Washington, D.C. 20549

Report of Foreign Private Issuer
Pursuant to Rule 13a-16 or 15d-16 of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934
For the month of May, 2018

Commission File Number 1565025


(Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

(Translation of Registrant's name into English)

Rua Dr. Renato Paes de Barros, 1017 - 3rd Floor
04530-000 São Paulo, SP
Federative Republic of Brazil
(Address of principal executive office)

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CNPJ [National Register of Legal Entities] No. 07.526.557/0001-00

NIRE [Corporate Registration Identification Number] 35.300.368.941

(the “ Company ”)



Extract of the Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Directors of Ambev S.A.

held on May 15, 2018 drawn up in summary form


1.             Date, Time and Venue : On May 15, 2018, starting at 9:00 a.m., in the City of Rio de Janeiro, State of Rio de Janeiro, at Estrada de Jacarepaguá, 5,895, Anil.


2.             Call and Attendance : Call notice duly made pursuant to the Company’s bylaws. Meeting with attendance of Messrs. Victorio Carlos De Marchi and Carlos Alves de Brito, copresidents, and Messrs. Vicente Falconi Campos , Milton Seligman , Roberto Moses Thompson Motta , Luis Felipe Pedreira Dutra Leite, Cecilia Sicupira, Antonio Carlos Augusto Ribeiro Bonchristiano and Marcos de Barros Lisboa.


3.              Board : Chairman: Victorio Carlos De Marchi ; Secretary: Pedro de Abreu Mariani.


4.             Resolutions : It was unanimously and unrestrictedly resolved by the Directors who joined the meeting:


4.1.         Nomination of Executive Officer . According to article 21, letter d, of the company’s bylaws , to approve , effective as of July 1 st , 2018, the replacement of Mr. Ricardo Rittes de Oliveira Silva , the current Chief Financial and Investor Relations Officer, by Mr. Fernando Mommensohn Tennenbaum, Brazilian citizen, production engineer, bearer of the identity card RG No. 18.433.610-7 (SSP/SP) and enrolled with the Individual Taxpayers’ Registry under No. 245.809.418-02, with office in the City São Paulo, State of São Paulo, at Rua Dr. Renato Paes de Barros, 1,017, 3 rd floor The new executive officer will be sworn into his respective position on July 1 st , 2018, upon the execution of the instrument of investiture in the proper book, at which time he will execute a statement confirming that there is no impediment to his election to the Company’s Board of Executive Officers, and the term of his mandate shall expire on July 1 st , 2021. Mr. Ricardo Rittes de Oliveira Silva will remain in the Company, being in charge of special project.


4.1.1    New Board of Executive Officers Composition . In view of the abovementioned resolution, the Company’s Board of Executive Officers shall have the following composition as of July 1 st , 2018, all with an unified mandate until May 11, 2019, except for Mr. Fernando Mommenshohn Tennenbaum, whose mandate shall expire on 1 st , 2021 : (i) Mr. Bernardo Pinto Paiva, as “Chief Executive Officer”; (ii) Mr. Fernando Mommensohn Tennenbaum , as “ Chief Financial and Investor Relations Officer ”; (iii) Mr. Ricardo Morais Pereira de Melo, as “Sales Executive Officer”; (iv) Mr. Eduardo Braga Cavalcanti de Lacerda , as “Soft Drinks Executive Officer”; (v) Mr. Maurício Nogueira Soufen , as “Industrial and Logistics Executive Officer”; (vi) Mr. Pedro de Abreu Mariani, as “General Counsel and Corporate Affairs Executive Officer”; (vii) Mr. Daniel Cocenzo, as “Premium and High End Executive Officer”; (viii) Mr. Fabio Vieira Kapitanovas, as “People and Management Executive Officer”; (ix) Ms. Paula Nogueira Lindenberg, as “Marketing Executive Officer”; (x) Mr.  Fernando Maffessoni as “Shared Services and Information Technology Executive Officer”; and (xi) Mr. Rodrigo Figueiredo de Souza as “Supply Executive Officer”.


Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Directors of Ambev S.A. held on May 15, 2018.


4.2.         Resignation of Member of the Board of Directors . The Board of Directors acknowledged receipt of the resignation of Mr. Álvaro Antônio Cardoso de Souza , effective as of April 30, 2018, to his positions as member of the Board of Directors and of the Antitrust Compliance and Related Parties Committee of the Company, and thanked him for the services rendered to the Company.


4.3.         Nomination of Member of the Board of Directors . Due to the resignation of Mr. Álvaro Antônio Cardoso de Souza, to determine that, effective as of the date hereof, the alternate member Mr. Nelson José Jamel holds the position of member of the Board of Directors, with a term of office up to the Company’s Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting of 2020, pursuant to article 20 of the Company’s bylaws


4.4.         Operations, Finance and Compensation Committee . Reelect, pursuant to article 16, 2 nd paragraph, of the Company’s bylaws, with a term of office until the Company’s Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting that resolves on the financial statements for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2019, Mr. Victorio Carlos De Marchi, as President of the Operations, Finance and Compensation Committee, and Messrs. Roberto Moses Thompson Motta and Luis Felipe Pedreira Dutra Leite, as members of such committee.


4.5.         Antitrust Compliance and Related Parties Committee . Reelect, pursuant to article 16, 2 nd paragraph, of the Company’s bylaws, with a term of office until the Company’s Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting that resolves on the financial statements for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2019, Mr. Victorio Carlos De Marchi, as President of the Antitrust Compliance and Related Parties Committee, and José Heitor Attilio Gracioso, Bolívar Moura Rocha and Everardo de Almeida Maciel, as members of such committee.


4.6.         Preparation of Extraordinary Balance Sheet . To determine, pursuant to article 40, 1 st paragraph, of the Company’s bylaws, the preparation of an extraordinary balance sheet as of April 30, 2018.


4.7.         Distribution of Dividends . Based on the Company’s extraordinary balance sheet dated April 30, 2018, to approve the distribution of dividends in the amount of R$ 0.16 for each share of the Company, to be deducted from the results of the 2018 fiscal year and attributed to the minimum mandatory dividends for the same year. The distribution of dividends will be made without withholding income tax, pursuant to applicable law.


4.7.1    The aforementioned payment shall be made as from July 30, 2018 ( ad referendum of the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting), considering the shareholding on and including June 15, 2018, with respect to B3 S.A. - Brasil, Bolsa, Balcão , and June 19, 2018, with respect to the New York Stock Exchange, without any monetary adjustment. Shares and ADRs shall be traded ex-dividends as from and including June 18, 2018.


Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Directors of Ambev S.A. held on May 15, 2018.


4.8.        Equity Swap . To approve the execution, by and between the Company, or a controlled entity , and financial institutions to be determined by the Board of Executive Officers, of equity swap agreements with reference in the shares issued by the Company or ADRs referenced in such shares, according to the terms provided for in Exhibit I to these minutes, prepared pursuant to article 5 of CVM Ruling No. 567/15 and Annex 30-XXXVI of CVM Ruling No. 480/09, without prejudice to the liquidation, within the regulatory term, of the agreements still in force as authorized at the meetings held on May 16, 2017 and December 21, 2017. The agreements hereby authorized may result in an exposure of up to 80 million common shares (of which all or part may be through ADRs), with a limit value of up to R$ 1,8 billion and, together with the balance of the agreements executed in the context of the approvals of May 16, 2017 and December 21, 2018 and not yet settled, do not exceed the limit set forth in article 8 of CVM Ruling No. 567/15.


5.              Closure : With no further matters to be discussed, the present Minutes were drawn up and duly executed .


São Paulo, May 15, 2018 .



/s/ Victorio Carlos De Marchi


/s/ Carlos Alves de Brito


/s/ Milton Seligman

/s/ Luis Felipe Pedreira Dutra Leite


/s/ Cecília Sicupira

/s/ Antonio Carlos Augusto Ribeiro Bonchristiano


/s/ Marcos de Barros Lisboa


/s/ Vicente Falconi Campos


/s/ Roberto Moses Thompson Motta



/s/ Pedro de Abreu Mariani







Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Directors of Ambev S.A. held on May 15, 2018.

Exhibit I


Trading in Shares of its Own Issue


1. Purpose and the expected economic effects of the disposal:


The Company has share-based payment programs that allows the directors, officers or employees of the Company or of its direct or indirect controlled entities, to receive compensation based on shares issued by the Company, under certain conditions.


Through the approved equity swap transaction, the Company, or its controlled entities, will receive the price variation related to the shares issued by the Company or to the American Depositary Receipts representing such shares issued by the Company and traded on the stock exchange (“ ADRs ”), aiming to neutralize the possible effects of the stock prices’ oscillation considering the share-based payment programs of the Company.


2. To inform the number of (i) outstanding shares and (ii) shares already held in treasury:


There are 4,347,496,817 outstanding shares, in accordance with the definition provided by article 8, 3 rd paragraph, of CVM Ruling No. 567/2015. The Company (and its controlled entities) holds 3,757,318 shares in treasury.


3. To inform the number of shares that may be purchased or disposed of:


As the transaction involves equity swap, with exclusive financial settlement, there will not be any purchase or disposal of shares neither ADRs by the Company or its controlled entities. The contracts may result in an exposure of up to 80 million common shares (of which all or part may be through ADRs), with a limit value of up to R$ 1,8 billion and, together with the balance of the agreements executed in the context of the approvals of May 16, 2017 and December 21, 2017 and not yet settled, may result in an exposure of up to 122,242,125 common shares.


4. To describe the main characteristics of the derivative instruments that the Company may use, if any:


The equity swap allows the Company or its controlled entities to receive the price variation related to its shares traded on the stock exchange or ADRs and pay CDI or LIBOR plus a fee, during the term of the relevant agreement, as applicable. Such agreements will be financially settled and will be negotiated on the over-the-counter market.


These instruments may provide that, in the event of a share price depreciation of 50% or more, the contracted financial institutions may terminate the relevant agreements. To the Company shall be guaranteed the option to terminate the contracts at any time, at its sole discretion.


Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Directors of Ambev S.A. held on May 15, 2018.

5. To describe, if any, any agreements or voting guidelines that exist between the company and the counterparty of the transactions:


The Company, or its controlled entities, will not enter into the equity swap with persons with whom it has voting agreements or guidelines, nor intend to enter into such agreements or guidelines with the counterparty in the equity swap.


6. In case of transactions processed outside organized securities markets, to inform:

a. the maximum (minimum) price by which the shares will be acquired (sold); and

b. if applicable, the reasons justifying the operation at prices more than 10% (ten percent) higher, in the case of acquisition, or more than 10% (ten percent) lower, in the case of sale, to the average of the quoted price, weighted by the volume, in the previous 10 (ten) trading sessions;


Payments made or received by the Company or its controlled entities will be determined on the variation of the share price (or ADR) between certain periods, and the underlying price of the shares (or ADR) in the initial term of each of these periods will not be more than 10% higher or 10% lower than the average of the quoted price, weighted by the volume, in the previous 10 trading sessions.


7. To inform, if any, the impacts that the trading will produce on the control composition or the administrative structure of the Company:


The operation will not have any impact on the control composition or of the administrative structure of the Company.


8. To identify the counterparties, if known, and, in case of a related party of the Company, as defined by the accounting rules, also provide the information required by article 8 of CVM Ruling No. 481/2009: 


The equity swap counterparties shall be defined by the Company's Directors, but shall not be related parties to the Company.


9. To indicate the destination of the resources obtained, if applicable:


Due to the nature of the transaction, it is not possible to previously define whether or not the Company will receive resources. In case the Company receives resources, there is no predetermined destination for them.


10. To indicate the maximum term for settlement of the authorized operations:


The settlement of the approved equity swap transactions will take place within a maximum period of 18 months from this date, i.e. , up to November 15, 2019.


11. To identify institutions that will act as intermediaries, if any:


Not applicable.


Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Directors of Ambev S.A. held on May 15, 2018.

12. To specify the available resources to be used, in the form of article 7, 1 st paragraph, of CVM Ruling No. 567/2015: 


Not applicable, as the equity swap transactions will not be physically settled .


13. To specify the reasons why the members of the Board of Directors are comfortable that the repurchase of shares will not affect the performance of the obligations assumed with creditors nor the payment of mandatory, fixed or minimum dividends.


The members of the Board of Directors believe that the Company's current financial situation is compatible with the contracting of equity swap operations under the approved conditions and are comfortable that the operation will not affect the Company's compliance regarding the obligations assumed with creditors, nor the payment of mandatory dividends calculated in accordance with the law and approved by the general meeting.


The purpose of the transaction is to neutralize the possible effects of any changes in the amounts to be spent in order to face the share-based payment programs, as a result of stock prices’ oscillation . This way, eventual disbursements made due to the variation of the share price will correspond to a lower cost in the purchase of shares (or ADRs) to be used in share-based payment programs, as well as the resources received will correspond to a higher cost in purchase of shares (or ADRs).






Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.
Date: May 15, 2018
/s/ Ricardo Rittes de Oliveira Silva
Ricardo Rittes de Oliveira Silva
Chief Financial and Investor Relations Officer

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