Annual Financial Report for the year ended 31 December 2009 
29 April 2010 
                        This announcement contains regulated information 
Investment Objective 
The Company's investment objective is to produce capital gains through a 
diversified portfolio of private equity investments. 
Performance Summary 
                                    31 December  31 December     Change 
                                           2009         2008 
Net Assets(1)                            GBP57.1m       GBP61.0m      -6.5% 
Net Asset Value per share(1)             302.7p       323.7p      -6.5% 
Share price(2)                           130.0p        84.0p     +54.8% 
Discount(1)                               57.1%        74.1%        N/A 
FTSE All Share Index(2)                 2,760.8      2,209.3     +25.0% 
LPX Europe Index (sterling                253.2        189.2     +33.8% 
adjusted) (2) 
LPX Indirect Index (sterling               26.8         21.0     +27.6% 
adjusted) (2) 
 1. Source: Henderson Global Investors Limited. 
 2. Source: Datastream. 
Chairman's Statement 
The financial year ended 31 December 2009 was another difficult period for the 
European private equity sector. Despite this, your Company performed creditably 
in a demanding economic environment. Over the course of the year the Company's 
share price recovered some of the ground lost during the financial turmoil of 
2008 and early 2009, and whilst the Company's Net Asset Value ("NAV") per share 
experienced a moderate decline, the value of the Company's investment portfolio 
showed increased stability as the year progressed. 
Share Price and Valuation 
During the year ended 31 December 2009, the Company's share price rose by 54.8% 
to 130.0p. Despite such a marked improvement, this still represented a 57.1% 
discount to NAV of 302.7p per share at the year end. The Board believes this 
discount does not fully reflect the strengths of the Company's investment 
At 31 December 2009 the total value of the Company's investments, including 
cash, was GBP65.1 million, compared to GBP62.0 million at 31 December 2008. Further 
information on the Company's investment portfolio is provided in the Investment 
Review and Portfolio Analysis on pages 4 to 11 of the Annual Report. 
Liquidity and Commitments 
Cash resources of GBP3.5 million combined with GBP5.5 million of listed holdings 
meant the Company held GBP9.0 million of liquid assets at 31 December 2009. In 
addition, the Company had committed bank facilities of GBP30.0 million, of which 
GBP7.7 million was drawn at 31 December 2009. The Company therefore had GBP31.3 
million of liquid assets and funding capacity at the year end. 
At 31 December 2009, the Company had outstanding commitments to limited 
partnerships of GBP51.1 million of which it is anticipated that up to GBP38.0 
million will be drawn over the three years to 31 December 2012. 
The Board works closely with the Portfolio Manager to assess and update the 
Company's cashflow projections. This process takes into account the timescales 
over which existing limited partnership commitments may be drawn down and 
investments realised. In the opinion of the Board the Company has sufficient 
resources to meet future commitments. 
Your Company's liquidity position has been strengthened since the year end with 
the extension of its GBP30.0 million of committed banking facilities to 1 May 
On 9 April 2009, New Star Asset Management Group plc, the parent company of the 
then Manager, was acquired by Henderson Group plc ("Henderson"). On 1 May 2009 
Ian Barrass, head of private equity Fund of Funds at Henderson, assumed the 
role of Portfolio Manager. Consequently, a new management agreement with 
Henderson Global Investors Limited on substantially the same terms was signed 
by the Board. 
The Board is pleased with the progress that Ian Barrass and his colleagues at 
Henderson have made to date. 
Change of Name 
On 18 June 2009, the Company changed its name to Henderson Private Equity 
Investment Trust plc, which better reflects the Company's association with 
Henderson and its stable of investment trusts. 
Investment Strategy 
As described in the Company's report for the half year to 30 June 2009, the 
Board reviewed the Company's investment strategy with the Portfolio Manager in 
May last year. As a result, it was decided that the Company will strengthen its 
focus on the European mid-market buy-out sector and will continue to operate as 
a private equity fund of funds. Any new investment activity will be focused on 
the best unlisted and listed opportunities in this market segment. 
Related Party Transactions 
During the year ended 31 December 2009, no transactions with related parties 
have taken place that materially affected the financial position or performance 
of the Company during the period. Details of related party transactions are 
detailed below and contained in Note 20 on page 52 of the Annual Report. 
It is the Company's policy to pay dividends only to the extent required to 
maintain investment trust status. No dividend has been declared in respect of 
the year ended 31 December 2009. Shareholders should note the level of dividend 
will vary from year to year, as the Company's income is expected to fluctuate. 
While there is still uncertainty with respect to the pace of recovery, there 
are signs that Europe's economies are beginning to improve. Your Company is 
well positioned to benefit from the recovery through its existing portfolio, 
its clear strategic focus and its sound liquidity position. The Board remains 
confident that the Company is capable of providing attractive shareholder 
returns over the medium term. 
Business Review 
Performance Measurement and Key Performance Indicators 
In order to measure the success of the Company in meeting its objectives and to 
evaluate the performance of Henderson Global Investors Limited ("the Manager"), 
the Directors take into account the following key performance indicators: 
? Discount to Net Asset Value ("NAV") and peer group 
The Board monitors the level of the Company's discount to NAV on a continual 
basis and reviews the average discount of the Company's peer group and the 
relevant Association of Investment Companies ("AIC") sector at each Board 
meeting. The Company publishes a NAV per share figure on a monthly basis 
through a regulated news service. The NAV figure is calculated in accordance 
with the AIC formula. 
? Performance against the Benchmark 
While performance is not directly benchmarked against any specific stock market 
index, the LPX Indirect Index represents the private equity companies most 
comparable to the Company traded on a European exchange and is therefore used 
by the Board and Portfolio Manager as a reference for performance comparison 
? Total Expense Ratio ("TER") 
The TER is a measure of the total expenses incurred by the Company, expressed 
as a percentage of the average shareholders' funds over the year. The TER is 
defined here as the total annual pre-tax operating expenses (management fee and 
other administration costs) expressed as a percentage of average shareholders' 
funds over the year. The TER, before performance fees and borrowing costs and 
excluding the VAT reclaim in 2008, amounted to 2.4% (2008: 2.6%) of the net 
assets of the Company. No performance fee was paid during the year (2008: nil). 
The Board regularly monitors all Company expenses to ensure they are managed 
Principal Risks and Uncertainties 
The Board has established a matrix of risks facing the Company and has put in 
place a schedule of investment limits and restrictions, appropriate to the 
investment objective and policy, to mitigate these risks as far as possible. 
The principal risks which have been identified and the steps taken by the Board 
to mitigate these are: 
? Investment strategy and performance 
Inappropriate long-term investment strategies in terms of, inter alia, asset 
allocation, level of gearing or manager selection may result in 
underperformance of the Company against the selected comparable benchmark index 
or companies within the peer group. The Board regularly considers the Company's 
investment strategy and monitors performance at each Board meeting. 
? Long term nature of private equity investments 
Private equity investments are long-term in nature and it may take a 
considerable period to be realised. 
? Financial risks of private equity 
A substantial proportion of the Company's assets are invested in limited 
partnerships which invest in private companies. These unquoted investments are 
less readily realisable than quoted securities. Such investments may therefore 
carry a higher degree of risk than quoted securities. 
? Business conditions and general economy 
The Company's investment returns are influenced by economic conditions in the 
UK and globally. Factors such as interest rates, inflation, investor sentiment 
and the availability and cost of credit could adversely affect the performance 
of both the Company and its underlying investments. The Company's assets are 
invested on a fund-of-funds basis. This helps mitigate investment risk by 
providing access to a range of private equity funds and private equity 
managers. In addition, the underlying portfolio is diversified across a spread 
of different vintages, sectors and countries. The Board regularly monitors the 
Company's asset allocation, investment selection and performance. A detailed 
analysis of the portfolio may be found on pages 6 to 11 of the Annual Report. 
Further information on how the Company manages risk may be found in the 
Internal Controls section on pages 23 and 24 and in note 18 on pages 45 to 52 
of the Annual Report. 
? Valuation uncertainty 
In valuing its investments in unlisted private equity funds or limited 
partnerships and in calculating its NAV, the Company relies to a significant 
extent on the accuracy of financial and other information provided by these 
funds to the Manager. Limited partnerships typically provide updated 
(unaudited) valuations on a quarterly or six-monthly basis. 
? Regulatory risk 
Failure to comply with applicable legal and regulatory requirements could lead 
to the suspension or loss of the Company's Stock Exchange listing or result in 
financial penalties. Breach of Section 842 of the Income and Corporation Taxes 
Act 1988 could lead to the loss of the Company's investment trust status, 
leading to the Company being subject to tax on its capital gains. A breach of 
the UKLA Listing Rules could result in suspension of the Company's shares, 
while a breach of the Companies Act 2006 could lead to criminal proceedings, 
financial or reputational damage. The Board receives quarterly internal control 
reports produced by the Manager to confirm or otherwise regulatory compliance 
during the year. 
? Manager 
The quality of the management team employed by the Manager is an important 
factor in delivering good quality performance and the loss by the Manager of 
key staff could adversely affect investment returns. In addition, the failure 
of the Manager's core fund management systems might lead to the loss of data or 
inaccurate reporting. The performance of the Manager is reviewed by the Board 
on an ongoing basis. In addition, the Board undertakes a formal annual review. 
? Operational 
Disruption to, or failure of, the Manager's accounting, dealing or payment 
systems or the Custodian's records could prevent the accurate reporting and 
monitoring of the Company's financial position. The Company is also exposed to 
the operational risk that one or more of its suppliers may not provide the 
required level of service. Details of how the Board monitors the services 
provided by the Manager and its other suppliers and the key elements designed 
to provide effective internal control, are explained further in the Internal 
Controls section on pages 23 and 24 of the Annual Report. 
Related Party Transactions 
Investment management, accounting, company secretarial and administration 
services are provided to the Company by wholly-owned subsidiary companies of 
Henderson Group plc ("Henderson"). This is the only related party transactions 
currently in place. There have been no material transactions with this related 
party affecting the financial position or performance of the Company during the 
year under review. Global Custody Services are provided by BNP Paribas 
Securities Services. As detailed within the Substantial share interests on page 
24 of the Annual Report funds managed by Henderson have interests in 38.9% of 
the issued share capital of the Company (excluding treasury shares). 
Statement under Disclosure and Transparency Rule 4.1.12 
The Directors of the Company each confirm to the best of their knowledge that: 
? the financial statements, prepared in accordance with the applicable set of 
accounting standards, give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, 
financial position and profit or loss of the Company; and 
? the Report of the Directors includes a fair review of the development and 
performance of the business and the Company, together with a description of the 
principal risks and uncertainties that it faces. 
John Mackie CBE 
29 April 2010 
Investment Review 
Following the severe market turmoil of the second half of 2008, the year ended 
31 December 2009 was a period of consolidation for the Company. The combination 
of intensive operational management of portfolio companies by the managers of 
the Company's limited partnership investments and improved public market 
valuations served to limit the year's Net Asset Value ("NAV") decline to 6.5% 
in what remained a generally difficult economic environment across Europe. 
Whilst the Company's stock price rose 54.8% during the year, the discount to 
NAV per share was 57.1% at 31 December 2009. Narrowing this discount is a key 
priority for the Portfolio Manager and the Board in the current financial year. 
The Company's investment objective focus, the European mid-market buy-out 
sector, remained becalmed during the year. Contributing factors to low levels 
of investment and realisation activity included reduced availability of debt 
finance, uncertainty regarding deliverability of business plans, reluctance of 
potential sellers to dispose of businesses at reduced prices and a dormant IPO 
Investment Activity 
Limited Partnership Investments 
No new limited partnership commitments were made during 2009 compared with GBP 
18.0 million in 2008. This reflected caution regarding the Company's existing 
level of commitments, particularly given the scarcity of realisation proceeds 
during the period. 
In 2009 drawdowns under limited partnerships totalled just over GBP11.0 million, 
including eight new investments with a combined value of GBP7.1 million. The 
largest of these was August Equity Partners II's investment in Funeral Services 
Partnership, the Company's share of this being GBP3.0 million. The balance of the 
drawdowns related primarily to follow-on investments in existing portfolio 
companies as opportunities arose to make add-on acquisitions at value accretive 
entry multiples. 
The only new company realisation during the year, was the sale of Hat Trick 
Productions by August Equity Partners I in December, proceeds of which were 
used to repay bank debt. Additionally, a distribution was received from Rutland 
Fund I, when in February the Company received cash from the release of a tax 
indemnity in connection with the sale of H&T Group Limited in 2006. In total, 
limited partnership distributions amounted to GBP2.9 million. 
After the year end, the Company announced on 5 March 2010 a High Court ruling 
against Rutland Fund I in connection with the H&T Group Limited transaction but 
damages have not yet been finalised. It should be noted that Rutland Fund I has 
included a provision in its year end valuation which is incorporated in these 
Listed Investments 
No new listed investments were made during the year thereby preserving the 
Company's cash resources. 
The listed investment portfolio underwent rationalisation during the year to 
increase its focus on the European mid-market buy-out sector and to raise cash 
for the Company. Consequently, investments in Quorum Oil and Gas Technology 
(ordinaries), Renewable Energy Generation, ARC Capital and China Growth 
Opportunities (partial) were disposed of before the year end, at prices higher 
than those at 31 December 2008. The Company's holding in a French Government 
security was also sold during the year. Total proceeds from these disposals 
were GBP3.5 million. After the year end, the remaining holding in China Growth 
Opportunities and the Company's investment in Greenwich Loan Income Fund were 
also sold. 
Portfolio Valuation 
At 31 December 2009 the total value of the Company's investments including cash 
was GBP65.1 million of which GBP53.7 million represented investments in limited 
partnerships. This compares with GBP62.0 million and GBP50.4 million respectively 
at the 31 December 2008 year end. 
Limited Partnership Investments 
The portfolio management skills of the Company's limited partnership 
investments were put to the test during the year. Overall, the 67 businesses 
which comprised the underlying company limited partnership portfolio at the 
year end performed satisfactorily. Whilst cost reduction was an obvious area 
for value protection across the portfolio, some companies were able to expand 
their activities through add-on acquisitions at attractive prices. Also, debt 
multiples in the Company's main area of focus, the mid-market buy-out sector, 
tended to be lower than in the large buy-out arena and, as a result, the impact 
of leverage was generally less severe on valuations. 
Despite the difficult trading environment, a number of the Company's underlying 
investments made progress during the year and delivered increased operating 
profitability leading to additional value creation. Some portfolio company 
valuations also benefited from improvements in public market comparators. Given 
the harsh economic environment it was, however, inevitable that there would be 
some portfolio difficulties leading to specific falls in business valuations. 
It however should be noted, that there remains the potential for these 
businesses to recover value against a backdrop of improved trading conditions 
and higher multiples. 
Generally, the Company's limited partnerships provide a good level of detail 
regarding multiples used in valuing their portfolios. This allows for review 
and discussion on valuations to assess their reasonableness and, if necessary, 
for any adjustments to be made. No such adjustments were considered necessary 
at the 31 December 2009 year end. 
FSA Disclosure and Transparency Rule 4.2 requires the Company to release its 
full year accounts by 30 April 2010. It has not been possible to update all 
limited partnership valuations using audited reports for the year ended 31 
December 2009. It should be noted that discussions with those limited 
partnerships that have not yet provided their audited reports indicate any 
valuation changes to be immaterial. 
Additional information on the Company's portfolio, including details of 
underlying investments held through limited partnerships, can be found on pages 
6 to 11 of the Annual Report. 
Listed Investments 
As stated above, a number of listed investments were sold during the year. The 
remaining listed portfolio was valued at GBP5.5 million at the year end. This 
compared with GBP5.0 million at 31 December 2008 on a like-for-like basis. 
Some of the Company's fund of funds peer group chose to address liquidity 
concerns during the year by selling limited partnership interests sometimes at 
significant discounts to NAV. Your Company did not consider it necessary to 
follow the same strategy. This helped preserve portfolio value during the year. 
Since the year end, the Company's GBP30.0 million of banking facilities provided 
by Lloyds Banking Group have been extended to mature on 1 May 2012, providing 
the Company with a stable funding platform to finance existing limited 
partnership commitments. Whilst total existing commitments are stated at GBP51.1 
million in the Company's accounts, a portion of these commitments is unlikely 
to be drawn in full given that some of the limited partnerships are now past 
their initial five-year investment period. Limited partnerships also often 
reserve a portion of their commitments as a contingency. In view of these 
factors, it is anticipated that up to GBP38.0 million of the GBP51.1 million year 
end commitments are likely to be drawn over the next three years. 
At the year end the Company had liquid assets of GBP9.0 million and undrawn 
committed bank facilities of GBP22.3 million to contribute towards the estimated 
funding requirement of up to GBP38.0 million over the next three years. With the 
Company's banking facilities now extended to 1 May 2012, the liquidity position 
has been strengthened considerably. With regard to realisation proceeds, whilst 
there is some exit activity currently underway within the limited partnership 
portfolio, it is not expected that realisations will provide significant cash 
inflows until 2011. This is reflected in the Company's cashflow projections. 
Despite continued uncertainty about the pace of economic recovery across Europe 
and the modest level of new investment and exit activity in the European 
mid-market buy-out sector, the outlook for your Company is more positive than 
it has been for some time. The investment portfolio has generally performed 
well during a period of severe economic strain and is positioned to benefit 
from gradual market recovery. New investments by the Company's existing limited 
partnership interests over the next few years will be made at an attractive 
stage in the economic cycle. The Company's liquidity position has also been 
strengthened by the extension of its banking facilities. 
The Board however remains concerned about the current discount to NAV. Whilst 
the existing business is well-positioned, work continues to identify ways to 
grow the Company to the benefit of all shareholders. 
Ian Barrass 
Portfolio Manager 
29 April 2010 
Investment Portfolio 
The Company's investments as at 31 December 2009 were: 
Company                         Category       Country/     Valuation      % of 
                                               Region           GBP'000 Portfolio 
August Equity Partners II       Limited        UK              10,787      16.6 
August Equity Partners I        Limited        UK              10,775      16.5 
Parallel Ventures 2006          Limited        UK               9,734      14.9 
Rutland Fund I                  Limited        UK               8,064      12.4 
Astorg IV                       Limited        France           4,400       6.8 
Rutland Fund II                 Limited        UK               2,991       4.6 
Logic Group                     Direct         UK               2,500       3.8 
Century Capital Partners Fund   Limited        US               1,957       3.0 
IV                              Partnership 
Pragma Capital II               Limited        France           1,828       2.8 
Fondinvest Capital VIII         Limited        France           1,665       2.6 
Ten largest investments                                        54,701      84.0 
Graphite Enterprise             Listed         UK               1,500       2.3 
Hg Capital Trust                Listed         UK               1,254       1.9 
Lyceum Capital Fund II          Limited        UK                 656       1.0 
Zeus Private Equity Fund        Limited        UK                 596       0.9 
SVG Capital 8.25% Convertible   Listed         UK                 562       0.9 
Bonds 2016 
EIH (previously Evolvence       Listed         India              557       0.9 
Reconstruction Capital II       Listed         Eastern            371       0.6 
Greenwich Loan Income Fund      Listed         UK                 325       0.5 
Wendel Investments              Listed         Europe             323       0.5 
Dinamia                         Listed         Spain              283       0.4 
Twenty largest investments                                     61,128      93.9 
Private Equity Investor         Listed         US                 242       0.4 
Elderstreet Capital Partners    Limited        UK                 198       0.3 
China Growth Opportunities      Listed         China               39       0.1 
KB Fund III B                   Limited        UK                  19         - 
KB Fund III                     Limited        UK                   8         - 
Quorum Oil & Gas Technology     Listed         UK                   5         - 
Total investments                                              61,639      94.7 
Cash (net of bank overdraft)                                    3,481       5.3 
Total portfolio                                                65,120     100.0 
Portfolio Analysis 
As at 31 December 2009 
Source: Henderson Global Investors Limited 
Type of investment by value 
Type of investment              Percentage of          Percentage of 
                               portfolio 2009         portfolio 2008 
Limited partnerships                      83%                    81% 
Listed funds                               8%                    11% 
Cash                                       5%                     4% 
Direct unquoted                            4%                     4% 
Geographical exposure of investments by value 
Country or region               Percentage of          Percentage of 
                               portfolio 2009         portfolio 2008 
UK                                        68%                    68% 
Europe                                    28%                    25% 
Other                                      4%                     7% 
Sector exposure of underlying companies in limited partnerships by value 
Sector                          Percentage of          Percentage of 
                               portfolio 2009         portfolio 2008 
Healthcare                                29%                    26% 
Manufacturing                             25%                    26% 
Business Services                         15%                    14% 
Consumer Services                          7%                     2% 
Media                                      6%                    10% 
Software                                   6%                     6% 
Financial                                  5%                     5% 
Consumer Goods                             1%                     1% 
Telecoms                                   1%                     1% 
Other                                      5%                     9% 
Underlying companies in limited partnerships investment vintages by value 
Vintage                         Percentage of          Percentage of 
                               portfolio 2009         portfolio 2008 
Less than 1 year                          11%                    18% 
1 - 2 years                               16%                    28% 
2 - 3 years                               20%                    39% 
More than 3 years                         53%                    15% 
Portfolio Analysis - Limited Partnerships 
Astorg Partners 
Astorg Partners ("Astorg") is an independent French private equity manager 
whose origins date back to 1983 when it was created as a joint-venture between 
SUEZ and state-owned Institut de Dévelopment Industriel. Astorg will invest at 
least EUR15 million of equity in companies primarily in the healthcare, 
professional services and retail sectors valued between EUR100 million and EUR800 
million. www.astorg-partners.com 
August Equity Partners 
August Equity Partners ("August") provides equity capital for management 
buy-outs, buy-ins, development capital and replacement capital in growing 
businesses. August will invest between GBP10 million and GBP50 million of equity in 
UK companies in the healthcare, media and technology, industrial products and 
services and business services sectors. www.augustequity.com 
Century Capital Management 
Century Capital Management ("Century") is a Boston based investment adviser 
whose origins date back to 1928. It formed its first private equity fund in 
1987 and specialises in the North American mid-market financial services 
industry, with a focus on insurance. Century will invest equity of between 
US$10 million and US$30 million in individual transactions. www.centurycap.com 
Elderstreet Capital Partners 
Elderstreet Capital Partners ("Elderstreet") is a UK venture capital fund 
manager investing in early stage businesses within the UK. Elderstreet 
typically provides between GBP0.5 million and GBP5.0 million in funding for 
management buy-outs and development capital. Elderstreet invests in a range of 
industry sectors and has a specialist technology practice investing in the 
software and computer services market. www.elderstreet.com 
Fondinvest Capital 
Fondinvest Capital ("Fondinvest") was founded in 1994 and is a specialist 
primary fund of funds and secondary funds investor. Fondinvest launched one of 
the first secondary funds in Europe in 1996 and currently manages over EUR2 
billion in private equity funds. Fondinvest has offices in Paris, Tokyo and San 
Francisco. www.fondinvest.com 
Lyceum Capital 
Established in 1999 and formerly known as West Private Equity prior to their 
buy-out from West LB, Lyceum Capital ("Lyceum") invests in UK companies valued 
at between GBP10 million and GBP75 million in most segments of the UK market, where 
consolidation strategies can be actively pursued. Lyceum invests in companies 
requiring between GBP10 million and GBP40 million in equity. 
Parallel Private Equity 
Established in 1997, Parallel Private Equity ("Parallel") operates formal 
co-investment agreements with a number of UK and European mid-market private 
equity managers which source, complete, and actively manage investments in 
investee companies. Parallel has invested more than GBP1.4 billion in over 330 
deals. In realising over 220 deals to date, in excess of GBP1.9 billion has been 
returned to investors. Parallel will invest up to GBP10 million of equity per 
transaction in companies valued at between GBP10 million and GBP400 million. 
Pragma Capital 
Pragma Capital ("Pragma") is an independent French private equity manager 
founded in 2002 from a spin-out of Crédit Agricole and Crédit Lyonnais. Pragma 
focuses in the French middle-market and will typically invest between EUR10 
million to EUR35 million into companies, across a wide variety of sectors, valued 
at between EUR50 million and EUR250 million. www.pragmacapital.fr 
Rutland Partners 
Rutland Partners ("Rutland"), founded in 1986, invests in UK and European 
companies which may be underperforming, in need of restructuring or entering a 
period of change. Rutland does not focus on any specific sectors and provides 
equity for management buy-outs, buy-ins, institutional buy-outs, 
public-to-privates, turnarounds, secondary purchases and replacement capital. 
Rutland will invest between GBP10 million and GBP50 million of equity per 
investment into UK companies valued at between GBP20 million and GBP200 million. 
Zeus Private Equity 
Zeus Private Equity ("Zeus") was formed in 2005 by a team who had previously 
worked together at Aberdeen Murray Johnstone Private Equity. Zeus provides 
funding for management buy-outs, buy-ins, equity release and restructuring 
opportunities for businesses in the UK valued at up to GBP50 million in a wide 
range of sectors. www.zeusprivateequity.co.uk 
Portfolio Analysis 10 Largest "Underlying" Investments 
1. Enara 
Limited partnership August Equity Partners II 
Valuation GBP5.6 million 
Percentage of Portfolio 8.6% 
Enara is a leading provider of both private and social services-based home care 
in London and the Home Counties. It focuses on care for the elderly and adults 
with learning difficulties and mental health needs. 
2. Advantage Healthcare 
Limited partnership Rutland Fund I 
Valuation GBP4.6 million 
Percentage of Portfolio 7.0% 
Advantage Healthcare was formed following the acquisition of a group of 
businesses from BUPA and specialises in flexible healthcare staffing. It has a 
significant database of temporary nurses, doctors, allied health professionals 
and carers which are provided to the NHS, BUPA and other private carers to 
cover staff shortfalls and fluctuating workloads. 
3. Notemachine 
Limited partnership Rutland Fund I 
Valuation GBP4.5 million 
Percentage of Portfolio 7.0% 
Rutland formed Notemachine in September 2006 via a recommended offer for 
AIM-listed Scott Tod, a UK company involved in the provision of ATM services 
throughout the UK. In January 2007, Rutland acquired TRM (ATM) Limited, a 
complementary business involved in the deployment of ATMs in the UK and 
Germany. The combined business currently operates approximately 6,000 ATMs in 
the UK. www.notemachine.com 
4. Liberty Acquisitions ("Lifeways") 
Limited partnership August Equity Partners I 
Valuation GBP4.4 million 
Percentage of Portfolio 6.8% 
Lifeways is a market leading provider of supported living for people with 
complex needs and is the only provider offering nationwide coverage. Lifeways 
offers specialist care to over 900 people with challenging needs, including 
autism, psychiatric or learning disabilities and acquired brain injuries, in 
their own home or a community setting. 
5. Rollford Holdings ("Rixonway") 
Limited partnership August Equity Partners I 
Valuation GBP3.3 million 
Percentage of Portfolio 5.1% 
Rixonway is a UK kitchen manufacturing business with a particular focus on the 
social housing market. The company was established in 1979 and is located in 
Dewsbury near Leeds. 
6. Funeral Services Partnership ("FSP") 
Limited partnership August Equity Partners II 
Valuation GBP3.2 million 
Percentage of Portfolio 4.9% 
FSP, founded in 2007, is a consolidator of funeral care providers in the UK. 
August acquired FSP in 2009 and has committed GBP23 million to finance FSP as a 
buy-and-build platform in the funeral services sector. 
7. Logic Group ("Logic") 
Direct investment 
Valuation GBP2.5 million 
Percentage of Portfolio 3.8% 
Logic delivers the secure provision of card transaction processing, loyalty and 
insight programmes through its software and support services. Logic's customers 
include BT Expedite, BP Oil and Tesco. www.the-logic-group.com 
8. ONO Packaging ("ONO") 
Limited partnership Parallel Ventures 2006 
Valuation GBP2.3 million 
Percentage of Portfolio 3.6% 
ONO is a French food tray manufacturer that was acquired through a management 
buy-out by iXO Private Equity (formerly ICSO Private Equity) and Parallel. 
9. Boat International ("Boat") 
Limited partnership August Equity Partners I 
Valuation GBP2.0 million 
Percentage of Portfolio 3.1% 
Boat is an international publisher of market leading magazines and websites and 
an events organiser targeted at the super yacht industry. Boat produces over 
1.4 million magazines each year that sell in over 57 countries worldwide and 
are published in six different languages. They organise eight annual events 
across the world in London, Monaco, Fort Lauderdale, Venice, Port Cervo and New 
York. During 2009, Boat acquired SBI, a leading US boat magazine publisher. 
10. 4Projects 
Limited partnership August Equity Partners II 
Valuation GBP2.0 million 
Percentage of Portfolio 3.1% 
4Projects is a leading UK provider of project collaboration solutions. The 
software solutions are delivered principally to the architecture, engineering 
and construction sectors. 4Projects solutions are used to co-ordinate large 
scale, multi-party construction projects and for the management of complex 
property estates. 
Income Statement 
for the year ended 31 December 2009 
                          Year ended 31 December 2009      Year ended 31 December 2008 
                          Revenue    Capital       Total   Revenue    Capital       Total 
                           return     return                return     return 
                            GBP'000      GBP'000       GBP'000     GBP'000      GBP'000       GBP'000 
Losses on investments           -    (4,167)     (4,167)         -   (11,105)    (11,105) 
held at fair value 
through profit or loss 
Gains on foreign                -         90          90         -         99          99 
Income                        932          -         932     2,378          -       2,378 
Investment management       (756)          -       (756)     (377)          -       (377) 
Administrative expenses     (682)          -       (682)     (934)          -       (934) 
                        --------- ---------- ----------- --------- ---------- ----------- 
Return on ordinary          (506)    (4,077)     (4,583)     1,067   (11,006)     (9,939) 
activities before 
finance costs and 
Interest payable and         (45)          -        (45)      (70)          -        (70) 
similar charges 
                        --------- ---------- ----------- --------- ---------- ----------- 
Return on ordinary          (551)    (4,077)     (4,628)       997   (11,006)    (10,009) 
activities before 
Taxation                      668          -         668   (1,066)          -     (1,066) 
                        --------- ---------- ----------- --------- ---------- ----------- 
Return on ordinary            117    (4,077)     (3,960)      (69)   (11,006)    (11,075) 
activities after 
finance costs and 
                        --------- ---------- ----------- --------- ---------- ----------- 
Return per Ordinary          0.6p    (21.6p)     (21.0p)    (0.4p)    (57.0p)     (57.4p) 
                        --------- ---------- ----------- --------- ---------- ----------- 
Number of Ordinary                            18,850,212                       18,850,212 
Shares in issue at year 
Average number of                             18,850,212                       19,280,488 
Ordinary Shares in 
issue during the year 
The total columns of this statement represent the profit and loss account of 
the Company. The revenue and capital columns are supplementary to this and are 
provided in accordance with guidance issued by the Association of Investment 
Companies. The Company has no recognised gains or losses other than those 
disclosed in the Income Statement and the Reconciliation of Movements in 
Shareholders' Funds. Accordingly, no Statement of Total Recognised Gains and 
Losses is presented. 
All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from continuing 
operations. No operations were acquired or discontinued in the current or prior 
Reconcilliation of Movement in Shareholders' Funds 
for the year ended 31 December 2009 
Year ended 31       Called-up      Share    Capital    Capital    Revenue Shareholders' 
December 2009           share    premium redemption   reserves   reserve*         funds 
                      capital    account    reserve 
                        GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000         GBP'000 
Balance at 1              984     17,321        705     40,573      1,431        61,014 
January 2009 
Net return from             -          -          -    (4,077)        117       (3,960) 
Rebate of                   -          -          -          4          -             4 
commission on 
share buybacks 
                   ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------    ---------- 
Balance at 31             984     17,321        705     36,500      1,548        57,058 
December 2009 
                       ======     ======     ======     ======     ======        ====== 
Year ended 31       Called-up      Share    Capital    Capital    Revenue Shareholders' 
December 2008           share    premium redemption   reserves   reserve*         funds 
                      capital    account    reserve 
Balance at 1              987     17,321        702     53,876      1,630        74,516 
January 2008 
Net return from             -          -          -   (11,006)       (69)      (11,075) 
Dividend paid in            -          -          -          -      (130)         (130) 
respect of year 
ended 31 December 
Shares bought back        (3)          -          3      (128)          -         (128) 
and cancelled 
Shares bought back          -          -          -    (2,169)          -       (2,169) 
and held in 
                   ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------    ---------- 
Balance at 31             984     17,321        705     40,573      1,431        61,014 
December 2008 
                       ======     ======     ======     ======     ======        ====== 
* The revenue reserve represents the amount of the Company's reserves 
distributable by way of a dividend. 
Balance Sheet 
at 31 December 2009 
                                          2009        2008 
                                         GBP'000       GBP'000 
Fixed assets 
Investments held at fair value          61,639      61,079 
through profit or loss 
                                   ----------- ----------- 
Current assets 
Debtors                                    428         197 
Cash at bank                             4,610       2,277 
                                    ----------  ---------- 
                                         5,038       2,474 
                                    ----------  ---------- 
Amounts falling due within one         (9,619)     (2,539) 
                                    ----------  ---------- 
Net current liabilities                (4,581)        (65) 
                                    ----------  ---------- 
Net assets                              57,058      61,014 
                                        ======      ====== 
Capital and reserves 
Called up share capital                    984         984 
Share premium                           17,321      17,321 
Capital redemption reserve                 705         705 
Capital reserve                         36,500      40,573 
Revenue reserve                          1,548       1,431 
                                    ----------  ---------- 
Equity Shareholders' funds              57,058      61,014 
                                        ======      ====== 
Net asset value per Ordinary            302.7p      323.7p 
                                        ======      ====== 
Cash Flow Statement 
for the year ended 31 December 2009 
                                         2009         2008 
                                        GBP'000        GBP'000 
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from          (534)          550 
operating activities 
Servicing of finance 
Bank interest paid                       (47)         (74) 
Tax (paid) / received                     (1)          119 
Financial investment 
Purchase of listed fixed asset           (13)     (13,228) 
Purchase of unlisted fixed asset     (11,116)     (16,395) 
Sale of listed fixed asset              3,499       15,288 
Sale of unlisted fixed asset            2,903       13,056 
Net cash outflow from financial       (4,727)      (1,279) 
Equity dividends paid                       -        (130) 
                                 ------------ ------------ 
Net cash outflow before               (5,309)        (814) 
Purchase of Ordinary Shares                 4      (2,297) 
Bank loan draw down                     7,728            - 
                                 ------------ ------------ 
Increase / (decrease)in cash            2,423      (3,111) 
Net funds at start of the year            968        3,980 
Gains on foreign exchange                  90           99 
                                 ------------ ------------ 
Net funds at end of the year            3,481          968 
                                      =======      ======= 
Notes to the Financial Statements 
1.   Accounting policies 
     The principal accounting policies have been applied consistently 
     throughout the year ended 31 Decmeber 2009, are unchanged from 2008 and 
     are set out below. 
     The financial statements have been prepared on a going concern basis, as 
     described in note 18(e) of the Annual Report under the historical cost 
     convention, modified to include the revaluation of investments and in 
     accordance with applicable United Kingdom Accounting Standards. 
     The Company is not an investment company within the meaning of Section 
     833, of the Companies Act 2006. However, it conducts its affairs as an 
     investment trust for taxation purposes under Section 842 of the Income and 
     Corporation Taxes Act 1988. As such, the Directors consider it appropriate 
     to present the financial statements in accordance with the Statement of 
     Recommended Practice `Financial Statements of Investment Trust Companies 
     and Venture Capital Trusts' (the `SORP'), issued by The Association of 
     Investment Companies in January 2009 (adopted early), which has not 
     resulted in the restatement of prior years figures. 
     The Company has adopted an amendment to FRS 29: `Financial Instruments: 
     Disclosures', issued in May 2009, in these financial statements. The 
     amendment introduces new disclosures relating to financial instruments. 
     This amendment does not have any impact on the valuation of the Company's 
     financial instruments. 
2.   Income                                               2009           2008 
                                                         GBP'000          GBP'000 
     Income from fixed asset investments 
     Franked income: 
     Dividends from listed UK investments                   60             86 
     Dividends from unlisted UK investments                  4              - 
                                                   -----------    ----------- 
                                                            64             86 
     Unfranked income: 
     Dividends from listed overseas investments            101            119 
     Distributions from UK unlisted investments            695          1,730 
     Listed UK treasury gilts                                -             90 
     Listed UK loan stock investments                       62             35 
     Listed overseas treasury gilts                          5             90 
                                                   -----------    ----------- 
                                                           863          2,064 
     Total income from fixed asset investments             927          2,150 
     Other income 
     Deposit interest                                        5            168 
     Other income                                            -             60 
                                                   -----------    ----------- 
                                                             5            228 
                                                   -----------    ----------- 
                                                           932          2,378 
                                                       =======        ======= 
     Income from fixed asset investments: 
     Listed                                                  228            420 
     Unlisted                                                699          1,730 
                                                     -----------    ----------- 
                                                             927          2,150 
                                                          ======         ====== 
3.   Investment Management Fees 
                                                            2009           2008 
                                                           GBP'000          GBP'000 
     Investment management fee - charged to revenue          756            803 
     VAT on management fee recovered from HMRC                 -          (426) 
                                                     -----------    ----------- 
                                                             756            377 
                                                          ======         ====== 
4.    Taxation 
                                          2009         2009        2009        2008        2008         2008 
                                       Revenue      Capital       Total     Revenue     Capital        Total 
                                         GBP'000        GBP'000       GBP'000       GBP'000       GBP'000        GBP'000 
      a) Analysis of tax charge           (14)            -        (14)         775           -          775 
      for the year: 
      UK corporation tax at 28% 
      (2008: 28.5*%) 
      Adjustment in respect of           (654)            -       (654)         291           -          291 
      prior years 
                                   -----------  ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------  ----------- 
      Total tax for the year             (668)            -       (668)       1,066           -        1,066 
      (note 4b) 
                                        ======       ======      ======      ======      ======       ====== 
      b) Factors affecting tax charge for the year: 
      The tax assessed for the year is lower than that resulting from applying the 
      standard rate of corporation tax in the UK: 28% (2008: 28.5%*). The differences 
      are explained below: 
Return on ordinary activities before       (551)     (4,077)     (4,628)         997    (11,006)    (10,009) 
                                     ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 
Tax thereon at 28% (2008: 28.5%*)          (154)     (1,142)     (1,296)         284     (3,136)     (2,852) 
Tax on undistributed income of               334           -         334         516           -         516 
limited partnerships 
Non taxable UK dividend income             (175)           -       (175)        (25)           -        (25) 
Non taxable foreign dividend income         (19)           -        (19)           -           -           - 
Non taxable capital losses                     -       1,142       1,142           -       3,136       3,136 
Prior year adjustment#                     (654)           -       (654)         291           -         291 
                                     ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 
Current tax charge                         (668)           -       (668)       1,066           -       1,066 
                                          ======      ======      ======      ======      ======      ====== 
* Under the Finance Act 2008, the rate of corporation tax was lowered to 28% 
from 1 April 2008. 
# The prior year adjustment primarily relates to an estimated provision raised 
in the 2008 year that has been released in the current year following 
successful negotiation with the Inspector of Taxes. This negotiation resulted 
in refunds due which have been included within debtors. 
5.   Dividends on Ordinary Shares                               2009        2008 
     Amounts recognised as distribution to ordinary            GBP'000       GBP'000 
     shareholders in the year. 
     Dividends paid on Orindary Shares of 5p each:                 -         130 
     2008 Final: nil (2007 Final: 0.66p per Ordinary 
     share paid on 19,732,212 shares) 
                                                         ----------- ----------- 
                                                                   -         130 
                                                             =======      ====== 
     No dividend is proposed in respect of the year ended 31 December 2009 
     (2008: nil) 
6. Return per Ordinary           2009        2009        2009        2008        2008        2008 
                              Revenue     Capital       Total     Revenue     Capital       Total 
                                GBP'000       GBP'000       GBP'000       GBP'000       GBP'000       GBP'000 
   Attributable to                117     (4,077)     (3,960)        (69)    (11,006)    (11,075) 
   Ordinary Shareholders 
                          ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 
   Return per Ordinary           0.6p     (21.6p)     (21.0p)      (0.4p)     (57.0p)     (57.4p) 
                               ======      ======      ======      ======      ======      ====== 
   The return per Ordinary Share is based on the weighted average number of 
   18,850,212 Ordinary Shares in issue (2008: 19,280,488) 
7.   Commitments                                                2009        2008 
     The level of outstanding commitments at the year          GBP'000       GBP'000 
     end was: 
     August Equity Partners II                                16,423      20,014 
     Rutland Fund I                                            8,233       8,537 
     Rutland Fund II                                           7,072       8,210 
     Lyceum Capital Fund II                                    4,216       4,615 
     Fondinvest Capital VIII                                   3,693       4,005 
     Pragma Capital II                                         3,665       5,072 
     Astorg IV                                                 1,794       3,576 
     KB Fund III and KB Fund IIIB                              1,791       1,791 
     Parallel Ventures 2006                                    1,678       2,218 
     Century Capital Partners Fund IV                          1,310       1,946 
     August Equity Partners I                                    691       1,174 
     Zeus Private Equity Fund                                    527         694 
     Elderstreet Capital Partners                                 31          31 
                                                         ----------- ----------- 
     Outstanding commitments                                  51,124      61,883 
                                                             =======      ====== 
     In addition, the Company had a potential commitments of GBP186,000 (2008: GBP 
     209,000) in respect of exercise of warrants. 
     As explained in the Investment Review above, it is unlikely that these 
     commitments will be fully called as some partnerships are now past their 
     initial five-year investment period and also as a portion of commitments 
     tend to be reserved as a contingency.  It is expected that likely drawdowns 
     over the next three years will be GBP38.0 million. 
8.   Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share 
     The Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share (which equals the net value 
     attributable to the Ordinary Shares at the year end calculated in 
     accordance with the Articles of Association) was as follows: 
                                                            2009           2008 
     Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share                   302.7p         323.7p 
     Net Asset Value attributable to Ordinary        GBP57,058,000    GBP61,014,000 
     Shares of 5p 
     The Net Asset Value per ordinary share is based on 18,850,212 (2008: 
     18,850,212) ordinary shares in issue at the year end. 
9.   2009 Financial Information 
     The figures and financial information for 2009 are extracted from the 
     annual financial statements for that period and do not constitute the 
     statutory accounts. The Company's annual financial statements for the year 
     ended 31 December 2009 have been audited but have not yet been delivered 
     to the Registrar of Companies. The auditors' report on the 2009 annual 
     financial statements was unqualified, did not include a reference to any 
     matter to which the auditors drew attention without qualifying the report, 
     and did not contain any statements under section 498 of the Companies Act 
10.  2008 Financial Information 
     The figures and financial information for 2008 are extracted from the 
     published Annual Report and Financial Statements for the year ended 31 
     December 2008 and do not constitute the statutory accounts for that year. 
     The 2008 Annual Report and Financial Statements has been delivered to the 
     Registrar of Companies and included the Report of the Independent Auditors 
     which was unqualified and did not contain a statement under either section 
     237(2) or section 237(3) of the Companies Act 1985. 
11.  Annual Report and Financial Statements 
     Copies of the Annual Report and Financial Statements will be posted to 
     shareholders in May 2010 and will be available on the Company's website 
     (www.hendersonprivateequity.com) or in hard copy format from the 
     Registered Office, 201 Bishopsgate, London EC2M 3AE. 
12.  Annual General Meeting 
     The Annual General Meeting will be held on Thursday 17 June 2010 at 3.00 
     pm at 201 Bishopsgate, London EC2M 3AE. 
For further information please contact: 
Ian Barrass Portfolio Manager 
Henderson Private Equity Investment Trust plc 
Telephone: 020 7818 2964 
Sarah Gibbons-Cook Investor Relations and PR Manager 
Henderson Global Investors Limited 
Telephone: 020 7818 3198 
Robert Peel Stockbroker 
Winterflood Securities Limited 
Telephone: 020 7100 0291 

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