One of the most frequently asked questions is, "does your VIP group receive alerts ahead of the crowd?" and the answer is YES. We offer our VIP's early alerts and VIP only alerts that the rest of the group is not privy to. VIP early alerts and VIP only alerts are provided via our private VIP twitter feed which is not viewable by the public. This allows us to keep VIP alerts within our exclusive group and not accessible by third parties. Other VIP pre-promotion alert services send by email which goes viral within minutes and really is not a VIP alert at all. We typically send the new feature alerts to our premium members 30 minutes to 24 hours in advance. This gives our VIP's more time to conduct their due diligence and avoid chasing the price action. Our group is growing at an exponential rate and this service will be going up in price soon and eventually closed for good. We currently have 80 VIP's (verifiable at this twitter link: and will not exceed 100.

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Nuvilex, Inc. (OTCQB: NVLX) announced on Fri. May 10th, 2013 that they are making "significant progress toward the initiation of various cancer clinical trials, most importantly the late-stage pancreatic cancer trial, given the devastating and deadly nature of that disease." NVLX is utilizing live-cell encapsulation technology to treat pancreatic cancer "which has demonstrated significant ability to activate the cancer pro-drug ifosfamide in close proximity to the pancreatic cancer itself." This technology is resulting in a high degree of antitumor efficacy with a low toxicity profile in Phase II clinical trials. To read more about the true potential of this technology and price targets please use the following link:

Solos Endoscopy, Inc. (OTCPINK: SNDY) continued its current trend finishing the trading session on Fri. May 10th, 2013 down 6.45%. The annual report issued on May 15th, 2013 for the period ending Dec. 31st, 2012 shows increases in revenues and stockholders equity from the same period in 2011. Despite these increases the PPS continues to fall after hitting a 3 month high on Feb. 22nd, 2013. To gain a better understanding as to why the PPS continues to fall, use the following link to view the full report:

Lot78, Inc. (OTCQB: LOTE) has experienced a rapid increase the PPS in the last 2 months. LOTE is up over 1100% in this very short term and at the close of trading on May 10th, 2013 the stock was $11.00 a share. To learn receive a full report and technical analysis please use the following link:

Xumanii (OTCQB: XUII) is up over 75% as of mid-day on Mon. May 13th, 2013. The stock has also traded over 162 M shares as of that same time. This is brought on by heavy promotional activities and is likely to continue this trend. To read the full report, please use the following link: was developed as a beacon of hope in the micro-cap stock newsletter industry. We always hand-pick our alerts as opposed to biased advertising. Our service typically covers the hottest penny stocks for a longer term than one day offering more potential profit situations. This is why we are the fastest growing community of micro-cap traders on the web.

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SOURCE: Elite Traders Group LLC