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Minaurum Gold Inc

Minaurum Gold Inc (MGG)

Closed March 23 4:00PM

Professional-Grade Tools, for Individual Investors.

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help me help me 3 years ago
Very few have even heard about this company. I accidently ran across it doing research on another. Interesting company with potential.

continuity continuity 3 years ago
Delayed reaction but a great day!
continuity continuity 3 years ago
Surpised this is not moving much faster. Gold and Silver on the move!
Pro-Life Pro-Life 3 years ago
Minaurum Drills More High-Grade Silver at Alamos

Minaurum drilled 609 g/t Silver over 9.90m incl. 0.90 m @ 1,145 g/t Ag, 0.50 m @ 2,260 g/t Ag, and 0.50 m @ 2,360 g/t Ag
continuity continuity 3 years ago
I'm in. FOMO is happening in my neck of the woods.
help me help me 3 years ago
Looks like a silver play to me.

Pro-Life Pro-Life 3 years ago
Looking more and more like a gold close above $1800 today.
Pro-Life Pro-Life 3 years ago
Huntewr7 Huntewr7 4 years ago
I think it is time to start posting on this board again in 2021. They seem to have a story to tell.
Bountiful_Harvest Bountiful_Harvest 7 years ago
I have patience but gee wiz, I expect bigger returns on a penny stock, especially with the drill results they got. About time to trade this off for something more exciting in my penny portfolio.
Billy055 Billy055 7 years ago
I saw this one suggested on twitter and I must say that my impression, from going through the 8 years of news posted on the website,
is that every single news item is pointless and makes very little sense.

Fully half the items are about "private placement" while about 30% are each devoted to "commences drilling" or "Exploring" both of which are costly. If you do what I did and read each year's news items (one year has 3 pages of news some have 2) you will run like hell....
I think $DRUS and $ARYC and $VPRB all look good....maybe $APRU I suppose...
hamvestor hamvestor 7 years ago
Thanks for the update. With the unusually large volume so far today, I was wondering if some newsletter was behind the move, but in the end, it's just noise. This and NVO are my largest positions in the sector, and I have high hopes for both.
Bountiful_Harvest Bountiful_Harvest 7 years ago
A couple days ago I communicated with Investor Relations. I was told they will get back to drilling in about 1 month as they permit new drill pads to the west and east of the guadulupe-europa vein to poke some more holes and continue the proof of concept with the piano key model. Also, they will have additional sampling results to help identify additional drill targets.

So hopefully the news on the latest sampling results will be great too. I'm very curious to hear what they are and patiently waiting...
Bountiful_Harvest Bountiful_Harvest 7 years ago
Someone may have sold some shares. It's thinly traded so any buy or sell can move the stock significantly in either direction. Waiting for their next press release....
hamvestor hamvestor 7 years ago
Why the big dip on volume this morning?
Bountiful_Harvest Bountiful_Harvest 7 years ago

I know some think management is not interested in being bought out. And even though management owns most of the shares, I can't help but think someone like Barrick will come along this year and make a substantial buyout offer that management can't refuse. Firstly because big miners, like Barrick, "need" a large scale resource like what Minaurum has/or in process of proving.

Just my opinion of course.
Bountiful_Harvest Bountiful_Harvest 7 years ago
Streetwise Reports on Minaurum Gold.

Geologist Peter Megaw, one of the co-founders of MAG Silver Corp. (MAG:TSX; MAG:NYSE.MKT), led the geological team that found MAG's Juanicipio project, now a joint venture with Fresnillo Plc (FRES:LSE), in one of the world's largest silver districts. He considers himself an explorationist who is looking for district-scale projects. "I'm not interested in finding the next stope or the next small mine," Megaw told Streetwise Reports. "I'm interested in finding the next mining district."
Bountiful_Harvest Bountiful_Harvest 7 years ago
John Kaiser mentions MMRGF on Discovery Watch News Segment Kaiser saw the potential of Minaurum Gold a long time ago and I suspect he's right that MMRGF will be worth considerably more as they prove up the resource at Alamos.

Bountiful_Harvest Bountiful_Harvest 7 years ago
Caesar's Report on Minaurum Gold:
Bountiful_Harvest Bountiful_Harvest 7 years ago
I've contacted investor relations. More drill results will be available very soon and will be reported in a press release. Stay tuned!

Management owns most of the Minaurum Gold shares and they want a lot more than pennies for this resource. Doesn't sound like a buyout will happen here. More like share price appreciation to dollars.... while the remainder of shares get gobbled up this year.
Bountiful_Harvest Bountiful_Harvest 7 years ago
This month's MMRGF chart is looking good. Looks primed for a break out.

Buyout news of Minaurum Gold would really make my day....

In my opinion, this is another MAG silver in the making,only bigger, based on those silver results. Even Minaurum management admits this proven discovery is larger than they expected. I like it when drill results exceed expectations. Now for the share price to exceed expectations!

I wonder what's on MMRGF's agenda for March... What are you all doing now that a proven resource has been revealed?

"In His hand are the deep places of the earth" psalm 95:1-7
Bountiful_Harvest Bountiful_Harvest 7 years ago
Being that "proof of concept" has just been established for Minaurum Gold, and that this resource appears to be double what MAG silver is (amazing!), I wonder if MMRGF is a buyout candidate for say First Majestic to acquire, or Goldcorps, or other???

I would love to see a bidding war ensue for MMRGF!

The proven technical/management team that Minaurum has is most impressive in deed. They have a history of finding the record breaking mother lodes, time and time again. Just impressive!
Bountiful_Harvest Bountiful_Harvest 7 years ago
Proof of Concept video:

Just seen this video tonight on youtube.
Bountiful_Harvest Bountiful_Harvest 7 years ago

This project looks more than twice the size of MAG Silver.