(`Braime' or the 'company' and with it subsidiaries the `group') 
At a meeting of the directors held yesterday, the accounts for the year ended 
31st December 2011 were submitted and approved by the directors. The 
preliminary accounts statement is as follows: 
Chairman's statement 
Performance of group companies 
Sales revenue increased by 11% continuing the steady growth achieved over the 
past five years, albeit at a slower pace, increasing from GBP18.10m in 2010 to GBP 
20.10m in 2011. In contrast profit before tax fell from GBP1.36m to GBP1.24m. After 
an increase in tax payable, the profit after tax reduced by 14% from the record 
high of GBP945,000 in 2010 to GBP814,000 for the year ending 31st December 2011. 
The drop in profitability was due primarily to a reduction in our gross margin 
in the second half of the year. This was caused, in part, by the strengthening 
of the pound against the euro, which reduced the margin on goods sold in euros 
and, secondly, by the continuing steep increases in the cost of raw materials, 
where, in a highly competitive market, we were unable to pass on immediately 
the increases in the cost of our products. 
The directors paid a first interim dividend of 2.40p on 14th October 2011, 
unchanged from the previous year. In view of the continuing underlying sales 
increase and the benefits which will accrue in 2012 from new product lines 
coming on stream, the directors paid a second interim dividend of 5.40p on 2nd 
April 2012, making a total for the tax year ending 5th April 2012 of 7.80p, 
compared to 7.20p in the previous tax year. 
Braime Pressings Limited, manufacturer of deep drawn metal presswork 
The company continued to make a loss despite the successful implementation of 
capital projects to reduce manufacturing costs. Huge efforts were made by our 
small management, development and maintenance teams to bring on stream the new 
product lines on which the future of the business depends but their 
introduction was again subject to further unforeseen delays. 
However, since the start of 2012, considerable progress has been made. 
Production has now started on one of the new product ranges, final production 
trials on a second range of products has been successfully completed and we are 
now waiting for a bulk schedule from our customer, which is expected in April. 
We are close to completing production trials on the third new range and hope to 
be in full production by June/July of this year. Once all these new lines are 
on stream, we finally expect Braime Pressings Limited to return to 
4B division, distributor worldwide of components and monitoring systems for the 
material handling industry 
Overall sales revenue continued to grow but in 2011 the individual performance 
of the subsidiaries within the 4B division varied significantly due to the 
differing regional impact on each subsidiary of the current economic crisis and 
of the steep rise of commodity prices. 
For the first time in many years the sales and profitability of our US 
subsidiary were largely flat, whereas all the other subsidiaries achieved 
significant sales growth. Some of the subsidiaries also increased profitability 
but those operating primarily in the euro zone saw their margins eroded by the 
effect of the fall in the value of the euro and by fierce competition in a 
market badly affected by recession. 
Trade in the first quarter of 2012 has begun very positively. There continues 
to be major investment in the primary processing of food and the USA appears to 
be coming out of recession. Nevertheless, given the current crisis in Europe 
and the global instability of both currencies and raw material prices, it is 
almost impossible to predict with any level of confidence what will be the 
final outcome for the 4B division in 2012 
The company has continued its high level of investment in its manufacturing 
facility, in developing new products and in expanding its global distribution. 
In January of this year our USA subsidiary relocated to bespoke premises with 
8,000 sq ft of offices and 45,000 sq ft of warehousing, providing the 
facilities which it needs to continue its growth. 
In 2011, GBP600,000 was invested in plant and machinery, of which GBP280,000 was 
financed by HP and GBP320,000 financed from earnings. The company has existing 
capital commitments of GBP150,000 for further capital investment in 2012. 
Expenditure on R & D in 2011 was GBP225,000. 
Cash flow and debt 
The company was cash negative in 2011 by GBP439,000 due partly to the exceptional 
level of capital investment and by the need to finance the increase in sales 
revenue, while the net increase in trade debtors grew in line with the increase 
in group sales revenue. However inventories grew by GBP808,000, reflecting the 
increase in the cost of raw materials and components purchased for resale and 
stocks in the fledgling subsidiaries. This also follows an increase in stocks 
in 2010 of GBP730,000. 
The overall effect of the exceptional level of capital investment and the 
increase in working capital led to an increase in our bank borrowings of GBP 
469,000 and to an increase in HP finance of GBP90,000. 
In 2012 we are investing in the installation of an ERP computer system. One of 
the many benefits of this will be to increase our ability to control our stock 
levels in what is now a global business and this is fundamental to the future 
expansion of the business. 
All the business sectors in which we operate are exposed to global competition 
and to survive and grow it is no longer enough to be good at what we do; we 
have to be exceptional and to change and improve constantly. This presents an 
enormous challenge for our dedicated and determined staff all across the group 
and we thank them for their continuing support and loyalty. 
David Brown, our Financial Director for just over 31 years retired on 10th 
April 2012. David has always been a source of wise and independent advice to 
both the individual directors and to the board as a whole and we are all 
indebted to him for his contribution and loyalty. 
David has had to cope with enormous changes in the focus of the group as it has 
transformed itself into a global business operating in many locations and in 
many currencies and, in parallel, he has had to comply with the complex and 
often baffling changes in the regulatory regime which have been imposed on even 
small businesses such as ourselves. We will miss David's intellect and dry 
sense of humour! 
Marcus Mills joined the company on 13th February 2012 as Financial Controller 
and it is anticipated he will be David's successor as Financial Director. 
Marcus, although only 38, comes to us with outstanding qualifications and a 
proven track record. We believe he will bring to us the benefits of his 
enthusiasm, training and experience. 
I would also like to pay tribute to Jim Mawson, our Senior Technical Manager of 
4B, colleague and personal friend who died recently on 12th February. Jim 
joined the company in July 1983 at the mere age of 60 and retired finally in 
July of last year after 29 years with the company. He played a major part in 
the establishment of our US business and indeed of the development of the 4B 
division. He was recognised across the world as one of the leading experts in 
our field of bulk material handling and is missed by both his work colleagues 
and the many business friends that he made across the world. 
Providing that the anticipated volume of business from the existing and new 
product lines materialise and that the further new ranges of products come on 
stream at the times we now predict, the contribution from Braime Pressings 
Limited to the group result should be significant. 
While the year has started positively in all the subsidiaries which make up 4B, 
it is extremely difficult to forecast the result for 2012 , given the current 
economic uncertainty and volatility in exchange rates. Moreover the level of 
competition we face grows ever stronger. 
Overall, we are reasonably confident that in 2012 the group can at least repeat 
the result for 2011. 
Summarised Consolidated Income Statement for the year ended 31st December 2011 
                                                Note         2011         2010 
                                                                GBP            GBP 
Revenue                                                20,067,905   18,057,661 
Changes in inventories of finished goods and              777,134      647,108 
work in 
Raw materials and consumables used                    (11,791,200) (10,358,951) 
Employee benefits costs                                (4,132,824)  (3,841,811) 
Depreciation expense                                     (395,200)    (286,938) 
Other expenses                                         (3,210,533)  (2,804,022) 
Profit from operations                                  1,315,282    1,413,047 
Finance costs                                            (345,455)    (302,445) 
Finance income                                            274,406      250,776 
Profit before tax                                       1,244,233    1,361,378 
Tax expense                                              (430,212)    (416,240) 
Profit for the year attributable to equity                814,021      945,138 
shareholders of the parent company 
Basic and diluted earnings per share                1      56.53p       65.63p 
  Summarised Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Incomefor the year ended 
                          31st December 2011(audited) 
                                                             2011         2010 
                                                                GBP            GBP 
Profit for the year                                       814,021      945,138 
Actuarial losses recognised directly in equity            (50,000)    (168,000) 
Foreign exchange gains/(losses) on                         48,467      (33,254) 
re-translation of overseas operations 
Adjustment in respect of minimum funding                  (31,000)     137,000 
requirement per IFRIC14 
Other comprehensive income for the year                   (32,533)     (64,254) 
Total comprehensive income for the year                   781,488      880,884 
     Summarised Consolidated Balance Sheet at 31st December 2011(audited) 
                          Note       2011         2011        2010        2010 
                                        GBP            GBP           GBP           GBP 
Non-current assets 
Property, plant and             1,426,995                1,223,980 
Goodwill                           12,270                   12,270 
Employee benefits                       -                        - 
Total non-current                            1,439,265               1,236,250 
Current assets 
Inventories                     4,401,733                3,593,680 
Trade and other                 3,507,494                3,291,602 
Cash and cash                   1,746,464                1,844,934 
Total current assets                         9,655,691               8,730,216 
Total assets                                11,094,956               9,966,466 
Current liabilities 
Bank overdraft                  1,485,757                1,145,421 
Trade and other                 2,656,483                2,707,169 
Other financial                   350,859                  291,553 
Corporation tax                   114,319                  171,054 
Total current                                4,607,418               4,315,197 
Non-current liabilities 
Financial liabilities             547,473                  389,012 
Total non-current                              547,473                 389,012 
Total liabilities                            5,154,891               4,704,209 
Total net assets                             5,940,065               5,262,257 
Capital and reserves 
attributable to equity 
holders of the parent 
Share capital                                  360,000                 360,000 
Capital reserves                                77,319                  77,319 
Foreign exchange                               334,759                 286,292 
Retained earnings                            5,167,987               4,538,646 
Total equity                                 5,940,065               5,262,257 
 Summarised Consolidated Cash Flow Statement for the year ended 31st December 
                          Note       2011         2011        2010        2010 
                                        GBP            GBP           GBP           GBP 
Operating activities 
Net profit                                     814,021                 945,138 
Adjustments for: 
Depreciation                      395,200                  286,938 
Grants amortised                   (1,656)                  (1,656) 
Foreign exchange gains/            47,391                  (37,785) 
Investment income                (274,406)                (250,776) 
Interest expense                  345,455                  302,445 
Gain on sale of plant,            (21,617)                 (35,357) 
machinery and motor 
Adjustment in respect             (74,000)                 (22,000) 
of defined benefits 
Income tax expense                430,212                  416,240 
                                               846,579                 658,049 
Operating profit before                      1,660,600               1,603,187 
changes in working 
capital and provisions 
Increase in trade and            (215,892)                (891,218) 
other receivables 
Increase in inventories          (808,053)                (731,531) 
(Decrease)/increase in            (50,686)                 713,331 
trade and other 
                                            (1,074,631)               (909,418) 
Cash generated from                            585,969                 693,769 
Income taxes paid                             (486,947)               (270,401) 
Investing activities 
Purchases of plant,              (320,241)                (210,154) 
machinery and motor 
Sale of plant,                     21,620                   35,358 
machinery and motor 
Interest received                   4,406                    4,776 
                                              (294,215)               (170,020) 
Financing activities 
Proceeds from long term           133,196                        - 
Repayment of hire                (190,674)                (197,871) 
purchase creditors 
Interest paid                     (82,455)                 (65,445) 
Dividends paid                   (103,680)                 (77,760) 
                                              (243,613)               (341,076) 
Decrease in cash and                          (438,806)                (87,728) 
cash equivalents 
Cash and cash                                  699,513                 787,241 
equivalents, beginning 
of period 
Cash and cash                                  260,707                 699,513 
equivalents, end of 
 Consolidated statement of changes in equity for the year ended 31st December 
                             Share   Capital   Exchange   Retained 
                           Capital   Reserve    Reserve   Earnings      Total 
                                 GBP         GBP          GBP          GBP          GBP 
Balance at 1st January     360,000    77,319    319,546  3,702,268  4,459,133 
Comprehensive income 
Profit                           -         -          -    945,138    945,138 
Other comprehensive 
Actuarial gains                  -         -          -  (168,000)   (168,000) 
recognised directly in 
Foreign exchange losses          -         -    (33,254)         -    (33,254) 
on re-translation of 
overseas operations 
Adjustment in respect of         -         -          -    137,000    137,000 
minimum funding 
requirement per IFRIC14 
Total other comprehensive        -         -    (33,254)   (31,000)   (64,254) 
Total comprehensive              -         -    (33,254)   914,138    880,884 
Transaction with owners 
Dividends                        -         -          -    (77,760)   (77,760) 
Total transactions with          -         -          -    (77,760)   (77,760) 
Balance at 31st December   360,000    77,319    286,292  4,538,646  5,262,257 
Balance at 1st January     360,000    77,319    286,292  4,538,646  5,262,257 
Comprehensive income 
Profit                           -         -          -    814,021    814,021 
Other comprehensive 
Actuarial losses                 -         -          -    (50,000)   (50,000) 
recognised directly in 
Foreign exchange losses          -         -     48,467          -     48,467 
on re-translation of 
overseas operations 
Adjustment in respect of         -         -          -    (31,000)   (31,000) 
minimum funding 
requirement per IFRIC14 
Total other comprehensive        -         -     48,467    (81,000)   (32,533) 
Total comprehensive              -         -     48,467    733,021    781,488 
Transaction with owners 
Dividends                        -         -          -   (103,680)  (103,680) 
Total transactions with          -         -          -   (103,680)  (103,680) 
Balance at 31st December   360,000    77,319    334,759  5,167,987  5,940,065 
1. Earnings per share and dividends 
Both the basic and diluted earnings per share have been calculated using the 
net results attributable to shareholders of T.F. & J.H. Braime (Holdings) 
P.L.C. as the numerator. 
The weighted average number of outstanding shares used for basic earnings per 
share amounted to 1,440,000 (2010 - 1,440,000). There are no potentially 
dilutive shares in issue. 
    Dividends paid                                           2011        2010 
                                                                GBP           GBP 
    Equity shares 
    Ordinary shares 
    Interim of 4.80p (2010 - 3.00p) per share paid on      23,040      14,400 
    1st April 2011 
    Interim of 2.40p (2010 - 2.40p) per share paid on      11,520      11,520 
    14th October 2011 
                                                           34,560      25,920 
    'A' Ordinary shares 
    Interim of 4.80p (2010 - 3.00p) per share paid on      46,080      28,800 
    1st April 2011 
    Interim of 2.40p (2010 - 2.40p) per share paid on      23,040      23,040 
    14th October 2011 
                                                           69,120      51,840 
    Total dividends paid                                  103,680      77,760 
2.  Cash and cash equivalents                                2011        2010 
                                                                GBP           GBP 
    Cash at bank and in hand                            1,746,464   1,844,934 
    Bank overdrafts                                     1,485,757   1,145,421 
                                                          260,707     699,513 
3. Major non-cash transaction 
During the year the group acquired tangible assets subject to finance of GBP 
281,170 (2010 - GBP53,050) under hire purchase agreements. 
4. Segmental information 
                             Central  Manufacturing   Distribution       Total 
                                2011            2011          2011        2011 
                                   GBP               GBP             GBP           GBP 
External                           -       2,510,726    17,557,179  20,067,905 
Inter company                 61,443       3,026,539     1,828,853   4,916,835 
Total                         61,443       5,537,265    19,386,032  24,984,740 
EBITDA                       (12,901)        274,159     1,449,224   1,710,482 
Finance costs                (14,812)       (301,808)      (28,835)   (345,455) 
Finance income                 1,679         272,722             5     274,406 
Depreciation                       -        (322,728)      (72,472)   (395,200) 
Tax expense                  (23,079)              -      (407,133)   (430,212) 
(Loss)/profit for the        (49,113)        (77,655)      940,789     814,021 
Total assets                 810,551       2,874,795     7,409,610  11,094,956 
Additions to non current           -         396,164       205,247     601,411 
Total liabilities            526,570       1,849,717     2,778,604   5,154,891 
                             Central  Manufacturing   Distribution       Total 
                                2010            2010          2010        2010 
                                   GBP               GBP             GBP           GBP 
External                           -       2,126,262    15,931,399  18,057,661 
Inter company                 64,743       2,787,705     1,606,740   4,459,188 
Total                         64,743       4,913,967    17,538,139  22,516,849 
EBITDA                       (15,617)        125,391     1,590,211   1,699,985 
Finance costs                (14,493)       (267,354)      (20,598)   (302,445) 
Finance income                 1,719         248,699           358     250,776 
Depreciation                       -        (249,366)      (37,572)   (286,938) 
Tax expense                  (21,450)          5,545      (400,335)   (416,240) 
(Loss)/profit for the        (49,841)       (137,085)    1,132,064     945,138 
Total assets                 766,618       2,846,980     6,352,868   9,966,466 
Additions to non current           -         199,946        63,258     263,204 
Total liabilities            480,636       2,063,659     2,159,914   4,704,209 
5. Basis of preparation 
The preliminary announcement has been prepared in accordance with applicable 
International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the European Union 
(IFRSs as adopted by the EU), IFRIC interpretations and the Companies Act 2006 
applicable to companies reporting under IFRS. 
The accounting policies adopted are consistent with those of the annual 
financial statements for the year ended 31st December 2010, as described in 
those annual financial statements. 
The consolidated financial statements have been prepared on a going concern 
basis and under the historical cost convention. 
6. Annual general meeting 
The annual general meeting of the company will be held in Leeds on Friday 25th 
May 2012. Full details will be included in the published annual report and 
financial statements, which will be sent to shareholders by the 26th April 2012 
and will also be available on the company's web-site (www.braimegroup.com) from 
that date. 
7. Preliminary statement 
The financial statements set out in the preliminary announcement do not 
constitute statutory accounts as defined by section 434 of the Companies Act 
2006. The financial information for the year ended 31st December 2011 has been 
extracted from the group's financial statements upon which the auditor's 
opinion is unqualified, does not include reference to any matters to which they 
wish to draw attention by way of emphasis without qualifying their report, and 
does not include any statement under section 498 of the Companies Act 2006. 
Statutory accounts for the year ended 31st December 2010 have been delivered to 
the Registrar of Companies, and those for 2011 will be delivered in due course. 
Approved by the Board 16 April 2012 
For further information please contact: 
T.F. & J.H. Braime (Holdings) P.L.C. 
A. Q. Braime A.C.A. - Operations Director 
0113 245 7491 
W. H. Ireland Limited 
Katy Mitchell LLB 
0113 394 6628 

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