RNS No 3924t
3rd September 1997

                    1997 INTERIM RESULTS

Molins PLC, the international specialist engineering company, announces its
results for the six months ended 30 June 1997.

                                                      1997           1996
                                                   Half Year      Half Year
 Turnover                                           #125.4m        #147.2m
                                                 ______________ ______________

 Operating profit (before exceptional items)          #8.2m         #16.0m
 Exceptional items                                                     
   - Langston                                      #(13.4)m           -
   - Rationalisation costs                          #(1.5)m        #(2.0)m
 Interest                                           #(1.0)m        #(0.4)m
                                                  ____________   ____________
 (Loss)/profit before taxation                      #(7.7)m         #13.6m
                                                  ____________   ____________
 Earnings per share (before exceptional items)       14.2p          33.7p
 (Loss)/earnings per share                         (18.2)p          29.9p
 Dividend per share                                   6.5p           6.5p

Chief Executive, Peter Harrisson, commented:

"Clearly this is a very disappointing set of results reflecting difficult
trading conditions in our major markets coupled with the exceptional charges
at Langston.  Although the outlook is for substantially lower second half
profits this year compared with last, the balance sheet remains strong and we
are taking action to improve profitability in a changing market environment".

Enquiries:     Peter Harrisson, Chief Executive
               Peter Grant, Group Finance Director
Tel:           0171 638 9571

Chairman's statement

The Group's results for the six months ended 30 June 1997 are very
disappointing and reflect in particular the outcome of the investigation into
the accounting irregularities at Langston.  When  the findings from the
investigation were announced early in July, shareholders were made aware that
the exceptional charge in respect of Langston would take the Group into loss
for the first half.  The full results are now available and confirm that the
Group incurred a loss before tax of #7.7m after charging exceptional costs of
#14.9m (including #13.4m in respect of Langston).

The gradual decline in order intake for tobacco and corrugated board
machinery from the record levels of more than a year ago began to affect the
Group's trading performance in the first half of the current year. Sales of
tobacco machinery in the first half were lower than a year ago and sales of
corrugated board machinery remained depressed. Packaging machinery sales were
substantially higher, reflecting the acquisition of Langen.  It became
increasingly apparent that the strength of sterling had eroded the Group=s
competitive position at a time when demand in some of its main markets was
slowing.  Group profit before tax before exceptional items was only #7.2m,
against #15.6m for the first half of last year. Earnings per share before
exceptional items of 14.2p compared with 33.7p a year ago.  After an
exceptional charge equivalent to 32.4p per share the loss per share was

Shareholders' funds were #98.2m at 30 June 1997 (1996: #119.6m) following the
acquisition of Langen in November 1996 and net debt amounted to #16.6m (1996:
net cash of #1.4m).  Net cash inflow from operating activities in the first
half was #6.4m (1996: #9.3m).


The Directors have declared an interim dividend of 6.5p per share (1996:
6.5p) which is more than twice covered by earnings before exceptional items.
This is payable on 30 October 1997 to shareholders on the register on 19
September 1997.

Langston Investigation

The results of the investigation into the accounting irregularities at
Langston were announced early in July.  In summary, the investigation
concluded that profits had been overstated over a number of years to the
aggregate sum of US$20.8m (#12.2m) before tax and US$14.8m (#8.7m) after tax.
The impact on the reported results for 1996 was less than #3.0m (#1.9m after
tax) against reported profits of #33.4m (#24.9m after tax).  The total
adjustment, together with the related investigation costs of #1.2m (#1.0m
after tax), has been accounted for as an exceptional charge.

Tobacco Machinery

Tobacco Machinery reported sales of #78.9m for the six months to 30 June 1997
(1996: #88.0m) and an operating profit before exceptional items of #7.7m
(1996: #11.6m).  The order backlog for original equipment at the beginning of
the current year, whilst substantially lower than the record of a year
earlier, was sufficient to maintain satisfactory levels of production
throughout the first half.  However, invoiced sales were some #5m lower than
expected because shipments to the Far East were affected by delays in
receiving letters of credit.   Operating results for the first half suffered

As previously announced, weak demand caused losses at the Brazilian
operation, prompting a restructuring to reduce costs, for which an
exceptional charge of #1.5m is included in the half year's results.  Steady
progress has been made in most of the other areas of Tobacco Machinery, with
the spares activities performing particularly well.

Corrugated Board Machinery

Corrugated Board Machinery=s sales of #31.3m in the first half (1996: #51.7m)
were much lower than those of a year earlier, when Langston benefited from a
substantial order backlog built up at the top of the cycle.  In the downturn,
weaker demand throughout the whole of the industry put margins under pressure
and resulted in an operating loss before exceptional items of #0.9m for the
six months to 30 June 1997, against last year=s reported profit before
exceptional items of #3.6m.

The investigation of the accounting irregularities at Langston inevitably
caused a significant distraction, affecting both operational management and
marketing activities.  Decisive action was taken to replace the management
and the new team is now established.

Packaging Machinery

Packaging Machinery reported sales of #15.2m in the first half (1996: #7.5m)
and an operating profit of #1.4m (1996: #0.8m), and continues to grow in
importance as an integral part of the Group.

Sandiacre achieved satisfactorily higher volumes in the first half, although
margins were affected by the strength of sterling.  Langen had a slow start
to the year but by June the order book had returned to more normal levels.
Further development work continued on tea bagging machines and other projects
in collaboration with major multi-nationals.


When the trading update accompanying the announcement of the results of the
Langston investigation was released early in July, the Group was looking for
the second half results to be broadly comparable with those achieved in the
second half of 1996.  However, further discussions with major customers
regarding the delays in shipment referred to above have cast a different
light upon the pattern of demand for tobacco machinery in Far Eastern
markets.  In summary, a slowing of the flow of orders for original equipment
seems bound to reduce levels of activity in the second half.  Spares volumes
have not been affected, but production schedules for original equipment will
need to be adjusted and further action is being taken to reduce costs.  In
the changed circumstances, even though the problems at Langston are largely
behind us and the packaging machinery operations continue to make steady
progress, the outlook must now be for substantially lower operating profits
in the second half of the year when compared with the second half of 1996.
Looking further forward, with a strong balance sheet and an internationally
recognised portfolio of products, the Group is in a sound position to weather
its current difficulties and resume growth in future years.

J C Orr
3 September 1997

Group profit and loss account

                          6 months to
                              30 June  6 months  6 months  6 months        12
                                 1997        to                        months
                               before   30 June     to 30     to 30     to 31
                                           1997      June      June       Dec
                               excep-    excep-      1997      1996      1996
                               tional    tional
                                items     items     total                    
                                   #m        #m        #m        #m        #m
                                         Note 2

Turnover                        125.4         -     125.4     147.2     306.2
                                _____     _____     _____     _____     _____

Operating (loss)/profit           8.2    (14.9)     (6.7)      14.0      34.4
Net interest payable            (1.0)         -     (1.0)     (0.4)     (1.0)
                                _____     _____     _____     _____     _____

(Loss)/profit on ordinary         7.2    (14.9)     (7.7)      13.6      33.4
activities before taxation                                                   
Taxation                        (2.3)       3.7       1.4     (3.4)     (8.5)
                                _____     _____     _____     _____     _____
(Loss)/profit for the period      4.9    (11.2)     (6.3)      10.2      24.9
Dividends (including non-       (2.3)         -     (2.3)     (2.2)     (7.6)
                                _____     _____     _____     _____     _____
Retained (loss)/profit            2.6    (11.2)     (8.6)       8.0      17.3
for the period                  _____     _____     _____     _____     _____
Earnings per ordinary share     14.2p         -     14.2p     33.7p     81.0p
(before exceptional items)
(Loss)/earnings per ordinary    14.2p   (32.4)p   (18.2)p     29.9p     72.8p
Dividend per ordinary share      6.5p         -      6.5p      6.5p     22.0p
                                _____    ______     _____     _____     _____

Reconciliation of movements in shareholders' funds

                                             6 months    6 months   12 months
                                           to 30 June  to 30 June   to 31 Dec
                                                 1997        1996        1996
                                                   #m          #m          #m
Opening shareholders' funds                     105.9       111.4       111.4
                                                _____       _____       _____
(Loss)/profit for the period                    (6.3)        10.2        24.9
Dividends                                       (2.3)       (2.2)       (7.6)
Goodwill adjustment                                 -           -      (19.8)
Other recognised gains and losses for the         0.9         0.1       (6.5)
New share capital                                   -         0.1         3.5
                                                _____       _____       _____
Net (reductions)/additions to                   (7.7)         8.2       (5.5)
shareholders' funds
                                                _____       _____       _____
Closing shareholders' funds                      98.2       119.6       105.9
                                                _____       _____       _____

Group balance sheet

                                                 1997        1996        1996
                                                   #m          #m          #m
Fixed assets                                                                 
Tangible assets                                  54.1        56.1        54.7
Investments                                       1.3         0.4         1.2
                                                _____       _____       _____
                                                 55.4        56.5        55.9
                                                _____       _____       _____
Current assets                                                               
Stocks                                           79.7        84.0        78.1
Debtors - due within one year                    59.7        58.5        66.0
Debtors - due after more than one year           14.3        13.8        13.9
Cash at bank and in hand                          8.5        17.1         9.8
                                                _____       _____       _____
                                                162.2       173.4       167.8
Creditors - amounts falling due within                                       
one year
Borrowings                                     (14.0)       (2.9)      (16.3)
Other creditors                                (85.2)      (85.4)      (84.1)
Proposed dividend                               (2.3)       (2.2)       (5.4)
                                                _____       _____       _____
                                              (101.5)      (90.5)     (105.8)
Net current assets                               60.7        82.9        62.0
Total assets less current liabilities           116.1       139.4       117.9
Creditors - amounts falling due after                                        
more than one year                                                           
Borrowings                                     (11.1)      (12.8)       (5.2)
Other creditors                                 (0.8)       (0.3)       (0.9)
                                                _____       _____       _____
                                               (11.9)      (13.1)       (6.1)
Provisions for liabilities and charges          (5.8)       (6.7)       (5.7)
                                                _____       _____       _____
Net assets                                       98.4       119.6       106.1
                                                _____       _____       _____
Capital and reserves                                                         
Called up share capital                           9.5         9.4         9.5
Share premium account                            21.0        19.8        21.0
Revaluation reserve                              18.3        21.6        17.8
Profit and loss account                          49.4        68.8        57.6
                                                _____       _____       _____
Shareholders' funds (including                   98.2       119.6       105.9
non-equity interests)                                                        
Minority interests                                0.2           -         0.2
                                                 ____        ____        ____
                                                 98.4       119.6       106.1
                                                _____       _____       _____

Group cash flow statement

                                             6 months    6 months   12 months
                                           to 30 June  to 30 June   to 31 Dec
                                                 1997        1996        1996
                                                   #m          #m          #m
Operating (loss)/profit                         (6.7)        14.0        34.4
Exceptional items                                14.9         2.0         3.9
Depreciation                                      3.6         3.2         6.6
Working capital                                 (5.4)       (9.6)      (17.0)
Other                                               -       (0.3)       (0.3)
                                                 ____        ____        ____
Net cash inflow from operating activities         6.4         9.3        27.6
Interest paid (net)                             (0.9)       (0.4)       (1.1)
Dividends paid                                  (5.4)       (4.8)       (7.1)
Tax paid                                        (1.7)       (3.7)       (8.2)
Investment in joint venture                     (0.1)           -       (1.0)
Purchase of subsidiary/acquisition costs        (0.2)           -      (19.5)
Capital expenditure (net)                       (2.9)       (5.9)       (9.6)
                                                 ____        ____        ____
Net cash outflow before use of liquid                                        
resources and financing                         (4.8)       (5.5)      (18.9)
                                                 ____        ____        ____
Management of liquid resources                      -         2.7         6.5
Issue of ordinary share capital                     -         0.1         1.4
Increase/(decrease) in loans and                                             
finance lease obligations                         3.0       (0.1)       (1.5)
                                                 ____        ____        ____
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from financing          3.0           -       (0.1)
                                                 ____        ____        ____
Decrease in cash in the period                  (1.8)       (2.8)      (12.5)
                                                 ____        ____        ____
Closing net (borrowings)/cash                  (16.6)         1.4      (11.7)
                                                 ____        ____        ____


1    Segmental information
                            Turnover                Operating (loss)/profit
                       -------------------       ---------------------------
                6 months   6 months  12 months  6 months   6 months  12 months
                   to 30      to 30  to 31 Dec     to 30      to 30  to 31 Dec
                    June       June                 June       June
                    1997       1996       1996      1997       1996       1996
                      #m         #m         #m        #m         #m         #m
   By activity
   Tobacco          78.9       88.0      183.2       7.7       11.6       28.4
   Corrugated       31.3       51.7      101.6     (0.9)        3.6        6.6
   Packaging        15.2        7.5       21.4       1.4        0.8        3.3
                    ____       ____       ____      ____       ____       ____
                   125.4      147.2      306.2       8.2       16.0       38.3
   Exceptional         -          -          -    (14.9)      (2.0)      (3.9)
                    ____       ____       ____      ____       ____       ____
                   125.4      147.2      306.2     (6.7)       14.0       34.4
                    ____       ____       ____      ____       ____       ____

    The exceptional items for 1997 comprise #1.5m cost of restructuring in
    Brazil (Tobacco Machinery division) and #13.4m in respect of accounting
    irregularities at The Langston Corporation.  These irregularities had the
    effect of overstating profits of the Corrugated Board Machinery division
    over a number of years to 31 December 1996.  This adjustment comprises US
    $20.8m (#12.2m) before tax and US $14.8m (#8.7m) after tax together with
    related investigation costs of #1.2m (#1.0m after tax).  The exceptional
    items in 1996 comprised rationalisation costs in the Corrugated Board
    Machinery division (full year: #2.9m, half year: #2.0m) and in the
    Tobacco Machinery division (full year: #1.0m, half year: nil).  The
    exceptional items for 1996 are now shown separately in the segmental

3   The interim financial statements have been prepared on the basis of the
    accounting policies set out in the Group's 1996 statutory accounts.

4   The financial information for the half year has not been audited,
    although the auditors have carried out a review.

5   The results for the full year 1996 are not the Group's statutory accounts
    but have been extracted from the Group's full accounts for that year
    which have been filed with the Registrar of Companies.  The 1996 accounts
    received an auditors' report which was not qualified and did not contain
    a statement under section 237 (2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985.

6   The preference dividend paid on 30 June 1997 amounted to #18,900 (1996:

    The cost of the interim dividend of 6.5p per ordinary share for the six
    months to 30 June 1997 will amount to #2,328,000.

8   Overseas tax included in taxation in the profit and loss account
    comprises a #0.8m charge against the result before exceptional items, and
    a #3.7m credit in respect of exceptional items (6 months to 30 June 1996
    - #1.4m charge, year to 31 December 1996 - #3.1m charge).

9   Earnings per ordinary share are based upon the profit after taxation less
    the preference dividend and on a weighted average of 34,603,489 shares in
    issue during the period (1996: 34,104,180).

10  In 1996 the Group changed its accounting policy regarding the
    translation of overseas earnings and now uses an average rate
    rather than the closing rate.  The directors believe that the
    new treatment more fairly reflects the results and cash flows
    as they arise throughout the year.  The effects are not
    material in either the current or prior periods and therefore
    comparative figures have not been restated.

Copies of the report are being sent to all shareholders.  Further copies, and
copies of the 1996 Annual Report and Accounts, are available from the
Company's registered office: 11 Tanners Drive, Blakelands, Milton Keynes
MK14 5LU.


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