Avrupa Minerals Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:AVU)(FRANKFURT:8AM) is pleased to report drill
results from the Sesmarias area of the Alvalade Joint Venture project in the
Iberian Pyrite Belt of Portugal. The Alvalade project is operated by Avrupa and
funded by a wholly-owned subsidiary of Antofagasta plc ("Antofagasta").

Avrupa and Antofagasta have now drilled a further five holes in the Sesmarias
area, to follow-up on the initial program completed earlier this year (see AVU
news releases of February 27 and May 12, 2014). The highlight of this follow-up
program is a thick massive sulfide intercept in drill hole SES010, which started
at a depth of 228.40 meters, and continued for 57.85 meters to 286.25 meters
depth. Average grades for the entire massive sulfide intercept are: 0.32%
copper, 0.61% lead, 1.95% zinc, 0.45 g/t gold, and 25.1 g/t silver. True
thickness of the intercept is estimated to be approximately 35 to 40 meters. The
Joint Venture has now completed 13 holes, over a total strike length of 1,700
meters, at Sesmarias, for a total of 3,807 meters in the general target area.
The Sesmarias target zone is heavily faulted, and the rocks are strongly
contorted and displaced, which makes exploration extremely difficult. Despite
these difficulties, the results from the drill programs continue to clearly
indicate the potential for a large-scale mineralized system, and further
drilling will be planned.

The following updated figures outline the Sesmarias massive sulfide system
target area. Key points to take from the figures include: 

--  The large scale of a potential Sesmarias system, with previously-
    documented sulfide mineralization around the peripheries of the present
    target area; 
--  The comparison of the size of a potential Sesmarias system to the size
    of the giant Neves-Corvo deposits, located 50 kilometers southeast of
    Sesmarias and presently mined by Lundin Mining Company; 
--  Historic drilling missed the actual target rock package, leaving a 2,500
    meter strike length of never-before-been drilled target area at
--  The complicated geology and structure of the Sesmarias area increases
    the difficulty in locating lenses of massive sulfide mineralization.
    Interpretation of the geological, geophysical, and geochemical results
    is ongoing, and is dedicated to upgrading targets for further drilling
    in the area.  
--  New and upgraded understanding of the geology and structure demonstrates
    potential for further massive sulfide targets in a new zone, located to
    the east of, and sub-parallel to the present drilling trend. 

To view 'Figure 1', please visit the following link:

Figure 1. General location and overview of the Sesmarias area. The target area
is located approximately seven kilometers south, along trend, of the historic
Lousal Mine, and approximately 50 kilometers northwest, along trend, of the
operating Neves-Corvo Mine. In addition, Sesmarias is located 22 kilometers WNW
of the operating Aljustrel Mine, located on a separate important mineral trend
in the Portuguese portion of the Iberian Pyrite Belt.

Recent Sesmarias intercepts and drill hole summaries:

Hole ID               Total Depth                   Description             
SES013                401.5 meters    Located 165 meters SE of SES010. Did  
                                      not intercept massive sulfide         
                                      mineralization, probably due to heavy 
                                      faulting throughout the entire drill  
                                      hole. Some massive sulfide fragments  
                                      located in fault zone, indicating     
                                      prior presence. Elevated sulfides in  
                                      target shale horizons.                
SES012                438.1 meters    Target depth contained strong sulfides
                                      in black shales above an 11-meter wide
                                      fault zone containing abundant pyritic
                                      massive sulfide fragments, confirming 
                                      massive sulfides were present, but    
                                      were later displaced. Located         
                                      approximately half way between SES002 
                                      and SES010.                           
SES011                372.1 meters    Located 750 meters SE of SES010, and  
                                      1550 meters SE of SES002. Did not     
                                      intercept massive sulfide             
                                      mineralization, possibly due to heavy 
                                      faulting in/around the target horizon.
SES010                371.1 meters    57.85 meters of massive sulfide       
                                      mineralization. Located 800 meters SE 
                                      of SES002. Lower boundary of the      
                                      massive sulfide mineralization appears
                                      to be faulted off.                    
Massive sulfide mineralization @ 228.40 - 286.25 meters, total of 57.85     
                      Au      Ag                                            
                       (g/t)   (g/t)  Cu %         Pb %         Zn %        
57.85 meters (228.40- 0.45    25.1                                          
 286.25) @                            0.32         0.61         1.95        
  incl 1.1 meters                                                           
   (228.40-229.50) @                  1.48                                  
  incl 6.5 meters                                                           
   (234.00-240.50) @                  0.39                                  
  incl 4.4 meters                                                           
   (281.85-286.25) @                  0.4                                   
  incl 3.5 meters                                                           
   (234.00-237.50) @                                            4.65        
  incl 9.0 meters                                                           
   (244.00-253.00) @                                            3.18        
  incl 9.5 meters                                                           
   (257.00-266.50) @                                            2.68        
  incl 1.0 meter                                                            
   (274.50-275.50) @                                            3.10        
SES009                263.1 meters    Located approximately halfway between 
                                      SES008 and SES002. Intercepted 2.3    
                                      meters of massive sulfide             
                                      mineralization, mostly pyrite, in     
                                      graphitic black shales.               

Paul W. Kuhn, President and CEO of Avrupa Minerals, commented, "Continuing work
in the Sesmarias area shows favorable potential for future success in this
apparent massive sulfide system. The work, to date, has identified a specific
and continuous target horizon for massive sulfide mineralization in this part of
the Alvalade license. We have primarily focused on extending strike length of
the Sesmarias target, and have yet to seriously test the down-dip potential. The
Joint Venture team is working to unravel the structural complications that have
made the Sesmarias work challenging. Faulting appears to have displaced parts of
the sulfide bodies, and with all the new information, we are refining our
targeting model in order to better drill Sesmarias in the future. Our work has
also shown a number of new targets nearby, in the Sesmarias area, which we hope
to follow-up after more detailed review of the existing drill core."

While review and re-interpretation continues at Sesmarias, the drilling has
moved to other targets along the Neves Corvo trend, south of the Sesmarias area.
The Joint Venture plans to drill up to four more exploration holes through
August, and +/- 1,400 more meters in this phase of the project. The targets have
been chosen via use of our developing Sesmarias exploration model, with the
intent to attempt to open up the Neves Belt between Sesmarias and Aldeia dos

Notes on analytical methods and quality control. All samples were sent to the
ALS Minerals sample preparation facility in Seville, Spain. ALS shipped the
prepped material to their main European analytical laboratory located in
Loughrea, Ireland. In the main massive sulfide zones, total copper, silver,
lead, zinc, and cobalt results were obtained using a metals' extraction method
developed specifically for analysis of massive sulfide mineralization. This
includes metals' digestion by strong oxidizing agents, followed by analysis
using the industry-standard technique of inductively coupled plasma - atomic
emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES). Total tin results were obtained using a lithium
borate fusion with the addition of a strong oxidizing agent, and followed by
x-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis, performed in the ALS Minerals laboratory
located in Vancouver, Canada. In the lower anomalous zone of SES002, all metals'
results were obtained using a four-acid digestion, followed by ICP-AES analysis
for near-total results in all metals, with the exception of tin, which was not
re-analyzed due to low levels. In addition to ALS Minerals quality
assurance/quality control (QA/QC) of all work orders, the Joint Venture
conducted its own standard, internal QA/QC from results generated by the
systematic inclusion of certified reference materials, blank samples, and field
duplicate samples. The analytical results from the quality control samples in
the Sesmarias work orders have been evaluated, and conform to industry
best-practice standards.

Antofagasta plc is listed on the London Stock Exchange, is a constituent of the
FTSE-100 Index, and has significant mining interests in Chile. Antofagasta plc
operates four copper mines: Los Pelambres, Esperanza, El Tesoro and Michilla.
Total production in 2013 was 721,200 tonnes of copper, 9,000 tonnes of
molybdenum, and 293,800 ounces of gold. Antofagasta plc also has exploration,
evaluation and/or feasibility programs in North America, Latin America, Europe,
Asia, Australia and Africa.

Avrupa Minerals Ltd. is a growth-oriented junior exploration and development
company focused on discovery, using a prospect generator model, of valuable
mineral deposits in politically stable and prospective regions of Europe,
including Portugal, Kosovo, and Germany.

The Company currently holds 14 exploration licenses in three European countries,
including eight in Portugal covering 2,951.6 km2, five in Kosovo covering 153
km2, and one in Germany covering 307 km2. Avrupa operates three joint ventures
and one exploration alliance in Portugal and Kosovo, including:

--  The Alvalade JV, with Antofagasta, covering one license in the Iberian
    Pyrite Belt of southern Portugal, for Cu-rich massive sulfide deposits; 
--  The Covas JV, with Blackheath Resources, covering one license in
    northern Portugal, for intrusion-related W deposits; 
--  The Slivovo JV, with Byrnecut International, covering one license in
    central Kosovo, for gold and base metals related to carbonate-hosted
    massive sulfide deposits in the Vardar Mineral Trend; and 
--  The CalGen Exploration Alliance, with Callinan Royalties Corp., covering
    generative exploration throughout Portugal, and including specific
    prospect upgrade work on the Alvito IOCG license in southern Portugal. 

Avrupa is currently upgrading precious and base metal targets to JV-ready status
in a variety of districts on their other licenses, with the idea of attracting
potential partners to project-specific and/or regional exploration programs.

On behalf of the Board,

Paul W. Kuhn, President & Director

This news release was prepared by Company management, who take full
responsibility for its content. Paul W. Kuhn, President and CEO of Avrupa
Minerals, a Licensed Professional Geologist and a Registered Member of the
Society of Mining Engineers, is a Qualified Person as defined by National
Instrument 43-101 of the Canadian Securities Administrators. He has reviewed the
technical disclosure in this release.

Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term
is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility
for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

Avrupa Minerals Ltd.