Table of Contents





Washington, D.C. 20549




For the month of January, 2017

Commission File Number: 001-31221

Total number of pages: 54




(Translation of registrant’s name into English)



Sanno Park Tower 11-1, Nagata-cho 2-chome

Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-6150


(Address of principal executive offices)



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Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.



Date: January 27, 2017




Katsuyuki Takagi

Head of Investor Relations

Information furnished in this form:


1. Earnings release for the nine months ended December 31, 2016
2. Results presentation for the first nine months of the fiscal year ending March 31, 2017

Table of Contents
LOGO       LOGO  
Earnings Release    January 27, 2017   
For the Nine Months Ended December 31, 2016    [U.S. GAAP]   


Name of registrant:    NTT DOCOMO, INC. (URL )

Code No.:


Stock exchange on which the Company’s shares are listed:

   Tokyo Stock Exchange-First Section


   Kazuhiro Yoshizawa, Representative Director, President and Chief Executive Officer


   Koji Otsuki, Senior Manager, General Affairs Department / TEL +81-3-5156-1111

Scheduled date for filing of quarterly report:

   February 2, 2017

Scheduled date for dividend payment:


Supplemental material on quarterly results:


Presentation on quarterly results:

   Yes (for institutional investors and analysts)

(Amounts are rounded off to the nearest 1 million yen.)

1. Consolidated Financial Results for the Nine Months Ended December 31, 2016 (April 1, 2016 - December 31, 2016)

(1) Consolidated Results of Operations

(Millions of yen, except per share amounts)


    Operating Revenues     Operating Income     Income Before Income
Taxes and Equity in Net
Income (Losses) of Affiliates
    Net Income Attributable to

Nine months ended December 31, 2016

    3,469,593        2.5     842,336        22.9     846,165        24.9     589,426        19.7

Nine months ended December 31, 2015

    3,383,460        1.7     685,505        16.8     677,377        13.8     492,449        29.0

(Percentages above represent changes compared to the corresponding period of the previous year)



Comprehensive income attributable to


   For the nine months ended December 31, 2016:      562,051 million yen         17.2 
     For the nine months ended December 31, 2015:      479,714 million yen         20.0 


     Basic Earnings per  Share
Attributable to
   Diluted Earnings per Share
Attributable to

Nine months ended December 31, 2016

   157.89 (yen)      —     

Nine months ended December 31, 2015

   126.87 (yen)      —     

(2) Consolidated Financial Position

(Millions of yen, except per share amounts)


     Total Assets    Total Equity
(Net Assets)
Shareholders’ Equity
Equity Ratio
Shareholders’ Equity
per Share

December 31, 2016

   7,196,513    5,465,291    5,430,946    75.5%   1,466.01 (yen)

March 31, 2016

   7,214,114    5,343,105    5,302,248    73.5%   1,409.94 (yen)

2. Dividends


     Cash Dividends per Share (yen)  
   End of the
First Quarter
     End of the
Second Quarter
     End of the
Third Quarter
     Year End      Total  

Year ended March 31, 2016

     —           35.00         —           35.00         70.00   

Year ending March 31, 2017

     —           40.00         —           

Year ending March 31, 2017 (Forecasts)

              40.00         80.00   



  Revisions to the forecasts of dividends: None

3. Forecasts of Consolidated Financial Results for the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2017 (April 1, 2016 - March 31, 2017)

(Millions of yen, except per share amounts)


    Operating Revenues     Operating Income     Income Before
Taxes and  Equity
in Net Income
(Losses) of Affiliates
    Net Income
Attributable to
    Basic Earnings
per Share
Attributable to

Year ending March 31, 2017

    4,610,000        1.8     940,000        20.0     936,000        20.3     655,000        19.4   176.68 (yen)

(Percentages above represent changes compared to the corresponding previous year)


(Note)    Revisions to the forecasts of consolidated financial results: None

Table of Contents
* Notes:


(1)    Changes in significant subsidiaries:


     (Changes in significant subsidiaries for the nine months ended December 31, 2016 which resulted in changes in scope of consolidation)


(2)    Application of simplified or exceptional accounting:


(3)    Changes in accounting policies


   i.   Changes due to revision of accounting standards and other regulations:


  ii.   Others:


     (Refer to “2. (3) Change in Accounting Policies” on page 13.)



(4)    Number of issued shares (common stock)


   i.   Number of issued shares (inclusive of treasury stock):

     As of December 31, 2016:         3,958,543,000 shares   
     As of March 31, 2016:         3,958,543,000 shares   

  ii.   Number of treasury stock:

     As of December 31, 2016:         253,957,417 shares   
     As of March 31, 2016:         197,926,250 shares   

  iii.  Number of weighted average common shares outstanding:

For the nine months ended December 31, 2016:
For the nine months ended December 31, 2015:







* Presentation on the status of quarterly review procedure:

This earnings release is not subject to the quarterly review procedure as required by the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act of Japan. As of the date when this earnings release was issued, the quarterly review procedure on financial statements as required by the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act of Japan had not been finalized.


* Explanation for forecasts of operations and other notes:

1. Forecast of results

Forward-looking statements in this earnings release, such as forecasts of results of operations, are based on the information currently available and certain assumptions that we regard as reasonable, and therefore actual results may differ materially from those contained in, or suggested by, any forward-looking statements. With regard to the assumptions and other related matters concerning forecasts for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2017, refer to “1. (3) Prospects for the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2017” on page 12 and “5. Special Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements” on page 21, contained in the attachment.

2. Resolution of share repurchase up to prescribed maximum limit

The forecasts of “Basic Earnings per Share Attributable to NTT DOCOMO, INC.” for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2017 are based on the assumption that DOCOMO will repurchase up to 220,000,000 shares for an amount in total not to exceed ¥500,000 million, as resolved at the board of directors’ meeting held on January 29, 2016.

Table of Contents




Contents of the Attachment


1. Information on Consolidated Results


(1) Operating Results


(2) Financial Review


(3) Prospects for the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2017


2. Other information


(1) Changes in Significant Subsidiaries


(2) Application of Simplified or Exceptional Accounting


(3) Change in Accounting Policies


3. Consolidated Financial Statements


(1) Consolidated Balance Sheets


(2) Consolidated Statements of Income and Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income


(3) Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows


(4) Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements


4. Appendix


Reconciliations of the Disclosed Non-GAAP Financial Measures to the Most Directly Comparable GAAP Financial Measures


5. Special Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements




Table of Contents


Earnings Release for the Nine Months Ended December 31, 2016



1. Information on Consolidated Results

(1) Operating Results

i. Business Overview

The environment surrounding our business has changed significantly. In Japan’s telecommunications market, competition has intensified due to the government’s pro-competition policy, market entry by Mobile Virtual Network Operators (MVNOs) and other factors. In addition, technical advancements in areas including cloud services, IoT *1 , big data and artificial intelligence (AI), and new policy developments such as the full liberalization of the electricity retail market, have brought about active competition and collaboration with new players from other industries, accelerating competition in new markets that transcend the conventional boundaries of the telecommunications business.

Amid these changes in the market environment, positioning the current fiscal year ending March 31, 2017 (FY2016) as the year in which we intend to make “a vibrant leap toward further growth” beyond income recovery, we aim to achieve the various medium-term target indicators we announced for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2018 (FY2017) one year ahead of the schedule. In connection with the management of our business, in order to provide ever-improving value to our customers, we are promoting the two pillars of “reinforcement of our telecommunications business” and “expansion of our smart life business and other businesses” centered on our “+d” value co-creation strategy, through which we pursue the creation of new values by evolving our collaborative activities with a wide range of external partners.

In the three months ended December 31, 2016, we implemented new initiatives, such as the creation of new billing options for customers using feature phones and “Kids’ Keitai” handsets designed for children, and the launch of our “docomo Child Raising Support Program,” which offers additional benefits and convenience to families with children and helps families make precious memories. As part of our “+d” initiatives, we started the “docomo Drone Project” with the aim of solving social issues involving the using drones and promoted the following initiatives in collaboration with various partners toward the commercial launch of such services in the future:



Commenced a joint verification trial with MIKAWAYA21 INC. and ENROUTE CO., LTD. envisioning the commercialization of a proxy shopping service using cellular drones operated via mobile networks.



Commenced a joint verification trial with Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. and Future University Hakodate for developing a new common IoT platform in the field of transportation, where the use of IoT is expected to accelerate in the future.



Concluded an agreement on a trial service of a VR *2 tourist guide service that leverages the next-generation 5G mobile system at the “5G Trial Site” to be rolled out by DOCOMO in collaboration with partners such as Tobu Railway Co., Ltd. and Toppan Printing Co., Ltd., with the goal of creating commercial services for 5G.



Conducted a test-ride event at the Ito Campus of Kyushu University prior to the verification experiment that is planned in the roadmap agreed by the Smart Mobility Promotion Consortium, which was founded by four organizations, including DOCOMO, toward the practical implementation of a self-driving bus service.

For the nine months ended December 31, 2016, despite a decrease in equipment sales revenues and a negative impact on mobile communications services revenues caused by the further expansion of our “Kake-hodai & Pake-aeru” billing scheme for the purpose of increasing returns to our customers, operating revenues increased by ¥86.1 billion from the same period of the previous fiscal year to ¥3,469.6 billion, mainly due to the recovery of telecommunications services revenues as a result of the growth of the packet consumption of our “Kake-hodai & Pake-aeru” billing plan subscribers, the expansion of smartphone use and the demand for tablets and other products purchased as a second mobile device for individual use, and the growth in the number of “docomo Hikari” users, as well as the growth of our smart life business and other businesses such as “dmarket” and other content services.



Abbreviation for Internet of Things. A concept that describes a world in which everything is connected to the Internet, enabling remote control and management of devices, etc.


Abbreviation for Virtual Reality, the concept or technology that gives users a sensation through the use of goggles and various other dedicated devices as if what they have experienced in the virtual environment was explored in the real world.



Table of Contents



  DOCOMO Earnings Release

     Nine Months Ended December 31, 2016   


Operating expenses decreased by ¥70.7 billion from the same period of the previous fiscal year to ¥2,627.3 billion, owing primarily to a decline of depreciation expenses as a result of our change in depreciation method used and a decrease in cost of equipment sold and initiatives to pursue further cost efficiency, despite an increase in expenses associated with the expansion of “docomo Hikari” revenues and the growth of revenues from our smart life business and other businesses, as well as an increase in expenses associated with the initiatives for enhancing returns to our customers such as “docomo Child Raising Support Program.”

As a result, operating income increased by ¥156.8 billion from the same period of the previous fiscal year to ¥842.3 billion for the nine months ended December 31, 2016.

Income before income taxes and equity in net income (losses) of affiliates was ¥846.2 billion and net income attributable to NTT DOCOMO, INC. increased by ¥97.0 billion from the same period of the previous fiscal year to ¥589.4 billion for the nine months ended December 31, 2016.

Consolidated results of operations for the nine months ended December 31, 2015 and 2016 were as follows:

<Results of operations>


     Billions of yen  
     Nine months ended
December  31, 2015
    Nine months  ended
December 31, 2016

Operating revenues

   ¥     3,383.5      ¥     3,469.6      ¥   86.1         2.5

Operating expenses

     2,698.0        2,627.3        (70.7      (2.6













Operating income

     685.5        842.3        156.8         22.9   

Other income (expense)

     (8.1     3.8        12.0         —     













Income before income taxes and equity in net income (losses) of affiliates

     677.4        846.2        168.8         24.9   

Income taxes

     169.8        260.1        90.3         53.2   













Income before equity in net income (losses) of affiliates

     507.6        586.1        78.5         15.5   

Equity in net income (losses) of affiliates

     (0.8     5.3        6.1         —     













Net income

     506.8        591.4        84.6         16.7   

Less: Net (income) loss attributable to noncontrolling interests

     (14.3     (2.0 )       12.4             86.3   













Net income attributable to NTT DOCOMO, INC.

   ¥ 492.4      ¥ 589.4      ¥ 97.0         19.7   













EBITDA margin*

     34.3     34.6       0.3 point         —     














     9.0     11.0     2.0 point         —     















EBITDA and EBITDA margin, as we use them in this earnings release, are different from EBITDA as used in Item 10(e) of Regulation S-K and may not be comparable to similarly titled measures used by other companies. For an explanation of our definitions of EBITDA, EBITDA margin, ROE, see “4. Reconciliations of the Disclosed Non-GAAP Financial Measures to the Most Directly Comparable GAAP Financial Measures” on page 20.



Table of Contents



  DOCOMO Earnings Release

     Nine Months Ended December 31, 2016   


<Operating revenues>


       Billions of yen  
     Nine months ended
December  31, 2015
    Nine months  ended
December 31, 2016

Telecommunications services

   ¥ 2,099.6      ¥ 2,225.2      ¥         125.6         6.0

Mobile communications services revenues

     2,070.2        2,129.1        59.0         2.8   

Voice revenues

     633.4        660.2        26.8         4.2   

Packet communications revenues

     1,436.7        1,468.9        32.2         2.2   

Optical-fiber broadband service and other telecommunications services revenues

     29.5          96.1          66.6           226.1   

Equipment sales

     657.8        586.3        (71.5      (10.9

Other operating revenues

     626.0        658.1        32.1         5.1   













Total operating revenues

   ¥ 3,383.5      ¥ 3,469.6      ¥ 86.1         2.5













Note: Voice revenues include data communications revenues through circuit switching systems.

<Operating expenses>


     Billions of yen  
     Nine months ended
December  31, 2015
    Nine months  ended
December 31, 2016

Personnel expenses

   ¥ 216.4      ¥ 217.3      ¥            0.9         0.4

Non-personnel expenses

     1,754.7        1,754.8        0.1         0.0   

Depreciation and amortization

     457.1        334.4        (122.7      (26.8

Loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets

     34.7           41.3          6.5         18.8   

Communication network charges

     204.7        247.6        42.9             21.0   

Taxes and public dues

     30.3        31.8        1.5         5.1   













Total operating expenses

   ¥ 2,698.0      ¥ 2,627.3      ¥ (70.7      (2.6 )% 















Table of Contents



  DOCOMO Earnings Release

     Nine Months Ended December 31, 2016   


ii. Segment Results

Telecommunications Business—

<Results of operations>


     Billions of yen  
     Nine months ended
December  31, 2015
     Nine months  ended
December 31, 2016

Operating revenues from telecommunications business

   ¥ 2,762.8       ¥ 2,814.0       ¥ 51.2         1.9

Operating income (loss) from telecommunications business

     616.3         744.2         127.8         20.7   

Despite a decrease in equipment sales revenues and the negative impact on mobile communications services revenues caused by the further expansion of our “Kake-hodai & Pake-aeru” billing scheme for the purpose of increasing returns to our customers, operating revenues from telecommunications business for the nine months ended December 31, 2016 increased by ¥51.2 billion, or 1.9%, from ¥2,762.8 billion for the same period of the previous fiscal year to ¥2,814.0 billion, as a result of the growth of the packet consumption of our “Kake-hodai & Pake-aeru” billing plan subscribers, the expansion of smartphone use and the demand for tablets and other products purchased as a second mobile device for individual use, and the growth in the number of “docomo Hikari” users, of which there were 2.97 million as of December 31, 2016.

Operating expenses from telecommunications business decreased by ¥76.7 billion, or 3.6%, from ¥2,146.5 billion for the same period of the previous fiscal year to ¥2,069.8 billion due primarily to a decrease in depreciation expenses as a result of our change in depreciation method used, a decrease in cost of equipment sold and initiatives to pursue further cost efficiency, despite the increase in expenses associated with “docomo Hikari” revenues as well as an increase in expenses associated with initiatives for enhancing returns to our customers, such as our “docomo Child Raising Support Program.”

Consequently, operating income from telecommunications business was ¥744.2 billion, an increase of ¥127.8 billion, or 20.7%, from ¥616.3 billion for the same period of the previous fiscal year.

<<Key Topics>>



In October 2016, we unveiled our 2016-2017 winter/spring new product collection comprising a total of 13 models including our first original smartphone, “MONO MO-01J,” in an effort to respond to the diversifying needs of customers. The total number of subscriptions using smartphones and tablets amounted to 34.93 million as of December 31, 2016.



In October 2016, in conjunction with the release of LTE-enabled feature phones, we added two new options to our “Kake-hodai & Pake-aeru” billing scheme, “Kake-hodai Light (for feature phones),” which provides users with unlimited domestic voice calls of under five minutes for a flat monthly fee, and the “Keitai Pack” two-tier rate plan for packet access via feature phones. In November 2016, we launched “Kids’ Keitai Plus,” a billing plan for customers using “Kids’ Keitai” handsets. The number of “Kake-hodai & Pake-aeru” subscriptions as of December 31, 2016 totaled 35.20 million, recording an increase of 8.68 million from December 31, 2015.



With respect to our “docomo Hikari” optical-fiber broadband service, we strived to improve our offerings through initiatives including the launch of “docomo Hikari Type C,” which allows subscribers to use the optical-fiber broadband and Internet access services offered by our partner cable TV operators as a set. Thanks also to the “new installation fee waiver campaign” and other stepped-up promotional activities, the total number of “docomo Hikari” subscriptions grew to 2.97 million as of December 31, 2016.



To promote the construction of a more convenient mobile telecommunications network, we expanded the area coverage of our “PREMIUM 4G” service to 1,319 cities across Japan and 49,400 base stations as of December 31, 2016. Toward the goal of further expanding the area coverage of our LTE service, we increased the total number of LTE-enabled base stations to 154,300 stations nationwide as of December 31, 2016.



Table of Contents



  DOCOMO Earnings Release

     Nine Months Ended December 31, 2016   




In accordance with the “Effective Speed Measurement Method of Internet Connection Services Provided by Mobile Telecommunications Carriers” set forth by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, we performed measurements on the effective speeds of our Android and iOS devices. The measurement data showed we successfully improved the speeds compared to the previous year as a result of our endeavors to improve the comfort of network access through the deployment of “PREMIUM 4G.” The median values for Android and iOS devices combined were 118Mbps for downloading and 23Mbps for uploading, which represented an improvement of 166% and 110%, respectively, over the values of the previous year.

Number of subscriptions by services and other operating data were as follows:

<Number of subscriptions by services>

       Thousand subscriptions  
     December 31, 2015     December 31, 2016     Increase

Mobile telecommunications services

     69,602        73,588        3,986         5.7

Including: “Kake-hodai & Pake-aeru” billing plan

     26,519        35,198        8,678         32.7   

Mobile telecommunications services (LTE(Xi))

     36,293        42,671        6,378         17.6   

Mobile telecommunications services (FOMA)

     33,309        30,917        (2,392      (7.2

Note:  Number of subscriptions to Mobile telecommunications services, Mobile telecommunications services (LTE(Xi)) and Mobile telecommunications services (FOMA) includes Communication Module services subscriptions.


<Number of handsets sold>

       Thousand units  
     Nine months ended
December  31, 2015
    Nine months  ended
December 31, 2016

Number of handsets sold

     18,526        20,140        1,614         8.7

Mobile telecommunications services (LTE(Xi))


New LTE(Xi) subscription

     6,360        7,019        659         10.4   

Change of subscription from FOMA

     2,515        2,050        (465      (18.5

LTE(Xi) handset upgrade by LTE(Xi) subscribers

     5,751        6,968        1,217         21.2   

Mobile telecommunications services (FOMA)


New FOMA subscription

     1,713        2,301        588         34.3   

Change of subscription from LTE(Xi)

     78        53        (25      (32.4

FOMA handset upgrade by FOMA subscribers

     2,109        1,750        (359      (17.0













Churn rate*

     0.59     0.57     (0.02)point         —     



“Churn rate” is calculated excluding the subscriptions and cancellations of subscriptions of Mobile Virtual Network Operators (MVNOs).



Table of Contents



  DOCOMO Earnings Release

     Nine Months Ended December 31, 2016   


<Trend of ARPU and MOU>


     Nine months ended
December  31, 2015
     Nine months  ended
December 31, 2016

Aggregate ARPU

   ¥ 4,140       ¥ 4,400       ¥ 260         6.3

Voice ARPU

     1,200         1,250         50         4.2   


     2,940         3,150         210         7.1   

Packet ARPU

     2,900         2,970         70         2.4   

“docomo Hikari” ARPU

     40         180         140         350.0   













MOU (minutes)

     133         137         4         3.0




Definition of ARPU and MOU



ARPU (Average monthly Revenue Per Unit):

Average monthly revenue per unit, or ARPU, is used to measure average monthly operating revenues attributable to designated services on a per user basis. ARPU is calculated by dividing telecommunications services revenues (excluding certain revenues) by the number of active users to our wireless services in the relevant periods, as shown below under “ARPU Calculation Method.” We believe that our ARPU figures provide useful information to analyze the average usage per user and the impacts of changes in our billing arrangements. The revenue items included in the numerators of our ARPU figures are based on our U.S. GAAP results of operations.



MOU (Minutes of Use):

Average monthly communication time per user.



ARPU Calculation Methods



Aggregate ARPU= Voice ARPU + Packet ARPU + “docomo Hikari” ARPU


Data ARPU= Packet ARPU + “docomo Hikari” ARPU


-  Voice ARPU




Voice ARPU Related Revenues (basic monthly charges, voice communication charges) / Number of active users


-  Packet ARPU




Packet ARPU Related Revenues (basic monthly charges, packet communication charges) / Number of active users


- “docomo Hikari” ARPU




“docomo Hikari” ARPU Related Revenues (basic monthly charges, voice communication charges) / Number of active users



Active Users Calculation Method

Sum of number of active users for each month ((number of users at the end of previous month + number of users at the end of current month) /2) during the relevant period



The number of “users” used to calculate ARPU and MOU is the total number of subscriptions, excluding the subscriptions listed below:



Subscriptions of communication module services, “Phone Number Storage,” “Mail Address Storage,” “docomo Business Transceiver” and wholesale telecommunication services and interconnecting telecommunications facilities that are provided to Mobile Virtual Network Operators (MVNOs); and



Data Plan subscriptions in the case where the customer contracting for such subscription in his/her name also has a subscription for “Xi” or “FOMA” services in his/her name

Revenues from communication module services, “Phone Number Storage,” “Mail Address Storage,” “docomo Business Transceiver” and wholesale telecommunications services and interconnecting telecommunications facilities that are provided to Mobile Virtual Network Operators (MVNOs) are not included in the ARPU calculation.

Smart life business—

<Results of operations>


     Billions of yen  
     Nine months ended
December  31, 2015
     Nine months  ended
December 31, 2016




Operating revenues from smart life business

   ¥ 373.8       ¥ 382.0       ¥8.1      2.2

Operating income (loss) from smart life business

     49.0         58.7       9.7      19.7   

Operating revenues from smart life business for the nine months ended December 31, 2016 were ¥382.0 billion, an increase of ¥8.1 billion, or 2.2%, from ¥373.8 billion for the same period of the previous fiscal year, due mainly to an expansion of content services revenues such as “dmarket” and other content services, despite a decrease in revenues from our subsidiaries.

Operating expenses from smart life business were ¥323.3 billion, a decrease of ¥1.5 billion, or 0.5%, from ¥324.8 billion for the same period of the previous fiscal year, due mainly to a decrease in expenses associated with revenues from our subsidiaries and despite an increase in expenses associated with the growth in content services revenues.

As a consequence, operating income from smart life business was ¥58.7 billion, an increase of ¥9.7 billion, or 19.7%, from ¥49.0 billion for the same period of the previous fiscal year.



Table of Contents



  DOCOMO Earnings Release

     Nine Months Ended December 31, 2016   


<<Key Topics>>



In October 2016, we started to support Apple Pay *1 on our “d CARD” credit card services and “iD” contactless payment, enabling customers using the eligible devices to add “d CARD” to Apple Pay and also enabling customers using iPhone7 *1 , iPhone7 Plus *1 and Apple Watch Series 2 *1 devices to pay by “iD” when they shop in stores.



The combined number of “dmarket” subscriptions *2 as of December 31, 2016, reached 15.61 million, an increase of 1.35 million from December 31, 2015. Among the various “dmarket” services, “dmagazine” has been recording brisk sales and its total number of subscriptions grew to 3.46 million as of December 31, 2016, an increase of 0.70 million from December 31, 2015.



Starting in December 2016, the “gacco” online video learning service was adopted as the e-learning system for the “Regional Revitalization College” program operated by the Japan Productivity Center and promoted by the Office for Promotion of Regional Revitalization, Cabinet Office, Government of Japan. A total of 21 professional courses, including a course on “how to build attractive tourist destinations,” have been started under the “Regional Revitalization College” program.

Other businesses—

<Results of operations>


     Billions of yen  
     Nine months ended
December  31, 2015
     Nine months  ended
December 31, 2016




Operating revenues from other businesses

   ¥ 265.6       ¥ 294.9       ¥  29.3      11.0

Operating income (loss) from other businesses

     20.2         39.5         19.3      95.8   

Operating revenues from other businesses for the nine months ended December 31, 2016 amounted to ¥294.9 billion, an increase of ¥29.3 billion, or 11.0%, from ¥265.6 billion for the same period of the previous fiscal year, driven mainly by an increase in the number of subscriptions for our “Mobile Device Protection Service” and the growth of revenues relating to IoT businesses.

Operating expenses from other businesses were ¥255.4 billion, an increase of 10.0 billion, or 4.1%, from ¥245.4 billion for the same period of the previous fiscal year, as a result of rises in expenses associated with the expansion of revenues from our “Mobile Device Protection Service” and other services.

Consequently, operating income from other businesses was ¥39.5 billion, an increase of ¥19.3 billion, or 95.8%, from ¥20.2 billion for the same period of the previous fiscal year.



TM and © 2017 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. iPhone, Apple Watch Series and Apply Pay are trademarks of Apple Inc. The trademark iPhone is used with a license from AiPhone Co., Ltd.


The total number of users using “dTV,” “danime store,” “dhits,” “dkids,” “dmagazine,” “dgourmet,” “dhealthcare pack” and “dliving” services under a monthly subscription arrangement.



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  DOCOMO Earnings Release

     Nine Months Ended December 31, 2016   


iii. CSR Activities

We aspire to help build a society in which everyone can share in a prosperous life of safety, security and comfort, beyond borders and across generations. We believe it is our corporate social responsibility (“CSR”) to fulfill the two aspects of (i) “Innovative docomo,” to solve various social issues in the fields of IoT, medicine, healthcare, education and agriculture through the “co-creation of social values,” an initiative that we plan to pursue together with various partners to create new services and businesses, and (ii) “Responsible docomo,” to thoroughly ensure fair, transparent and ethical business operations as a foundation for the creation of such values. Accordingly, we will strive to realize a sustainable society while expanding our own businesses.

To create a better future for the earth together, in October 2016, we decided on our “DOCOMO Group’s Environmental Declaration,” which sets the group’s environmental vision, and our “Green Action Plan 2030,” which sets our environmental goals through FY2030.

The principal CSR actions we undertook during the three months ended December 31, 2016 are summarized below:

<Innovative docomo>



From October 2016, we started the trial offering of “Mierudenwa,” a service that automatically converts the caller’s spoken words into text in real time to assist customers with hearing difficulties.

<Responsible docomo >



We set up a charity website to support the people and areas affected by the hurricane that struck Haiti and collected donations using “docomo Kouza” accounts and “d POINTs.”



In the aftermath of the 2016 Middle Tottori Earthquake and the large-scale fire that devastated Itoigawa City, Niigata Prefecture, we implemented various measures to support the disaster victims, including measures such as the free provision of battery chargers and partial waiver of handset repair fees.



We held a total of approximately 6,400 sessions of our “Smartphone and Mobile Phone Safety Class” garnering a cumulative participation of approximately 1.10 million people during the nine months ended December 31, 2016. The classes enlighten participants on the rules and manners of using smartphones and mobile phones, and inform them as to how to respond to troubles that may arise with their use.



With the aim of facilitating communication among the disaster victims and invigorating the communities affected by the Great East Japan Ear t hquake, we held seven sessions of cooking classes through our group company, ABC Cooking Co., Ltd. and tablet devices classes using the “dTV” and other services for the evacuees living in temporary shelters or public reconstruction housing complexes. A total of about 100 people participated in the sessions.



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  DOCOMO Earnings Release

     Nine Months Ended December 31, 2016   


iv. Trend of Capital Expenditures

<Capital expenditures>


     Billions of yen  
     Nine months ended
December  31, 2015
     Nine months  ended
December 31, 2016




Total capital expenditures

   ¥ 362.5       ¥ 399.4       ¥    37.0       10.2

Telecommunications business

     348.1         386.3       38.2       11.0   

Smart life business

     9.0         9.0       0.0       0.2   

Other businesses

     5.4         4.1       (1.3)      (24.0

We pursued more efficient use of capital expenditures and further cost reduction, and expanded the area coverage of our “PREMIUM 4G” service to construct a more convenient mobile telecommunications network. As a result, the total amount of capital expenditures increased by 10.2% from the same period of the previous fiscal year to ¥399.4 billion for the nine months ended December 31, 2016.



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  DOCOMO Earnings Release

     Nine Months Ended December 31, 2016   


(2) Financial Review

i. Financial Position


     Billions of yen  
     December 31,
    December 31,
March 31, 2016

Total assets

   ¥ 7,274.2      ¥ 7,196.5      ¥ (77.7     (1.1 )%    ¥ 7,214.1   

NTT DOCOMO, INC. shareholders’ equity

     5,588.1        5,430.9        (157.1     (2.8     5,302.2   


     1,636.9        1,708.4        71.5        4.4        1,854.8   

Including: Interest bearing liabilities

     223.5        222.1        (1.3     (0.6     222.2   
















Shareholders’ equity ratio (1) (%)

     76.8     75.5     (1.3)point        —          73.5

Debt to Equity ratio (2) (multiple)

     0.040        0.041        0.001        —          0.042   




(1)    Shareholders’ equity ratio = NTT DOCOMO, INC. shareholders’ equity / Total assets


(2)    Debt to Equity ratio = Interest bearing liabilities / NTT DOCOMO, INC. shareholders’ equity

ii. Cash Flow Conditions


     Billions of yen  
     Nine months ended
December  31, 2015
    Nine months  ended
December 31, 2016

Net cash provided by operating activities

   ¥ 844.9      ¥ 924.9      ¥     80.0        9.5

Net cash used in investing activities

     (376.5     (668.1     (291.6     (77.5

Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities

     (276.4     (429.2     (152.8     (55.3

Free cash flows (1)

     468.4        256.8        (211.6     (45.2

Free cash flows excluding changes in investments for cash management purposes (2)*

     388.3        442.1        53.8        13.8   




(1)    Free cash flows = Net cash provided by operating activities + Net cash used in investing activities


(2)    Changes in investments for cash management purposes = Changes by purchases, redemption at maturity and disposals of financial instruments held for cash management purposes with original maturities of longer than three months



See “4. Reconciliations of the Disclosed Non-GAAP Financial Measures to the Most Directly Comparable GAAP Financial Measures” on page 20.

For the nine months ended December 31, 2016, net cash provided by operating activities was ¥924.9 billion, an increase of ¥80.0 billion, or 9.5%, from the same period of the previous fiscal year. This was due mainly to an increase in cash inflows from customers in relation to collections of installment receivables for customers’ handset purchases, which are included in decrease in receivables held for sale.

Net cash used in investing activities was ¥668.1 billion, an increase of ¥291.6 billion, or 77.5%, from the same period of the previous fiscal year. This was due mainly to increases in cash outflows for purchases of short-term investments and short-term bailment for consumption to a related party.

Net cash used in financing activities was ¥429.2 billion, an increase of ¥152.8 billion, or 55.3%, from the same period of the previous fiscal year. This was due mainly to an increase in cash outflows for payments to acquire treasury stock.

As a result of the foregoing, the balance of cash and cash equivalents was ¥179.6 billion as of December 31, 2016, a decrease of ¥174.8 billion, or 49.3%, from the previous fiscal year end.



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  DOCOMO Earnings Release

     Nine Months Ended December 31, 2016   


(3) Prospects for the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2017

The environment surrounding our business has changed significantly. In Japan’s telecommunications market, competition has intensified due to the government’s pro-competition policy, market entry by Mobile Virtual Network Operators (MVNOs) and other factors. In addition, technical advancements in areas including cloud services, IoT, big data and artificial intelligence (AI), and new policy developments such as the full liberalization of the electricity retail market, have brought about active competition and collaboration with new players from other industries, accelerating competition in new markets that transcend the conventional boundaries of the telecommunications business.

Amid these changes in the market environment, in connection with our management of our business, we are promoting the two pillars of “reinforcement of our telecommunications business” and “expansion of our smart life business and other businesses” centered on our “+d” value co-creation strategy, through which we pursue the creation of new values by evolving our collaborative activities with a wide range of external partners. Through these endeavors, we expect the following prospects for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2017.

Operating revenues are estimated to be ¥4,610.0 billion, an increase of ¥82.9 billion from the previous fiscal year, driven by an increase in telecommunications services revenues resulting from the expansion of our smartphone user base and a growth of demand for tablets and other devices purchased as a second mobile device for individual use, an increase in optical-fiber broadband service and other telecommunications services revenues due to the projected growth of “docomo Hikari” users and the growth of our smart life business and other businesses such as “dmarket.”

On the expenses side, although we project an increase in expenses associated with the growth of revenues from smart life business and other businesses and the expansion of “docomo Hikari” revenues, operating expenses are expected to decrease by ¥74.1 billion to ¥3,670.0 billion, owing primarily to a decline of depreciation expenses as a result of our change in depreciation method used from the declining-balance method to the straight-line method, as well as a decrease in cost of equipment sold and initiatives to pursue further cost efficiency. Accordingly, operating income for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2017 is estimated to be ¥940.0 billion, an increase of ¥157.0 billion from the previous fiscal year.

As we are not currently aware of any factor that may have a material impact on our projected results of operations, we have not revised our forecasts announced on October 28, 2016.



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  DOCOMO Earnings Release

     Nine Months Ended December 31, 2016   


2. Other Information

(1) Changes in Significant Subsidiaries


(2) Application of Simplified or Exceptional Accounting


(3) Change in Accounting Policies

Change in depreciation method

Previously, DOCOMO principally used the declining-balance method for calculating depreciation of property, plant, and equipment. Effective April 1, 2016, DOCOMO adopted the straight-line method of depreciation. Data traffic has recently grown due to increased use of smartphones. As a way of addressing the rising data traffic, DOCOMO provides LTE-Advanced services, using the carrier aggregation technology which enables higher speeds and capacities for the LTE services. With the introduction of the carrier aggregation technology, DOCOMO is able to use its frequencies more efficiently, bringing stability to DOCOMO’s operation of its wireless telecommunications equipment. As a result, DOCOMO believes that the straight-line depreciation method better reflects the pattern of consumption of the future benefits to be derived from those assets being depreciated. The effect of the change in the depreciation method is recognized prospectively as a change in the accounting estimate pursuant to the Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”) Accounting Standards Codification 250, “Accounting Changes and Error Corrections.”

The change in depreciation method caused a decrease in “Depreciation and amortization” by ¥109,236 million and ¥39,806 million for the nine months ended December 31, 2016 and for the three months ended December 31, 2016, respectively. “Net income attributable to NTT DOCOMO, INC.” increased by ¥74,717 million and ¥27,227 million for the nine months ended December 31, 2016 and for the three months ended December 31, 2016, respectively. “Basic and Diluted earnings per share attributable to NTT DOCOMO, INC.” increased by ¥20.01 and ¥7.33 for the nine months ended December 31, 2016 and for the three months ended December 31, 2016, respectively.



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  DOCOMO Earnings Release

     Nine Months Ended December 31, 2016   


3. Consolidated Financial Statements

(1) Consolidated Balance Sheets


     Millions of yen  
     March 31, 2016     December 31, 2016  



Current assets:


Cash and cash equivalents

   ¥ 354,437      ¥ 179,601   

Short-term investments

     5,872        191,042   

Accounts receivable

     237,040        230,767   

Receivables held for sale

     972,851        961,178   

Credit card receivables

     276,492        343,822   

Other receivables

     381,096        383,760   

Allowance for doubtful accounts

     (17,427     (20,103


     153,876        143,270   

Deferred tax assets

     107,058        75,325   

Prepaid expenses and other current assets

     108,898        127,859   







Total current assets

     2,580,193        2,616,521   







Property, plant and equipment:


Wireless telecommunications equipment

     5,084,416        5,104,355   

Buildings and structures

     896,815        903,796   

Tools, furniture and fixtures

     468,800        463,275   


     199,054        198,971   

Construction in progress

     190,261        227,849   

Accumulated depreciation and amortization

     (4,398,970     (4,407,290







Total property, plant and equipment, net

     2,440,376        2,490,956   







Non-current investments and other assets:


Investments in affiliates

     411,395        370,689   

Marketable securities and other investments

     182,905        196,883   

Intangible assets, net

     615,013        597,394   


     243,695        236,967   

Other assets

     479,103        453,509   

Deferred tax assets

     261,434        233,594   







Total non-current investments and other assets

     2,193,545        2,089,036   







Total assets

   ¥ 7,214,114      ¥ 7,196,513   









Current liabilities:


Current portion of long-term debt

   ¥ 200      ¥ 200   

Short-term borrowings

     1,764        1,870   

Accounts payable, trade

     793,084        720,342   

Accrued payroll

     53,837        42,098   

Accrued income taxes

     165,332        69,206   

Other current liabilities

     205,602        235,065   







Total current liabilities

     1,219,819        1,068,781   







Long-term liabilities:


Long-term debt (exclusive of current portion)

     220,200        220,070   

Accrued liabilities for point programs

     75,182        72,246   

Liability for employees’ retirement benefits

     201,604        208,957   

Other long-term liabilities

     137,983        138,377   







Total long-term liabilities

     634,969        639,650   







Total liabilities

     1,854,788        1,708,431   







Redeemable noncontrolling interests

     16,221        22,791   









NTT DOCOMO, INC. shareholders’ equity


Common stock

     949,680        949,680   

Additional paid-in capital

     330,482        327,228   

Retained earnings

     4,413,030        4,721,964   

Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss)

     14,888        (12,487

Treasury stock

     (405,832     (555,439

Total NTT DOCOMO, INC. shareholders’ equity

     5,302,248        5,430,946   

Noncontrolling interests

     40,857        34,345   







Total equity

     5,343,105        5,465,291   







Total liabilities and equity

   ¥ 7,214,114      ¥ 7,196,513   









Table of Contents



  DOCOMO Earnings Release

     Nine Months Ended December 31, 2016   


(2) Consolidated Statements of Income and Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income

Consolidated Statements of Income


     Millions of yen  
     Nine Months Ended
December 31, 2015
    Nine Months Ended
December 31, 2016

Operating revenues:


Telecommunications services

   ¥ 2,099,632      ¥ 2,225,197   

Equipment sales

     657,804        586,268   

Other operating revenues

     626,024        658,128   







Total operating revenues

     3,383,460        3,469,593   







Operating expenses:


Cost of services (exclusive of items shown separately below)

     887,566        969,354   

Cost of equipment sold (exclusive of items shown separately below)

     634,521        592,460   

Depreciation and amortization

     457,095        334,418   

Selling, general and administrative

     718,773        731,025   







Total operating expenses

     2,697,955        2,627,257   







Operating income

     685,505        842,336   







Other income (expense):


Interest expense

     (1,219     (368

Interest income

     717        434   

Other, net

     (7,626     3,763   







Total other income (expense)

     (8,128     3,829   







Income before income taxes and equity in net income (losses) of affiliates

     677,377        846,165   







Income taxes:



     207,485        199,214   


     (37,701     60,867   







Total income taxes

     169,784        260,081   







Income before equity in net income (losses) of affiliates

     507,593        586,084   







Equity in net income (losses) of affiliates (including impairment charges of investments in affiliates)

     (798     5,306   







Net income

     506,795        591,390   







Less: Net (income) loss attributable to noncontrolling interests

     (14,346     (1,964







Net income attributable to NTT DOCOMO, INC.

   ¥ 492,449      ¥ 589,426   







Per share data


Weighted average common shares outstanding – Basic and Diluted

     3,881,483,818        3,733,198,134   







Basic and Diluted earnings per share attributable to NTT DOCOMO, INC.

   ¥ 126.87      ¥ 157.89   







Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income

     Millions of yen  
     Nine Months Ended
December 31, 2015
    Nine Months Ended
December 31, 2016

Net income

   ¥ 506,795      ¥ 591,390   

Other comprehensive income (loss):


Unrealized holding gains (losses) on available-for-sale securities, net of applicable taxes

     (1,402     7,863   

Unrealized gains (losses) on cash flow hedges, net of applicable taxes

     (108     14   

Foreign currency translation adjustment, net of applicable taxes

     (10,929     (36,653

Pension liability adjustment, net of applicable taxes

     (353     997   







Total other comprehensive income (loss)

     (12,792     (27,779







Comprehensive income

     494,003        563,611   







Less: Comprehensive (income) loss attributable to noncontrolling interests

     (14,289     (1,560







Comprehensive income attributable to NTT DOCOMO, INC.

   ¥ 479,714      ¥ 562,051   









Table of Contents



  DOCOMO Earnings Release

     Nine Months Ended December 31, 2016   


Consolidated Statements of Income


     Millions of yen  
     Three Months Ended
December 31, 2015
    Three Months Ended
December 31, 2016

Operating revenues:


Telecommunications services

   ¥ 717,325      ¥ 750,704   

Equipment sales

     240,959        206,160   

Other operating revenues

     210,189        224,386   







Total operating revenues

     1,168,473        1,181,250   







Operating expenses:


Cost of services (exclusive of items shown separately below)

     299,919        337,119   

Cost of equipment sold (exclusive of items shown separately below)

     248,184        228,337   

Depreciation and amortization

     159,988        113,880   

Selling, general and administrative

     237,451        245,175   







Total operating expenses

     945,542        924,511   







Operating income

     222,931        256,739   







Other income (expense):


Interest expense

     (674     (11

Interest income

     333        143   

Other, net

     2,225        8,131   







Total other income (expense)

     1,884        8,263   







Income before income taxes and equity in net income (losses) of affiliates

     224,815        265,002   







Income taxes:



     63,185        69,545   


     (29,381     11,842   







Total income taxes

     33,804        81,387   







Income before equity in net income (losses) of affiliates

     191,011        183,615   







Equity in net income (losses) of affiliates (including impairment charges of investments in affiliates)

     (2,379     1,966   







Net income

     188,632        185,581   







Less: Net (income) loss attributable to noncontrolling interests

     (13,318     (1,562







Net income attributable to NTT DOCOMO, INC.

   ¥ 175,314      ¥ 184,019   







Per share data


Weighted average common shares outstanding – Basic and Diluted

     3,881,483,812        3,714,091,197   







Basic and Diluted earnings per share attributable to NTT DOCOMO, INC.

   ¥ 45.17      ¥ 49.55   







Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income

     Millions of yen  
     Three Months Ended
December 31, 2015
    Three Months Ended
December 31, 2016

Net income

   ¥ 188,632      ¥ 185,581   

Other comprehensive income (loss):


Unrealized holding gains (losses) on available-for-sale securities, net of applicable taxes

     5,635        13,180   

Unrealized gains (losses) on cash flow hedges, net of applicable taxes

     (65     72   

Foreign currency translation adjustment, net of applicable taxes

     (9,948     (4,916

Pension liability adjustment, net of applicable taxes

     (120     357   







Total other comprehensive income (loss)

     (4,498     8,693   







Comprehensive income

     184,134        194,274   







Less: Comprehensive (income) loss attributable to noncontrolling interests

     (13,194     (1,585







Comprehensive income attributable to NTT DOCOMO, INC.

   ¥ 170,940      ¥ 192,689   









Table of Contents



  DOCOMO Earnings Release

     Nine Months Ended December 31, 2016   


(3) Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows


    Millions of yen  
    Nine Months Ended
December 31, 2015
    Nine Months Ended
December 31, 2016

Cash flows from operating activities:


Net income

  ¥ 506,795      ¥ 591,390   

Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by operating activities-


Depreciation and amortization

    457,095        334,418   

Deferred taxes

    (37,701     60,867   

Loss on sale or disposal of property, plant and equipment

    17,555        24,574   

Inventory write-downs

    4,239        8,878   

Impairment loss on marketable securities and other investments

    475        2,070   

Loss on sale of a subsidiary

    13,117        —     

Equity in net (income) losses of affiliates (including impairment charges of investments in affiliates)

    798        (5,306

Dividends from affiliates

    9,464        8,413   

Changes in assets and liabilities:


(Increase) / decrease in accounts receivable

    21,079        4,884   

(Increase) / decrease in receivables held for sale

    (46,966     11,673   

(Increase) / decrease in credit card receivables

    (18,651     (32,410

(Increase) / decrease in other receivables

    (34,174     281   

Increase / (decrease) in allowance for doubtful accounts

    2,594        2,549   

(Increase) / decrease in inventories

    (24,828     1,544   

(Increase) / decrease in prepaid expenses and other current assets

    (7,976     (22,822

(Increase) / decrease in non-current receivables held for sale

    1,921        29,141   

Increase / (decrease) in accounts payable, trade

    (82,682     (23,224

Increase / (decrease) in accrued income taxes

    42,207        (96,056

Increase / (decrease) in other current liabilities

    37,846        28,974   

Increase / (decrease) in accrued liabilities for point programs

    (14,401     (2,936

Increase / (decrease) in liability for employees’ retirement benefits

    4,275        7,376   

Increase / (decrease) in other long-term liabilities

    4,307        5,277   

Other, net

    (11,538     (14,697







Net cash provided by operating activities

    844,850        924,858   







Cash flows from investing activities:


Purchases of property, plant and equipment

    (312,668     (337,446

Purchases of intangible and other assets

    (141,412     (142,444

Purchases of non-current investments

    (2,447     (2,030

Proceeds from sale of non-current investments

    4,024        5,889   

Purchases of short-term investments

    (4,000     (116,212

Redemption of short-term investments

    4,111        70,938   

Proceeds from redemption of long-term bailment for consumption to a related party

    80,000        —     

Short-term bailment for consumption to a related party

    —          (180,000

Proceeds from redemption of short-term bailment for consumption to a related party

    —          40,000   

Other, net

    (4,067     (6,777







Net cash used in investing activities

    (376,459     (668,082







Cash flows from financing activities:


Proceeds from short-term borrowings

    145,117        19,679   

Repayment of short-term borrowings

    (144,042     (19,526

Principal payments under capital lease obligations

    (1,055     (886

Payments to acquire treasury stock

    (0     (149,607

Dividends paid

    (271,538     (280,359

Cash distributions to noncontrolling interests

    (2,387     (3,500

Other, net

    (2,467     4,996   







Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities

    (276,372     (429,203







Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents

    (1,008     (2,409







Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents

    191,011        (174,836

Cash and cash equivalents as of beginning of period

    105,553        354,437   







Cash and cash equivalents as of end of period

  ¥ 296,564      ¥ 179,601   







Supplemental disclosures of cash flow information:


Cash received during the period for:


Income tax refunds

  ¥ 8,007      ¥ 742   

Cash paid during the period for:


Interest, net of amount capitalized

    1,243        323   

Income taxes

    176,118        297,562   



Table of Contents



  DOCOMO Earnings Release

     Nine Months Ended December 31, 2016   


(4) Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

i. Note to Going Concern Assumption

There is no corresponding item.

ii. Significant Changes in NTT DOCOMO, INC. Shareholders’ Equity


iii. Segment Information

DOCOMO’s chief operating decision maker (the “CODM”) is its board of directors. The CODM evaluates the performance and makes resource allocations of its segments based on the information provided by DOCOMO’s internal management reports.

DOCOMO has three operating segments, which consist of telecommunications business, smart life business and other businesses.

The telecommunications business includes mobile phone services (LTE(Xi) services and FOMA services), optical-fiber broadband services, satellite mobile communications services, international services and the equipment sales related to these services. The smart life business includes video and music distribution, electronic books and other services offered through DOCOMO’s “dmarket” portal, as well as finance/payment services, shopping services and various other services to support our customers’ daily lives. The other businesses primarily include “Mobile Device Protection Service,” as well as the development, sales and maintenance of IT systems.

Accounting policies used to determine segment operating revenues and operating income (loss) are consistent with those used to prepare the consolidated financial statements in accordance with U.S. GAAP.

Segment operating revenues:


     Millions of yen  
     Nine months ended
December  31, 2015
    Nine months  ended
December 31, 2016

Telecommunications business-


External customers

   ¥ 2,761,877      ¥ 2,813,130   


     923        822   








     2,762,800        2,813,952   

Smart life business-


External customers

     364,924        370,817   


     8,893        11,136   








     373,817        381,953   

Other businesses-


External customers

     256,659        285,646   


     8,952        9,238   








     265,611        294,884   







Segment total

     3,402,228        3,490,789   


     (18,768     (21,196








   ¥ 3,383,460      ¥ 3,469,593   









Table of Contents



  DOCOMO Earnings Release

     Nine Months Ended December 31, 2016   



     Millions of yen  
     Three months ended
December 31, 2015
    Three months  ended
December 31, 2016

Telecommunications business-


External customers

   ¥ 955,486      ¥ 956,892   


     306        438   








     955,792        957,330   

Smart life business-


External customers

     124,391        127,329   


     3,115        4,256   








     127,506        131,585   

Other businesses-


External customers

     88,596        97,029   


     3,499        4,450   








     92,095        101,479   







Segment total

     1,175,393        1,190,394   


     (6,920     (9,144








   ¥ 1,168,473      ¥ 1,181,250   







Segment operating income (loss):

     Millions of yen  
     Nine months ended
December 31, 2015
    Nine months ended
December 31, 2016

Telecommunications business

   ¥ 616,344      ¥ 744,186   

Smart life business

     48,984        58,651   

Other businesses

     20,177        39,499   








   ¥ 685,505      ¥ 842,336   






     Millions of yen  
     Three months ended
December 31, 2015
    Three months ended
December 31, 2016

Telecommunications business

   ¥ 196,175      ¥ 219,449   

Smart life business

     15,543        21,676   

Other businesses

     11,213        15,614   








   ¥ 222,931      ¥ 256,739   







Segment operating income (loss) is segment operating revenues less segment operating expenses.

As indicated in “2. (3) Change in Accounting Policies,” previously, DOCOMO principally used the declining-balance method for calculating depreciation of property, plant, and equipment. Effective April 1, 2016, DOCOMO adopted the straight-line method of depreciation. As a result, compared with the depreciation method used prior to April 1, 2016, operating income for the Telecommunications business segment, Smart life business segment, and Other businesses segment for the nine months ended December 31, 2016 increased by ¥109,037 million, ¥108 million and ¥91 million, respectively. Operating income for the Telecommunications business segment, Smart life business segment, and Other businesses segment for the three months ended December 31, 2016 increased by ¥39,709 million, ¥56 million and ¥41 million, respectively.

DOCOMO does not disclose geographical information because the amounts of operating revenues generated outside Japan are immaterial.



Table of Contents



  DOCOMO Earnings Release

     Nine Months Ended December 31, 2016   


4. Appendix

Reconciliations of the Disclosed Non-GAAP Financial Measures to the Most Directly Comparable GAAP Financial Measures

i. EBITDA and EBITDA margin


     Billions of yen  
     Year ended
March 31, 2016
    Nine months ended
December 31, 2015
    Nine months ended
December 31, 2016


   ¥ 1,454.6      ¥ 1,160.2      ¥ 1,201.3   










Depreciation and amortization

     (625.9     (457.1     (334.4

Loss on sale or disposal of property, plant and equipment

     (36.5     (17.6     (24.6

Impairment loss

     (9.1     —          —     










Operating income

     783.0        685.5        842.3   










Other income (expense)

     (5.0     (8.1     3.8   

Income taxes

     (211.7     (169.8     (260.1

Equity in net income (losses) of affiliates

     (5.1     (0.8     5.3   

Less: Net (income) loss attributable to noncontrolling interests

     (12.9     (14.3     (2.0










b. Net income attributable to NTT DOCOMO, INC.

     548.4        492.4        589.4   










c. Operating revenues

     4,527.1        3,383.5        3,469.6   










EBITDA margin (=a/c)

     32.1     34.3     34.6

Net income margin (=b/c)

     12.1     14.6     17.0












EBITDA and EBITDA margin, as we use them, are different from EBITDA as used in Item 10(e) of regulation S-K and may not be comparable to similarly titled measures used by other companies.


ii ROE


     Billions of yen  
     Year ended
March 31, 2016
    Nine months ended
December 31, 2015
    Nine months ended
December 31, 2016

a. Net income attributable to NTT DOCOMO, INC.

   ¥ 548.4      ¥ 492.4      ¥ 589.4   

b. Shareholders’ equity

     5,341.2        5,484.1        5,366.6   










ROE (=a/b)

     10.3     9.0     11.0












Shareholders’ equity (for annual period) = The average of NTT DOCOMO, INC. shareholders’ equity, each as of March 31, 2015 and 2016.


Shareholders’ equity (for nine months) = The average of NTT DOCOMO, INC. shareholders’ equity, each as of March 31, 2016 (or 2015) and December 31, 2016 (or 2015).

iii. Free cash flows excluding changes in investments for cash management purposes


     Billions of yen  
     Year ended
March 31, 2016
    Nine months ended
December 31, 2015
    Nine months ended
December 31, 2016

Net cash provided by operating activities

   ¥ 1,209.1      ¥ 844.9      ¥ 924.9   

Net cash used in investing activities

     (375.3     (376.5     (668.1










Free cash flows

               833.9           468.4        256.8   










Changes in investments for cash management purposes

     235.1        80.1        (185.3










Free cash flows excluding changes in investments for cash management purposes

     598.7        388.3        442.1   












Changes in investments for cash management purposes were derived from purchases, redemption at maturity and disposals of financial instruments held for cash management purposes with original maturities of longer than three months.




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  DOCOMO Earnings Release

     Nine Months Ended December 31, 2016   


5. Special Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements

This earning release contains forward-looking statements such as forecasts of results of operations, management strategies, objectives and plans, forecasts of operational data such as the expected number of subscriptions, and the expected dividend payments. All forward-looking statements that are not historical facts are based on management’s current plans, expectations, assumptions and estimates based on the information currently available. Some of the projected numbers in this report were derived using certain assumptions that were indispensable for making such projections in addition to historical facts. These forward-looking statements are subject to various known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause our actual results to differ materially from those contained in or suggested by any forward-looking statement. Potential risks and uncertainties include, without limitation, the following:



Changes in the market environment in the telecommunications industry, such as intensifying competition from other businesses or other technologies caused by Mobile Number Portability, development of appealing new handsets, new market entrants, mergers among other service providers and other factors, or the expansion of the areas of competition could limit the acquisition of new subscriptions and retention of existing subscriptions by our corporate group, or it may lead to ARPU diminishing at a greater than expected rate, an increase in our costs, or an inability to optimize costs as expected.



If current and new services, usage patterns, and sales schemes proposed and introduced by our corporate group cannot be developed as planned, or if unanticipated expenses arise the financial condition of our corporate group could be affected and our growth could be limited.



The introduction or change of various laws or regulations inside and outside of Japan, or the application of such laws and regulations to our corporate group, could restrict our business operations, which may adversely affect our financial condition and results of operations.



Limitations in the amount of frequency spectrum or facilities made available to us could negatively affect our ability to maintain and improve our service quality and level of customer satisfaction and could increase our costs.



Other mobile service providers in the world may not adopt the technologies and the frequency bands that are compatible with those used by our corporate group’s mobile communications system on a continuing basis, which could affect our ability to sufficiently offer international services.



Our domestic and international investments, alliances and collaborations, as well as investments in new business fields, may not produce the returns or provide the opportunities we expect.



Malfunctions, defects or imperfections in our products and services or those of other parties may give rise to problems.



Social problems that could be caused by misuse or misunderstanding of our products and services may adversely affect our credibility or corporate image.



Inadequate handling of confidential business information including personal information by our corporate group, contractors and others may adversely affect our credibility or corporate image.



Owners of intellectual property rights that are essential for our business execution may not grant us a license or other use of such intellectual property rights, which may result in our inability to offer certain technologies, products and/or services, and our corporate group may also be held liable for damage compensation if we infringe the intellectual property rights of others. In addition, the illicit use by a third party of the intellectual property rights owned by our corporate group could reduce our license revenues actually obtained and may inhibit our competitive superiority.



Events and incidents caused by natural disasters, social infrastructure paralysis such as power shortages, the proliferation of harmful substances, terror or other destructive acts, the malfunctioning of equipment, software bugs, deliberate incidents induced by computer viruses, cyber-attacks, equipment misconfiguration, hacking, unauthorized access and other problems could cause failure in our networks, distribution channels, and/or other factors necessary for the provision of service, disrupting our ability to offer services to our subscribers and such incidents may adversely affect our credibility or corporate image, or lead to a reduction of revenues and/or increase of costs.



Concerns about adverse health effects arising from wireless telecommunications may spread and consequently adversely affect our financial condition and results of operations.



Our parent company, NIPPON TELEGRAPH AND TELEPHONE CORPORATION (NTT), could exercise influence that may not be in the interests of our other shareholders.



Names of companies, products, etc., contained in this release are the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective organizations.



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FY2016/1-3Q Results Presentation

January 27, 2017

Table of Contents



FY2016/1?3Q (Cumulative) Results Snapshot

YOY increase in both operating revenues/income


Financial data

Operating revenues: Operating income:

Ą3,469.6 billion (Up 2.5% year?on?year)

Ą842.3 billion (Up 22.9% year?on?year)

Operating income by segment

Telecommunications business: Smart life business: Other businesses:

Ą744.2 billion (Up 20.7% year?on?year) Ą58.7 billion (Up 19.7% year?on?year) Ą39.5 billion (Up 95.8% year?on?year)

Consolidated financial statements in this document are unaudited


Table of Contents



Selected Financial Data


FY2015/1?3Q FY2016/1?3Q Changes

(Billions of yen) Cumulative Cumulative

(1)(2)(2) ? (1)

Operating revenues 3,383.5 3,469.6 +86.1

Operating expenses 2,698.0 2,627.3 ?70.7

Operating income 685.5 842.3 +156.8

(Excluding irregular*1 factors)(767.3)(+81.8)

Net income attributable to 492.4 589.4 +97.0


Capital expenditures 362.5 399.4 +37.0

Adjusted free cash flow*2 388.3 442.1 +53.8

*1: Excludes the impact on operating income caused by the change in depreciation method, etc. and the impact on operating income caused by “Zutto CarryOver,” etc.

*2: Adjusted free cash flow is calculated excluding the effects of changes in investment derived from purchases, redemption at

maturity and disposals of financial instruments held for cash management purposes with original maturities of longer than

three months.


Table of Contents



Results by Segment



FY2015/1?3Q FY2016/1?3Q Changes

Cumulative Cumulative

(Billions of yen)(1)(2)(2) – (1)

Operating revenues 2,762.8 2,814.0 +51.2



Operating income 616.3 744.2 +127.8

Operating revenues 373.8 382.0 +8.1

Smart life


Operating income 49.0 58.7 +9.7

Other Operating revenues 265.6 294.9 +29.3


Operating income 20.2 39.5 +19.3

<Ref.> Smart life Operating revenues 639.4 676.8 +37.4

business and

Other businesses Operating income 69.2 98.2 +29.0


Table of Contents



Key Factors behind Changes in Operating Income


Decrease in

(Billions of yen) network?related Increase in *2 expenses : other operating Decrease in Down 73.2 revenues: selling

Increase in mobile Up 32.1 expenses*1: 842.3 communications Down 43.4 Increase in services revenues: other 767.3 Up 59.0 operating Decrease in Increase in optical?fiber expenses: selling 685.5 broadband service Up 45.9 revenues, etc. : revenues: Down 71.5

Income impact from the change of Up 66.6 depreciation method, etc. : Up 57.0 Selling revenues and expenses: Income impact from Down 28.1 “Zutto CarryOver,” etc.: Up 18.0

Operating revenues Operating expense Up 86.1 Down 70.7

FY15/1-3Q FY16/1-3Q (Cumulative) (Cumulative)

*1: Sum of cost of equipment sold and commissions to agent resellers

*2: Sum of depreciation/amortization, loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets, and communication network charges 3


Table of Contents



Operational Performance (1)

(Millions subs)

Mobile telecommunications Total smartphone/

Churn rate service subscriptions tablet users




31.63 0.57%


FY15/3Q FY16/3Q FY15/3Q FY16/3Q FY15/1?3Q FY16/1?3Q (Cumulative) (Cumulative)


Table of Contents



Operational Performance (2)

(Millions subs)

“Kake?hodai & Pake?aeru” new billing plan subs

“docomo Hikari” optical?fiber broadband subs

Topped 3 million on Jan. 14, 2017



FY15/3Q FY16/3Q



FY15/3Q FY16/3Q


Table of Contents




(Yen) Voice ARPU Packet ARPU docomo Hikari ARPU

4,370 4,450 4,040 4,230

60 210

2,880 2,960 2,780 2,930

1,490 1,260 1,240 1,280

FY13/3Q FY14/3Q FY15/3Q FY16/3Q


(Minutes) 117 128 136 139

For an explanation on ARPU and MOU, please see the slide “Definition and Calculation

Methods of ARPU and MOU” in this document


Table of Contents



“Kake?hodai Light”: Expanded Applicability

“Kake?hodai Light” voice plan can now be combined with any “Share Pack” or “Data Pack”!

“Data Pack” “Ultra Data LL Pack” “Ultra Data L Pack”

“Data M Pack”

For individual use NEW

To start accepting applications “Data S Pack” from Jan. 30, 2017

“Share Pack” “Ultra Share Pack 100” “Kake?hodai”: Ą2,700 “Ultra Share Pack 50”

?Ą1,000 “Ultra Share Pack 15”

“Kake?hodai Light”:

“Ultra Share Pack 10” Ą1,700

For sharing with

family “Ultra Share Pack 5”


Table of Contents



DOCOMO’s Student Discount

POINT 1 Discounts on basic monthly charges

Discounts of up to Ą1,500/month*1 for one year

* No new mobile phone subscription by family members, subscription to optical?fiber broadband service or purchase of

a new handset/device is necessary for application.


Gift of 500 points/month to users subscribing to eligible services*2

“dTV” “dmagazine” “dhits” “danime store” “Osusume Pack”

POINT 3 Free coupons

Free coupons once a month*3 for use at d POINT participating stores

*1 : A discount of up to Ą1,500/month on monthly charge will be provided when “Student Discount” is combined with “U25 Special

Discount.” Users who have already signed up to “Kake?hodai & Pake?aeru” plan can receive 1,000 points/month if they subscribe to “Ultra Pack.”

*2 : Giveaway “d POINTs” will be provided on monthly service usage up to July 2017. Eligible services include “dTV”, “dmagazine”,

“dhits”, “danime store” and “Osusume Pack.”

*3 : Coupons will be provided for up to four months. Planned to start in March 2017.


Table of Contents



Increased Customer Returns

Expanded to 150.0 billion (Over a 12?month period)

For low?usage

For elderly customers customers

For young customers

“DOCOMO’s Enrichment

Student Discoun of new For customers billing plan with limited voice usage Launch of new billing plan For low?usage

For child?raising customers customers

“Welcome Campaign”

For long?term

“docomo Child Raising Support

For “docomo customers feature phone”

For high?usage users

customers renewal

“Kake?hodai Light

“Keitai Pack”


Table of Contents



LTE Network

Network enhancements toward 5G

Total no. of LTE 154,300 base stations: 126,000


PREMIUM 4G?enabled base stations: 13,500

FY15/3Q FY16/3Q

*: 256QAM, 4X4 MIMO

370Mbps service using 3.5GHz band: Expanded to 104 cities across Japan


New speed enhancement techniques* to deliver Japan’s fastest 500Mbps/682Mbps services Planned to start in March 2017

*: 256QAM, 4X4 MIMO

The transmission speeds described herein are theoretical maximum downlink rates specified in the technical standard and the actual

rate may vary depending on the propagation conditions, etc.

Two frequency bands of 3.5GHz and 1.7GHz are used for the provision of 370Mbps service, which is available in 64 cities nationwide.

(The maximum downlink speed provided in areas other than Tokyo, Nagoya and Osaka is 332.5Mbps, for which the two frequency

bands of 3.5GHz and 2GHz are used. The 332.5Mbps service has been rolled out 11 in 40 cities nationwide.)

Table of Contents



Effective Speed Measurement Results

Achieved further speed enhancements

(Measurement period) Oct.?Dec. 2016

Download Upload

(Mbps) (Mbps)






71 23 Legend


Max. value

Upper quartile

Median value

0 0 Lower quartile

FY15/3Q FY16/3Q FY15/3Q FY16/3Q Minimum value

Measurements were performed in accordance with the “Effective Speed Measurement Method of Internet Connection Services

Provided by Mobile Telecommunications Carriers” set forth by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications. The values in the graphs represent the aggregated measurement results for

Android and iOS devices.

For details concerning the measurement method, including the cities where measurement was performed, please see the separately

published material. 12

Table of Contents



The World Envisaged by 5G

High speed/Peak rate: Over 10Gbps large capacitySystem capacity: 1,000 times*


4K/8K video streaming

Stadium solution

Smart city, smart home

Connection with numerous devices

No. of simultaneously connected devices: 100 times*

Autonomous driving

Low latency

Transmission latency in Radio Access Network (RAN): 1ms or less

Remote medical services

Agricultural ICT

*: Targets compared to the 2010 level. (When compared to 2015, target system capacity is 100 times, and target no. of simultaneously

connected devices is 10 times.)


Table of Contents



5G Trial Sites

Building an environment to experience new services employing 5G

Advanced security Multimedia services that

Tourist guide service service leveraging utilize next?generation Distribution of VR?based using VR/AR, etc. state-of-the y techniques high?quality technologies experience type content

No. of partner companies continue to grow

Trial Sites Trial launch date (planned)

Tokyo Waterfront City area

May 2017 or beyond Areas near TOKYO SKYTREE TOWN®


Table of Contents



Cost Efficiency Improvement

(Billions of yen)

FY16/1?3Q FY16 full year (Cumulative) (target)

1H actual: -43

3Q actual: -39

-82 NEW

Additional reduction ?10


Focus areas:


Capital expenditures,

Maintenance outsourcing cost, etc.


Sales tools, Handset repair, etc.


R&D, Information system, etc.

The numbers above are the amount of cost reduction compared to the FY2015 level.


Table of Contents



Smart Life Business & Other Businesses: Operating Income

Steadily progressing

(Billions of yen)




FY15/1-3Q FY16/1-3Q FY16 full-year (Cumulative) (Cumulative) (target)

Principal services, etc:

Smart Life business

Content services

Finance/Payment services

Group companies

Other businesses

Enterprise solutions

Support services for customers’ peace of mind, etc.


Table of Contents



Content Services

“dmarket” “Anshin Pack”


(Million subs) 15.61



FY15/3Q FY16/3Q

FY15/3Q FY16/3Q

“dTV” “dhits” “dmagazine” “Anshin Net Security” “danime store” “dgourmet” “dkids” “Anshin Remote Support”* “d healthcare pack” “dliving”

“Mobile Device Protection Service”*

*: “Anshin Remote Support” and “Mobile Device Protection Service” are included in the “Support Services for Customers’ Peace of Mind”


Table of Contents



Finance/Payment Services

(Million subs) “d CARD”


16.11 “d CARD Gold”

Dec. 28, 2016

Topped 2 million subs

FY15/3Q FY16/3Q

The total “d CARD” subscriptions represent the combined subscriptions to “d CARD” and “d CARD mini.”


Table of Contents



Promotion of

No. partners: Grew to 205


FY15/3Q 4Q FY16/1Q 2Q 3Q

No. of “+d” partners: The number of partners that have created new value by integrating DOCOMO’s business assets with their own assets


Table of Contents





Smart life

“d Mobile Payment Plus”

Corporate Local governments NEW

Sales & Marketing IoT

5G trial site NEW

R&D AI, translation, drones


Table of Contents



Full?scale development of Low Power Consumption IoT

LPWA network/solutions for various IoT to be rolled out from spring 2017

Cellular IoT

Cat.M / NB?IoT eDRX LoRa®

Cat.1 (currently in service)

Low speed/ Low power consumption Low price

low data volume (Operable for 10 years on battery)

Agriculture Vending machines Industrial machines Security Public infrastructure

Cat.M, eDRX and LoRa services are currently provided on a trial basis for verification. Please refer to the Appendices for glossary.


Table of Contents



DOCOMO’s “Work Style Reform”

Promote self?discipline and challenge


Diversity Health and work style management productivity options

Women’s career

Intra?company step count development program Shifted working hours competition

Promotion of LGBT Work at home

Health promotion seminar awareness

DOCOMO Let’s Walk! Campaign 2016

Changing Changing our approach our to work work style


Table of Contents



FY2016/1?3Q Summary

Recorded YOY increase in both operating revenues and income. FY2016/1?3Q (cumulative) operating income: Ą842.3 billion.

Operating income excluding irregular factors: Ą767.3 billion.

Increased customer returns from previously Ą110 billion to Ą150 billion for the full year.

Raised full?year cost efficiency improvement target to 110 billion.

Operating income from Smart life business and Other businesses: Ą98.2 billion

No. of “+d” partners grew from 74 to 205.

Full?scale roll?out of low power consumption IoT services starting progressively from spring 2017.

Promotion of “work style reform”


Table of Contents



The new of today, the norm of tomorrow

Danger ahead! Smartphone?distracted walking


Table of Contents





Table of Contents



LPWA Technology


Cat. 1 : A category of telecommunication specification defined in the initial phase of LTE standardization (3GPP Rel-8). Realizes data rates of up to 10Mbps(downlink) and 5Mbps (uplink).

Comparing to the high-speed LTE, it can provide modules by lower cost.

Cat. M : A technique that aims to lower the cost and power consumption of modules by limiting the functions of high-speed LTE. Movable while connecting to network.

NB-IoT : A newly designed technique aimed at lowering the cost and power consumption of modules. Unmovable while connecting to network. eDRX : A technique that realizes significant reduction in power consumption through creation of sleep status by extending the interval of incoming data.

LoRa : A low-cost, low-power consumption technology that utilizes the unlicensed 920MHz band.

Telecommunication standards



Cat.M NB-IoT LoRa


3GPP 3GPP 3GPP LoRa Alliance


Frequency band LTE Carrier LTE Carrier LTE Carrier Unlicensed band

Peak rate

10M/5Mbps 1M/1Mbps 29k/63kbps 50k/50kbps


Mobility Movable Movable Unmovable Unmovable

(while connecting to network)


Table of Contents



Services, etc., Included in Each Reportable Segment

Telecommunications business

Mobile communications services

Xi services (LTE)FOMA services (3G)International servicesSales of handset/equipment for each service, etc.

Optical fiber broadband service and other telecommunications services

Optical?fiber broadband servicesSatellite communications services, etc.

Smart life business

Content services

“dmarket”“Anshin Net Security”“Sugotoku Contents”“Cloud Storage Option” etc.

Finance/Payment services

Credit serviceProxy bill collection”d Mobile Payment” etc.

Group companies

Oak Lawn Marketing, Inc.ABC Cooking Studio, Co. Ltd.docomo Healthcare, Inc. etc.

Other businesses

Enterprise solutions

Enterprise IoT solutionsSystem development/sales/maintenance services etc.

Support services for customers peace of mind

“Mobile Device Protection Service”“Anshin Remote Support” etc.


Table of Contents



Definition and Calculation Methods of ARPU and MOU

i. Definition of ARPU and MOU a. ARPU (Average monthly Revenue Per Unit):

Average monthly revenue per unit, or ARPU, is used to measure average monthly operating revenues attributable to designated services on a per user basis. ARPU is calculated by dividing telecommunications services revenues (excluding certain revenues) by the number of active users of our wireless services in the relevant periods, as shown below “ARPU Calculation Method.” We believe that our ARPU figures provide useful information to analyze the average usage per user and the impacts of changes in our billing arrangements. The revenue items included in the numerators of our ARPU figures are based on our U.S. GAAP results of operations. b. MOU (Minutes of Use): Average monthly communication time per user.

ii. ARPU Calculation Methods

Aggregate ARPU = Voice ARPU + Packet ARPU + “docomo Hikari” ARPU

?Voice ARPU : Voice ARPU Related Revenues (basic monthly charges, voice communication charges)

/ No. of active users

?Packet ARPU : Packet ARPU Related Revenues (basic monthly charges, packet communication charges)

/ No. of active users

?“docomo Hikari” ARPU  : “docomo Hikari”?related revenues (basic monthly charges, voice communication charges)

/ No. of active users

?In addition, the sum of Packet ARPU and “docomo Hikari” ARPU is referred to as Data ARPU.

iii. Active Users Calculation Method

Sum of No. of active users for each month ((No. of users at the end of previous month + No. of users at the end of current month) /2) during the relevant period


1. The number of “users” used to calculated ARPU and MOU is the total number of subscriptions, excluding the subscriptions listed below: a. Subscriptions of communication modules services, “Phone Number Storage,” “Mail Address Storage,” “docomo Business Transceiver” and wholesale telecommunications services and interconnecting telecommunications facilities that are provided to Mobile Virtual Network Operators (MVNOs); and b. Data Plan subscriptions in the case where the customer contracting for such subscription in his/her name also has a subscription for “Xi” or “FOMA” services in his/her name.

2. Revenues from communication module services, “Phone Number Storage,” “Mail Address Storage,” “docomo Business Transceiver” and wholesale telecommunications services and interconnecting telecommunications facilities that are provided to Mobile Virtual Network Operators (MVNOs) are not included in the ARPU calculation.

ARPU and MOU calculation method were changed beginning with the results presentation for the first three months of the fiscal year ended March 31, 2016. Conventional ARPU calculation method is as below:

ARPU(conventional calculation): (Voice revenues + Packet revenues + Revenues accounted for in Smart ARPU)/No. of subscriptions after subtracting communication modules and MVNO subscriptions, etc. 28

Table of Contents



Special Note Regarding Forward?Looking Statements

This presentation contains forward?looking statements such as forecasts of results of operations, management strategies, objectives and plans, forecasts of operational data such as the expected number of subscriptions, and the expected dividend payments. All forward?looking statements that are not historical facts are based on management’s current plans, expectations, assumptions and estimates based on the information currently available. Some of the projected numbers in this presentation were derived using certain assumptions that were indispensable for making such projections in addition to historical facts. These forward?looking statements are subject to various known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause our actual results to differ materially from those contained in or suggested by any forward?looking statement. Potential risks and uncertainties include, without limitation, the following:

(1) Changes in the market environment in the telecommunications industry, such as intensifying competition from other businesses or other technologies caused by Mobile Number Portability, development of appealing new handsets, new market entrants, mergers among other service providers and other factors, or the expansion of the areas of competition could limit the acquisition of new subscriptions and retention of existing subscriptions by our corporate group, or it may lead to ARPU diminishing at a greater than expected rate, an increase in our costs, or an inability to optimize costs as expected.

(2) If current and new services, usage patterns, and sales schemes proposed and introduced by our corporate group cannot be developed as planned, or if unanticipated expenses arise the financial condition of our corporate group could be affected and our growth could be limited.

(3) The introduction or change of various laws or regulations inside and outside of Japan, or the application of such laws and regulations to our corporate group, could restrict our business operations, which may adversely affect our financial condition and results of operations.

(4) Limitations in the amount of frequency spectrum or facilities made available to us could negatively affect our ability to maintain and improve our service quality and level of customer satisfaction and could increase our costs.

(5) Other mobile service providers in the world may not adopt the technologies and the frequency bands that are compatible with those used by our corporate group’s mobile communications system on a continuing basis, which could affect our ability to sufficiently offer international services.

(6) Our domestic and international investments, alliances and collaborations, as well as investments in new business fields, may not produce the returns or provide the opportunities we expect.

(7) Malfunctions, defects or imperfections in our products and services or those of other parties may give rise to problems.

(8) Social problems that could be caused by misuse or misunderstanding of our products and services may adversely affect our credibility or corporate image. (9) Inadequate handling of confidential business information including personal information by our corporate group, contractors and others may adversely affect our credibility or corporate image.

(10) Owners of intellectual property rights that are essential for our business execution may not grant us a license or other use of such intellectual property rights, which may result in our inability to offer certain technologies, products and/or services, and our corporate group may also be held liable for damage compensation if we infringe the intellectual property rights of others. In addition, the illicit use by a third party of the intellectual property rights owned by our corporate group could reduce our license revenues actually obtained and may inhibit our competitive superiority.

(11) Events and incidents caused by natural disasters, social infrastructure paralysis such as power shortages, the proliferation of harmful substances, terror or other destructive acts, the malfunctioning of equipment, software bugs, deliberate incidents induced by computer viruses, cyber?attacks, equipment misconfiguration, hacking, unauthorized access and other problems could cause failure in our networks, distribution channels, and/or other factors necessary for the provision of service, disrupting our ability to offer services to our subscribers and such incidents may adversely affect our credibility or corporate image, or lead to a reduction of revenues and/or increase of costs.

(12) Concerns about adverse health effects arising from wireless telecommunications may spread and consequently adversely affect our financial condition and results of operations.

(13) Our parent company, NIPPON TELEGRAPH AND TELEPHONE CORPORATION (NTT), could exercise influence that may not be in the interests of our other shareholders.

Names of companies, products, etc., contained in this presentation are the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective organizations.


Ntt Docomo (NYSE:DCM)
Historical Stock Chart
From Aug 2024 to Sep 2024 Click Here for more Ntt Docomo Charts.
Ntt Docomo (NYSE:DCM)
Historical Stock Chart
From Sep 2023 to Sep 2024 Click Here for more Ntt Docomo Charts.