Big Brother
4 years ago
Yeah, been watching, I've noticed over the course of the past week or two, I've seen new bidders show up as well....which is rather unusual. Don't want to read too much into it just yet, but maybe something finally up here. The days of the shells like this, taking an eternity to find mergers are ending, so perhaps that lit a fire under
Big Brother
4 years ago
That why I never put more into them, than I can afford to let sit for ages if need be, I can just put them in the pile and forget about them.
I actually had to liquidate almost all my stocks several years ago, to pay off some bills.....but I never sold my shells that I had accumulated, because I could not get anything for them, and two, because its usually a long, arduous process, picking up whacks here and, it's generally just not worth selling them until an RM occurs.
Thankfully, I was able to rebuild my account, on some of those shells I didn't sell..!!
Big Brother
4 years ago
Yeah, always liked this one, I just dont have enough If I had a client looking for a shell, this would probably one of my first calls, because it has a very high share delivery percentage, and Jordan has kept up with the SEC reporting for many years, without any big filing gaps.
Not sure how much time is actually spent looking for a RM though, and could take many more years to find one, but I think it's a good one to collect for the pile, because its so cheap, and has such a low float.
Big Brother
4 years ago
Ah, I see, I just bid sit on many of these old shells, and collect what I can here and there over time, this one has always been very tough to get.... and now someone gets 14K just like that........this strategy can be very frustrating at
Especially in this current market, folks keep running up the bids on all the shells now it seems.
Big Brother
4 years ago
You still got your shares, or did you give up on this one...??
I've been the high bidder on this, on and off, for ages now, can hardly ever catch a whack....then someone jumps my bid this AM, and gets whacked 14K grief, unreal.....I would have gladly taken those.