7 years ago
Wow.. sneaky bastards! ETrade still gives a result for a CDRBQ search. The company description gives an address in Hawaii and a link. Clicking the link opens a page for
NouRDS is an effort to create and market cross-platform remote desktop and terminal server apps, so that a Mac user can access a Windows computer & vice versa. THIS IS AN ACTIVE PROJECT - they posted an updated version on 11/18/17. At the bottom of their contact webpage, they show a "Send us mail" address: "Ozolio Inc. PO Box 1735, Kahului, HI, 96733, USA"
Still in Hawaii...
Ozolio's primary business seems to be setting up webcams for clients who want to add live Hawaiian vistas to their websites. At least according to this Google search...
Note that Bloomberg says that Ozolio is a private company, still in Hawaii. But it looks like this is what's left of CodeRebel - and I'm guessing here, that Ozolio was totally funded by CodeRebel's IPO and subsequent dilution to triple-oh-zip. I would be very curious to know who owned the space CodeRebel occupied, and if they paid rent, who they paid it to. I would bet that they leased their computers too, from the same person.
Just for fun, here is what ETrade reports as the "current" 4 large block shareholders of CodeRebel:
Name-Shares Held--Position Value---% of Total
Holdings----Outstanding Shares Owned
Bykov (Volodymyr) - 1.5 M--$4.2 M---34.54----3,053,956.83%
Canton (James) - 375.0 K--$1.1 M---8.64----763,489.21%
Kryeziu (Arben) - 1.8 M--$5.1 M---41.45----3,664,748.20%
Moreno (Thomas M) - 667.5 K--$1.9 M---15.37----1,359,033.09%
Bottom line - (and I know, this isn't exactly "news" to anyone here before me, this is for anyone coming in after me, wondering if CodeRebel might be a Phoenix someday...) there seems to be absolutely nothing left of CodeRebel, and most importantly, there is no apparent intent whatsoever by management to ever operate CodeRebel as a going concern or generate any value for shareholders.
9 years ago
Code Rebel Corp. Chapter 7 bankruptcy:
On May 18, 2016, Code Rebel Corporation (the “Company”) commenced a bankruptcy case (the “Chapter 7 Case”) by filing a voluntary petition for relief under the provisions of chapter 7 of title 11 of the United States Code, 11 U.S.C. §§ 101 et seq. (the “Code”) in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware (the “Bankruptcy Court”). As a result of the filing of the Chapter 7 Case, a Chapter 7 trustee will be appointed by the Bankruptcy Court and will assume control of the Company. The assets of the Company will be liquidated in accordance with the Code. The Company’s board of directors, after spending considerable time and effort attempting to pursue and complete strategic alternatives to finance, restructure or sell the Company and not being successful, concluded that no viable options remained for continuing operations, and that the Chapter 7 case is the only alternative available.
Item 5.02. Each of the directors of the Company: Arben Kryeziu, Volodymyr Bykov, James Canton, Ph.D. and David Dwelle, are resigning from the Company’s board of directors effective after the filing of the Chapter 7 Case and on the date hereof. The resignations are not the result of any disagreement with the Company regarding the Company’s operations, policies, or practices, but are due to the filing of the Chapter 7 Case. The Chapter 7 trustee will assume control over the assets of the Company, effectively eliminating the authority and powers of the board of directors of the Company.
Each of the officers of the Company, including Reid Dabney, Chief Financial Officer and Secretary, are resigning their officer positions and will cease to be employees of the Company effective after the filing of the Chapter 7 Case and on the date hereof. The appointment of the Chapter 7 trustee will effectively eliminate the authority and powers of the officers of the Company to act on behalf of the Company.