By Lawrence C. Oakley, CEO at WallStreetCorner.com, Inc.




Research Report

Lithium Exploration Group, Inc.



LEXG’s Brief Corporate Description


Lithium Exploration Group is a US-based exploration & development company focused on the acquisition & development potential of assets in Alberta, Canada that demonstrate high probability for near-term profitability. Currently, the company‘s priorities are: Developing its lithium assets; Testing its Ultrasonic Generator Technology; Acquiring oilfield waste disposal assets; & Acquiring profitable oil & gas assets.

My Initial Comment


I interviewed CEO Alex Walsh & am impressed with the several exceptional markets the company is capable of developing. For example, in just two of its planned efforts, it will use technology that can treat either brine to get out minerals, or upgrade hydrocarbons, while at the same time providing an excellent source of drinkable water. The technology allows very large amounts of such brine or hydrocarbons to be processed in very short amounts of time & can easily be used in distant locations where other methods involve extremely high costs & far longer times to achieve the same results.


My Opinion

Every once in awhile, I indentify a situation that I believe should be a key part of your mid-term & long-term portfolio of winners. I believe this is one of those. I say that because in my opinion, it is engaged in some current amazing opportunities with the potential to move well over its recent highs. In fact, I believe it may soon achieve at least a 500% increase of its current share price. My relatively short term price target is $2.00. If one looks ahead at a combination of some of the company’s capabilities, I see the possibility of a long-term upward move to over $20 per share. This is one that you should carefully look into.

How LEXG is Treating &/or Disposing of Frac Waste Water

LEXG’s treatment of the waste water related to fracking is a highly profitable part of its current operations. The fact that major oil companies have difficult water problems because of their fracking operations has resulted in LEXG either treating or disposing of the water these majors have to get rid of. The amount of waste water that LEXG accepts for disposal is discharged into wells that LEXG has. Fortunately, LEXG has reached its current maximum capability which has caused that particular phase of its business to generate tremendous revenues for LEXG & at the same time keep the environment safe. In order to increase this part of its business, LEXG is negotiating for the acquisition of additional wells to increase its profits.

Actually, several major oil companies are in a position to need to substantially increase the quantity of water that they have to get rid of. The Canadian government will either constrain or fine the majors if they fail to dispose of all of the water they use to do their fracking -- it’s the primary reason that LEXG is striving to increase its service to those major oil companies.

After further tests of its Ultrasonic Generator, LEXG should be able to offer two important ways to increase its services to the majors. By treating the waste water used in fracking using the Ultrasonic Generator, LEXG will be able to separate distilled water from the waste water & at the same time separately discharge the waste water’s mineral content. The distilled water & the mineral content can be sold, & what’s left after those two processes can be discharged into disposal wells. Getting such a large percentage of waste water profitably utilized should greatly reduce the amount of what is left to be fed into disposal wells.

LEXG’s Role in Lithium Production

I covered lithium in my Conservative Speculator newsletter on 9/16/2011, including its background, where it comes from, its use in batteries, & the size of its battery market. Since then, that market has begun an explosive increase, & in my opinion will grow at an amazingly high pace.

LEXG is proving its ability to cost effectively remove lithium from brines, & one of its planned efforts this summer is to do a feasibility study regarding its methods of extracting lithium from brine.

Just one possibility it is looking into is related to the electric Tesla Model S automobile created by Elon Musk. I just read a detailed extremely positive review of the car, which is powered by a 7,000 cell lithium-ion battery pack that lies below the floor of the car & uses almost the entire width & length of the car.

In chatting with folks at LEXG, I learned that Elon Musk commented that he intends to greatly increase his production of Tesla cars, & build two very large facilities, which Musk calls Gigafactories. Musk said he intends to use solar & wind power so he can utilize his own power in order to meet environmental requirements. He intends to use the two 10-million square foot plants to manufacture the batteries needed for his automobile production plans. He also predicted that within a few years, the world will need 200 such gigafactories to build lithium-ion batteries to supply the expected growing need for not only Tesla cars but also other makes of electric & hybrid engine cars. Musk also expects to have the lithium he needs sent to his gigaplants right from the sources of lithium – because lithium is not like other metals such as copper, etc., the car manufacturers & any lithium-ion battery manufacturers other than car manufacturers will be negotiating their lithium needs directly with lithium mines. Please note the news released on 5/15/2014 quoted in the Recent News section herein.



Where Traded: OTCQB



Symbol: LEXG

Share price on 6/24/2014 at 1:39 PM EDT: $0.04

52-week range: $0.03 – $0.26

52-week high (8/14/2013): $0.26

52-week low (2/5/2014): $0.03

50-day moving average: $0.05

200-day moving average: $0.06

Volume so far on 6/24/2014: 1,360,253 shares

Average volume (3m): 2,177,470 shares

Average volume (10 day): 2,306,530 shares

Market Cap at 6/24/2014: $7.26 million

Approximate shares outstanding: 177.18 million

Approximate float: 152.29 million shares


Revenue (mrq): $18,000

Net income available to common (mrq): ($6,910,000)*

Total cash (mrq): $731.53K

Total current assets @ 3/31/2014: $803,000

Long term investments @ 3/31/2014: $912,000

Total assets @ 3/31/2014: $1,715,000

Total current liabilities @3/31/2014: $4,372,000

Long term debt @3/31/2014: None

Total liabilities @3/31/2014: $4,317,000

Total stockholder equity @ 3/31/2014: ($2,601,000)*

Fiscal year ends: June 30

Most recent quarter (mrq): 3/31/2014


* Note: These are negative numbers. LEXG is beginning to emerge from its start-up phase, & as such, its current numbers are negative, which is to be expected. Do not base your opinion on start-up phase operations. Look rather at the reasons for the planned growth expected.


Ultrasonic Generator Technology

In 2011, LEXG invested in the development of an Ultrasonic Technology to assist in separating suspended solids from brine water. The technology is based around a transportable ultra-sound reactor
using patented technology. Successful testing in Q1 2014 has enabled LEXG to begin to test this
technology on applications in the oil & gas, mining, & lithium production industries. This technology is viewed as a game-changer in its ability to provide lower cost, & low energy solutions to many pre-existing processes within these industries.

The Ultrasonic Generator, in the form of a single base unit, can desalinate water at a rate of 25-35 cubic meters per hour. The two discharge streams are distilled water & marketable minerals. The unit also has the ability to upgrade crude oil. A single Ultrasonic Generator can upgrade crude oil into high quality, high value light petroleum products. Flow rates for crude oil are 25 tons per day, which amounts to about 150 barrels of oil per day.

Advantages Include: 1. Greatly reduced capital cost compared to current treatment methods such as heated boilers, filtration systems such as reverse osmosis, & ion exchange, which are extremely capital intensive, as is conventional crude oil upgrading; 2. Small & scalable footprint. The unit’s design allows it to be tailor-scaled for different sized applications; 3. Greatly minimized energy input, allowing for previously unobtainable energy savings; 4. Versatility & ease of transport. The unit can be easily transported due to its small footprint & can be repositioned accordingly to meet changing business needs.

Hydrocarbon Upgrading Applications: The Ultrasonic Generator’s ability to upgrade heavier crude into lighter petroleum products on-site offers many cost saving & revenue-boosting opportunities for oil & gas producers. Existing treaters & separators knock out water & most solids. However, they cannot improve the quality (eg. API) of crude oil & cannot reduce H2S content. Conventional upgraders are both extremely capital intensive & based upon a principle of large scale, whereas the Ultrasonic Technology can upgrade crude oil at a fraction of the capital cost & is ideal for use within smaller fields or batteries. The units are also designed to be scalable to requirements, allowing for tailored solutions for specific oilfield volume upgrading requirements. This technology can be applied to all types of crude typically produced in Western Canada – heavy, medium, & light oil. Heavier crude oil is upgraded on-site into lighter petroleum products, resulting in lower processing costs & higher product revenues.

The Ultrasonic Technology can be used in conjunction with oilfield waste management facilities, including disposal wells, to upgrade skim oil. This results in higher revenues & lower processing costs for the facility. The Ultrasonic Generator’s ability to upgrade on-site allows producers to reduce their transportation costs since the resulting lighter products will almost invariably be closer to accepting infrastructure

Water Treatment Applications: The Ultrasonic Generator’s by-products are clean water (or steam) & marketable minerals, all of which can contribute valuable revenue streams. Various tailored fluids can also be synthesized for use in the oil & gas industry. Saline water resulting from industrial mining (including oil sands) can be treated & recycled into clean water to be re-used in various plant processes. Traditional processes require much larger footprints, capital costs, & energy usage. The clean water by-product is suitable as a saleable commodity. In the case that the Ultrasonic Generator is being used at a remote location where transport costs could make any clean water sales uneconomic, the purified clean water can be safely returned to the environment.

Steam: Steam is a by-product of any desalinization process using the Ultrasonic Technology & can therefore be used in conjunction with a SAGD process in the oil sands. The key advantage offered by this technology over conventional steam generation processes is the extremely low energy input needed to generate required quantities of steam. The steam by-product created by the Ultrasonic Generator can also be used to generate electricity by propelling steam turbines. Once again, low energy input & scalability are significant advantages over any existing technologies on the market.

Marketable Minerals: Recovery of marketable dissolved minerals such as Li, CaCl, KCl, MgCl, NaCl, I, & Br can be successfully separated from brine or other solutions using the Ultrasonic Technology. Numerous types of fluids can be synthesized using the Ultrasonic Technology, including those required for voidage, formation stabilization, water flood, EOR, fracking, & other special applications.





Alex Walsh is President & CEO. He has been CEO since 11/2010 & has been the visionary in building the overall strategy for LEXG, His background includes investment banking & consulting services to lower middle market private companies, assisting them in strategic planning, capital markets activity via public & private investment, & building synergistic relationships for growth. His primary role is to manage the corporate infrastructure, focus on the financing strategy, & make decisions on acquisitions & capital expenditures.



Recent News

I included my slight edits of the following news releases that should give you some feel for the potential of this situation. I strongly suggest that you study these & follow all of LEXG’s future news releases as a part of your own investigation of why in my opinion this company has the probability to provide unusually attractive growth. Actually, I plan to alert you to the important news via some of my email distributions, but I also urge you to check all future releases.

6/10/2014 – CEO addresses shareholders with his monthly newsletter:

Dear Shareholders,

We continue to focus our efforts on our disposal businesses in Alberta to finish the year in a strong position and to set ourselves up for a great FY2015, the first full year with these assets as part of our business.
Here is a brief update on both of our facilities:

Morinville -- We are currently turning away business on high traffic days because we don't have enough storage tanks on site at present. This is a good problem to have, but we must be conscious of customer needs and we are presently working with the regulators to increase our storage near term to get through the summer. We also have engaged an engineering firm to provide a plant expansion plan to bring the facility up to regulatory standards that will allow us to dispose of a wider variety of much higher revenue liquid waste streams.
Wardlow (Tero) -- We continue to work on quotes and designs for the custom treating operation we plan to add at the Tero facility. We have been discussing the expansion with customers to get their feedback
& to better understand their needs. This expanded offering will be rolled out with a full marketing package to expand our customer base in the area. Many of the smaller customers simply cannot bring us their produced water because they need to have a third party remove the oil from the water before it can be disposed. By adding custom treating, we feel that we will gather new customers for this service and be able to capture other solid waste disposal business at the same time.
Later this month, our oil unit is in process to arrive in Texas, where final assembly and modifications will be made. We are looking forward to getting that unit up to Wardlow promptly to work on the commercialization of this great technology.
Our partners at Sonic Cavitation recently set up a Facebook page (www.Facebook.com/SonicCavitation) to help promote some of their humanitarian efforts and expand awareness of the technology. Check out and 'like' the page, there is some great information there.

As always, we have a lot going on at Lithium Exploration Group and we are looking forward to what is shaping up to be a pretty exciting summer. Next month I will produce our first "Annual Letter" which will not only provide a synopsis of FY2014 activity, but will also provide some insight into what next year will look like for LEXG. 

Sincerely, Alex Walsh, CEO - Lithium Exploration Group, Inc.

About Lithium Exploration Group: Lithium Exploration Group is a US-based exploration and development company focused on the acquisition and development potential of lithium brines and other precious metals that demonstrate high probability for near-term production. Currently the company is focused on its Western Canada lithium assets, testing its Ultrasonic Generator Technology and the acquisition of oil and gas related assets in Western Canada. Website: www.lithiumexplorationgroup.com.

Contact: Shanon Chilson at 480-641-4790 -- info@lithiumexplorationgroup.com

6/9/2014 – Lithium Exploration Group's Technology Partners Prepare for Summer Field Testing of Frac Water & Oil Upgrading Units:

In February & March of 2014, LEXG & the team from Sonic Cavitation successfully tested LEXG’s Ultrasonic Generator with fresh water, reaching temperatures in excess of 275 degrees Fahrenheit. The unit was run for five hours at each testing interval to gather data on the performance of the unit, & to ensure there were no mechanical or power-related issues. With fresh water testing completed, Sonic Cavitation has been working with their manufacturing partner over the past few months to design the appropriate discharge vessel to field test the unit with oilfield waste water & frac water. This partner is a global industrial equipment manufacturer, with the ability to mass-produce as required. Field testing for frac water is expected to take place this summer in Texas, concurrent with the delivery of the oil upgrading unit to be tested at LEXG's Wardlow facility.

"The results of the testing this spring were fantastic. We were able to see, touch, & feel the technology in action & know exactly how & at what rpm levels the generator operates most efficiently," commented CEO Alex Walsh. "Now we need to field test for water purification & oil upgrading, & have third party reports produced on the results. We're excited about the prospect of mass production & scale; & that this technology will not need millions of dollars & years of R&D to produce meaningful revenue & upside. Technologies that impact the oil & gas space are 'hot' right now, & we are on the cutting edge."

6/5/2014 -- ITEM 3.02 from LEXG’s Form 8-K -- Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities:

Our company was indebted to JDF Capital Inc. ("JDF") for funds provided to us on September 16, 2013 in the amount of USD$306,250 & on October 15, 2013 in the amount of USD$306,250 pursuant to the
conditions of a securities purchase agreement dated September 13, 2013 (the "SPA"), among our company & JDF. On January 6, 2014, JDF entered into a securities amendment & settlement agreement (the "Settlement Agreement") with us, where we agreed to convert the remaining portions of the SPA into Series B Convertible Preferred Stock of our company (the "Preferred Shares"), being 1 Preferred Share per $1 remaining payable pursuant to the SPA. Each Preferred Share is convertible into common shares of the
Company by cashless conversion at a price of 50% of the lowest traded price of the previous 20 trading days of a notice to convert.

On June 2, 2014, we received a two notices of conversion from JDF to convert an aggregate of 227,700 Preferred Shares outstanding due to JDF into an aggregate of 10,715,293 shares of our company's common stock at a deemed conversion rate of USD$0.02125 per share, pursuant to the conversion terms of the Preferred Shares, the SPA & the Settlement Agreement. As of June 2, 2014, we issued an aggregate of 10,715,293 common shares of our company to one person pursuant to Rule 506 of Regulation D of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, on the basis that they represented to our company that they were an "accredited investor" as such term is defined in Rule 501(a) of Regulation D.

6/5/2014 – LEXG Retires Series B Preferred Shares:

LEXG announced that since January, all 1,134,500 series B Preferred Shares have been converted into equity & cleared from the company's balance sheet. "Clearing these shares from our balance sheet allows us the added flexibility to acquire additional cash flowing assets. We are exploring a few very interesting companies right now that would be perfect acquisitions for the strategy of buying companies & cash flow that support the development & commercialization of the Ultrasonic Generator," commented Alex Walsh.

5/21/2014 – LEXG Adds Oil Treatment to Product Offering at Tero Oilfield Services:

LEXG announced it is adding an oil treater to its Tero Oilfield Services facility in Wardlow, Alberta. This expansion of the product offering at Tero is an important step toward providing a full suite of services for customers in the area. Tero is well-positioned to give its clients a competitively priced product, while providing a level of customer service with which the bigger companies in the area are unable to compete. The oil treatment product offering should be fully operational by July 2014. This expansion also coincides with LEXG’s order of an oil upgrading unit, which is scheduled to arrive at Tero in August. The oil upgrading unit is expected to enhance the performance of the oil treatment infrastructure that Tero is putting in place with the previously mentioned expansion.

"This expansion is critical for the future of Tero. They already treat their own skim oil production, but with this expansion they will be able to handle loads from existing waste disposal clients. Our goal is to help our local clients by providing exceptional customer service, honest pricing, & in almost all cases, we will be saving clients the expense of shipping to other treatment operations much further away," commented Alex Walsh. "Our team at Tero has been researching this with contractors & existing clients for months & see a huge opportunity for additional revenue from their existing client list."

5/15/2014 – LEXG Expects to Address Lithium Supply Shortage Caused by Future Demand for Car Batteries:

Tesla announced plans to build a gigafactory; a massive battery plant which will bring with it supply constraints in the lithium markets. With demand for lithium-ion batteries expected to grow in the coming years, LEXG is working hard to be in a position to supply part of this demand.

To address the supply issue, Tesla is scouting sites for the gigafactory to cut their production costs by 30 percent. "We're actually quite comfortable that we're heading toward a final agreement sometime later this year," stated JB Straubel, Tesla's Chief Technology Officer, on their earnings call. "Groundbreaking could begin as early as next month," said Elon Musk. Tesla has named Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, & Texas as possible factory sites & said it will break ground in at least two of these states.

Elon Musk has stated that he believes that more than 50% of all vehicles sold by 2030 will be fully electric. If his prediction is correct, this will equate to 75 million vehicles requiring nearly 3,000,000 tons of lithium per year. The worldwide production of lithium in 2013 was around 160,000 tons. "We have two active facilities that are bringing brine water in every single day.

We have already begun navigating the regulatory requirements to produce minerals from these brines; we are merely waiting for the field testing data from our Ultrasonic Technology to determine the optimal salinity level for the unit so that we can move to bench scale testing & begin small production batches of lithium carbonate," commented CEO Alex Walsh. "We have known that there is lithium in the Alberta brine for years; the only questions are how much can we capture & at what price is it profitable to produce. We believe our technology will be game-changing as it pertains to those metrics."

4/22/2014 – LEXG Places Order for Crude Oil Prototype:

LEXG announced that an order has been placed with Sonic Cavitation for a Crude Oil Prototype. The unit will be manufactured by the same partners & with the same design specifications as the Ultrasonic Generator currently being tested for water purification in Texas. It will be delivered to Wardlow, Alberta, & used for testing purposes at Tero Oilfield Services (a subsidiary of Alta Disposal Ltd). The goal is to test the upgrading capabilities of the unit on crude oil & to identify commercial opportunities for future units. The expected delivery date at Tero of the unit is in August, 2014.

"Our partners at Sonic Cavitation have made huge progress with their manufacturing partners in Texas & are moving forward on testing the existing unit for field capabilities in the water purification space. The goal of this prototype will be to initiate parallel testing for crude oil so that both markets can be commercialized as soon as possible," commented CEO Alex Walsh. "We were able to observe the technology in action in February & are eager to see the unit running oil through it at our Tero facility this summer."

4/10/2014 – LEXG Announced Q1 Production at Tero Oilfield Services:

LEXG made an announcement about production at Tero Oilfield Services. During the first quarter of 2014, Tero disposed of over 115,000 barrels of fluid oilfield waste, 400 tons of solid waste, & skimmed 1,680 barrels of oil. These production numbers are in line with production during the fourth quarter of 2013. Traditionally, the first quarter is the slowest by volume due to the extreme weather conditions.

"The first quarter was solid for Tero, especially considering the horrific weather in January of this year caused by the Polar Vortex that impacted much of North America. The company is set up for success the rest of the year with such strong performance during the hardest months," commented CEO Alex Walsh. "We are working diligently to assist Tero with its growth through multiple channels & look forward to continued success."


Final Comment





This is a situation that I believe has good mid-term & extremely good long-term potential for very attractive revenue generation. As one of the things you can do for your own investigation, I suggest that you check the company’s web site at www.lithiumexplorationgroup.com.

Please watch for alerts via the email distributions I make when LEXG reaches an important milestone – if you do not as yet receive my email distributions, just ask via email to WallStreetCorner@gmail.com to include you on our free email list along with those who are on that list from over 96 countries.



The corporate office is 3200 N Hayden Road, Suite 235, Scottsdale, AZ 95251. Call 480-641-4790 or info@lithiumexplorationgroup.com. Investor Relations is at 480-641-4780.

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