EBITDA from continued operations 24,986 37,504 32,227 62,490 59,104 (33.4) (22.5) 5.7
Adjusted EBITDA from discontinued operations 424 1,034
Total Adjusted EBITDA 24,986 37,504 32,651 62,490 60,138 (33.4) (23.5) 3.9
Adjusted EBITDA margin (%) 49 50 44 49 41 (1.0) 4.6 8.0


Table 19 - Income Statement - Consolidated

R$ millions 2Q20 1Q20 2Q19 6M20 6M19
Sales revenues 50,898 75,469 72,567 126,367 143,423
Cost of sales (32,680) (43,854) (42,357) (76,534) (88,380)
Gross profit 18,218 31,615 30,210 49,833 55,043
Selling expenses (6,752) (5,914) (3,668) (12,666) (7,069)
General and administrative expenses (1,568) (1,820) (2,194) (3,388) (4,321)
Exploration costs (350) (468) (394) (818) (1,048)
Research and development expenses (366) (422) (572) (788) (1,091)
Other taxes (1,305) (517) (259) (1,822) (612)
Impairment of assets (65,301) (107) (65,301) (81)
Other income and expenses 2,232 (1,174) 15,752 1,058 11,477
  (8,109) (75,616) 8,558 (83,725) (2,745)
Operating income (loss) 10,109 (44,001) 38,768 (33,892) 52,298
Finance income 579 798 1,303 1,377 2,272
Finance expenses (6,098) (7,416) (6,240) (13,514) (12,935)
Foreign exchange gains (losses) and inflation indexation charges (6,789) (14,560) (3,639) (21,349) (6,332)
Net finance income (expense) (12,308) (21,178) (8,576) (33,486) (16,995)
Results in equity-accounted investments (1,089) (1,439) 469 (2,528) 965
Income (loss) before income taxes (3,288) (66,618) 30,661 (69,906) 36,268
Income taxes 475 16,894 (11,611) 17,369 (13,455)
Net income (loss)  from continuing operations (2,813) (49,724) 19,050 (52,537) 22,813
Net income (loss)  from descontinued operations 302 779
Net Income (Loss) (2,813) (49,724) 19,352 (52,537) 23,592
Net income (loss) attributable to:          
Shareholders of Petrobras (2,713) (48,523) 18,866 (51,236) 22,897
Net income (loss)  from continuing operations (2,713) (48,523) 18,651 (51,236) 22,342
Net income (loss)  from descontinued operations 215 555
Non-controlling interests (100) (1,201) 486 (1,301) 695
Net income (loss)  from continuing operations (100) (1,201) 399 (1,301) 471
Net income (loss)  from descontinued operations 87 224
  (2,813) (49,724) 19,352 (52,537) 23,592

Table 20 - Statement of Financial Position – Consolidated

ASSETS - R$ millions 06.30.2020 12.31.2019
Current assets 201,926 112,101
Cash and cash equivalents 106,598 29,714
Marketable securities 2,952 3,580
Trade and other receivables, net 14,316 15,164
Inventories 27,594 33,009
Recoverable taxes 29,788 14,287
Assets classified as held for sale 11,137 10,333
Other current assets 9,541 6,014
Non-current assets 813,216 813,910
Long-term receivables 124,449 71,306
Trade and other receivables, net 12,559 10,345
Marketable securities 207 232
Judicial deposits 36,683 33,198
Deferred taxes 52,454 5,593
Other tax assets 16,722 15,877
Advances to suppliers 1,110 1,313
Other non-current assets 4,714 4,748
Investments 19,007 22,166
Property, plant and equipment 591,299 641,949
Intangible assets 78,461 78,489
Total assets 1,015,142 926,011
LIABILITIES - R$ millions 06.30.2020 12.31.2019
Current liabilities 144,169 116,147
Trade payables 21,419 22,576
Finance debt 36,646 18,013
Lease liability 29,636 23,126
Taxes payable 16,599 14,914
Dividends payable 1,973 6,278
Short-term benefits 9,284 6,632
Pension and medical benefits 3,659 3,577
Liabilities related to assets classified as held for sale 13,307 13,084
Other current liabilities 11,646 7,947
Non-current liabilities 625,252 510,727
Finance debt 342,905 236,969
Lease liability 90,368 73,053
Income Tax payable 1,951 2,031
Deferred taxes 822 7,095
Long-term benefits 3,431 153
Pension and medical benefits 94,891 103,213
Provision for legal and administrative proceedings 11,439 12,546
Provision for decommisioning costs 71,205 70,377
Other non-current liabilities 8,240 5,290
Shareholders´ equity 245,721 299,137
Share capital (net of share issuance costs) 205,432 205,432
Profit reserves and others 37,334 90,109
Non-controlling interests 2,955 3,596
Total liabilities and shareholders´ equity 1,015,142 926,011

Table 21 - Statement of Cash Flows – Consolidated

R$ milhões 2Q20 1Q20 2Q19 6M20 6M19
Net income for the period (2,813) (49,724) 19,352 (52,537) 23,592
Adjustments for:          
Net income from discontinued operations (302) (779)
Pension and medical benefits (actuarial expense) 2,015 2,157 2,057 4,172 4,114
Results of equity-accounted investments 1,089 1,439 (469) 2,528 (965)
Depreciation, depletion and amortization 14,975 15,758 14,696 30,733 28,572
Impairment of assets (reversal) 65,301 107 65,301 81
Inventory write-down (write-back) to net realizable value 113 1,389 122 1,502 (32)
Allowance (reversals) for impairment of trade and other receivables 183 474 49 657 146
Exploratory expenditures write-offs 65 117 54 182 243
Disposal/write-offs of assets and remeasurement of investment retained with loss of control (98) 446 (21,200) 348 (21,762)
Foreign exchange, indexation and finance charges   22,563 18,440 7,770 41,003 16,357
Deferred income taxes, net (1,085) (17,491) 7,123 (18,576) 6,625
Revision and unwinding of discount on the provision for decommissioning costs 866 858 791 1,724 1,577
PIS and COFINS monetary restatement - exclusion from VAT tax basis (16,925) (16,925)
Decrease (Increase) in assets          
Trade and other receivables, net (7,535) 4,090 103 (3,445) 3,982
Inventories 3,750 2,558 (3,829) 6,308 (2,478)
Judicial deposits (1,518) (1,961) (1,640) (3,479) (4,155)
Escrow account - Class action agreement 143 (3,693)
Other assets (619) (1,523) (1,633) (2,142) (3,523)
Increase (Decrease) in liabilities          
Trade payables 2,684 (3,242) (906) (558) (3,211)
Other taxes payable 5,645 (2,143) 4,681 3,502 4,025
Income taxes paid (186) (1,120) (1,678) (1,306) (2,360)
Pension and medical benefits (1,744) (1,614) (1,219) (3,358) (1,911)
Provision for legal proceedings (585) (645) (5,115) (1,230) (4,685)
Short-term benefits 6,429 (493) (141) 5,936 475
Provision for decommissioning costs (243) (546) (496) (789) (985)
Other liabilities 2,284 2,466 2,206 4,750 (1,959)
Net cash from operating activities of continuing activities 29,310 34,991 20,626 64,301 37,291
Operating discontinued activities (126) 958
Net cash from operating activities 29,310 34,991 20,500 64,301 38,249
Cash flows from Investing activities          
Acquisition of PP&E and intangibles assets (8,215) (8,342) (8,024) (16,557) (13,964)
Investments in investees (5,320) 15 (37) (5,305) (41)
Proceeds from disposal of assets - Divestment 866 1,168 34,512 2,034 35,688
Divestment (Investment) in marketable securities 445 295 1,966 740 1,868
Dividends received 319 200 2,756 519 3,183
Net cash (provided) used in investing activities of continuing activities (11,905) (6,664) 31,173 (18,569) 26,734
Investing discontinued operations (144) (198)
Net cash (provided) used in investing activities (11,905) (6,664) 31,029 (18,569) 26,536
Cash flows from Financing activities          
Investments by non-controlling interest (32) (186) (118) (218) (356)
Financing and loans, net:          
Proceeds from financing 29,893 48,777 1,914 78,670 17,882
Repayment of finance debt - principal (15,237) (19,570) (8,702) (34,807) (45,397)
Repayment of finance debt - interest (3,085) (4,938) (3,183) (8,023) (8,974)
Repayment of lease liability (7,807) (6,822) (5,366) (14,629) (8,643)
Dividends paid to shareholders of Petrobras 1 (4,427) (3,944) (4,426) (3,944)
Dividends paid to non-controlling interests (117) (35) (336) (152) (337)


Net cash provided (used) in financing activities from continuing operations 3,616 12,799 (19,735) 16,415 (49,769)
Financing discontinued activities (1,694) (1,932)
Net cash provided (used) in financing activities 3,616 12,799 (21,429) 16,415 (51,701)
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents 5,187 9,556 (639) 14,743 (1,001)
Net increase / (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 26,208 50,682 29,461 76,890 12,083
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period 80,411 29,729 36,476 29,729 53,854
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period 106,619 80,411 65,937 106,619 65,937


Table 22 - Consolidated Income Statement by Segment – 6M20

Sales revenues 75,266 112,486 18,624 1,949 (81,958) 126,367
Intersegments 73,144 2,140 6,210 464 (81,958)
Third parties 2,122 110,346 12,414 1,485 126,367
Cost of sales (45,114) (107,997) (9,217) (1,928) 87,722 (76,534)
Gross profit 30,152 4,489 9,407 21 5,764 49,833
Expenses (65,178) (11,146) (6,537) (802) (62) (83,725)
Selling expenses (2) (6,650) (5,906) (52) (56) (12,666)
General and administrative expenses (506) (542) (221) (2,119) (3,388)
Exploration costs (818) (818)
Research and development expenses (498) (21) (19) (250) (788)
Other taxes (485) (455) (52) (830) (1,822)
Impairment of assets (64,304) (208) (789) (65,301)
Other income and expenses 1,435 (3,270) (339) 3,238 (6) 1,058
Operating income (loss) (35,026) (6,657) 2,870 (781) 5,702 (33,892)
Net finance income (expense) (33,486) (33,486)
Results in equity-accounted investments (806) (2,189) 122 345 (2,528)
Income (loss) before income taxes (35,832) (8,846) 2,992 (33,922) 5,702 (69,906)
Income taxes 11,909 2,263 (976) 6,111 (1,938) 17,369
Net income (loss) from continuing operations (23,923) (6,583) 2,016 (27,811) 3,764 (52,537)
Result with discontinued operations
Net income (loss) from discontinued operations
Net income (loss) (23,923) (6,583) 2,016 (27,811) 3,764 (52,537)
Net income (loss) attributable to:          
Shareholders of Petrobras (23,911) (6,413) 1,823 (26,499) 3,764 (51,236)
Net income (loss) from continuing operations (23,911) (6,413) 1,823 (26,499) 3,764 (51,236)
Net income (loss) from discontinued operations
Non-controlling interests (12) (170) 193 (1,312) (1,301)
Net income (loss) from continuing operations (12) (170) 193 (1,312) (1,301)
Net income (loss) from discontinued operations
  (23,923) (6,583) 2,016 (27,811) 3,764 (52,537)





Table 23 - Consolidated Income Statement by Segment – 6M19

Sales revenues 92,547 126,202 22,188 2,453 (99,967) 143,423
Intersegments 90,765 29,334 6,736 424 (99,967) 27,292
Third parties 1,782 96,868 15,452 2,029 116,131
Cost of sales (52,411) (115,488) (14,954) (2,361) 96,834 (88,380)
Gross profit 40,136 10,714 7,234 92 (3,133) 55,043
Expenses (4,321) (6,973) 17,369 (8,742) (78) (2,745)
Selling expenses (4) (3,668) (3,251) (80) (66) (7,069)
General and administrative expenses (591) (689) (288) (2,753) (4,321)
Exploration costs (1,048) (1,048)
Research and development expenses (759) (27) (27) (278) (1,091)
Other taxes (109) (137) (93) (273) (612)
Impairment of assets 1,101 (1,181) (1) (81)
Other income and expenses (2,911) (1,271) 21,029 (5,358) (12) 11,477
Operating income (loss) 35,815 3,741 24,603 (8,650) (3,211) 52,298
Net finance income (expense) (16,995) (16,995)
Results in equity-accounted investments 280 535 169 (19) 965
Income (loss) before income taxes 36,095 4,276 24,772 (25,664) (3,211) 36,268
Income taxes (12,177) (1,272) (8,365) 7,268 1,091 (13,455)
Net income (loss) from continuing operations 23,918 3,004 16,407 (18,396) (2,120) 22,813
Result with discontinued operations 30 749 779
Net income (loss) from discontinued operations 30 749 779
Net income (loss) 23,918 3,004 16,437 (17,647) (2,120) 23,592
Net income (loss) attributable to:          
Shareholders of Petrobras 23,927 3,027 16,190 (18,127) (2,120) 22,897
Net income (loss) from continuing operations 23,927 3,027 16,169 (18,661) (2,120) 22,342
Net income (loss) from discontinued operations 21 534 555
Non-controlling interests (9) (23) 247 480 695
Net income (loss) from continuing operations (9) (23) 238 265 471
Net income (loss) from discontinued operations 9 215 224
  23,918 3,004 16,437 (17,647) (2,120) 23,592


Table 24 - Consolidated Income Statement by Segment – 2Q20

Sales revenues 27,691 44,326 8,157 1,092 (30,368) 50,898
Intersegments 26,486 812 2,874 196 (30,368)
Third parties 1,205 43,514 5,283 896 50,898
Cost of sales (18,890) (39,835) (3,312) (1,098) 30,455 (32,680)
Gross profit 8,801 4,491 4,845 (6) 87 18,218
Expenses 789 (7,066) (3,521) 1,719 (30) (8,109)
Selling expenses (1) (3,790) (2,900) (34) (27) (6,752)
General and administrative expenses (300) (270) (104) (894) (1,568)
Exploration costs (350) (350)
Research and development expenses (224) (9) (6) (127) (366)
Other taxes (414) (262) (15) (614) (1,305)
Impairment of assets
Other income and expenses 2,078 (2,735) (496) 3,388 (3) 2,232
Operating income (loss) 9,590 (2,575) 1,324 1,713 57 10,109
Net finance income (expense) (12,308) (12,308)
Results in equity-accounted investments (48) (1,341) 134 166 (1,089)
Income (loss) before income taxes 9,542 (3,916) 1,458 (10,429) 57 (3,288)
Income taxes (3,260) 875 (450) 3,329 (19) 475
Net income (loss) from continuing operations 6,282 (3,041) 1,008 (7,100) 38 (2,813)
Result with discontinued operations
Net income (loss) from discontinued operations
Net income (loss) 6,282 (3,041) 1,008 (7,100) 38 (2,813)
Net income (loss) attributable to:            
Shareholders of Petrobras 6,294 (3,016) 886 (6,915) 38 (2,713)
Net income (loss) from continuing operations 6,294 (3,016) 886 (6,915) 38 (2,713)
Net income (loss) from discontinued operations
Non-controlling interests (12) (25) 122 (185) (100)
Net income (loss) from continuing operations (12) (25) 122 (185) (100)
Net income (loss) from discontinued operations
  6,282 (3,041) 1,008 (7,100) 38 (2,813)






Table 25 - Consolidated Income Statement by Segment – 1Q20

Sales revenues 47,575 68,160 10,467 857 (51,590) 75,469
Intersegments 46,658 1,328 3,336 268 (51,590)
Third parties 917 66,832 7,131 589 75,469
Cost of sales (26,224) (68,162) (5,905) (830) 57,267 (43,854)
Gross profit 21,351 (2) 4,562 27 5,677 31,615
Expenses (65,967) (4,080) (3,016) (2,521) (32) (75,616)
Selling expenses (1) (2,860) (3,006) (18) (29) (5,914)
General and administrative expenses (206) (272) (117) (1,225) (1,820)
Exploration costs (468) (468)
Research and development expenses (274) (12) (13) (123) (422)
Other taxes (71) (193) (37) (216) (517)
Impairment of assets (64,304) (208) (789) (65,301)
Other income and expenses (643) (535) 157 (150) (3) (1,174)
Operating income (loss) (44,616) (4,082) 1,546 (2,494) 5,645 (44,001)
Net finance income (expense) (21,178) (21,178)
Results in equity-accounted investments (758) (848) (12) 179 (1,439)
Income (loss) before income taxes (45,374) (4,930) 1,534 (23,493) 5,645 (66,618)
Income taxes 15,169 1,388 (526) 2,782 (1,919) 16,894
Net income (loss) from continuing operations (30,205) (3,542) 1,008 (20,711) 3,726 (49,724)
Result with discontinued operations
Net income (loss) from discontinued operations
Net income (loss) (30,205) (3,542) 1,008 (20,711) 3,726 (49,724)
Net income (loss) attributable to:            
Shareholders of Petrobras (30,205) (3,397) 937 (19,584) 3,726 (48,523)
Net income (loss) from continuing operations (30,205) (3,397) 937 (19,584) 3,726 (48,523)
Net income (loss) from discontinued operations
Non-controlling interests (145) 71 (1,127) (1,201)
Net income (loss) from continuing operations (145) 71 (1,127) (1,201)
Net income (loss) from discontinued operations
  (30,205) (3,542) 1,008 (20,711) 3,726 (49,724)


Table 26 - Other Income (Expenses) by Segment – 6M20

Voluntary Separation Incentive Plan - PDV (1,992) (1,503) (161) (1,366) (5,022)
Unscheduled stoppages and pre-operating expenses (3,253) (501) (297) (14) (4,065)
Pension and medical benefits - retirees (2,354) (2,354)
Gains/(losses) with Commodities Derivatives (1,683) (1,683)
Gains / (losses) related to legal, administrative and arbitration proceedings (461) (1,004) 263 320 (882)
Results on disposal/write-offs of assets and on remeasurement of investment retained with loss of control (177) (124) (51) 4 (348)
Variable compensation program 76 32 60 168
Amounts recovered from Lava Jato investigation 39 392 431
Early Contract Terminations 471 9 47 207 734
Expenses/Reimbursements from E&P partnership operations 1,280 1,280
Equalization of expenses - Production Individualization Agreements 4,477 (3) 4,474
PIS and Cofins recovered - VAT tax exclusion from PIS and Cofins tax basis 7,675 7,675
Others 975 (179) (140) (6) 650
  1,435 (3,270) (339) 3,238 (6) 1,058


Table 27 - Other Income (Expenses) by Segment – 6M19

Voluntary Separation Incentive Plan - PDV (133) (124) (6) (72) (335)
Unscheduled stoppages and pre-operating expenses (2,404) (44) (279) (3) (2,730)
Pension and medical benefits - retirees (2,695) (2,695)
Gains/(losses) with Commodities Derivatives (1,449) (1,449)
Gains / (losses) related to legal, administrative and arbitration proceedings 146 (903) 55 (1,464) (2,166)
Results on disposal/write-offs of assets and on remeasurement of investment retained with loss of control (187) 113 21,435 528 21,889
Variable compensation program (323) (170) (29) (269) (791)
Amounts recovered from Lava Jato investigation 29 280 309
Early Contract Terminations (5) (5)
Expenses/Reimbursements from E&P partnership operations 370 370
Equalization of expenses - Production Individualization Agreements (33) (1) (34)
PIS and Cofins recovered - VAT tax exclusion from PIS and Cofins tax basis
Others (376) (143) (142) (213) (12) (886)
  (2,911) (1,271) 21,029 (5,358) (12) 11,477




Table 28 - Other Income (Expenses) by Segment – 2Q20

Voluntary Separation Incentive Plan - PDV (1,905) (1,440) (158) (1,332) (4,835)
Unscheduled stoppages and pre-operating expenses (1,882) (490) (103) (6) (2,481)
Pension and medical benefits - retirees (1,027) (1,027)
Gains/(losses) with Commodities Derivatives (2,720) (2,720)
Gains / (losses) related to legal, administrative and arbitration proceedings 175 (747) (71) 42 (601)
Results on disposal/write-offs of assets and on remeasurement of investment retained with loss of control 145 (25) (9) (13) 98
Variable compensation program (3) (3)
Amounts recovered from Lava Jato investigation 39 296 335
Early Contract Terminations 101 9 (17) 184 277
Expenses/Reimbursements from E&P partnership operations 624 624
Equalization of expenses - Production Individualization Agreements 4,366 (3) 4,363
PIS and Cofins recovered - VAT tax exclusion from PIS and Cofins tax basis 7,675 7,675
Others 415 (42) (135) 292 (3) 527
  2,078 (2,735) (496) 3,388 (3) 2,232


Table 29 - Other Income (Expenses) by Segment – 1Q20

Voluntary Separation Incentive Plan - PDV (87) (63) (3) (34) (187)
Unscheduled stoppages and pre-operating expenses (1,371) (11) (194) (8) (1,584)
Pension and medical benefits - retirees (1,327) (1,327)
Gains/(losses) with Commodities Derivatives 1,037 1,037
Gains / (losses) related to legal, administrative and arbitration proceedings (636) (257) 334 278 (281)
Results on disposal/write-offs of assets and on remeasurement of investment retained with loss of control (322) (99) (42) 17 (446)
Variable compensation program 76 32 3 60 171
Amounts recovered from Lava Jato investigation 96 96
Early Contract Terminations 370 64 23 457
Expenses/Reimbursements from E&P partnership operations 656 656
Equalization of expenses - Production Individualization Agreements 111 111
PIS and Cofins recovered - VAT tax exclusion from PIS and Cofins tax basis
Others 560 (137) (5) (292) (3) 123
  (643) (535) 157 (150) (3) (1,174)



Table 30 - Consolidated Assets by Segment – 06.30.2020

Total assets 573,990 166,431 50,191 243,028 (18,498) 1,015,142
Current assets 23,981 43,946 7,691 144,704 (18,396) 201,926
Non-current assets 550,009 122,485 42,500 98,324 (102) 813,216
Long-term receivables 26,519 14,124 5,295 78,509 2 124,449
Investments 2,237 1,308 3,961 11,501 19,007
Property, plant and equipment 444,727 106,541 32,600 7,535 (104) 591,299
Operating assets 385,703 93,080 21,587 7,450 (104) 507,716
Assets under construction 59,024 13,461 11,013 85 83,583
Intangible assets 76,526 512 644 779 78,461


Table 31 - Consolidated Assets by Segment – 12.31.2018

Total assets 621,860 175,418 51,240 97,097 (19,604) 926,011
Current assets 23,114 49,467 7,789 51,186 (19,455) 112,101
Non-current assets 598,746 125,951 43,451 45,911 (149) 813,910
Long-term receivables 26,022 13,296 5,517 26,471 71,306
Investments 2,387 4,472 4,299 11,008 22,166
Property, plant and equipment 493,746 107,659 32,975 7,718 (149) 641,949
Operating assets 428,589 95,245 22,593 7,191 (149) 553,469
Assets under construction 65,157 12,414 10,382 527 88,480
Intangible assets 76,591 524 660 714 78,489


Table 32 - Reconciliation of Consolidated Adjusted EBITDA Statement by Segment – 6M20

Net income (loss) from continuing operations (23,923) (6,583) 2,016 (27,811) 3,764 (52,537)
Net finance income (expense) 33,486 33,486
Income taxes (11,909) (2,263) 976 (6,111) 1,938 (17,369)
Depreciation, depletion and amortization 23,841 5,147 1,222 523 30,733
EBITDA (11,991) (3,699) 4,214 87 5,702 (5,687)
Results in equity-accounted investments 806 2,189 (122) (345) 2,528
Impairment 64,304 208 789 65,301
Reclassification of cumulative translation adjustment - CTA
Foreign Exchange gains or losses on provisions for legal procedings
Results on disposal / write-offs of assets and on remeasurement of investment retained with loss of control 177 124 51 (4) 348
Adjusted EBITDA from Continuing Operations 53,296 (1,178) 4,143 527 5,702 62,490
Adjusted EBITDA from Discontinued Operations
Adjusted EBITDA 53,296 (1,178) 4,143 527 5,702 62,490



Table 33 - Reconciliation of Consolidated Adjusted EBITDA Statement by Segment – 6M19

Net income (loss) from continuing operations 23,918 3,004 16,407 (18,396) (2,120) 22,813
Net finance income (expense) 16,995 16,995
Income taxes 12,177 1,272 8,365 (7,268) (1,091) 13,455
Depreciation, depletion and amortization 22,097 4,703 1,313 459 28,572
EBITDA 58,192 8,979 26,085 (8,210) (3,211) 81,835
Results in equity-accounted investments (280) (535) (169) 19 (965)
Impairment losses / (reversals) (1,101) 1,181 1 81
Reclassification of cumulative translation adjustment - CTA 127 127
Foreign Exchange gains or losses on provisions for legal procedings (85) (85)
Results on disposal / write-offs of assets and on remeasurement of investment retained with loss of control 187 (113) (21,435) (528) (21,889)
Adjusted EBITDA from Continuing Operations 56,998 9,512 4,482 (8,677) (3,211) 59,104
Adjusted EBITDA from Discontinued Operations 30 1,004 1,034
Adjusted EBITDA 56,998 9,512 4,512 (7,673) (3,211) 60,138








Table 34 - Reconciliation of Consolidated Adjusted EBITDA Statement by Segment – 2Q20

Net income (loss) from continuing operations 6,282 (3,041) 1,008 (7,100) 38 (2,813)
Net finance income (expense) 12,308 12,308
Income taxes 3,260 (875) 450 (3,329) 19 (475)
Depreciation, depletion and amortization 11,431 2,664 610 270 14,975
EBITDA 20,973 (1,252) 2,068 2,149 57 23,995
Results in equity-accounted investments 48 1,341 (134) (166) 1,089
Reclassification of cumulative translation adjustment - CTA
Foreign Exchange gains or losses on material provisions for legal procedings
Gains / (losses) on disposal / write-offs of assets and in remeasurement of equity interests (145) 25 9 13 (98)
Adjusted EBITDA from Continuing Operations 20,876 114 1,943 1,996 57 24,986
Adjusted EBITDA from Discontinued Operations
Adjusted EBITDA 20,876 114 1,943 1,996 57 24,986


Table 35 - Reconciliation of Consolidated Adjusted EBITDA Statement by Segment – 1Q20

Net income (loss) from continuing operations (30,205) (3,542) 1,008 (20,711) 3,726 (49,724)
Net finance income (expense) 21,178 21,178
Income taxes (15,169) (1,388) 526 (2,782) 1,919 (16,894)
Depreciation, depletion and amortization 12,410 2,483 612 253 15,758
EBITDA (32,964) (2,447) 2,146 (2,062) 5,645 (29,682)
Results in equity-accounted investments 758 848 12 (179) 1,439
Impairment 64,304 208 789 65,301
Reclassification of cumulative translation adjustment - CTA
Foreign Exchange gains or losses on material provisions for legal procedings
Gains / (losses) on disposal / write-offs of assets and in remeasurement of equity interests 322 99 42 (17) 446
Adjusted EBITDA from Continuing Operations 32,420 (1,292) 2,200 (1,469) 5,645 37,504
Adjusted EBITDA from Discontinued Operations
Adjusted EBITDA 32,420 (1,292) 2,200 (1,469) 5,645 37,504







ACL - Ambiente de Contratação Livre (Free contracting market) in the electricity system.

ACR - Ambiente de Contratação Regulada (Regulated contracting market) in the electricity system.

Adjusted cash and cash equivalents - Sum of cash and cash equivalents, government bonds and time deposits from highly rated financial institutions abroad with maturities of more than 3 months from the date of acquisition, considering the expected realization of those financial investments in the short-term. This measure is not defined under the International Financial Reporting Standards – IFRS and should not be considered in isolation or as a substitute for cash and cash equivalents computed in accordance with IFRS. It may not be comparable to adjusted cash and cash equivalents of other companies, however management believes that it is an appropriate supplemental measure to assess our liquidity and supports leverage management.

Adjusted EBITDA – Net income plus net finance income (expense); income taxes; depreciation, depletion and amortization; results in equity-accounted investments; impairment, cumulative translation adjustment and gains/losses on disposal/write-offs of assets. Adjusted EBITDA is not a measure defined by IFRS and it is possible that it may not be comparable to similar measures reported by other companies, however management believes that it is an appropriate supplemental measure to assess our profitability. Adjusted EBITDA shall be considered in conjunction with other metrics for a better understanding on our performance.

Adjusted EBITDA margin - Adjusted EBITDA divided by sales revenues.

Basic and diluted earnings (losses) per share - Calculated based on the weighted average number of shares.

Consolidated Structured Entities – Entities that have been designated so that voting rights or the like are not the determining factor in deciding who controls the entity. Petrobras has no equity interest in certain structured entities that are consolidated in the Company's financial statements, but control is determined by the power it has over its relevant operating activities. As there is no equity interest, the income from certain consolidated structured entities is attributable to non-controlling shareholders in the income statement, and disregarding the profit or loss attributable to Petrobras shareholders.

CTA – Cumulative translation adjustment – The cumulative amount of exchange variation arising on translation of foreign operations that is recognized in Shareholders’ Equity and will be transferred to profit or loss on the disposal of the investment.

Effect of average cost in the Cost of Sales – In view of the average inventory term of 60 days, the crude oil and oil products international prices movement, as well as foreign exchange effect over imports, production taxes and other factors that impact costs, do not entirely influence the cost of sales in the current period, having their total effects only in the following period.

Free cash flow - Net cash provided by operating activities less acquisition of PP&E and intangibles assets, investments in investees and dividends received.. Free cash flow is not defined under the IFRS and should not be considered in isolation or as a substitute for cash and cash equivalents calculated in accordance with IFRS. It may not be comparable to free cash flow of other companies, however management believes that it is an appropriate supplemental measure to assess our liquidity and supports leverage management.

Investments – Capital expenditures based on the cost assumptions and financial methodology adopted in our Business and Management Plan, which include acquisition of PP&E, including expenses with leasing, intangibles assets, investment in investees and other items that do not necessarily qualify as cash flows used in investing activities, primarily geological and geophysical expenses, research and development expenses, pre-operating charges, purchase of property, plant and equipment on credit and borrowing costs directly attributable to works in progress.




Leverage – Ratio between the Net Debt and the sum of Net Debt and Shareholders’ Equity. Leverage is not a measure defined in the IFRS and it is possible that it may not be comparable to similar measures reported by other companies, however management believes that it is an appropriate supplemental measure to assess our liquidity.

Lifting Cost - Crude oil and natural gas lifting cost indicator, which considers expenditures occurred in the period.

LTM Adjusted EBITDA - Sum of the last 12 months (Last Twelve Months) of Adjusted EBITDA. This metric is not foreseen in the international accounting standards - IFRS and it is possible that it is not comparable with similar indexes reported by other companies, however Management believes that it is supplementary information to assess liquidity and helps manage leverage. Adjusted EBITDA should be considered in conjunction with other metrics to better understand the Company's liquidity.

OCF - Net Cash provided by (used in) operating activities (operating cash flow)

Net Debt – Gross debt less adjusted cash and cash equivalents. Net debt is not a measure defined in the IFRS and should not be considered in isolation or as a substitute for total long-term debt calculated in accordance with IFRS. Our calculation of net debt may not be comparable to the calculation of net debt by other companies, however our management believes that net debt is an appropriate supplemental measure that helps investors assess our liquidity and supports leverage management.

Net Income by Business Segment - The information by the company's business segment is prepared based on available financial information that is directly attributable to the segment or that can be allocated on a reasonable basis, being presented by business activities used by the Executive Board to make resource allocation decisions. and performance evaluation.When calculating segmented results, transactions with third parties, including jointly controlled and associated companies, and transfers between business segments are considered. Transactions between business segments are valued at internal transfer prices calculated based on methodologies that take into account market parameters, and these transactions are eliminated, outside the business segments, for the purpose of reconciling the segmented information with the consolidated financial statements of the company. company.As a result of the divestments in 2019, the strategy of repositioning its portfolio foreseen in the Strategic Plan 2020-2024, approved on November 27, 2019, as well as the materiality of the remaining businesses, the company reassessed the presentation of the Distribution and Biofuels, which are now included in the Corporate and other businesses.

PLD (differences settlement price) - Electricity price in the spot market. Weekly weighed prices per output level (light, medium and heavy), number of hours and related market capacity.

Refining - includes crude oil refining, logistics, transportation, acquisition and export activities, as well as the purchase and sale of petroleum and ethanol products in Brazil and abroad. Additionally, this segment includes the petrochemical area, which includes investments in companies in the petrochemical sector, shale exploration and processing.

Sales Price of Petroleum in Brazil - Average internal transfer prices from the E&P segment to the Refining segment.

Total net liabilities - Total liability less adjusted cash and cash equivalents.







Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.


Date: July 31, 2020



By: /s/ Andrea Marques de Almeida


Andrea Marques de Almeida

Chief Financial Officer and Investor Relations Officer


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