April 16 - 22 is Oral Cancer Awareness Week HIGHLAND HEIGHTS, Ohio, April 16 /PRNewswire/ -- Cleveland-area dentist David Koski may have saved the life of former Cleveland Browns coach Butch Davis. Dr. Koski found a type of cancer -- non-Hodgkin's lymphoma -- in Davis's mouth. Davis, now the football coach at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, publicly disclosed his health details last month. "While the type of oral cancer suffered by Coach Davis is rare, oral cancer itself is not," said Dr. Koski. "One American dies of oral cancer every hour, and while most cases are related to the use of tobacco or alcohol, one quarter of all cases involve people over age 40 with no risk behaviors at all. This being National Oral Cancer Awareness Week, now is an ideal time for everyone to ask their dentist for an oral cancer exam." Dr. Koski recently adopted a new "glow-stick" technology to help detect both pre-cancerous and cancerous lesions. "In less than five minutes," he says, "I can conduct a thorough and totally pain-free exam." Dr. Koski uses the new ViziLite(R) Plus with TBlue630 technology. The patient rinses with a special solution, the doctor activates the ViziLite glow-stick and the office lights are dimmed. The doctor then visually examines the mouth. The special light is absorbed by healthy tissue, but reflected by damaged or unhealthy tissue, making lesions appear bright white. Dr. Koski then marks those areas for further study or treatment using the special dye in TBlue630. Insurance companies are quickly adding ViziLite exams to their coverage. "With oral cancer, the key is early detection," Dr. Koski notes. "ViziLite helps me go even further, helping me find pre-cancerous conditions, long before any symptoms appear or serious damage is done. Every adult should have an oral cancer exam every year." Dr. Koski said that the incidence of oral cancer among women is nearly the same as cervical cancer. "Just as women get a Pap smear annually, they should get an oral cancer screening annually." Dr. Koski and his partner, Dr. Diane DePaul, practice at 5564 Wilson Mills Road in Highland Heights, Ohio (phone 440-461-9600). They are recognized as being among the leading implant dentists in the Cleveland area. Information on ViziLite and a directory of ViziLite dentists nationwide are available at http://www.vizilite.com/. DATASOURCE: Dr. David C. Koski CONTACT: Dr. David C. Koski, +1-440-821-6107
