4 years ago
Looks set for a run 20yr's on the graph recover 12$ in two, three weeks time...IMO
Might even be a run away low AS...IMO
5,10,15,20 years on the Graph... Naked covers? Anyone
Heard 5yr alright, 10yr better, 15yr alright, and 20yr even better...IMO
4 years ago
Let me make this even easier for you, Bro. When anyone simply types-into Google's IMAGES Search Engine the phrase, "ENEMY OF MARK LEVIN", Google produces my classic SPOOF of Levine's penultimate BOOK --- namely, "Rediscovering Americanism" --- one of the most USELESS tomes in the History of this Planet!!! (MY mockery of his book can be seen in the SECOND ROW down. THAT's ME, Bro!! WHO are YOU????????? Spiritually speaking, that is. What side of the war against the 'United States of HYPOCRISY' are you on??? And yet MORE of my spoofs of LEVIN are directly to the RIGHT of the above-noted spoof, plus on-down-the-line of Google's production.)
4 years ago
I wish MARK LEVINE --- the GODZILLA of the Republican RADICAL Right Wing --- had gone the way of his Constitutional-PUKE-ist buddy, Rush Limbaugh!!! Remember when Rush proclaimed that Covid-19 was merely the "COMMON COLD"??? Well, Mr. Limbaugh, you croaked of the 'COMMON LUNG CANCER', you fricken' SLOBBER-Conservative!!! Excuse me, I meant to say UBER-Conservative!!! I despise the HYPER-RIGHT-RING!!
JUST TWO (LINKS) TO MY GLORIOUS (ANTI-RIGHT) STUFF!!! But DON'T mis-interpret my stuff!!! Some may seem anti-LEFT, but NONE are of that nature. NOBODY does 'PhotoShop' like I do!!! GO-GO-GO-Joe-BIDEN, et al.!!!!!
"Old Donald DUMP-Truck went to Washington to CLEAN-OUT-THE-SWAMP!! But ironically, he became the --- shall we say --- CREATURE-FROM-THE-WHITE-LAGOON!!! Causing the DEATH of (CIRCA) SEVEN Peeps over there --- TWO via suicide, thereafter!!!"
4 years ago
PRVU!! INSANE score yesterday, Dudes!!! The heck with what's 'HIS' name, Peeps! What's MY name!!! "Up/DownTrader" and, I went UP yesterday on PRVU to the tune of (CIRCA) $87,000 profit in ONE frickin' day!!! (INSANE stuff, the OTC!!!) Check the POSTS here, Bros! WHO posted FIRST, yesterday??? ME!!! HA-HA-HA!!! And ya-all thought I was just being SILLY????? I was in there for HOURS, until at least 'EZMoney' finally showed-up. And where the frick were you, 'Garyst'??? Oh, well!
"BALLER" profits!!! (Thanks 'EZMoney' for THAT one! HA-HA-HA!!)
What's MY name, Road-Dogs!!!!