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ETFS EUR Daily Hedged Copper

ETFS EUR Daily Hedged Copper (ECOP)

Closed March 01 11:30AM

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7.594 Day's Range 7.64
0.00 52 Week Range 0.00
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ECOP Discussion

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Renee Renee 4 years ago
ECOP registration revoked:
Golden Cross Golden Cross 5 years ago
$ECOP Tier_Change: Expert Market

Renee Renee 5 years ago
ECOP SEC Suspension for severely delinquent Financials:


Admin. Proceeding:
81vette 81vette 7 years ago
2013 was last time co. changed ,could be new co. change coming
81vette 81vette 7 years ago
support .0015 res .0026 ,next res .006
81vette 81vette 7 years ago
ECOP low float, fast mover, quick flip play if vol continues
81vette 81vette 7 years ago
ECOP vol start yest.
dazetrader dazetrader 7 years ago
$ECOP is about to squeeze!!! Market Cap is an extremely undervalued 177k.
This chart setup, share structure, and current market depth has the potential for a 10 bagger investment return at the current prices of $0.0010 - $0.0020. I've been seeing some very large bidders showing up within the last few days and now they are starting to slap the ask!

Level 2 is very thin, small float, what's the float size?

Convive Convive 7 years ago
Better load this one now in the cheaps. Will run fast like GR*K and $AKL over penny. Updates to OTC markets and new must be coming..
TFALL68 TFALL68 7 years ago
ECOP gaining attention$
Convive Convive 7 years ago
Looking for .005+ here tomorrow. Low float!
Convive Convive 7 years ago
Nobody going to slap some .004s?
Convive Convive 7 years ago
Volume coming in...
PettyTrader PettyTrader 7 years ago
This could get interesting
tripil7z tripil7z 7 years ago
$ECOP new website and OTC SS update .
Renee Renee 7 years ago
ECOP is severely delinquent in filing the company's Financials. The stock is at risk of an SEC Suspension and subsequent stock registration revocation.
ToyotaMR2s ToyotaMR2s 8 years ago
No, last R/S was in 2013
ToyotaMR2s ToyotaMR2s 8 years ago
ECOP 400 milly A/S/confirmed with DESOS today
Money Management Money Management 8 years ago
There a 100000 @ .001
Money Management Money Management 8 years ago
Did they do reverse split?
tripil7z tripil7z 8 years ago
$ECOP .0025 hello
tripil7z tripil7z 8 years ago
$ECOP in .0011 starter for a bounce
Flip Flip 8 years ago
no volume but that spike, CMF accum/dist chart looks like something might be brewing
Bobwins Bobwins 8 years ago
ecop +.0153 to .0353 on 1.5million in volume?????

no news. Is there finally something good happening??

mindonmymoney mindonmymoney 9 years ago
Closed up over .05 today on 1mm shares traded. Keep an eye on this.
TradeFlow TradeFlow 9 years ago
Email about this today...
mindonmymoney mindonmymoney 9 years ago
CDNL ( Cardinal Resources )group working on ECOP? ( Eco-shift power corp ). I've heard from a few people that the group behind Cardinal Resources is also working with Eco-shift Power Corp. Has anyone else heard this? I just looked at the chart for ECOP and there isn't really an volume to speak of but it has come from 0.005 to 0.025 in the last couple of months.....I'm wondering if it may break out like CDNL did a couple of months back...maybe something to keep an eye on. Anyone?
IPO$ IPO$ 10 years ago
major disappointment here
IPO$ IPO$ 10 years ago
will this stock ever come back up?
IPO$ IPO$ 10 years ago
why is the share price down so much today?
MoparMonkey MoparMonkey 10 years ago
Blah blah. Like I said, this is a BDSP stock. It crashes by itself. Don't feel agitated or scared just because a guy like me can call you out on your BS about 'bringing down a stock' when it'll go down by itself.

You actually used the word 'we' trying to tell me you have 'subscribers' and yet you don't even have your sock puppet subscribers post to help you 'bring down' this stock. The very least you can do is actually create some fake accounts to make yourself look credible.

All I did was call you out and obviously you were agitated enough to respond. But don't worry bro, you can put me on ignore all you want. All that proves is I got under your skin so bad you have to find a way to avoid me.

You say you're ignoring me but I say welcome to my trophy room, *****.
HowToBeatTheSystem HowToBeatTheSystem 10 years ago
That's the beauty of it, some people talk but track records mean alot, Ihub is controlled my friend so why would i ever pay for it, and followers > hahahaha > Now how many times do you think i have heard that from these traders on here but yet i'm proven right every single time, you know why, because most of the those who have many followers are associated with stock newsletters which is why i also find joy in crashing their pumps and love driving them into the ground and exposing scams not to mention this is not facebook i'm not sending out friend requests and hoping they follow me back, this forum is only one avenue we use, also no 1 trader can influence a price on any stock unless they have a large position, now Why are you targeting me, we make gains and expose scams thats what we do now if that seems to agitate you or makes you envious then dont respond to my "dd" and "facts" because thats how we trade, we dont BS, we are not in it to be popular, we make money in any way and trade all different ways thats our recession proof motto. Now so it will make you feel like a better person and maybe give you more confidence I'll let you have the last word regardless of the wise crack or comment you might make because i'm done answering you. Happy Trading... Now it's ignore time.
MoparMonkey MoparMonkey 10 years ago
LOL You actually think you're driving the price down? Wake up, bro! It's a BDPS pick! It's going down with or without you 'bringing it down'! And who are you referring to as 'we' anyway? Your sock puppet followers that don't post on this forum? HAHAHAH
HowToBeatTheSystem HowToBeatTheSystem 10 years ago
I'm sure, Well, feel free to stick around while we drive this one to trip's...
MoparMonkey MoparMonkey 10 years ago
Uh huh, sure I got a gajillion subscribers myself, too. See what I did there? LOL
HowToBeatTheSystem HowToBeatTheSystem 10 years ago
My friend I "Don't" have to trade, my subscribers pay my income, but with the Stock Market this volatile who can pass up money this "Lucrative" money is being made day after day on just the playing the news these days, much less the charts, Have a good one, Hope you profit no matter how you trade...
MoparMonkey MoparMonkey 10 years ago
Lol where do you get that I'm agitated from? I guess I'd start making things up if I was agitated too. Hahah
HowToBeatTheSystem HowToBeatTheSystem 10 years ago
Nice "Freefall" it's still not finished >
HowToBeatTheSystem HowToBeatTheSystem 10 years ago
Coming from a guy that has the name "Monkey" seems to me you seem a little agitated and may be a bagholder yourself, subscribers don't pay me quarterly to not make money friend.
MoparMonkey MoparMonkey 10 years ago
Lol first of all it doesn't take much to kill a BDPS pump. I could have done that in my sleep.

Second of all people who 'love killing pumps and exposing scams' are usually the ones who have held the most bags in the past.
HowToBeatTheSystem HowToBeatTheSystem 10 years ago
What, no more cheerleading, Did I kill the pump, Love exposing scams and watching those that try to mislead others eat their words.
HowToBeatTheSystem HowToBeatTheSystem 10 years ago
Support Broke, Now it fades to trip's >
HowToBeatTheSystem HowToBeatTheSystem 10 years ago
Will "Freefall" again when .31 breaks
Let's Roll Let's Roll 10 years ago
I see that Bud, Looking forward to seeing what day ends at!

HowToBeatTheSystem HowToBeatTheSystem 10 years ago
Since this pump began it's never broke resistance, It's broke support 3 times, it keeps having lower low's and lower high's, the volume is drying up, the interest is not here anymore, it keeps diluting, it's a Rinse and Repeat, Failed Pump that will reverse split and name change like they have done several times before, the news is fabricated and they have spent more money pumping this stock than they have in the bank.
NYC Trader NYC Trader 10 years ago
Power hour could give $ECOP a spark heading into midweek.
budfoxfun budfoxfun 10 years ago
Holding strong above that 50ma, ready for a strong close Cab!

Let's Roll Let's Roll 10 years ago
That is what I am hoping for during power hour Stockman!

Screech691 Screech691 10 years ago
Let's see if we can dial up a little power hour run here!
ECOP - bottoms up!
budfoxfun budfoxfun 10 years ago
ready for a push in power hour!


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