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FCC Elide Variable Rate due 26mar2043 / ELIDEA2FRN26MAR43

FCC Elide Variable Rate due 26mar2043 / ELIDEA2FRN26MAR43 (FR0012218329)

Closed March 22 12:30PM

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arizona1 arizona1 4 minutes ago
Well, this is something! These people have a serious DEI delusional syndrome!

Bea Arthur, Enemy of the State

"Best known
TightCoil TightCoil 5 minutes ago
Yes, i think it was a mistake by Grok, in that
possibly Grok interpreted the Federal National Mortgage Association as FNMA - the main thing is that Grok is reporting 76 cents/share for FMCC
thecrusher2011 thecrusher2011 5 minutes ago
The underlying presupposition in this statement is none of these government workers have any useful underlying skills.
MartinLutherKing MartinLutherKing 5 minutes ago
It’s the cure to cancer brother, who knows maybe 100$
thecrusher2011 thecrusher2011 6 minutes ago
They can learn to code, it's no big deal.
IHuser IHuser 8 minutes ago


doc2016 doc2016 8 minutes ago
geminiai says,
"Key Points:

The goal of quantum simulation is to create a controllable quantum system that can accurately model the behavior of another quantum system.
Analog quantum simulators often use physical systems that are very similar to the system being mimicke
Zorax Zorax 9 minutes ago
First big lawyer firm caves... more to follow? weiss did it because it was impactful to their bottom lines and shareholders... not about fighting for democracy and what is right.
downdraft downdraft 11 minutes ago
Such a phenomenal CEO we have here! It will be difficult not to succeed with him running the show. Plus, a rapidly growing sales team must be smelling big money!
SC8 SC8 13 minutes ago
hedge_fun hedge_fun 13 minutes ago
Barely is still control. Have a great……

SC8 SC8 14 minutes ago
Don't want Radiogel to fail. Where did you get that idea? I just stick with the facts at hand and draw the simplest obvious conclusions based on those facts. It's just a fact MK has been running RDGL for nearly a decade, didn't make any attempts to get Radiogel to market before the original paten
maronti1 maronti1 14 minutes ago
Current bid/ask?
Viking61 Viking61 15 minutes ago
Exactly, FNMA commons are not part of the suit. Both companies preferreds and FMCC commons participated in the lawsuit.
dstock07734 dstock07734 16 minutes ago
I am really surprised you have learned nothing. By now, at minimum you should know that there is only one company on this planet that can pulse DCs with tumor lysate and make them present hundreds of tumor-associated antigens to immune system so that it can identify and eliminate cancer cells and ev
ilovetech ilovetech 16 minutes ago
Edit: In response to the subpoenas.
krab krab 17 minutes ago
I agree, recall clearly that FNMA commons weren't part of the Lamberth 8-0 win. It was thought FNMA may sue separately.
hedge_fun hedge_fun 17 minutes ago
I’m not concerned about what you said…….

When they’re in front of the microphones saying SuperElon needs to go, then we can address that. They control Congress, not you.

Some article with unnamed sources “familiar with the matter” saying behind the scenes Republicans a
arizona1 arizona1 18 minutes ago
No, roosty, we're just slapping you silly and yelling MOSQUITO! I knew you wouldn't understand the joke.🤪
ilovetech ilovetech 18 minutes ago
955 955 19 minutes ago
Can the Constitution Be BOTH Dangerous AND Sacred?
Yes, if one believes 1+1=5
Yes, if one believes 2 men can have a baby.
Yes, if one believes in gender fluidity.

oilin07 oilin07 19 minutes ago
After we hit .03+ Im joining ORCA in Florida for some speed dancing..
doc2016 doc2016 19 minutes ago
geminiai responded:"You've picked up on a fascinating aspect of Jensen Huang's (NVIDIA CEO) discussions about quantum computing and AI. He often emphasizes a shift in computational paradigms, moving away from strict, high-precision calculations toward a more iterative, "close enough" approach, espec