MGX Minerals Inc. ("MGX") is pleased to announce that it has received a NI
43-101 compliant Technical Report on its Driftwood Creek Magnesite Property
located in SW British Columbia, 38km NW of Brisco, BC. The report, dated July
22, 2014, was produced by D.G. MacIntyre & Associates of Victoria, BC and
authored by Donald MacIntyre, (Ph.D, P.Eng). The Technical Report contains a
compilation of exploration data to date and is now available on SEDAR. Section
17 of the Technical Report, Interpretation and Conclusions, is reprinted below
in its entirety:

After reviewing all available data the writer offers the following
interpretations, conclusions and observations;

--  The Driftwood Creek deposit is a significant magnesite resource,
    comparing favourably in size with other deposits in BC e.g. Mt.
    Brussilof, Marysville, Anzac, Topaz Lake. 
--  Access to the property is relatively good with a reasonable access road
    connecting to the Driftwood FSR. It should be possible to work on this
    property from early April through to the end of October. 
--  There is good infrastructure in the form of a paved highway, CPR spur
    line and powerline all of which are located approximately 15 kilometres
    due east of the property. 
--  The deposit is hosted by Proterozoic (Helikian) carbonates and clastic
    sediments of the Mt. Nelson Formation. The deposit is cut by younger
    felsic and mafic dykes. These have locally resulted in recrystallization
    of the magnesite.  
--  The deposit appears to be folded into a number of syncline-anticline
    pairs that occur along the crest of a northwest trending ridge. Fold
    axis also trend northwest. 
--  The orientation of the deposit along the crest of a ridge presents an
    ideal open pit mining situation with a relatively low stripping ratio. 
--  Magnesite has been mapped over a strike length of 1900 metres and a
    maximum width of about 220 metres. The magnesite occurs at surface in
    two discreet bodies; a larger "Western Magnesite" drill tested in 2008
    and a smaller "Eastern Magnesite" drill tested in 1990. 
--  Kaiser Resources (Morris, 1978) inferred 22,500,000 tonnes of magnesite
    using a specific gravity of 2.5 while Canadian Occidental (Rodgers,
    1989) inferred a resource of 29,400,000 tonnes using a specific gravity
    of 3.0. These estimates are not NI 43-101 compliant and cannot be relied
    upon. However, they do give a general sense of the size of the Driftwood
    Creek Magnesite deposit which is substantial. 
--  An important factor in determining the economic viability of the deposit
    is the overall grade of the main magnesite deposit. Previous drilling
    indicates that there are zones of impurity especially at the base of the
    magnesite where it is in contact with underlying dolomite. Above this
    basal zone the grade and purity improves, approaching nearly pure
    magnesite in places. 
--  The Driftwood Creek deposit is classified as a Sparry Magnesite deposit
    that is most likely of an evaporitic origin. As such one could expect
    some very pure beds of magnesite with low impurities. 
--  The local coarse crystallinity of the magnesite is believed to be
    related to recrystallization during a thermal metamorphic event
    associated with emplacement of intrusive sills into the host
--  A limited Beneficiation study by SGS on behalf of Tusk Exploration
    indicates that Fe is tied up in the magnesite crystal structure. They
    were not successful in reducing the Fe content of the test concentrate
    using conventional grinding and screening and wet and dry magnetic
    separation techniques. However, overall the study indicates that an
    acceptable magnesite concentrate can be produced using conventional
    beneficiation techniques.

The Technical Report recommends a 1200m, 10 hole drill program for the purpose
of generating a preliminary NI 43-101 compliant resource estimate. The program
targets the higher grade Eastern Zone along strike with a spacing of
approximately 30m between holes. A map of proposed drilling is included in the
Technical Report. MGX has now begun preparation for the execution of the
proposed program. The program will be overseen by MGX's Vice President of
Exploration Andris Kikauka (P.Geo).

About Magnesite 

Magnesite in its purest form is 47.6% Magnesium Oxide ("MgO"). Magnesite
generally serves as an excellent feedstock for the production of MgO. MgO in
turn is a valuable and widely used industrial mineral. Uses of MgO include
abrasives, animal feed supplements, chemicals, coatings, construction,
electrical, fertilizers, foundries, glass manufacture, insulation, lubricating
oils, pharmaceuticals, plastics manufacture, refractory and ceramics, rubber
compounding, steel industry, sugar refining, sulfite wood pulping, and
wastewater treatment. At this time MGX is focused on the refractory and steel

About MGX

MGX is involved in the acquisition and exploration of industrial mineral
properties in Western Canada. MGX has the right to acquire a 100% interest in
the Driftwood Creek Magnesite Property by making cash payments, issuing shares,
and meeting exploration expenditures, see Press Release dated July 8, 2014. In
addition to Driftwood Creek, MGX holds a portfolio of magnesite exploration
properties in BC. MGX's wholly owned subsidiary Manto Gold Corp. is engaged in
gold exploration and holds a 100% right to acquire the 10,000 ha. Fran Gold
Property, located 20km SW of Mt. Milligan in central BC. MGX has made an
application to the Canadian Stock Exchange.

The technical portions of this Press Release were reviewed and approved by MGX
Vice President of Exploration Andris Kikauka (P.Geo), a Qualfied Person under NI

Forward-Looking Information:

This press release may include forward-looking information within the meaning of
Canadian securities legislation, concerning the business of MGX. Forward-looking
information is based on certain key expectations and assumptions made by the
management of MGX. Although MGX believes that the expectations and assumptions
on which such forward-looking information is based are reasonable, undue
reliance should not be placed on the forward-looking information because MGX can
give no assurance that they will prove to be correct. Forward-looking statements
contained in this press release are made as of the date of this press release.
MGX disclaims any intent or obligation to update publicly any forward-looking
information, whether as a result of new information, future events or results or
otherwise, other than as required by applicable securities laws.

MGX Minerals Inc.
Jared Lazerson
Chief Executive Officer
604 681 7735