2 years ago
Here's another possibility : Pioneer Natural Resources is rumoured to be looking at smaller
natgas producer Range Resources, which means.... every other natgas producer is now
going to get the "Who's next?" treatment, including SWN. In fact, they'd be a perfect fit for
ExxonMobil, XOM has ca$h to burn, it needs more natgas in its "mix", and they wouldn't
even have to use ca$h, SWN has an "Enterprise Value" of just less than $11 billion with
1.1 Billion Shares, if XOM offered just $15 / share in XOM stock Southwestern's BoD would
have a tough time saying "No." and not getting every class-action securities law firm after them.
This Pioneer / Range rumour also confirms the bottom is in for natgas.
3 years ago
Southwestern Energy's Q4 Adjusted Earnings, Operating Revenue Rise -- Shares Gain
11:30 AM ET, 02/25/2022 - MT Newswires
11:30 AM EST, 02/25/2022 (MT Newswires) -- Southwestern Energy Co. (SWN) reported Q4 adjusted earnings late Thursday of $0.31 per share, compared with $0.18 a year earlier.
Analysts polled by Capital IQ expected $0.28.
Operating revenue for the quarter ended Dec. 31 was $2.95 billion, up from $779 million a year earlier.
And you trade under 6 with a p/e of 5
2.95 Billion vs 779.00 million. Hummmm. Now That's kinda Interesting. Late to the game for me - but seriously? That's interesting.
Prio Q's numbers for rev
Mar 20 592m
Jun 20 410m
Sep 20 527m
Dec 20 779m
Mar21 1072m
Jun21 1050m
Sep21 1598M
Dec21 2947M
That's growth and before this Ukraine BS