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Amarin Corp PLC

Amarin Corp PLC (AMRN)

Closed February 24 4:00PM
After Hours: 7:23PM


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0.500. %216822/21/2025 %03,784-
1.500. %0251- %010- %072-

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AMRN Discussion

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rosemountbomber rosemountbomber 5 hours ago
I can't give you any knowledgeable answer but I do want to highlight that the pharmacy does not know the indication, as that is not wriiten on the script. 
lizzy241 lizzy241 6 hours ago
jroon, you're missing the point. The June 4 pdf para 7 states the agreement was canceled as of 1/9/24, before the 4/24/24 annual meeting. Para 8 mentions Cantor Fitz. What's important is the date discrepancy.
Also, all the filings that appear to be sales since the disclosure is different in UK we don't know who is making all these sales.
Do you know if these filings are similar to the US requirement of form 4's? If the forms are just another version of our form 4's then they can be making sales in the UK while we're wondering why the stock never continues the upward trend in the meantime unbeknownst to the US retail investors Amarin is continuing to dilute the float by making sales in the UK which hurts us.
I wonder if Denner was aware of this situation while Sarissa was in the open market buying up stock?
L0tsaluck2000 L0tsaluck2000 6 hours ago
Can someone explain why an individual can't sue the pharmacy for giving them a non-equivalent medication that does not have the correct patent for their indication.

CaptBeer CaptBeer 9 hours ago
👍️ 1
Whalatane Whalatane 10 hours ago
What is going on in reality ? In reality this drug linked by RMB is very effective and reached stat sig very early . There was no need to fund this trial past 24 mths
. The vertical black line marks the day that the treatment benefit of sotagliflozin reached and maintained statistical significance.

Despite the SCORED trial enrolling stable patients, by just 3 months, there was already a significant decrease in heart attacks and strokes – a very early benefit that is generally not seen with medications used in non-acute settings.

However not as safe as Vascepa . Risk of UTI's etc

north40000 north40000 13 hours ago
Lexicon Pharmaceuticals funded the SCORED clinical trial and also Icahn School of Medicine for Dr. Bhatt's role as Chair of that trial. The linked Lancet article, under "Methods", indicates that the SCORED trial was registered, "and was ended early due to loss of funding." What is going on in reality? As we have seen, Dr. Bhatt continues to write articles on effectiveness of Amarin's Vascepa.
rosemountbomber rosemountbomber 1 day ago
This is for a slightly different patient population but shows the negative to not hitting when the iron is hot (courts partly to blame) as Bhatt now has another drug to push:

👍️ 1
DAR53 DAR53 1 day ago
ziploc, I get it. Just another layer in the process that drives prices up and provides no value.
Meowza Meowza 1 day ago
Dear Diary,

This hasn't been my favorite weekend. After going out of my way to the pharmacy today I ran into another hassle: my husband's coworker. After yammering on about sportsball, he began to mention his PetCam. In a panic I changed the subject to my medication. My husband's coworker immediately tried showing off his G.E.D. in primary care and pharmacology. Which was less cringey that his narrating "highlights" from his PetCam footage.

I'm about to salvage what's left of my Saturday with a bottle of wine.
👍️ 1
ziploc_1 ziploc_1 1 day ago
PBM'S MAKE UP A SIGNIFICANT PORTION OF THE DRUG PRICES THAT PUBLIC CONSUMERS PAY....In return for the PBM's cut of the sales of the drugs that the PBM's recommend...

1. They provide no benefits to the science or R and D of drugs
2. They provide no marketing. They do not help with distribution
3. Their goal is to get kickbacks from manufacturers by recommending their products to pharmacy retailers
👍️ 2
Denisk Denisk 2 days ago
That CVS Pres Prem Shah is full of shit
👍 3
DAR53 DAR53 2 days ago
The PBM saga continues. Trump has to get rid of them.
Nukemtiltheyglow Nukemtiltheyglow 2 days ago
A work mate's wife just got her prescription of Hikma Generic Vascepa via AETNA. She doesn't have ultra high cholesterol. Generic version comes in a square white bottle with a blue label (90 day script). I mentioned to them that they need to have their PCP prescribe Brand Vascepa and have the PCP write DAW = Dispense As Written on the script. I also mentioned that Generics contain only 80% EPA (ethyl ester of omega-3 Fatty acid). Hikma is obviously infringing, yet our legal system allows them to continue infringing. What a travesty.
👍️ 1
rosemountbomber rosemountbomber 2 days ago
Oops. Thanks for the correction Lizzy. Got UNH mixed up with Columbia/HCA.
alwayswatching1 alwayswatching1 3 days ago
With this low volume I have a feeling we are on the verge of big news :)
👍️ 1
DAR53 DAR53 3 days ago
lizzy241, I googled and all I found on cancellation between is as shown below. Nothing big on this as they (CF) then hosted the fireside chat on Sept 23.

Amarin Corp Plc (AMRN): Cantor Fitzgerald Fireside Chat ...

InvestorsHub β€Ί ... β€Ί Amarin Corp Plc
Sep 25, 2023 β€” β€œFellow shareholders” were indeed deprived of hearing his voice earlier when Amarin cancelled altogether the CC part of the August 3rd Q2 2023 ...
DAR53 DAR53 3 days ago
lizzy241, I agree with your statements. In looking at the document you referenced, it refers to the share premium and the capital reduction offset which was approved. Then it goes into the Cantor Fitzgerald 'Repurchase Agreement' but then states that the 'Company' (Amarin) can make off market purchases of ordidnary shares at 50 pence
The subject of time for repurchases to take place has been asked previously and in this document it states it will expire on the 5th Anniversary Date of the initial approval.
I did not see anything about the cancellation with Cantor for the BB same as you had mentioned. So I'm not sure what other agreement Amarin had with CF.
JRoon71 JRoon71 3 days ago
jroon, sleven, also IIRC they elected to use Morgan Stanley for BB.

Where did you see that? It has always been an agreement with Cantor.
JRoon71 JRoon71 3 days ago
Lizzy, I've read that resolution many times. I still don't understand how you come to the conclusion that this cancels the agreement. This actually AFFIRMS the agreement with Cantor.

Where are you reading "cancelled"? Any reference to "cancelled" is in reference to cancellation of the share premium account (a requirement to execute the buyback).


Company no. 02353920


At the annual general meeting ("AGM") of Amarin Corporation plc (the "Company") duly
convened and held at the Dublin offices of Arthur Cox LLP, Ten Earlsfort Terrace, Dublin 2,
D02 T380, Ireland on 18 April 2024, the following resolutions were duly passed, in the case
of resolutions 7 and 9 in the Notice of AGM, as special resolutions and, in the case of
resolution 8 in the Notice of AGM, as an ordinary resolution.

That, subject to the confirmation of the High Court of Justice in England and Wales,
the amount standing to the credit of the share premium account of the Company as
at the date of the court hearing be cancelled (the "Reduction of Capital").

8. That in accordance with section 694 of the Companies Act 2006, the terms of the
share repurchase agreement dated January 9, 2024 and made between the
Company and Cantor Fitzgerald & Co (the "Repurchase Agreement"), a copy of
which was produced to the meeting and initialled by the Chairman for the purposes
for identification, be and is hereby approved and, subject to the passing of Resolution
7 and receiving the confirmation of the High Court of Justice in England and Wales
to the Reduction of Capital, the Company be and is hereby authorized to make offmarket purchases (as defined in section 693(2) of the Companies Act 2006) of its
ordinary shares of 50 pence each in the capital of the Company ("Ordinary
Shares"), at such times and at such prices and in such numbers and otherwise on
the terms and conditions set out in the Repurchase Agreement and to do all such
things as it may deem necessary to carry the same into effect. The authority
conferred by this resolution shall expire on the fifth anniversary of the date on which
this resolution is passed (except in relation to the purchase of any Ordinary Shares
effected or made before the expiry of such authority which will or may be executed
wholly or partly after such expiry).

9. That, with effect from the conclusion of the Annual General Meeting, the amended
and restated articles of association of the Company, produced to the meeting and
signed by the Chairman for the purposes of identification, be adopted as the articles
of association of the Company in substitution for, and to the exclusion of, the existing
articles of association of the Company.
-DocuSigned by:
Jonathan Provoost
👍️ 1
lizzy241 lizzy241 3 days ago
RMB when was Rick Scott with UNH?
DAR53 DAR53 3 days ago
Nukem, they are the coolest cats if you like big hairy cats. Long fluffy tails. Beautiful animals.
lizzy241 lizzy241 3 days ago
jroon, sleven, also IIRC they elected to use Morgan Stanley for BB.
lizzy241 lizzy241 3 days ago
jroon, Sleven.... since all docs filed are in pdf form they can't be copied and pasted. In the link below go to 6/4/2024 and view the doc it mentions a canceled agreement with Cantor Fitz.
First question why was the cancellation dated 1/4/24 this is dated before the AGM which is when they voted to do the $50mill BB so it's not about the BB, it must have something to do with another agreement???

Second, which agreement were they referencing?
rosemountbomber rosemountbomber 3 days ago
The culture there at UNH goes back to when Rick Scott was there and probably even before.
lizzy241 lizzy241 3 days ago
North, Where do we start? This UNH debacle should not surprise anyone. Everyone has a story about insurance company denials. But the reason for denial is another issue. You all may recall my now deceased husband and I took down an HMO many yrs ago. As in all industries, accounting practices vary depending on many variables. UNH is just the tip of the iceberg but in my case researching this particular HMO they were screwing the doctors, through creative accounting to meet their MLR requirements.
That's another reason why I'm not feeling that great about my findings yesterday with Amarin's filings with the UK House Companies. There's too much room to shelter unknowns due to Amrn being a UK registered company. It smells.
Nukemtiltheyglow Nukemtiltheyglow 3 days ago
Thanks Lizzy, I mistook Main Coon's for Manx....apologies.
Non-shedding cat huh? Food for thought? 👍️
lizzy241 lizzy241 3 days ago
Nuke, sorry to interject my .02cents but Main Coons are beautiful long haired cats full length tail and they don't shed. Awesome dispositions it's one of my fav breeds besides Himalayan's which do shed. ♥️
Nukemtiltheyglow Nukemtiltheyglow 3 days ago
That's Cool! Maine Coon's don't have a tail do they?
DAR53 DAR53 3 days ago
All, sorry for the triplicate post but I had a large Maine Coon cat came running across my keyboard and I could not get back out without hitting Submit. :>)
DAR53 DAR53 3 days ago
lizzy241, I didn't understand the 'allotment of shares' so I pulled this up for anyone who is unclear.

The Return of Allotment of Shares is the name of Companies House form SH01. This form must be completed if you decide to issue (allot) new shares at any point after incorporation. You must deliver the Return of Allotment of Shares to Companies House within one month of an allotment.

Our All Inclusive Package - the perfect way to form a company
There are many reasons why people choose to issue more shares after company formation, such as:

Raising additional capital from investors
Repaying loans
Funding a new project
Awarding bonus shares to employees in place of cash bonuses
north40000 north40000 3 days ago
Lizzy241, CaptBeer, the DOJ filed a civil complaint against UnitedHealth yesterday or today, per WSJ and CNBC-TV(this morning). The suit involves billing practices of UNH under Medicare Advantage, and may challenge UNH to justify its failures to cover necessary/desirable medications and hospital care of patients. CVS, UNH, Centene, etc shares are plunging this morning in market. 

Remember that suit by Express Scripts and CVS/Caremark against FTC that was filed late last year in St. Louis, W.D. Missouri. 

In my opinion, we may now have an ideal opportunity to call upon DOJ and FTC to investigate the palpable fraud that Hikma and DRL colluded to perpetrate in the Nevada District Court. Our Amarin shareholder Petition for Writ of Certiorari filed in the Supreme Court outlined the applicable facts and law justifying an investigation. No Court or Federal agency has acted on those facts and law. 
👍️ 4
JRoon71 JRoon71 3 days ago
Lizzy, which filing are you referring to?
JRoon71 JRoon71 3 days ago
Lizzy, the Share Premium Account is Additional Paid-In Capital.

Per UK law, companies choosing to do a share buyback must use funds from profits. If they are NOT profitable (as with Amarin), if they have excess paid-in capital (share premium account), they may cancel that account and allocate those "funds" to the share buyback. There are some other hurdles they have to jump, like having excess cash on hand, and go through a review from UK regulators.

I'm not really understanding what you're saying.
north40000 north40000 3 days ago
See   Might be significant for Amarin. Note HRT location. It's CEO was a former global marketing director for JNJ and MRK. Worth reading, and a copy/paste of content/text here.
Meowza Meowza 3 days ago
does anyone other than lizzy241 or DMC8 have anything to say about the situation?
DMC8 DMC8 3 days ago

👍️ 2
DMC8 DMC8 3 days ago
👍️ 1
DMC8 DMC8 3 days ago
lizzy241 lizzy241 3 days ago
sleven, please note the difference in timeline.
lizzy241 lizzy241 3 days ago
jroon, totally different function of share premium buyback. see definition.

A share premium account is a part of a company's equity on the balance sheet. It represents the amount received by a company from shareholders for shares issued at a price higher than their nominal (par) value2. Essentially, it's the extra money paid by investors over the basic value of the shares.

For example, if a company issues shares with a par value of $10 each but sells them for $15, the extra $5 per share goes into the share premium account. This account can be used for various purposes, such as issuing bonus shares, writing off certain expenses, or funding expansion3.
lizzy241 lizzy241 3 days ago
jroon, no that's an entirely document. I did find that as well.
lizzy241 lizzy241 3 days ago
sleven, see the below link, I don't think I'm misinterpreting. Maybe Not

I don't totally understand the explanation for this filing. I never knew they had this agreement, to begin with
JRoon71 JRoon71 3 days ago
Sleven, the agreement with Cantor was not cancelled. I think she is referring to the Cancellation of the Share Premium Account, which is what they needed to do in order to qualify for a Share Buyback, per UK securities law (because they are not profitable).

EDIT: this is essentially a bookkeeping entry in the Owner's Equity section of the Balance Sheet. The Share Premium Account is basically Additional Paid-In Capital.
👍️ 1
Number sleven Number sleven 3 days ago
Lizzy, I don't see a cancellation of the agreement?
JRoon71 JRoon71 3 days ago
Lizzy, yeah I track these filings and check almost daily to see what's in there. Reporting requirements are much stricter with UK, I think.
DMC8 DMC8 3 days ago
👍️ 3
lizzy241 lizzy241 3 days ago
jroon, especially the AGM minutes. They had an off market purchase agreement with Cantor Fitz cancelled as well. There have been UK sales that haven't been reported. It's crazy.
lizzy241 lizzy241 3 days ago
jroon, there's a whole different world for AMRN in the UK filings!!
So much more detail.
JRoon71 JRoon71 3 days ago
Lizzy, if you look at their 10Q from Q3, they had 422M shares authorized/411M outstanding. So they've increased authorized it by 4M. We will see that in their Q1 10Q.

The difference is that they have to file with UK Companies House within a week I think of any share issuance. With the SEC, I think they only need to report with their 10Q/K.
lizzy241 lizzy241 3 days ago
jroon, I found link, I suspect the additional shares will be for the EU hires and other upper management.

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