Washington, D.C. 20549







PURSUANT TO RULE 13a-16 OR 15d-16


For the month of May 2017

Commission File Number: 001-36515



Materialise NV



Technologielaan 15

3001 Leuven


(Address of principal executive office)



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First Quarter 2017 Financial Results

Except as otherwise required by the context, references to “Materialise,” “Company,” “we,” “us” and “our” are to Materialise NV and its subsidiaries.

First Quarter 2017 Results

Total revenue for the first quarter of 2017 increased 19.7% to 31,921 kEUR compared to 26,667 kEUR for the first quarter of 2016, with gains in all three of our segments, particularly Materialise Manufacturing.

Revenue from our Materialise Software segment, which offers a proprietary software backbone that enables and enhances the functionality of 3D printers and 3D printing operations worldwide, increased 15.4% to 8,575 kEUR for the first quarter of 2017 from 7,431 kEUR for the same quarter last year. Recurrent revenues from annual and renewed licenses and maintenance fees grew 22.3% from the same period in the prior year.

Revenue from our Materialise Medical segment, which offers a unique platform consisting of medical planning and design software, clinical engineering services and patient specific devices, increased 15.4% to 9,932 kEUR for the first quarter of 2017 compared to 8,606 kEUR for the same period in 2016. Compared to the same quarter in 2016, revenues from our medical software grew 16.0%, and revenues from our collaborated medical device business and from direct sales of complex surgery solutions each grew 15.0%.

Revenue from our Materialise Manufacturing segment, which offers an integrated suite of 3D printing and engineering services to industrial and commercial customers, increased 26.4% to 13,407 kEUR for the first quarter of 2017 from 10,606 kEUR for the first quarter of 2016. End part manufacturing revenues increased 35.0% compared to the first quarter of 2016.

Gross profit was 18,477 kEUR, or 57.9 % of total revenue, for the first quarter of 2017 compared to 15,962 kEUR, or 59.9 % of total revenue, for the first quarter of 2016. The decrease in the gross profit margin was primarily a result of increased production of medical devices and implants, involving higher cost of production.

Research and development (“R&D”), sales and marketing (“S&M”) and general and administrative (“G&A”) expenses increased, in the aggregate, 7.4% to 19,579 kEUR for the first quarter of 2017 from 18,237 kEUR for the first quarter of 2016. R&D expenses increased from 4,372 kEUR to 4,592 kEUR while S&M expenses increased from 8,815 kEUR to 9,608 kEUR. G&A expenses increased from 5,050 kEUR to 5,379 kEUR.

Net other operating income decreased by (268) kEUR to 1,018 kEUR compared to 1,286 kEUR for the first quarter of 2016. Net other operating income consists primarily of withholding tax exemptions for qualifying researchers, development grants, partial funding of R&D projects and currency exchange results on purchase and sales transactions.

Operating loss improved to (84) kEUR from (989) kEUR for the same period in the prior year. This improvement was the result of a combination of an increase in gross profit of 15.8% and an increase of only 7.4% in R&D, S&M and G&A expenses, which were partially offset by a slight decrease of (268) kEUR of net other operating income compared to the same quarter in 2016.

Net financial result was (142) kEUR compared to (734) kEUR for the prior-year period, reflecting smaller variances in the currency exchange rates, primarily on the portion of the Company’s IPO proceeds held in U.S. dollars versus the euro.

Net loss for the first quarter of 2017 was (816) kEUR compared to net loss of (3,151) kEUR for the same period in 2016. The 2016 period contained income tax expense of 1,260 kEUR primarily from deferred taxes compared to income tax expense of 201 kEUR this quarter. The decrease in the net loss for the first quarter of 2017 was primarily attributable to this variance of 1,059 kEUR in income tax, as well as an increase in the financial result of 592 kEUR and the decrease in operating loss by 905 kEUR, which were partially offset by an increase of 221 kEUR in the share in the loss of a joint venture. Total comprehensive loss for the first quarter of 2017, which includes exchange differences on translation of foreign operations, was 694 kEUR compared to 4,115 kEUR for the same period in 2016.

Adjusted EBITDA (a non-IFRS financial measure defined below) increased to 2,813 kEUR from 1,135 kEUR as a result of the combination of continued revenue growth (19.7%) and a significantly lower increase in operational expenses (7.4%) as compared to the first quarter in 2016. The Adjusted EBITDA margin (Adjusted EBITDA divided by total revenue) in the first quarter was 8.8% compared to 4.3% in the first quarter of 2016.

Our Materialise Software segment’s EBITDA rose to 2,993 kEUR from 2,765 kEUR while the segment EBITDA margin (the segment’s EBITDA divided by the segment’s revenue) was 34.9% compared to 37.2% in the prior-year period.

Our Materialise Medical segment’s EBITDA was 314 kEUR compared to (530) kEUR while the segment EBITDA margin increased to 3.2% from (6.2)% in the first quarter of 2016.

Our Materialise Manufacturing segment’s EBITDA rose to 1,322 kEUR from 257 kEUR while the segment EBITDA margin increased to 9.9% from 2.4% for the same quarter in 2016.

At March 31, 2017, we had cash and equivalents of 55,071 kEUR compared to 55,912 kEUR at December 31, 2016. Cash flow from operating activities in the first quarter of 2017 was 1,603 kEUR compared to 1,376 kEUR in the same period in 2016.

Net shareholders’ equity at March 31, 2017 was 78,585 kEUR compared to 79,033 kEUR at December 31, 2016.

Non-IFRS Measures

Materialise uses EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA as supplemental financial measures of its financial performance. EBITDA is calculated as net profit plus income taxes, financial expenses (less financial income), shares of loss in a joint venture and depreciation and amortization. Adjusted EBITDA is determined by adding non-cash stock-based compensation expenses to EBITDA. Management believes these non-IFRS measures to be important measures as they exclude the effects of items that primarily reflect the impact of long-term investment and financing decisions, rather than the performance of the Company’s day-to-day operations. As compared to net profit, these measures are limited in that they do not reflect the periodic costs of certain capitalized tangible and intangible assets used in generating

revenues in the Company’s business, or the charges associated with impairments. Management evaluates such items through other financial measures such as capital expenditures and cash flow provided by operating activities. The Company believes that these measurements are useful to measure a company’s ability to grow or as a valuation measurement. The Company’s calculation of EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA may not be comparable to similarly titled measures reported by other companies. EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA should not be considered as alternatives to net profit or any other performance measure derived in accordance with IFRS. The Company’s presentation of EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA should not be construed to imply that its future results will be unaffected by unusual or non-recurring items.

Exchange Rate

This document contains translations of certain euro amounts into U.S. dollars at specified rates solely for the convenience of readers. Unless otherwise noted, all translations from euros to U.S. dollars in this document were made at a rate of EUR 1.00 to USD 1.0691, the reference rate of the European Central Bank on March 31, 2017.

About Materialise

Materialise incorporates more than 25 years of 3D printing experience into a range of software solutions and 3D printing services, through which Materialise seeks to form the backbone of the 3D printing industry. Materialise’s open and flexible solutions enable players in a wide variety of industries, including healthcare, automotive, aerospace, art and design, and consumer goods, to build innovative 3D printing applications that aim to make the world a better and healthier place. Headquartered in Belgium, with branches worldwide, Materialise combines one of the largest groups of software developers in the industry with one of the largest 3D printing facilities in the world. For additional information, please visit: www.materialise.com .

Consolidated income statement (Unaudited)


     For the three months ended 31 March  

(in thousands, except per share amounts)

   2017      2017      2016  


     34,127        31,921        26,667  

Cost of sales

     (14,373)        (13,444)        (10,705)  

Gross profit

     19,754        18,477        15,962  

Gross profit as % of revenue

     58%        58%        60%  

Research and development expenses

     (4,909)        (4,592)        (4,372)  

Sales and marketing expenses

     (10,272)        (9,608)        (8,815)  

General and administrative expenses

     (5,751)        (5,379)        (5,050)  

Net other operating income (expenses)

     1,088        1,018        1,286  

Operating (loss) profit

     (90)        (84)        (989)  

Financial expenses

     (983)        (919)        (897)  

Financial income

     831        777        163  

Share in loss of joint venture

     (416)        (389)        (168)  

(Loss) profit before taxes

     (658)        (615)        (1,891)  

Income taxes

     (215)        (201)        (1,260)  

Net (loss) profit of the period

     (873)        (816)        (3,151)  

Net (loss) profit attributable to:


The owners of the parent

     (873)        (816)        (3,151)  

Non-controlling interest


Earnings per share attributable to ordinary owners of the parent



     (0.02)        (0.02)        (0.07)  


     (0.02)        (0.02)        (0.07)  

Weighted average basic shares outstanding

     47,325        47,325        47,325  

Weighted average diluted shares outstanding

     47,325        47,325        47,325  

Consolidated statements of comprehensive income (Unaudited)


     For the three months ended 31 March  

(in thousands)

   2017      2017      2016  

Net profit (loss) for the period

     (873)        (816)        (3,151)  

Other comprehensive income


Exchange difference on translation of foreign operations

     130        122        (964)  

Other comprehensive income (loss), net of taxes

     130        122        (964)  

Total comprehensive income (loss) for the period, net of taxes

     (743)        (694)        (4,115)  

Total comprehensive income (loss) attributable to:


The owners of the parent

     (743)        (694)        (4,115)  

Non-controlling interest


Consolidated statement of financial position (Unaudited)


     As of March 31      As of
December 31

(in thousands)

   2017      2016  



Non-current assets



     8,897        8,860  

Intangible assets

     9,468        9,765  

Property, plant & equipment

     52,238        45,063  

Investments in joint ventures


Deferred tax assets

     276        336  

Other non-current assets

     2,309        2,154  

Total non-current assets

     73,299        66,178  

Current assets



     8,267        7,870  

Trade receivables

     30,507        27,479  

Held to maturity investments


Other current assets

     4,691        4,481  

Cash and cash equivalents

     55,071        55,912  

Total current assets

     98,536        95,742  

Total assets

     171,835        161,920  

     As of March 31      As of
December 31

(in thousands)

   2017      2016  

Equity and liabilities




Share capital

     2,729        2,729  

Share premium

     79,263        79,019  

Consolidated reserves

     (2,417)        (1,603)  

Other comprehensive income

     (990)        (1,112)  

Equity attributable to the owners of the parent

     78,585        79,033  

Non-controlling interest


Total equity

     78,585        79,033  

Non-current liabilities


Loans & borrowings

     34,982        28,267  

Deferred tax liabilities

     1,256        1,325  

Deferred income

     3,942        3,588  

Other non-current liabilities

     2,026        1,873  

Total non-current liabilities

     42,206        35,053  

Current liabilities


Loans & borrowings

     6,426        5,539  

Trade payables

     13,743        13,400  

Tax payables

     874        926  

Deferred income

     19,607        17,822  

Other current liabilities

     10,394        10,147  

Total current liabilities

     51,044        47,834  

Total equity and liabilities

     171,835        161,920  

Consolidated statement of cash flows (Unaudited)


     For the three months
ended March 31

(in thousands)

   2017      2016  

Operating activities


Net (loss) profit of the period

     (816)        (3,151)  

Non-cash and operational adjustments


Depreciation of property, plant & equipment

     1,945        1,448  

Amortization of intangible assets

     623        462  

Share-based payment expense

     329        214  

Loss (gain) on disposal of property, plant & equipment


Movement in provisions


Movement reserve for bad debt

     122        42  

Financial income

     (136)        (48)  

Financial expense

     359        254  

Impact of foreign currencies

     (81)        528  

Share in loss of a joint venture (equity method)

     389        168  

Deferred tax expense (income)

     1        868  

Income taxes

     203        358  



Working capital adjustment & income tax paid


Increase in trade receivables and other receivables

     (3,452)        (285)  

Decrease (increase) in inventories

     (406)        215  

Increase in trade payables and other payables

     2,729        421  

Income tax paid

     (136)        (118)  

Net cash flow from operating activities

     1,603        1,376  

     For the three months
ended March 31

(in thousands)

   2017      2016  

Investing activities


Purchase of property, plant & equipment

     (7,507)        (1,325)  

Purchase of intangible assets

     (327)        (265)  

Proceeds from the sale of property, plant & equipment (net)

     70        85  

Investments in joint-ventures


Interest received

     108        3  

Net cash flow used in investing activities

     (8,156)        (1,502)  

Financing activities


Proceeds from loans & borrowings

     7,710        604  

Repayment of loans & borrowings

     (756)        (656)  

Repayment of finance leases

     (728)        (419)  

Interest paid

     (152)        (141)  

Other financial income (expense)

     (166)        (33)  

Net cash flow from (used in) financing activities

     5,908        (645)  

Net increase of cash & cash equivalents

     (645)        (771)  

Cash & cash equivalents at beginning of the period

     55,912        50,726  

Exchange rate differences on cash & cash equivalents

     (196)        (520)  

Cash & cash equivalents at end of the period

     55,071        49,435  

Reconciliation of Net Profit (Loss) to EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA (Unaudited)


     For the three months
ended 31 March

(in thousands)

   2017      2016  

Net profit (loss) for the period

     (816)        (3,151)  

Income taxes

     201        1,260  

Finance expenses

     919        897  

Finance income

     (777)        (163)  

Share in loss of joint venture

     389        168  

Depreciation and amortization

     2,568        1,910  


     2,484        921  

Non-cash stock-based compensation expense (1)

     329        214  


     2,813        1,135  

(1) Non-cash stock-based compensation expenses represent the cost of equity-settled and cash-settled share-based payments to employees.

Segment P&L (Unaudited)


(in thousands)

     Unallocated      Consoli-

For the three months ended March 31, 2017



     8,575        9,932        13,407        31,914        8        31,922  

Segment EBITDA

     2,993        314        1,322        4,629        (2,145)        2,484  

Segment EBITDA %

     34.9%        3.2%        9.9%        14.5%           7.8%  

For the three months ended March 31, 2016



     7,431        8,606        10,606        26,643        24        26,667  

Segment EBITDA

     2,765        (530)        257        2,492        (1,571)        921  

Segment EBITDA %

     37.2%        -6.2%        2.4%        9.4%           3.5%  

Reconciliation of Net Profit (Loss) to Segment EBITDA (Unaudited)


     For the three months
ended 31 March

(in thousands)

   2017      2016  

Net profit (loss) for the period

     (816)        (3,151)  

Income taxes

     201        1,260  

Finance cost

     919        897  

Finance income

     (777)        (163)  

Share in loss of joint venture

     389        168  

Operating profit

     (84)        (989)  

Depreciation and amortization

     2,568        1,910  

Corporate research and development

     509        567  

Corporate headquarter costs

     2,073        1,738  

Other operating income (expense)

     (437)        (734)  

Segment EBITDA

     4,629        2,492  


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.





/s/ Wilfried Vancraen



Wilfried Vancraen



Chief Executive Officer

Date: May 9, 2017

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