6 years ago
There are other OTC choices besides empty shells.
Look for coming catalysts in markets, then find "decent" OTC stocks within that market that may profit from the catalyst.
Just one example (I have 2 good current examples, but only one for here):
The farm bill has already passed house and senate. Now they are in conference to resolve differences - to send to POTUS. There is a huge catalyst for a sector within the farm bill, that I think will make to actual law signed by POTUS.
Nationwide legalization of hemp, hemp farming, hemp products, and CBD. "Likely" to be signed into law, including removal from the drug schedule entirely.
That solves all quasi legal status issues of today, and enables safe nationwide across all states distribution.
Now what is my point? Why screw around with some empty shell with zero revenue, assets, and products? Find a catalyst, checkout stocks that actually already have products, revenue, and assets, that can profit from real world catalysts.
Notice no pump here. No stocks named. Just a compare and contrast of opportunities that exist across the OTC.