FRANKFURT--The following is a summary of analysts' forecasts for
Zurich Insurance Group AG (ZURN.VX) third-quarter results, based on
a poll of 11 analysts conducted by Dow Jones Newswires (figures in
million dollars, EPS, dividend and target price in franc, combined
ratio in percent, according to IFRS). Earnings figures are
scheduled to be released November 14.
Gross Business Net Share-
written operating attrib. holders' Combined
3rd Quarter premiums(a) profit income equity Ratio
AVERAGE 12,314 1,169 1,023 32,175 94.9
Prev. Year 12,220 997 671 34,050 99,1
+/- in % +0.8 +17 +52 -5.5 -4.2
MEDIAN 12,307 1,174 1,040 32,016 95,0
Maximum 12,904 1,253 1,117 32,970 96.1
Minimum 11,740 1,084 840 31,415 92.5
Amount (b) 4 10 9 10 10
Bellevue 12,904 -- 1,101 31,822 92.5
Berenberg -- 1,191 1,040 31,415 96.0
Bryan Garnier -- 1,150 1,050 -- 96.0
Credit Suisse -- 1,213 -- 31,799 94.9
Deutsche Bank -- 1,084 989 32,970 96.1
Helvea 12,323 1,104 952 32,044 95.7
Intermonte 11,740 1,190 840 32,830 94.0
Kepler Cheuvreux -- 1,214 1,117 32,500 94.2
MainFirst Bank -- 1,253 1,105 31,750 --
Morgan Stanley -- 1,157 -- 31,987 95.1
Vontonbel 12,290 1,131 1,009 32,632 94.7
Target price Rating DPS 2013
AVERAGE 270.10 positive 5 AVERAGE 17.02
Prev. Quarter 280.75 neutral 5 Prev. Year 17.00
+/- in % -3.8 negative 0 +/- in % +0.1
MEDIAN 265.00 MEDIAN 17.00
Maximum 300.00 Maximum 17.10
Minimum 240.00 Minimum 17.00
Amount 9 Amount 5
Bellevue 240.00 Hold 17.00
Berenberg 275.00 Buy 17.00
Bryan Garnier 285.00 Buy 17.00
Credit Suisse 250.90 Neutral --
Deutsche Bank 260.00 Hold --
Helvea 265.00 Buy --
Intermonte 300.00 Outperform 17.10
Kepler Cheuvreux 295.00 Buy --
Morgan Stanley -- Equalweight --
Vontonbel 260.00 Hold 17.00
Year-earlier figures are as restated by the company.
(a) Including policy fees.
(b) Including anonymous estimates from one more analyst.
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