Dragon Lady
1 month ago
💀 ☠️ 💀 ☠️ 💀 ☠️ 💀 ☠️
I'm going to be compiling a list of EVERY shit ticker that DIRTY BRETT aka BRETT ROSEN aka BRETT HACKSPACHER aka ROSEN-SCUM has ever had his criminal dirty paws on and run to literal No-Bid or double/triple zeros AFTER every single one was front-loaded, etc !
$OPTI-CON was Rosen-SCUMS single biggest criminal haul of his entire "career" as a OTC hustler, ever !!
DIRTY BRETT has his "office" aka 2nd luxury mega bucks ill gotten crime home "UP FOR RENT" which is "interesting" given what he said in video taped depositions - something is "up" with the shit head:
FOR RENT : GUESS DIRTY BRETT IS GOING "ON THE RUN" or needs the $coin or WTF ???
Rosen crime cribs - he made most of the $coin to buy these from OPTI-FRAUD alone....WTF !!!
(I got the back channel info - appreciate it ! Just been mega busy - but will fa sure be on that comm as described. Let me clear my plate here hopefully this week and get caught up, if you get my drift. I def want to pursue putting shit head Rosen out of biz and even indicted and more)
There has been a MASSIVE SEC wide crack-down on toxic gutter lenders - and I mean The SEC is finally taking some real action and nailing these ass hats with all they deserve. They're even re-writing the gutter note/toxic note "rules" and the cons "know it" and are "trying" their last ditch crimes - to bank all they can before their clown worlds are fully shut down for good.
I think Brett Rosen SCUM is top of the list - for an indictment and to be minimum civil sanctioned by The Sec and put out of the OTC con game and biz for good, if NOT even face criminal charges. DIRTY BRETT is one of the biggest scum bags currently still operating shitty OTC blatant criminal frauds - and doing it in plain site and boasting about it etc.
The dick brain Rosen, hopped up and high as a jet airliner aka his usual, he was under oath on that deposition and said in plain English,
"Shit bro, anyone who knows this toxic debt shit knows that WTF we says in da damns SEC filings don't mean jack shit, and WE change the terms of the gutter loans "on the fly" as many times as we want and NEVER clarify that or update the filings" blah blah blah....just confessed his own crimes...on video....preserved fo fo fo fo ever !!
Will be send some info per the comm channel soon :))
1 month ago
Lol... Now you're trying to turn your own post around... You said Brett was asking for those docs...
LMAO! Now who's the dumbass? Brett is the PLAINTIFF and he's the one asking for those documents! He's NOT being requested to provide them!!! "SOMEONE" has it back-assed-wards!! LOL!!
Yes, Brett would not have the docs, but he would have information and knowledge of them and could point the receiver in the direction to find the publicly available docs.
Sorry, wrong again. The letter is to Counsel for Plaintiff and DEFENDANT ROGER PAWSON. Yes, the letter goes to both parties, but it is the DEFENDANT who has to provide the majority of those documents. There's NO WAY the Plaintiff would have them.
Wow... Twist away and I'll fix it for ya.
Buyer Beware
Pump and Dump
1 month ago
You are the one that has it backwards... Exhibit 2 is a letter FROM the receiver to Brett Rosen. After the list the receiver provided, he then says where the information from the list can be SENT... And It's the receivers ADDRESS... Lol...
Following my appointment, Plaintiff RB Capital Partners, Inc. (“Plaintiff”) has
offered to purchase the Business’s corporate shell. The proposed consideration is a credit
bid of $250,000 against Plaintiff’s judgment. Accordingly, I am reaching out to all parties
to obtain any information they have to aid in the valuation of the corporate shell.
Additionally, I am seeking the following information at your earliest convenience, to the
extent these items are in your actual or constructive possession:
1) Insurance certificates and copies of any insurance policies relating to the
2) List of the Business’s employees with contact information and job titles;
3) Personnel files and employment records for the Business’s employees;
4) Last payroll report for the Business;
5) Inventory of all assets of the Business;
6) Tax identification numbers for the Business;
7) Copies of all licenses related to the Business;
8) An electronic printout showing total funds in the Business’s bank accounts as of
October 14, 2024;
9) Any profit and loss statements, balance sheets, and general ledger year to date for
the Business, along with any other relevant financial statements and records
relating to the Business for the past 24 months;
10) Lease agreements relating to the Business;
11) A list of all vendors that serviced the Business, including their payment
information and unpaid invoices;
12) Copies of the last two years’ federal and state tax returns for the Business;
13) Copies of the Business’s bank statements for the last two years;
14) Name(s) and contact information of the Business’s accountant(s) and/or CPA(s);
15) Name(s) and contact information of legal counsel who represent the Business;
16) Copies of all audits of the Business that have been completed by any regulatory
17) Any recent communications from regulatory agencies to the Business;
18) Any contracts, licensing agreements or franchise contracts with any management
or other companies;
19) Organizational chart of the personnel of the company;
20) Organizational chart of the structure of the company and the names and identities
of any different LLC’s with identification by division;
21) List of litigation that should be reviewed and considered for either stay or
settlement; and
22) List of anyone that has invested in Optec International not yet disclosed with
name and contact information.
You can provide information to me via email to
kevin@receivershipspecialists.com, copying cj@receivershipspecialists.com and
jackson@receivershipspecialists.com, or deliver it to my Los Angeles office:
Receivership Specialists, Attn: Case 1185
11500 W. Olympic Blvd., Suite 530
Los Angeles, CA 90064
Buyer Beware
Pump and Dump
1 month ago
Clark comes up with a "valuation" of next to nothing, to nothing and he doesn't even know about all the theft, fraud, and judgments!!
10/23/2024 My Senior Project Manager CJ Gross (“Gross”) contacted
attorney Bryan Clark (“Clark”) regarding engaging him to
provide a valuation for the Business’s corporate shell,
which I understand to be its primary asset. Clark advised
that the Business exited the reporting system in 2019 and is
now only listed on the expert market at OTC, which he
stated means there is “very little to no market value in this
entity as a shell”.
Hilarious shit.
Buyer Beware
Pump and Dump
1 month ago
Hey thanks!
LMAO!!! Brett needs to stop doing the drugs... So, Brett wants to buy the OPTI scam for 250.000 bucks and it's like 7 million in Judgments and its many years of securities fraud??? He's a dumbass....
And the receiver doesn't know shit yet about what's really happening here...
LOL! He's has asked for all this.... Hey Brett, how much of this can you provide?? You can use my links to the judgments and fraud if ya like! Lol...
11/13/2024 I prepared and sent a letter to the Parties regarding my
appointment. I advised of Plaintiff’s proposal to purchase
the corporate shell for a $250,000 credit bid and requested
the following items:
1. Insurance certificates and copies of any insurance
policies relating to the Business;
2. List of the Business’s employees with contact
information and job titles;
3. Personnel files and employment records for the
Business’s employees;
4. Last payroll report for the Business;
5. Inventory of all assets of the Business;
6. Tax identification numbers for the Business;
7. Copies of all licenses related to the Business;
8. An electronic printout showing total funds in the
Business’s bank accounts as of October 14, 2024;
9. Any profit and loss statements, balance sheets, and
general ledger year to date for the Business, along
with any other relevant financial statements and
records relating to the Business for the past 24
10. Lease agreements relating to the Business;
11. A list of all vendors that serviced the Business,
including their payment information and unpaid
12. Copies of the last two years’ federal and state tax
returns for the Business;
13. Copies of the Business’s bank statements for the
last two years;
14. Name(s) and contact information of the Business’s
accountant(s) and/or CPA(s);
15. Name(s) and contact information of legal counsel
who represent the Business;
Page 5
16. Copies of all audits of the Business that have been
completed by any regulatory agencies;
17. Any recent communications from regulatory
agencies to the Business;
18. Any contracts, licensing agreements or franchise
contracts with any management or other companies;
19. Organizational chart of the personnel of the
20. Organizational chart of the structure of the company
and the names and identities of any different LLC’s
with identification by division;
21. List of litigation that should be reviewed and
considered for either stay or settlement; and
22. List of anyone that has invested in Optec
International not yet disclosed with name and
contact information
Buyer Beware
Pump and Dump
2 months ago
Happy New Year to you (and everyone) as well!
Not sure when the last time was that you "checked in", but here's some new stuff that happened in November and December, if you're interested.
Recent Court Filings
12/30/2024 Receiver's Report and/or Recommendation
Filed By: Receiver Singer, Kevin
11/26/2024 Notice
Notice of Receiver's Bond (Comment) Filed by Kevin Singer
Filed By: Receiver Singer, Kevin
11/6/2024 Affidavit
Oath of Receiver (Affidavits) Filed by Kevin Singer
Filed By: Receiver Singer, Kevin
11/5/2024 Undertaking
Bond Filed by Kevin Singer
Filed By: Receiver Singer, Kevin
Hope this helps.