Lundin Mining Corporation (TSX:LUN)(OMX:LUMI) ("Lundin Mining" or the "Company")
today reported net earnings of $27.9 million ($0.05 per share) for the quarter
ended September 30, 2013. Cash flows of $27.4 million were generated from
operations, not including the Company's attributable cash flows of $42.2 million
from Tenke Fungurume.

Paul Conibear, President and CEO commented, "Our European operations continued
to perform generally in-line with expectations and as we enter into the fourth
quarter we are pleased to be able to modestly increase production guidance for
copper, zinc and nickel.

Tenke experienced another excellent quarter, despite power interruptions in
September, which highlights the excellent operating performance of the asset.
Year-to-date cash distributions received from Tenke now total over $110 million.

At Eagle, construction has ramped up very well, with commissioning expected in
the fourth quarter of 2014. We look forward to ending the year with a strong
operating performance, well positioned for the future with our conservative
balance sheet further improved by capital cost constraint measures and the
recent completion of a flexible, low cost debt financing package."

Summary financial results for the quarter and year-to-date:                 
                                      Three months ended   Nine months ended
                                            September 30        September 30
US$ Millions (except per share                                              
 amounts)                                  2013     2012       2013     2012
Sales                                     176.4    159.6      540.9    544.6
Operating earnings(1)                      58.9     71.1      176.1    256.9
Net earnings                               27.9     37.9       94.6    140.3
Basic earnings per share                   0.05     0.07       0.16     0.24
Cash flow from operations                  27.4   (25.7)       99.7    144.6
Ending cash position                      137.1    255.9      137.1    255.9
(1) Operating earnings is a non-GAAP measure defined as sales, less         
operating costs (excluding depreciation) and general and administrative     

Operational Highlights

Wholly-owned operations: Copper, zinc, and lead production were largely in-line
with expectations for the quarter, with total zinc production at its highest
levels in years. Production costs at Neves-Corvo were higher than planned. At
Zinkgruvan, excellent cash costs in the quarter brought year-to-date results
back in line with expectations. At Aguablanca, both metal production and costs
continued to be better than expectations. As a result, production guidance has
been updated to increase nickel and copper production at Aguablanca. As well,
guidance for copper production at Zinkgruvan and zinc production at Neves-Corvo
have also been increased. Cash cost guidance for Neves-Corvo has been increased
to $1.90/lb1 of copper (from $1.80/lb) and for Aguablanca, it has been reduced
to $4.50/lb of nickel (from $5.00/lb).

--  Neves-Corvo produced 12,629 tonnes of copper and a record 14,723 tonnes
    of zinc in the third quarter of 2013. While operational improvements
    continue to drive high throughput levels, copper cash costs of $2.23/lb
    for the quarter were higher than guidance of $1.80/lb. The increase is a
    result of lower copper grades and recoveries, costs associated with the
    increased production of zinc, a higher number of contractors, shaft and
    mill maintenance costs in the quarter related to the annual shutdown,
    and the continued low zinc price significantly affecting by-product
--  At Zinkgruvan, zinc production for the quarter improved to 18,743 tonnes
    with better head grades and recoveries when compared to the prior
    quarter. Cash costs for zinc were $0.06/lb, well below guidance of
    $0.30/lb and the lowest since 2007, primarily as a result of higher by-
    product credits.
--  Aguablanca continued to have strong production results in the third
    quarter, as ore milled, grades and plant recoveries for both nickel and
    copper continued to exceed expectations. Year-to-date, 5,461 tonnes of
    nickel and 4,557 tonnes of copper in concentrate have been produced.
    Cash costs of $3.67/lb nickel for the quarter were lower than guidance
    of $5.00/lb. 

Tenke: Tenke continued to perform well, achieving the second best quarter on
record for milling volumes, despite experiencing power interruptions in
September which impacted operating rates. While the situation has improved,
Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc. ("Freeport") is working closely with its
power provider and DRC authorities to address the situation.

--  Third quarter production included 49,541 tonnes of copper cathode and
    3,659 tonnes of cobalt in hydroxide. Tenke sold 53,104 tonnes of copper
    at an average realized price of $3.19/lb and 2,803 tonnes of cobalt were
    sold at an average realized price of $8.57/lb.
--  Attributable operating cash flow from Tenke for the third quarter of
    2013 was $42.2 million ($118.3 million year-to- date). Cash
    distributions of $38.4 million were received by Lundin Mining in the
    third quarter of 2013 ($110.7 million year-to-date).
--  Operating cash costs for the third quarter of 2013 were $1.23/lb of
    copper sold, the same as reported in the prior year comparable quarter. 

Total production from the Company's assets including attributable share of Tenke:

                                 YTD        Q3        Q2        Q1
(tonnes)                        2013      2013      2013      2013
Copper                        48,168    15,087    16,065    17,016
Zinc                          91,952    33,466    32,539    25,947
Lead                          26,402     9,119    10,692     6,591
Nickel                         5,461     1,788     1,876     1,797
  Copper                      38,191    11,890    13,230    13,071

                        FY        Q4        Q3        Q2        Q1
(tonnes)              2012      2012      2012      2012      2012
Copper              63,878    14,224    15,573    16,936    17,145
Zinc               122,204    29,161    28,452    31,972    32,619
Lead                38,464     8,353     9,365     9,780    10,966
Nickel               2,398     1,705       693         -         -
  Copper            38,105    10,602     9,947     8,632     8,924
(1) Cash cost/lb of copper are non-GAAP measures defined as all cash costs  
directly attributable to mining operating, less royalties and by-product    

Financial Highlights

Financial Performance

--  Operating earnings for the third quarter of 2013 were $58.9 million, a
    decrease of $12.2 million from the $71.1 million reported in the
    comparable quarter of 2012. The decrease was largely attributable to
    lower realized metal prices ($11.8 million), higher per unit production
    costs ($8.5 million), and unfavourable exchange rates ($3.7 million),
    partially offset by higher operating earnings at Aguablanca ($9.4
    On a year-to-date basis, operating earnings of $176.1 million were lower
    than the $256.9 million reported for the first nine months of 2012. The
    decrease was mainly attributable to lower realized metal prices and
    prior period price adjustments ($47.5 million), higher per unit
    production costs ($24.8 million), lower sales volumes ($16.4 million),
    and a change in sales mix ($14.9 million), partially offset by higher
    operating earnings at Aguablanca ($27.7 million).
--  For the quarter ended September 30, 2013, sales of $176.4 million
    increased $16.8 million over the prior year ($159.6 million) largely as
    a result of the restart of operations at Aguablanca ($14.7 million) and
    higher net sales volume ($12.9 million), partially offset by lower
    realized metal prices ($11.8 million).
    Sales of $540.9 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2013
    were $3.7 million lower than the comparable period in 2012 ($544.6
    million). Lower realized metal prices and prior period price adjustments
    ($47.5 million), a change in sales mix ($17.4 million), and lower net
    sales volume ($16.1 million) were largely offset by the restart of
    operations at Aguablanca ($77.3 million).
--  Cash flow from operations for the current quarter was $27.4 million
    compared to cash outflow of $25.7 million for the same period in 2012.
    The increase in the cash flow of $53.1 million is mostly attributable to
    changes in non-cash working capital.
    For the nine months ended September 30, 2013, cash flow from operations
    was $99.7 million compared to $144.6 million for same period in 2012.
    Lower earnings and changes in non-cash working capital were the primary
    contributors to the decrease.
--  Average metal prices for copper, zinc and nickel for the three and nine
    months ended September 30, 2013 were lower (1% - 15%) than the same
    periods in the prior year, while lead prices improved slightly over the
    prior comparable periods (6% - 7%).
--  Operating costs (excluding depreciation) of $111.7 million in the
    current quarter were higher than the prior year comparative quarter of
    $82.3 million primarily as a result of increased zinc production at
    Neves-Corvo, the restart of operations at Aguablanca, and higher per
    unit production costs.
    On a year-to-date basis, operating costs (excluding depreciation) for
    the nine months ended September 30, 2013 of $347.8 million were $80.1
    million higher than the $267.7 million reported for the same period in
    2012 largely as a result of the restart of operations at Aguablanca, and
    higher per unit production costs at Neves-Corvo and Zinkgruvan.
--  Net earnings of $27.9 million ($0.05 per share) in the current quarter
    were $10.0 million lower than the $37.9 million ($0.07 per share)
    reported in 2012. Net earnings were impacted by: 
    --  lower operating earnings ($12.2 million); and 
    --  higher depreciation, depletion and amortization expense ($7.2
        million); offset by 
    --  lower general exploration and business development expenditures
        ($9.7 million).
--  Net earnings of $94.6 million ($0.16 per share) year-to-date were $45.7
    million lower than the $140.3 million ($0.24 per share) reported in
    2012. Earnings were impacted by: 
    --  lower operating earnings ($80.8 million); and 
    --  higher depreciation, depletion and amortization expense ($25.0
        million); offset by 
    --  lower general exploration and business development expenditures
        ($17.9 million); and 
    --  lower tax expense of $40.0 million. 

Corporate Highlights                                                        

--  On September 10, 2013, the Company reported its Mineral Reserve and
    Resource estimates as at June 30, 2013, and filed an independent
    National Instrument 43-101 Technical Report for its Eagle nickel/copper
    project on SEDAR ( on July 26, 2013. The Neves-Corvo and
    Zinkgruvan mines had increases in total reserves from prior year's
    estimates. The full press releases can be found on the Company's website
--  Subsequent to quarter-end, the Company completed amendments to its
    credit agreement to provide for a new term loan of $250 million and an
    extension on the maturity of the existing $350 million revolving credit
    facility to October 2017. This arrangement is expected to provide a very
    flexible, cost effective funding package to support completion of
    construction of the Eagle Project. See press releases entitled "Lundin
    Mining Secures Commitments for Eagle Project Funding", dated September
    16, 2013 and "Lundin Mining Completes $600 Million Debt Facilities for
    Eagle Project Funding", dated October 7, 2013.
--  The Company is pleased to welcome the appointment of Mr. Peter C. Jones
    to the Company's Board of Directors. Mr. Jones brings to the Company's
    Board a great depth of experience in operations at a senior management
    level gained through previous positions as Interim President and Chief
    Executive Officer of IAMGOLD Corp., President and Chief Operating
    Officer of Inco Ltd., and President and Chief Executive Officer of
    Hudson Bay Mining & Smelting Co.

Financial Position and Financing                                            

--  Net debt(1) position at September 30, 2013 was $71.2 million compared to
    net cash positions of $265.1 million at December 31, 2012 and $221.1
    million at June 30, 2013.
--  The $292.3 million decrease in net cash during the quarter was
    attributable to the acquisition of Eagle ($315.3 million) and
    investments in mineral properties, plant and equipment ($53.6 million),
    partially offset by operating cash flows of $27.4 million and
    distributions from Tenke of $38.4 million.
--  The $336.3 million decrease in net cash during the first nine months of
    the year was primarily attributable to the acquisitions of Eagle and
    Freeport Cobalt (formerly "Kokkola") for $315.3 million and $116.3
    million, respectively, and investments in mineral properties, plant and
    equipment of $127.2 million. These uses of cash were offset by cash flow
    from operations of $99.7 million and distributions from Tenke of $110.7

(1) Net debt is a non-GAAP measure defined as available unrestricted cash   
less long-term debt and finance leases.                                     
2013 Production and Cost Guidance                                           

--  Production and cash costs guidance for 2013 for the Company's wholly
    -owned operations have been adjusted to reflect continuing
    outperformance and improved outlook at Aguablanca. As well, guidance for
    copper production at Zinkgruvan and zinc production at Neves -Corvo have
    also been increased. Cash cost guidance for Neves-Corvo has been
    increased to $1.90/lb of copper (from $1.80/lb) and for Aguablanca, it
    has been reduced to $4.50/lb of nickel (from $5.00/lb).
--  Guidance on Tenke's production has been updated to reflect the most
    recent guidance provided by Freeport. 

(contained                   Prior Guidance     C1  Revised Guidance      C1
 tonnes)                             Tonnes   Cost         Tonnes(a) Cost(b)
Copper     Neves-Corvo      50,000 - 55,000 $ 1.80   50,000 - 55,000  $ 1.90
           Zinkgruvan         2,500 - 3,500            3,500 - 4,000        
           Aguablanca         5,000 - 5,500            5,500 - 6,000        
           Wholly-owned     57,500 - 64,000          59,000 - 65,000        
           Tenke(@24%)(c)            49,000 $ 1.24            50,000  $ 1.24
            attributable  106,500 - 113,000        109,000 - 115,000        
Zinc       Neves-Corvo      45,000 - 50,000          50,000 - 55,000        
           Zinkgruvan       73,000 - 78,000 $ 0.30   73,000 - 78,000  $ 0.30
           Total          118,000 - 128,000        123,000 - 133,000        
Lead       Zinkgruvan       33,000 - 36,000          33,000 - 36,000        
Nickel     Aguablanca         6,000 - 6,500 $ 5.00     6,500 - 7,000  $ 4.50

a.  Changes in estimated metal production from the prior guidance are
    explained as follows: 
    --  Neves-Corvo's revised zinc production guidance reflects improved
        throughput and recovery on Lombador ore. 
    --  Zinkgruvan copper production is expected to increase over prior
        guidance due to higher mill throughput. 
    --  Aguablanca nickel and copper production is expected to be higher
        than previously guided largely as a result of higher head grades and
b.  Cash costs remain dependent upon exchange rates (forecast at
    EUR/USD:1.30, USD/SEK:6.50) and metal prices (forecast at Cu: $3.30, Zn:
    $0.85, Pb: $0.95, Ni: $6.50, Co: $12.00). 
    --  Neves-Corvo's C1 cash cost per pound of copper has increased due to
        higher operational costs from use of more contractors and lower
        forecasted by-product metal prices. 
    --  Aguablanca's C1 cash cost per pound of nickel has been lowered
        largely as a result of higher expected nickel and copper production.
c.  Freeport has provided 2013 sales and cash costs guidance. The sales
    guidance is assumed to approximate Tenke's production. 

2013 Capital Expenditure Guidance

Capital expenditures for 2013, excluding Eagle, are expected to be $210 million,
a $75 million reduction from original guidance. The Company and Freeport have
implemented initiatives to reduce or defer capital investments until metal
markets improve. Capital expenditures for the Eagle Project in 2013 are expected
to be $110 million (from date of acquisition). Details of the total estimated
capital expenditures of $320 million for 2013 are described below:

--  Sustaining capital in European operations - $100 million (original
    guidance - $110 million), consisting of approximately $65 million for
    Neves-Corvo and $35 million for Zinkgruvan.
--  New investment capital in European operations - $45 million (original
    guidance - $60 million), including approximately $25 million for
    Lombador Phase I and $5 million for an industrial water dam at Neves-
    Corvo. In addition, approximately $15 million will be invested in
    additional wall stability measures and pushbacks at Aguablanca to allow
    for future mining of ore rendered inaccessible by pit stability issues.
    This will enable on-going production to continue from Aguablanca until
    the first quarter of 2015. The capital investment in Zinkgruvan's ore
    dressing plant ($13 million) has been deferred.
--  New investment in Eagle Project - $110 million (from date of
    acquisition), in support of engineering and major equipment additions in
    the year. Total capital cost of the project from the date of acquisition
    (excluding capitalized interest) is estimated at $400 million(1).
--  New investment in Tenke - $65 million (original guidance - $115
    million), estimated by the Company as its share of the remaining Phase
    II expansion costs, exploration and other expansion related initiatives
    and sustaining capital funding for 2013. All of the capital expenditures
    are expected to be self-funded by cash flow from Tenke operations.
    Assuming current metal prices and operating conditions prevail, the
    Company expects to continue to receive regular significant distributions
    from Tenke for the remainder of 2013. 

2013 Exploration Guidance

Total exploration expenditures for 2013 (excluding Tenke) are estimated to be
$33 million, including Eagle exploration expenditures of $3 million (original
guidance, without Eagle - $38 million).

About Lundin Mining

Lundin Mining Corporation is a diversified Canadian base metals mining company
with operations in Portugal, Sweden and Spain and an advanced development
project in the US, producing copper, zinc, lead and nickel. In addition, Lundin
Mining holds a 24% equity stake in the world-class Tenke Fungurume copper/cobalt
mine in the Democratic Republic of Congo and in the Freeport Cobalt Oy business,
which includes a cobalt refinery located in Kokkola, Finland.

On Behalf of the Board,

Paul Conibear President and CEO

Forward Looking Statements

Certain of the statements made and information contained herein is
"forward-looking information" within the meaning of the Ontario Securities Act.
This document includes, but is not limited to, forward looking statements with
respect to the Company's estimated full year metal production, C1 cash costs and
capital expenditures. These estimates and other forward -looking statements are
based on a number of assumptions and are subject to a variety of risks and
uncertainties which could cause actual events or results to differ from those
reflected in the forward-looking statements, including, without limitation,
risks and uncertainties relating to the estimated cash costs, the timing and
amount of production from the Eagle Project, the cost estimates for the Eagle
Project, foreign currency fluctuations; risks inherent in mining including
environmental hazards, industrial accidents, unusual or unexpected geological
formations, ground control problems and flooding; risks associated with the
estimation of mineral resources and reserves and the geology, grade and
continuity of mineral deposits; the possibility that future exploration,
development or mining results will not be consistent with the Company's
expectations; the potential for and effects of labour disputes or other
unanticipated difficulties with or shortages of labour or interruptions in
production; actual ore mined varying from estimates of grade, tonnage, dilution
and metallurgical and other characteristics; the inherent uncertainty of
production and cost estimates and the potential for unexpected costs and
expenses, commodity price fluctuations; uncertain political and economic
environments; changes in laws or policies, foreign taxation, delays or the
inability to obtain necessary governmental permits; and other risks and
uncertainties, including those described under Risk Factors Relating to the
Company's Business in the Company's Annual Information Form and in each
management's discussion and analysis. Forward-looking information may also be
based on other various assumptions including, without limitation, the
expectations and beliefs of management, the assumed long term price of copper,
zinc, lead and nickel; that the Company can access financing, appropriate
equipment and sufficient labour and that the political environment where the
Company operates will continue to support the development and operation of
mining projects. Should one or more of these risks and uncertainties
materialize, or should underlying assumptions prove incorrect, actual results
may vary materially from those described in forward-looking statements.
Accordingly, readers are advised not to place undue reliance on forward-looking

Lundin Mining Corporation
Sophia Shane
Investor Relations North America
+1 604-689-7842

Lundin Mining Corporation
John Miniotis
Senior Business Analyst
+1 416-342-5565
+1 416 348 0303 (FAX)

Lundin Mining Corporation
Robert Eriksson
Investor Relations Sweden
+46 8 545 015 50

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