• The total investment for the projects is €29 million.

Abengoa (MCE:ABG.B/P SM) (Nasdaq:ABGB), the international company that applies innovative technology solutions for sustainability in the energy and environment sectors, has been selected to construct a waste water treatment plant in the municipality of Madrid (Cundinamarca); and the drinking water treatment and supply system for the city of Yopal (Casanare), both in Colombia. The projects, worth €8 million and €21 million respectively, will treat waste water from the town of Madrid in an environmentally-friendly and sustainable way, and will provide an efficient drinking water system for the city of Yopal.

Abengoa will be responsible for the design, supply, construction, assembly and commissioning of the facilities. The Madrid I waste water treatment plant is scheduled to be completed within 10 months, while the Yopal-Casanare project will take 24 months.

These projects are part of Abengoa's strategic plan to solve supply problems in those parts of the world most affected by water scarcity, and to provide environmentally-friendly solutions to discharging waste water into rivers. The Madrid plant will treat 164 liters/second, while the drinking water plant in Yopal will have a flow of 780 l/s.

The contract for the Madrid waste water treatment plant is part of the megaproject to clean up the Bogotá River basin, with the goal of rehabilitating the country's most polluted river.

These two contracts will further consolidate Abengoa Colombia's position in this country, giving it the opportunity to become a major contractor in this new South American market where the company is one of the leading firms in the sectors in which it operates.

Abengoa has been present in Colombia for three years. These latest contracts will position the firm as a major player in the water sector in this region.

About Abengoa

Abengoa (MCE:ABG.B/P SM) (Nasdaq:ABGB) applies innovative technology solutions for sustainability in the energy and environment sectors, generating electricity from renewable resources, converting biomass into biofuels and producing drinking water from sea water. (www.abengoa.com)

CONTACT: Communication Department:
         Patricia Malo de Molina Melendez.
         Tel. +34 954 93 71 11
         E-mail: communication@abengoa.com
         Investor relations:
         Ignacio Garcia Alvear.
         Tel. +34 954 93 71 11
         E-mail: ir@abengoa.com