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First Mining Gold Corp

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Implanting Implanting 3 hours ago
Let's hope and pray this legislation gets passed into law. As poorly run as this government is run now, imagine what fraud and corruption would be unleashed with CBDC. It would be a total fiasco.
No CBDC is a big hit to the Elites' agenda.
TexasMarvL TexasMarvL 5 hours ago
Got an email from First Mining this morning.The $5 million from First Majestic is in the bank.
TexasMarvL TexasMarvL 7 hours ago
However, the bottom line is that First Mining has 2 large projects that exceed 5 million ("measured and indicated") ounces each.  I think that is generally pretty rare.
For example, I have been following New Found Gold. NFGC for a few months.  What was unique to me about NFGC is all of the visible gold at the surface.   Right there on top of the ground embedded in the rocks.  
However, NFGC  just came out with their initial measured and indicated estimate. For me it was was actually pretty difficult to decipher the total ounces.  NFGC stick price has been destroyed in the last month and the last year.  Absolutely destroyed.
First Mining stock price has been destroyed by dilution.  The projects exist.  The gold in the ground is measured and indicated.   The gold exists.  The final EA has been submitted for Springpole.   The Springpole project has 15000 pages of designs and information. 
Projects may face fewer hurdles in the future.  Apparently true.   However, any gold production company will need to perform their own  independent studies of the projects before they sink Millions and billions into a purchase. 
Even a project that looks so promising based on the visible gold on top of the ground might not contain enough gold to actually build a profitable project.  Gold mining can be a weird business at times.  A hundred yards east or west is sometimes the difference between real gold and just a pile of dirt.  So weird.
Implanting Implanting 21 hours ago
Yeah, I think you're raising a valid point about most likely other projects getting permitted much faster than we have. If you recall from many of Dan's past interviews, he always says that there are only a FEW projects in the works now that are where we are with Springpole, effectively fewer projects for the big boys to choose from.

That may be up until now when they begin deregulating the process. This action could in some ways hurt us. When Dan gets his shit together, he should have a webinar and let everyone know where we stand. Bring on Steve Lines, as our resident expert, and tell us what's happening.

No one in the mining industry moves very fast. Like molasses in the cold Canadian winter.

P.S.: Paul didn't deny to me that there WOULDN'T be another share dilution.
ZenDomain85 ZenDomain85 22 hours ago
With this de-regulation comes more competition for Springpole etc..(new projects will not have to go through such a long process). Perhaps on the plus side it means less work for Duparquet. It seems FFMGF has fared worse than other similar companies and miners in general - thanks in no small part to the massive dilution. And if Dan can help it - we will have more dilution soon enough.
Implanting Implanting 1 day ago
Gold should stay elevated if the war in Ukraine continues. This article is talking about that possibly happening.
Implanting Implanting 1 day ago
I would have thought Dan might have already been out in front of these changes coming for mine permitting and the like, after all that should be this Company's highest priority. Steve Lines should have known and appraised Dan IMO, not concerned shareholders.

I don't know how Carney's proclamation to move ahead quicker with these measures mean for the place we are currently with Springpole in the process? We may be far enough along that it might not matter much to us anyway.

When Paul comes back to me, I'll share the news here.
TommyJ7651 TommyJ7651 1 day ago
Thanks. Will be interesting to see what Dan has to say about it. I am 100% confident both Springpole and Duparquet will be viewed as strategic assets not only by the industry but by the government itself. If they will be able to speed things up on these assets permitting wise then we could be looking at a much faster re-rating of our share price.
Implanting Implanting 2 days ago
For inquiring minds to know. I forwarded the Carney article to Paul H. in IR and he in turn has forwarded it on to Dan. I DON'T think they had discussed it or maybe even knew about it yet. I know Paul didn't, Dan MAY have. I'm not sure.

Paul said he would find out from Dan if that might affect how Springpole is looked at now. He said he would get back with me on what Dan uncovers.
Implanting Implanting 2 days ago
I just heard on the news that Carney is coming out now with plans to make car parts in Canada as to by-pass parts coming in from the U.S. This is more tariff/trade war speak. I believe the libs in Canada are trying to shift the voters there to vote for them because of what Trump has been doing with all his talk and bluster concerning Canada. IMO Trump is most likely hurting the conservative cause in Canada, I just hope the people up there have had enough of the far-left agenda and are willing to still vote conservative.

I know that every mining advocate in Canada and the world wants that to happen too.
Implanting Implanting 2 days ago
This move by Carney and the liberals in Canada IMO see the handwriting on the wall. As the election there gets closer, the Libs are sounding more like Conservatives. Government that actually works for the people and not for the Bureaucracy. What Carney seems to be articulating NOW is what they should have been doing from day one. Springpole might have been permitted years ago if they had not been hampering the process.

Why haven't the libs understood this up until now? My guess is that this is a Hail-Mary attempt to garner some votes. Canada needs the money and the jobs but people like Trudope could care less about that. His agenda is more important.
SeaBlue SeaBlue 2 days ago
Wow, great news! Thanks for posting it. Also found the discussion of the First Mile fund to be fantastic in addition to scraping federal review. Could the First Mile fund be used to provide funding for the road to Cat Lake? Interesting....and certainly not what I was expecting from Carney.
Implanting Implanting 3 days ago
That would appear to be very good news. WTF took them so long?

I'll answer my own question. They're having to do it because they need to get revenue going. Canada's in bad financial shape and they HAVE to get the ball rolling on these projects like Springpole to stay afloat. Now all of a sudden they're cutting the red tape and regulations to get these projects moving faster. About time!

Does that mean Springpole gets the final EA permitting ahead of time? Maybe.
His talk may just be talk, let's see if it really happens.
Implanting Implanting 3 days ago
I don't think the bottom is in on our share price yet. The way Paul spoke the other day to me, we're going to be waiting for the mining sector to turn up before we see any love in the share price. When that happens is anyone's guess.

That's what I got from our conversation anyway. My theory that we might get a deal before a sector up turn might not be happening. We just continue to wait......
Implanting Implanting 3 days ago
So, chat about FMG. What have you got to say that brings something of value here? Have at it.
ZenDomain85 ZenDomain85 3 days ago
You could always lead by example. Unfortunately, I think letting us know that nothing has changed and we are struggling to stay above .10 becomes repetitive. So until there is something worthy to discuss about FFMGF there is only the macro picture to contemplate.
TexasMarvL TexasMarvL 3 days ago
Is this just election talk?  
Canada’s federal government will permit major infrastructure and mining projects with provincial and territorial approvals alone, Prime Minister Mark Carney said Friday evening after meeting with the country’s 13 premiers.
TurboMountain96 TurboMountain96 3 days ago
Can we keep this chat about FMG
Implanting Implanting 3 days ago
This is a VERY complicated interview, but worth the listen. Eric Y. explains how the cluster-fuck that is the Comex and LBMA scam works for the Banksters.

Yet, just another scheme that makes the rich, richer and the rest of us bag holders

Implanting Implanting 3 days ago
Yes, well said. Almost no one knows about the origins and dealings of the Fed. They'll certainly never be revealed by them. The public doesn't even really know how they operate NOW.

I too was especially appalled at the brazen measures that governments around the world took to quell people's rights when it came to Covid, but just like where the true origins of Covid came from, all of it was swept under the rug. People have no real personal freedoms anymore IMO.

Didn't know that about Stanley Kubrick Interesting.
Nsnz33 Nsnz33 3 days ago
The federal reserve is a private company registered in Delaware that belongs to the Rothschild Zionist Jewish family, and it’s through the fed and all the other central banks in the world how and why THEY control and own planet earth, why 95% of Hollywood is owned by THEM, why our government is owned by them (both left and the right), why porn is owned by them, why all the media outlets are owned by them, all of big tech. Everything.

Henry Ford
Marlon Brando
Mel Gibson
John F Kennedy
Bobby Fischer
Stanley Kubrick
Kanye West
Dan Bilzerian

These are just some of the names who call them out for the evil wicked blights to planet earth that they are. Is everyone a crazy demented racist or is there a pattern here?

Why is the fed or central banks in general bad? Especially when they’re in the hands of people whose guiding principles are pure evil? Because even if you gave a normal decent person the private legal right to printing money, 99% (I’m discounting the 1% benign altruist Marcus Aurelius types), they would inevitably use that power for personal gain (why wouldn’t want a Ferrari and a swanky mansion with money they didn’t have to work to earn and just clicked “print” to make) and that’s why central banking is an inherently evil idea ESPECIALLY when in the hands of people who were evil and depraved wicked psychopaths to begin with.

Like Stephen Milford Goodson said in “The history of central banking and the enslavement of mankind” (an excellent banned book that expands on what the creature from Jekyll island talks about which is very limited in scope), the only solution is to restore the power to print money to the people aka the state backed by a solid constitution and government with checks and balances and a society with a strong moral fiber as it was in the 1950s and prior, which is what these jewish banksters worked and masterminded tirelessly and meticulously to erode via the education system (which they own), the governments (which they own), the corporations (which they own), porn (which they own / owner of ONLY FANS is a Jew, owner of pornhub is a Jew), the list goes on.

And make no mistake about it, and this is coming from a 2016 and 2020 Trump voter (I voted for nobody in 2024), Trump along with Musk and Vance and beyond is their puppet. If the fed gets abolished, it is only because Rothschild willed it and because it is a chess move by them which means its replacement will be just as bad or worse.

Central banks have granted these satanists $1000 trillion in stolen gold and wealth, all ill gotten of course, and with that kind of money you are effectively a god and can do whatever you want, which is what they have been doing for 100+ years since the fed’s inception in 1913 and 200+ years since the inception of the “bank of England” which was the precursor to the federal reserve and the world’s very first central bank.

Communism, feminism, trans, Covid, 9/11, USS Liberty are all their creations and manufactured events. False flags > pretense > pass laws and start wars under said false pretense that take away more freedoms while further devaluing the currency of that country. Killing 2 birds with 1 stone.

Stanley Kubrick tried to expose “them” in Eyes Wide Shut (watch that movie as a documentary instead of entertainment) and he died of a “heart attack” 5 days after he screened the movie to Hollywood execs.

Once you learn the truth, the real truth about this world, it’s horrifying and it disheartens you beyond imagination. Even those with the strongest of stomachs can’t weather the agony of realization and connecting the dots. It’s a lot deeper than this, I’m just touching on the tip of the iceberg, but the truth is it’s too late. We are at the final stages of their one world government plans and the masses are too dumbed down, brainwashed, cowardly, and stupid to do anything about it. Look at how fast and easily most did as they were told during COVID.
Implanting Implanting 4 days ago
That article I posted just gave reasons the Fed and central banks don't work and should be replaced. If you want to be educated about the Fed and central banks I suggest you read the book the "Creature from Jekyll Island" that gives a good overview of how the Fed was actually formed and created years ago.

The Fed and central banks are nothing more than a group of unelected banksters that TRY and run the monetary system. It works fine for them and their cronies, but not so well for the rest of us. The System doesn't have to be run by these people and can run like a free-market economy should be run. Let interest rates rise and fall unencumbered, not by what the Banksters dictate it should be. Let the free-market economy work the way it did BEFORE the Fed was even created. That's inherently the problem we have in this country anyway. Everyone thinks these government run agencies are the solution to our problems and they're not. They're really the problem.

Currently, they control how the monetary system works, what part of that idea is free and equitable for everyone.? These people are unelected bureaucrats that look after themselves and their cronies. If they audited the Fed, my guess is they would make these other horror stories Musk is finding now pale in comparison.

I hope Trump does something to either replace the Fed or overhaul it completely. They're not transparent or accountable to anyone. What part of that is good?

The article I posted just gave good reasons why the Fed hasn't worked and should be abolished. That would be very clear to you if you educated yourself on how they were formed and to whom they really serve. It's NOT the American people.
TexasMarvL TexasMarvL 5 days ago
I honestly didn't learn very much about the FED from this article.   It just seemed like 19 reasons of rambling nonsense.  I don't support an unelected branch of government that has no oversight or accountability from the elected government.  I don't support the FED.  
Abolish the FED and then what?  I'm not smart enough to even think about these things.  But in the last 120 years, we have seen incredible progress in manufacturing and farming and medicine and technology.  Energy, Electricity, communications,  cars, airplanes.  Literally everything has become more affordable based on an hour of pay in the last 120 years.  The basic standards of living are better now for most people than it was 120 years ago.  I had grandparents survive the great depression trying to scratch enough food out of the dust bowl just to survive.  As a child my mother worked a job at a bowling alley setting the pins up manually.  This is just one insane example of the simple things we take for granted today.
Obviously there has been a rapid erosion in the affordability of living in the US over the past 10 or 20 years.  That's a big problem and probably a big bubble that needs to pop.
I'm not defending the FED.  The national debt is at crisis levels.  I just don't know how to measure success or failure for 120 years with such a narrow definition.   
Some of the charts Tavi Costa puts out seem to indicate most of our problems with debt and the destruction of the US Dollar are more directly the result of leaving the gold standard.  Seems like 97% of buying power lost in the last 50 years.
I'm not sure the FED can be abolished without also replacing the Dollar with some other form of currency.  I don't have any answers.  Nothing makes sense.   Even gold is too heavy to carry in your pocket.
However everything requires affordable energy and affordable power.  If we lose affordable energy and affordable power, we will go back to the days of manually setting up the pins in a bowling alley.  Nothing is possible without affordable energy and power.  Nothing.

Implanting Implanting 5 days ago
Here's another really good Peter Boockvar interview. IMO this Guy really gets what's going on and is smart enough to see behind the curtain to determine what's coming. He's been bullish on gold for a while now and still recommends it. He sees slower spending that will most likely lead to a recession. I agree with that view.

Implanting Implanting 5 days ago
Excellent article and exactly why the Fed needs to be abolished.
Implanting Implanting 1 week ago
So, they obviously knew there was something in the works with the Osisko/Goldfields deal. I'm thinking they may be doing the same here with us. It HAS to be a good sign if nothing else.

They also seem to be heavily involved in the resource sector.
👍 1
Implanting Implanting 1 week ago
I'm not completely sure, but I believe this is them buying. Paul M. mentioned them to me in our conversation and he spoke highly of them also. I had never heard of them of prior to his mentioning them to me.

Maybe this is a good sign moving forward that they're accumulating shares.
overbore overbore 1 week ago
Haywood is a stock brocker in Canada. They have helped facilitate US investors participate in the private placement events First Mining has offered. It becomes complicated with the legend removal of the warrants and they make it very easy. I've used them and would highly recommend. Very curious if this is them or one of their investors. If that's even possible?
TexasMarvL TexasMarvL 1 week ago
Haywood Capital bought Osisko maybe 15 or 20 times.  I lost count.  I wonder what percentage of Osisko they owned by the time it sold?
TexasMarvL TexasMarvL 1 week ago
Haywood Capital bought Osisko at least 3 times.Page 8, 9 and 10 of their website.
Maybe first time is Golden for their purchase of First Mining. 
TexasMarvL TexasMarvL 1 week ago
Nice find.  Thanks for sharing. Kept scrolling back a few more pages.Haywood Capital purchased 32.2 million shares of Osisko in February 2023 (just 3 months prior to the $600 million 50% acquisition of Osisko by Gold Fields).  The next chapter to the story was the August 2024 $2.2 Billion acquisition of the remaining 50% of Osisko by Gold Fields.
I sure hope Haywood Capital catches lightning a second time with First Mining.  
Osisko purchase:02/28/2023Private Placement
SYNDICATEC$100,006,00032.2 Million Units
Implanting Implanting 1 week ago
I see here where Haywood Capital bought into one of the company public offerings back in September 2024. Looks like they bought almost 58 million shares. Go to page 3 to see it.
👍 1
Implanting Implanting 1 week ago
Thought Haywood Capital might have the note about FMG on their website. Paul read me they had a .65 target on our shares and had good things to say about us. This was all I found. Their link just goes back to our website.
👍 1
Implanting Implanting 1 week ago
Another thing I forgot to post. Paul was talking about Duparquet and told me something I haven't heard Dan speak to.

It would seem now that their focus is for the money resources on finding more gold on that property and not to do a starter mine there. I didn't ask him why, but I suppose with limited money, finding more gold is a bigger priority. Just my guess.
👍 1
Implanting Implanting 1 week ago
I just got through talking to Paul Morris in IR.

I had a short list of questions for him, I'll share here. I asked him about if they expect to do any further share dilution going forward and he couldn't say NO to me that it wouldn't happen, but we did agree that our share price needed to go higher for further dilution to happen. More dilution down at this depressed share price doesn't make any sense. I'm hopeful they will continue to tread water with deals done like FM without further dilution until our share price is much higher. That may be wishful thinking.

I asked about First Nations and final Springpole permitting approval. Dan has said more than once that EA approval at Springpole would be by year end. Paul told me that is HOPEFULLY when it happens. I asked Paul about how the final permitting and FN's study would work if the fed's permitting was given before they gave their approval? He again told me that those are two separate issues and that they thought when the EA permitting was approved that FN's would give their approval too. He told me he shmoozed some of them at PDAC and took them out to dinner. A good time was had by all. IMO the FN study is mostly for Them and their lawyers to get a wish-list of things to have for their final approval.

I also asked about news on any potential deals being done. I thought his response was interesting. I think they want to see our share price move quite a bit higher from current levels before they entertain any potential deals getting done. That makes some sense, but the ONLY catalyst that will make that happen is for money to come back into the mining sector. How much longer will that take is the big question to be answered. How high does our share price need to climb before Keith would entertain a deal getting done? That may be a good question for Keith to answer.

He told me FMG is being covered now by another institutional outfit with a very good reputation in
the industry. Haywood Capital.

Overall good conversation, but often what I hear Paul tell me is NOT exactly what we hear coming from Dan on some of his videos. JMO
👍 1
Implanting Implanting 1 week ago
Here's some really good commentary from Ed Steer about gold/silver deliveries and what the short positions for both are looking like now. He seems to think that if there's a big, short covering rally coming it will drive prices of both metals to very high levels. Paper markets will crater and physical metal will be what's required.

This is excellent commentary from Ed.

Implanting Implanting 1 week ago
It didn't take very long for Trump to start calling for rate cuts. IMO as the economic numbers start becoming worse this theme will grow and should have Trump and Powell at each other's throat, IF Powell won't cut.

Powell and the Fed think inflation is still elevated, so why would you cut interest rates or at least that's what he said yesterday.
TexasMarvL TexasMarvL 1 week ago

Implanting Implanting 1 week ago
Peter Schiff was just on Fox biz news dragging Powell through the mud and speaking to much, much, higher inflation to come. He said double digit inflation is coming in the not-too-distant future.

So, in order for that to happen the fiat money printing will be going off the rails at some point. Powell said in his little talk that them reaching their 2% inflation target will take another 2 YEARS. What a damn fraud these people are. That target will only be reached if we see a big crash and massive money printing and QE to follow.
Implanting Implanting 1 week ago
Just watched this video from PDAC that has these Guys talking about M&A possibilities. FMG isn't brought up in the discussion, but they speak to some possible acquirers, not so much companies to be acquired.

They made some interesting points about these mining CEO's and executives knowing each other or maybe having worked with people in the various mining companies. That might give us some insight as to who Keith might feel comfortable with partnering or JVing with.

Partnering with an Agnico at Duparquet would be a nice move for us IMO and give us instant credibility.

Implanting Implanting 1 week ago
Another big volume day for FMG. Someone is accumulating shares here.

Peter Schiff talking where he sees gold and silver going, He thinks the miners are a screaming buy now.
He thinks gold is headed up to $4K before any serious correction happens. Not sure I can agree with him there.

Implanting Implanting 1 week ago
I don't recall seeing this interview with Keith before, so I thought I would post it. He mentions one big thing I didn't know about FM in this interview. We all know FM is/was seen as a pure silver play, but in this video, Keith talks about how they actually, UNTIL THE GATOS ACQUISTION, were mining more gold than silver. That surprised me.

I believe he said that once they added Gatos to the Company, that only then did they reach a 51% level of silver being mined. Until then they were mining more gold than silver. I remember hearing Keith say in an interview from a few years back, that although silver was their main thing to mine, the gold price was more stable and profitable to mine. That certainly is the case.

Both silver and gold are doing very well now, and FM's numbers should be blow-out this quarter.

👍 1
Implanting Implanting 1 week ago
Thanks for posting those links. The shocking number that you see in the Jan.2025 budget review is they spent $838 BILLION in just the first 4 months of fiscal 2025. That number is staggering to say the least and NOT sustainable. Trump HAS to reduce this spending and IMO he is trying to do that by cutting government spending and of course that's what needs to happen. Trump and his people know that will also lead to a slowing economy, so that's why they keep talking about short-term pain and won't deny a potential recession is in the works. What else can they say, the numbers speak for themselves. IMO a recession is in the cards it's just a matter of when it gets here and how severe it is. How many black swans will be revealed in a big market swoon?

IMO this is also why we're seeing this big move into PM's currently. The smart money knows what's coming and are positioning themselves accordingly. The mining shares are even perking up now. That's a long, long, time in coming and a welcomed sight, but I still expect a correction coming for PM's and mining shares. We still may not have seen the bottom yet in FMG shares. Because if we continue to see the stock market sell off and get a panic move lower, EVERYTHING will fall, including the miners. That's when I go all in on what I want to hold in mining shares.

Trump has a fine line to walk when it comes to keeping the economy out of recession or something even worse. IMO that may be coming and I'm skeptical of a soft landing being in the cards. Too many signs are saying a slowdown is coming. That should send interest rates lower and PM's higher after the initial flush is over.
TommyJ7651 TommyJ7651 1 week ago
Keep an eye on Snowline Gold guys. Like I said before Keith still owns 5% of this company which is now at almost a 1,4B (CAD) market cap. If this gets taken out for closer to 2B (CAD) then Keith will stand to net close to a 100m! What do you think he will do with this massive amount of money? My sense is that he might reinvest lots of it into FFMG or make some kind of a consortium where he comes in with a group of wealthy investors and make a deal with FFMG.

He will not sit on that money that's for sure. Looking good.
👍 1
Implanting Implanting 1 week ago
This Fellow gives a very good overview of why we're going to have AT LEAST some sort of recession going forward. This does not take into account a black swan event showing up

What the Trump regime is doing is slowing government hiring and government CONTRACTORS too. Private company lay-offs are increasing. Trump knows until they can get lower interest rates brought on by lower inflation, will the housing market work again. Potential home buyers can't afford to buy at the current interest rates. Lower interest rates can only happen if pain in the economy comes. That means a lower stock market and lower inflation. That will bring on at least some sort of recession IMO.

SeaBlue SeaBlue 1 week ago
Enjoyed the Schiff article. Of course we know a detox is required. A detox from the last several years, including years of spending during Trump's first term. Question is - as referenced in the article - will Trump rein in spending. Yes, he is caught in a catch-22 here. Cut the spending and implement the cure and Trump will likely be blamed for the accompanying economic downtown and the president following Trump will be able to take the credit for the turnaround. So can Trump bury his ego and do what is right? That is a big question here. So far it looks to me like he can...his attitude and approach so far during this term are much more matter-of-fact than demeaning people and acting outrageously. He still does that, but much less than previously. All of this will drive gold higher and make Springpole/Duparquet even more attractive.

Here are two sites if you have time. They are a tad boring, but the numbers are there. Pay close attention to the outlays.....we're only getting started on the increases there.....both in terms of rising costs and rising numbers of enrollees as a wave of retirements hit. We better hope Trump's actions boost receipts.
Implanting Implanting 2 weeks ago
Good Peter Schiff article about Bessent's "detox" of the U.S. economy. I think Schiff has it right. Too little, too late.
Implanting Implanting 2 weeks ago
Some interesting discussion on what could be coming. Oliver says Nasdaq technical support has already been broken.
If we don't see a crash-type scenario happen, then as he says we could be in a multiple year bear market set up.

Implanting Implanting 2 weeks ago
Don't think there's been much discussion here about the coming Basel III implementation on July 1st 2025. This is very important for gold moving forward.

Here's a MUST-read article speaking to what's coming with that. The article explains why the gold that was held in London is coming back to the U.S.
Implanting Implanting 2 weeks ago
We can speculate all day about what is or might be going on with future funding or deals being made behind closed doors. Only the company Insiders know those details.

IMHO we're getting ever closer to the end of this latest move higher in the gold price and the realization that an economic downturn or recession is not that far away. This should be the SHTF moment for all assets, including PM's to correct lower. I'm saying that to make this point.

I think/hope Keith is astute enough to know that whatever deal gets done with another partner needs to be completed BEFORE the markets turn back up because of the rate cuts and future fiat money printing that will certainly follow the economic downturn. That will be the sweet spot for parabolic moves in both gold and silver. That will be the time that the miners finally make their big moves higher. IMO this should come AFTER this big correction takes place.

Our management should already know this and have us aligned to be partnered or set up to take advantage of this move higher. If I can see it coming surely they should be able to also. This is history and has happened already many times.
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