RNS Number : 5045S 
IFR Capital PLC 
20 May 2009 

IFR Capital plc (AIM: IFR) 
20 May 2009 
IFR Capital PLC 
Final audited results for the financial year ended 31 December 2008 
IFR Capital Plc ('IFR' or the 'Group': IFR.LN), the investment company focused 
on consolidation opportunities in the European food retail sector, today is 
pleased to announce its final results for the year ended 31 December 2008. 
  *  Growth in Turnover of 59.1 per cent. to EUR758.5 million (2007: EUR476.6 million) 
  *  Growth in EBITDA of 43.5 per cent. to EUR57.7 million (2007: EUR40.2 million) 
  *  Acquisition and successful integration of Hamker in 2008 
  *  Media spending to strengthen the brands 
  *  Progress in structural change of balance sheet 
  *  Range of attractive investment opportunities identified 
Heiner Kamps, CEO and significant shareholder of IFR, stated that he was 
satisfied with the development and the progress that the Group has made so far: 
"The integration of Hamker has now been successfully completed and the Group 
continues to trade in line with the Board's expectations, despite difficult 
commodity markets during 2008. The recent strengthening of our balance sheet via 
the share exchange will allow us to pursue our stated acquisition strategy and 
expedite the consolidation of the European food retail sector". 
| IFR Capital PLC                               |                      | 
| Claus Schlüter (Chief Financial Officer)      |   +49 (0) 471 133278 | 
|                                               |                      | 
| Charles Stanley Securities - NOMAD and broker | +44 (0) 20 7149 6000 | 
| Rick Thompson / Philip Davies / Ben Johnston  |                      | 
For further information on IFR, please visit www.ifrcapital.eu 
  Operational review 
The results for the period include contributions from NORDSEE GmbH ("NORDSEE"), 
Bastian's GmbH ("Bastian's"), Homann Chilled Food GmbH & Co. KG ("HOMANN") and 
Hamker Lebensmittel Beteiligungs GmbH & Co. KG ("HAMKER") since 1 February 2008. 
IFR is pleased to announce it has reported sales of EUR758.5 million (2007: EUR476.6 
million) and an operating EBITDA of EUR57.7 million (2007: EUR40.2 million) 
representing an increase of 43.5 per cent.. The Group reported net losses of 
EUR72.2 million (2007: profit EUR14.6 million) with a loss per share of EUR0.32 (2007: 
profit per share EUR 0.07). The net loss reported for the year ending 31 December 
2008 can be principally attributed to impairment losses of EUR42.2 million and 
integration costs of EUR17.6 million which relate to previous acquisitions. 
A breakdown of the Company's sales for the financial year is shown below: 
|                                           |  Financial Year  | 
|                                           |    ended 31      | 
|                                           |  December 2008   | 
|                                           |       EUR' million | 
| NORDSEE                                   |            331.1 | 
| HOMANN including HAMKER (since 1 February |            424.8 | 
| 2008)                                     |                  | 
| Bastian's                                 |              2.6 | 
| Total sales                               |            758.5 | 
NORDSEE continues to perform at a stable EBITDA level of above EUR30 million per 
annum. The Board envisages that fish raw material price increases will be 
compensated by efficiency improvements and sales price adjustments. The stated 
strategy to gradually redesign the NORDSEE restaurants using a maritime style 
and to constantly improve product quality will be further pursued during 2009. 
It is expected that HAMKER will be fully integrated into HOMANN in 2009. HOMANN 
will continue to focus on the most profitable branded product categories and to 
support the sales growth by media spending in 2009. The Board expects sales of 
private label products to slightly decline, however, gross profit margins should 
increase substantially due to price increases already realised in 2008 and 
planned in 2009. On the cost side HOMANN should no longer be affected by adverse 
impacts from the integration of HAMKER, high rapeseed oil prices and existing 
low margin contracts with hard discounters which were acquired with HAMKER. 
Necessary sales price increases have already been negotiated and synergies are 
expected to materialise in 2009. 
The existing Bastian's stores at Düsseldorf and Cologne are expected to generate 
organic sales growth in 2009, supported by two further planned store openings 
this year. 
Financial Review 
Operating performance: 
The Company generated revenues of EUR758.5 million for the fiscal year 2008 which 
can be segmented between the following sectors and geographies: 
Sector breakdown: 
|                                 | Financial year ended    | 
|                                 | 31 December 2008        | 
|                                 |              EUR' million | 
| Retail / Restaurants            |                   333.7 | 
| Production / Wholesale          |                   424.8 | 
|                                 |                         | 
| TOTAL                           |                   758.5 | 
Geographical breakdown: 
|                                 | Financial year ended    | 
|                                 | 31 December 2008        | 
|                                 |              EUR' million | 
| Germany                         |                   647.3 | 
| Austria                         |                    41.6 | 
| Other                           |                    69.6 | 
| TOTAL                           |                   758.5 | 
The reconciliation of EBITDA to consolidated profit breaks down as follows: 
|                                   | Financial year ended | 
|                                   | 31 December 2008     | 
|                                   |           EUR' million | 
| EBITDA *                          |                 57.7 | 
| - Depreciation and amortization   |               (28.7) | 
| EBIT *                            |                 29.0 | 
| Exceptional items                 |                      | 
| - Integration costs               |               (17.6) | 
| - Impairment losses               |               (42.2) | 
| EBIT according to Income          |               (30.8) | 
| Statement                         |                      | 
| - Net finance costs               |               (45.8) | 
| Earnings before taxes (EBT)       |               (76.6) | 
| - Income tax credit               |                  4.4 | 
| Consolidated net profit after tax |               (72.1) | 
| (NPAT)                            |                      | 
* after adjustments for exceptional items 
EBITDA after adjustments for exceptional items for the year ending 31 December 
2008 amounts to EUR57.7 million which is in line with management's expectation. 
The EBIT after adjustments for exceptional items of EUR29.0 million has been 
adjusted by exceptional items for the integration costs of the HAMKER business 
of EUR17.6 million and impairment losses of EUR42.2 million, principally in relation 
to HOMANN. The integration costs principally comprise redundancy payments, legal 
fees and double running costs incurred with the merger of the administration, 
sales force and logistic functions (transport/warehouse), as well as with the 
closure of the salad factory in Lintorf, Germany. 
The Directors do not intend to recommend a dividend for this financial year and 
intend to reinvest the cash generated from the Group's operations into the 
further development of the business. 
Current trading and Prospects 
The underlying businesses of IFR, all of which operate in defensive European 
markets, continue to perform well and in line with management's expectation. The 
Directors' expect to take advantage of consolidation opportunities as they arise 
and believe that the strengthening of the Group's balance sheet via 
the transfer of preferred shares to ordinary equity will assist this strategy 
and reduce future cash outflow. 
Annual Report and Accounts 
The Group announces that printed copies of its Annual Report and Accounts for 
the year ended 31 December 2008 will posted to Shareholders later today, 
together with the Notice of the Annual General Meeting ("AGM") and accompanying 
Form of Proxy. An electronic copy of these documents will be available from 
the Company's website at www.ifrcapital.eu as of today and is also available 
free of charge for at least another month from the registered office of IFR. 
The Group's Annual General Meeting will be held at the Hilton Park Hotel 
Nicosia, Griva Dighenis Avenue, Nicosia, Cyprus at 10.00 am on 16 June 2009. 
IFR Capital PLC 
Consolidated Income Statement 
for the year ended 31 December 2008 
|                                   |         |              2008 |  |             2007 | 
|                                   | Note    |            EUR'000s |  |           EUR'000s | 
|                                   |         |                   |  |                  | 
| Revenue                           |         |           758,546 |  |          476,634 | 
| Changes in inventories            |         |               423 |  |          (1,467) | 
| Other operating income            |         |            29,095 |  |           13,596 | 
| Cost of materials                 |         |         (430,348) |  |        (220,812) | 
| Personnel expenses                |         |         (182,245) |  |        (133,698) | 
| Depreciation and amortisation     |         |          (28,729) |  |         (20,484) | 
| Impairment losses                 |         |          (42,164) |  |          (1,143) | 
| Other operating expenses          |         |         (135,400) |  |         (95,070) | 
|                                   |         |                   |  |                  | 
| Profit / (loss) from operations   |         |          (30,822) |  |           17,556 | 
| Finance income                    |         |               899 |  |            3,436 | 
| Finance costs                     |         |          (46,659) |  |         (22,189) | 
|                                   |         |                   |  |                  | 
| Loss before income taxes          |         |          (76,582) |  |          (1,197) | 
| Income tax credit / (expense)     |         |             4,414 |  |           15,782 | 
| Profit / (loss) for the period    |         |          (72,168) |  |           14,585 | 
|                                   |         |                   |  |                  | 
| Attributable to:                  |         |                   |  |                  | 
|    - Equity holders of the parent |         |          (72,168) |  |           14,585 | 
|    - Minority interests           |         |                   |  |                  | 
|                                   |         |                 - |  |                - | 
|                                   |         |          (72,168) |  |           14,585 | 
|                                   |         |                   |  |                  | 
| Earnings / (loss) per share:      | 1       |                   |  |                  | 
| basic/diluted for profit / (loss) |         |                   |  |                  | 
| for the period                    |         |                   |  |                  | 
| attributable to ordinary          |         |                   |  |                  | 
| equity holders of the parent      |         |            (0.32) |  |             0.07 | 
IFR Capital PLC 
Consolidated Balance Sheet as of 31 December 2008 
|                                   |         |         2008 |  |        2007 | 
|                                   | Note    |       EUR'000s |  |      EUR'000s | 
|                                   |         |              |  |             | 
| ASSETS                            |         |              |  |             | 
|                                   |         |              |  |             | 
| Non-current assets                |         |              |  |             | 
| Property, plant and equipment     | 2       |      130,390 |  |     106,551 | 
| Intangible assets                 | 3       |      449,164 |  |     480,933 | 
| Other financial assets            |         |          432 |  |         432 | 
| Other assets                      |         |        2,324 |  |       2,595 | 
|                                   |         |      582,310 |  |     590,511 | 
|                                   |         |              |  |             | 
| Current assets                    |         |              |  |             | 
| Inventories                       |         |       31,253 |  |      19,149 | 
| Trade receivables                 |         |       18,152 |  |      20,170 | 
| Other financial assets            |         |       29,230 |  |      17,631 | 
| Other assets                      |         |        4,579 |  |       1,219 | 
| Cash and cash equivalents         |         |       21,182 |  |      22,455 | 
|                                   |         |      104,396 |  |      80,624 | 
|                                   |         |      686,706 |  |     671,135 | 
| EQUITY AND LIABILITIES            |         |              |  |             | 
|                                   |         |              |  |             | 
| Equity                            |         |              |  |             | 
| Issued capital                    |         |        2,228 |  |       2,228 | 
| Share premium                     |         |      213,229 |  |     213,229 | 
| Other reserves                    |         |           95 |  |        (14) | 
| Retained earnings / (losses)      |         |     (53,566) |  |      16,761 | 
|                                   |         |      161,986 |  |     232,204 | 
| Non-current liabilities           |         |              |  |             | 
| Interest-bearing loans and        | 4       |      157,683 |  |     166,301 | 
| borrowings                        |         |              |  |             | 
| Pension provisions and similar    |         |       57,652 |  |      60,488 | 
| obligations                       |         |              |  |             | 
| Other provisions                  |         |       12,335 |  |      12,138 | 
| Other financial liabilities       |         |      122,729 |  |      49,281 | 
| Deferred tax liabilities          |         |       59,005 |  |      59,810 | 
|                                   |         |      409,404 |  |     348,018 | 
| Current liabilities               |         |              |  |             | 
| Interest-bearing loans and        | 4       |        6,819 |  |       1,638 | 
| borrowings                        |         |              |  |             | 
| Other provisions                  |         |       19,644 |  |      23,634 | 
| Trade payables                    |         |       58,898 |  |      44,054 | 
| Other financial liabilities       |         |        1,828 |  |       4,468 | 
| Other liabilities                 |         |       26,933 |  |      16,594 | 
| Income tax liabilities            |         |        1,194 |  |         525 | 
|                                   |         |      115,316 |  |      90,913 | 
| Total liabilities                 |         |      524,720 |  |     438,931 | 
|                                   |         |              |  |             | 
| TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES      |         |      686,706 |  |     671,135 | 
IFR Capital PLC 
Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity 
for the year ended 31 December 2008 
|                               |         |         |          | Retained  |          | 
|                               |         |         |          | Earnings/ |          | 
|                               |         |         |          | (Losses)  |          | 
|                               |         |         |          | EUR'000s    |          | 
+-------------------------------+---------+---------+----------+           +----------+ 
|                               | Issued  | Share   | Other    |           | Total    | 
|                               | Captial | Premium | Reserves |           | Equity   | 
|                               | EUR'000s  | EUR'000s  | EUR'000s   |           | EUR'000s   | 
|                               |         |         |          |           |          | 
+-------------------------------+         +         +          +           +          + 
|                               |         |         |          |           |          | 
+-------------------------------+         +         +          +           +          + 
|                               |         |         |          |           |          | 
| As of 1 January 2007          |   1,350 | 126,324 |        - |     (386) |  127,288 | 
| Foreign currency translation  |       - |       - |     (14) |         - |     (14) | 
| Actuarial gains               |       - |       - |        - |     2,562 |    2,562 | 
| Net income and expense        |         |         |          |           |          | 
| recognized                    |       - |       - |     (14) |     2,562 |    2,548 | 
|  directly in equity           |         |         |          |           |          | 
| Consolidated profit for the   |       - |       - |        - |    14,585 |   14,585 | 
| period                        |         |         |          |           |          | 
| Total reorganised income and  |         |         |          |           |          | 
| expense                       |       - |       - |     (14) |    17,147 |   17,133 | 
|  for the period               |         |         |          |           |          | 
| Issue of share capital        |     878 |  86,905 |        - |         - |   87,783 | 
| As of 31 December 2007        |   2,228 | 213,229 |     (14) |    16,761 |  232,204 | 
|                               |         |         |          |           |          | 
| As of 1 January 2008          |   2,228 | 213,229 |     (14) |    16,761 |  232,204 | 
| Foreign currency translation  |       - |       - |      109 |         - |      109 | 
| Cashflow hedges               |       - |       - |        - |     (378) |    (378) | 
| Actuarial gains               |       - |       - |        - |     2,219 |    2,219 | 
| Net income and expense        |         |         |          |           |          | 
| recognised                    |       - |       - |      109 |     1,841 |    1,950 | 
|   directly in equity          |         |         |          |           |          | 
| Consolidated profit for the   |       - |       - |        - |  (72,168) | (72,168) | 
| period                        |         |         |          |           |          | 
| Total reorganised income and  |         |         |          |           |          | 
| expense                       |       - |       - |      109 |  (70,327) | (70,218) | 
|  for the period               |         |         |          |           |          | 
| As of 31 December 2008        |   2,228 | 213,229 |       95 |  (53,566) |  161,986 | 
IFR Capital PLC 
Consolidated Cash Flow Statement 
for the year ended 31 December 2008 
|                                                     |      |       2008 |  |        2007 | 
|                                                     | Note |     EUR'000s |  |      EUR'000s | 
|                                                     |      |            |  |             | 
| Cash flows from operating activities                |      |            |  |             | 
| Loss before income tax                              |      |   (76,582) |  |     (1,197) | 
| Adjustments to reconcile loss before tax to net     |      |            |  |             | 
| cash flows                                          |      |            |  |             | 
| Non-cash                                            |      |            |  |             | 
| Depreciation and impairment of property, plant and  |      |            |  |             | 
| equipment                                           |      |     70,893 |  |      21,627 | 
|  and intangible assets                              |      |            |  |             | 
| Gain on disposals of property, plant and equipment  |      |      (100) |  |         251 | 
| Movement in provisions, pensions and similar        |      |   (12,380) |  |     (5,489) | 
| obligations                                         |      |            |  |             | 
| Excess of acquirer's interest in the net fair value |      |    (8,976) |  |           - | 
| of acquiree's                                       |      |            |  |             | 
| identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent     |      |            |  |             | 
| liabilities over cost                               |      |            |  |             | 
| Working capital adjustments                         |      |            |  |             | 
| Increase (-)/decrease (+) of trade receivables      |      |     20,999 |  |       2,512 | 
| Increase (-)/decrease (+) of inventories            |      |      1,422 |  |     (1,097) | 
| Increase (-)/decrease (+) of other receivables      |      |   (13,295) |  |         211 | 
| Increase (+)/decrease (-) of trade payables and     |      |     12,581 |  |     (4,198) | 
| other payables                                      |      |            |  |             | 
| Interest income                                     |      |      (899) |  |     (3,436) | 
| Interest expense                                    |      |     46,659 |  |      22,189 | 
| Income tax paid                                     |      |      (224) |  |       (199) | 
| Cash flows from operating activities                |      |     40,098 |  |      31,174 | 
|                                                     |      |            |  |             | 
| Cash flows from investing activities                |      |            |  |             | 
| Proceeds from disposals of property, plant and      |      |      5,535 |  |          36 | 
| equipment                                           |      |            |  |             | 
| Purchase of property, plant and equipment           |      |   (20,840) |  |    (23,079) | 
| Purchase of intangible assets                       |      |      (980) |  |       (645) | 
| Acquisition of subsidiaries, net of cash acquired   |      |   (27,949) |  |    (94,293) | 
| Interest received                                   |      |        863 |  |       3,515 | 
| Cash flows from investing activities                |      |   (43,371) |  |   (114,466) | 
|                                                     |      |            |  |             | 
| Cash flows from financing activities                |      |            |  |             | 
| Proceeds from the issue of shares                   |      |          - |  |           - | 
| Proceeds from the issue of preference shares        |      |     50,000 |  |      48,200 | 
| Repayments of loans and other short or long-term    |      |   (29,607) |  |    (17,521) | 
| borrowings                                          |      |            |  |             | 
| Payment of finance lease liabilities                |      |    (1,125) |  |       (650) | 
| Interest and transaction costs paid                 |      |   (17,377) |  |    (25,126) | 
| Cash flows from financing activities                |      |      1,891 |  |       4,903 | 
|                                                     |      |            |  |             | 
| Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash            |      |    (1,382) |  |    (78,389) | 
| equivalents                                         |      |            |  |             | 
| Net foreign exchange differrence                    |      |        109 |  |        (14) | 
| Cash and cash equivalents at 1 January 2008         |      |     22,455 |  |     100,858 | 
| Cash and cash equivalents at 31 December 2008       |      |     21,182 |  |      22,455 | 
IFR Capital PLC 
Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements 
for the year ended 31 December 2008 
1. Earnings / Loss per Share 
Basic earnings/loss per share are calculated by dividing profit/loss for the 
period attributable to ordinary equity holders of the parent by the weighted 
average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the year. 
Diluted earnings/loss per share amounts are calculated by dividing the 
profit/loss attributable to ordinary equity holders of the parent by the 
weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the year plus the 
weighted average number of ordinary shares that would be issued on the 
conversion of all the dilutive potential ordinary shares into ordinary shares. 
The table below shows the calculation of basic earnings/loss per share which is 
identical to the diluted earnings per share. 
|                                           |                2008    |     |                2007  | 
|                                           |                EUR'000s  |     |              EUR'000s  | 
|                                           |                        |     |                      | 
|          (Loss) / profit attributable to  |               (72,168) |     |               14,585 | 
|          equity holders of the parent     |                        |     |                      | 
|                                           |                2008   |     |                2007   | 
|                                           |                '000s  |     |                '000s  | 
|                                           |                       |     |                       | 
|          Weighted average number of       |               222,783 |     |               222,008 | 
|          ordinary shares for              |                       |     |                       | 
|          basic/diluted earnings/loss per  |                       |     |                       | 
|          share                            |                       |     |                       | 
2. Property, Plant and Equipment 
| Financial year 2008         |      Land |     Plant | Furniture |  Prepayments |    Total | 
|                             |       and |       and |       and |          and |   EUR'000s | 
|                             | Buildings | machinery |  fixtures |       assets |          | 
|                             |    EUR'000s |    EUR'000s |    EUR'000s |        under |          | 
|                             |           |           |           | construction |          | 
|                             |           |           |           |       EUR'000s |          | 
|                             |           |           |           |              |          | 
| Cost                        |           |           |           |              |          | 
| As of 1 January 2008        |    42,559 |    69,183 |   218,968 |          842 |  331,552 | 
| Acquisitions of             |    13,402 |    39,735 |     7,618 |        2,753 |   63,508 | 
| subsidiaries                |           |           |           |              |          | 
| Additions                   |       559 |     8,177 |     6,391 |        7,800 |   22,927 | 
| Reclassifications           |         2 |       702 |     7,001 |      (7,705) |        - | 
| Disposals                   |   (7,187) |   (1,034) |  (19,617) |            - | (27,838) | 
| As at 31 December 2008      |    49,335 |   116,763 |   220,361 |        3,690 |  390,149 | 
| Accumulated depreciation    |           |           |           |              |          | 
| As of 1 January 2008        |    11,041 |    36,267 |   177,693 |            - |  225,001 | 
| Acquisitions of             |     2,019 |    25,963 |     6,376 |            - |   34,358 | 
| subsidiaries                |           |           |           |              |          | 
| Depreciation and impairment |           |           |           |              |          | 
| in the                      |     2,496 |     7,201 |    13,141 |            - |   22,838 | 
|    Financial year           |           |           |           |              |          | 
| Disposals                   |   (3,155) |     (815) |  (18,468) |            - | (22,438) | 
| As of 31 December 2008      |    12,401 |    68,616 |   178,742 |            - |  259,759 | 
| Carrying amounts            |           |           |           |              |          | 
| As of 1 January 2008        |    31,518 |    32,916 |    41,275 |          842 |  106,551 | 
| As of 31 December 2008      |    36,934 |    48,147 |    41,619 |        3,690 |  130,390 | 
| Financial year 2007         |      Land |     Plant | Furniture |  Prepayments |    Total | 
|                             |       and |       and |       and |          and |   EUR'000s | 
|                             | Buildings | machinery |  fixtures |       assets |          | 
|                             |    EUR'000s |    EUR'000s |    EUR'000s |        under |          | 
|                             |           |           |           | construction |          | 
|                             |           |           |           |       EUR'000s |          | 
|                             |           |           |           |              |          | 
| Cost                        |           |           |           |              |          | 
| As of 1 January 2007        |         - |         - |         - |            - |        - | 
| Acquisitions of             |    42,279 |    64,511 |   215,119 |        2,747 |  324,656 | 
| subsidiaries                |           |           |           |              |          | 
| Additions                   |       613 |     3,844 |    17,882 |          740 |   23,079 | 
| Reclassifications           |       217 |     1,632 |       540 |      (2,645) |    (256) | 
| Disposals                   |     (550) |     (804) |  (14,573) |            - | (15,927) | 
| As of 31 December 2007      |    42,559 |    69,183 |   218,968 |          842 |  331,552 | 
| Accumulated depreciation    |           |           |           |              |          | 
| As of 1 January 2007        |         - |         - |         - |            - |        - | 
| Acquisitions of             |    10,631 |    34,088 |   178,248 |            - |  222,967 | 
| subsidiaries                |           |           |           |              |          | 
| Depreciation and impairment |           |           |           |              |          | 
| in the                      |       960 |     2,976 |    13,739 |            - |   17,675 | 
|    Financial year           |           |           |           |              |          | 
| Disposals                   |     (550) |     (797) |  (14,294) |            - | (15,641) | 
| As of 31 December 2007      |    11,041 |    36,267 |   177,693 |            - |  225,001 | 
| Carrying amounts            |           |           |           |              |          | 
| As of 1 January 2007        |         - |         - |         - |            - |        - | 
| As of 31 December 2007      |    31,518 |    32,916 |    41,275 |          842 |  106,551 | 
3. Intangible Assets 
| Financial year 2008         | Goodwill |   Brands |  Customer |      Other |    Total | 
|                             |   EUR'000s |   EUR'000s |      base | Intangible |   EUR'000s | 
|                             |          |          |    EUR'000s |     assets |          | 
|                             |          |          |           |     EUR'000s |          | 
|                             |          |          |           |            |          | 
| Cost                        |          |          |           |            |          | 
| As of 1 January 2008        |  172,525 |  227,717 |    58,614 |     32,804 |  491,660 | 
| Acquisition of subsidiaries |        - |    2,900 |    12,000 |      1,938 |   16,838 | 
| Additions                   |        - |        - |         - |        980 |      980 | 
| Disposals                   |    (190) |        - |         - |      (454) |    (644) | 
| As of 31 December 2008      |  172,335 |  230,617 |    70,614 |     35,268 |  508,834 | 
| Amortisation and impairment |          |          |           |            |          | 
| As of 1 January 2008        |        - |        - |     1,465 |      9,262 |   10,727 | 
| Acquisition of subsidiaries |        - |        - |         - |      1,466 |    1,466 | 
| Amortisation in the         |        - |        - |     3,848 |      3,207 |    7,055 | 
| financial year              |          |          |           |            |          | 
| Impairment losses (**)      |   41,000 |        - |         - |          - |   41,000 | 
| Disposals                   |    (160) |        - |         - |      (418) |    (578) | 
| As of 31 December 2008      |   40,840 |        - |     5,313 |     13,517 |   59,670 | 
| Carrying amounts            |          |          |           |            |          | 
| As of 1 January 2008        |  172,525 |  227,717 |    57,149 |     23,542 |  480,933 | 
| As of 31 December 2008      |  131,495 |  230,617 |    65,301 |     21,751 |  449,164 | 
 (**) As a result of highly competitive market conditions and the high commodity 
prices impacting the cost of raw material inputs at the beginning of 2008, local 
management re-evaluated the prospective growth rates of the HOMANN business in 
line with IFRS accounting treatment and came to the conclusion that the 
estimations, particularly expected sales growth made on acquisition are not 
completely appropriate that this point in time. The Board's new assessment of 
future cash flows from the HOMANN business have resulted in Impairment to 
Goodwill allocated to HOMANN of EUR41.0 million. 
| Financial year 2007         | Goodwill |   Brands |  Customer |      Other |    Total | 
|                             |   EUR'000s |   EUR'000s |      base | Intangible |   EUR'000s | 
|                             |          |          |    EUR'000s |     assets |          | 
|                             |          |          |           |     EUR'000s |          | 
|                             |          |          |           |            |          | 
| Cost                        |          |          |           |            |          | 
| As of 1 January 2007        |        - |        - |         - |          - |        - | 
| Acquisition of subsidiaries |  172,525 |  227,717 |    58,614 |     32,052 |  490,908 | 
| Additions                   |        - |        - |         - |        645 |      645 | 
| Reclassifications           |        - |        - |         - |        256 |      256 | 
| Disposals                   |        - |        - |         - |      (149) |    (149) | 
| As of 31 December 2007      |  172,525 |  227,717 |    58,614 |     32,804 |  491,660 | 
| Amortisation and impairment |          |          |           |            |          | 
| As of 1 January 2007        |        - |        - |         - |          - |        - | 
| Acquisition of subsidiaries |        - |        - |         - |      6,922 |    6,922 | 
| Amortisation in the         |        - |        - |     1,465 |      2,487 |    3,952 | 
| financial year              |          |          |           |            |          | 
| Disposals                   |        - |        - |         - |      (147) |    (147) | 
| As of 31 December 2007      |        - |        - |     1,465 |      9,262 |   10,727 | 
| Carrying amounts            |          |          |           |            |          | 
| As of 1 January 2007        |        - |        - |         - |          - |        - | 
| As of 31 December 2007      |  172,525 |  227,717 |    57,149 |     23,542 |  480,933 | 
4. Interest Bearing Loans and Liabilities 
|                                  |           |              |         31 |         31 | 
|                                  |           |              |   December |   December | 
|                                  |           |              |       2008 |       2007 | 
|                                  |           |              |     EUR'000s |     EUR'000s | 
|                                  |           |              |            |            | 
| Non-current                      |           |              |    157,683 |    166,301 | 
| Current                          |           |              |      6,819 |      1,638 | 
|                                  |           |              |    164,502 |    167,939 | 
|                                  |           |              |            |            | 
|                                  | Effective |     Maturity |         31 |         31 | 
|                                  |  Interest |              |   December |   December | 
|                                  |    rate % |              |       2008 |       2007 | 
|                                  |           |              |     EUR'000s |     EUR'000s | 
|                                  |           |              |            |            | 
| Bank loans by ING                |           |              |            |            | 
| Senior facility A of EUR76,600k    |        1) |     Dec. 20, |     69,326 |     76,600 | 
|                                  |           |         2014 |            |            | 
| - interest accrued thereon       |           |              |          - |        165 | 
| Senior facility B of EUR38,500k    |        1) |     Dec. 20, |     36,754 |     38,500 | 
|                                  |           |         2015 |            |            | 
| - interest accrued thereon       |           |              |          - |         88 | 
| Senior facility C of EUR38,000k    |        1) |     Dec. 20, |     36,277 |     38,000 | 
|                                  |           |         2016 |            |            | 
| - interest accrued thereon       |           |              |          - |         93 | 
| Second lien facility D EUR21,900k  |        1) |     June 20, |     21,900 |     21,900 | 
|                                  |           |         2017 |            |            | 
| - interest accrued thereon       |           |              |          - |         85 | 
| Transaction costs directly attributable to the acquisition  |    (4,899) |    (7,492) | 
| of bank loans                                               |            |            | 
| Other Bank loans                 |           |              |            |            | 
| DKB KFW loans                    |        1) |     Dec. 30, |      3,068 |          - | 
|                                  |           |         2011 |            |            | 
| Sparkasse Osnabruck bridge loan  |           |              |      1,925 |          - | 
| Dresdner Bank loans              |        1) |     Sep. 30, |        151 |          - | 
|                                  |           |         2011 |            |            | 
|                                  |           |              |    164,502 |    167,939 | 
| Thereof due for repayment within |           |              |            |            | 
| one year                         |           |              |            |            | 
| Senior facility A of EUR76,600k    |           |              |      5,340 |      3,800 | 
| - interest accrued thereon       |           |              |          - |        165 | 
| Senior facility B of EUR38,500k    |           |              |          - |          - | 
| - interest accrued thereon       |           |              |          - |         88 | 
| Senior facility C of EUR38,000k    |           |              |          - |          - | 
| - interest accrued thereon       |           |              |          - |         93 | 
| Second lien facility D EUR21,900k  |           |              |          - |          - | 
| - interest accrued thereon       |           |              |          - |         85 | 
| Transaction costs directly attributable to the acquisition  |      (724) |    (2,593) | 
| of bank loans                                               |            |            | 
| Other bank loans                 |           |              |            |            | 
| DKB KFW loan                     |           |              |        236 |          - | 
| Sparkasse Osnabruck bridge loan  |           |              |      1,925 |          - | 
| Dresdner Bank loans              |           |              |         42 |          - | 
|                                  |           |              |      6,819 |      1,638 | 
  1.  The loans have various interest rates depending on maturities and rankings, 
  ranging from 5.22% to 10.97% 
The interest rates are determined on the basis of the three-month EURIBOR plus 
various margins. 
About IFR Capital PLC 
IFR is an acquisition platform targeting small and medium-sized businesses in 
the continental European food industry, within three sub-sectors: retail (mainly 
shops/restaurants), industry (wholesale and production) and distribution. 
IFR's business portfolio comprises the following companies: 
In January 2007, IFR acquired the entire share capital of Kamps Food Retail 
Investments SA, the holding company of NORDSEE GmbH ("NORDSEE"), Europe's 
largest fish restaurant chain and number one non-burger fast food chain in 
Germany and Austria. 
Homann / Hamker 
In June 2007, IFR acquired the entire share capital of Homann Chilled Food GmbH 
("Homann"), a German based producer of chilled food and convenience products 
whose product portfolio comprises chilled salads, dressings and sauces, chilled 
convenience and fish delicacies. 
In January 2008 IFR acquired the entire share capital of Hamker Lebensmittel 
Beteiligungs GmbH & Co. KG ("Hamker"). Hamker, a widely known food manufacturer 
located in Germany's Bad Essen and is an important player in the market for 
mayonnaise, ketchup, dressings, chilled salads and margarine, both in the food 
retailing and discount distribution channels. 
In May 2007 IFR acquired Bastian's GmbH ("Bastian's"), a premium lifestyle 
bakery, which offers a wide range of freshly made bread, cakes, and other bakery 
products as well as a large variety of meals, snacks, coffee and teas. 
This information is provided by RNS 
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange 

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