Filed Pursuant to Rule 433

Registration No. 333-215188

January 19, 2017

Free Writing Prospectus

(to Preliminary Prospectus

dated January 19, 2017)


STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL ©2017 Function(x), Inc. All Rights Reserved



Forward - Looking Financial Information This presentation contains forward - looking statements of the Company that relate to the current expectations, business plans and views of future events. Forward - looking statements often, but not always, are identified by the use of words such as “seek”, “anticipate”, “believe”, “plan”, “estima te” , “expect”, “target” and “intend” and statements that an event or result “may”, “will”, “should”, “could” or “might” occur or be achieved or other similar expressions and include statements in respect of the Company’s business plans and its ability to grow revenues and attract new customers an d B2B partners, as examples only. Forward - looking statements are based on assumptions and analysis made by the Company in light of its experience a nd perception of historical trends, current conditions and expected future developments and other factors the Company believes are appropriate , a nd involve a number of risks and uncertainties. Should one or more of the risks materialize or should assumptions underlying the forward - looking sta tements prove incorrect, actual events or results might differ materially from events or results projected or suggested in these forward - looking statements . Given these risks, uncertainties and assumptions, prospective purchasers of securities should not place undue reliance on these forward - looking sta tements. These risks, uncertainties, assumptions and other factors could cause the Company’s actual results, performance, achievements and experien ce to differ materially from the expectations, future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the forward - looking statements. The forward - looking statements made in this Presentation relate only to events or information as of the date of this Presentation and the Company do es not intend, nor assume any obligation, to update these forward - looking statements. Investors should read this Presentation with the understandin g that the Company’s actual future results and achievements may be materially different from expectations. The information contained in this presentation is confidential. The issuer has filed a registration statement (including a prospectus) with the SEC for the offering to which this communication relates. Before you invest, you should read the prospectus in that registration statemen t a nd other documents the issuer has filed with the SEC for more complete information about the issuer and this offering. You may get these documents f or free by visiting EDGAR on the SEC Web site at Alternatively, the issuer, any underwriter or any dealer participating in the offering will arr ange to send you the prospectus if you request it by calling 212 - 813 - 1010. Risk Factors Investors should read our risk factors set forth in our prospectus dated 01/19/2017, our quarterly report on Form 10 - Q for the quarter ended September 30, 2016 and the annual report on Form 10 - K for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2016. 2 Disclosures



3 Free Writing Prospectus Statement This presentations highlights basic information about us and the offering to which this communication relates. Because it is a summary, it does not contain all of the information that you should consider before investing in our common stock . We have filed a registration statement (including a prospectus, which currently is in preliminary form) with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for the offering to which this presentation relates. The registration statement has not yet become effective. Before you invest, you should read the preliminary prospectus in the registration statement (including the risk factors described therein) and other documents we have filed with the SEC for more complete information about us and the offering . You may access these documents for free by visiting EDGAR on the SEC website at . The preliminary prospectus dated January 18, 2017 is available on the website at . Alternatively , we or any underwriter participating in the offering will arrange to send you the preliminary prospectus and, when available, the final prospectus and / or any supplements thereto if you contact Aegis Capital Corp., Prospectus Department, 810 Seventh Avenue, 18th Floor, New York, NY 10019, telephone: 212 - 813 - 1010, email:



4 Offering Summary Issuer: Function (x), Inc. Exchange / Ticker: NASDAQ:FNCX Offering Size: Approximately $10,000,000 (15% over - allotment) Securities Offered: Common Shares Use of Proceeds: We will use the proceeds to repay indebtedness and for general working capital Joint Bookrunning Managers: Aegis Capital Corp. Laidlaw & Company (UK) LTD.



Introduction 5



About Function(x) 6 ▪ Function(x ), a social publishing and interactive media platform, is building on a native audience of 18MM monthly visits by delivering exclusive and engaging content based on key relationships with social influencers and celebrities: ▪ Wetpaint is a leading online destination for entertainment news for millennial women, covering the latest in television, music and pop culture . ▪ Rant is a leading digital publisher with original content spanning multiple verticals, most notably sports , entertainment and pets.




Robert F.X. Sillerman, C hairman & CEO • Media Entrepreneur known for identifying market trends and scalable opportunities with multiple billion dollar exits • American Idol, Elvis Presley Enterprises, Muhammad Ali Enterprises, SFX Broadcasting, SFX Entertainment I, Marquee Sports, Action Media Group and more Led by an experienced team 7 Michelle Lanken CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER Brian Rosin CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER 5+ years in digital media with a focus on monetization and analytical reporting, and a proven track record of driving revenue growth 15+ years experience in the preparation of SEC filings, accounting and financial controls with top accounting firms and Fortune 500 companies Management Team is comprised of experienced professionals with complementary skill sets. Doug Jones CHIEF TECHNOLOGY OFFICER IT Software Development expert with 20+ years of experience in mission critical, high volume transaction processing environments.



The Opportunity 8



The accelerating rise of Social Media 9 Source: MediaKix Facebook YouTube Instagram Snapchat (Monthly Average Users)



10 Source: MediaKix The Average Person Spends 1 Hour 40 Minutes On Social Media Each Day



11 Source: MediaKix



12 US Digital ad spending expected to each Digital advertising takes the lead Source: MediaKix



Industry comparable valuations 13 UNIQUE VISITORS 27 Million 44.5 Million 59.8 Million 80.4 Million 7.2 Million LATEST ROUND VALUATION $ 500 Million $ 442 Million $850 Million $1 .5 Billion ???



Celebrity News, Reality TV & Entertainment site 14 Function(x) Today Sports, Pets and L ifestyle sites



Function(x) by the numbers 15 Reach Gender Breakdown On Social Device Traffic User Engagement Data Driven 18MM Wetpaint Monthly Visits 15% Male 85% Female 10MM+ Followers 80% Mobile 4.5 pageviews per visit and 1:35 spent on site per visit Reaching the right customer, with the right content, at the right time Source: ComScore/Google Analytics, Dec 2016



Strong F oundation & C ompetitive Advantage 16 CONTENT AUDIENCE ADVERTISERS TECHNOLOGY SOCIAL PUBLISHING PLATFORM 18+ million monthly visits* (70% of traffic from millennial women) LARGE AUDIENCE Patented innovative technology including a Social Distribution Platform PATENTED TECHNOLOGY Access to exclusive content from celebrities and social influencers EXCLUSIVE CONTENT Optimized integration with 3 rd party advertisers and brands ADVERTISERS Source : Google Analytics, Dec 2016



Results 17



Strong Growth since July: Revenue 18 ▪ Optimized ad stack and monetization model has taken effect, resulting in significant r evenue growth. ▪ Anticipating continued growth as we continue to develop new and exciting content. • Represents Publishing Segment • All figures shown are unaudited $20,000 $70,000 $120,000 $170,000 $220,000 $270,000 $320,000 $370,000 Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Revenue



Strong Growth since July: RPMv (Revenue per 1,000 visits) 19 ▪ Increase in pageviews has helped increase monetization per 1,000 visit. ▪ Continue to target increase in RPMv through user engagement. ▪ RPMv has not grown at the same rate as revenue, indicating there is future opportunity for growth. $2.00 $4.00 $6.00 $8.00 $10.00 $12.00 $14.00 $16.00 $18.00 $20.00 $22.00 Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec RPMv • Represents Publishing Segment • All figures shown are unaudited



Strong Growth since July: Pageviews 20 ▪ Growth in p ageviews signals increased user engagement. ▪ Increase directly correlates to an increase in revenue . ▪ Continue to target increased pageviews . 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 70,000 80,000 Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Pageviews (in 000's) • Represents Publishing Segment • All figures shown are unaudited



Recent Highlights and Developments 21 ▪ Established Foundation for Future G rowth : Established streamlined headcount plan, disciplined financial controls, a refined operating expense model, revamped technology platform and acquisition team, all in an effort to seamlessly grow the business in the future . ▪ Optimizing Revenue Model: The Company has recalibrated its revenue model to achieve sustainable revenue growth and to better align its capital and focus in the most efficient manner possible . ▪ Deleveraging Initiatives : Affiliates of Robert F.X. Sillerman have committed to converting approximately $36,300,000 in preferred equity into shares of the Company’s common stock . ▪ Key Performance M etrics : Daily automated monitoring of operating results allowing instantaneous improvement in revenue and user engagement. ▪ Non - Core Assets: Negotiating the sale of non - core assets for, materially reducing monthly cash burn. ▪ Debentures: Negotiating the buyout of Senior Subordinated Debentures.



Future Strategy ▪ Leverage and build on existing platform and current user base. ▪ Use access to A list celebrities to expand original video content to increase user base. ▪ Capitalize on demonstrated ability to substantially increase margin on externally acquired traffic. ▪ Use same strategy that Rant previously used but with comparable margin increase to WetPaint results. ▪ Explore cross media partnerships with traditional and new media - e.g. The Morning Rant on radio; The real truth about Reality TV. ▪ Pursue accretive and complementary acquisitions, based on industry margins - 50% lower than recent results at FNCX. 22



Pro - Forma Cap Table 23 (1) Accrued Interest and Accrued Dividends assumes a 1/16/17 Conversion. ( 2) Represents the capitalization of the Company as of 1/16/17 . ( 3) Represents the capitalization of the Company as of 1/16/17, adjusted for a $10MM equity offering priced at $2.25 and issuance of Representative Warrants to the underwriters of the offering. This further assumes the exchange of Sillerman Preferreds into common stock occurs at a price of $5.20 . ( 4) Represents the capitalization of the Company as of 1/16/17, adjusted for a $10MM equity offering priced at $2.25 and issuance of Representative Warrants to the underwriters of the offering. This is further adjusted for a updated pr ice of $2.34 for the exchange of Sillerman Preferreds into common stock. This exchange is also applicable to the Other Notes . ( 5) Represents the capitalization of the Company as of 1/16/17, adjusted for a $10MM equity offering priced at $2.25 and issuance of Representative Warrants to the underwriters of the offering. This is further adjusted for an agreeme nt to pay off the debentures, under which principal would be repaid in cash and interest and fees would be paid via $1.5MM in common stock at the same terms of the "New Issuance ". This assumes the exchange of Sillerman Preferreds into common stock occurs at a price of $5.20 . (6) Represents the capitalization of the Company as of 1/16/17, adjusted for a $10MM equity offering priced at $2.25 and issuance of Representative Warrants to the underwriters of the offering. This is further adjusted for an agreem ent to pay off the debentures, under which principal would be repaid in cash and interest and fees would be paid via $1.5MM in common stock at the same terms of the "New Issuance ". This assumes the exchange of Sillerman Preferreds into common stock occurs at an updated price of $2.34. This exchange is also applicable to the Other Notes. Cap Table Current (2) Adjusted for Offering (3) % Adjusted for New Exchange (4) % Adjusted for Payoff of Debentures (5) % Adjusted for New Exchange and Payoff of Debentures (6) % Sillerman Debt and Accrued Interest (Subordinated) (1) $4.4 $4.4 $4.4 $4.4 $4.4 Sillerman Preferreds & Accrued Dividend (1) $36.5 – – – – Rant Note & Accrued Interest (Subordinated) (1) $3.2 $3.2 $3.2 $3.2 $3.2 Rant Preferred $4.5 – – – – Private Placement Debentures & Accrued Interest (Senior Secured) $5.5 $5.5 $5.5 – – Other Notes (1) $0.3 – – – – Private Placement Warrants $2.3 $2.3 $0.8 $2.3 $0.8 Placement Agent Warrants $0.3 $0.3 $0.1 $0.3 $0.1 Representative Warrants – $0.6 $0.6 $0.6 $0.6 Sillerman (Shares) 1,986,176 61.6% 9,003,157 51.0% 15,593,291 59.5% 9,003,157 49.1% 15,593,291 58.0% Public (Shares) 1,237,991 38.4% 1,299,934 7.4% 1,386,405 5.3% 1,299,934 7.1% 1,386,405 5.2% New Issuance (Shares) – 4,444,445 25.2% 4,444,445 16.9% 4,444,445 24.3% 4,444,445 16.5% Rant Preferreds (Shares) – 2,909,755 16.5% 4,798,437 18.3% 2,909,755 15.9% 4,798,437 17.8% Private Placement New Issuance 666,667 3.6% 666,667 2.5% Net Cash from Offering – $10.0 $10.0 $6.0 $6.0 Net Debt, Preferreds & Warrants ($MM) $57.0 $5.8 $4.0 $4.3 $2.6 Total Outstanding Shares 3,224,167 17,657,291 100.0% 26,222,578 100.0% 18,323,958 100.0% 26,889,245 100.0%



Thank You An Interactive Media Platform ______ Contact : Michelle Lanken , Chief Financial Officer Phone : 212 . 231 . 0092 Email : info@functionxinc . com Web : f unctionxinc . com Confidential ©2017 Function(x), Inc. All Rights Reserved 24