RNS Number : 7105F
  Crawshaw Group PLC
  14 October 2008

    14th October 2008

    Crawshaw Group PLC (Formerly Felix Group PLC)
    Interim Results for the six months ended 31st July, 2008


    *     Sales �7.2m for the 26 weeks to 31 July 2008 (�4.1m for the 15 weeks to 31st July 2007*)
    *     Like for like sales from all retail outlets have strengthened over the period, +2% for the half year, and continue to strengthen.
    *     Operating profit of �360k for the half year, before exceptional costs associated with the reverse acquisition of �1,449k, (see
note 3 to the accounts). 
    *     Profit comparison to last year not meaningful due to other one off and exceptional costs, both this half year and last.
    *     Cash balance at half year end �1,882k. Strong operating cash flow.
    *     Recent rebranding exercise at two existing outlets very successful
    *     First new store opened in late July and is performing very well. Second new store opened in early October with initial performance
extremely positive.
    *     Three further stores to be opened in the fourth quarter and others planned for 2009.

    Chairman's Statement - Interims 31st July, 2008.

    Since the reverse acquisition of Crawshaw Group Ltd (renamed Crawshaw Holdings Ltd) and the share subscription of �4 million in April
2008 I am delighted by the Groups' business performance to date.

    Trading has strengthened as our wide and varied product offer continues to be popular with our customers - good quality food, available
locally and at a value price is an ideal combination in the current economic climate.

    It is difficult to make useful comparisons when comparing our performance for the half year under review as compared to the similar
period during the prior year. As was explained in the admission document which was dated April 2008, there were a number of one off costs
during the prior year and during the half year under review the business incurred significant exceptional costs, largely to do with the
refinancing, as well as additional recurring costs in order to ensure that systems and processes were sufficiently robust to support the
roll out of additional stores.

    Existing Outlets:


    Since the reverse acquisition in April, sales have strengthened in all retail areas of the business. For the period February to mid
April 2008, cumulative like for like sales at Markets, Stores and Mart were running at -7%, +1% and -8% respectively, (total -2%). For the
period mid April to July 2008 they had strengthened to +1%, +3% and +2% respectively, (total +3%). Wholesale sales were slightly down during
the period reflecting an increasing focus on the utilisation of product through our own, rather than 3rd party, channels.


    Our retail pricing is competitive, offering our customers exceptional value for money which is made possible by our vertically
integrated business model. Rapidly rising meat prices during May put pressure on our gross margins for a 6 week period but we were able to
pass the increases on and gross margins have since been restored. We continue to offer our customers exceptional value for money.

    New Outlets:

    The admission document referred to the key growth opportunity for the business being the potential to open more stores, replicating the
current successful format. Accordingly our first new store since admission was opened during late July 2008 in Retford Nottinghamshire and
has been a resounding success. Turnover and margin are in line with our expectations and the capital investment will take less than two
years to pay back. With no pre marketing or advertising, the new store demonstrated a very short maturity curve by, from its first day
trading at a level that, if it is sustained, would delight us long term. 

    Our store in Meadowhall closed in July 2008 as the landlord took back the site for redevelopment.

    Post half year end events and current trading.

    Our second new store opened at the beginning of October 2008 in Castleford, WestYorkshire. Performance for the 2 weeks to date is
extremely positive and indicates another successful store opening.

    Leases for three other stores have now been signed up in Chesterfield, Mansfield and Huddersfield and all are expected to open in the
coming weeks. This will bring the total of new stores opened during 2008 to five. 

    We have already identified a sixth new site which will open early in 2009 and we plan to continue opening new stores at the maximum rate
that the business can prudently handle.

    Since the half year end sales have continued to strengthen in all retail areas of the group. Like for like sales for the last 10 weeks
are up 4 %, September being up 5%.


    We have recently started to trial the potential impact of a major rebranding of our current stores, mart and market locations. The aim
is (i) to generally strengthen our brand as we grow and (ii) to ensure that our quality and value message is relevant and strong in today's
retail trading environment and so that the Company maximises its potential.

    Our first existing location to be rebranded has since seen a 27% uplift in sales which is extremely encouraging as the increase in
performance should pay back the cost of the rebranding exercise in just a few weeks. The improved result is a consequence of increased
footfall as more customers notice our presence. We have subsequently rebranded a second existing site which  has seen a 15% uplift in sales.
We are now planning to roll the re-branding out to further stores over the coming weeks although we expect a more modest uplift in sales
when applied across the whole store portfolio.

    The only significant area of our operation where we are behind plan is in the timing of our new store opening program. Back in April
2008 we had planned to begin opening new stores in May. The property market however was softening rapidly then and so we took the view that
a little patience would result in better deals - and this has since proved to be the case. We were also formulating plans for the
re-branding referred to above and decided to delay the opening of Retford so that it could carry the new image. Again, this proved to be a
successful decision. We plan to compensate for the slower than expected start by accelerating our new store timetable for the remainder of
this year and into next subject to utility capacity and planning restraints at each individual site.


    Our value food proposition and local presence is a perfect formula in the current economic environment. Given the strengthening
performance from our existing business and the positive results from our new store openings and rebranding exercise the Board remains very
optimistic about our prospects for growth in the future.

    Richard Rose

 CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER'S REPORT                                                                        
  Following the reverse acquisition of Crawshaw Group Ltd in April 2008 and the subsequent �4m
  raised via the share subscription, I am very pleased with the financial progress of the business to
  date. Adjusting for the transaction costs, underlying operating cash flows remain strong, the 
  balance sheet is robust and the business is ideally positioned for its expansion. The business has 
  incurred the planned additional overhead costs in the period to ensure that systems and 
  processes are sufficiently robust to allow the group to proceed with its plans for rapid expansion.
  Reverse acquisition accounting                                                                         
  On the 11th of April 2008 Crawshaw Group Ltd was acquired by the cash shell Felix Group plc in a
  "reverse takeover". The accounting rules surrounding a reverse acquisition are complex and
  detailed and have crystallised various exceptional items in the period under review. Under IFRS 3
  Crawshaw Group Ltd is deemed the acquirer and as such all comparatives have been restated to
  show that this was always the case. The restatement of both the balance sheet and income
  statement comparatives has resulted in less meaningful direct comparisons with prior periods as
  both the half year and full year comparatives are based on the 15 weeks and 41 weeks from 15th
  April 2007 respectfully, this being the date of the original acquisition of Crawshaw Butchers Ltd by
  Crawshaw Group Ltd. Following the reversal Crawshaw Group Ltd changed its name to Crawshaw
  Holdings Ltd and Felix Group plc assumed the name Crawshaw Group plc.                                  
  Exceptional items                                                                                      
  With reference to note 3 in the financial statements, exceptional items were incurred in both the
  period ended 31st January 2008 and 31st July 2008. The exceptional items in the current reporting
  period relate to transaction costs related to the reverse takeover (�1,050k), renegotiating
  new bank facilities following the reverse takeover (�184k) and impairment of goodwill (�215k).
  Per note 6 in the financial statements the goodwill represents the excess of consideration over 
  net assets acquired, under IFRS3 this is deemed to be as if Crawshaw Group Ltd was the
  acquirer. As Felix Group plc was a non trading cash shell at the time of the acquisition the 
  directors have deemed that a full impairment of this goodwill balance be made.                         
  Adjusting for the exceptional items above would result in an operating profit of �360k and
  adjusted earnings per share of 1p for the reporting period.                                            
  Following a period of consistent performance in its existing units and planned investment in
  processes and systems, the business is now in an ideal position to realise its roll out potential
  which has started with the opening of new stores in Retford and Castleford.                            
  Andrew Richardson                                                                                      
  Chief Financial Officer                                                                                

  FOR THE 6 MONTHS ENDED 31/7/2008
                                                                      Unaudited    Audited    Unaudited 
                                                                        31.7.08    31.1.08      31.7.07 
                                                            Note           �000       �000         �000 

  Revenue                                                    2            7,169     11,339        4,080 

  Cost of sales                                                          (4,132)    (6,453)      (2,326)

  Gross profit                                                            3,037      4,886        1,754 

  Other income                                                                6        105           30 
  Administrative expenses 
            Before exceptional items                                     (2,683)    (4,036)      (1,480)
            Exceptional refinancing costs                    3           (1,449)      (126)          -  

  Operating (loss) / profit                                              (1,089)        829          304

  Finance income                                                             36         20           12 
  Finance expenses                                                         (125)      (410)        (145)

  Net finance expense                                                       (89)      (390)        (133)
  Share of profit of equity accounted investees (net of tax)                 -          19           -  

  (Loss) / Profit before income tax                                      (1,178)        458          171

  Income tax expense                                         4               (5)      (161)          -  

  (Loss) / Profit for the period                                         (1,183)       297          171 

  Attributable to: 
  Equity holders of the Company                                          (1,183)       297          171 

  Basic and diluted earnings per ordinary share              5            (2.9p)      1.1p         0.7p 

  AT 31/7/2008 
                                                                     Unaudited    Audited    Unaudited 
                                                                       31.7.08    31.1.08      31.7.07 
  ASSETS                                                   Note           �000       �000         �000 
  Non Current Assets 
  Property, plant and equipment                                          2,517      2,319        2,394 
  Intangible assets - goodwill and related 
             acquisition intangibles                        6            7,737      7,755        7,761 
  Investment in equity accounted investees                                  96         96            3 

  Total Non Current Assets                                              10,350     10,170       10,158 

  Current Assets 
  Inventories                                                              491        277          258 
  Trade and other receivables                                              623        235          336 
  Cash and cash equivalents                                              1,882        531          271 

  Total Current Assets                                                   2,996      1,043          865 

  Total Assets                                                          13,346     11,213       11,023 

  Share capital                                                          4,500      2,407        2,404 
  Share premium                                                         19,363     15,982       15,982 
  Reverse acquisition reserve                                          (16,103)   (16,349)     (16,346)
  Capital contribution reserve                                             120        120           -  
  Retained earnings                                                       (849)       297          171 

  Total Equity                                              7            7,031      2,457        2,211 

  Non Current Liabilities 
  Other payables                                                            -           9           -  
  Interest bearing loans and borrowings                                    840      6,150        6,592 
  Deferred tax liabilities                                                 397        392          236 

  Total Non Current Liabilities                                          1,237      6,551        6,828 

  Current Liabilities 
  Trade and other payables                                               2,088      1,373        1,164 
  Tax payable                                                              (13)       119           91 
  Interest bearing loans and borrowings                                  3,003        713          729 

  Total Current Liabilities                                              5,078      2,205        1,984 

  Total Liabilities                                                      6,315      8,756        8,812 

  Total Equity and Liabilities                                          13,346     11,213       11,023 

  FOR THE 6 MONTHS ENDED 31/7/2008 
                                                                          Unaudited    Audited    Unaudited 
                                                                            31.7.08    31.1.08      31.7.07 
                                                                               �000       �000         �000 
  Cash flows from operating activities 
  (Loss) / Profit before tax                                                 (1,178)       458          171 
  Adjustments for: 
            Share based payments charge                                          37         -            -  
            Depreciation of property, plant and equipment                       100        176           54 
            Amortisation of intangible assets and goodwill impairment           233          6           -  
            Loss / (Profit) on sale of property, plant and equipment             13         (2)           1 
            Net financial charges                                                89        390          133 
            Share of profit of equity accounted investees (net of tax)           -         (19)          -  
            Movement in trade and other receivables                            (388)        27         (336)
            Movement in trade and other payables                                606        433        1,187 
            Movement in inventories                                            (214)       (33)        (258)

  Cash generated from operations                                               (702)     1,436          952 
  Interest paid                                                                (104)      (278)        (145)
  Tax paid                                                                     (132)      (294)          -  

  Net cash generated from operating activities                                 (938)       864          807 

  Cash flows from investing activities 
  Purchase of property, plant and equipment                                    (311)       (80)      (2,560)
  Acquisition of subsidiary, net of cash acquired                             1,584     (6,889)          -  
  Dividend received                                                              -           5           -  
  Interest received                                                              36         20           12 

  Net cash generated by / (used in) investing activities                        371     (6,080)      (1,741)

  Cash flows from financing activities 
  Proceeds from issue of share capital                                        4,000      2,012        2,012 
  Net (repayment) / issue of loans                                           (3,020)     4,599           -  

  Net cash generated from financing activities                                1,351        531          271 

  Net change in cash and cash equivalents 
  Cash and cash equivalents at start of period                                  531         -            -  

  Cash and cash equivalents at end of period                                  1,882        531          271 

  1. BASIS OF PREPARATION                                                                                
  BASIS OF PREPARATION                                                                                   
  This unaudited interim financial information is for the 6 month period ending 31 July 2008 and is 
  prepared in accordance with IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting as adopted by the EU and under 
  the historical cost convention.                                                                        
  The comparative figures for the financial year ended 31 January 2008 are not the company's 
  statutory accounts for that financial year. Those accounts have been reported on by the 
  company's auditors and delivered to the registrar of companies. The report of the auditors was 
  (i) unqualified, (ii) did not include a reference to any matters to which the auditors drew 
  attention by way of emphasis without qualifying their report, and (iii) did not contain a 
  statement under section 237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985.                                       
  INTERIM FINANCIAL INFORMATION                                                                          
  The interim financial information for the 6 month period ended 31 July 2008 has not been audited 
  but has been reviewed by the auditors. Their review report for the 6 month period ended 31 July 
  2008 is set out on page 17. Figures for the 6 month period ended 31 July 2007 are extracted from 
  the Company's financial records for the period ended 31 July 2007. The financial statements for 
  the year ended 31 January 2008 have been reported on by the company's auditors and delivered 
  to the registrar of companies. The report of the auditors was (i) unqualified (ii) did not include a 
  reference to any matters to which the auditors drew attention by way emphasis without 
  qualifying their report, and (iii) did not contain a statement under section 237(2) or (3) of the 
  Companies Act 1985.                                                                                    
  The preparation of interim financial statements in conformity with adopted IFRS requires 
  management to make judgements, estimates and assumptions that affect the application of 
  policies and reported amounts of assets and liabilities, income and expenses. The estimates and 
  associated assumptions are based on historical experience and various other factors that are 
  believed to be reasonable under the circumstances, the results of which form the basis of 
  making the judgements about carrying values of assets and liabilities that are not readily 
  apparent from other sources. Actual results may differ from these estimates.                           
  GOING CONCERN                                                                                          
  The Group has in place borrowing facilities up to a maximum of �6,342,690. These facilities 
  are subject to financial performance covenants. They consist of a mortgage of �840,000, loan notes 
  totalling �3,002,690 and a loan facility of �2,500,000 which has not been used to date.                
  The board has prepared a working capital forecast based upon assumptions as to trading and has 
  concluded that the Group has adequate working capital, will meet the financial performance 
  covenants and that therefore it is appropriate to use the going concern basis of preparation for 
  this financial information.                                                                            

  Crawshaw Group plc acquired all the equity and financial instruments of Crawshaw Group 
  Limited on 11th April 2008. Crawshaw Group Limited was the significantly larger merger partner 
  and in line with IFRS 3 is deemed to be the acquirer of the group. Consequently the business 
  combination has been treated as a reverse acquisition. 
  In accordance with IFRS 3: 
            The pre combination results of the new group are those of Crawshaw Group Limited group. 
            The accumulated loss of the group is based on the pre-combination reserves of Crawshaw 
            Group Limited. 
            Crawshaw Group plc has been consolidated from the date of its reverse acquisition at the fair 
            values as at that date. 
  Crawshaw Butchers Limited was acquired by Crawshaw Group Limited on 15 April 2007. 
  Comparative figures therefore only include the trade of Crawshaw Butchers Limited from 15 
  April 2007. 


  The directors have undertaken a review of the Group's continuing operations and its associated 
  business risks and consider that the continuing operations should be reported as a single 
  business segment. The directors consider that the continuing operations represent one product 
  offering with similar risks and rewards and should be reported as a single business segment in 
  line with the Group's internal reporting framework. All revenue received during the period was 
  received from customers within the United Kingdom. 
                                                                                  Unaudited           Audited    Unaudited 
  3. EXCEPTIONAL ITEMS                                                              31.7.08           31.1.08      31.7.07 
                                                                                       �000              �000         �000 

            Refinancing costs                                                           184               126           -  
            Acquisition costs                                                         1,050                -            -  
            Impairment of goodwill                                                      215                -            -  

            Refinancing costs are in relation to a change in the company's bankers and acquisition costs and 
            goodwill impairment relate to the reverse acquisition of Felix Group plc. 

                                                                                  Unaudited           Audited    Unaudited 
  4. INCOME TAX EXPENSE                                                             31.7.08           31.1.08      31.7.07 
                                                                                       �000              �000         �000 
            The income tax expenses is based on the estimated effective
            rate of taxation on trading for the period and represents: 
            Current tax                                                                    0               198          -  
            Deferred tax: 
            Origination and reversal of timing differences                                 5              (37)          -  
            Income tax expense                                                             5               161          -  


      Basic earnings per ordinary share have been calculated by using profit after taxation, and the 
      average number of qualifying shares of 5p in issue of 40,693,377 (31/1/08: 27,281,282)  
      (31/07/07: 23,297,612). 

      Diluted earnings per ordinary share normally vary from basic earnings per ordinary share due to 
      the effect of the notional exercise of outstanding share options. However, the effect of the 
      share options of the company is anti-dilutive. The options have therefore not been included in 
      the calculation of diluted earnings per ordinary share. 


      The acquired business in the six month period relates to the reverse acquisition of Felix Group 
      plc by Crawshaw Group Limited. Felix Group plc has subsequently changed its name to 
      Crawshaw Group plc. Felix Group plc was a non trading cash shell. The acquisition took place on 
      11 April 2008. 100% of the ordinary and preference shares of Crawshaw Group Limited were  
      acquired. Crawshaw Group Limited has now changed its name to Crawshaw Holdings Limited. 

      The consideration payable is made up of:                                                    �000 
      Cost of investment at nominal value                                                        1,560 
      Fair value adjustment                                                                        246 

      Acquisition consideration payable                                                          1,806 

      The acquisition has been accounted for using the purchase method as required by IFRS 3. 
      The Group has yet to finalise the valuation of intangible assets acquired and therefore the total
      of intangible assets and goodwill is shown as one number below. 

      The integration exercise has concentrated to date on maximising the profitability and 
      operating efficiency of Crawshaw Group plc and it may be that other fair value adjustments 
      will arise in the six months ended 31 January 2009. 

      Goodwill and fair value adjustments have been necessarily calculated on a provisional basis 
      and are expected to be finalised for the Group Financial Statements for the year ended 31 
      January 2009.  

    The provisional value of net assets acquired and goodwill and intangible assets arising was as 
                                                                                                        value of 
                                                                        Book           Fair           net assets 
                                                                       value          value              assets/ 
                                                                    prior to        adjust-        (liabilities) 
                                                                 acquisition          ments             acquired 
                                                                        �000           �000                 �000 
    Trade and other receivables                                        1,423             -                 1,423 
    Cash and cash equivalents                                          1,669             -                 1,669 
    Trade and other payables                                          (1,501)            -                (1,501)
    Total net assets acquired                                          1,591             -                 1,591 
    Total investment cost (as above)                                                                       1,806 
    Provisional goodwill and intangible assets arising                                                       215 
    From the date of acquisition (11 April 2008) to 31 July 2008, the contribution of Crawshaw 
    Group plc to the Group results was as follows: 
    Revenue                                                                                                   -  
    Profit before tax                                                                                         17 
    10,666,667 ordinary shares were issued in order to raise funds at a premium of 32.5p per 5p 
    share. The cost of the investment of Crawshaw Group plc in Crawshaw Holdings Limited was 
    �1,560,000 representing 31,200,000 5p shares. The value of the shares issued was �11,700,000 
    (37.5p per 5p share) which represented the market value at that date. 
    The original 240,676,303 1p shares of Crawshaw Group plc were increased to 240,676,350 via 
    the issue of 47 additional shares. These shares were then split into 240,676,350 0.1p ordinary 
    shares and 240,676,350 0.9p deferred shares. The 0.1p ordinary shares were swapped for 5p 
    ordinary shares via a 50:1 share exchange, leaving 4,813,527 5p ordinary shares and 240,676,350 
    0.9p deferred shares. The additional 31,200,000 issued by Crawshaw Group plc and 10,666,667 
    shares issued to raise new funds left a total of 46,680,194 issued ordinary 5p shares and 
    240,676,350 0.9p deferred shares at 31 July 2008. 
    During August 2008, the 240,676,350 0.9p deferred shares were cancelled, leaving the number 
    of issued shares at 46,680,194 5p ordinary shares.

                                      Share       Share   Rev. Acq.       Capital    Retained     Total 
       Current period               Capital     Premium     Reserve    Cont. Res.    Earnings    Equity 
                                       �000       �000         �000          �000        �000      �000 
  Balance at 1 February 2008          2,407     15,982      (16,349)          120         297     2,457 
  Total recognised income and 
       expense for the period            -          -            -             -       (1,146)   (1,146)
  Reverse acquisition  
       capital adjustment             2,093      3,381       (3,754)           -           -      1,720 
  Proceeds from listing                  -          -         4,000            -           -      4,000 

                                      4,500     19,363      (16,103)          120        (849)    7,031 
       Reverse acquisition 
       On 11 April 2008, the company acquired in a share for share exchange the whole of the ordinary 
       share capital of Crawshaw Holdings Limited. The reverse acquisition reserve arises on the 
       accounting for the share for share exchange. Reverse acquisition accounting requires that 
       Crawshaw Holdings Limited is treated as the acquirer and the company the acquirer. A reverse 
       acquisition reserve arises which represents the difference between the issued equity 
       instruments of Crawshaw Holdings Limited immediately before the share for share exchange 
       and the equity instruments of the company along with the shares issued to effect the share for 
      share exchange. 

       The intention of reverse acquisition accounting is to present the group as having always 
       existed except that the capital reserves presented in the group balance sheet are those of the 
       company in all years and not Crawshaw Holdings Limited. As a result the reverse acquisition 
       reserve arises at 1 February 2007 that being the start of the earliest comparative period. 

       The movement in the reverse acquisition reserve in the current year in respect of the listing 
       proceeds relates to the net consideration received on the issue of the shares. 

       Share Issue 
       In conjunction with the acquisition, 10,666,667 ordinary shares were issued at 37.5p per share 
       raising a total of �4,000,000. The premium arising on the issue of these shares was �3,467,000. 

       Prior year                     Share       Share   Rev. Acq.       Capital    Retained     Total 
                                    Capital     Premium     Reserve    Cont. Res.    Earnings    Equity 
                                       �000       �000         �000          �000        �000      �000 
       Balance at 1 February 2007     1,827     12,401      (12,188)           -           -      2,040 
       Issue of new shares              580      3,581       (4,161)           -           -         -  
       Total recognised income and 
        expense for the period           -          -            -             -          297       297 
       Capital contribution              -          -            -            120          -        120 

                                      2,407     15,982      (16,349)          120         297     2,457 

                                                                  Number of Ordinary 5p shares 
    Share capital                                               31.7.08      31.1.08       31.7.07 
                                                                     000          000           000
    Balance at 1 February                                       240,676      240,676       182,658 
    Issued for cash                                              10,666       58,018        57,680 
    Consolidation of existing 1p shares                        (235,862)          -             -  
    Share for share exchange                                     31,200           -             -  
                                                                 46,680      240,676       240,338 
                                                                 Number of Deferred 0.9p shares 
                                                                31.7.08      31.1.08       31.7.07 
                                                                     000          000           000
    Balance at 1 February                                            -            -             -  
    Subdivision of existing ordinary shares                     240,676           -             -  
                                                                240,676           -             -  
    Authorised                                                     �000         �000          �000 
    96,678,257 ordinary shares of 5p each                         4,834           -             -  
    500,000,000 ordinary shares of 1p each                           -         5,000         5,000 
                                                                  4,834        5,000         5,000 
    Allotted, called up and fully paid                             �000         �000          �000 
    46,680,194 ordinary shares of 5p each                         2,334           -             -  
    240,338,226 ordinary shares of 1p each                           -            -          2,404 
    240,676,350 ordinary shares of 1p each                           -         2,407            -  
    240,676,350 deferred shares of 0.9p each                      2,166           -             -  
                                                                  4,500        2,407         2,404 
    The company was incorporated as Felix Group plc and had an authorised share capital of 
    �5,000,000 representing 500,000,000 1p ordinary shares.
    The company changed its name to Crawshaw Group plc. 
    On 11 April 2008, the authorised share capital was decreased to �4,833,913 following the 
    reverse acquisition of Crawshaw Group plc by Crawshaw Holdings Limited. The shares were 
    reclassified as 96,678,257 ordinary shares of 5p each. 

    The following describes the nature and purpose of each reserve within owners' equity: 
    Share premium - amount subscribed for share capital in excess of nominal value. 
    Retained earnings - cumulative net gains and losses recognised in the consolidated income 
    Reverse acquisition reserve - arises on the reverse acquisition accounting applied to the share
     for share exchange of Crawshaw Holdings Limited by the company. 
    The company cancelled deferred shares representing 90% of the existing shares that were 
    in existence prior to the reverse acquisition of Crawshaw Group plc by Crawshaw Holdings 
    Limited. The nominal value of the shares cancelled was �2,166,087, reducing the company's 
    share capital to �2,334,009. The company also transferred share premium in relation to these 
    shares of �14,383,800, adding �16,550,000 to the capital reduction reserve. 
    Crawshaw Butchers Limited, a subsidiary of Crawshaw Holdings Limited, holds a 50% share 
    in a partnership which trades under the name of RGV Refrigeration. The operations of the 
    partnership comprise of the maintenance and repair of refrigeration machinery for a variety 
    of customers. The group received management charges of �6,000 in the period from RGV 

    A copy of the full interim report will be sent to all shareholders today and will be available from the company's registered office :
Unit 15 Bradmarsh Business Park, Bow Bridge Close, Rotherham, S60 1BY, shortly. It will also be published on the Company's website

    For further information please contact:

    Crawshaw Group PLC
    Lynda Sherratt, Company Secretary,
    01709 369 602

    Investec Investment Banking
    James Grace/Martin Smith
    0207 597 5970

This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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