HOUSTON, TX -- April 01, 2015 -- InvestorsHub NewsWire -- One World Holdings, Inc. [OTCBB: OWOO] announced last week that it will conduct a stockholders conference call on Monday, April 6 at 11 AM eastern time to share the details of a national retail store roll out of their product line.

OWOO's Prettie Girls! Doll line, is designed by world-famous doll designer,

Stacey McBride-Irby and fills a need in the fast growing multicultural sector of the multi-billion dollar a year toy industry.

Microcap companies don't typically conduct conference calls like this unless they have something big to announce, so we are really excited to hear what they have to say!

OWOO Founders, Trent T. Daniel and Stacey McBride-Irby recently concluded a whirlwind promotional tour in New York City and the company has been featured in the USA Today, The Huffington Post, MadameNoire, OK! Weekly on CNN, Fox Talk Show The Real, and TVOne. We also know OWOO's products were presented at the International Toy Fair last month and many of the big box stores and major online distributors were there.

Joanne Melton, CEO of One World Holdings said, "Our appearance at Toy Fair coupled with national distribution of our dolls represent major milestones for One World and I am confident that everyone who listens in on this call will be just as excited as we are about the future and what 2015 has in store," she added.

Founder Trent T. Daniel was interviewed at the Toy Fair, where he spoke about the enthusiastic and positive response to The Prettie Girls! dolls.

Watch the video here: http://oneworlddolls.com/investors/

The company has been in talks with several large retailers since its first appearance at Toy Fair 2014 and any major announcement about national distribution could draw strong attention if a big box retailer like Walmart, Target or Toys R' Us places a purchase order.

One World's dolls are already available on the websites for several major retailers such as; Walmart.com, Toysrus.com, and Amazon.com.

Again, we think that any major news on or before this call could send OWOO shares flying and that's why it requires your immediate attention.

One World's dolls also have the potential for major licensing deals, and toymaker Jakks Pacific (JAKK) could signal a blueprint for the potential growth trajectory OWOO could be on. Jakks Pacific has been on a roll since outperforming earnings due to their licensing deal with the movie 'Frozen'.

With the recent announcement of One World's partnership with legendary doll designer, Robert Tonner, the myriad of licenses Tonner has with Marvel and DC Comics could prove to be a mega hit for One World.

Another "doll" maker, Build-a-Bear Workshop (BBW), has been on a roll as well, up nearly 100% over the past year as interest flows back into the toy

market. According to the Toy Industry Association, 2014 saw a 4% increase in the overall toy market, and the "doll" sector which makes up 12% of the overall toy market mirrored the 4% growth.

Eliminating Debt

In addition to the big announcement coming via conference call, investors are excited OWOO is working hard to improve its balance sheet. In a press release issued on the subject Joanne Melton, One World Holdings CEO said. "Our days of being funded by predatory lenders have come to an end and our stock seems to now be showing how well it can perform with the absence of excessive dilution."

Shares of toy stocks have been trading higher, and investors looking for the next big mover may want to take a close look at OWOO.

- The stock is trending in the right direction.

- Their balance sheet is improving.

- Their doll lines are in high demand.

- The company is set to announce something big in less than a week.

All of these factors make One World Holdings, Inc. (OWOO) an extremely interesting opportunity, and the timing may be perfect for investors and traders alike.

About One World Holdings, Inc.

More information about Stacey McBride-Irby, Trent T. Daniel, and The One World Doll Project, can be found at www.oneworlddolls.com.


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