RNS Number : 7597Y

Henderson Alternative Strat Tst PLC

19 May 2016


Unaudited Results for the half-year ended 31 March 2016

This announcement contains regulated information

Investment Objective

The Company exploits global opportunities to provide long-term growth to shareholders via a diversified, international, multi-strategy portfolio which offers access also to specialist funds including hedge and private equity. The Company aims to outperform the FTSE World Total Return Index.

                                   31 March 2016    30 September 2015 
--------------------------------  --------------  ------------------- 
 NAV per ordinary share                   266.6p               275.6p 
 Share price per ordinary share           210.0p               221.0p 
   Total Return Performance to 31 March (including dividends reinvested 
   and excluding transaction costs) 
                                6 months    1 year    3 years   5 years   10 years 
                                       %         %          %         %          % 
----------------------------  ----------  --------  ---------  --------  --------- 
 NAV(1)                             -2.3      -6.4       -5.8     -22.7      -20.0 
 Share price(2)                     -3.5      -6.4      -13.0     -26.4      -34.0 
 FTSE World Total Return 
  Index(3)                          11.5       0.0       27.9      50.9       93.2 
 FTSE Developed/EM 75/25 
  Composite(4)                      11.5      -1.9       20.8      37.7       91.9 

1 Net asset value total return per ordinary share with income reinvested for 6 months, 1, 3 and 5 years and capital NAV plus income reinvested for 10 years

2 Share price total return using mid-market share price

3 FTSE World Total Return Index in sterling terms - the Company's benchmark

4 FTSE Developed Total Return Index (75%) / FTSE Emerging Markets Total Return Index (25%) - a composite index

introduced as an     additional informal performance measure 

Sources: Morningstar Direct, Datastream, Henderson




The Company delivered a NAV total return of -2.3% during the half-year to 31 March 2016 compared to a rise of 11.5% in its FTSE World Total Return Index global equity benchmark. Whilst the Company tends to outperform in testing markets (e.g. for the six-month period to 30 September 2015) it tends equally to underperform in rising markets. The extent of the recent underperformance is unsatisfactory, as is the fact that the fund made a negative absolute return. The Fund Managers' Report explains some of the reasons for this trend, reviews portfolio activity and performance during the half-year and describes the Company's prospects for the second half of the financial year.

Your Board appointed Henderson as Fund Manager in April 2013 in order to address a preceding period of unsatisfactory investment performance and to reposition the Company for future growth. In doing so, it considered it necessary to give Henderson sufficient time to complete its portfolio restructuring with a view to achieving attractive long-term returns for shareholders. The Board also recognises, however, that the Company must now begin to demonstrate that performance is indeed improving and is sustainable longer term.

The Company's share price total return of -3.5% during the half-year did not reflect the Company's commitment to deliver stronger returns. It is similarly clear that improved performance is required to increase demand for the Company's shares which, in turn, should help to reduce its persistent share price discount to NAV per share. During the half-year the discount widened slightly from 19.8% to 21.2%.

Second 10% Tender Offer

In January 2015 the Company completed a tender offer for up to 10% of its ordinary shares. As announced previously, a second 10% tender offer will be made available to shareholders towards the end of 2016 if the Company's discount averages more than 10% during the financial year-ended 30 September 2016. It is now very likely that the second tender offer will take place.


Whilst the Board remains confident that the Company's restructured portfolio now has the potential to generate attractive long-term returns, it continues to regard improved near-term investment performance as the Company's key priority during the second half of the financial year. This is particularly important as the Board, Henderson and the Company's broker engage in further marketing activities over the coming months.

It is now almost 18 months since our shareholders gave the Company the mandate to continue with its identified strategy. The Company is therefore at a critical point as it strives to re-establish itself as a compelling vehicle for investors seeking exposure to a high-quality diverse portfolio of alternative asset and specialist funds. Although significant progress has been made towards creating such a portfolio, the Board is fully aware of the importance of engaging with shareholders regarding the Company's future direction if improved investment performance continues to be elusive during 2016. The Board will continue to keep under consideration other potential means of enhancing shareholder value, including additional discount control mechanisms.

At the time of writing, there are a number of more encouraging signs of improvement in the value of some of the Company's underlying investments and, as you will also note in the Fund Managers' Report, the fund management team believes that such signs should translate into better performance over the remainder of 2016.

Richard Gubbins



Market Review and Performance against Benchmark

Global stock markets were volatile during the half-year to 31 March 2016. Between October and December investors recovered their poise, following August's sharp declines, reflecting an increased acceptance of China's slowing growth rate, an apparent resolution to the Greek crisis and the end to speculation regarding the timing of the much anticipated increase in US interest rates. This improved sentiment was shattered in January and early February as renewed concerns regarding a slowdown in global growth and possible recession in the US led to severe market falls. This was then followed, as these concerns receded, by a strong rally from mid-February through to the end of March. Over the half-year period these market gyrations resulted in an overall increase of 11.5% in the Company's FTSE World Total Return Index global equity benchmark.

Against this backdrop, the Company's NAV total return during the half-year was -2.3%, again demonstrating that the Company's short-term investment performance diverges significantly from its global equities benchmark. As we have outlined in previous reports, this should not be a surprise to shareholders given the specialist nature of the Company's flexible and differentiated investment mandate. The benchmark is, however, an important yardstick for measuring whether the Company's investment strategy, focused mainly on alternative asset and specialist fund investment, is capable of generating long-term returns above those of global equity markets. By 'long-term' we mean periods of at least five years.

There are a number of reasons why the Company's short-term performance diverges from its benchmark. For example, at the half-year 17% of the Company's total investments comprised unlisted holdings that reprice monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually. In addition, a further 5% consisted of illiquid listed investments that reprice irregularly. As a result, these parts of the portfolio tend not to reflect short-term movements in global equity indices, but may still be perfectly capable of generating the necessary long-term returns. Another reason for short-term divergence is that some of our most significant areas of investment focus, such as specialist credit funds and long/short absolute return hedge fund strategies, exhibit limited correlation to global equity markets. They do, however, have the potential to outperform those markets in the long-term.

Portfolio Activity

We were active across all five of the Company's investment categories during the period under review. These are Specialist Sector, Specialist Geography, Private Equity, Hedge and Property. The significant portfolio changes are outlined below.

In the Specialist Sector category we increased our exposure to the floating rate senior bank loan asset class. We did this to take advantage of attractive pricing arising from what we considered to be overdone investor concerns regarding the health of the US high-yield market and the risk of US recession. We therefore invested in Voya Prime Rate Trust, a US-listed senior loan fund, and Carador Income Fund PLC, a UK-listed fund that trades senior, mezzanine and equity securities issued by Collateralised Loan Obligation vehicles.

The Specialist Geography sleeve saw two material disposals as we reduced country-specific emerging market risk by selling the Company's remaining positions in Value Partners China Greenchip Fund Limited and Weiss Korea Opportunity Fund Limited. Some of the proceeds were reinvested into Genesis Emerging Markets Fund Limited, a good-quality UK-listed fund with well-diversified geographic exposure. We also took advantage of the overly pessimistic market mood in January to purchase a position in Euro Stoxx 50 Index Dividend Futures (December 2017) at an attractive valuation.

Activity in the Private Equity category was limited, although we were pleased to fund a further drawdown under our USD 10.0 million commitment to Mantra Secondary Opportunities, a small unlisted vehicle which invests in mature private equity limited partnerships. We also added to the Company's holding in Riverstone Energy Limited, a UK-listed fund which has been investing in the North American shale oil and gas sector since the oil price collapse towards the end of 2014.

In the Hedge category our extended search for a suitable long/short listed equities fund focused on Asia reached a conclusion when we invested in Indus PacifiChoice Asia. This fund is run by an experienced management team and has a good track record. After the half-year end we also invested in the Majedie Asset Management Tortoise Fund, a successful long/short global listed equities vehicle. We believe such funds are well-equipped to deal with what is likely to be a volatile equity market environment given that the era of market-friendly accommodative central bank monetary policy is now past its peak. These two investments were funded partly by a significant reduction in the Company's position in Pershing Square Holdings Limited, an activist US hedge fund which experienced a major blemish against its hitherto excellent track record following well-publicised problems at its largest portfolio investment, Valeant Pharmaceuticals International Inc.

Finally, the Property sleeve benefited from a short-lived investment in Japan Residential Property Company Limited, a UK-listed fund investing in Japanese residential property. Having obtained approximately one-third of our target holding, the fund's shareholders accepted a cash bid at a considerable premium to our entry price. We also opened a position in Summit Germany Limited, a UK-listed fund which invests in the German commercial property sector. This, in our view, is one of the few significantly undervalued parts of the European property market.

Portfolio Prospects

When we assumed management of the Company's problematic, poor-performing and relatively illiquid investment portfolio on 1 April 2013, we made it clear that we thought a properly managed restructuring would take up to three years. This has proved to be the case, but the process is now complete and we are confident that the portfolio, subject to a normal level of turnover, now contains a significant number of good-quality investments which are capable of generating attractive NAV growth over the next few years.

Although overall portfolio performance was unsatisfactory during the half-year, we believe there are grounds for optimism over the coming months and that there are multiple growth opportunities embedded within the Company's investment portfolio. For example, we think there are good prospects for both NAV growth and discount narrowing across our extensive listed private equity and specialist credit holdings which were oversold during January and February as concerns regarding global growth came to the fore. Also, our long/short listed equity hedge fund investments are delivering improved returns following a challenging few months. Furthermore, we expect attractive NAV uplifts from some of our illiquid unlisted holdings such as CEIBA Investment Limited (Cuban property) and Mantra Secondary Opportunities.

We therefore look forward to the coming months with confidence.

Ian Barrass and James de Bunsen

Fund Managers

Principal Risks and Uncertainties

The principal risks and uncertainties associated with the Company are market related and include market price, foreign exchange, interest rate, liquidity and credit risk.

Information on these risks is given in the Annual Report for the year ended 30 September 2015. In the view of the Board these principal risks and uncertainties are applicable to the remaining six months of the financial year as they were to the six months under review.

Statement of Directors' Responsibilities

The Directors confirm that, to the best of their knowledge:

a) the financial statements for the half-year ended 31 March 2016 have been prepared in accordance with FRS 104 Interim Financial Reporting;

b) the Interim Management Report includes a fair review of the information required by Disclosure and Transparency Rule 4.2.7R (indication of important events during the first six months and description of principal risks and uncertainties for the remaining six months of the year); and

c) the Interim Management Report includes a fair review of the information required by Disclosure and Transparency Rule 4.2.8R (disclosure of related party transactions and changes therein).

For and on behalf of the Board

Richard Gubbins


   INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO at 31 March 2016 
                                                                                         Value   Portfolio 
 Investments (excluding CFDs)                 Focus                                    GBP'000           % 
-------------------------------------------  ----------------------  ----------  -------------  ---------- 
 BlackRock European Hedge Fund Limited(3)     Hedge                                      7,531         7.2 
 Riverstone Energy Limited(2)                 Private Equity                             4,680         4.5 
 Indus PacifiChoice Asia Fund(3)              Specialist Geography                       4,608         4.4 
 CT Investment Fund - A Non Restricted 
  Shares(3)                                   Hedge                                      4,556         4.4 
 CEIBA Investments Limited(4)                 Property                                   4,383         4.1 
 Blackstone/GSO Loan Financing Limited(2)     Specialist Sector                          4,223         4.1 
 Princess Private Equity Holding 
  Limited(2)                                  Private Equity                             4,123         4.0 
 Polar Capital Global Financials 
  Trust plc(2)                                Specialist Sector                          3,962         3.8 
 Eurovestech plc(1)                           Private Equity                             3,954         3.8 
 Oryx International Growth Fund 
  Limited(2)                                  Specialist Sector                          3,913         3.8 
-------------------------------------------  ----------------------  ----------  -------------  ---------- 
 Ten largest                                                                            45,933        44.1 
-------------------------------------------------------------------  ----------  -------------  ---------- 
 Ediston Property Investment Company 
  Plc(2)                                      Property                                   3,608         3.5 
 Toro Limited(2)                              Specialist Sector                          3,591         3.4 
 Genesis Emerging Markets Fund Limited(2)     Specialist Geography                       3,510         3.4 
 NB Private Equity Partners Limited(2)        Private Equity                             3,393         3.3 
 Voya Prime Rate Trust Fund(2)                Specialist Sector                          3,242         3.1 
 NB Distressed Debt Investment Fund 
  Limited - Global Shares(2)                  Specialist Sector                          3,136         3.0 
 Firebird Republics Fund Limited(3)           Specialist Geography                       3,020         2.9 
 Ishares V MSCI Japan GBP Hedged 
  UCITS(2)                                    Specialist Geography                       3,010         2.9 
 Baring Vostok Investments Limited 
  core(1)                                     Private Equity                             2,929         2.8 
 Standard Life European Private 
  Equity Trust Plc(2)                         Private Equity                             2,829         2.7 
-------------------------------------------  ----------------------  ----------  -------------  ---------- 
 Twenty largest                                                                         78,201        75.1 
-------------------------------------------------------------------  ----------  -------------  ---------- 
 Carador Income Fund Plc(2)                   Specialist Sector                          2,585         2.5 
 Apax Global Alpha Limited(2)                 Private Equity                             2,300         2.2 
 Mantra Secondary Opportunities(4)            Private Equity                             2,219         2.1 
 Renewable Energy and Infrastructure 
  Fund II(4)                                  Specialist Sector                          2,141         2.1 
 Tetragon Financial Group Limited(2)          Specialist Sector                          1,975         1.9 
 Century Capital Partners IV L.P.(4)          Private Equity                             1,552         1.5 
 Chenavari Capital Solutions Limited(2)       Specialist Sector                          1,517         1.5 
 NB Distressed Debt Investment Fund 
  Limited - Extended Life Shares(2)           Specialist Sector                          1,341         1.2 
 ASM Asian Recovery Fund(4)                   Hedge                                      1,299         1.2 
 Amber Trust SCA(4)                           Private Equity                             1,215         1.1 
-------------------------------------------  ----------------------  ----------  -------------  ---------- 
 Thirty largest                                                                         96,345        92.4 
-------------------------------------------------------------------  ----------  -------------  ---------- 
 Ishares European Property Yield(2)           Property                                   1,165         1.1 
 Pershing Square Holdings Limited(2)          Hedge                                        970         0.9 
 Summit Germany Limited(2)                    Property                                     761         0.7 
 EPE Special Opportunities plc Ordinary(2)    Private Equity                               747         0.7 
 Firebird Republics Fund SPV(4)               Specialist Geography                         740         0.7 
 Metage Emerging Markets Opportunities 
  Fund(3)                                     Hedge                                        697         0.7 
 Baring Vostok Investments Limited 
  cell(1)                                     Private Equity                               697         0.7 
 Ludgate Environmental Fund Limited(2)        Specialist Sector                            691         0.7 
 Acheron Portfolio Corporation (A 
  Shares)(1)                                  Specialist Sector                            600         0.6 
 South African Property Opportunities 
  plc(2)                                      Property                                     243         0.2 
 Forty largest                                                                         103,656        99.4 
                                                                                  Market Value   Portfolio 
 Investments (excluding CFDs)                 Focus                                    GBP'000           % 
-------------------------------------------  ----------------------  ----------  -------------  ---------- 
 Zouk Solar Opportunities Limited(4)          Specialist Sector                            151         0.1 
 Prosperity Voskhod Fund Limited(4)           Specialist Geography                         118         0.1 
 Armadillo Investments Limited(4)             Liquidation                                   87         0.1 
 Value Catalyst Fund Limited(4)               Specialist Sector                             82         0.1 
 Strathdon Investments Plc(4)                 Specialist Sector                             67         0.1 
 Low Carbon Accelerator Limited(4)            Liquidation                                   36         0.0 
 Polar Capital Global Financials 
  Trust plc - Subscription Shares(2)          Specialist Sector                             10         0.0 
 China CDM Exchange Centre Limited(1)         Specialist Sector                              1         0.0 
 Buena Vista Latin America Fund 
  Limited(4)                                  Property                                       -         0.0 
 Buena Vista Latin America Fund 
  (CULS)(4)                                   Property                                       -         0.0 
 Fifty largest                                                                         104,208        99.9 
-------------------------------------------------------------------  ----------  -------------  ---------- 
 Denholm Hall Russia Arbitrage Fund 
  B - Redemption(4)                           Hedge                                          -         0.0 
 Denholm Hall Russia Arbitrage Fund 
  B - Investment(4)                           Hedge                                          -         0.0 
 International Oil & Gas Technology 
  Limited(2)                                  Specialist Sector                              -         0.0 
 iO Adria Limited(1)                          Property                                       -         0.0 
 PSource Structured Debt Limited(4)           Liquidation                                    -         0.0 
 Thompson Clive Investments Plc(4)            Liquidation                                    -         0.0 
 Total Investments (excluding CFDs 
  and Futures)                                                                         104,208        99.9 
-------------------------------------------------------------------  ----------  -------------  ---------- 
                                                                         Market           Fair 
                                                                       Exposure          Value   Portfolio 
 CFD Assets                                   Focus                      GBP000        GBP'000           % 
-------------------------------------------  ----------------------  ----------  -------------  ---------- 
 Ecofin Water and Power Opportunities 
  plc                                         Specialist Sector           2,407          (117)        -0.1 
 Eux SX5E Div Dec 17 Future (Exp 
  15/12/17)                                                               3,810            178         0.2 
 Total Investments                                                                     104,269       100.0 
-------------------------------------------------------------------  ----------  -------------  ---------- 
 1 Listed on Minor Market (includes: Luxembourg Stock Exchange, Channel 
  Islands Stock Exchange, ISDX and LMMX) 
 2 Listed on Major Market (includes: London Stock Exchange (full listing 
  and AIM) and Euronext) 
 3 Unlisted investment - with Redemption Rights 
 4 Unlisted investment - without Redemption Rights 
 Investment by geography on a look through 
                                          31 March 
                                       2016    2015 
                                          %       % 
--------------------------------  ---------  ------ 
 West Europe                             32      34 
 North America                           27      20 
 Cash                                    16      12 
 Japan,Australia,New Zealand              7       2 
 Other BRICS                              5       9 
 Eastern Europe                           4       5 
 Frontier                                 4       3 
 Russia                                   3       6 
 Miscellaneous                            1       3 
 Asia Emerging                            1       6 
                                  ---------  ------ 
                                        100     100 
                                  ---------  ------ 
Investment by sector on a look through 
                                         31 March 
                                     2016     2015 
                                        %        % 
-------------------------------  --------  ------- 
Cash                                   16       12 
Property                               15       17 
Miscellaneous                          12       13 
Technology and Media                   12       13 
Personal Goods and Retail               9        6 
Financial Services and 
 Banks                                  8        9 
Industrial Goods and Services           6        4 
Healthcare and Education                6        5 
Infrastructure and Transport            5        4 
Utilities and Telecoms                  4        5 
Oil & Gas                               3        4 
Insurance                               2        5 
Basic Resources                         1        2 
Food & Beverage                         1        1 
                                 --------  ------- 
                                      100      100 
                                 --------  ------- 
 Value of investments by vehicle type 
                                          31 March 
                                     2016      2015 
 Category of Listing                    %         % 
-------------------------------  --------  -------- 
 Listed - Major Exchange               59        54 
 Listed - Minor Exchange                8        10 
 Unlisted - with redemption 
  rights                               17        22 
 Unlisted - without redemption 
  rights                               16        14 
 Liquidation                            0         0 
                                 --------  -------- 
                                      100       100 
                                 --------  -------- 
 Value of investments by classification 
                                       31 March 
----------------------------  ------------------ 
                                  2016      2015 
----------------------------  --------  -------- 
 Investment Focus                    %         % 
 Specialist Sector                  32        31 
 Private Equity                     30        25 
 Specialist Geography               14        18 
 Hedge                              14        18 
 Property                           10         8 
 Liquidation                         0         0 
                              --------  -------- 
                                   100       100 
                              --------  -------- 
 Condensed Income Statement 
                                   (Unaudited)                   (Unaudited)                     (Audited) 
                                 Half-year ended               Half-year ended                  Year ended 
                                  31 March 2016                 31 March 2015                30 September 2015 
                           Revenue   Capital             Revenue   Capital             Revenue    Capital 
                            return    return     Total    return    return     Total    return     return      Total 
                           GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000 
------------------------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  ---------  --------- 
 Investment income           1,364         -     1,364     1,023         -     1,023     2,090          -      2,090 
 Exchange differences            -      (40)      (40)         -         6         6         -         61         61 
 Losses on investments 
  held at fair value 
  through profit or 
  loss(1)                        -   (3,195)   (3,195)         -   (1,816)   (1,816)         -    (7,509)    (7,509) 
                          --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  ---------  --------- 
 Total income/(loss)         1,364   (3,235)   (1,871)     1,023   (1,810)     (787)     2,090    (7,448)    (5,358) 
 Expenses (Note 2) 
 Management fees              (41)     (368)     (409)      (45)     (403)     (448)      (86)      (782)      (868) 
 Other expenses              (174)         -     (174)     (162)         -     (162)     (351)          -      (351) 
                          --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  ---------  --------- 
 Net return/(loss) 
  before interest 
  and taxation               1,149   (3,603)   (2,454)       816   (2,213)   (1,397)     1,653    (8,230)    (6,577) 
 Finance costs                   -       (3)       (3)       (2)      (20)      (22)       (3)       (26)       (29) 
                          --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  ---------  --------- 
 Net return/(loss) 
  on ordinary activities 
  before taxation            1,149   (3,606)   (2,457)       814   (2,233)   (1,419)     1,650    (8,256)    (6,606) 
 Taxation                     (10)         -      (10)         -         -         -         -          -          - 
                          --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  ---------  --------- 
 Net return/(loss) 
  on ordinary activities 
  after taxation             1,139   (3,606)   (2,467)       814   (2,233)   (1,419)     1,650    (8,256)    (6,606) 
                          --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  ---------  --------- 
 Return/(loss) per 
  ordinary share (Note 
  3)                         2.65p   (8.39p)   (5.74p)     1.78p   (4.88p)   (3.10p)     3.72p   (18.61p)   (14.89p) 
                          --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  ---------  --------- 
 The total columns of this statement represent the Income Statement of the 
  Company, prepared in accordance with FRS 104. The revenue and capital columns 
  are supplementary to this and are published under guidance from the Association 
  of Investment Companies. 
 All revenue and capital returns in the above statement derive from continuing 
 No operations were acquired or discontinued during the half-year ended 31 
  March 2016. The Company has no recognised gains or losses other than those 
  recognised in the Income Statement and the Statement of Changes in Equity. 
 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these condensed financial statements. 
 1 Restated net of transaction costs (see Note 1) 
 Condensed Statement of Changes in Equity 
                                             Half-year ended 31 March 2016 
                                                    Capital      Other 
                               Share     Share   redemption    capital   Revenue 
                             capital   premium      reserve   reserves   reserve      Total 
                             GBP'000   GBP'000      GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000 
--------------------------  --------  --------  -----------  ---------  --------  --------- 
 Balance at 1 October 
  2015                        10,744    10,966        7,709     87,108     1,917    118,444 
 Return attributable to 
  shareholders                     -         -            -    (3,606)     1,139    (2,467) 
 Ordinary dividends                -         -            -          -   (1,418)    (1,418) 
 Balance at 31 March 2016     10,744    10,966        7,709     83,502     1,638    114,559 
                            --------  --------  -----------  ---------  --------  --------- 
                                             Half-year ended 31 March 2015 
                                                    Capital      Other 
                               Share     Share   redemption    capital   Revenue 
                             capital   premium      reserve   reserves   reserve      Total 
                             GBP'000   GBP'000      GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000 
--------------------------  --------  --------  -----------  ---------  --------  --------- 
 Balance at 1 October 
  2014                        11,938    10,966        6,515    108,289     1,700    139,408 
 Return attributable to 
  shareholders                     -         -            -    (2,233)       814    (1,419) 
 Shares bought back - 
  Tender Offer               (1,194)         -        1,194   (12,922)         -   (12,922) 
 Ordinary dividends                -         -            -          -   (1,433)    (1,433) 
                            --------  --------  -----------  ---------  --------  --------- 
 Balance at 31 March 2015     10,744    10,966        7,709     93,134     1,081    123,634 
                            --------  --------  -----------  ---------  --------  --------- 
                                              Year ended 30 September 2015 
                                                    Capital      Other 
                               Share     Share   redemption    capital   Revenue 
                             capital   premium      reserve   reserves   reserve      Total 
                             GBP'000   GBP'000      GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000 
--------------------------  --------  --------  -----------  ---------  --------  --------- 
 Balance at 1 October 
  2014                        11,938    10,966        6,515    108,289     1,700    139,408 
 Return attributable to 
  shareholders                     -         -            -    (8,256)     1,650    (6,606) 
 Shares bought back - 
  Tender Offer               (1,194)         -        1,194   (12,925)         -   (12,925) 
 Ordinary dividends                -         -            -          -   (1,433)    (1,433) 
 Balance at 30 September 
  2015                        10,744    10,966        7,709     87,108     1,917    118,444 
                            --------  --------  -----------  ---------  --------  --------- 
 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these condensed financial 
 Condensed Statement of Financial 
                                             (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)      (Audited) 
                                               Half-year       Half-year 
                                                   ended           ended     Year ended 
                                                                           30 September 
                                           31 March 2016   31 March 2016           2015 
                                                 GBP'000         GBP'000        GBP'000 
 ---------------------------------------  --------------  --------------  ------------- 
  Fixed assets 
  Investments held at fair value 
   through profit or loss                        104,208         117,228        106,982 
                                          --------------  --------------  ------------- 
  Current assets 
  Investments held at fair value 
   through profit or loss                          4,511           2,672          6,995 
  Securities sold for future 
   settlement                                        569               -          1,934 
  Taxation recoverable                                51              12             33 
  Prepayments and other receivables                   97              67             23 
  Cash at bank                                     3,878           1,806            220 
  Unrealised gains on future 
   contracts                                         178               -              - 
  Cash held as CFD and futures 
   margin deposit                                  2,859           2,872          2,692 
  Total current assets                            12,143           7,429         11,897 
                                          --------------  --------------  ------------- 
  Current liabilities 
  Securities purchased for future 
   settlement                                      1,178             439              - 
  CFD liabilities held at fair 
   value through profit and loss                     117               -            101 
  Accruals and deferred income                       497             584            334 
                                                   1,792           1,023            435 
                                          --------------  --------------  ------------- 
  Net current assets                              10,351           6,406         11,462 
  Total assets less current liabilities          114,559         123,634        118,444 
                                          --------------  --------------  ------------- 
  Equity attributable to equity 
  Called up share capital (Note 
   5)                                             10,744          10,744         10,744 
  Share premium                                   10,966          10,966         10,966 
  Capital redemption reserve                       7,709           7,709          7,709 
  Capital reserves                                83,502          93,134         87,108 
  Revenue reserve                                  1,638           1,081          1,917 
  Total equity shareholders' 
   funds                                         114,559         123,634        118,444 
                                          --------------  --------------  ------------- 
  Net asset value per ordinary 
   share (pence) 
   (Note 6)                                       266.56          287.68         275.60 
                                          --------------  --------------  ------------- 
  The accompanying notes are an integral part of these condensed financial 
 Condensed Cash Flow Statement 
                                                                          (Unaudited            (Audited 
                                                                     and restated(1)     and restated(1) 
                                                     (Unaudited)                   )                   ) 
                                                       Half-year           Half-year 
                                                           ended               ended          Year ended 
                                                        31 March            31 March        30 September 
                                                            2016                2015                2015 
                                                         GBP'000             GBP'000             GBP'000 
 ------------------------------------------------  -------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
 Cash flows from operating activities 
 Net return on ordinary activities before 
  taxation                                               (2,457)             (1,419)             (6,606) 
 Add back: finance costs                                       3                  22                  29 
 Add losses on investments held at fair 
  value through profit or loss                             3,195               1,816               7,509 
 Unrealised gains on future contracts                      (178)                   -                   - 
 Withholding tax on dividends deducted at 
  source                                                    (10)                   -                   - 
 (Increase) / decrease in prepayments and 
  accrued income                                            (90)                 (6)                  17 
 Increase / (decrease) in accruals and deferred 
 income                                                      164                   2               (248) 
 Increase / (decrease) in amounts due to 
  brokers                                                  2,543               1,403               (970) 
 Exchange movements : cash and cash equivalents             (26)                (32)                 (2) 
 Net cash inflow / (outflow)from operating 
  activities                                               3,144               1,786               (271) 
                                                   -------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
 Cash flows from investing activities 
 Purchases of investments held at fair value 
  through profit or loss                                (20,940)            (16,591)            (38,057) 
 Sales of investments held at fair value 
  through profit or loss                                  20,532              17,480              43,600 
 Purchases of current asset investments 
  held at fair value through profit or loss             (17,053)            (16,002)            (40,699) 
 Sales of current asset investments held 
  at fair value through profit or loss                    19,537              29,580              49,954 
                                                   -------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
 Net cash inflow from investing activities                 2,076              14,467              14,798 
                                                   -------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
 Cash flows from financing activities 
 Share buybacks                                                -            (12,922)            (12,925) 
 Equity dividends paid                                   (1,418)             (1,433)             (1,433) 
 Interest paid                                               (3)                (22)                (29) 
 Net cash outflow from financing activities              (1,421)            (14,377)            (14,387) 
                                                   -------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
 Net increase in cash and equivalents                      3,799               1,876                 140 
 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning 
  of period                                                2,912               2,770               2,770 
 Exchange movements                                           26                  32                   2 
                                                   -------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
 Cash and cash equivalents at end of period                6,737               4,678               2,912 
                                                   -------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
 Cash at bank                                              3,878               1,806                 220 
 Cash held as CFD and futures margin deposits              2,859               2,872               2,692 
                                                           6,737               4,678               2,912 
                                                   -------------  ------------------  ------------------ 

1 The Cash Flow Statements previously reported have been restated to comply with the new disclosure requirements of FRS 102 and the re-classification of money market funds as current asset investments. For more details see Note 1.

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the condensed financial statements.

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the condensed financial statements.


 1.      Accounting Policies 
          The condensed set of financial statements has been prepared in accordance 
          with FRS 104, Interim Financial Reporting, issued in March 2015, the 
          revised reporting standard for half-year reporting that was issued 
          following the introduction of FRS 102, the Financial Reporting Standard 
          applicable in the UK and Republic of Ireland, which is effective for 
          periods commencing on or after 1 January 2015. The Statement of Recommended 
          Practice for "Financial Statements of Investment Trust Companies and 
          Venture Capital Trusts", in accordance with which the Company's financial 
          statements are also prepared, was re-issued by the Association of 
          Investment Companies in November 2014 to comply with the revised reporting 
          standards. The Company has early adopted the amendments to FRS 102 
          in respect of fair value hierarchy disclosures issued in March 2016. 
          Following the application of the revised reporting standards, there 
          have been no changes to the accounting policies set out in the Company's 
          Annual Report for the year ended 30 September 2015. 
          The condensed financial statements for the year ended 30 September 
          2015 and the six months ended 31 March 2016 have been restated where 
          necessary to comply with the new standards and disclosure requirements. 
          In line with FRS 102 and the revised SORP, transaction costs incidental 
          to the purchase and sale of investments have been reclassified and 
          included as part of the loss on investments held at fair value through 
          profit or loss instead of being shown separately on the face of the 
          income statement as a capital expense. 
          The Cash Flow Statements previously reported have been restated to 
          comply with the new disclosure requirements and the re-classification 
          of money market funds as current asset investments. The Statement 
          of Financial Position for each period also reflect the re-classification. 
          There has been no other impact on the Company's Income Statement, 
          Statement of Financial Position (previously called the Balance Sheet 
          or Statement of Changes in Equity (previously called the Reconciliation 
          of Movements in Shareholders' Funds) for periods previously reported. 
          The condensed set of financial statements has been neither audited 
          nor reviewed by the Company's auditors. 
 2.      Expenses and Management Fees 
          Henderson Investment Funds Limited ('Henderson') receives a management 
          fee of 0.7% per annum, payable quarterly in arrears based on the level 
          of net chargeable assets at the relevant quarter end. Management fees 
          are allocated 90% to capital and 10% to revenue. 
 3.      Return/(loss) per Ordinary Share 
          The return/loss per ordinary share figure is based on the following 
                                                       (Unaudited)                  (Unaudited)            (Audited) 
                                                   Half-year ended              Half-year ended           Year ended 
                                                     31 March 2016                31 March 2015    30 September 2015 
                                                           GBP'000                      GBP'000              GBP'000 
  Net revenue profit                                         1,139                          814                1,650 
  Net capital (loss)/profit                                (3,606)                      (2,233)              (8,256) 
                                       ---------------------------  ---------------------------  ------------------- 
  Total (loss)/profit                                      (2,467)                      (1,419)              (6,606) 
                                       ---------------------------  ---------------------------  ------------------- 
  Weighted average number 
   ordinary shares in issue 
   the period                                           42,976,264                   45,757,389           44,363,017 
  Revenue profit per ordinary 
   share                                                      2.65                         1.78                 3.72 
  Capital (loss)/profit 
   per ordinary share                                       (8.39)                       (4.88)              (18.61) 
                                       ---------------------------  ---------------------------  ------------------- 
  Total (loss)/profit per 
   ordinary share                                           (5.74)                       (3.10)              (14.89) 
                                       ---------------------------  ---------------------------  ------------------- 
   4.      Dividends 
           The Company has not declared an interim dividend (2015: nil). 
           The final dividend of 3.3p per ordinary share, paid on 26 February 
           2016, in respect of the year ended 30 September 2015, has been recognised 
           as a distribution in the period. 
 5.      Called up Share Capital 
          At 31 March 2016 there were 42,976,264 ordinary shares in issue (31 
          March 2015: 42,976,264; 30 September 2015: 42,976,264). 
 6.      Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share 
          The net asset value per ordinary share is based on the net assets 
          attributable to the equity shareholders of GBP114,559,000 (31 March 
          2015: GBP123,634,000; 30 September 2015: GBP118,444,000) and on 42,976,264 
          (31 March 2015: 42,976,264; 30 September 2015: 42,976,264) ordinary 
          shares, being the number of ordinary shares (excluding treasury shares) 
          in issue at the period end. 
 7.      Current asset investments 
          The Company has a holding in Deutsche Global Liquidity Managed Platinum 
          Income Fund, a money market fund which is viewed as a readily disposable 
          store of value and which is used to invest cash balances that would 
          otherwise be placed on short term deposit. At 31 March 2016 this holding 
          had a value of GBP4,511,000 (31 March 2015: GBP2,672,000: 30 September 
          2015: GBP6,995,000). As FRS 102 states that an investment normally 
          qualifies as a cash equivalent only when it has a short maturity of, 
          say, three months or less from the date of acquisition, it has been 
          considered that the money market fund should be reclassified as a 
  8.      current asset investment instead of a cash equivalent within the Statement 
          of Financial Position (previously called the Balance Sheet) and Cash 
          Flow Statement. 
          Investments held at Fair Value Through Profit or Loss 
          The table below analyses fair value measurements for investments held 
          at fair value through profit or loss. These fair value measurements 
          are categorised into different levels in the fair value hierarchy 
          based on the valuation techniques used and are defined as follows 
          under FRS 102: 
          Level 1: valued using quoted prices in active markets for identical 
          Level 2: valued by reference to valuation techniques using observable 
          inputs other than quoted prices included in Level 1. 
          Level 3: valued by reference to valuation techniques using inputs 
          that are not based on observable market data. 
           31 March 
           2016                                                          Level     Level     Level 
           (unaudited)                                                       1         2         3     Total 
                                                                       GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000 
                                                                      --------  --------  --------  -------- 
            Investments excluding CFDs                                  60,309    26,603    17,296   104,208 
           CFDs                                                              -     (117)         -     (117) 
           Futures                                                           -       178         -       178 
           Current asset investments                                     4,511         -         -     4,511 
                                                                      --------  --------  --------  -------- 
           Total                                                        64,820    26,664    17,296   108,780 
                                                                      --------  --------  --------  -------- 
           31 March 
           2015                                                          Level     Level     Level 
           (unaudited)                                                       1         2         3     Total 
                                                                       GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000 
                                                                      --------  --------  --------  -------- 
            Investments excluding CFDs                                  64,253    35,920    16,391   116,564 
           CFDs                                                              -       664         -       664 
           Current asset investments                                     2,672         -         -     2,672 
                                                                      --------  --------  --------  -------- 
           Total                                                        66,925    36,584    16,391   119,900 
                                                                      --------  --------  --------  -------- 
           30 September                                                  Level     Level     Level 
            2015 (audited)                                                   1         2         3     Total 
                                                                       GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000 
                                                                      --------  --------  --------  -------- 
            Investments excluding CFDs                                  61,492    30,492    14,998   106,982 
           CFDs                                                              -     (101)         -     (101) 
           Current asset investments                                     6,995         -         -     6,995 
                                                                      --------  --------  --------  -------- 
           Total                                                        68,487    30,391    14,998   113,876 
                                                                      --------  --------  --------  -------- 
          The total valuations shown above include investments held at fair 
          value through profit and loss, the CFD and Future held at fair value 
          through profit or loss and the current asset investment that was previously 
          classified as a cash equivalent. 
          The investments were previously reported as Level 1, Level 2 or Level 
          3 investments under the FRS 29 fair value hierarchy and are now reported 
          as Level 1, Level 2 or Level 3 investments under the FRS 102 classifications 
          as amended in March 2016 by the amendments to the fair value hierarchy. 
          This results in there being no change to the classifications under 
          FRS 102 compared to previous periods. 
          There have been no transfers between the levels of the fair value 
          hierarchy during the period. 
          The valuation techniques used by the Company are explained in the 
          accounting policies note in the Company's Annual Report for the year 
          ended 30 September 2015 and are equally applicable under both FRS 
          29 and FRS 102. 
 9.      Transaction Costs 
          Purchase transaction costs for the half-year ended 31 March 2016 were 
          GBP16,000 (31 March 2015: GBP9,000; 30 September 2015: GBP14,000). 
          These comprise mainly stamp duty and commission. Sale transaction 
          costs for the half-year ended 31 March 2016 were GBP8,000 (31 March 
          2015: GBP7,000; 30 September 2015: GBP13,000). 
 10.     Comparative Information 
          The financial information contained in this half-yearly financial 
          report does not constitute statutory accounts as defined in section 
          434 of the Companies Act 2006. The financial information for the half-years 
          ended 31 March 2016 and 31 March 2015 has not been audited. 
          The information for the year ended 30 September 2015 has been extracted 
          from the statutory accounts for that year, which have been filed with 
          the Registrar of Companies. The report of the auditors on those accounts 
          was unqualified and contained no statement under either section 498(2) 
          or section 498(3) of the Companies Act 2006. 
 11.     Related Party Transactions 
          Other than the relationship between the Company and its Directors, 
          the provision of services by Henderson is the only related party arrangement 
          currently in place as defined in the Listing Rules. Other than fees 
          payable by the Company in the ordinary course of business, there have 
          been no material transactions with the Company's related parties affecting 
          the financial position or performance and the provision of sales and 
          marketing services, of the Company during the period under review. 
 12.     Going Concern 
          Having reassessed the principal risks and uncertainties the Directors 
          believe that it is appropriate to adopt the going concern basis in 
          preparing the financial statements. 
 13.     General information 
          Company Status 
          The Company is an investment trust company, registered in Scotland 
          with company registration number SC015905. 
          The SEDOL/ISIN number is GB0001216000. 
          The London Stock Exchange (TIDM) Code is HAST. 
          The Company's Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) is 213800J6LLOCA3CUDF69. 
          The Company's Global Intermediary Identification Number (GIIN) is 
          Directors, Secretary and Registered Office 
          The Directors of the Company are Richard Gubbins (Chairman), Graham 
          Oldroyd (Audit Committee Chairman), Graham Fuller (Senior Independent 
          Director) and Jamie Korner. 
          The Corporate Secretary is Henderson Secretarial Services Limited, 
          represented by Rachel Peat, ACIS. 
          The registered office is Leven House, 10 Lochside Place, Edinburgh 
          Park, Edinburgh EH12 9DF. 
          The correspondence address is Henderson Global Investors, 201 Bishopsgate, 
          London EC2M 3AE. 
          Details of the Company's share price and net asset value, together 
          with general information about the Company, monthly factsheets and 
          data, copies of announcements, reports and details of general meetings 
          can be found at www.hendersonalternativestrategies.com 
 14.     Half-Year Report 
          The Half-Year Report will shortly be available in typed format on 
          the Company's website. An abbreviated version, the Half-Year Update, 
          will be circulated to shareholders in June and will be available on 
          the website thereafter. Both the Half-Year Report and the Half-Year 
          Update will be available from the Corporate Secretary at the Company's 
          correspondence address: 201 Bishopsgate, London EC2M 3AE. 

For further information please contact:

  Ian Barrass                               James de Bunsen 
   Fund Manager                              Fund Manager 
   Henderson Alternative Strategies Trust    Henderson Alternative Strategies 
   plc                                       Trust plc Telephone: 020 7818 
   Telephone: 020 7818 2964                  3869 
  Richard Gubbins                           Sarah Gibbons-Cook 
   Chairman                                  Investor Relations and PR Manager 
   Henderson Alternative Strategies Trust    Henderson Investment Funds Limited 
   plc                                       Telephone: 020 7818 3198 
   Telephone: 07818 454 175 
  James de Sausmarez 
   Director and Head of Investment Trusts 
   Henderson Investment Funds Limited 
   Tel: 020 7818 3349 

Neither the contents of the Company's website nor the contents of any website accessible from hyperlinks on the Company's website (or any other website) is incorporated into, or forms part of, this announcement

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



(END) Dow Jones Newswires

May 19, 2016 08:00 ET (12:00 GMT)

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