New Board Member Fulfills Exchange Listing Requirements

Duma Hydrocarb Energy Corporation (OTCQB:DUMA) has announced the appointment of G. M. Byrd Larberg as an independent director to the Board of Directors. He will serve as the Chairman of the Compensation Committee, bringing the total number of independent directors to three on the 5-person board which fulfills for an up listing to an exchange.

Mr. Larberg is a geologist and oil company executive with over 30 years of experience in domestic and international oil and gas exploration and development. Mr. Larberg began his career with Shell Oil Company working the Deepwater Gulf of Mexico. In 1993 he was named Vice President of E&P for Pecten International, later becoming Business Development Manager for Royal Dutch Shell’s Worldwide Deepwater effort. He joined Burlington in 1998 as Executive VP and CEO of Burlington Resources International; was President of Burlington subsidiaries in China, Peru, Ecuador, and Algeria; and retired as Vice President of Geosciences from Burlington Resources in 2006 following the company’s acquisition by ConocoPhillips. Mr. Larberg has consulted with a number of E&P Companies including Maersk and ONGC. He is currently under contract to PEMEX.

Kent Watts, Duma Hydrocarb’s Chairman stated, “Mr. Larberg’s expertise in international E&P is extensive. While at Shell he worked development exploration opportunities along the whole of Africa’s West Coast and took part in the early evaluation of the Kudu Gas field in offshore Namibia. His insight will be instrumental in maximizing value of our Namibia concession and ongoing opportunities in the African Rift. His longstanding industry relationships will help guide our international growth strategy and we are honored to have Mr. Larberg accept a position on our board of directors.”

Mr. Larberg holds a B.S. in Geology from Trinity University and an M.S. in Geology from Texas A&M University and is a member of AAPG.

About Duma Hydrocarb Energy

Duma Hydrocarb Energy Corporation is a publicly-traded Domestic and International Energy Exploration and Production Company targeting major under-explored oil and gas projects in emerging, highly prospective regions of the world. With exploration concessions in Africa, production in Galveston Bay, and Oil Field Services in the United Arab Emirates, we maintain offices in Houston, Texas, Abu Dhabi, UAE and Windhoek, Namibia.

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Forward-looking Statements

This release contains "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements, which contain words such as "expect," "believe" or "plan," by their nature address matters that are, to different degrees, uncertain. These uncertainties may cause actual future events to be materially different than those expressed in our forward-looking statements. We do not undertake to update our forward-looking statements.

Duma Hydrocarb Energy Corp.Pasquale Scaturro, CEO,