3 weeks ago
everything does match wirh our theories, the temporary lending of patents, which is similar to delay of payment, the fleets control has demostrated it is working like lider of segment, only left fullfilling the agreement signed under secret, I think was in 2016 with the consentiment of the mainshareholder, like our friend m0n said.
it seems me that talk about an IPO dated, having on count that there are many parametres that condition this one, it is dificult to determine at 2028, an IPO of whom? Telogis? 2028 will be 12 years after first merger.
I know that employees were traspased along of two merges, creating the telematic department of VZ, and during this period this same company has encharged of mantain alive the dominion an the mark of Remote Dynamic INC.
Telogis it is already absorbed, now the agreement between Telogis and Remoted must lead to the next step, except others clauses add for VZ when it bought Telogis.
we are approaching good times for IPOS, there is a lot of liquidity in the markets.
What do you think about the presence of Miller Wealth Management like the unique institucional declarated as owner? did you notice that?
4 weeks ago
I have been tracking them since foundation. The technology exchanges hands companies are only temporary. Researching a company is simple even at its most complex levels, You track history of top engineers they employ, the Ceos and their history, The places they live and travel and whom they speak with, study those people and their backgrounds and business portfolios, study the patents and global revenues, cross examine the economic code of law for each country they file and do business in and the current standing rights or patents of each equipment and then project which company will grow and into which future companies will take over those contracts and properties. Then once you have a success projection of what % you are comfortable in you invest in those companies. Me personally for anything over a 10,000,000 share or 4% fund equivalent equity to the current portfolio I am using depending on the sector but for tech I use these foundations it must have at least a 82% chance of full market success. I however invest very risky so my number at 82% is of course very risky, others are definitely higher and they are far better investors then me I am just a silly fun person. I have been researching the technology and following it both currently used and future use of for about 15 years I am sadly not very old. I followed the technology from technologies and from the engineer stand career history before it was company patents and still in development. Hey it let me click bull today lol, next time I will click bear for consistency of post lol. We'll I type this all I hear is MOJO Jojo saying this stuff not sure why lol.
4 weeks ago
I have only one question, Astro, because yes, this was and is still
such a fascinating company to discover, research, invest in, and follow.
My question is this, in what year did you discover RMTD and begin to research
The research can become, and for me did become quite addictive as there are so many layers
of such great stuff.