2 months ago
Curious to find out if 2025 will Mark B. will execute on their business plan, it's only been 4+ years, anyone else would have lost their job long ago. Sorry, he has no more excuses for government changes (Sri Lanka), COVID, etc. Not sure what he can even offer or contribute to move things forward seems like he's just feeding at the company trough like a pig. Besides my terrible decision to buy this POS (most likely tax write-off) I hope everyone has a profitable and successful 2025! 👍️ Be safe, stay well to all. GL
3 months ago
Difference, one of the most consequential words in the dictionary - for better or for worse.
(a few articles to read of importance. Skip the cricket ones)
Sri Lankans have risen up and did what Mark needed to be done. They have elected a leftist and removed the dictatorial atmosphere -- suffocated the fuk.
RW and GR and family are gone and the corruption is on the back burner - I say that 'cause corruption is a tricky lust...who knows.
Effing impressive.
Funny? America got it wrong. They chose the possibility (AGAIN) for rampant corruption. I will make something very clear, we are all sinners, but to choose
the most evil over the lesser will make history books to be written face palm for those who care to watch - with unbiased eyes...if you can open them. Clockwork orange style.
Anyways, Sri Lankans have completed Mark's get 'er done list, with Phoenix-like flying colors.
5 steps to stabilize the situation.
1.Release GR’s resignation letter to public now.
2. RW also resign immediately.
3.Appoint Speaker as Acting Prez.
4.Appoint a President on 20th for Interim period.
5.Aragalaya to step back and allow Governance.
It appears that Sri has a good chance to stabilize. Now we ask ourselves, who is Mark Bolster? We are going to find out.
3 months ago
Ok, posting on the wtfk? stock. It and I am getting older (like Dr. Pfaffy). Did you know that when you get older the days of life accelerate....not true, just effen feels that way.
So here we are, somewhere in darkness - somewhat with hope.
Interesting that Ameca is dissolved. Ya, lets go with they did that so they can be one with STHC (Remember, long ago they did state that plan)
And STHC is still trading (for Canadians -even the annoying ones) and Mark Missing Bolster is still the CEO of STHC, with the mission statement of environmental grandeur intact. https://www.otcmarkets.com/stock/STHC/profile
So America hired a convicted criminal to lead the country. It should be interesting the conflict between green energy and liquid gold. Elon leads the world in EVs but the Mandarin Orange Candidate wants to take away tax credits from people that buy EVs. etc etc And drill, drill, drill. I am sure they will come to some sort of quid pro quo. Also, Somebody better tell the old geezer that Old Faithful geyser in Yellowstone Park is not a hidden source for oil....wouldn't stop him for a second. ttlol