15 years ago
An older timer investor I have know for a while via an investors chat room. But, like most of us in this volatile market sooner or later we are wrong...... Of course survival does not mean the stock is a profitable buy here. I am already down a good bit (50% on average) on 5 or 6 regional banks, including this one that I bought just before the flash crash, all ones that he liked. But He bought them at the Feb lows, I got in too late near this years highs. I am still long here for now, hoping at least for big bounce soon.
Also, no guarantees on how it will survive. One of the ones he liked was saved by Ford, but at a huge price drop, and dilution. It was not one I bought, but one he was sure would survive. It did, but not a cost existing investors liked.
There has certainly been lots of news of selling subs and branches, and raising capital in their news. I was hoping opening this board would attract some more info. Right now the chart looks like a falling knife again.
I do like the very low float, very low OS, and medium volume!!!