Washington, D.C.


OMB Number: 3235-0076
Estimated Average burden hours per response: 4.0
Notice of Exempt Offering of Securities

1. Issuer's Identity
CIK (Filer ID Number) Previous Name(s)   o None Entity Type
x Corporation
o Limited Partnership
o Limited Liability Company
o General Partnership
o Business Trust
o Other
Name of Issuer
Jurisdiction of Incorporation/Organization
Year of Incorporation/Organization
  x Over Five Years Ago
  o Within Last Five Years (Specify Year)  
  o Yet to Be Formed  

2. Principal Place of Business and Contact Information
Name of Issuer  
Street Address 1 Street Address 2
City State/Province/Country ZIP/Postal Code Phone No. of Issuer
  PHOENIX   ARIZONA   85004   602 250 1000  

3. Related Persons
Last Name First Name Middle Name
Gallagher Michael L.
Street Address 1 Street Address 2
400 North Fifth Street
City State/Province/Country ZIP/Postal Code
Phoenix ARIZONA 85004
Relationship: o Executive Officer x Director o Promoter
Clarification of Response (if Necessary)

Last Name First Name Middle Name
Herberger, Jr. Roy A.
Street Address 1 Street Address 2
400 North Fifth Street
City State/Province/Country ZIP/Postal Code
Phoenix ARIZONA 85004
Relationship: o Executive Officer x Director o Promoter
Clarification of Response (if Necessary)

Last Name First Name Middle Name
Lopez Humberto S.
Street Address 1 Street Address 2
400 North Fifth Street
City State/Province/Country ZIP/Postal Code
Phoenix ARIZONA 85004
Relationship: o Executive Officer x Director o Promoter
Clarification of Response (if Necessary)

Last Name First Name Middle Name
Munro Kathryn L.
Street Address 1 Street Address 2
400 North Fifth Street
City State/Province/Country ZIP/Postal Code
Phoenix ARIZONA 85004
Relationship: o Executive Officer x Director o Promoter
Clarification of Response (if Necessary)

Last Name First Name Middle Name
Nordstrom Bruce J.
Street Address 1 Street Address 2
400 North Fifth Street
City State/Province/Country ZIP/Postal Code
Phoenix ARIZONA 85004
Relationship: o Executive Officer x Director o Promoter
Clarification of Response (if Necessary)

Last Name First Name Middle Name
Brandt Donald E.
Street Address 1 Street Address 2
400 North Fifth Street
City State/Province/Country ZIP/Postal Code
Phoenix ARIZONA 85004
Relationship: x Executive Officer x Director o Promoter
Clarification of Response (if Necessary)

Last Name First Name Middle Name
Edington Randall K.
Street Address 1 Street Address 2
400 North Fifth Street
City State/Province/Country ZIP/Postal Code
Phoenix ARIZONA 85004
Relationship: x Executive Officer o Director o Promoter
Clarification of Response (if Necessary)

Last Name First Name Middle Name
Falck David P.
Street Address 1 Street Address 2
400 North Fifth Street
City State/Province/Country ZIP/Postal Code
Phoenix ARIZONA 85004
Relationship: x Executive Officer o Director o Promoter
Clarification of Response (if Necessary)

Last Name First Name Middle Name
Hatfield James R.
Street Address 1 Street Address 2
400 North Fifth Street
City State/Province/Country ZIP/Postal Code
Phoenix ARIZONA 85004
Relationship: x Executive Officer o Director o Promoter
Clarification of Response (if Necessary)

Last Name First Name Middle Name
Schiavoni Mark A.
Street Address 1 Street Address 2
400 North Fifth Street
City State/Province/Country ZIP/Postal Code
Phoenix ARIZONA 85004
Relationship: x Executive Officer o Director o Promoter
Clarification of Response (if Necessary)

Last Name First Name Middle Name
Cortese Denis A.
Street Address 1 Street Address 2
400 N. Fifth Street
City State/Province/Country ZIP/Postal Code
Phoenix ARIZONA 85004
Relationship: o Executive Officer x Director o Promoter
Clarification of Response (if Necessary)

Last Name First Name Middle Name
Danner Denise R.
Street Address 1 Street Address 2
400 N. Fifth Street
City State/Province/Country ZIP/Postal Code
Phoenix ARIZONA 85004
Relationship: x Executive Officer o Director o Promoter
Clarification of Response (if Necessary)

Last Name First Name Middle Name
Nickloy Lee R.
Street Address 1 Street Address 2
400 N. Fifth Street
City State/Province/Country ZIP/Postal Code
Phoenix ARIZONA 85004
Relationship: x Executive Officer o Director o Promoter
Clarification of Response (if Necessary)

Last Name First Name Middle Name
Klein Dale E.
Street Address 1 Street Address 2
400 N. Fifth Street
City State/Province/Country ZIP/Postal Code
Phoenix ARIZONA 85004
Relationship: o Executive Officer x Director o Promoter
Clarification of Response (if Necessary)

Last Name First Name Middle Name
Hatfield John S.
Street Address 1 Street Address 2
400 N. Fifth Street
City State/Province/Country ZIP/Postal Code
Phoenix ARIZONA 85004
Relationship: x Executive Officer o Director o Promoter
Clarification of Response (if Necessary)

Last Name First Name Middle Name
Froetscher Daniel T.
Street Address 1 Street Address 2
400 N. Fifth Street
City State/Province/Country ZIP/Postal Code
Phoenix ARIZONA 85004
Relationship: x Executive Officer o Director o Promoter
Clarification of Response (if Necessary)

Last Name First Name Middle Name
Guldner Jeffrey B.
Street Address 1 Street Address 2
400 N. Fifth Street
City State/Province/Country ZIP/Postal Code
Phoenix ARIZONA 85004
Relationship: x Executive Officer o Director o Promoter
Clarification of Response (if Necessary)

Last Name First Name Middle Name
Bement Robert S.
Street Address 1 Street Address 2
400 N. Fifth Street
City State/Province/Country ZIP/Postal Code
Phoenix ARIZONA 85004
Relationship: x Executive Officer o Director o Promoter
Clarification of Response (if Necessary)

Last Name First Name Middle Name
Fox Richard P
Street Address 1 Street Address 2
400 N. Fifth Street
City State/Province/Country ZIP/Postal Code
Phoenix ARIZONA 85004
Relationship: o Executive Officer x Director o Promoter
Clarification of Response (if Necessary)

Last Name First Name Middle Name
Wagener David P.
Street Address 1 Street Address 2
400 N. Fifth Street
City State/Province/Country ZIP/Postal Code
Phoenix ARIZONA 85004
Relationship: o Executive Officer x Director o Promoter
Clarification of Response (if Necessary)

Last Name First Name Middle Name
Gomez Barbara M.
Street Address 1 Street Address 2
400 N. Fifth Street
City State/Province/Country ZIP/Postal Code
Phoenix ARIZONA 85004
Relationship: x Executive Officer o Director o Promoter
Clarification of Response (if Necessary)

Last Name First Name Middle Name
Sims Paula J
Street Address 1 Street Address 2
400 N. Fifth Stret
City State/Province/Country ZIP/Postal Code
Phoenix ARIZONA 85004
Relationship: o Executive Officer x Director o Promoter
Clarification of Response (if Necessary)


4. Industry Group
o Agriculture   Health Care o Retailing
  Banking & Financial Services   o Biotechnology o Restaurants
  o Commercial Banking   o Health Insurance   Technology
  o Insurance   o Hospitals & Physicians   o Computers
  o Investing   o Pharmaceuticals   o Telecommunications
  o Investment Banking   o Other Health Care   o Other Technology
  o Pooled Investment Fund

  o Other Banking & Financial Services o Manufacturing   o Airlines & Airports
  Real Estate   o Lodging & Conventions
  o Commercial   o Tourism & Travel Services
  o Construction   o Other Travel
  o REITS & Finance o Other
  o Residential  
  o Other Real Estate  
o Business Services  
  o Coal Mining  
  x Electric Utilities  
  o Energy Conservation  
  o Environmental Services  
  o Oil & Gas  
  o Other Energy  

5. Issuer Size
Revenue Range Aggregate Net Asset Value Range
o No Revenues o No Aggregate Net Asset Value
o $1 - $1,000,000 o $1 - $5,000,000
o $1,000,001 - $5,000,000 o $5,000,001 - $25,000,000
o $5,000,001 - $25,000,000 o $25,000,001 - $50,000,000
o $25,000,001 - $100,000,000 o $50,000,001 - $100,000,000
x Over $100,000,000 o Over $100,000,000
o Decline to Disclose o Decline to Disclose
o Not Applicable o Not Applicable

6. Federal Exemption(s) and Exclusion(s) Claimed (select all that apply)
o Rule 504(b)(1) (not (i), (ii) or (iii)) o Rule 505
o Rule 504 (b)(1)(i) x Rule 506(b)
o Rule 504 (b)(1)(ii) o Rule 506(c)
o Rule 504 (b)(1)(iii) o Securities Act Section 4(a)(5)
  o Investment Company Act Section 3(c)

7. Type of Filing
o New Notice Date of First Sale   2001-05-01 o First Sale Yet to Occur
x Amendment

8. Duration of Offering
Does the Issuer intend this offering to last more than one year? x Yes o No

9. Type(s) of Securities Offered (select all that apply)
o Pooled Investment Fund Interests o Equity
o Tenant-in-Common Securities x Debt
o Mineral Property Securities o Option, Warrant or Other Right to Acquire Another Security
o Security to be Acquired Upon Exercise of Option, Warrant or Other Right to Acquire Security o Other (describe)

10. Business Combination Transaction
Is this offering being made in connection with a business combination transaction, such as a merger, acquisition or exchange offer? o Yes x No
Clarification of Response (if Necessary)  

11. Minimum Investment
Minimum investment accepted from any outside investor $   250000   USD

12. Sales Compensation
Recipient Recipient CRD Number o None
  Barclays Capital Inc.   19714
(Associated) Broker or Dealer x None (Associated) Broker or Dealer CRD Number x None
Street Address 1 Street Address 2
  745 Seventh Avenue, 4th Floor   Attn: Commercial Paper Prod. Management
City State/Province/Country ZIP/Postal Code
  New York   NEW YORK   10019
State(s) of Solicitation x All States o Foreign/Non-US

Recipient Recipient CRD Number o None
  Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated   7691
(Associated) Broker or Dealer x None (Associated) Broker or Dealer CRD Number x None
Street Address 1 Street Address 2
  One Bryant Park, 8th Floor   Attn: Robert Little
City State/Province/Country ZIP/Postal Code
  New York   NEW YORK   10036
State(s) of Solicitation x All States o Foreign/Non-US

Recipient Recipient CRD Number o None
  SunTrust Robinson Humphrey, Inc.   6271
(Associated) Broker or Dealer x None (Associated) Broker or Dealer CRD Number x None
Street Address 1 Street Address 2
  3333 Peachtree Road, N.E., 9th Floor   Attn: Christopher S. Grumboski
City State/Province/Country ZIP/Postal Code
  Atlanta   GEORGIA   30326
State(s) of Solicitation x All States o Foreign/Non-US


13. Offering and Sales Amounts
Total Offering Amount $       USD x Indefinite
Total Amount Sold $   0   USD  
Total Remaining to be Sold $       USD x Indefinite
Clarification of Response (if Necessary)
  13. Continuous offering comm'l paper program consisting of short-term notes. The max amt authorized to be outstanding at any time is $200M. The amt outstanding varies day to day based on liquidity needs of the Company as does the number of investors.

14. Investors
o Select if securities in the offering have been or may be sold to persons who do not qualify as accredited investors,
Number of such non-accredited investors who already have invested in the offering
  Regardless of whether securities in the offering have been or may be sold to persons who do not qualify as accredited investors, enter the total number of investors who already have invested in the offering: 0

15. Sales Commissions & Finders' Fees Expenses
Provide separately the amounts of sales commissions and finders' fees expenses, if any. If the amount of an expenditure is not known, provide an estimate and check the box next to the amount.
Sales Commissions $   0   USD o Estimate
Finders' Fees $   0   USD o Estimate
Clarification of Response (if Necessary)
  No fees are paid directly. Dealers quote one rate to the Company and another (lower) rate to investors. This spread is customarily around 5 basis points.

16. Use of Proceeds
Provide the amount of the gross proceeds of the offering that has been or is proposed to be used for payments to any of the persons required to be named as executive officers, directors or promoters in response to Item 3 above. If the amount is unknown, provide an estimate and check the box next to the amount.
  $   0   USD o Estimate
Clarification of Response (if Necessary)
  Pinnacle West Capital Corporation will use the proceeds from this offering to meet working capital needs and to repay its indebtedness.

Signature and Submission
Please verify the information you have entered and review the Terms of Submission below before signing and clicking SUBMIT below to file this notice.
Terms of Submission  
  In submitting this notice, each Issuer named above is:  
  • Notifying the SEC and/or each State in which this notice is filed of the offering of securities described and undertaking to furnish them, upon written request, the information furnished to offerees.
  • Irrevocably appointing each of the Secretary of the SEC and, the Securities Administrator or other legally designated officer of the State in which the Issuer maintains its principal place of business and any State in which this notice is filed, as its agents for service of process, and agreeing that these persons may accept service on its behalf, of any notice, process or pleading, and further agreeing that such service may be made by registered or certified mail, in any Federal or state action, administrative proceeding, or arbitration brought against it in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, if the action, proceeding or arbitration (a) arises out of any activity in connection with the offering of securities that is the subject of this notice, and (b) is founded, directly or indirectly, upon the provisions of: (i) the Securities Act of 1933, the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the Trust Indenture Act of 1939, the Investment Company Act of 1940, or the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, or any rule or regulation under any of these statutes, or (ii) the laws of the State in which the issuer maintains its principal place of business or any State in which this notice is filed.
  • Certifying that the Issuer is not disqualified from relying on any Regulation D exemption it has identified in Item 6 above for one of the reasons stated in Rule 505(b)(2)(iii).
  Each Issuer identified above has read this notice, knows the contents to be true, and has duly caused this notice to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned duly authorized person.
  For signature, type in the signer's name or other letters or characters adopted or authorized as the signer's signature.

Issuer Signature Name of Signer Title Date
PINNACLE WEST CAPITAL CORP James R. Hatfield James R. Hatfield Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer 2016-11-18

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Pinnacle West Capital (NYSE:PNW)
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