Innovativ Media Group, Inc. (OTC Pink: INMG) Premium Channel Launched - Sales Up Over 7,000%, Strong EBITA Growth
Miami, FL -- August 29, 2016 -- InvestorsHub NewsWire --, a leading independent small cap media portal with an extensive history of providing unparalleled content for the Emerging Growth markets and companies, reports on Innovativ Media Group, Inc. (OTC Pink: INMG).
New Report Available on
HPLoveCraft.TV Premium Channel Now Available
INMG may not be at these levels much longer.
See the Press Release and other stories on Innovativ Media Group, Inc. (OTC Pink: INMG) at
Innovativ Media Group, Inc. (OTC Pink: INMG), new to, just announced that it is launching today the first of several planned niche premium online channels, HPLovecraft.TV , which will be the exclusive streaming platform for the Company’s new, original animated series Mountain of Madness based on the novella At the Mountains of Madness.
Innovativ Media Group, Inc. (OTC Pink: INMG) is marketing in partnership with The Lovecraft Ezine The Lovecraft eZine has over 240,000 followers and is a magazine, website, and small press devoted to weird fiction, cosmic horror, and the Cthulhu Mythos.
Recently, Innovativ Media Group, Inc. (OTC Pink: INMG) announced another record financial result for the Quarter ending June 30, 2016.
In the 2nd Quarter the Company’s revenues substantially increased to $49,322 compared with just $625 in the corresponding Quarter from 2015 and the Company generated EBITA of $7,172 compared with a prior period loss of ($6,116.). Revenues in the first six months of the year were $95,201 with earnings before amortization of $14,140.
The Company plans on launching the first of its premium online channels in the 3rd Quarter and expects it to positively impact revenues in the 4th Quarter.
According to OTC Markets, As of August 26, 2016, Innovativ Media Group, Inc. has a market cap just over $400,000. 
As Innovativ Media Group, Inc. (OTC Pink: INMG) expands its lineup of premium online channels, the company expects to dramatically increase revenue with EBITA approaching six figures.
Meanwhile, WRIT Media Group, Inc. (WRIT), while in a similar market, has not reported any revenue thus far in 2016 that can be found, did not report any revenue in full year 2015, yet commands a market cap of nearly $5.4 million. This shows the potential for Innovativ Media Group, Inc. (OTC Pink: INMG) to vastly expand its market cap well into the millions. Overall, Innovativ Media Group, Inc. (OTC Pink: INMG) continues to strongly position itself within niche areas of the hottest sector of the entertainment industry with unique, branded streaming content.
Innovativ Media Group, Inc. (OTC Pink: INMG) is new to  We plan on focusing on and reporting any and all events to come from the Company.
INMG may not be at these levels much longer.
See the Press Release and other stories on Innovativ Media Group, Inc. (OTC Pink: INMG) at
About Innovativ Media Group, Inc.
Innovativ Media Group (OTC Pink: INMG) is a developer, producer and distributor of digital entertainment and other multi-media content. It distributes the motion picture assets of Lux Digital Pictures and, via New Broadway Cinema, develops adaptations of stage shows utilizing its trademarked DigiTheater™ Virtual Reality process. Innovativ also operates The Alien Interview Channel on YouTube, in partnership with FullScreen, Inc., the premium online channel HPLovecraft.TV and is a principal in the Film Finance Exchange.
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