2 weeks ago
APTO: I have to take a SONG break!! (My new Los Angeles County, California, THEME SONG!! Which should be REQUIRED LISTENING for all the STUPID County Officials who reside therein. As auditory PUNISHMENT, of sorts, for NEVER doing what has had to be accomplished there for 70+-YEARS!!! Namely, systematically REMOVING FOREVER every single TREE, BUSH, SHRUB, & BLADE OF GRASS therein!!! For at least 1.5-MILES around all housing developments throughout that stupid County!!! And then COVER that entire area permanently with GRAVEL, STONE, CONCRETE, STAINLESS STEEL, etc., FOREVER!!!)
2 months ago
APTO: No brainer here, K-N-R, in my STUPID opinion!!! (Heck, I just scalped a cheap Lotto Ticket [$1K] on @NVDI in the Post-M several minutes ago for $300 profit; 'small potatoes' for sure, but given this latest rage of JUST-RESCUED-FOR-CONTINUED-NASDAQ-LISTING late PR's, who can resist this stuff???!!!)
9 months ago
Abstracts for EHA presentations are available. Title of one of two Tuspetinib abstracts is "SAFETY AND EFFICACY OF TUSPETINIB AS MONOTHERAPY ANDCOMBINED WITH VENETOCLAX IN A PHASE 1/2 TRIAL OF PATIENTS WITHRELAPSED OR REFRACTORY (R/R) ACUTE MYELOID LEUKEMIA (AML)". From the abstract: Objective responses were observed (overall CRc=16.9%) in pts receiving 80 mg TUS/400 mg VEN: FLT3-WT(n=49, CRc:14.3%), FLT3-MUT (n=15, CRc: 26.7%) including pts with prior FLT3i treatment (n=12, CRc=33.3%),prior VEN treated (n=48, CRc=16.7%), VEN-naΓ―ve (n=17, CRc= 17.6%), RAS-mutated (n=11, CRc=9.1%), andTP53 mutated (n=17, CRc=17.6%) pts. No objective responses were observed at 40mg TUS with VEN,indicating a dose-related response.