Monthly shareholder’s Newsletter
Issue 7/8: Summer - July/August 2014                                                                        

July 29, 2014- InvestorsHub NewsWire - We welcome our investors once again. This issue represents a combined Summer July/August issue of the UCP Newsletter. In it you will find the information you need as reported by the management of the various companies that fall under our holding company umbrella.  

UCP is very excited to get this newsletter out. It marks our first foray into putting the UCP newsletter on the global iHub news wire. It will have a presence on the OTC Markets website as well as the website. With European management and most employees away during the summer months, information regarding our holdings tends to lag behind what happens during other quarters of the year.

Therefore, this issue will contain news such as how our discussion held at the UCP board meeting in June went as well as republished news from last month’s newsletter to spread the good word across the wire about the continued success of the UCP brand and its agencies. With all board members back in the office in August for our August 19th board meeting, the September issue will only contain new news as well as the much anticipated 2nd quarter earnings and other numerics, as reported by CFO and board member Anna-Karin Dahlen.

Finally, I would like to personally thank all of our shareholders who write to me with thoughts and ideas. It is because of you that this company will only get bigger and better in time……………Ken
UCP News:
On June 12, 2014, all UCP board members met in the 3Kronor Stockholm office. Strategic business opportunities, financials and new client potential for 3Q and 4thQ were discussed. As these ideas are fluid and the business pitches are ongoing, results cannot be released until definitive agreements are in place. But, what we can say is that board members considered the possibility of expanding 3Kronor’s Stockholm office. Due to new client acquisition, additional employees were hired, including experts in digital marketing areas such as Programmatic and as we know a new CEO. With this growth, comes the present need to increase office space to handle all the employees. Other offices under the UCP umbrella will also be looked at to see if space is an issue.
3Kronor Stockholm

As reported in the July 15 issue of Resume, Sweden’s largest advertising magazine (see ad below), Readly, a client of 3Kronor in Sweden and NY, has unveiled a ground breaking TV and radio campaign for this year in Sweden. The narration for these spots is done by none other than Torsten Wahlund, who has also lent his voice to Dumbledore in the Harry Potter movies. Touted as the Spotify of magazine, Readly is available in 47 markets, with more coming your way this fall. We congratulate Susanne Brave - Project Manager, David Ziemsky - Creator & Director and Emma Damberg - Media Adviser on a job well done!

For those that may not know, Readly innovatively provides unlimited access to hundreds of magazines for only $9.99/month. Readly is globally available for iPad and iPhone, Android, Windows 8/RT and Kindle Fire/HDX.

3Kronor Stockholm is also proud of winning the social media business of the prestigious Karolinska Institutet. Karolinska Institutet is one of the world’s leading medical universities. Its mission is to contribute to the improvement of human health through research and education. Karolinska Institutet accounts for over 40 per cent of the medical academic research conducted in Sweden and offers the country’s broadest range of education in medicine and health sciences. Since 1901 the Nobel Assembly at Karolinska Institutet has selected the Nobel laureates in Physiology or Medicine.
WiFog, another client continues to get stronger. For those that may not know, WiFog uniquely gives you free mobile data. To get free, unlimited, high-speed (3G) mobile data, all you have to do is watch a few adverts from time to time, to top up your browsing allowance. You can talk for up to 120 minutes every month. If you are in Sweden, download the Wifog App now. The app gives you quick and easy internet access and avoids the hassle of going through a landing page every time you start browsing. It also shows you how much data you have left before you need to start watching some adverts. It’ll remind you automatically when it’s time to start watching the ads, so you can choose to watch at a time that suits you, before you run out. For now, Wifog only works in Sweden but it soon will be appearing in bigger markets.

Additional clients added to the 3Kronor Stockholm roster will be announced in the coming weeks.
3Kronor Copenhagen  
In case you missed it in last month’s newsletter, the Copenhagen office reports that their formula for creativity and communication is working. They have several pitches in the Danish market and will anounce soon their results. Always in the market for new business, and always giving their clients above and beyond tailored service, which is being recognized in their monthly bottom line.
3Kronor New York  

We are currently competing for new business and will be reporting on our outcome and the promising direction of the New York office in the September issue. Check out my blog: Madison Avenue Greetings, a NY Blog by Ken Rosenthal, found @
Nyheter 365 

“We had not dreamed of such good results", so said SAS Enterprise. How did they tell that the results were great? For SAS, they took up native advertising via Nyheter365.

“It worked very well,” said Katja Ek Henriksson and Ulf Hermansson Samell of SAS Marketing Sweden.  SAS Enterprise Services SAS Credits is an enterprise application that provides a certain number of so-called Credits. They tested a Native Advertising campaign with conversion focus. The campaign was widely seen in Sweden via SvD, GP, Sydsvenskan to reach out to all the places where SAS flies from. The editorial content was adapted for each city with local angles for maximum relevance.

“We became like a local newspaper in each place. It was an incredibly fun and exciting campaign in that it came to stuff all the time and we adapted ourselves to the editorial content in ways we have never done before”, says Johan Rikner, CEO of nyheter365.

The result was not long in coming. The number of companies signed up for SAS Credits  increased by 90 percent compared to previous months.

“We are really happy and had probably never dreamed that it would give such a good result. It has been incredibly smooth and easy to work with nyheter365. We have also worked in real time during the campaign and it has worked just fine”, says Katja Ek Henriksson and Ulf Hermansson Samell of SAS Marketing Sweden (regarding the work of Nyheter 365).
HowCom/HowCom Evolution - Sweden

As detailed last month, HowCom has landed another big client. Oxfam is a confederation of 17 organizations working together to find lasting solutions to poverty and injustice. Around the globe, Oxfam works to find practical, innovative ways for people to lift themselves out of poverty and thrive.

Newly established in Sweden, Oxfam has chosen HowCom to be their Media Agency after a pitch with several of the most well-known agencies in the country.

HowCom continues its growth with digital media in focus and plans further recruitments within digital strategies and trends. Sister company, HowCom Evolution is also growing according to plans with an update to it status of growth in coming newsletters.
Native Clicks – Spain 

Microsoft Advertising and Native Clicks have signed an agreement to market together native advertising through MSN. The objective is to further enhance the connection between brands and consumers investing in content.

The aim of the agreement between Microsoft Advertising and Native Clicks is to promote innovative approaches in the Spanish advertising industry, offering advertisers a solution that is showing excellent performance in other countries. The incorporation of this product thus joins the long experience of Microsoft Advertising in connecting brands and consumers through quality content. In fact, MSN has been chosen by advertisers as El Corte Ingles, Unilever and Nokia to develop branded content projects such as Channel Trends, Channel Recipes or Agenda Summer Concert platform respectively.

"Partnering with Native Clicks explains Raúl de la Cruz, director of Microsoft Advertising-responds to the desire to provide the best tools of MSN Marketplace to help advertisers achieve greater success with their advertising campaigns."

Patrick List, country manager of Native Clicks in Spain explains: "We are very pleased to work with MSN in Spain, offering this advertising solution to advertisers in the Spanish market. We are convinced that here will be as successful as it has been on MSN in the Nordic countries. "

Recently, Native Clicks had great success with one of their other top clients, “Innovation Norway”. Using an editorial micro page, Native Clicks directed 300,000 readers to be inspired by Norway as a winter tourist destination.

The result?

In a reader survey 55% says that they “are more interested in a winter trip to Norway”. 
Elinor Eriksson, Senior Advisor, Innovation Norway: “We see that the work with Native Clicks has given a good result not only for us, but also for our partners. The process has been very smooth and we are looking forward to a continued good cooperation in new projects”. Given the major success of Disney’s Frozen, which takes place in Norway, trips to this Scandinavian country will only grow and grow, with Native Clicks responsible for directing that growth.
In Sight - Norway 
As we go to press, no changes have been reported for In Sight during the month of June.

Spotlight On:
 The City of Stockholm, Sweden
When you think of Stockholm, Sweden, people typically respond with one word, “cold”. For the most part, you could say they are right. But then something happened. The Summer of 2014. Life as Stockholmers and the rest of those in Sweden has forever changed. Would you believe that for over three weeks, Sweden has experience tropical weather? Yes, 80F/26C+ daily. Swedes are not used to this warm weather and one wonders if heeding the warning of the greenhouse effect is too late for us. Nevertheless, warm weather means people come out to fika, or have a coffee break. Smart business gets done, the same way in other countries business gets done on a golf course. With many IT innovations coming out of Sweden in recent years such as Spotify , Readly and newbie Ruzzle, and with the ever increasing importance of EDM music, thanks to Avicii, tiny Sweden isn’t so tiny anymore. A great place to work and a great place to raise a family, Sweden continually is listed in the top 10 of places in the world to live. Come visit, winter or summer, you wont be disappointed.  
About United Communications Partners
United Communications Partners is a communication group with its subsidiaries and operational focus in Europe and North America. For more information please visit our website: or find us on the OTC Market Wire News as well as iHub, news wire gateway to Reuters, DowJones, Bloomberg, Yahoo Finance, WSJ and many more news reporting services.

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291 Broadway, Suite 302
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