VISTA, Calif., April 22, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- Eco Building Products, Inc., (PINK: ECOB) is pleased to announce that Charlie Farkouh with Home and Land Development is now behind this defensive building movement with Eco Red Shield Advanced Framing Lumber offering him and his homeowners protection that raw lumber could not, as the framing materials for his second house were delivered direct to the jobsite today in New Jersey. In a recent interview with Mr. Farkouh, it was mentioned that he has two additional customs homes and fifteen townhouses which have been specified with ECOB's Advanced Framing Lumber. Please visit this link for the interview:

So how hot is the Mold topic now in the Building Industry? Recently, Underwriter's Laboratory Chief Economist Erin Grossi put out a press release about a Real Estate Conference taking place later this month that will discuss protecting the air quality in homes from things like Mold. In the recent press release, she was quoted as saying "It [mold] is emerging as very similar to asbestos in that people are actively recruiting class-action suits and encouraging people to look at this." In UL's white paper, Grossi said "The recognition that mold is a cause of human health complications has catalyzed an 'uptick' in related lawsuits in the U.S. There are now more than 14,000 pending building mold cases and with juries awarding multi-million dollar settlements, building owners and their attorneys are actively looking for ways to protect against related problems." She goes on to say "I know this is a huge concern of building owners," said the Chicago-based economist. "Obviously they don't want to talk about it too much."

Droughts and wild fires are another new hot topic with California facing one of the most severe droughts on record. Governor Brown declared a drought State of Emergency in January, and directed State Officials to take all necessary actions to prepare for water shortages. The State has continued to lead the way to make sure California is able to cope with an unprecedented drought, but when will the Governor step in and make builders protect at least the raw lumber details on the house from fire ignition?

Mold is not a new hot topic to us at Eco. We knew one day this would become a hot topic in the Building Industry as most in the lumber business shy away from discussing the issue. Builders and Architects are learning how to defend themselves from future mold related law suits as part of the Eco Defensive Partner Certification Program because they are being taught how to defend themselves and their clients in a proactive manner Moreover, the supply chain customer base for Eco Red Shield Advanced Framing Lumber is constantly increasing with more lumber yards inquiring about pricing and how to obtain the product.

Steve Conboy, President & CEO of Eco Building Products, Inc. commented that "Finally, Eco Red Shield Advanced Framing Lumber is being recognized as the best lumber in the Industry. Builders and Architects are now learning that by suggesting this protection instead of selling it on every quote, they mitigate themselves from future mold lawsuits, even if the buyer refuses to pay the additional cost. The Lumber Industry for the most part has ignored the overwhelming residential fire and mold problems. I'm confident that some of the leaders in the Industry are joining the Eco movement not simply because they want to, rather they see themselves as a potential target for mold related lawsuits." Lumberyards that want to challenge Eco's Conboy do not stand a chance because they have all seen mold in their yards and stores, and for now, there is no other solution that truly works. For over eleven years now, Conboy has been pounding the Industry to create change and raise the bar now regarding mold and fire protection on lumber. Conboy further noted that "The national lumber supply chain will be the last to follow suit in this movement and that is why Eco is out to train contractors, builders, architects and consumers on how to defend themselves against mold, and from the growing population of lawyers that will be chasing these professionals' liability policy. We think the cat is out of the bag, especially since lawyers now know there is a lumber product in the national supply chain that offers a warranty against mold that is truly cost-effective for every wood-framed building. What arguments can a Lumber Retailer or Builder's Defense Attorney have now that this solution exists, and it's available anywhere in the US? In the near future, don't be surprised if you see Eco on national TV where mold is being compared to what 60 Minutes recently reported on about formaldehyde concerns with flooring products affecting indoor air quality." Conboy went on to add that "Just last week, a residential tract builder in San Diego inquired about Eco's fire protection because the building department mandated fire protection on all exterior architectural details for these two new tracts of houses. When Eco's Technical Team followed up with the builder, they said they avoided the issue courtesy of a loophole in the Building Code."

Frank Dicopoulos of NJ Discover recently commented on Steve Conboy and Eco Building Products: "Steve, Eco Red Shield and Eco Building Products is truly onto something, and you should not be seen as a whistle-blower; you should be commended not only in the media, but in the workplace as well! There is mounting interest coming in from TV shows on the History Channel and the Fox Business Network. They know Eco is on to something with its patent-pending technology against mold, fire, wood-rot decay, and insects. With all the buzz about air quality, with respect to the 60 Minutes piece on Lumber Liquidators and toxic VOC's, and the recent white paper report from UL Economist Erin Grossi about her findings on poor indoor air quality and the rising number of successful lawsuits around poor air quality, Eco is about to explode! Ernie Anastos (Fox's multi award winning anchor) and Fox News had you on as one of the leading difference makers in the world today! You just spoke at the United Nations at the InfoPoverty World Conference on the importance of Green Defensive Building. The New York Times just released an article about the impending severe drought that California and the rest of the country is going to be faced with; which means catastrophic brush, home, and building fires. The time is now for Eco! I have you in front of 60 Minutes and Dr. Oz right now. People need to know immediately that they do not have to be the victims anymore – that they can be pro-active instead of reactive when it comes to building in the future. I just co-hosted Pittsburgh Today Live on CBS in Pittsburgh and the Executive Producer for the show allowed me to introduce Eco Red Shield to the viewing audience because she felt it was important information and could help people. NBC News and longtime and well respected reporter Brian Thompson did the piece on Eco and fire protection because it was deemed important and responsibly relevant information. A big box stocks some of this product in my area and now numerous lumberyards, builders, and architects are all coming aboard because they get it. They see where the future is going in the Lumber and Building Industry. Toxicity, VOC's, mold, fire, insects, health, and the environment, all need to be addressed and resolved now. It is my job in media and my responsibility as a celebrity and role model to my fans, to bring the viewing audience your vision and technology as it pertains to Eco. Due to the overwhelming response from so many different media sources, builders, architects, networks, magazines, newspapers, and World organizations, you are on to something! When I was filming a documentary down at the Jersey Shore, post Super Storm Sandy on all the devastation, and saw all these homes being re-built with Eco Red Shield Lumber, I wanted to know what it was all about. Being a Sandy victim myself with my home and family, I was extremely curious why this red lumber showed up in the retail big box stores in our area. Well now that I have learned and seen firsthand the Company, the products, and the application, there is no question in my mind that Steve Conboy and Eco Building Products is on to something, it's a game changer, and will single handedly change the Building Industry now and into the future."

About Eco Building Products, Inc.

Eco Building Products, Inc. is a manufacturer of treated wood products that are protected against fire, mold/mycotoxins, fungus, rot-decay, wood ingesting insects and termites by our proprietary eco-friendly chemistry utilizing ECOB WoodSurfaceFilm and FRC™ technology (Fire Retardant Coating) leading the world on Defensive Innovations through the implementation of defensive building practices. Eco Building Products' Global Defensive Vision is to foster environmental stewardship, respect reforestation programs, and consider the carbon footprint and recycling efforts as we forge forward in the protection of homeowners and builders. We believe that in conjunction with these endeavors, Eco Building Products will have a positive impact on U.S. export business as supported by factory-built housing managed by American Veterans, demonstrating once again to America's youth that working in the Building Trades is an honorable vocation.

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Eco Building Products, Inc. 
Phone: 1 888 Red Shld (888.733.7453)
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